
Published on Jan 19, 2012


Caveman 5 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

Bobby gave all the men passes for a tanning salon. A friend of his, Gusssy, owned the salon and was willing to help us for a chance to play with one or two of the men. I had to go too. I am not pale; I am pasty. My ass was a main attraction and would be spliced into scenes when were needed an anal close up. I didn't think of viewers would mind. Bobby disagreed.

"We're doing a jerk-off movie, not a comedy," he said. "I don't want one of our customers to be priming his pump and burst out laughing when your lily white ass appears. Your ass is hairy enough, but it won't match the brown, sun-tanned asses of the rest of the crew. We can do the three stooges and the Caveman another time

I went to get tanned. Gussy was a trip. He was Marlboro Man handsome, with a great physique and great smile. He was also gay as a goose and unashamed of it. I thought the free tanning for a chance was a poor deal for him. Gussy knew he would have no problem having some fun with the men of Cavemen. He should have been a florist, but macho, scruffy men attracted him.

I did not, but he was nice and helpful. Gussy was seriously into tanning. I was a challenge, since I wasn't tanned and had never been tanned. He was worried about sunburn and skin damage. He was good about that. I was at the salon with Skeeter, one of our redneck volunteers and Raleigh. Skeeter was pale like me. Raleigh had a tanned torso, but pale lower half. The three of us were a challenge, but Gussy was up to it.

We were in the Executive Suite of Gussy's Salon. That consisted of his office and an attached room called the Laboratory. The front of the salon was run by perky, well-tanned blonds. The Executive Suite was for Gussy and his favorite customers alone.

Gussy wasn't exactly any of our type, but he was good looking and willing to accommodate. It took Raleigh and Skeeter twenty to thirty seconds to realize Gussy was available. Another fifteen seconds later they knew Gussy was willing to do just about anything they wanted.

Gussy had some unusual skills. He could evenly apply tanning oil or spray on one may while the other fucked him. Gussy's ass was almost prehensile. Skeeter told me he suspected Gussy could pick up dime with his ass lips. Gussy was not the man for you if you liked them young and virginal. That didn't disqualify him in my opinion. He was also a good top, and seemed to have a sense when Skeeter or Raleigh wanted it.

Since Raleigh was a good friend of Muskrat, he was experienced. Skeeter was into man sex big time, but he didn't have the mileage of Muskrat's pals. I had a feeling that most of Skeeter's experience either came from rest stops or was online. Once Gussy was done with him, Skeeter was much more experienced.

Gussy a wild man sexually speaking. Skeeter wasn't trying to impress anyone like he was at the audition. This was plain old sex and Skeeter was ready. Skeeter hadn't impressed me much at the audition. Skeeter seemed to have too much foreskin and was unable to fill it. I now saw it wasn't that his cock was small; Skeeter had doubled the required amount of skin.

Gussy liked foreskin and he discovered the excess. It was like an empty sausage wrapper, waiting to be filled. His tongue filled it nicely as did his cock. Raleigh had a thick, beer can style cock and it too stretched the skin nicely. Raleigh also discovered Skeeter ass hole was over sized. It took his cock easily, but there was room for more.

Raleigh fucked him first and then Gussy eased his thinner cock into the willing hole. It was a tight fit, but good for all concerned. Gussy rubbed his cock against Raleigh's cum tunnel. That was great. I realized a double fuck would be great in the video, if Eubank could figure out how to film it. I smiled to myself. Eubank would find a way. Up close and personal was his specialty.

I sucked Skeeter as Raleigh and Gussy enjoyed his ass. He was fully erect, but his skin still covered the organ. I sucked the skin into my mouth and began to work my tongue into the puckered tip. Skeeter was a heavy-duty leaker, and every drop of man juices was still in his skin. I think the stuff had slightly fermented in the skin tube and it drove me crazy. I loved it. It was the ultimate man taste. I must have been more affected by the stuff than Gussy had been. I was unbelievably turned-on.

Unfortunately, a man tastes buds can't be videotaped. There was no way to integrate in our porn epic. Dunce however discovered that the tube stored cum too. Skeeter's goat balls produced rich and plentiful sperm. When you peeled back the skin, the man load drooled out of the skin like a cornucopia emptying its riches. That could be filmed.

Skeeter was a friendly, if shy man. He possessed the prefect cock for docking and he let anyone who wanted to dock be his guest. That included the cameramen, make up guys and anyone else on the shoot. Three or four loads made in his commodious skin made peeling back his skin in to an impressive scene. Eubank turned that in to a visual treat. His young helper, Frank, lost it when he saw the cream oozing from the skin and gobbled it up. You can't film taste, but Eubank came very close to doing it.

We didn't have much money for lights so most of the filming was outdoors. Eubank found a way to shoot the man seed in the sunlight. It quivered and sparkled.

We were at the salon for an hour and a half and had a good time. When I saw myself in the mirror afterwards I looked tanned. Not only did I look tanned, I looked naturally tanned. Bobby and Eubank stopped by and they approved. They got Raleigh to fuck me to see how my asshole looked. Your crack doesn't see the sun much and Bobby was afraid it might look odd. As a man who possessed a star quality asshole, I wasn't sure what that meant. An asshole close up is never going to be that attractive.

They were happy. The tan was dark enough to look natural, but not so dark as to need extra lighting. Tyrone had sent them a tape showing him fucking another black man. It was too murky. His cock was great when pounding a white ass and his ass looked good being plowed by a white cock. I wasn't sure our overgrown rednecks would be interested in the black man, but Tyrone was an affable man and all was well. He was okay with them and they liked him.

Sammy had been worried the improved production values such as focusing the camera and actually aiming it at the action might turn off our customers. The homemade aspect was attractive to some. We weren't so professional for it to be a problem. This sort of attention to detail was new to the Five Star XXX studio, so it was a good sign.

Gussy joined our production crew as the costume designer and maker. I had thought the men would be naked from the start. That was both economical and easy. Sammy was opposed to that. He thought a little mystery was good and believed the customers like to speculate about the actors cock for a while before the unveiling.

Gussy had no experience at all in costumes, but he had a fetish for fur and owned a number of old fur coats. They were ratty and rather the worse for wear and could be cut up for loincloths. Gussy figured caveman clothes would be pretty rough and there would be no need to antique the old furs. He sliced them up into cave man togs. He gave Muskrat and several of the upper crust cavemen cloaks, which looked regal in a Viking-barbarian way.

While the cloaks were voluminous, the loincloths were minimal. Since they were fur, they weren't see though, but they only concealed the minimum necessary. Gussy figured the cave men would want some protection for their balls from briers and brambles. Since most of our Cavemen were hairy, Gussy designed the loincloths low to leave the pubic hair exposed.

Costumes played no role in my thinking about the video, but Gussy was imaginative and enjoyed making costumes. At first, all the men wore similar loincloths, raccoon fur for Muskrat's tribe and fox fur for the others. For Muskrat, he developed what the men called the ball bag and the cock sock. The ball bags were tied tightly to his balls and were rabbit fur lined. The raccoon fur on the outside of the bag made the balls look larger. The sock fit the cock like a glove. It was fur lined too and everyone who tried one liked it. When Muskrat had an erection it became a fur-covered cock and looked great. No one liked it as much as Gussy. A belt of woven fur supported the genital containers.

I never figured out the full extent of Gussy's fetishes, but he also possessed a remarkable number of tooth and bone type necklaces. These looked very authentic, but Gussy assured me no endangered species were involved. I thought he was joking about that, but he was seriously into animal rights. That was why he only used old furs.

As porn makers, Bobby and Sammy were smart. They knew our "actors" had somewhere between little to no acting abilities. They also knew the men were normally horny as hell. Sammy decided to have preproduction party at the mountain property to see who was attracted to whom. The men could act more passionately with men they liked or wanted. We had toyed with the idea of linking Muskrat was the smallest of the other men, but rejected it.

That might be good as a novelty, but we weren't sure Muskrat's organ would fit in DeWitt's ass. Later on, we found out DeWitt and Muskrat were fine with that, but we didn't want to start with a potential problem. Bobby had been making movies for years, and he noted that men loosened up as t eh shoot progressed. What might have been a problem at the beginning of the shoot wasn't a problem at the end.

Bobby called this tendency asshole creep. If you watched enough men fucking, eventually you would begin to feel the itch too. The cameras tended to fade away too. They seemed very evident at first, but you got use to them. Dunce, Eubank and Frank were all into man sex too. They soon became pals with the men they photographed.

We had a hazy, hot summer day for the party and everyone looked good with their new tans and fur accessories. Three of our regular porn stars came to give the men pointer on the finer aspects of the trade. Willy Longman was there with Gramps, a Santa like man who was a top. He was attractive to our older customers who enjoyed an old cock in a young ass. Gramps was 62 but looked older with his white beard. The third of our regulars was Dick Longest. He looked like a street person. His cock matched his name. It was thin and long. Bobby liked it because it was painless even for the most virginal co-star and was easy to photograph, even for Dunce.

Sammy provided beer, and Gussy had found a supply of plastic Viking style drinking horns. They looked real and were a hit for the men. When I met Gussy he defiantly was not my type of man, but he was a godsend. He had imagination and unlimited energy. If you needed something odd, he could find it.

The men were in a good mood and all were congenial. Most had never been naked outside before and that was a turn on. Most of the men had spent most of their lives hiding their sexual preferences. Here everyone shared the same tastes and sex was encouraged and rewarded. It was especially good for the bottoms. If you opened your ass for Muskrat and his pals, it was good. He was a star attraction and watching him in action, i.e. fucking, was the core of the video.

Bobby preferred that the actual entry be hard, but liked it when the bottom became carried away by lust and eventually turned downright enthusiastic as the fucking continued. That was not hard to fake.

All the men had stopped shaving when we first began working on the video, so they were all a bit shaggy and looked the part. Gussy, who tended to be dapper and had every hair in place most of the time was good about that. He looked the part.

Bubba, Robin and Muskrat were the sparkplugs. They were the first to ditch the loincloths, and the other men followed their lead. There was about ten minutes of uneasiness when the men adapted to being naked outdoors, but then lust took over. Erections encourage more erections. It was a nice warm day and the group broke into several groups.

Badger was in a cluster of Ralph, Dick and Tyrone. Raleigh was with Will, Jim and Louie. The rest were with Muskrat. The beer had its effect on all of them. No one was drunk, but all were loose and willing. There was a cameraman with each group. Sammy, Bobby and I circulated.

Badger is a small, blond, white man and Tyrone a big black guy. They hit it off and both men enjoyed it. Better still, it photographed well. Ralph plowed Badger as the smaller man sucked Tyron's black snake. Ralph's butt-plug type cock must have hit a bulls' eye on Badgers prostate every time. He shivered in excitement as it connected. Excited as he was, he was able to all but deep throat Tyrone every time. Dunce took the pictures and seemed to be into it. Raleigh when after Jim's cock vigorously.

Skeeter, Bubba and Cal formed Muskrat's harem. Muskrat was primarily a top, but he was inspired. Being strictly a top is limiting sexually, and when he was intensely stimulated, he needed more was to satisfy his sexual needs. Muskrat was happy when he had his cock in a quivering ass, a cock in his mouth and something stimulating his prostate. This surprised me, but Dick Longest saw the opportunity.

I thought Muskrat might swat him a way like an annoying fly. I'm not sure Muskrat noticed Will's long probe was in him at first, but he didn't object. Dick was no virgin and he knew how to get a man excited.

The men frolicked for a half hour or so. Any leftover shyness vanished.

Gramps, Robin and DeWitt hit it off. Gramps was a big, polar bear type covered with white fur; DeWitt was small and chimp-like. Dewitt liked to milk older men; Gramps had the man milk. Eventually they traded places, and Gramps enjoyed DeWitt's ball juices. Robin discovered he could increase the flow by rear-ending DeWitt. The electrician was in a two-part milking machine. When DeWitt finally shot off, Gramps pulled back so you could see the ribbons of sperm shooting in his mouth. Gramps looked old but he was a good sperm catcher. Frankie was there and got it all on tape.

The Fiver Star Studios had non-standard porn actors, but these men had unexpected skills. Gramps was a bug, lumbering man, but when there was sperm flying through the air, he was there to catch it. He was especially good at catching the seed of young guys like DeWitt and Rocky. Once he caught it, Gramps was willing to share. He kissed DeWitt who was surprised to eating his own cum from another man's mouth.

He was surprised, but turned on. As they kissed, Robin dropped to the ground and licked up whatever was still drooling from DeWitt's cock. He got a few late ejaculations too. The trio was good at friendly sex. It wasn't as intense as sex with Muskrat.

You had the impression DeWitt was just helping an older man and liking it more that he expected. This went over well with our audience. Robin played the role of the man who would take whatever drooled or oozed after the main events. He was a scavenger. Robin said he liked to provide soft landings. Many times, there is a letdown after the orgasm. After the explosion of the orgasm, there is nothing afterwards.

Robin liked this period. He would suck and lick, coaxing whatever remained in his playmates balls. Robin liked cocks, but we found he loved an asshole, especially after it was filled with man seed. He liked to clean it up and then coax some of the sperm from the hole. He was really turn-on when the white ooze dribbled from and well used ass.

Bobby and Sammy loved this. From a porn point of view, fucking was exciting and the main features of our porn operas. The customers wanted to see the semen, and it was a letdown when the sperm vanished into the hole. No one could tell if the orgasm was real. The suspicion of faking it was a downer.

It was also nice for our men to let loose and let it flow when they climaxed without pulling out to make a better shot. Robin solved that problem. This was especially good for Muskrat who stopped listening to directions when he was near to an orgasm. Muskrat was a wild man on the prowl when he was excited, and it was next to impossible to stop that stream roller when he was going at full speed. That was both a problem and an opportunity. It was unpredictable, but hot as hell.

Given his bulk and the size of his cock, that could have been a problem. He was big enough to insure his cock got in anywhere he wanted. He told us he never shoved his organ anywhere it wasn't wanted. That was true. Muskrat didn't exactly ask if you wanted to take it, but he had, his was and was an oddly perceptive man. He said he liked screwing men who were ripe. Frankie, our young cameraman wanted to take it. Muskrat had barely nudged his cock into his hole, when he pulled back and plowed Badger. He told Frankie that he needed some stretching exercises. Frankie was disappointed but relieved.

If Muskrat was the master of the wild and wooly school of sexual relations, Rocky and Gramps were good with casual, friendly sex. For them sex was a nice way to spend a rainy afternoon. Of course, their balls were just as drained as Muskrat's were, but it was a longer trip. Rocky and Jim hooked up and went at it slow and easy for almost an hour.

Rocky had taken Muskrat's cock many times, so Jim's large organ wasn't a problem. Eubank loved photographing them. He liked close-ups. Jim and rocky too their time and that worked well for Eubank. He could photograph Jim's cock easing into Rocky's ass. Later, he filmed Rocky's face as Jim entered another time. Later he immortalized the expression on Jim's face as he pushed in again. Of course, Eubank returned to Rocky's ass several times. Rocky's small hole soon showed signs of use. It was soon bloated and juicy.

Raleigh, Rocky's dad joined them. They had a difficult history. Both were gay, and both had gone to great lengths to keep the other in ignorance of their sexual tastes. Raleigh developed a drinking problem and kept away from his son. When they finally discovered they were both gay, it was a great relief. They got along well now, but never connected sexually. Sexually they had identical tastes. What worked for Raleigh, worked for Rocky. It was more of a coach and star athlete relationship. Raleigh gave his son advice on how to increase the sexual satisfaction.

Next: Chapter 6

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