
Published on Dec 20, 2011


Caveman 2

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

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Bobby thought god had predestined his success as a porn maker. I wasn't so sure about that, but Muskrat and his friends were as well equipped to do porn, as any men I had ever encountered. I admit that Muskrat, Raleigh and Rocky were everyone's idea of sexual dream boats, but they were Bobby's ideal and by the time Rocky pulled out of my ass, I was converted to Bobby's view. Bobby may not have been predestined to be a porn master, but he sure was lucky.

I am a small, somewhat wishy-washy accountant. The Rivers' boys were big, aggressive and driven men. They didn't force me to do anything. I certainly didn't say no to anything they suggested. It just didn't seem possible. Since I got naked with them and didn't say no, I knew it wasn't going to be technically a rape. I expected to be used, abused and violated.

Well, I was used, but they rest was like being on a particularly scary, but exciting roller coaster. It took me perhaps a half hour to realize how good it was. It took that long because I couldn't think straight. The sexual sensations came so fast and furious; I just took what came without understanding or trying to sort out my feelings.

The Rivers' boy weren't lovers; they were fuckers and players. Sex was the ultimately enjoyable game for them. This may sound odd, but it was pure, uninhibited sex without emotional baggage. They weren't worried about whether I loved them or wanted to be liked by them. As long as they and I had fun, all was well.

By the time the screen test was over each of them had taken a poke. I was not much of a bottom. The idea of taking a man's cock up my ass offended my sensibilities. Apparently, if the man was big enough, hairy enough and crude enough, it was fine for me. Raleigh thought my hole was tight enough and guessed I would be able to take his oversized member.

My little tight hole just needed the right battering ram to make me open wide. Not only did my ass open up, my entire body tingled, twitched and shivered in response. I had been under the impression that I didn't react to sex as much as other men or that they overstated how good it was. I was 100% wrong about that.

When Rocky slipped in my ass using his Dad's cum as lubricant, I had never felt more. Rocky was right there with me. A massive, over the top orgasm wasn't enough for Rocky to lose his enthusiasm for fucking me, and it had no effect on his erection. He kept on fucking.

Eventually Ralph and then Badger took his place. Badger's resemblance to Barney Rubble blinded me to his other assets. His cock was as long as Muskrat's member, but a bit less meaty. My ass had been well used by the time Badger took his turn. He rammed me hard and I became a virgin again. He hit new places I didn't know existed.

My mouth and throat were occupied too. The boy's weren't use to oral pleasures, but they were all willing to try. They appreciated my efforts. I was a little surprised when I discovered Eubank's cock in my mouth. He was trying to get a close up of Badger's cock entering my ass. My mouth was apparently the perfect position for his filming. I sucked his cock and he bent over to get a view.

Eubank turned out to be the perfect cameraman for the Studio's needs. He was steady as a rock even when he was doing handheld shots. When I watched the out-takes later, I realized he didn't lose focus even while he was ejaculating into my mouth. I did notice a little wiggle at his first ejaculation, but he was firmly in control for the rest of his orgasm.

As I road on the sexual rollercoaster, I watched Muskrat work over Sammy. Sammy had never participated except to watch before. I had seen him licking Muskrat's organ earlier. The next time I noticed him, Rocky was holding his legs wide open and Muskrat was playing hide and seek with his cock and Sammy's sphincter.

Sammy was very verbal in his response. Muskrat seemed to like that. Sammy was a complainer and tended to whine in response to each push. Rocky noticed that Sammy was hard as a rock and leaking like bargain faucet in a cheap double wide. When Muskrat made a hard thrust and fully impaled him, Sammy bellowed.

"Do you want me to pull out?" Muskrat asked all innocent like.

"Shit no!" Sammy replied.

After two hours, everyone was worn out, and the session ended. As an indicator of good faith Sammy gave all the men $500.00 and Muskrat $750.00. For the Five Star XXX Studios, that was nearly half the year's budget for acting. Everyone left, except for Sammy, Bobby, Eubank and me. Eubank asked me to stay.

"Marvin, how many of the boys unloaded in you?" he asked.

"Four, I think."

"Did you count Rocky and Badger twice?" he asked.

"They did me twice?"

"They sure did," Eubank replied. "I figured you were in la-la land."

"Maybe there are six loads in me," I said. "Did you shoot in me?"

"I sure did,"

"Well them make it seven," I said.

"Why don't you lie back and open wide," Eubank said. "I want some close up of your ass."

"I don't think that's my best angle," I said.

"Let us beg to differ," Bobby said. "You are a trooper. It was beautiful the way you took those cocks. Eubank thinks a little cum drooling from your ass might be a turn on." I went over to a bench.

Bobby held my legs open as Eubank and Sammy examined my ass. "It is a bit puffy, and juicy," Sammy said. "Do you think you can get on your camera?"

"That is not a problem," Eubank said. "Marvin, do you think you can relax and let some cream leak out?"

"I wouldn't have guessed Marvin could take those cocks so easily. I just took Muskrat's and m y ass will be sore for a week," Sammy said. "Let me take a closer look at Marvin's wonder hole." He got on his knees.

The next thing I knew, Sammy had his tongue probing my ass. I was shocked. I hadn't expected that. It was soon clear Sammy was into assholes big time. I later found out the liked them tenderized, by which me meant used. Sammy had a beard and mustache, and a soft tongue. I had never been rimmed before but this was good.

"Open up for Sammy!" Bobby urged. I had a hard time doing that. I couldn't believe he wanted the man seed in my ass. Sammy moved and a second later Bobby rammed his cock into my ass. He gave me a few strokes and pulled out. Sammy's tongue was in my hole a second later. I finally relaxed and the cream began to ooze and drool from my hole. Sammy was a happy man.

I had an interest in cum catching, but Sammy was much more interested in man seed than I was. Sammy ate me out for another fifteen minutes, and then I took a shower and went home. My head was spinning, but I certainly had a good night's sleep.

The next day was Sunday and I had a chance to think things out. I had spent more of my life thinking and dreaming about sex than doing it. Actual sex was unusual and widely spaced. I was timid and uneasy about trying to contact men, since I knew I wasn't handsome or sophisticated. The characteristics that made me a good accountant weren't useful when looking for a sexual partner.

I also realized my dreams were ordinary and unimaginative. I dreamed of meeting a stud on a cruise and having sex on a moonlit night. The sex at Sammy's house was much wilder and more imaginative than anything in my dreams. The men were nothing like my dream companions. The sex was wilder, cruder and much more intense than my best wet dream.

While I had been looking for a mythological Mr. Right for years, clearly two hours of sex with the missing link and his relatives was stunningly, massively, overwhelmingly pleasurable. I shuddered at the thought that this might be a one-time-only event. I wanted to do it again and find out if I had missed out on other aspects of sex. Once was not enough. I wanted more.

I had also misjudged Bobby and Sammy. I thought they were gay businessmen who had an interest in man sex. They were observers not participants. It was obvious with the right stimulation they could be very sexual and participatory.

I had a hard time focusing on any one thought. The day before was so confused and so filled with sensation. My vision of myself had been turned inside out.

After lunch, someone rang my doorbell. It was Eubank, Badger and two men man I didn't know. Eubank was one of those men who seemed to make friends quickly. He had hit it off with Badger. The third man was Badger's friend, Lonnie. The other man was Frankie, a friend of Eubank's who wanted to become a cameraman. Badger had enjoyed his interlude with me, but in the excitement hadn't caught my name. He ran into Eubank and Eubank brought them to me.

Eubank was tall, and geeky. While he was big, he didn't seem particularly muscular. He reminded me of those men who play geek sidekicks for major stars in comedy movies. Frankie was a smaller, younger version of Eubank. He seemed very eager. Lonnie was downright pretty. The second he opened his mouth, I realized he was a redneck's redneck. He was tall, muscular and toned, but he talked like Gomer Pyle. Lonnie was an automobile mechanic.

I wasn't sure why they came to see me and it took a while to get to the reason for the visit. Eubank was a man with average social skills, but both Badger and Lonnie were short on the social graces. I knew they wanted something, but they didn't know how to ask for it.

After some small talk, Eubank turned the conversation to the screen test the day before. "It was a wild time for everyone," he said. "I've only filmed a few hard core events and this was way hotter than anything I had seen before."

"We did everything!" Badger proclaimed. "It wasn't just hot, it was smoking! Lonnie and I play, but it's never been that good."

"I done told Badger it couldn't be that much better," Lonnie said. "He rings my chimes every time."

"Lonnie and I are good at it, but not as good as you," Badger said looking directly at me. "You have one hell of an ass!"

"Are you looking for a sample?" I asked.

"Sample is the wrong word, I think," Eubank said. "I think they want lessons. They have a problem with the slam-bang-thank-you-Ma'am school of sex. I've told them a marathon is more fun than a sprint."

"I've always been good at the quick and dirty," Badger said. "Yesterday was the first time I took my time. It was hot!"

"What do you want to do?" I asked.

"I want to get bare assed naked and go at it!" Lonnie said, "Badger does me like a dog in heat. He says there are other ways." While I was still tired from the day before, and wasn't sure I wanted to play the sophisticated sexual Guru to the two rednecks; the little brain in my cock was more than ready. For years, I had been able to control the brain in my cock with the bigger brain in my head. This afternoon, my bigger brain was clearly over matched by my cock's needs.

We went to my bedroom and stripped. Eubank just happened to have his camcorder with him. I wasn't surprised at that. Most cameramen only watch and film. Eubank was into sex, as was Frankie. Frankie was hard the second he stripped and stayed hard until he left my apartment. Eubank participated sexually when needed. He was a big man, but it was easy to forget he was there. When there was an opportunity or a need, his cock was ready to fill a gap or void. He was never less than half-hard, and his cock played the role of a fluffer if necessary. His long cock was inspirational. Frankie was there to hold the camera when Eubank was otherwise engaged.

Lonnie had never had sex with anyone other than Badger. He was uneasy at first, but soon got into the scene. Sex is its own reward. Lonnie looked like a big-time model or actor, but he was very much a small town hick. He wasn't stupid, just poorly educated and brought up. He turned out to be a nice guy, but the gap between his looks and his personality was still a shock.

Fortunately, he was more than willing to learn new tricks, once he got over his initial shyness. When he got naked, he looked slightly out of focus, fuzzy. When Lonnie got closer, I realized he was very hairy, but the hair was blond and almost matched his skin color. Badger was hairy and blond too, but he had dirty blond hair that showed up well. Lonnie would have been a prefect model for Thor or Odin; he could have been a Nordic god.

Lonnie and Badger stood together. I could tell Lonnie was uneasy. I dropped to my knees and took their cocks into my mouth. Both were uncut. Badger's member was huge; Lonnie's was as long, but more average in diameter. I smiled to myself. If I hadn't met Muskrat and his friends, Lonnie's would have been the biggest cock I have ever encountered.

Both men responded and soon I had my tongue licking the man juices that drooled from their cocks. They seemed to like the oral attention. Lonnie dropped to his knees to suck Badger and I got on the floor to suck his long prong. As soon as Lonnie began sucking Badger, his flow of sex juices doubled.

I discovered they were not just playmates; they were in love. Lonnie bottomed for Badger because he wanted to please his lover, not because he liked to be fucked. He later told me he wanted Badger's cock in him to be close, not because if felt good.

Lonnie stood and Badger dropped to his knees. Badger was a little uneasy as he took his lover's cock into his mouth, but that unease vanished in seconds. I transferred my attentions to Badger. His flow of manly juices must have tripled. By now, both men were revved up.

I got on my bed and Badger was ready to fuck. Eubank was on the side taking pictures. He joined us with a tube of lubricant. He let Badger lubricate himself, but let Lonnie lubricate me. Badger wasn't sure he needed lubrication. Eubank told him it made his cock look bigger on camera. Badger liked that.

Eubank assumed the role of a director. He was bossy, but his down-home character made that acceptable. No one seemed to mind. Eubank told Badger to slowly work his cock into my ass. He said it photographed better. He also told him to play with my sphincter with his cock head; he wanted a close up of the knob poking into my ass.

Badger and Lonnie were sexually active, but not sexually experienced or imaginative. Eubank was imaginative and I guessed he was experienced. While Badger slowly worked his way into my ass, Eubank gave the camera to Frankie and then used his organ to open Lonnie's behind. Eubank had an average or slightly above average sized cock. It was perfect for Lonnie.

I watched as Lonnie winced when Eubank's cock first penetrated. I was worried it hurt, but Lonnie was smiling a few seconds later. He spread his legs to make it a little easier for Eubank to go deep. By now, Badger was lodged deep in my ass. He began to take deep strokes. Eubank matched him stroke for stroke.

Badger began to build up a head of steam, but Eubank pulled out of Lonnie. He wanted to save the orgasm until later. He took the camera from Frankie and resumed his cameraman duties.

"Why don't you let Lonnie get a chance to try out Marvin's ass?" Eubank's asked.

Badger pulled out and gave Lonnie a chance. As Lonnie's long probe slipped into my ass I knew Lonnie was on his way to the moon. I tightened my sphincter a little and Lonnie moaned. This was a new experience for him and he loved it,

Badger was a free agent now. I think he intended to rear-end Lonnie but Frankie caught his attention. Frankie was a young, scruffy looking guy with a rock head cock poking out from a thick bush and a treasure trail that snaked up to what would eventually be a hairy chest. Frankie's cock was dripping on the floor.

Badger took a quick look at it and tried to swallow it. He pulled back with his lips firmly grasping the excited cock. Badger's mouth was still open when Frankie expelled his first ribbon of sperm. It went into Badger's mouth and landed on his tongue. He looked as if he received an electric shock.

Badger launched himself at Frankie's cock, swallowing it a second time and making sure not a drop of his semen missed his mouth. He lapped up every drop of sperm. Frankie's body was shivering and twitching as he ejaculated. I could tell from his reaction that his genitals became ultra sensitive during an orgasm. Badger took no mercy; he sucked until he drained Frankie.

Badger turned his attention to Lonnie. Lonnie had bent me over so he could get deeper into my rectum. As he did, he spread his ass. I don't think Badger realized Eubank had been in Lonnie's love tunnel and had lubricated the way. Badger's oversize organ vanished in Lonnie's rear.

Lonnie gasped for breath and then moaned. It was a moan of deep satisfaction, not of pain. I could tell Badger had scratched an itch that needed attention. Lonnie didn't shoot off, his cock all but exploded in my ass. I could feel his forceful ejaculations. I shot off too, as did Badger.

You can talk about sex as a shared experience, but I think it's rare for three men to participate in the same orgasmic event. We all collapsed on the floor, exhausted. Fifteen minutes later, I went to take a shower. My apartment had a slightly oversized shower; Badger and Lonnie joined me. It was a tight fit, but that didn't bother anyone.

I asked Badger how Lonnie's cock felt up his ass.

"Actually, I've never taken anyone but Muskrat and my cousins in my hole," he replied.

"I don't want to sound like a know it all, but I would bet Lonnie's would be good," I said. "Do you keep your ass in reserve for family only?"

"I never thought of it that way," Badger said. "I certainly don't mind fucking an unrelated ass." He fingered my ass to emphasize the point. Badger turned his back to Lonnie and spread his legs. Lonnie eased his cock into Badger's ass and every inch he penetrated was a pleasure. I have to confess I had tended to watch the cock as it slipped into an asshole. In this case, I had to watch Badger's face. It was positively blissful.

Next: Chapter 3

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