Celebrity Collection

By ian james

Published on Jan 22, 2005


Disclaimer: This is a gay fantasy involving pop singer Stevie Brock and rap star Lil Romeo. This is a fictional story and in no way is intended to imply the true sexuality of the stars featured.

This is the third in a series of celebrity stories.



Stevie Brock stood in the middle of the Basketball court. He held the ball in his hands and had his eyes focused on the net a few metres in front of him. He started dribbling the ball, made his way over to the net and took the shot. The ball went in. Stevie caught the ball as it dropped down from the net and glanced around. He was the only one in this court and the only one in the other two courts. The park was also fairly empty, especially for a spring afternoon.

Stevie made his way back over to his starting position and started dribbling the ball once again. He took the shot and the ball went into the net again.

"You got good game," came a voice from behind Stevie.

Stevie caught the falling ball and turned to see a young, black teen was braided hair standing before him. He recognised the teen as rap star Lil Romeo.

"Thanks," replied Stevie. "You're Lil Romeo, right?"

"Certainly am," replied Romeo.

"And I'm..." Stevie began.

"Stevie Brock, I know. Like I was saying, you got some good game going on."

"Yeah, I hear you're pretty good yourself. I read somewhere you'd like to play on the NBA when you're older."

"I'd like to, just don't know whether I'm good enough," Romeo explained.

"Wanna play?"


Stevie handed Romeo the ball and made his way over to the net as Romeo started dribbling. Romeo started approaching the net and was about to take the shot when Stevie knocked the ball out of his hand.

"You're good," said Romeo, as he took Stevie's position by the net.

Stevie started dribbling, took the shot and was in the air with the ball just a foot or so away from the net when Romeo flew in, knocking the ball out of Stevie's hand with his right hand and brushing Stevie's crotch with his left.

Both boys landed back on their feet from they slight jump and the ball landed a few metres away. Romeo has a slightly embarrassed look on his face.

"It's okay," said Stevie. "It was an accident." It may have been an accident, but Stevie wished it wasn't an accident. Stevie had recognised the teen the second he laid eyes on the hot boy, and he had wanted him from the moment he first saw his face a couple of years ago. And now Lil Romeo had just touched his dick -- his dick that was now starting to come to life.

"Sorry," replied Romeo.

"Don't worry about it."

"I know it was an accident, but it still shouldn't have happened."

"All right, if it makes you feel better..." Stevie was pushing his luck here as he had no idea what Romeo's reaction would be, "...I'll brush my hand over yours, and then we're even. Deal?"

Romeo remained silent for a second or two, then smiled. "Deal."

Stevie took a couple of steps forward and brushed his right hand over Romeo's crotch. "Shall we continue the game?"

"Yep," replied Romeo. As he watched Stevie fetch the ball, his mind started racing with thoughts of how much Stevie's hand brushing across his cock had turned him on, and whether that was the end of it. Or could he take the whole thing a little further? If so, how far could be go with Stevie?

Stevie grabbed the ball and turned to face Romeo. "Tell you what, whoever looses this game has to do whatever the winner wants for an hour."

Romeo thought for a few moments -- this could play to his advantage. Stevie was a good player, but he was definitely better. "Okay. What we playing to?"

"Fifty," Stevie replied, thinking along the same lines as Romeo.

The two teen stars start playing some serious Basketball. For the first three quarters of the game, Romeo was in the lead, but then Stevie took the lead. Both boys reach forty-nine and either of them needs just one point to win, and be in charge of the other for a whole hour.

It's Romeo's shot and he starts dribbling the ball, preparing himself to be Stevie's master for the next hour. Stevie stands guard under the net, waiting for block Romeo's attempt at winning the game. Romeo starts nearing Stevie, he takes the shot and the ball went straight into the net. Romeo wins the game.

"Looks like you have to do whatever I say for the next hour," Romeo said, smiling.

"Yeah," Stevie sighed.

"It was your idea."

"I know. What do you want me to do?" Stevie asked, hopeful as to what could happen, but also nervous as to what might happen.

Romeo grabbed the ball off the ground. "Follow me." Romeo led Stevie out of the court, through several bushes and woods, and finally ended up in a small clearing. The clearing was completely surrounded by trees and bushes, and was also covered overhead by very large trees.

"What are we doing here," asked Stevie.

"You're mine for the next hour."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Show me your dick," Romeo said, smiling.

"What?" Stevie said, shocked. Did Romeo touching his dick earlier turn him on? Dick him touching Romeo's dick turn him on? Did Romeo want more or was this just a bit of harmless fun meant to humiliate the loser?

"Ah, go on," said Romeo. "I've already touched it, I might as well see it."

Stevie looked into Romeo's bright brown eyes and couldn't help but do what was being asked of him.

"Besides," Romeo continued, "I can see the outline now."

Stevie looked down at his crotch and noticed the bulge in his shorts. He had a throbbing boner he didn't even know was there. "All right."

Romeo smiled as Stevie slowly pulled down his shorts, letting them drop to his ankles. He then glanced at Romeo, then back down at the bulge in his boxers. He slipped his fingers under the waistband of his underwear and yanked them down, revealing to Romeo his five inch, standing proud between his legs. He looks at Romeo.

"Very nice, Stevie-boy," Romeo exclaimed. Romeo placed the ball down on the ground and sat on it, his elbows resting on his knees. He looked into Stevie's eyes, then down at his hard on. "Jerk off for me."

"What? No way."

"Go on. If you jerk off right now, I'll jerk off in front of you afterwards."

Stevie was embarrassed about jerking off in front of a boy he had only just met, but it did mean he would get to watch Romeo jerk himself off afterwards. "All right."

Stevie, under Romeo's watchful eyes and smiling face slowly started fondling his stiff cock. He ran his fingers over the head and stroked the shaft. He massaged his balls with his hands. He noticed the bulge in Romeo's shorts growing and Stevie started stroking faster. He closed his eyes, forgetting he was being watched and enjoyed the sensations running through his dick.

Romeo watched as Stevie's cock twitched and hardened, followed by squirts of cum erupting out of his slit. By this time, his own erection was throbbing inside his boxers, begging for attention.

Stevie`s orgasm subsided and he once again opened his eyes to be met by a standing Romeo. Stevie remained where he was for a few seconds as Romeo checked him out, up and down. Romeo placed the tip of his index finger on his right hand on the head of Stevie's softening cock and rubbed the head, making Stevie moan at the touch on his sensitive flesh. "I think it's your turn," Stevie said.

"I think it is," Romeo replied.

Stevie pulled up his boxers and shorts and sat down on the grass, cross legged. Romeo pulled down his shorts and boxers, his four and half inch dick standing upright, and sat opposite Stevie, also cross legged.

Romeo started fondling his dick and massaging his balls as Stevie watched, still feeling the high from his orgasm, but also starting to get turned on by watching Lil Romeo masturbating right in front of him.

Romeo started stroking his cock and continued this for a few seconds, then stopped. He looked into Stevie's eyes and smiled. "You know what, you do it." Romeo grabbed Stevie's left hand and pulled it onto his dick.

With his hand now on Romeo's throbbing boner, Stevie wasn't sure exactly how to start. He looked directly into Romeo's eyes.

"Just do exactly what you did to yourself," Romeo explained.

Stevie started to slowly stroke Romeo's dick while he very gently touched his balls, not wanting to apply too much pressure in case he hurt Romeo. Getting a reaction that suggested Romeo liked what he was doing, Stevie increased his stroking speed and massaged Romeo's balls a little more firmly, but still being gentle.

Romeo's breathing deepened as his orgasm approached and Stevie continued stroking. He quickly shifted over to one side as Romeo's cock hardened and started shooting. Stevie watched, still stroking and Romeo moaned with pleasure as his cock erupted onto the grass around them.

Once Romeo had finished cumming, Stevie relinquished the grip he had on the other boy's dick and looked on as Romeo's breathing started to return to normal. Romeo glanced at Stevie and smiled. He stood up and pulled his boxers and shorts back up.

"That was great," Romeo acknowledged.

"Yeah," Stevie agreed. "You know what, we'd better be getting back to the court."

"Not yet," Romeo said.

"I'm being picked up soon."

"They'll wait. Besides, you still have to do what I saw for the next thirty-five minutes," Romeo said, looking at his watch.

Stevie sighed, still smiling, and said, "What do you want me to this time?"

Romeo smiled back and pulled Stevie to his feet. "Take off your clothes."

"All of them?"


"No way."

"Why not? I've already seen everything there is to see."

"What if someone sees us?" asked Stevie.

"There's no one about. Who's gonna see us here?" replied Romeo.

"I don't know. Pulling down our shorts is one thing, but stripping completely..."

"I'll do it if you will."

Stevie's mind stopped contemplating whether or not he should strip naked in the middle of the woods with Lil Romeo. Seeing Romeo completely naked made up his mind for him. "All right." Stevie yanked off his t-shirt and threw it onto the grass.

Romeo also took off his t-shirt as Stevie removed his shorts and boxers, leaving his trainers and socks. Romeo pulled down his shorts and boxers and laid them on top of the pile of clothes.

"What about our shoes?" asked Stevie.

"Nah. Leave them on," replied Romeo, his dick once again hard and pointing directly at Stevie, whose dick was also once again hard.

"What do we do now?" asked Stevie.

"We run back to the game court."


"Yeah. We run back to the game court, staying in the woods the whole time."

"What about our clothes?"

"We leave them here."

"I don't know about this. It's pretty risky."

"It's risky, yeah, but that makes it even more fun," replied Romeo's smiling face.

Stevie was beginning to find it hard to say no to that cute face smiling at him. He wanted to do it, he wanted to anything Romeo asked him to do, however unusual it might seem, but it was risky. He didn't want to risk getting caught. That could spell the end of his career and more importantly (at the present moment) his new friendship with the young rap star. But it was worth the risk. "All right, but what if we see someone in the woods? You know, walking a dog or something?"

"We run like hell."

Stevie shook his head, smiling and sighing. "All right. Let's do it."

"Lead the way," Romeo said.

Stevie took one last glance at Romeo, then the pile of clothes on the floor, shook any last minute doubts out of his mind and turned, running into the woods. He must have ran for about a hundred yards, maybe more when he realised Romeo wasn't directly behind him. He stopped and turned, glancing around. He waited for a few seconds. Romeo must have gotten left behind.

But a few seconds turned into a couple of minutes, and there Stevie stood, in the middle of the woods, completely naked for the whole world to see. He glanced all around him again. He started running back the way he had come. He stopped when he heard some rustling in the bushes. A small rabbit emerged and scurried into another set of bushes.

Stevie looked up and saw the clearing up ahead, with Romeo standing there, smiling at him, fully clothed. Stevie ran to the clearing, a little pissed off. "What happened to you?"

"I thought it would be funnier to watch you run off into the woods," Romeo replied, still smiling, his hard cock throbbing inside his shorts as Stevie's dick bounced a little in front of him.

"Did you now?"

"You were the loser."

"Yeah," Stevie sighed, as a smile started to appear on his face. He glanced at the grass below him. The basketball was still where it was, but his clothes were gone. "Where are my clothes?"


"My clothes?"

Romeo looked around. "Gosh, I don't know."

"Don't give me that. Where are they?" Stevie was still a little peed off, but his good humour was still very active.

"I'll give you your clothes back if you do one thing for me."

"Oh yeah," replied Stevie, "and what's that?"

Romeo laid down on the ground, face up and pulled his dick out of his boxers and shorts. "Suck my cock."

Stevie's mind raced as Romeo lay on the grass, his dick jutting out from his shorts, telling him to suck that beautiful piece of black meat between his legs. Stevie was nervous about sucking dick for the first time. He didn't know if he would do it right, if he could make the other boy cum, and whether or not he would hurt Romeo with his teeth. But those thoughts soon disappeared as he continued looking at the young teen laying on the grass below him. And then another thought entered his mind.

"I'll suck your dick," Stevie began, "on two conditions."

"Which are?" asked Romeo.

"One, you strip naked again."

"Okay, and the second?"

"This marks the end of my loser...punishment if that's what you wanna call it."

"Deal. After this the hour will be up anyway." Romeo lifted his thighs and slipped his shorts and boxers right off, followed by his t-shirt. He laid back down on the grass, completely naked except for his shoes and socks.

Romeo spread his legs as Stevie knelt on the grass, his knees resting on the ground between Romeo's spread legs. He wrapped his right hand around the hard shaft of Romeo's dick.

"Wait a minute," Romeo said.

"What, did I do something wrong?"

"You haven't even started yet, but no, you didn't do anything wrong. I want you to shift round so that I can suck your cock."

Stevie started switching positions as a thousand thoughts entered his mind, the majority of which focused on his dick about to be sucked for the very first time. Once he was in the right position, his hard dick just above Romeo's face and Romeo's dick just below Stevie's face, Stevie put Romeo's dick into his mouth and started sucking away like he had done this a hundred times before.

Before Romeo took Stevie into his mouth, he sucked the middle finger of his right hand. He took Stevie into his mouth and started sucking on the hard flesh, while he ran his fingers over Stevie's asshole. He slowly inserted his middle finger.

Stevie's flinched at the sudden intrusion and quenched a little at the slight pain, but it only made him suck harder on Romeo's dick. He started to run his fingers over Romeo's asshole, but didn't want to insert any without any kind of lubricant, even if it was only spit. He also didn't want to stop sucking, so he just settled for rubbing his fingers over Romeo's hole.

With Stevie kneeling over Romeo, sucking on Romeo's dick and playing with his asshole, Romeo sucked on Stevie's dick and slowly finger-fucked the brown-haired singer. It didn't take long for both boys to cum. Both boys shot their loads almost simultaneously into each other's mouths. Romeo managed to swallow the whole load while Stevie lost a few drops of Romeo's cream down the side of his mouth.

Stevie rolls off Romeo, their mouths leaving the other boy's dick and their fingers leaving their other teen's asshole. They laid there on the grass for a few minutes, enjoying the post-climatic bliss and the wonderful feeling of just being sucked off for the first time.

A short while later, Stevie and Romeo had gotten dressed. Romeo picked up the basketball. They made their way back to the game court, talking about their careers and family a little. They discover the court is still empty and the whole park is also still relatively empty.

"Is that your mum and dad over there?" Romeo asked, pointing to a man and woman walking toward the court.

Stevie glanced over and replied, "Yeah."

"Too bad. I was gonna ask if you wanted another game."

"I can ask them to come back later on, or I can suggest I'll make my own way home."

"That'd be cool," Romeo said.

"But if we play again, whoever wins, I get to be in charge for an hour."


Stevie introduced Lil Romeo to his parents, explained that he'd like to spend some more time at the park and the two teens started their second game. This time, Stevie won and Romeo had to do whatever he wanted for the next hour.

If you have any comments, questions and story suggestions, please send to msaelxcylm@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 4: David and Jesse Get It On

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