
Published on Jan 7, 2012


Caveman 4 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, any comments send them to

Muskrat was horse hung and had the sex drive of a bull. I soon discovered he had impressive stamina. This was ideal for our video plans. Once he was in an ass, he seemed to be able for fuck for hours without shooting off. He loved the feel of his monster cock thrusting in a tight ass.

We put on a good show for Sammy and Eubank. Eubank got his camera out and immortalized the moment. I think Muskrat was trying to see how many ways he could wedge is cock into my ass. I never found out the answer to that question. After fifteen minutes, I was out of it. I simply responded to Muskrat's movements.

At first, I was more proud that I could take his cock at all. That seemed like a major achievement to me. Eventually I forgot about the achievement and just wallowed in the pleasure. The pleasure vanished and ecstasy took its place. When he pulled out to try another position, I felt deflated and empty. As he wedged his cock into me in another new position his cock was the air pump; I was the flat tire that

Eventually he pulled out and I fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night, still exhausted but relaxed. Shortly after dawn, Eubank gave me a wake up poke. He had fully impaled me before I knew what was going on. He must have been excited, since he shot off quickly.

I was slightly annoyed he fucked me without asking first, but when he climaxed, I was even more annoyed when he pulled out. I wanted more.

Sammy sensed my disappointment and took Eubank's place. His butt plug type cock was just what I wanted. He was still fucking me when Muskrat returned to the cabin with freshly caught fish.

"Damn, good things come in small packages," he said as he watched us fuck. "After last night I expected Melvin to sleep to noon!"

"They say that virtue is its own reward," Eubank said, "But a tight ass and a hard cock have their rewards too, and sometimes the reward is almost instantaneous!"

"I've never understood what is wrong with two guys fucking themselves silly," Muskrat added. "It's always seemed pretty harmless to me."

"It may be more harmless to you than to the man you were fucking," Sammy said.

"Well, most seem to come back for more," Muskrat said. "I'm still pals with the other guys even if I am a bit big for most."

"I don't think you are just a "bit" big!" Sammy said. He was smiling. He wasn't criticizing Muskrat; he was simply stating a fact.

"I think Marvin is the smallest man I've ever poked. He sure liked it," Muskrat added. At this point Sammy began to thrust deep and hard. He began to moan.

"Pull out fast and show us your cream!" Eubank ordered. "Squirt it all over that quivering hole!" Sammy did as he asked and Eubank got the shot he wanted. My asshole was tender now and the warm sperm splattering against it felt good.

"I can't believe we are doing this," Muskrat said as he watched my ass.

Doing what?" Sammy asked.

"Just sitting around and watching you shoot off," Muskrat answered. "Me and my pals have been doing this stuff for a while, but always in secret and most of the time we pretended we weren't that turned on. We were never that open."

"Are you shocked?" Eubank asked.

"I guess I'm a combination of shocked, turned on and relieved. I didn't know anyone liked this sort of thing as much as I do," Muskrat said. "It a relief. I was thinking I was a freak of some sort. I've always been so big. I've felt like a freak."

"As far as I can tell, you are big everywhere it counts," I said.

"You mean my cock?"

"I'm small. It's always seemed that it's easier to be a big man, than a small one," I said. "You're big everywhere."

"As a general rule, I think everyone is unhappy being what they are and they think they are flawed," Sammy said. "I was afraid I was the only gay guy in my High School Class. I lived in terror that someone would find out of discover my secret."

"You are wrong about that," Eubank said. "I know I was the only gay guy in my school!" We all laughed. We talked for a while then had breakfast and continued looking over the property.

The Five Star XXX Video Company specialized in ordinary men getting naked and going at it. We rarely had a plot and our amateurishness was part of our appeal. With Eubank, we were able to focus the camera, and Muskrat's cock oversized organ encouraged Dunce at least to aim the camera at the main attraction. Our customers liked the new technical proficiency, especially when we added close-ups.

Bobby and Eubank edited the tapes from some of the informal sessions with Muskrat and his pals into a video we called "Scraps." This was a plot-less collection of mostly close-ups of fucking and sucking. We made this available on line at $15.00 and it sold nearly 15,000 copies. It also made me a star.

Star may be overstating the case. I am a short, not very attractive, average man. I am moderately furry and have a nice, but not exceptional cock. In the more professional studios, the stars are handsome stud muffins. Most of our customers like to look at them, but couldn't identify with them. Most of them looked at me and thought if I could be fucked by our gorilla, they had a chance too. I had also lost it when Muskrat fucked me. They loved watching me squirming on Muskrat's fuck pole. I was hot, no-holds-barred sex, and more importantly for Sammy and Bobby, it sold.

Sammy said my asshole was the real star. My asshole and I were accommodating. Eubank had many close-ups of my ass, before, during and after Muskrat fucked me. Raleigh, Rocky, Badger, Eubank and Sammy had taken turns in me over the last week.

Eubank had each visit on video. He edited them into a little story. At must my ass was tight and the hole small. With each successive fucking, it began to look used and more open. When Muskrat took his turn, my ass wasn't virgin at all. My ass didn't close up quickly after all the stretching. Eubank was there and he got a shot looking into my just vacated ass. You could see Muskrats seed quivering in the recesses. I apparently shifted my position as my sphincter closed and some of his sperm drooled out.

Several of our customer said it was the grossest thing they had ever seen, but their orgasms were wonderful. One man said it was a new high point in jerk off material. Our customers marveled I could take it. Several wrote fan mail and men mentioned they liked the after shots. My sphincter tended to twitch when Muskrat's knob got close to it.

I had no plans or ambition to be a star porn actor. It seemed to me having a star quality ass hole was at best a back handed compliment. I was sure few, if any, professional accountants became wealthy because of their accommodating asses. That certainly was not part of my life plan. I thought it was best to nip it in the bud and retire from the world of pornographic stardom.

There were two problems with my resolve. I needed the job to tide me over until a real job was available. The economy was bad and I needed the money.

I thought I enjoyed sex before my Five Star experiences. It was increasingly obvious I had barely scratched the surface of sexual satisfaction. I had never experienced the intensity of sensation I had felt with Muskrat and his fellow cave men. I loved it. I wanted more.

I had also been entirely unaware of latent exhibitionist feelings. Like any normal man, I had been afraid of nudity. It wasn't just physical nudity, I didn't want anyone to know what I was feeling or thinking. Men hid their feeling and pretended not to care. Not that I had been naked with a group of men I didn't know, I felt liberated. I didn't care who knew.

I some ways I connected with our customers. You do not come upon the Five Star XXX Video Company by accident. You have to be at a XXX gay site and root around for a while before you can find us. It is a specialist site, notably unattractive to the run-of-the-mill gay cruiser. No one in our videos was under 35, not to mention 18. I was oddly pleased I had excited them.

We had another unexpected side effect of the movies. We had a number of men who wanted to be in our movies. Bobby and Sammy were always interested in new meat. They asked these men to send in a picture and a description of what they liked to do. We decided to have an audition for potential cavemen.

The pictures were all good, if you like naked men. Some of the descriptions were odd. The literary skills of men who want to be fucked in a gay movie are not particularly high. There were some men who were clearly into sadomasochism and wanted to be beaten up or killed by the Cavemen. Our studios didn't do that. Tattoos and piercings were a problem. The large-scale tribute to Budweiser or to a former boyfriend wouldn't work. We weren't doing a remake of Ben-Hur, but our movies were to be good jack off material. That was hard when you were laughing at a man with an odd tattoo. Some men simply weren't the physical type we wanted. Some were too young.

Bobby decided to have a few audition events for the more likely men. They were going to be mostly in group scenes so rather than individual auditions, he invited them to his house. He took them to his basement rec room and then gave them a beer or two. He told them to get naked and then sat back to see what developed.

The rec room started as a place for the original homeowner's kids to play. Bobby turned it into more of an exercise room and added a shower and a whirlpool. Bobby wasn't concerned about the men's ability to act. He assumed that was non-existent. He was worried about the men's ability to get hard and stay hard. A bunch of men watching and a camera can be a problem for many. While there was much cock sucking in our videos, the grand-finale is usually a wild fucking scene. He wanted to make sure the men's asses were able to accommodate Muskrat's cock. The auditions lasted a few hours and Muskrat would show up after an hour. Bobby assumed the men would be warmed up by then.

All the men had to visit a friend, Dr. Jones for some tests before the audition. Our video's tended to be bare back and cum filled. Our doctor was good and thorough. Jones discovered that several men had submitted photographs of different men. Several were clearly mentally unstable and there were a few with major substance abuse problems.

Eventually eight men arrived at Bobby's house on a Saturday afternoon for our first audition. They were a mixed bag of scruffy looking men. They were the sort of me who you might encounter in a dark alley and be scared shitless. They were surprisingly affable and pleasant. I suspected the doctor had weeded out the more difficult men. The first man to arrive was a strapping construction worker named Cal and his pal Louie. Louie was a short Danny deVito type. A few minutes later three men joined us. They didn't know each other, but we called them the Redneck Trio. Bubba was beefy; Skeeter thin and hairy and DeWitt was an exceptionally hairy electrician. Everyone was heavily bearded and it was hard to tell how old they were. The last three men arrived and they were a surprise. Jim was an Anthropology Professor at a local university, Robin a Shakespearian actor and Tyrone a retired teacher. They looked more upscale than our usual actors did.

Tyrone was a handsome, grey bearded black man. I wasn't sure that worked well with our Caveman theme, but I suspected he might appeal to a part of our audience. We went to the rec room and Bobby broke out the beer.

"Thank you all for coming. You all know what the Five Stars Studio makes," Bobby said in an introductory speech.

Bubba cried out, "We sure as shit do!" The other men laughed.

"Let me tell you a secret," Bobby continued. "Our movies work for a few reasons. First, none of our actors is shy. They like what they are doing and they are not afraid to show it. Secondly, they do what they are told. When I say that, I mean anything, they are told. If I tell one guy to bend over, open his ass and let the cum drool out, he does it. If I tell another guy to lick it up as if it was desert, he does it. The third thing about our movies it that everyone enjoys it. We all have a good time."

"Can we get naked now and go at it?" Bubba asked.

"You sure can!" Bobby exclaimed.

When you see a person, you make assumptions about them. I would have guessed the Redneck Trio would have been the first to get naked. Bubba was nearly the first but Jim the professor and Tyrone, the teacher were faster. Both men were horse hung and proud of their oversized equipment. They were also older and clearly experienced. Cal, the construction worker and his pal Louie were the last to be naked.

Bubba was the sexual spark plug for the group. All of the men were somewhat hairy; some were gorilla like. That worked out well for our plot. I don't know if Cavemen were all hairy, but that's the way people visualized them. Other than the tendency to be hairy and erect, the men were greatly varied.

Bubba was a reddish-blond, giant. Louie was Italian. Skeeter and DeWitt looked like different versions of the missing link. They weren't the brightest men in the room but the made up for being a bit dense, by being extra horny. Eubank and his pal Frankie were there taking pictures. The pictures were both future use and an effort to make sure everyone could stay hard while being photographed.

Some of the men were slower through the starting gate than others, but everyone rose to the occasion. Bubba and Skeeter were pals as were Cal and Louie. The rest were strangers, but erections make friends quickly.

I would guess the time elapsed between the time they set foot in the rec room and the time they were sucking averaged ten minutes. Bubba's was probing my ass after twenty minutes. In short, it was a pretty average group of over sexed gay men. Bobby expressed an interest in getting to know Bubba's prostate better. Bubba was no fool. Bobby may not have been Bubba's idea of a dreamboat, but he was the director.

I later found out I hand misjudged Bubba. He wasn't the calculating type. He liked sex with just about everyone. He also rarely looked at the face. His mind was firmly focused on the playmates cock and ass. In a police lineup, the cops would have had to have their suspect to bend over and spread their cheeks if they wanted Bubba to identify anyone.

When Bobby and Bubba hooked up, Louie took a seat on my cock and enjoyed himself. Louie was every inch not my type, but he was fun. It is hard not to like a man who is impaled on your cock and having the time of his life. After Louie shot off Dewitt came over and we sixty-nined. DeWitt was smaller than I was, possessed double the hair and had huge balls churning out man juices of incredible sweetness.

Until I was suctioning DeWitt's home brew, pre cum hadn't impressed me much. It didn't bother me, but it didn't turn me on either. DeWitt's turned me on, big time. I couldn't get enough of it. Fortunately, DeWitt had an inexhaustible supply. It was wonderful.

DeWitt was the most intensely masculine man I had ever met. He was quiet and almost shy. He tended to hang back. Once he made a sexual connection, he was wild and enthusiastic. He seemed to like my cock as much as I liked his. Later on we discover he was a first rate electrician. That was useful for a bare bones porn producer who needed help with lights.

We were all well involved when Muskrat and Badger made their appearance. Naked man can't hide their sexual enthusiasms, and it was remarkable that our eight men didn't greet Muskrat with a shower of sperm from multiple orgasms. It was as if Marilyn Monroe walked into a Kennedy boys' night out party. Muskrat and Badger liked what they saw too.

Muskrat looked at the men, smiled and then said, "Who's first?" By that time he had taken off his shirt and was taking off his pants. Muskrat knew how to make friends. The basement rec room had a ceiling a little below eight feet, and Muskrat barely cleared it. The men were drooling. Muskrat added a heartfelt, "Damn, I like new meat!"

It was clear that Muskrat and Badger were just what our aspiring porn actors wanted. It was equally clear they like the eight new men. Muskrat went over to Bubba. "I like a man who is already dripping. I got here a little late. Why don't you get me up to speed?"

Bubba dropped to his knees and sucked up as much of Muskrat's cock as he could manage. I thought things were wild before. Muskrat's presence kicked thing up a few notches. It got even better when the new men realized Badger and Muskrat were generous men, who liked to spread good will.

While most men focused on Muskrat, Badger had a following too. They were both willing to sample as many of the men as they could. It was oral for the first fifteen or twenty minutes, but Muskrat had his needs. Cal, the construction worker, was the first to open his ass wide for Muskrat. It wasn't easy, but Cal was a trooper.

Muskrat wasn't a virgin. He had his drives and seemed to have an urge to fuck anyone with a tight asshole. He also seemed to have made a study of ways to get his oversized organ into a normal sized ass. You could say he was task oriented, but took his time. He had poppers to ease the way, but he also was able to read a man and sense what worked and what didn't.

For Cal it took a ton of lubricant, poppers and multiple short thrusts to take the entire organ. Muskrat entered inch by inch. While Cal lost his erection when only the cock head was in, he was fully erect by the time Muskrat's pubic hair tickled his ass hole. Cal was dripping in sweat and then had a hands free orgasm. Eubank was there to record the entire event.

Robin, the actor was ready to take a ride on Muskrat's love pole next. Robin had been on the other side of the room before and I hadn't seen him in action at all. When he entered the room, he looked dapper, like a handsome bearded Victorian Dandy. Naked he was shaggy and a bit more caveman like looking.

He wasn't exactly the type we were looking for, but as soon as he met Muskrat I realized he was a first rate size queen who could enjoy everything Muskrat had to offer. Our Caveman made one hard thrust and he was deep in Robin's guts. Robin was in heaven. Robin was a moaner too. Bobby said you could tell the number of inches in his ass by the intensity of his moans and cries.

Robin had another endearing characteristic; he was a slut. He wasn't one of those demure sluts who keeps his insatiable needs hidden. He was a flamboyant, entirely open man who was proud of his slutty nature. If there had been a Slut Pride organization, he would have been the President and Founder.

I wondered if living with Robin might be a trial, as a porn maker, Robin was a dream come true. If it was sex, he liked it and would do it with anyone who wanted it. That too was useful on our line of work. Robin was a friend of the Jim and Tyrone. Jim told me Robin was a first rate actor, and not as wild as he appeared. "He had a good nose for trouble," Jim explained. "For and actor he's pretty normal, except for the itch in his ass, of course. I scratched it for the first time ten years ago, and he's been a friend ever since.

I glanced at Jim's impressive member. I understood the attraction.

Jim laughed. "It's not the cock that makes him a friend. I had a car accident a few years ago. Robin was more than helpful," Jim said. "He's a good man."

Robin was certainly good for Muskrat. I'm not sure who did what to whom that afternoon, but everyone left with a smile on his face and I doubt a drop of sperm remained in anyone's balls. Bobby and I talked after they left. We had all the men we needed for our movie.

Next: Chapter 5

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