Celebrity Collection

By ian james

Published on Jan 12, 2005


Dislcaimer: This story is a gay fantasy involving Aaron Carter and Malcolm, Reese and Dewey from 'Malcolm in the Middle', played by Frankie Muniz, Justin Berfield and Erik Per Sullivan. This story is fictional and not meant to imply anything about the true sexuality of the stars mentioned. Certain characters were created by Linwood Boomer and copyrighted by Regency Television. 'Malcolm in the Middle' is copyright by Twentieth Century Fox Television and Regency Television.

This is the first of a series of stories involving various celebrities.



Malcolm Wilkerson sat alone in the bedroom he shared with his brothers, Reese and Dewey. Dewey was out somewhere. He didn't know where and didn't really care. His parents, Hal and Lois had gone shopping together for the first time in ages. Reese was also out of the house. Again, he didn't know where his older brother was, but knew he was probably getting into some kind of trouble.

Pushing his family out of his mind, Malcolm sat on the edge of the bed with his right hand slowly stroking his hard, five inch dick. He slowly massaged his low-hanging balls as he slowly pleasured himself, stroking his cock and running his fingers over its head.

He let out a soft moan as his felt his balls raise toward his body. Malcolm let go of his balls and with his left hand, brought the magazine in front of him a little closer. He stared intently at the double-page picture in front of him and started speeding up his strokes.

"What are you doing?"

Malcolm quickly stopped jerking himself off, turned and saw Reese standing in the doorway. He quickly stuffed the open magazine under the bed, giving Reese a good look at his five inch cock before he had a chance to put it away.

Reese smiled as Malcolm struggled to put his cock away. Smiling because it was funny watching his younger brother struggling with his boner, and smiling because it was the first time he had seen Malcolm's dick, hard that is, and he liked what he saw.

"So," Reese began, "what were you doing?"

"Nothing," replied Malcolm.

"Didn't look like nothing."

"Reese, just drop it. Okay?"

"What were you looking at?"

"What?" asked Malcolm, hoping to God Reese hadn't seen the magazine.

"The magazine. Let me see it."

"No," replied Malcolm.

Suddenly Reese lurched forward, pouncing on Malcolm, knocking them both onto the bed. As Reese lies on top of a struggling Malcolm on the bed, trying to reach down to grab the magazine with Malcolm's left hand blocking his attempts, Reese could feel Malcolm's still-hard dick pushing into his own crotch, causing his own dick to swell a little.

"Get off, Reese," demanded Malcolm.

"Just let me see it," begged Reese as he continued holding Malcolm down on the bed with his body and trying to find the magazine.

"No," Malcolm declared just as Reese grabbed the magazine, pulled it out from under the bed and jumped off Malcolm, taking several steps back.

Reese looked down at the magazine as Malcolm stared into Reese's eyes, worry starting to overcome is anger at Reese. "So," Reese began, "is this it?" Reese held up the magazine.

Malcolm stared at the double-page photo of Aaron Carter lying on his back on a leopard-skin bed, wearing a leopard-skin top, and felt his dick start to twitch again at the sight of the blonde boy staring into his eyes from the center pages of the magazine. Malcolm remained silent as Reese placed the magazine down on the bed.

"So were you jerking off to Aaron Carter?" Reese asked.

"It's not what it looks like," Malcolm replied, trying to think of an explanation, any explanation. Reese was stupid, after all. He would buy any dumb explanation that popped into his head right now, but he had nothing, nothing except, "Yeah. I was jerking of to Aaron Carter."

Reese remained silent, just staring into his younger brother's eyes.

"Yes, Reese. I'm gay."

Reese continued staring into Malcolm's eyes, making Malcolm a little nervous, and then he noticed Reese glancing down at his crotch, his boner of which had disappeared.

"Well," Malcolm said, "are you gonna say anything?"

Reese continued staring, expressionless, and then, "That is so cool."

"What?" asked Malcolm, shocked at what his now smiling older brother had just said.

"That is so cool. You're gay. Look." Reese hurried to his bed and reached under it.

Malcolm watched as Reese pulled out a tatty and somewhat sticky photograph and handed it to Malcolm. Malcolm looked at the photograph and felt his dick twitch slightly as he stared into the eyes of Aaron Carter once again. This time, Aaron was lying face down on a couch wearing blue jeans and a loose grey jacket, looking up at him.

"What's this?" asked Malcolm.

"It's mine," Reese replied.

"Duh. I gathered that. Why do you have it?"

"That's my favourite."

"Favourite what?"

"You know."

"No, Reese. I don't know. Stop talking in riddles and tell me."

"That's my favourite picture to jerk off too."

"Reese, if this is some kind of joke..."

"It's no joke," Reese continued, "just look at the stains on it."

"Yeah," Malcolm acknowledged as he ran his index finger over one of the stains on one corner of the photograph. "Does this mean that you're..."

"Gay too? Yeah."

"So," Malcolm began as he sat on the bed, looking up at Reese, "you like Aaron Carter as well."

"Yeah. You wouldn't believe how much," replied Reese as he too sat on the bed, next to his brother.

Malcolm stared into Reese's eyes for a few seconds, and had a thought. "You know, there's a Aaron Carter concert tomorrow."

"I know," replied Reese, his eyes lighting up, "and it's only a mile or so away from here."

"You think we should go."


"Go where?" asked their younger brother Dewey, as he walked into the bedroom, stopping in front of Malcolm and Reese.

"When did you get back?" asked Malcolm.

"Just now," replied Dewey. "So go where?"

"Just some concert," answered Reese.

"What concert?"

"Aaron Carter," Malcolm replied, his face obviously lighting up as he said the words.

"I like Aaron Carter," Dewey said. "Can I come?"

Malcolm glances down at Dewey's crotch and wonders if he can cum, but shifts his attention to Reese, who is staring back at him, shrugging his shoulders.

"If you don't let me go, I'll tell mum who hit me," Dewey warned, looking at Reese, glancing at Malcolm, and then turning back to Reese.

"All right, all right," replied Reese. "You can come."

"Great. So when is it," asked Dewey.

"Tomorrow," Malcolm replied.

That night, after Hal and Lois had gone to bed, and Dewey was asleep next to him in the bed they shared, Malcolm lay awake, thinking of what may happen tomorrow. He was going to see Aaron Carter in person. Reese and Dewey would be there, but still, so would Aaron. And if Aaron was there, no one would matter.

Would he and Aaron do something after the concert? He had dreamt about that happening for, he didn't know, however long it was, and now it might just happen. But, Reese and Dewey would be there. But even so, Malcolm thought, Reese was into Aaron Carter just like he was, and so would have no objections at something going on between the three of them. That just left Dewey. Why did they agree to let Dewey tag along?

Malcolm rolled over in the bed to face Reese's bed and continued thoughts on how to somehow lose Dewey tomorrow, when he saw movement from Reese's bed.

In the bed just a few feet from Malcolm and Dewey, Reese was slowly and quietly pleasuring himself. He stroked his six inch cock with his right hand while massaging his balls and playing with his asshole with his left. He let out a very feint gasp as the pleasure built deep in his loins.

Reese felt his balls tighten and his cum start to make the magical journey from his nuts to the tip of his penis when he noticed Malcolm was watching him. Reese stopped pleasuring himself and stared straight at Malcolm.

Malcolm noticed Reese was staring at him. "Urm," Malcolm began, caught a little off guard and surprised at Reese not being mad, "are you thinking about Aaron?"

"Yeah," Reese replied as he gave his hard dick a gentle squeeze and continued with his strokes, quickly nearing the point of no return.

Reese glanced over at Malcolm again. Malcolm was still watching him.

"What are you looking at?" Reese asked, starting to get a little pissed at Malcolm.

"Watching you jerk off is making me a little hot," Malcolm explained as he placed his right hand on his growing erection, giving it a gentle squeeze, and giving the head a little stroke.

Reese slowed his own strokes and said, "Do something about it, then."

"What?" asked Malcolm, hand still on dick.

"You know, jerk off."

"No, I can't. Not with Dewey right next to me."

Reese stops stroking his boner and smiles at his younger brother. "Do you want some help?"

"What do you mean?" asked Malcolm, a little scared, but also wondering what Reese meant by help.

"Just say yes or no."

"Okay. Yeah."

Reese pulled down his covers and climbed out of his bed, his six inches of hard flesh bouncing a little as he made his way over to Malcolm and Dewey's bed. Reese glanced at a sleeping Dewey before he knelt by the side of the bed, looking into Malcolm's eyes.

Malcolm glanced all over Reese's body, the darkened room making it difficult to get a good look. Sure, he had seen Reese's body hundreds, if not, thousands of times before, and had even seen him naked before. But he had never seen Reese with a hard on before. He was a little amazed at how big it was, but considering Reese was two years older than himself, that kind of figures.

"Lie on your back," Reese instructed as Malcolm slowly rolled from his side onto his back, his eyes constantly focused on Reese's eyes. Reese pulled the covers down to Malcolm's knees, being careful not to uncover Dewey and wake him.

Reese checked his younger brother out, dressed only in white briefs, the semi-erect cock showing clearly. He slowly and gently places his right hand on Malcolm's crotch, making Malcolm shudder at the sudden contact.

Malcolm remained silent, a million thoughts running through his mind as Reese slipped his fingers inside Malcolm's underwear and slowly pulled them down to the boy's knees.

"What are you doing?" Malcolm whispered.

"Just be quiet," Reese replied as he started playing with Malcolm's dick.

"I'm not sure about this, Reese."

"Just shut up."

Malcolm kept his mouth shut as he shifted his attention from Reese's eyes to what was going on down below. He watched, amazed, nervous, horny and a little uncomfortable all at the same time. Uncomfortable because his brother Reese was touching and now stroking his five inch boner.

As Reese strokes Malcolm's dick with his right hand, he reaches to his own six inch dick and continues what he started earlier. It doesn't take him long before he felt his cum gushing up to the head of his dick.

Malcolm, too, was gasping and squirming at the pleasure as Reese jacked him off and thrusts his hips forward and tilts his head back as his cum shoots out of his dick. Seeing his younger brother cum by his own hand, Reese too shot his load onto the side of the bed.

Both boys panted and gasped quietly, the blissful high of their orgasms taken them over, especially Malcolm, who had never been jacked off by another person before. Reese, however, had had the pleasure of a hand job from a boy at school.

As Reese let go of Malcolm's cum coated dick and started wiping Malcolm's cum on the bed, both boys quickly turned in the direction of Dewey as he started rolling over.

"What's going on?" Dewey asked as he slowly opened his eyes, seeing Reese kneeling by the side of the bed. He could see Reese's naked upper body, nothing unusual, but luckily for Malcolm and Reese, Dewey was still half asleep and so didn't notice Malcolm's exposed cock.

"Nothing," replied Malcolm.

"Yeah," Reese said, "just go back to sleep."

Dewey sighed and rolled back over as Reese made his way back over to his own bed. Malcolm pulled up his briefs along with the covers as Reese also pulled up the covers.

That night, Malcolm dreamt of him and Reese having an all night orgy with Aaron Carter after the concert, while Reese dreamt of bringing Aaron to orgasm every way he could. Dewey, on the other hand dreamt of watching Aaron Carter perform the entire concert just for him while he had an armful of candy to enjoy.

The morning of the concert seemed to drag on forever. Dewey was ecstatic about meeting the famous Aaron Carter and seeing his idol live in concert, while Malcolm and Reese were just as excited themselves, except they didn't show it.

All three boys had been careful not to get into any trouble or they'll parents would be grounding them again and there would be no concert. Even Reese, who had plans for the day, had to stay indoors and be on best behaviour. Best behaviour was something Reese wasn't particularly good at, but today was different. Today was special. Today was the day he may, but probably, wouldn't finally get it on with someone. And that someone could be Aaron Carter.

As Reese pondered around the house for most of the day, he thought of the small possibility of getting it on with Aaron. It was only a small chance, but a small chance is better than no chance, especially to Reese, who wanted some hot action that night, and if Aaron wasn't interested, Malcolm would have to do.

He had already done something with Malcolm the previous night, and Malcolm didn't seem to have any complaints. Neither boy had brought up the subject but both were feeling the same way – they wanted more.

Hal drove the boys to the concert and dropped them off outside.

"I don't know where you got the money for this, boys, but have a good time. I'll pick you up later," Hal exclaimed, and drove off.

"Money," Reese turned to Malcolm, "what's he talking about?"

"I don't know," replied Malcolm.

Dewey glances around and notices the long line of kids all waiting to hand in their tickets at the door. "Tickets."

"What?" asked Reese, a puzzled frown appearing on his face.

"He's right," Malcolm said, "we haven't got any tickets. That what Dad meant about the money."

"How are we supposed to get in without any tickets?" asked Dewey.

"Yeah, Malcolm," Reese started, "how are we?"

"Why are you asking me? You didn't realise we needed them either."

"I know, but you're supposed to be the genius," Reese explained.

"That's right, I am the genius," Malcolm said.

`Here we go again,' Dewey thought to himself as he took a couple of steps forward and glanced around, trying to block out the sound of his two older brothers arguing while all the other kids were entering the stadium.

Just as Malcolm and Reese were about to come to blows, Dewey turned and gasped in shock and amazement.

"Hi," smiled Aaron Carter as he stood just behind Malcolm and Reese.

Malcolm and Reese immediately stopped arguing and turned to face the blond-haired boy standing before them, both of their mouths dropping.

"I'm Aaron Carter."

"We know," replied Reese, a look of amazement still on his face.

"It's so nice to meet you," exclaimed Dewey. "I'm Dewey."

"Hi, Dewey," replied Aaron, still smiling. He turned his attention to Malcolm and Reese.

"I'm Malcolm. And this is my brother, Reese."

"Nice to meet you. So you here to see my concert."

"Well, sourta," Malcolm replied.

"What do you mean?" asked Aaron.

"Well," Malcolm began, "we just decided to come and see you yesterday and the whole ticket thing just kind of slipped our minds."

"Don't suppose you can hook us up can you?" asked Reese.

"Sorry," replied Aaron. "Wish I could. There's no more room inside, especially this late."

Aaron took this opportunity to check out the three disappointed boys, starting with Reese, moving on to Malcolm and finally to Dewey. He thought Dewey was a little young, but cute all the same. He noticed the slight bulge in Malcolm's pants, causing his own dick to stir a little.

"Tell you what," Aaron began, "how about you come hang out with me for a bit after the concert."

"You serious?" asked Malcolm.

"Yeah. So, what do you say?"

"Yeah," all three boys chimed at once.

"Cool." Aaron checked his watch. "I gotta get going. Wait here and I'll have someone pick you up and take you to my hotel. I'll be there as soon as the show is over. Okay?"

"Okay," replied Reese.

"See you soon," smiled Aaron as he hurriedly turned and disappeared through a side door, leaving the three boys out on the street, now alone as all the kids with tickets had gone inside, waiting for Aaron Carter to appear on the stage.

Malcolm, Reese and Dewey waited by the side of the stadium for what seemed like hours, even though it can't have been more than fifteen minutes. After all, Aaron had only performed two of his songs, Life is a Party', and (Everybody) Get Wild'.

A black limousine pulled up outside the stadium. The driver got out of the car and walked around to the three boys, asking if they were Malcolm, Reese and Dewey.

The boys replied they were and got into the car. They soon arrived at the hotel Aaron was staying at and are escorted to Aaron's hotel suite.

Inside Aaron's hotel room, Dewey is running around like he had lost something, checking everything out like there was no tomorrow. Malcolm and Reese, meanwhile, were sitting on the bed, silent and lost in their own thoughts.

"Hey," Reese began, "are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I don't know," replied Malcolm. "What are you thinking?"

"Tell me what you're thinking first."

"Okay. I was just thinking about how cool it would be to do something with Aaron here in this hotel room," Malcolm exclaimed.

"I was thinking the exact same thing." Reese paused for a brief moment, then looked into Malcolm's eyes. "Do you think there's any chance?"

"I don't know. I mean, to realistic, I doubt it, but he did invite us here. That's gotta count for something."

"I guess."

"What are you guys talking about?" asked Dewey as he approached the bed.

"Nothing," replied Malcolm.

"Nothing important," replied Reese.

The hotel door opened, startling the three boys. Aaron Carter entered the room, removed the `Do Not Disturb' sign from the inside of the door and placed it on the outside of the door, and closed it.

"Sorry I'm a little late," Aaron said as he took a few steps into the room.

Dewey ran up to Aaron and hugged him. "I love your music so much, Aaron. I think you're the greatest."

"Thanks," replied Aaron, a little surprised at the youngest boys sudden admiration.

"You'll have to excuse Dewey," Malcolm explained, "he can get a little over excited."

"That's all right," replied Aaron.

The four boys moved over to a table on the other side of the room and got talking, the subjects ranging from Aaron's career and future goals to Malcolm's `special class' and the three boys' home life, including their older brother Francis and their parents.

All the while, Dewey was just amazed and still couldn't believe he was in the same room as Aaron Carter. Malcolm and Reese, however, kept going back to their thoughts of possibly doing something with Aaron, their dicks stirring to a semi-erect state. Aaron, too, was semi-erect from his constant checking out of the boys, especially Malcolm and Reese.

"Malcolm has tonnes of photos and magazines of you," Dewey began. "He keeps them all hidden under the bed."

Malcolm started to turn red and looked away from Aaron and Aaron's full attention shifted his way.

"Oh, really," exclaimed Aaron. "So, do you prefer me in person or in all your magazines?"

"In person," Malcolm replied, looking back at Aaron, looking for nay hint that something might happen.

"Definitely," Reese added.

Aaron glanced at Reese, and then back at Malcolm. "So you both like me, do you?"

"Yeah," Reese replied. "We both like you in a special way."

"But I like you more," Dewey interrupted.

"Really," Aaron smiled, glancing at Malcolm and Reese, and then turning his full attention on to Dewey, his dick twitching a little more. "Do you wanna prove to be how much you like me?"

"I guess," replied Dewey. "What do I have to do?"

Aaron smiled at the two older boys and grabbed Dewey's hand, leading him over to the bed. Aaron tells Dewey to lie on the bed and he placed his hands on Dewey's thighs.

Malcolm and Reese watched, curious as to what was going to happen.

"Now, Dewey," Aaron began, "if you like me more than your brothers do, you'll let me play with you."

"Okay," replied Dewey, looking up at Aaron.

Aaron smiled and removed one of his hands from Dewey's thighs, placing it on Dewey's crotch and giving a gentle squeeze. Dewey shuddered a little.

"How much do you like me, Dewey?" Aaron asked.

Dewey pushed Aaron's hand away and quickly unzipped, pulling out his dick.

"That much, huh?" asked Aaron, as he slowly started fondling the young boys soft dick, getting a nod from Dewey.

Aaron smiles again as the soft dick in his hand starts to harden. Malcolm and Reese watch from the other side of the room as Dewey's dick comes to full attention under the warm encouragement from Aaron's hand.

Aaron starts slowly stroking the hard dick in his hand and Dewey starts squirming uncontrollably on the bed as his dick is jacked off.

Aaron turns to face the other two boys, still jerking off Dewey's dick. "Can one of you hold him down?"

Malcolm jumps up off the chair and rushes to the bed. He climbs on and sits on Dewey's chest, holding his arms outward. Aaron and Malcolm smile at each other as Aaron removes his hand from Dewey's throbbing cock.

"Why'd you stop?" asked Dewey, trapped on the bed under Malcolm.

"You'll see," replied Aaron, as he brought his face closer to the hard dick in front of him. Aaron opened his mouth and ran his tongue over the shaft and the head, causing Dewey is gasp and squirm even more. Aaron took Dewey into his mouth and started slowly sucking on the young boy's boner.

Dewey, lost in a world of new pleasures tried to squirm but was firmly held down by Malcolm, who still held out his arms and who was still sitting on him.

From the other side of the room, Reese gets up off the chair and watches as Aaron kneels by the end of the bed, sucking off his younger brother. He nears the bed and crawls onto the floor under Aaron. Reese spins around so he is sitting on the floor between Aaron's legs, facing his crotch.

Reese slowly unzips Aaron's flies, causing the blond-haired teen to gasp a little. Reese pulls out Aaron's hard dick and places it straight into his mouth, tonguing the head.

It isn't long before Aaron is popping his head up and down Dewey's dick while he stroked the head with his tongue. Meanwhile, as his own orgasm approached, he found himself thrusting his hips backwards and forwards, fucking Reese's mouth.

Aaron feels the dick in his mouth tense up as Dewey has his first ever dry orgasm. While Malcolm finds it difficult to keep Dewey still, Aaron keeps ducking on Dewey's cock while his own dick starts tenses up, hardens and shoots into Reese's mouth.

Reese does his best to swallow Aaron's offering, with only a couple of drops oozing out of his mouth. Reese continues to suck Aaron's dick for a few moments, and then stops, letting the semi-erect dick pop out of his mouth.

As Reese climbed to his feet and Malcolm started to get off Dewey, Aaron stopped sucking on Dewey's still hard dick. Aaron stands up straight, glances at Malcolm and smiles, and starts to removes his clothes.

Following Aaron's lead, Malcolm and Reese start to remove their clothes. Dewey just lies on the bed, totally worn out and feeling the blissful high from his first ever orgasm.

With Aaron, Malcolm and Reese now stark naked in Aaron's hotel suite, they all turn to face Dewey, whose soft dick is still exposed for all to see. Dewey checks out all three boys. He had never seen Malcolm and Reese with erections before, but paid special attention to Aaron's natural form, seeing his dick start to rise again. All three boys stare down at Dewey.

"What?" asked Dewey.

Malcolm looks up and down Dewey's body, and then looks up and down his and the other two naked boys' bodies.

Getting the hint, Dewey sits up on the bed. "Do I have to?"

"Yes," replied Reese.

"Okay," Dewey sighed and he started removing his shirt. The three older boys watched as Dewey threw his shirt onto a pile with the rest of their clothes, jumped off the bed and removed the clothes from the lower half of his body.

"Okay," Dewey began, looking down at his naked body and glancing at the three naked teens just a few feet away from him. "What now?"

"I got an idea," replied Aaron. He makes his way over to the bed and lays down on his back, spreading his legs and raising them a little, exposing his pink asshole.

"Reese, tongue fuck me."

Reese immediately jumps forward and dives straight into Aaron's ass cheeks, his mouth open and tongue out ready to penetrate Aaron's tight little hole. As he licks around the hole and fucks it with his tongue, Malcolm and Dewey watch, a little surprised at Reese's lack of hesitation at doing such a deed.

"Malcolm," Aaron began, "do the same to Reese."

Malcolm looks at Reese's ass as Reese spreads his legs and raises it a little, ready for Malcolm's tongue. Malcolm remains still for a few seconds, glances at Dewey, who is looking back at him, and slowly kneels down behind Reese.

Malcolm spreads Reese's ass cheeks with his hands and places one finger on Reese's pucker, causing him to gasp. Malcolm slowly brings his face forward until the tip of his tongue is less than an inch away from his older brother's asshole. He takes one quick lick, pulls back, hesitates for a brief moment, and then starts furiously licking and tongue fucking Reese.

Dewey watched as Reese tongue fucked Aaron who was lying spread-legged on the bed, while Malcolm knelt don the floor, tongue fucking Reese.

"Dewey," Aaron began, "there's some KY in the bathroom. Can you get it?"

Without saying a word, Dewey turned and made his way into the bathroom, wondering what Aaron wanted the KY for.

Malcolm and Reese, however, knew exactly what it was for and their dicks started throbbing at the thought of fucking Aaron Carter or being fucked by Aaron Carter. Or for that matter, fucking each other, as long as Aaron was involved somewhere down the line.

Dewey returned with the KY and stood by Malcolm's side, not really sure what he was supposed to do.

"Okay, Reese," Aaron said as Reese pulled his tongue out of Aaron's tight ass. Reese remained where he was as Malcolm was still rimming him.

"Dewey, lube up my ass with the KY."

Dewey opened the jar of KY, scooped some out and started spreading it all over Aaron's exposed pucker. "Is this right?" he asked.

"Yeah," Aaron smiled back, "insert a couple of your fingers."

Dewey did as he was told and inserted a couple of fingers into Aaron's asshole. He noticed Aaron grimace a little.

"Did I hurt you?" Dewey asked, keeping his fingers dead still.

"No, just move them in and out for a bit."

Dewey moved his fingers in and out of Aaron's ass for a few more moments, until Aaron tells him to stop and rub some of the KY onto Malcolm's hard dick. Malcolm smiles as his younger brother strokes his hard dick up and down, smearing it with KY.

Aaron tells Dewey to lube up Reese's ass the same way he lubed up his own, and to then lube up Aaron's dick. Dewey does so with question and places the jar of KY down on the bedside cabinet, wiping the excess on his hands on the bed sheets.

"Okay, Malcolm," Aaron said, "I want you to slowly push your dick into my ass."

Malcolm took a couple of steps forward and positioned the tip of his dick at the entrance to Aaron's ass. Malcolm slowly pushed it, while Aaron pushed out. It didn't take long for the two eager teens to unite.

"Reese, sit on my cock, facing me," Aaron instructed.

Reese did just that, slowly raising himself down onto Aaron's dick, his own hard dick pointing directly at Aaron's face.

Aaron thrusts upwards, digging his dick deeper up Reese's ass. Malcolm also starts thrusting, driving his dick all the way into Aaron's ass, pulling about two thirds of the way out, and then pushing back in. Reese bounced up and down on Aaron's dick as the pleasure started to build inside all three boys.

"Dewey," Aaron began between gasps, "come sit on my face."

Dewey hurries over to the bed and sits on Aaron's face, his own tiny pucker soon invaded by Aaron's tongue.

As Reese bounces up and down on Aaron's dick, his own dick is getting no attention. He notices Dewey eyeing it.

"You wanna suck it?" he asked his younger brother.

Dewey nods.

"Go ahead," Reese said.

Dewey starts to near Reese's dick, opening his mouth. He pauses and hesitates, fearing he may hurt Reese or not to it right.

"It's okay, Dewey, just do what I did to you," Aaron explained.

Dewey takes Reese's hard dick into his mouth and starts sucking away. As Malcolm fucks Aaron's ass, he reaches around and grabs Dewey's left hand, pulling it around behind his ass. He pushes the hand into his ass cheeks.

Getting the hint, Dewey inserts one finger in Malcolm's virgin hole, followed by another, and starts finger fucking the boy.

While Malcolm thrusts his dick in and out of Aaron's ass, Reese bounces up and down on Aaron's dick, Aaron rims Dewey's ass while slowly jerking him off, and Dewey sucks on Reese's cock while he finger fucks Malcolm's ass.

It doesn't take long before all four boys are overwhelmed with intense pleasure spreading through their entire bodies. Malcolm is first to cum and shoots his load straight up Aaron's ass, causing Aaron to shoot into Reese's ass, which in turn causes Reese to shoot into Dewey's mouth.

As Reese shoots into his mouth, Dewey starts gagging and lets most of the cum ooze out onto Aaron's stomach. As his own dry orgasm hits, he continues licking Reese's dick for a few more seconds, and then shifts his head even lower down to lick up the cum he dropped onto Aaron's chest.

A short while later, the four boys had recovered from their orgasms and were sitting on the bed, still naked.

Malcolm glances at the clock on the bedside cabinet of the hotel suite. "You know, we'd better get going."

Reese also checked the time. "You're right."

"Not yet," said Aaron. "I always play fair."

"What do you mean," asked Malcolm.

"Me and Dewey both had two orgasms," Aaron explained. "You two only had one."

"Doesn't matter," Reese shrugged.

"It does." Aaron reached over for the KY. "Dewey, stand up and bend over."

Dewey does as instructed as Aaron lubes up his asshole. "I'm not sure I want you to...you know."

"It'll be all right, Dewey," replied Aaron.

"So, who's gonna fuck him," Malcolm asked.

"You are," replied Aaron. Aaron lubed up Malcolm's dick again, followed by his ass, and then lubed up Reese's dick. Both boys had become hard at Aaron's lubing of their dicks.

"Okay, Reese," Aaron began, "lay on the floor, face up..."

Reese gets up off the bed and lies on the floor, face up.

"...Malcolm, sit on Reese's dick, facing Reese..."

Malcolm slowly lowers himself onto Reese's dick, feeling Reese's dick penetrate his asshole for the first time, but certainly not the last.

"...Dewey, sit on Malcolm's lap, facing him just like you would if you were hugging him."

Dewey sat on Malcolm's lap, squinting as Malcolm's dick slowly entered Dewey's ass.

"You okay?" asked Malcolm.

"Yeah," replied Dewey, timidly. Dewey wrapped his arms around Malcolm.

"What about you?" asked Reese, looking at Aaron.

"I'm fine. I think I'll just enjoy the show," replied Aaron, sitting back on the bed, watching as Reese started thrusting upwards into Malcolm's ass, causing Malcolm to thrust into Dewey's ass, causing Dewey to tighten his grip of Malcolm's upper body.

Aaron's dick begins to stir again as he watches the three brothers enjoying their first ever threesome. He starts playing with and stroking his hardening dick as Malcolm and Reese announce they are cumming.

Reese cums in Malcolm's ass while Malcolm cums in Dewey's ass, both boys trembling with their second orgasms of the hour. Dewey climbs off Malcolm, Malcolm's dick plopping out of his ass and sits back on the bed, still a little out of it.

Malcolm and Reese also separate from each other and stand up, looking down at Aaron's hard on.

"You know what," Malcolm began, "screw what's fair."

Malcolm leapt forward, taking Aaron's dick into his mouth. Reese quickly followed suit and took Aaron's tight ballsac into his mouth. While Malcolm and Reese sucked away on Aaron's dick and balls, Dewey climbed over to Aaron and ran his fingers over his chest.

Getting a reaction when he ran his fingers over Aaron's nipples, Dewey started playing with them more, and while he used his left hand to play with Aaron's right nipple, he used his tongue to play with Aaron's left nipple.

It wasn't long before Aaron was driven over the edge for the third time and he shot into Malcolm's mouth. Malcolm, due to the fact that it was Aaron's third ejaculation, was able to swallow the entire offering.

A short while later, all four boys had dressed themselves. Aaron had made arrangements to have the three boys taken home.

"I had fun tonight," Dewey exclaimed.

"Me too," replied Reese.

"The best night of my life," replied Malcolm.

"I just hope I wasn't too bossy. I've been told I can be sometimes, especially in the bedroom department," explained Aaron.

"Not at all," Reese replied.

"No," Malcolm said, "none of us were really sure how to start things off, so it was a good thing."

"Good," Aaron smiled.

There was a knock at the door.

"Looks like your rides here, boys." Aaron started to make his way over to the door.

"Can we do this again sometime?" asked Dewey.

Aaron stopped and turned to face the three brothers. "I hope so."

As Malcolm, Reese and Dewey said their goodbyes and left Aaron's hotel suite, they were driven home. That night, they found themselves lost in thoughts about what happened, and were all determined to make it happen again.

Next: Chapter 2: Billy Unleashes the Dogg

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