Celebrity Collection

By ian james

Published on Jan 18, 2005


Disclaimer: This is a gay fantasy featuring rap star Lil Bow Wow (aka Shad Moss) and country singer Billy Gilman. This story is fictional and in no way is meant to imply the true sexuality of the stars featured.

This is the second story in a series of celebrity fantasies.



Lil Bow Wow, aka Shad Moss had just finished his homework and sat in front of his TV, playing on his Playstation 2. He was playing one of his new games when a knock at the bedroom door interrupted him.

"Yeah," he called out, eyes still focused on the game and fingers stick attached to the controller.

"Can I come in," replied his mum's voice.

"Yeah," Shad replied.

The door opens and Shad's mother walked into the room, glances around, and focuses her attention on her teenage son. "I hope you've finished your homework."

"Yes, mum," Shad replied. "I finished it like half an hour ago," even though it had only been a few minutes ago.

"Okay," his mum replied. "Good."

Shad's full attention returned back to his game when he notices his mother hasn't left, but is still standing a few feet away. He paused the game and turned to face her. "Was there anything else?"

"Yeah," his mother replied, "actually there is. I've arranged for you to go to a concert tomorrow night."

"A concert? To see who?"

"Billy Gilman. You might also get a chance to meet him after the show."

"Who is he?"

"You don't know who he is?"

"I know he's a singer about a year or so younger than me, but that's it. I don't know what type of music he does."


Shad moaned. "Mum...country. You know I don't like country music."

"I know, but you could you learn something from him."

Shad gives him mum a look which tells her he doesn't want to go and to please not make him go.

"You're going," his mum said, "and that's the end of it."

Shad sighed as he mum exits his room, closing the door behind her. Shad turned back to the TV and decided to switch it off. He got up off the chair and started heading to the door. He stopped and turned, glancing at the computer.

Shad made his way over to the computer, switched it on, logged on to the Internet and searched for Billy Gilman. The first site he clicked on to enabled him to listen to some of Billy's songs. He clicked on the song `Count On Me' and listened, not overly impressed with the track but thinking to himself that the concert may not be as bad as he first thought.

Also on the plus side, judging by the small picture of Billy in the corner of the website, he was kind of cute, Shad thought. Shad browsed through a couple more sites, getting a little information about Billy's short career, and finding some more cute pictures of the teenage boy.

That night, the lights out and the covers pulled up to his neck, Shad laid in bed, picturing Billy Gilman's cute face. He studied every detail in Billy's face and found himself fondling his growing dick. The more he imagined the cute face of Billy, the more he played with himself and the more erect his dick became.

Shad soon fell asleep with Billy on his mind and his hand on his hard cock.

The following morning, the morning before the concert, Shad awoke and performed his usual morning routine. He got dressed, ate breakfast, and made his bed. He then found himself not knowing what to do with himself. Normally when he has time away from school, recording or performing, he has plenty to be getting on with, but today he didn't.

He knew it had something to do with Billy. He still wasn't thrilled about sitting through a concert of country music, but that aside, Billy was a cute kid and he wanted to see him up close and personal, whether that meant just watching in the audience or actually meeting Billy after the show.

He decided to do a little studying and get ahead with his schoolwork. He has always found it helps to be just that little bit ahead of where he should be at. After tiring of staring at textbooks, Shad told his mum he's going out for a while.

Shad arrived at the mall to check out the eye candy. Going to the mall was one of Shad's favourite pastimes, especially when he was by himself and not with his mother. It was a little difficult to be eyeing up the hot guys with his mum standing at his side.

But whether or not his mum was there or not didn't always matter, but luckily today he wasn't getting recognised. After spending about an hour or so wandering around and eyeing up two or three particular hot guys and boys, Shad felt the urge to take a piss after the two sodas he had downed to combat the intense heat.

Shad made his way to the nearest gent's toilets and entered, half expecting there to be at least one or two guys in there, but it was empty, except for a boy standing at the end stall. Shad glanced at the back of the boy for a few seconds, assuming he must be about a year or so younger than himself judging by his height and built.

Shad switched his attention away from the mysterious boy and back to the need to relief his bladder. He made his way over to a stall two over from the boy. The boy turned his face to looks at Shad.

"Hey," the boy said, "you're Lil Bow Wow, aren't you?"

"Yeah," Shad replied, smiling as he stopped at the stall, starting to unzip. As Bow Wow stared the boy in the face, he was sure he recognised him from somewhere, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"I'm Billy Gilman," the boy said. "I would offer to shake your hand, but I think I should wash them first."

"Billy Gilman?" Shad replied, as he pulled out his dick and started his stream of piss. "You have a concert tonight, right?"

"Yeah," replied Billy as he shook his dick, zipped up and took a step away from the stall, his eyes still on Shad.

"I'm going to see it."

"Really? Cool. I don't think I've ever had someone famous see one of my concerts before, you know, someone in a different music genre," Billy explained.

As Shad nears the end of relieving himself, he notices Billy is checking him. With the stream of piss still exiting his dick, he can't exactly hide it away so he has no choice but to let Billy look at his penis.

"You have a nice penis," exclaimed Billy.

"Urm, thanks," replied Billy, a little thrown at Billy's comment. Shad looks Billy up and down, not expecting Billy to suddenly unzip and pull his dick out right in front of him.

Shad stared at Billy's slightly smaller flaccid dick as he finished pissing and put his dick away. "You do to," he said.

Shad made his away over to the sinks as Billy started to put his dick back into his pants. Shad turned on the taps and glanced in the mirror, noticing Billy was once again standing at the stall. He wasn't pissing but just seemed to be standing there.

"Are you all right?" asked Shad, turning to face the younger boy.

"Yeah," Billy replied, and turned around to reveal a four and half inch boner sticking out from the centre of his body. "It looks better this way."

Shad didn't know what to say and couldn't seem to keep his eyes off the boy's hard flesh. Billy takes a few steps toward Shad.

"You wanna touch it?" Billy asked.

Shad remained silent, still staring at the throbbing hard on.

Billy took a few more steps forward until he was just a foot or so in front of Shad and smiled at the rap star. "You can touch it if you want."

Shad kept staring at the beautiful cock before him and slowly raised his hand a little, his fingers nearing the head of Billy's dick. Billy gasped as Shad's hand made contact with his throbbing member.

Shad kept a hold of Billy's dick as his own dick started to swell. His mind was racing between whether or not he should be doing this, whether it was right or wrong, but his mind kept coming back to it been very right. As he gently wrapped his hand around Billy's dick, he felt very right.

"Can I touch yours?" asked Billy.

Shad shifted his attention from his hand on Billy's dick to Billy's eyes and smiling face. Shad released his grip on Billy's dick. With the thoughts of right or wrong and whether he should or not racing through his head again, he slowly unzipped and pulled his semi-erect dick out.

Billy immediately, but gently grabbed a hold of Shad's cock and started caressing it. He continued fondling the black teen's cock until he reached his five inches of hardness.

Still holding on to Shad's cock, Billy said, "Come on. We'll go in there."

Billy started making his way over to the nearest cubicle, taking Shad with his by the grip of his dick. Shad followed Billy into the cubicle. Billy lets go off Shad's dick and closed the door, locking it as well.

Billy turned to face Shad and gently pushed him back until Shad was sitting on the toilet seat. Billy knelt down in front of Shad and slipped his right hand into Shad's underwear, pulling out his balls.

Shad remained silent the whole time as Billy started stroking his throbbing member and gently massaging his balls. Shad gasped and jumped when he felt Billy's tongue run up the length of his shaft and swirl around the head of his dick.

"Sorry," exclaimed Billy, pulled back from Shad's cock, his hand still gripping it.

"It's okay," replied Shad. It really was okay. The thoughts of right and wrong had turned into right and right. "You can do it again...if you want."

Billy immediately starts stroking Shad's cock again with his left hand while he massaged Shad's balls with his right and licked the head with his tongue.

Shad started releasing small moans of pleasure and places his hands on Billy's shoulders. With Billy's constant stroking, massaging and licking at his dick and balls, it wasn't long before his balls tightened and he felt his cum rise up to the core of his dick.

Billy felt Shad's dick tense and harden even more and quickly put the head of Shad's dick into his mouth, sucking and swirling his tongue around it. Shad erupted into Billy's mouth, the most powerful orgasm of his life taking over his entire body.

Billy kept sucking until Shad had finished cumming and swallowed the entire load, not letting one drop of Shad's offering escape him.

As Shad's breathing started to return to normal, Billy removed his mouth from Shad's dick and looked up at the hot rapper, smiling. Billy places Shad's dick and balls back into his underwear and does up his fly. Billy stands up straight, his rock hard cock pointing directly at Shad's face.

Shad stares at the cock right in front of him, and contemplates touching it again, and doing to Billy what Billy just did to him.

"You don't have to, if you don't want to," Billy said.

Shad thought for a few more seconds. His hormones made up his mind for him. "I do," he replied and he once again touched Billy Gilman's penis. He slowly started stroking the throbbing boner.

As Billy stood in front of the sitting Bow Wow in the cubicle, Shad stroked Billy's cock. He neared his face to Billy's dick and was about to lick the head when he pulled his head back, still stroking.

"You don't have to lick it, not if you don't want to."

Shad continued stroking and felt the cock in his hand tense and Billy let out a moan, he quickly licked the head of the dick as Billy started shooting.

Billy's cum shot straight into Shad's forehead and hair, causing Shad to pull his head back away from the erupting cock still in his hand.

"Sorry," Billy said as he finished cumming and his orgasm subsided. He grabbed some tissue and wiped the cum from Shad's forehead and the little strands on his hair.

"Don't worry about it," replied Shad. "That was incredible. I've never done anything like that before."

"There's a whole more to it than that," Billy explained.


"Yeah. If you want, you can come by my hotel room after the concert tonight. I can show you some of the other stuff. If you want."

Shad remains silent, the thoughts of what he has just done being wrong entering his mind again.

"Anything you don't want to do, we won't do," Billy added.

"Okay," Shad reluctantly said, still in two minds, but the curious part of his mind now starting to take over.

Billy smiled and turned, unlocked the door and opened it a crack. Shad couldn't take his eyes off Billy's round ass as Billy peered through the slightly open door.

Billy turned to face Shad. "The coast is clear," he said.

Billy opened the door fully and exited the cubicle, followed by Shad. Billy turned back to face Shad. "I hope I see you tonight in the audience."

"Maybe you shouldn't show quite so much of yourself tonight," Shad replied, smiling.

Billy, a little confused noticed Shad was looking down at his crotch. He looked down and noticed his flaccid dick still hanging out of his pants. He smiled and put his dick away, zipping up.

"Thanks," replied Billy.

"No problem."

"As I was saying, if I don't see you in the audience, I'll definitely see you after the show?"

"You bet."

The two boys made arrangements to meet after Billy's performance and said their temporary goodbyes. Billy went off to take care of any last minute problems with the performance and get a little rehearsal in before the night's show, while Shad went home and thought hard about what he and Billy had done.

He knew he wanted it and he knew it felt right, but at the same time he couldn't help feeling that it was wrong. He knew to a lot of people thought it was wrong, but he didn't care what they thought. If he thought it was right and if he thought it felt good, then it can't be wrong, not to him. So it was right. It was right with him, and it was right with Billy, and that's all that mattered.

Thoughts of Billy sucking on his cock flooded back into his mind, as did the thoughts of stroking Billy's dick and bringing another boy to orgasm. His cock started stirring at these thoughts and at the thoughts of what might happen later that night in Billy's hotel room.

The night of the concert finally arrived. Shad had arrived with his mother and a few other people and were already at their seats, just waiting for the performance to begin.

The first song begins and the second Billy arrives on the stage, Shad's cock starts swelling and stays hard for the rest of the show.

"So, what did you think?" Shad's mother asked her son as they were making their way out of the stadium.

"It was okay," Shad replied, in a voice that suggested he really love the show, which his mother grasped right away.

"Good. Did you learn anything?"

"Yeah. Quite a bit actually. And I'm sure I'll learn a lot more tonight."

"What do you mean?"

"I told you," Shad explained, "I'm hooking up with Billy tonight. Remember?"

"That's right. Sorry. Did you say he was picking you up?"

"Yeah. He said he'd meet me out here somewhere." Shad glanced around and saw a black limo pull up just a few metres away. The door opened and Billy climbed out as Shad and his mother approached.

"Hi, I'm Billy Gilman," Billy said, directing his attention to Shad's mother.

"Nice to meet you, Billy. That was a great show tonight."

"Thanks," Billy replied, and turned to Shad. "So, you ready to go?"


"Do you want me to pick you up later?" Shad's mother asked.

"That's all right," Billy answered for him, "I'll make sure he gets home safely."

"Okay. Have fun." Shad's mother watched as her son climbed into the car beside Billy. The door closed and the black limo drove off.

During the short ride to the hotel, both boys talked about their careers. Both teens have new albums due out soon, both are either on tour or will soon be on tour, and both are currently in and out of the recording studio. Other than their music and careers, and the events that took place earlier that day, they don't have a whole lot in common.

They soon arrived at the hotel and were escorted up to Billy's hotel room. Billy closed the door and turned to face Shad.

"You wanna order some food or something?" he asked Shad.

"Yeah, sure," replied Shad.

Billy picked up the phone and ordered a large pizza and two portions of ice cream. Within a few minutes the food had arrived and the two boys soon scoffed down their pizza. They start their ice cream.

"You know," Billy began as he swallowed some of his ice cream, "if you've changed your mind about doing anything tonight, we don't have to."

"I haven't," Shad replied, "and I want to."

Billy smiled and took another mouthful of ice cream. "Take off your shirt." He puts his bowl of ice cream down on the side.

Shad does the same and started removing his shirt, unbuttoning one button at a time. Within just a few seconds Shad sat in front of Billy topless.

"Lie on the bed," Billy instructed Shad.

Shad stood up and made his way over to the bed. He laid down on it, face up, with is head resting on one of the pillows.

Billy notices the look of fear and hesitation on Shad's face. "You all right?"

"Yeah," Shad replied. "I'm just nervous. I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do."

"That's okay. Just relax and let me do all the work. Okay?"

Shad nods as Billy picks up his bowl of ice cream and uses the spoon to spread the cold ice cream onto Shad stomach, followed by his chest and nipples. Shad grimaced at the coldness of the ice cream.

Billy put the bowl back down on the side and looked into Shad's eyes, smiling. "Don't worry, I'll make it all better."

Billy lowered his face to Shad's stomach and started licking around his belly button. He slowly moved up Shad's stomach until he reached his chest, and then started licking each nipple, swirling his tongue around the erecting teats.

Shad could feel his dick springing to attention inside his pants as Billy continued to lick his hard boy nipples.

Billy takes his mouth away from Shad's nipple and inspected his work. Shad's upper body was completely free from ice cream. "Told you I'd make it feel better."

Shad just nodded, his throbbing cock aching for attention.

Billy lowered his face again and started licking Shad's belly button while he unzipped Shad's flies. Shad raised his bottom a little as Billy pulled down his trousers. Billy pulled them down to his ankles with his tongue still engulfed in Shad's belly button.

Billy stopped licking Shad's button and turned to take Shad's shoes and socks off. He pulled his trousers right off and turns to look at the black boy in boxers lying on the hotel bed.

Billy grabbed a hold of the throbbing erection inside the boxers and started stroking it while he massaged Shad's nipples with his fingers, one at a time.

Shad found himself relaxing more as the pleasure spread throughout his loins and in what felt like a few seconds, he was just almost at the point of no return.

"You'd better stop or I'll cum," Shad exclaimed.

Billy stopped stroking Shad's dick and fingering his nipples, and told Shad to raise his ass again so he could remove his boxers. Billy slings the boxers onto the floor and checks out the naked rap star lying in front of him. He lowers his face again and starts licking the head of Shad's dick.

Shad squirmed at the first touch of Billy's touch as more powerful sensations rocketed through his cock.

"You like that, don't you?" Billy said.

"Yeah," Shad replied as his breathing became heavier and deeper.

Billy continued licking for a few more moments, then took all of Shad's boyhood into his mouth and started sucking away and furiously and as gently as he could. Just a few moments later Billy felt the cock in his mouth tense and harden, and he quickly wrapped his lips around the head and squeezed.

Shad felt Billy tighten his lips around the head of his dick as the feelings of his approaching orgasm started to subside.

"Where did you learn that?" asked Shad.

Billy raised his head and just smiled. He spread Shad's legs and raised them a little. Billy spread Shad's butt cheeks so his pucker was exposed. Billy studied Shad's tiny ass hole for a few seconds, then ran his index finger over it, causing Shad to let out a sigh of pleasure.

Billy lowered his face and started rimming Shad's hole while he once again started stroking Shad's cock.

Shad gasped as Billy's tongue entered his hole and couldn't help but think that this couldn't be right, but how could something that felt so good be wrong? With Billy tongue fucking him and swirling his fingers over his cock, all the thoughts of this being wrong left his mind and he once again relaxed.

Billy pulled his tongue out of Shad's ass and climbs over Shad's body until their lips met. They kiss briefly, Shad tasting himself on Billy's lips and tongue.

Billy pulled back from Shad. "Take my clothes off."

Shad sat up on the bed and started unbuttoning Billy's shirt. He removed the shirt completely. He unzipped Billy's flies, removed his shoes and socks, pulled down his trousers and finally removed Billy's underwear. Billy's four and half inch of pure pleasure jumped out of his underwear and pointed at Shad.

Billy climbs back on top of Shad, but this time his face is directly over Shad's boner while his ass is just a few inches above Shad's face. Billy takes two swipes at the head of Shad's dick with his tongue and is about to tell Shad he doesn't have to lick his ass if he doesn't want to, but Shad already has his tongue inside Billy's pucker.

Shad tongue fucked Billy's tight ass while Billy swirled his tongue around the head of Shad's dick.

After a few minutes, Billy pulls up from Shad's dick and Shad pulls out of Billy's ass. Billy turns to Shad, "You see that KY on the side there?"

Shad glanced at the KY on the bedside cabinet. "Yeah."

"Stick your middle finger into it and insert it into my ass."

Shad did exactly as Billy instructed. He slowly inserted his middle finger into the younger, more experienced boy's ass.

"Is this right?" Shad asked.

"Yeah. Insert your index finger now."

Shad slowly and carefully inserted his index finger into Billy's asshole along with his middle finger.

"Start finger fucking me."

Shad started finger fucking Billy. After just a few more moments, Billy grey impatient and told Shad to stop. He turned, grabbed the KY, lubed up Shad's cock and slowly lowered himself onto Shad's throbbing member.

Shad squirmed and gasped in intense pleasure as his dick slowly entered Billy's ass. While Billy and Shad look into each other's eyes, Billy started bouncing up and down on Shad's dick, with slow and long thrusts.

Billy continued riding Shad's cock for a couple of minutes before Shad announced he was cumming. Billy quickly increased the speed of the thrusts as Shad shot his load in Billy's ass.

Billy remained positioned on top of Shad's throbbing cock while Shad recovered from the most intense orgasm of his life. He opened his eyes and saw Billy's smiling face.

"That was incredible," Shad exclaimed.

"Always is," Billy replied. Billy slowly raised himself up of Shad's dick, grabbed an old towel, wiped both of them clean and laid beside Shad on the bed, running his fingers over Shad's nipples.

A short while later, both boys were still lying on the bed. Billy was still stroking Shad's nipples, which had caused both of their cocks to rise to the occasion again.

"Can I ask you something?" asked Shad.

"Sure," replied Billy.

"What does it feel like when you're getting...you know?"

"Getting fucked?"


"It feels great."

"Does it hurt?"

"A little at first, but that passes. And it only really hurts the first few times. Once you're used to the feeling, it's all pleasure," explained Billy. "You wanna see?"

Shad nodded and Billy shifted his position on the bed and so his face was between Shad's legs. He started licking Shad's hole again. He lubed up two of his fingers and inserted his middle finger into Shad's hole.

"Does that feel all right?" asked Billy, holding his finger still.


"Want me to put the other one in?"

"Go for it."

Billy slowly inserted his index finger and started finger fucking Shad. After a few brief moments of discomfort, but not really pain, Shad relaxed he started to feel pleasure out of Billy's finger fucking.

Billy pulled his fingers out of Shad's ass, grabbed one of the pillows, told Shad to raise his ass and placed the pillow under Shad, raising his ass into the air. Billy reached for the lube and spread it over his dick. He put a little more around Shad's virgin hole and placed the tip of his dick at the entrance of Shad's hole.

"If it hurts too much, or if you want me to stop for any reason, just say so. Okay?" Billy said.

Shad nodded.

"You ready for me to put it in?"

"Yeah," replied Shad, "just take it easy."

Billy very slowly pushed forward. "Push out a little. It makes it easier."

Shad pushed out and felt the head of Billy's dick enter his ass. He grimaced at the sudden intrusion and did his best to relax, his ass clenching around Billy's cock.

"You all right?" Billy asked.

Shad nodded.

Billy slowly pushed his dick further inside until it was all the way in. He held it there for a few seconds until Shad motioned for him to continue. Billy pulled his dick back out until just the head was in. He once again held it there.

"Fuck me, Billy."

Billy smiled again and slowly started thrusting in and out of Shad's hole, fucking the virgin star.

In a few minutes, the initial pain and discomfort had passed and has been replaced with a lesser pain and a greater pleasure, the pleasure of which was been increased by the fact that this was Shad's first time at being fucked.

Billy felt his cum gush up to the core of his dick and shoot into Shad's ass. Shad could feel Billy's load gush into his bowels as Billy collapsed on top of Shad, his dick still lodged up the older boy's ass.

After recovering and cleaning themselves up, Billy kissed Shad on the lips briefly. "What did you think?"

"That was fucking awesome," Shad replied.

"How do you feel?"

"It's a little uncomfortable, that's all. It did hurt, but not much anymore."

"I know something that will make it feel better."


"Have you heard of the sixty-niner?"

"Yeah. You wanna do it now?"

"Why not, unless you don't want to."

"I do." Shad shifted his position on the bed so his face with by Billy's hard cock and Billy's face was by Shad's hard on.

Both boys start licking the swirling their tongues around the other boy's dick. Billy is the first one to put the dick in his mouth, but Shad soon followed suit. Both teens suck the other off, bringing their new friend ever closer to the second orgasm of the night and the third of the day, all of which had been shared with each other.

Shad was first to shoot and he shot his entire load into Billy's mouth, but his squirming caused his dick to fall out of Billy's mouth and he shot a little onto Billy's face.

Shad kept sucking on the country boy's cock and he felt it harden. In just a few more seconds, Billy shot his third load of the day into Shad's mouth. Unlike before, Shad managed to swallow virtually the whole offering, with just a few drops leaking out the side of his mouth.

As both orgasms subsided and their breathing returned to normal, Billy changed positions so they were once again lying side by side, this time with their heads of the foot of the bed and their feet resting on the pillows.

"I had fun tonight," exclaimed Billy.

"Yeah," Shad replied, "me too." The thoughts of this all being wrong had completely left his mind and he doubted whether he would ever get them back. This day had been the best of his short life and something that had meant so much to him and what would mean so much to him in the future could never be wrong.

If you have any comments, questions, or story suggestions, please send them to msaelxcylm@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 3: Little Game of One on One

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