
Published on Dec 27, 2011


Caveman 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, any comments send them to

Now that I had a good part of the cast, it was time to flesh out my screenplay. Of course, we could not pay for a soundstage, or sets. The entire video had to be shot outside in a forest. If I had a choice I would have preferred a dramatic site like Yosemite, but I was sure the National Park Service wouldn't like that.

Bobby told me Sammy owned a place in the Blue Ridge. It was 200 acres or so and wooded. He thought it would do for the forest primeval. I went to check out the place with Eubank. As we got ready to leave, Muskrat dropped by. He said he wanted to see the place too. The three of us trooped out to Sammy's house. I have an old Volvo wagon and Muskrat just barely fit. It was a beautiful late spring day, warm and sunny.

Sammy's house was about two hours away, so we had a lot of time for conversation. I thought that would be a problem with Muskrat. He didn't have the look of a witty raconteur. Muskrat was so big and hairy it took a stretch of the imagination to believe he could actually talk.

Muskrat knew the name of every tree, bush and shrub we drove past and was stunningly knowledgeable about road-kill. He was always on the lookout for high quality trees. Unexpectedly, he was easy to get along with. He was interested in his new profession as a porn star and got along well with Eubank.

The road kill thing was oddly interesting. Muskrat knew what it was, what vehicle got it and what it was doing when it met its maker. Sun heated asphalt was the downfall of many animals. Having a female in heat on the other side of the road was also a problem. I had attributed all to some bizarre animal death wish.

Oddly, Muskrat knew the Latin names for much of the flora and fauna. He often was a guide to naturalists interested in the area. One of these gave him some field guides, and told him if he found a new species, he would name it after him. "I'd love to have some bush, plant or animal to be named whatever it is Muskratensis," he explained. "There are some pretty wild places in the mountains, and I plan to find something."

Sammy's place was a fancy, pretend rustic house in the middle of a beautiful forest. The National Park surrounded the property and it was just about as secluded as it could be. I thought it was pretty, but Eubank and Muskrat loved it. I am not much of a nature boy, so it was all new to me. Eubank really loved it, but he was even less of a nature boy than I was. Muskrat was helpful. He must have guided many unprepared groups, so he pointed out the Poison Ivy, wasp nests and similar hazards along the way was we wandered the site.

I had planned to go home that evening, but I had totally misjudged the time it takes to move around real wilderness. We had to spend the night. I called Sammy and asked if we could stay. He had no problem with that and he had assumed we would be there for a day or two at least. He also told me where he had hidden the beer. There was food at Sammy's cottage. Muskrat took Eubank to a nearby stream and they came back an hour later with fish. We had a good dinner and sat out on the porch as he sun set. We were on the eastern side of the mountains so the sun set early.

We had a few beers and the conversation turned to sex. Eubank wasn't shy about the subject. "I have to admit, he said, I associated being gay with city folk. You and your pals seem pretty country," he said to Muskrat. "As far as I can tell, you have a real liking for cock play."

"Were I come from sex is with women and it gets you in trouble if you poke your cock in the wrong place at the wrong time. Men don't have sex; they just mess around," Muskrat explained. "It's letting off steam."

"You seem to like letting off your steam in another guy's ass!" Eubank said.

Muskrat smiled. "Sometimes it's nice to hide the evidence you've been having fun," he said.

"It seems to be a family affair too," Eubank observed.

"That sort of accidental in our case," Muskrat explained. "I figured it all out with a couple of my friends. We all had a cock; we all knew you could have some fun with it. We pooled our resources and damn if it didn't turn out to be sex. It was several years later when I found out Uncle Raleigh shared the same tastes. He knew a few other members of the family who liked it. Our family lives deep in the mountains, and we had a problem with cousins marrying other cousins. Some of my great Uncles were strange looking. Man on man sex was better than screwing a sister or a cousin. No one talks about it, but man sex is fun too and there are no byproducts."

"I assume no older guys ever tried to mess with you?"

"By the time I was fourteen I was full grown for a normal man. When I was sixteen I was downright scary," Muskrat said.

"Did people run and hide when you walked down the street?" I asked.

"When I was fifteen I came across LeRoy Rucker and Wingo Delmon trying to have their way with Sue Ellen Jones. Sue Ellen was Judge Jones' daughter and a nice girl. The creeps had plan, but I had other plans. I was with a friend, Robby. We took care of things. Robby helped Sue Ellen; I took care of the creeps. Wingo and LeRoy were much the worse for wear after I finished with them. They needed 175 stitches in addition to the broken bones and the concussions. It was a small town and the word was out I was on the side of the angels. Sue Ellen's Daddy was even nice to me."

"That was when I found out it was better to be the town hero than the town asshole," he continued. "I had been ready to quit school, but Judge Jones got me to stay. School was hard for me, but they said I was harder on the school. Once I saved Sue Ellen, the teachers were willing to cut me some slack and some actually helped me."

"Were you on the football team by any chance? You would have been good at that," Eubank asked.

"The coach was afraid to use me; I was too big. He thought someone would get hurt," Muskrat said. "I was on the wrestling team. I was out of almost everyone's weight class, so I wrestled with the coach for demonstrations."

"Did the coach like it?" Eubank asked with a knowing smile.

"We both liked it, but the coach never did anything. I was willing and I think he was interested, but he never made a move," Muskrat said. "He did let me wrestle with some of the smaller guys. Actually, everyone was a smaller than me. The coach taught me how to wrestle without hurting anyone. At fifteen, I was 250 pounds and six-two. Most of the team members were below 150 pounds. If I just rolled over the wrong way I could do some damage."

"I was normally a bull in a china shop. I didn't know how to handle my weight. The coach helped me with that," Muskrat said. The Coach was understanding about throwing a hard on too. It happened, but he never noticed. I did make some good buddies on the team."

"I had some pals too," Eubank said. "My daddy vanished when I was two, so I never had any family problems. Bored teen agers with lots of time on their hands can work things out. Many of my playmates ended up getting married but some of us liked man sex too much to give it up. No older men made a pass at me, but I was willing. Looking back, while I was willing, the older men who were into younger boys weren't that desirable. I've run into a few since then and they were bad news."

"Melvin, what were your early sexual experiences like?" Eubank asked.

"I was so timid, I'm not sure they qualified as sexual experiences." I said. "Most of the time I was with another timid guy and neither of us had enough nerved to make the first move."


"I thought I had the whole sex thing figured out until I met you guys and had the screen test," Muskrat said. "It was 100% fun and 100% hot! That Willy Longman opened my eyes. He loved my cock."

"Don't most of your pals like your cock?" I asked.

"Well, let's just say they never complain. They like it enough, but not the way Willie did," Muskrat explained. "I like being bare as naked with other guys. All those naked guys at the screen made me feel welcome. Usually I just unzip and my pal drops his pants. I can go from zero to sixty in less than a minute. That nice when you are trying to get off before anyone interrupts you."

"I took my time with Willy and it was good, real good. I could get use to that really easy," he said. "Marvin you were nice too. When I first saw you, I wasn't sure he was worth the effort. I was wrong about that. You could say I learned a lesson. I wasn't sure anyone that small would be fun."

"I try to be nice," I said.

"Out in the woods we aren't much into sucking. You can get pretty ripe between showers. There's a good distance between your nose and the asshole when you are fucking. Sucking can be a challenge," he said. "Marvin, you were real good. I've never had anyone so into my cream."

"Let me tell you Muskrat, I would bet I can give Melvin a run for his money when it comes to loving man seed," Eubank said. "I love it when it's still fresh and hot from the balls."

As we talked, a car came up to the house. I had no idea who it was, but then I recognized it was Sammy's Mercedes. He came over to us with a man I didn't recognize.

"When you called and said you were spending the night, I suddenly felt the urge to get some fresh air!" he said. "This is an old pal of mine, Monty." We introduced ourselves. Monty was an older, heavyset man. He was short, bald and beefy. His most notable feature was a huge, grey beard the size of a beaver. He would have looked like Santa, but he had a slightly demonic look to him. Monty looked at Muskrat as if he had found the Holy Grail.

"We were just discussing which of these boys like cum more, Eubank or Marvin," Muskrat said. He didn't care much about social niceties. I suspected he was in the mood to have some fun, and didn't want small take to delay the start of the festivities.

Sammy laughed. "I've known Monty for years and it's hard for me to believe there is anyone who likes man scum more than he does." As he spoke, Muskrat striped off his shirt. It was still warm. A few minutes later, we were all naked and going at it.

Monty was a bottom's bottom. As soon as he was naked, he got on his hands and knees and opened his ass wide. Monty knew how to make friends. Eubank was the first to ease his cock into Monty's accommodating ass. Monty was both appreciative and vocal in his admiration for Eubank's sexual skills. I thought Muskrat would have wanted to go first, but he was happy watching. Sammy offered Monty his cock to suck. The offer was gratefully accepted. The three men made an attractive group. While technically Monty took the passive role, he was a most active passive. He rotated his hips and wiggled is ass to stimulate Eubank's pleasure.

The older man was the opposite of the strong silent type. He clearly enjoyed the cocks in his mouth and ass. You can't smile if you are sucking a cock, but he would have been smiling if it were possible. I wondered of Sammy had fucked him earlier. Eubank had no problem entering his ass without lubrication.

I went over to suck Muskrat. He was still soft and his cock excited me. I was pleased his cock responded so well to my efforts. I am a small man, and my tongue was able to get his sexual juices flowing quickly. Muskrat wasn't verbal, but his cock was expressive. His cock drool turned me on.

I pulled away to catch my breath. His cockhead more than filled my mouth. "Lie down," he said. I obeyed. He straddled my head and fed me his cock. His balls draped over my mouth. Muskrat leaned over and he took my cock head into his mouth. At first, his lips just held my knob. A little later, his tongue licked the flared edge on the tender glans. He slowly swirled his tongue around my knob in smaller circles until he licked the slit.

I was sucking his cock was he did this. When his tongue touched my slit and encountered my precum, his own cock spurted more of his own sex juices. Once he tasted my precum, he swallowed my entire cock and then pulled back, suctioning my precum. I have a wide slit and he obviously was trying to get it deep into my sperm tunnel.

He had said oral sex was rare in the woods. He clearly liked what he was tasting and doing. I think the terms active and passive with respect to sex are probably incorrect. He was actively sucking me, but I wasn't passively responding. I enjoyed exciting him. As I sucked him, I considered he was actively exciting me by oozing his rich genital juices. There must be men who just lie still like a log during sexual relations. No one at Sammy's cottage was one of those people. Everyone was actively engaged.

Eubank began to moan. He was the strong silent type until the actual orgasm. He wasn't silent at all, as he shot his load deep in Monty's ass. Muskrat and I pulled apart and Muskrat went to Monty. He positioned his cock at Monty's glistening hole and pushed.

Monty moaned as the huge organ vanished in his ass. He stopped sucking Sammy. He needed to breathe. Monty was short and thick. I half expected to see Muskrat's cock popping out of his mouth. It didn't seem as if he had enough room on his body to take it.

Muskrat pulled out and rested his cock just inside Monty's quivering hole. Somehow, I had the impression that Monty opened his ass to invite the cock back into the deepest recesses of his rectum. The cock vanished a second time. Monty wanted it.

Muskrat got Monty on the bed on his back. Holding the older man's legs open, he entered a third time. Monty was shivering in excitement. He had a gut that had partially hidden his cock. I could now see he was fully erect. Monty's cock was exceptionally thick, and was shaped like those oversized butt plugs you see in adult stores. With each thrust by Muskrat, precum oozed from the wide slit.

"That is fucking beautiful!" Sammy exclaimed. "It is like watching Casals playing the cello. That redneck hillbilly is a virtuoso fucker! He should be doing this at Lincoln Canter." Monty growled a deep guttural sound when the hillbilly's cockhead rubbed his prostate and again when the monster organ was fully lodged in his ass.

I bent over and licked some of the delicious goo oozing from Monty's cock. His cock looked glazed, like a candied apple. It was rich and sweet. Monty had shivered when my tongue touched his sensitive cockhead. After cleaning it up a little, I stood up. That was a mistake. I wanted more. I went down again. Monty had already replenished the sexual glaze.

As I sucked Muskrats continued his relentless thrusting Monty's ass. It was relentless but oddly tender. He varied his thrusts and technique. I tasted Monty's reaction to the welcome invader in his ass. As I sucked Sammy fingered and lubricated my ass. I wasn't sure I wanted that, but I was slurping up Monty's cock juices and I didn't want to miss any.

I hadn't considered Sammy as a sex partner, or indeed as a one-night stand. He made a strong thrust; I felt a twinge of pain, and he was in me. I should have been shocked, or offended. A wave of desire swept over me. I wanted to swallow Monty's cock and suck it forever.

I'm not sure I had heard of anyone fucking as an aphrodisiac, but that is the way it affected me. Sammy's cock in my hole increased me desire for Monty. I also felt another desire. Realistically, there was no way I wanted Muskrat to fuck me. He was too big. My prostate and rectum seemed to have another thought. They weren't opposed at all.

As I pondered my potential to take Muskrat's cock, Monty flooded my mouth with his creamy man seed. I was sucking as Muskrat fucked and Monty gave it all up. I loved it; indeed, I was shocked as how much I enjoyed Monty's orgasm. He twitched and shivered as he ejaculated. Up until then I thought as another man's orgasm as a curiosity to be observed, not as a shared sexual act. I felt I was a part of his ecstasy.

Sammy continued pumping his cock in my ass as Muskrat did the same to Monty. I was totally enveloped in the sexual aura. We almost formed a single organism, sharing our most intimate sexual acts and responses.

Sammy began to moan. I felt his cock twitching in my ass. Monty filled my mouth as Sammy filled my ass. The intense feeling couldn't last long. I don't think the human body could take that level of intensity for long. Sammy and Muskrat pulled out. Monty and Sammy were out of it. They collapsed on the bed, exhausted and spent.

"Let's take a shower," Muskrat whispered to me. We went to the bedroom and got the water going in Sammy's oversized shower. I entered it first; he joined me shortly, dropping to his knees and sucking me immediately. As he sucked, he worked a finger into my ass.

"I see he both plowed and seeded you," he said as he looked up at me. Muskrat worked two more fingers in my hole. I was incredibly excited.

He stood. "Why don't you put your arms around my neck and legs around my waste?" he asked. "Don't worry about falling, I can hold you up." I wasn't sure what he wanted, but I obeyed. Somehow, as I held onto his neck, he got his arms under my legs. I was bent double, with his cock at my hole.

"I'm real turned on and your ass is nice and juicy," he said. "You just relax a little and we will see what fits where." I did not intend to let Muskrat in my ass. He kissed me, and my hole opened; a second later, his knob was on the dark side of my sphincter.

The massive man bounced me gently and with each bounce, his cock slipped deeper into me. I couldn't think straight. Fortunately, I didn't need to. Muskrat was willing to all the thinking for both of us. I couldn't tell which end was up; the sensations were that overpowering and intense. His cock and my ass were in perfect harmony, even if my brain was uneasy.

A few minutes later, I was fully impaled and my mind had followed my prostate's lead. I was willing to spend the rest of my life impaled on his cock. After the first shock of penetration, I relaxed and it seemed as if having a monster cock deep in my ass was the most natural thing in the world.

Next: Chapter 4

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