
By stoo man

Published on Dec 8, 2003


Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction. If you are not of the legal age to read this then don't do it, duh. If it is otherwise illegal for you to read this, then again, take the reading glasses off. This story, though not this chapter, will contain explicit descriptions of male/male sex. If this offends you then leave, though why the hell you would be here in the first place baffles me.

The author retains all rights. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the author's consent.

As ever comments are welcome at (only takes a moment of your time and provide me with that warm fuzzy feeling)


By Stoo (hee hee yeah, that's me)

Cayden awoke slowly, becoming gradually aware of his surroundings. His shoulder was aching because of his un-natural position on the couch. With a grunt, he shifted himself, rubbing some life back into the dead appendage. Yawning, he checked his phone, noticing it was a little after ten.

"Hey." Cayden was startled by the voice; Aaron was sitting on the chair across the room from him, his bedcovers pulled up around him. He was smiling, but his eyes were dark and tired.

"Hey." Cayden returned the smile. The covers were pulled about Aaron's midsection, but Aaron's right nipple was clearly in view, rosy red, set beautifully atop a well defined pectoral muscle.

"Cay... Last night... I said..."

Cayden's heart sank. Aaron was retracting his comments. He had said "I love you," but it was the drink talking.

"I know... It was the drink... It's ok." Cayden dropped his eyes, cleared his throat then looked back up with a forced smile.

"That's not exactly what I was going to say."

Cayden raised an eyebrow. "What were you going to say then?"

Aaron seemed hesitant, an inner struggle clearly depicted in his facial expressions. Something won, for he stood and slowly walked across to Cayden. Cayden's eyes wandered up and down Aaron's frame as the covers slid away. As Aaron moved across the room, each graceful muscle flexed and twitched.

"I was going to say... I really... Like you, I was wandering you know... Do you have a boyfriend?"

Aaron was sitting really close to Cayden on the couch. He could smell a sweet smell from Aaron's body. He had showered already.

"No..." Cayden's voice was husky and he was shivering. Aaron was so close that they were almost touching. Cayden's naked flesh was mere millimetres from Aaron's equally naked soft and inviting flesh.

"Would you like... You know, wanna give things a try with me?" Aaron was peering into Cayden's eyes, his own eyes filled with hope and want.

Cayden knew those feelings, he was having them equally hard. "Y-yeah," Cayden said. Gently he reached out his hand and touched Aaron's bare shoulder. It was so warm, almost roasting. A tingle passed up his arm, right to his heart, "But slowly... Let me take you out... If you still wanna be around me, then we'll give it a shot."

Aaron smiled, shuddered under Cayden's touch. "I would do anything to have a date with you." Aaron gleamed.

"You only have to do one thing," Cayden whispered, rubbing Aaron's shoulder. It felt so good.


"Show me to the bathroom, before my bladder bursts." Both laughed heartily as Aaron led Cayden to the bathroom with his arm around Cayden's shoulder. Whoa, this guy is hot!' Cayden thought and he has his arm round ME.'

Cayden, as much as it had pained him, knew he had to go home, though it was only for a short time. Aaron and Cayden had agreed to go out to dinner that very night. As Cayden pulled into the driveway, he paused for a moment before getting out the car, reflecting upon the events of the last twenty-four hours. With a fulfilled and happy smile, he stepped out of the car and crunched up the driveway's gravel. The house was quiet, but he could tell that his mother was home. There was a subtle smell of perfume in the air, not the lingering smell after someone is gone but a fresh scent.

"Hey, mum!" Cayden called out, slinging his coat on a hook by the door.

"Hey, sweet... I'm out back!" his mother called from the garden. Cayden smiled and made his way to the back porch doors and stepped out into the huge garden. His mother was sitting on the patio overlooking a large pond filled with huge Kai. The golden fish were majestically flitting in and out of the reeds at the far end of the pond and some were letting the water from the fountain sprinkle onto their backs.

Cayden's mother was a beautiful woman, standing at five feet six with shoulder length light brown hair. She had a very delicate feminine face, her cat-like eyes always seeming watery with mirth. She was wearing a pair of faded jeans and a white crinkled top which was reflecting off the sun.

"How are you sweet?" she asked as he sat down beside her.

"You are not going to believe..." He grinned, "... I met a guy." Her face suddenly broke into a wide grin, her smile lighting the area around her.

"Never?" She said, gasping and grabbing his hand.

"Yeah, he's so perfect mum... I mean... Damn... We hung out with him yesterday at his flat, that's where I stayed. Steph and him got a little drunk but she had to leave. I had to put him in bed cause he was so drunk."

"You aren't making a very good advertisement for this guy." June McCauley grinned.

"Let me finish, damn it woman..." Cayden jested playfully. "As he fell asleep, he whispered `I love you' to me. I thought it was the drink talking, but after I slept on the couch I woke up, and there he was staring at me. He told me he would love to go out with me. We're going on a date tonight. He's so damn cool." June smiled and tousled her sons' hair.

"You've got it bad." Cayden nodded forming a goofy grin, "What does he look like?"

"Well... he is about six foot tall... Blonde hair... Gorgeous blue eyes, and he is really really fit. His whole body is so toned. That's not really what draws me to him though, he's just so cool. Really nice, shy but good to be with. He just makes me feel, well, special I guess."

"So where are you taking him tonight?"

Cayden frowned, he hadn't thought of that. June smiled, "Why don't you take him to Marko's restaurant, I'll call ahead and make reservations for you."

"Mum that place is mega expensive..." Cayden whined.

"I know, your dad took me there on our first date... That's why you are taking him there... I'm paying." Cayden was about to argue when his mother gave him her stern `I'm Your Mother, I Know Best' look.

"Thanks mum... I love you." June just smiled and gave him a hug.

"Your dad is coming home tomorrow. He managed to get away from his convention early. He's thinking of just packing it all in. He says he misses you."

"I miss him too. Do you think he will going out with this guy?"

"Are you mad? Do you know how long your father has been praying for someone to pick you up."

Cayden smiled. "I can't help feeling that I've let you guys down... I mean I know I can't help being gay... but... I..."

"Cayden... baby, we love you. I wouldn't care if you had turned out to be the hunchback of Notre Dame, or you had been born with eight testicles. You would still be you. My baby."

"You really have a way with words mum." Cayden grinned, "Though the eight testicles sounds like fun. Reserves..." June shook her head.

"You get your sense of humour from your dad. So childish."

"You love it." And she did. It was clear she loved her son.

Cayden was ready hours before he was meant to be. Aaron was coming to Cayden's house first, he had insisted on it. He did not want Cayden to run after him. Cayden almost jumped out his shirt when Aaron arrived. He was an hour early. Cayden opened the door and found himself breathless again. Aaron was standing there wearing a black casual suit, with a dark purple silk shirt.

"I-I'm sorry I'm early... I was just so... I needed to see you."

Cayden beamed, he was taken aback by how much Aaron seemed to like him. His whole body seemed on fire.

"I'm glad you came early... I missed you."

Cayden placed his hands on Aaron's shoulders and pulled him into a hug. Aaron seemed to melt into Cayden's arms. Cayden could feel the hardness of the muscle under Aaron's clothes as he rubbed Aaron's back, "Aaron..." Aaron looked up into Cayden's eyes, "Can I kiss you? If it's too fast just say... I don't want to..."

Aaron raised a finger and placed it over Cayden's mouth, silencing him. Gently he let the finger slide down under his chin, tipping it back ever so slightly. His eyes locked with Cayden's as he gently pressed his lips against him. Cayden's whole body trembled as Aaron's soft lips touched his own. So tenderly and carefully. Then he gently withdrew. It wasn't a long kiss, but it was the most intense feeling Cayden had ever experienced. His lips were still burning from the contact, "God..." Cayden whispered.

"You... I've never... That was my first kiss..." Aaron looked down at the ground shyly as Cayden's mouth dropped.

"Baby... People don't know what they have missed..." Aaron looked up and saw no judgement in Cayden's eyes. No mockery in his face. Cayden was different from anyone Aaron had ever met.

"Ah, you must be Aaron..." Cayden's mum breezed into the hallway. Aaron realised that he still had his hands on Cayden and immediately moved to separate himself from him. To his horror Cayden placed his hands around Aaron's waist and turned towards his mother. Aaron silently awaited the torrent of rebukes he had heard before, "Are you two rushing off or can you come in and have a glass of wine with me?" Cayden felt Aaron trembling and hugged him tighter.

"Babes, it's ok, my mum knows I'm gay." Cayden tried to put Aaron at ease.

"Yes, I do. Cam is still my son... He would be even if he was a complete and utter flamer, running around in pink leather trousers and tight lycra." June smiled and motioned for the boys to follow her into the living room. The room was furnished comfortably with brown leather sofas and oak flooring. The huge open fireplace had logs on it and was a beautiful sight.

"I... I thought you might have been homophobic... Most people are."

"How could I be? My son is beautiful, a wonderful person and is gay. How can I hate what he is? He has good taste in men too." June winked at Aaron, who blushed as Cayden snuggled into his shoulder.

"I don't mind that glass of wine now..." Aaron smirked. June poured him a glass of wine and watched as Aaron looked around the room. His eyes settled on a family picture on the mantelpiece. It depicted June, Cayden and who Aaron presumed to be Cayden's family all snuggled close on a couch one Christmas. Cayden looked around twelve and there was so much love in the picture it made Aaron's heart melt.

Aaron stood from the couch and walked over to the picture. Taking a small sip of the wine.

"You guys look good here..." Aaron said his eyes lowering for a moment. June McCauley picked up on the shift in mood, saw the twinkle of a forming tear in Aaron's eyes. He controlled it though, and downed the wine quickly.

"I'll be in the kitchen if you need me guys." June said taking her cue to leave. Aaron stayed by the fireplace as Cayden's mum left, his eyes still lowered.

"What's wrong Aaron?" Cayden asked, his voice very soft, as he placed his arms around Aaron's waist from behind. Aaron shivered a little at the contact and pressed back into Cayden.

"I... Nothing... I'm sorry... I should go." Aaron said making a move to leave. Cayden felt Aaron's hard body slip from his hands.

"Aaron... Please... Don't go, I don't care about dinner. I don't care about anything except you. We can stay here, go to my room... Talk. Anything you want, just please stay with me." Cayden hated himself for sounding so pathetic, so needy.

"You... Want me to stay?" Aaron said, his eyes teary.

"Aaron... I need you to stay. I want to help you if I can..." Cayden was surprised to feel tears in his eyes, seeing Aaron hurting so much was really cutting him up, "Will you stay... Please Aaron."

"I... I... I'm scared you won't love me... I..."

"Too late... I do love you." Cayden said, his voice sounding so assured. Aaron's shoulder sagged.

"I'll stay..." He said, his lips trembling as Cayden crossed the floor and hugged him tight.

"Please... Don't hate me... If I tell you, Cay... Please."

Okay folks, let me know what you think? Should Cayden continue, or should I just stick to Little Guy, and if you haven't read "Little Guy", why the hell not ha ha ha. Love and peace, y'all.

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