
Published on Mar 7, 2012


Caveman 6 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that, DON'T read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, and is not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

The party wound down at 6:00. It was a great success; even our star sexual athletes were worn out. Everyone seemed comfortable being naked outdoors. Everything in the videos looked wild and almost brutal. The reality was friendly and pleasant. The men got along well.

I knew the men were into sex and accommodating. Some were shy and others outgoing. I assumed there would be some reluctance to relax and jump the scene with both feet. That wasn't a problem at all.

I think enthusiasm is contagious. Once the party was in full swing, everyone joined in with enthusiasm. There was no hesitation and the results were wonderful. The cameramen did well, even Dunce remained both focused and in focus. Eubank was good as usual, but Frank bloomed behind the camera.

He found a way to photograph the bottom's reactions. He was on his hands and knees as Raleigh worked him over. Frank took aim at Raleigh's face and kept the camera rolling as Raleigh plowed him. "Come on! Relax and let me in?" Raleigh commanded. "You can do it; just open a little bit. If you open up some, my cock will do the rest!" Suddenly the camera jerked and Raleigh let out a hoot.

"That's it!" Raleigh exclaimed. "I knew you could do it. Damn, your guts are soft and quivering! If you were a girl, you would have a nice warm oven to grow babies in!" Raleigh liked long stokes and the camera's rolling movement showed that. After editing, the scene would be less than a minute, but our customers all knew what it felt like when the cock pops through a sphincter. Frank's camera work showed it.

After the party I was with Frank lying in the grass, relaxing as Rocky worked some soothing salve into his well-stretched ass.

"Damn Rocky, your Daddy did a job on me!" Frank said. "I didn't think it would fit."

"Does it still hurt?" Rocky asked.

"It hurts some, but it's a good hurt, if you know what I mean," Frank replied. "It was good. Once I was use to it, it was really good. It must have been exciting when you were growing up."

"We didn't get along that well," Rocky said. "Muskrat was more fatherly. It was shock when I discovered Muskrat was fucking him too."

"Did that make you mad?" Frank asked.

"It was more of a surprise," Rocky replied. "I had been trying to hide my own sexual interests from him. I found out most of our problems were due to that misunderstanding. We get along much better now. He was hiding his sexual secret too."

"Do you play together?" I asked.

"Not really, until this movie it's been rare. This is the first time he went at it hot and heavy while I watched," he said. "It was better than I thought it would be."

"How was that?" Frank asked.

"We don't look that much alike, but we seemed to have the same sexual equipment. He reacts the same way I do," Rocky said.

I was still working on the screenplay as it were. Screenplay is a grand word for the video. I had barely enough plot to hold the thing together. Bobby was interested in what he called scenes. Scenes were sexual situations that Bobby thought had potential to turn on our customers. Even in the confused sexual couplings of the party, Bobby kept his eyes open for potential.

Since our actors couldn't act their way out of a paper bag, Bobby looked for men who hit it off. They all liked sex and were willing to do it with anybody, but some were more into it than others.

Muskrat and his friends didn't have sex, they called it messing around, having some fun and letting off some steam. I do not have a degree in psychology, but after a few of our rehearsals I realized you can't fool Mother Nature, or, more correctly, Daddy Dick. For many men, the cock has its own needs and wants. You just may want to mess around some, but it may form deeper attachments.

Muskrat and his pals had been playing around for years. They were old friends. At our studio, they met new men. Our men were complete strangers and had no history or expectations. While muskrat wasn't particularly social, his cock knew how to make friends. A hot fucking session followed by a mind-blowing orgasm can make up for short comings in the social graces. Our stable of porn stars were more demonstrative of their enthusiasm than Muskrat and his friends, as were the new recruits.

As a second or third string porn producer, we had a low profile. Bobby was surprised when he received a letter from the Rappahannock Bear Run asking for Muskrat to make a personal appearance. They would pay him to attend. He didn't need to do anything but be himself. Apparently, someone on the organizing committee of the run had seen his screen tests and he was impressed.

In the gay universe, bears have an odd place. Twinks, chandelier queens, cross dressers and cize queens all have clearly defined physical ideals. Cute, handsome and pretty describes these men. The ideal often seems to be androgynous, or downright feminine. Bears more often than not, aren't considered handsome and certainly not cute and handsome. While leather men seem to be interested in a hyper-masculinity, and like images associated with dominance and sado-machism, most bears are just guys. They are definitely masculine, but they are not cartoon like.

Certainly, the gay world is sheltered in a big tent with many varieties and flavors. While drag queens and leather men have different approaches, they are both gay. I'm not sure you are able to select which flavor of gay you want to be. Some men tend toward the feminine, others to the ultra masculine. I have no problems with twinks or Queens, but they don't excite me sexually. At one time, I thought I was attracted to the cock, not to men. I found the male sexual organ exceedingly attractive.

Years ago, I bought a porn magazine of pictures of cocks. It was all cocks and only cock. There was great variety, and it showed cocks in every possible state of erection. I soon threw the magazine away. While I liked cocks, I needed the attached man to become really excited. I had never been to a bear event, but I was interested.

Bobby was enthusiastic about it and Muskrat was willing. Bobby was planning to act as a chaperone and sell some videos at the event. Unfortunately, he had a bad cold the weekend of the run and he drafted me into accompanying Muskrat. I thought it might be fun.

We drove to Fredericksburg and went to the Colonial View Motel, which was the official headquarters for the event. The Colonial View didn't impress me. It was a1940s or 50s cabin type motel located in a pinewoods. The men at the desk were nice and they sent us to a rear cabin. There were twelve cabins in a semicircle around the motel office on the road. Deeper in the woods, was a second circle of 24 cabins located around a pool and the former motel restaurant, that was now a party room. These were out of view from the road.

The cabins were recently renovated, clean and all furnished in the 1950s modern style. They even had period televisions, although there was a modern flat screen in a wardrobe. The Run organizers rented the entire motel, so there were many big, hairy men prowling the place. There were places for RVs to the rear of the cabins. We arrived at 3:30 and the motel filled shortly thereafter. There was a getting acquainted party that night, with the run the next day.

Since there were no members of the public staying at the hotel, the men could let their hair down. The men running the show were Hal and Don. They were in the room next to us. Hal had found the video of Muskrat. When they saw him in the flesh, it was lust at first sight. Muskrat was a bear lover's wet dream. He was wearing jeans and a mostly unbuttoned plaid shirt. Muskrat went shirtless for most of his stay there.

The Colonial View didn't have a restaurant, but one of the organizers ran a barbequing and catering service and they had set up shop near the pool. The food was excellent. Every room was filled with four to six men, and there were tents and RV's too. As far as I could tell, everyone was friendly and I willing to play. Since the Motel sat on twenty acres, there was no need to be quiet.

We had dinner and met our neighbors. The event raised money for a local charity and officially, the event had the air of a JC fundraiser. Hal told me that once the sun went down, the dress code could become very informal. The opening party was nice, but afterwards they had dancing and showed videos. This included Muskrat's screen tests.

Muskrat made friends easily and he moved surrounded by admirers. I appeared in the videos too, and while I didn't have the number of followers that Muskrat had, but I had a few. As soon as the sun went down, the party picked up. Actually, it became quieter. Men had other things to do other than talk.

I attracted a big bruiser named Bob, a truck driver. He was 6-3 and weight nearly 300 pounds, most of which was muscle. He too had seen the movies and he wanted me. Bob wasn't a sophisticate. He was bald with a ponytail, a Walrus type mustache and wild beard. His eyes were always hidden by his bushy eyebrows. He was born in some God forsaken place in West Virginia and was barely educated. He was shy and socially inept.

I first noticed him staring at me. He eventually edged closer to me. I was uneasy. I thought he might be a stalker. I got up enough nerve to say hello. When I did, his facial expression turned from being surly and almost threatening into a cheerful face with a broad smile. It was as if the sun came out.

"I saw you in that movie," he said. "It was good."

"I'm glad you liked it," I said. "It was an unexpected hit. What did you like the most about it?"

"I couldn't believe a shrimp like you could take that monster cock," he said. "It was beautiful. It just opened wide and that fucker vanished!"

"Muskrat liked that part too," I said.

"I could tell," Bob replied. He came closer to me and whispered. "I have a big one too. It's not as long as that guy's was, but mine is really thick. Everyone say it hurts when I fuck him. I don't try to hurt anyone; it just does."

"Let's talk a little," I said. Bob looked relieved. I think he expected me to tell him to shove off. That I hadn't rejected him was good enough for him. We went to his RV and sat beside it and talked. Two men joined us as we chatted, Billy, another truck driver and Charlie. Charlie was a businessman who was into truck drivers. Billy was Bob's friend; Charlie had just met them.

It began to drizzle, so we went inside Bob's trailer. It was an Airstream and was in mint condition. Bob was neat, and it was a time capsule of 1950s modern. He had a flat screen and put on his recording of Muskrat and me. I had never seen it in its completed form and with strangers. Billy and Charlie loved it. While Muskrat was the main attraction, my ass was a hit too. It looked like a snake opening its jaws to swallow a vastly larger prey.

Billy was an average sized version of Bob. He also shared Bob's shyness. Charlie was thin and of average height. He was conventionally good looking and looked out of place with the two gorilla type truck drivers. Charlie wasn't shy at all. He was a truck driver fancier. Billy looked at me. I think he knew about Bob's thick cock and had a glimmer of the coming attractions. The rain had picked up and Bob had to close the windows. The trailer was stuffy and he removed his shirt. The other men followed his lead. Everyone liked the scenery.

"Was that trick photography, or was that real?" Charlie asked. "Did they have to use a wide angle lens to get it all in?"

"I'm afraid the studio doesn't have any money for special effects," I said.

"I'd like to see that in the flesh," Charlie said. "Alas, I am big, but not that big."

"You like to top?" I asked. Playing hard to get is not my strong suit.

"I am," the three men said simultaneously. We all laughed. Bob dropped his pants. It was a marvel. Soon we were all naked and my ass was the main attraction. I felt a bit odd. Usually Muskrat was the main attraction; I was a sideshow. Bob, Billy and Charlie didn't see it that way. I was a genuine porn star. I was flattered and pleased. Bob wasn't prepared for sex, but Charlie had a little back pack loaded with goodies, lubricant and poppers.

Charlie commented on Bob and Billy's meat. Billy had a thick uncut organ resting on huge balls. Bob's soft organ was beer can sized and he seemed to have tangerine sized balls. Bob and Billy were shy, but complimenting them on their genital equipment pleased them. Both men were conventionally ugly to most, but being all man made up for that.

"Let me lay my cards on the table," Charlie said. "I'm a poor bottom, but a great top. I love to suck too, and I love truck driver scuz. If you have some hot cream fermenting in your balls, I'm the guy who can coax it out and suck it up."

"I like to top too," Billy added. I knew what Bob wanted.

"Am I the only bottom here?" I asked.

Charlie was already erect. His cock was almost pretty. It was on the high side of average and cut. "The night is young and we have four, horny men in a small trailer. Let's all relax and see what happens?" Charlie played the role of a ringleader. He seemed like a kid with a new toy, a new favorite toy.

He went first, opening and lubricating my ass. He liked to squirt lubricant in my hole and then he used his cock to push it in deeper. After that he had Billy use his cock to stretch my hole wider. Billy's meat was shaped like a bulbous butt plug. He also possessed a short fuse and he rear loaded me after a dozen thrusts. Charlie returned to my ass and pushed Billy's cream deeper into my rectum.

This may sound as if it was a gang bang, but it was fun. Charlie was a skilled top man. He was obviously experienced and knew how to generate maximum pleasure for me and for him. Billy was a graceless, but enthusiastic fucker. It just happened that his cock rubbed my prostate in just the right way. I was good.

It was Bob's turn now. He was uneasy and timid. I was a little uneasy too. Charlie coated Bob's cock with lubricant and the organ looked bigger. "Just take it easy, Bob," Charlie advised. "Just ring the door bell, our friend here will open up for you."

"It's nice and warm up Marvin's ass too!" Billy added. "I shot a good one in there. It should be nice for you."

"Have you ever used your buddy's man seed as a lubricant before?" Charlie asked.

"No, have you done it? Is it good?" Bob asked.

"Only once or twice," Charlie answered. "A man's tight ass is pretty good anyway, but it's even better when a pal's high test is greasing the chute." With that comment, Bob pushed gently at my ass. He pushed again and this time his entire cock vanished in my ass. I was fucked.

I didn't know what was happening at first. Bob winded me for a while and I was dazed. I was out of it for a while. A warm and fuzzy feeling began to spread over me. Bob moved his cock a little and I shivered in excitement. I gasped for breath and he pulled his cock an inch out and then he shoved it back again. I loved it.

Bob's cock was slightly bulbous. It was thicker in the middle but tapered at the base. Apparently, it was thickest at my prostate. There was barely space for my small sex gland and his huge sex organ. Every time he moved even slightly, I shivered in pleasure.

As Bob rubbed my prostate, I desperately wanted to climax, but couldn't do it. I was trapped in the few seconds before the orgasm, sort of in sexual limbo. Bob was moaning too. Finally, he began to jerk and twitch and bellow. I could feel his ejaculations tickling my rectum's lining. I finally began to ejaculate. I thought Bob had been in my ass for perhaps five minutes. It had actually been nearer to fifteen. I really had been out if it.

When Bob pulled out I felt empty. Charlie must have sensed this and he slipped his cock into my asses void. It was lovely. Charlie wasn't being purely altruistic, but he took his time. The night was over for me, I thought. I was too tired to move for a while. As the only bottom in a trio of tops, I didn't need to do anything other than lie back. Charlie took his time, and by the time he shot off, Billy had rallied. Since he had already popped, he was relaxed this time. Billy eased his cock into my ass. When he was close to shooting off again, he turned me over to Bob. They took turns in my ass.

While the sex was still exciting, it wasn't as frantic as before and it was almost relaxing. Bob was relaxed, but his cock wasn't; it was still hard as a rock. Billy was at my head and he fed me his cock, so I was beign fucked at each end.

As a nursed Billy's cock, he kissed Bob. This turned became a hot make out session. I could sense their reaction. Both men were turned on big time. I later discovered that neither Billy nor Bob had ever had a really tender sexual experience. I got into it too and we shared as triple orgasm. Billy filled my mouth, Bob filled my ass and Charlie got my cream.

I think Billy and Bob were shocked at the intensity of the interlude. It was getting late and I went back to the cabin. I think they wanted to be alone together. The room was empty, but a few minutes after I got back, Muskrat arrived with a friend, a short beefy man called Goober.

Goober was smitten by Muskrat. It was love at first sight for him. Muskrat had been talking and having a good time, but he was still fully loaded. Goober followed him home. Goober was uneasy when he saw me, but then he recognized me as being in the video he relaxed. Muskrat wasn't one of the more perceptive men in the world. I suspected Goober was new to the scene, and Muskrat's cock wasn't for beginners.

I was right about that, but I misjudged Goober's lust for Muskrat. Goober was also a former Marine and very much of the "no pain, no gain" school.

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