
By stoo man

Published on Oct 21, 2003


Okay folks, here is the deal. This is my first attempt at fiction on this site, so I hope y'all like it. My other story, Little Guy is also featured here in the college section.

Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction. If you are not of the legal age to read this then don't do it, duh. If it is otherwise illegal for you to read this, then again, take the reading glasses off. This story, though not this chapter, will contain explicit descriptions of male/male sex. If this offends you then leave, though why the hell you would be here in the first place baffles me.

The author retains all rights. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the author's consent.

Other than all that guys and gals... I noticed I have a fair following of female readers... Please sit back, get youself a cushion, a cup of tea/can of coke/whatever you like to drink and enjoy.

As ever comments are welcome at (only takes a moment of your time and provide me with that warm fuzzy feeling)


By Stoo

Cayden McCauley stood for a moment looking himself up and down in the large mirror on the inside of his closet door. His mother had insisted on having the mirror fitted. Some crazy idea that it would maybe make him think about his appearance more. Smarten up. Like that would happen. He was comfortable with what he wore and who he was. He took a moment, however, today to do just that. He didn't know why he was doing it. He just did it.

There he stood, five foot ten and a half, pretty defined and toned but not bulky. He had been swimming for as long as he could remember and he was good at it. His body was testament to the time he spent in the pool. There was not a pound of body weight which did not belong. Running his hand through his dusty brown hair, he smiled. He wore his hair messy, spending no more than twenty seconds ruffling it with some gel in the morning. Everyone loved it, said it was so cool. Little did they know the effort involved was minimal. He had inherited his looks from his father, that same boyish charm. His face was smooth and soft, perfectly in proportion. It was completed by those same wonderful eyes his mother had. They were a strange shade of green which almost reflected yellow. The eyes of a cat.

His mobile telephone caught his attention as he moved away from the closet, flicking it shut with his foot.

"Hello?" he said, pulling on a t-shirt over his long-sleeve shirt. He loved the long-sleeve, short-sleeve combination. Today he had opted for the khaki green t-shirt over a sandy-coloured long-sleeve t-shirt and baggy black cargo pants.

"Hey, babes, how is my little stud this morning? First day jitters?" came a jovial female voice.

"Hey, Stephie, I'm good, no jitters. You know me. Pick you up in five, yeah?" He answered. This was their morning routine. They had had the same phone call right the way through high school and now they were both at the same university doing the same course, so tradition was carried on.

"See you soon, Cayden babes. Love you." The phone went dead. When Stephanie Kerr said "love you," it was purely as friends. She had known Cayden was gay from the minute they had met, not that he in anyway was effeminate, because he wasn't. She had just known it. `Girl has a way of figuring people out before the person figures themselves out,' Cayden had thought. Strange girl. But he loved her deeply. She had always been there for him, no matter how difficult his problems had seemed.

Grabbing his rucksack, he threw it over his back and descended his house's long, winding staircase. The house was huge. His father was in the electronics industry, had made his money with his own company before retiring. Now he did some sort of consultation work or something. Cayden rarely talked to him. Not that he didn't love his dad, or his dad never loved him. It was just they rarely had anything to talk about. Cayden's failing as much as his fathers. They both loved each other, though. That much anyone could see.

"Bye, mum!" Cayden called. His father wasn't home, away on business somewhere.

"Bye bye, sweet!" She called after him as he jogged down the steps and into the driveway. His car, as usual, was near the edge of the driveway since it was the most-used car. He loved it. A present from his parents after he had made it into the university course he had wanted. It was a Mercedes C230 Kompressor Sport Sedan. `Quite the first car,' Cayden had thought. It was a beautiful silver colour. To him Mercs should only come in two colours. Black or silver. Mmmm.

He hopped into the inviting black leather seats and turned the car over. Satisfied with the rumble he got in return. With a smile he flipped on his cd player, Jimi Hendrix's `Voodoo Child', wailing as he pulled out of the driveway. Stephanie, as always, was a ray of sunshine in the morning. They had, of course, seen each other all summer, but she always had something new to talk about. Cayden just kicked back and relaxed as she talked. Immediately when she entered he had turned the music low. Nothing was better than listening to her talk. So full of life and love. It was a wonder she hadn't met Mr Right yet. She was a pretty girl, too. Five foot five, stunning facial features, long blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes. Just holding on, I guess.

The first day tour of the labs in the Biology Department was a drag, as was to be expected. It was so boring until about half way through the morning. As the group was being led into yet another lab, the door to the stairwell burst open and someone stumbled through. Cayden couldn't help himself. He was sure his mouth had dropped. The group turned around at the much-needed interruption and the lecturer, a tall gangly fellow named Potter, frowned.

"Mr Lewis, am I correct?" God, that guy was a creep! Glad he was the head of the department and not a lecturer who Cayden would see very much of. That small matter aside, the guy who had just stumbled from the stairwell was a... vision. He stood at six feet square, broad shoulders and chest. Medium-length blonde hair worn messy. What drew Cayden's attention, however, were intense pale blue eyes. The guy's face was red from obviously running up the stairs, and he looked a little embarrassed. His cheeks matched his shirt; it was a shiny polyester button up shirt worn over baggy black cargo pants. Just like Cayden's.

"Sorry I'm late. Mum went into labour last night, had to take her to the hospital. She had a baby girl this morning at three... I didn't get much sleep..." It was all pouring out so fast. Cayden could have sworn if he reached out his hand he could have touched the excitement. The guy,s voice was something else. Really soft like silk, though it held a powerful edge. Stephanie nudged him gently to bring him back to reality.

"Easy, tiger, you'll start drooling otherwise." Cayden smiled and composed himself.

"Well, that's all very well but one must prioritise in life Mr Lewis. Try not to be late every morning." Potter sneered then continued to walk on, "And this is the Bio-chemistry lab. You won't be spending too much time in here in your first year..." The guy who Cayden only knew as Lewis so far fell into step just behind him. Little tingles to passed all over his spine. God, he would have to control himself or he was gonna faint.

"Nice guy." Lewis whispered so close to Cayden's ear that he flinched. Damn. Get a grip. He's talking to you. Answer him. Cayden thought. "Y-yeah." Oh, yeah, that was good. Way to go, dork. Win him over with your sparkling personality.

"He's walking as though he's never had sex in his life." Stephanie smiled over her shoulder. Was she flirting? No. Oh my god. That was the smile she gave me when she told me she knew I was gay. No, surely not. This guy is big, tough looking. Damn, he's too good to be true. Can't be gay. Cayden's mind raced.

"Yeah." He smiled back.

"I'm Aaron." `He held his hand over my shoulder. God, his wrist touched the top of my chest,' Cayden thought. His body quivered involuntarily. He hoped that Aaron didn't feel it.

"I'm Cayden." A shaky hand was gripped in Aaron's large hand and then the contact was broken as he shook hands with Stephanie. It left Cayden burning. He needed to touch him again. Careful, he warned himself.

"Stephanie." She said simply, that smile again.

"You two a couple?" He whispered.

"Oh, god, no. We are just friends, darling." Aaron raised his eyebrow and smiled at Cayden. God, does he like me? Can't be. Get a grip, Cayden.

"Maybe I could you know, hook up with you guys in the union. I'm pretty new here. I just moved into a flat that my parents rented out here for me. I don't have any friends around here yet. Maybe you guys could help me find my feet?" He looked so hopeful, his eyes boring into Cayden's. He couldn't look away.

"Y-yeah. Sounds like a plan." Cayden offered a weak smile. Truth be told his knees were weak too.

"If... If you know... You don't want to..." He looked pretty downcast. Damn that stupid weak smile. He thought Cayden didn't like him.

"God, no. I do want to!" He said, a little louder than he had intended. Potter hadn't noticed because he was too caught up in explaining how great he was with all his degrees. Aaron smiled warmly, looking up again.

"Great. You guys could swing by my flat later for a while, too... I'm not really unpacked, but I have sofas to sit on and beer in the fridge... Some wine too I think... Sorry, am I going to fast?" he said, looking downcast again. Damn, he was so sensitive. Eager to find friends. Cayden liked him a lot.

"Oh no, sweet. You are moving just at the right pace. Wine..." Stephanie smiled, "... It's a done deal."

"Great." He said, placing his hand on both Stephanie and Cayden's shoulder. Cayden shivered again as Aaron seemed to gently squeeze his shoulder. He didn't notice him doing that with Steph. Oh god. Cayden was falling hard.

The three of them had spent a good amount of time in union, just getting comfortable with each other. Stephanie and Aaron had had a few drinks. Aaron sticking to Southern Comfort and lemonade and Stephanie drinking Smirnoff Ice. They both seemed to be loosening up a bit, Cayden didn't mind. He didn't drink, but his nerves were so bad sitting so close to Aaron on one of the big leather sofas. It may have just been Cayden, but he couldn't help thinking Aaron was spending a lot of time looking at him. Every time Cayden turned around, Aaron was studying him intently. After Aaron's fourth Southern Comfort he touched Cayden briefly on his thigh, just to get his attention, but the touch made him tense.

"You guy's wanna move on to my flat?" He asked, his voice sounding so insecure. Like he was worried that they would turn his offer down. It was something in his face. Something that said he did not want to be alone right now.

"Sounds like a plan, chief." Stephanie said getting to her feet, "How far is it?"

"Not far, take us bout ten minutes to walk... Is that ok with you guys?" Aaron's big blue eyes seemed so insecure. Cayden could not help it; he reached out and placed a hand on Aaron's shoulder. His shoulder felt warm, soft, yet with the hardness of underlying muscle.

"Don't worry, I'll drive." Cayden withdrew his shaking fingers and led the way to his car; taking a deep breath as he hit fresh air. Oh, god. What was this person doing to him? He had barely known him five minutes.

"Whoa, holy shit man. Is this yours?" Aaron's mouth was wide open as Cayden pressed the alarm button on his key ring. There was a high-pitched beep and then the doors clicked open.

"Yeah. My baby, present from my parents because I got into uni." Cayden said proudly, but as he watched Aaron's reaction, he saw some hurt in his eyes. It was as soon as he had mentioned parents. Those beautiful blue eyes clouded over momentarily, turning a grey colour. Cayden saw Aaron mentally check himself and then the sparkle returned. "You can ride up front, big guy." Stephanie grinned, pushing Aaron in the general direction of the front seat.

"You sure you don't want to ride in the front?" he asked, hesitation in his voice.

"Meh, I've seen the front seat before. Anyway, that way you get to check out my sexy stud of a friend better." Stephanie giggled as Cayden's mouth dropped in shock. What was she doing?

"Heh... Yeah..." Aaron said, shyly causing Cayden to choke. He coughed loudly and spluttered.

"S-stephanie..." he croaked, wondering what she was playing at.

"Oh come on, honey, get in the car." God how awkward was it now. He slid down into the driver's seat wanting to fade back into it and disappear.

"Guys... Before we go anywhere, I just want to tell you something... I'm gay, ok? I found out a long time ago that I wanted to be honest with everyone I met. It hurts too much to become friends with someone then to find out that they don't love you as much as they said they did. They turn out to be..." Aaron was speaking so fast, Cayden could read the hurt in his voice. He knew he had to act quickly so he got back out, as Aaron had not made a move to enter the car.

"Then you... can feel comfortable with me and Steph then. Please, Aaron, get in." Cayden flashed a smiled which seemed to melt Aaron, "I'm gay, Aaron, and Steph couldn't give a shit what a person is or isn't."

"Really? You're gay?" Aaron seemed genuinely surprised. Cayden just nodded, with a smirk, "Damn... I could never have told. Never." He was more than willing to hop in the car now.

"I couldn't have told you were gay either, man." Holy shit. This was all too good to be true. Cayden felt himself relax a little now in Aaron's presence.

At around eleven o'clock Stephanie was called away by her mother. Family crisis. However, she had not allowed Cayden to drive her. She had booked a taxi and left, a little tipsy. When Cayden returned from waving her off and paying the taxi driver, he found Aaron had fallen asleep on the floor, leaning against the couch. Cayden could not leave him like that.

"Aaron, buddy..." he said, giving Aaron's shoulder a little nudge. Groggily Aaron came around a little bit. He had consumed a hefty amount of alcohol along with Steph. It had been a good night, though. They had all relaxed and begun bonding seriously. They had a good laugh as though they had known each other for a long time.

"Hey..." Aaron grinned up at Cayden, "... Stephanie gone?" He asked.

"Yeah, buddy, I paid the taxi driver. Come on. We will get you into bed." Aaron nodded as Cayden pulled him to his feet.

"Will you stay tonight?" Aaron asked, as he stumbled through to the bedroom with Cayden propping him up.

"I guess that would be ok." Cayden said, sitting Aaron down on the bed.

"I can't see my buttons..." Aaron said as he tried with un-coordinated fingers to undo the buttons on his shirt.

"Let me help." Cayden said, reaching out and gently unfastening the buttons.

"Thanks..." Aaron mumbled, his head lolling from side to side as though it weighed a ton. Gently, Cayden removed the shirt, shivering as he saw Aaron's smooth chest and defined stomach.

"D-do you wear a shirt to bed?" Cayden stuttered.

"Shirt? No, I don't wear shirts in bed." Aaron slurred, "I only wear boxers... Would you help me out of these trousers?" Aaron said, standing up unsteadily and then falling back onto the bed.

"Oh... Ok..." Cayden was shaking all over, he was so glad Aaron was too drunk to notice. With his trembling fingers, he eventually managed to undo the trousers and slide them off. Aaron's whole body seemed to be defined. The muscles in his legs were not bulky but smooth and clear. He was wearing crazy Mr Men boxers with a Mr Happy on the front. It brought a smile to Cayden's face as he removed Aaron's socks.

"Ok, big guy, let's get you under the covers." Aaron mumbled a response as Cayden laid him gently upon the pillows and pulled the covers up around him. Aaron immediately snuggled into the covers like a small child.

"Thanks Cay... I love you." Oh, my god! Those words sounded so right coming from Aaron. He was drunk though, it did not mean anything. On the other hand, did it?

"No problems, big chap, I l-love you too." Cayden brushed Aaron's hair back from his face as he fell asleep. As he moved back into the living room of the flat, he blew out all the air in his lungs collapsing down onto the sofa. Before he made himself as comfortable as possible on the sofa, he sent a text to his mother's mobile phone. <Staying with a friend tonight, be home in the morning. Don't worry, love you mum, CAM." Cam was the nickname his father had given him when he was a child. It stuck and Cayden liked it. As he kicked his shoes off, his mobile vibrated, receiving a text. <Have a good sleep baby, I always worry but as ever, I trust you. Mum.> He smiled. He loved his parents. It was a good job they had tomorrow off before actual classes started on Wednesday; otherwise Cayden would have had to be up very early to collect clothes and have a shower. Oh yeah, and Aaron would have to suffer the day with a hangover.

Next: Chapter 2

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