
Published on Dec 17, 2011



By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

No one accused the Five Star XXX Video Company for taking the high road cinematically speaking. Five Star XXX was noted for quick and dirty movies with a distinctly amateur character. There was a market for these even though they looked like they were shot in the master bedroom in a 20-year-old trailer.

Five Star achieved these results by hiring men who were experienced, but incompetent and unable to learn. Their cameraman had been with them for ten years, but the concept of focusing the camera seemed to elude him. The owner, Bobby Hall, liked to write the screenplays himself. He was an English Major from a community college.

The Studios were his small ranch house. His bedroom was the main studio and had the 20-year old trailer look to it. He tended to pay his actors by the orgasm, fifty dollars per shot. His best star, Lance, got fifty bucks per orgasm, then five bucks for each ejaculation spurting more than twelve inches.

Dunce Smith was his cameraman. We never knew if Dunce was his real name or just a particularly appropriate nickname. I am Marvin Hall, the accountant. I have a real day job working for a reputable accounting firm. My work for Bobby is on the side. I appear in some of the movies in cameo role. Actually only my mouth appears. I have a special skill catching ejaculations in my mouth.

Like most accountants, I have a tendency to be neat, and the thought of man seed splattering all over the place offends me. I hate to admit it but I also have a real taste for fresh cum. Saul pays me a regular fee for my accounting services, but I give him a $25.00 rebate for every squirt I intercept. I hate to discount my fees, but I really like flying sperm, and the Five Star XXX Studios are one of the few places I can indulge my taste.

Bobby liked losers. They work for less money and will often forget to take their wages if the sex is good enough. It's amazing that down on their luck men can get it up for a porn movie and actually do well. We have no California Style beach bunnies, or hot studs working for us. Most of our "stars" have some mileage on them, but we do have several well-hung men who are willing to do just about anything as long as they got off and get paid.

Bobby likes just about any cock, but the Studio's emphasis on well-hung men was due to Dunce's lack of skill. Dunce had trouble with focus, and sometimes had trouble with aim. If the cock was seven inches or more, he had a much better chance of finding it.

Bobby liked to produce a movie every three to four months. He was the night clerk for the Econohotel, a cheap motel that had once been a Holiday Inn. The night hours gave him time to work on his scripts, and he found a few of his "stars" in the late night patrons.

You might ask why such a small organization had an accountant. Bobby knew that problems with the IRS had caused the downfall of many semi-professional porn providers. He had no desire for any jail time so he wanted a real accountant. I am meticulous about taxes and filing everything on the right date. I was what he wanted and my taste for man seed was an added bonus.

There was a power behind the throne of the Studio. Sammy Roth was a successful real estate developer who had cash to burn. Five Stars Studio reflected his tastes and he contributed cash during lean periods. In theory, he would get a percentage of the profits, but there never were any profits. It was a hobby for him and he definitely didn't want to have his name associated with the Studio. He did get to watch the taping from time to time. That was good enough for him.

A stopped watch is right twice a day and the Five Star XXX Studios hit the jackpot by accident. It was purely accidental. Bobby thought it was because God loved him. His parents were good Presbyterians and Bobby had a odd conception of predestination. I wasn't at all sure that Calvin intended for a second rate pornographic moviemaker to hit the big time as part of God's plan for the universe. Bobby got lucky.

The good luck occurred in the form of a six-foot-five, 300-pound hairball named Muskrat Rivers. Muskrat was a one-night-only patron of the Econohotel. Muskrat had picked up a playmate for the night, but had scared him away. The man fled the motel semi-naked and screaming. Bobby had gone to see if anything else was wrong. He found Muskrat completely naked and willing to play.

Bobby returned to the office, put a sign at the desk saying he would be back in a half hour, and returned to Muskrat's room. The big man's earlier partner hadn't realized Muskrat was a top and hung like Trigger. Muskrat was single minded and once he set his mind on fucking; he didn't care if he had to increase the size of the existing hole or rip a new one. Bobby liked to bottom and viewed an oversized organ as a positive asset. Let's just say, Bobby didn't flee the room screaming and his asshole adapted to Muskrat's needs. They got along well.

The next morning when Bobby got off duty, he returned to Muskrat's room and signed him up for a movie. I was a bit puzzled by this. We specialized in scruff not chubs. I wondered if Bobby had decided to branch out into other aspects of non-mainstream gay porn.

Four days later, I met Muskrat for the first time. Bobby told me he was big. Big didn't seem to express how large he was. He wore a quilted plaid work shirt, a vest and overalls. He seemed more like a mountain than a man.

This was to be a screen test. Muskrat didn't want to be the only naked one in the room so we all had to strip. Muskrat tended to get his way. When he was dressed, I thought he was fat, but naked he was gorilla-like, all muscles with no fat on his massive frame. He had broad shoulders, a barrel chest and a comparatively small waist. He looked like Blutto or a toned Fred Flintstone.

Muskrat was also exceptionally hairy. I'm a hairy man, but I felt like a smooth twink compared to him. His eyeballs, fingernails and cock were hairless. Thick, curly hair covered the rest of his body. He possessed a mountain man's bushy beard, and could have combed over his eyebrows to hide his bald spot.

His cock was uncut, but his member looked like one of those yellow boa constrictors they find in Florida. It was huge too. His hairless cock was a godsend given Dunce's limitations. The pink cock stood out in the thick coat of auburn-brown fur that covered his body. It gave Dunce something to aim for. It was never clear if Dunce's problems were due to poor eyesight or an inability to stay focused. His mind tended to wander. The pink cock was impossible to miss and its size seemed to transfix Dunce.

Muskrat wasn't shy about his interests. He was into cocks big time. He seemed to like Dunce and Bobby. He barely noticed me. I think I was too small for him to consider seriously. One of our regular stars, Willy Longman, was available to help with the screen test. He was scrawny, hairy and hung. Willy normally topped, but he made an exception for Muskrat. Willy's strong suit was staying hard and being able to shoot off on command. He had the acting ability of a brick, but that wasn't a big problem for our kind of movies.

We soon discovered Willy had more skills than we realized. His ass was more flexible and far more accommodation than I had guessed. It was like one of those Keystone cops gags, when ten cops fit into a small car.

Muskrat's cock poked at the hole. It seemed to dilate and open and then the entire organ slowly vanished in Willy's commodious ass. Oddly, it looked as if Willy's ass was swallowing Muskrat's rather than Muskrat fucking Willy. Normally, Willy played it calm and collected, almost disinterested. As the big man's cock occupied his ass, Willy gave a damn good imitation of a man being fucked to the moon and back. He got into it big time, as did Muskrat. Muskrat wasn't a lover, but he was an enthusiastic fucker. Apparently, he tended to scare away lovers when they saw him naked and he often got no more than a few inches into a guy's ass before it was too much. The monster cock and Muskrat's enthusiastic fucking technique was too much for most. Willy took it all and Muskrat appreciated that.

Muskrat wanted to shoot off into Willy's ass. Bobby wanted to film the orgasm. That was where I came in. I was the sperm catcher. Muskrat wasn't too interested in that, but Bobby offered him another $100.00. That did the trick. $100.00 was a lot of money for him.

Muskrat may have been unwilling, but once he discovered my abilities as a catcher, he got into it. I felt a little like a boy catching balls lobbed by my father. Muskrat admired my abilities and was soon trying some trick shots. His first ejaculations spurted three feet or more, but diminished and I moved nearer his cock. I finally opened my mouth wide and took his knob into my mouth, licking all the cream dribbling from his slit.

I liked it, but not as much as Muskrat did. I later found out that sex for him had been all anal. He wasn't use to a tongue licking his knob. He loved it. While he had just shot off, we got into it hot and heavy. His cock head became ultra sensitive after a climax. It was one of those "it was so good it almost hurt" situations. I am a solid 140 pounds and five feet four, but we went at it. I should have been afraid Muskrat would roll over and kill me, but he was careful. He liked what I was doing to his cock.

Bobby loved it. A few days later, he edited the screen test tapes into a small movie. He unimaginatively titled it "Screen Test" and offered it for sale. Two weeks later, it was the best selling video ever offered by Five Star XXX Studios. There were hundreds of e-mails asking to see more of Muskrat, and a few even mentioned his little chimp-sized friend.

The buyers called Muskrat a Gorilla, the Abominable Hair Man, a Caveman, the missing link and a Neanderthal. They were equally enthusiastic about Muskrat's masculine appearance, his muscles and his genital endowment. There were several who wanted to see the chimp impaled on his cock squirming in rapture. As the chimp, I wasn't sure that was possible, but I was also surprised and a bit pleased anyone noticed me at all. I had been catching cum in several movies and no one noticed me before.

Unexpectedly, I was at a crossroad in my life. The accounting firm I worked for went out of business several days earlier due to a corruption scandal. That was a complete shock. I had nothing to do with the scandal. The problem was in the main office, not in my small branch, but I was out of a job. I quickly found out no reputable accounting firm wanted to hire anyone associated with my former employer.

When I said the Screen Test video sold well, I meant it. Our normal productions sell 300 to 500 copies. Most are downloaded for $20.00. They would generate $6000.00 to $10,000.00 gross. Our overhead was low, so that was good income for Bobby.

Screen Test sold 8,000 copies in three weeks. That grossed $160,000.00. That was a fortune for Bobby and even Sammy would be getting some income from the Studio. Sammy became much more interested in the company. The Five Stars XXX Studio moved to a new level of existence. Luckily, that level required a full time accountant. I was in luck.

Bobby and Sammy wanted to develop new videos to make use of Muskrat's appeal. He needed help and I was available. I had no plans to become more involved in the porn business, but I was in no position to be choosy. Bobby asked me to work up some ideas featuring our new star. I had no writing ability at all, but that didn't bother Bobby. He thought I shared the tastes of most of our customers, and thus would know what they liked.

Reading over the comments in the e-mails, I realized Muskrat appealed to men who wanted sex with ultra masculine men. Our normal actors were masculine. Typically, they were horny guy next-door types. They looked like plumbers or construction workers.

Muskrat had a double dose of every trait that could be thought of as masculine. He wasn't just big; he was huge. He possessed double the hair, double the musculature and double the cock of a normal man. He didn't have a deep voice; he had a sub woofer. Not only did he have these traits, he was clearly willing as hell and really into man sex. In many semi-amateur porn vids, the actors seem embarrassed and uneasy. Muskrat enjoyed the screen test and didn't seem to possess a shy bone in his body.

On a Saturday, we met with Muskrat at Sammy's secluded house. Bobby and I were there. We asked him the huge man if he wanted to make more movies. He was willing. Muskrat liked to hunt, fish and screw. Anything other than that was a problem. Concentrating on anything ease for any length of time was a stretch for him.

Luckily, Sammy had a hot tub in an enclosed sunroom, and we adjourned to it to discuss the future. The hot tub was a blessing. When Muskrat was naked in the water and I was sucking his cock, he remained focused. During a break from my sucking duties, I outlined my idea for a video called "Caveman."

Caveman was to feature Muskrat hunting in a forest. He was to come across another caveman chasing the same deer. They have a fight and Muskrat fucks him and then ties them up. Later, several of the caveman's friends try to rescue him. They too have a fight with Muskrat. Of course, Muskrat wins and he fucks them too. Instead of trying to escape from the huge man, the defeated hunters decide to join Muskrat's hunting group because they enjoyed his leadership style and his fucking technique.

The story was not like Gone with the Wind, or Pride and Prejudice, but gay porn tends to be light on plot. I had noticed that porn plots are inversely related to the size of the star's cock. The bigger the cock, the thinner the plot. By that standard, we could dispense with the plot completely. I suggested this, but Sammy objected. He believed that a minimal plot gave him some "redeeming social value" and thus protected him from arrest.

I asked Muskrat if he knew of anyone who might like to play in Caveman with him. Most of our current stable of porn talent was on the scrawny side. We were after Fred Flintstone types. Muskrat thought that over. Thinking was not his strongest skill. My tongue worked its magic on his cock head to stimulate his grey cells.

"I've got some cousins who like messing with men," he finally said. "They look sort of like me, but they aren't as big."

"That sounds ideal!" Bobby exclaimed.

"I fuck them but they would really like to get their cocks into new meat," Muskrat said. "They are getting tired of fucking the same old asses."

"Are they as well-hung as you are?" Saul asked.

"They aren't that big, but they got some nice ones," the big man replied.

"Well Marvin here loves taking it in the ass," Bobby said. "Just to show you how much I like you, I'll do my bit too." I was a bit taken aback when he offered my services as a bottom, but I kept my mouth shut. Actually, my mouth was wide open as I sucked Muskrat's cock. Our meeting broke up after I took Muskrat's load.

The big man excited me, and he seemed to be pleasant. I had barely noticed Bobby and Sammy. I had never seen them naked before. Bobby was a ginger bear, all pink and coved in curly red hair. Sammy was darker and covered in black hair. I noticed he was uncut. That was unexpected. I thought he was Jewish. I later found out he was Samuel Wiberforce Roth IV. He was a Lutheran. I think he converted to Druid when he was watching porn.

The next morning Sammy and Bobby asked me over for lunch. They never exactly lied to you, but they didn't always tell you the precise truth. We had lunch, but they didn't happen to tell me Muskrat was coming too, along with his cousins. They were coming to have a screen test.

Dunce was there and he brought another cameraman, Eubank. Eubank was Dunce's smarter cousin. Theoretically, Eubank was Dunce's apprentice, but Eubank actually could focus and was good at close ups. Bobby wanted to move up the visual quality of the videos by using two cameras.

Muskrat came with three big men and one small one. Ralph, Rocky and Raleigh were the big men. Badger was a smaller man. I think Raleigh was an uncle of some sort. He was older and grayer than Muskrat, but built big and brawny. Ralph was a cousin and a somewhat smaller version of Muskrat. Rocky was a younger, red haired, slimmer man of perhaps 25 or 27. Badger was a human version of Barney Rubble from the Flintstones cartoon. He was blond and looked younger than his age.

Bobby and I saw the Barney Rubble connection immediately. I briefly thought about doing a Fred and Barney Get It On in Bedrock video. As soon as the idea popped in my head, I knew it would generate a lawsuit. Doing a porn video based on a children's cartoon would be a disaster. I knew nothing about Hollywood studios, but I assumed forgiving was not one of their characteristics. Messing with their trademark characters would be a bad idea.

When I thought about it, I realized the Flintstones connection was a bad idea anyway. Five Star Videos used older men, most were in their 40s and 50s. While they were all enthusiastic sexual performers, they had a slightly used look. Bobby told me once that our audience liked men who were accessible. They wanted to see the sort of man you might pick up at a rest stop, or find on an internet-meeting site.

Some men want fantasy men. They want young, beautiful, toned and tanned models with every hair in place. There was no chance in hell any of the models would shack up with one of our customers. They tended to be middle aged, balding guys with a paunch. Our "stars" were attainable. If you got lucky and it was dark enough you might actually connect.

Muskrat and his pals fit his profile. They were big, hung and horny. You could tell if you bent over for any one of them, he would give you a poke. You could also guess it might very well be the most intense sexual experience of your life.

Sammy's house was big, secluded and private. He introduced the men to the hot tub. Again, we all got naked, including the cameramen. That was good. The two cameramen and Saul already were erect. Their erections established us as regular guys and our actors let their hair down. They made no effort to hide their interests and tastes. Dunce unexpectedly was impressive with a hard-on. Eubank was more professional, but his obvious interest in the actors was appreciated.

Performing in front of clothed people could have been embarrassing for the men. It wasn't a problem with our crew.

All of the actors were members of the Rivers family, although Badger had a different last name. They called Muskrat, Rat. He only used Muskrat for formal occasions. They shared common physical features as well as the same sex drive. Rocky and Badger were slightly more shy than the others were, but no one was a wallflower.

Sex for me had always been one-on-one, and my only slightly off beat interest was sperm catching. Our actors weren't my type. I thought I liked them younger and smoother. In reality, I wasn't sure I had a type. I didn't have enough nerve to go looking for men, and got lucky only once and a while.

This turned out to be a lucky day. That wasn't what I intended or expected, but the Rivers' boys were both enthusiastic and aggressive. They were carried away and I was carried with them.

I found myself in the hot tub between Raleigh and Rocky, the oldest and the youngest of the men. After talking with them for a half hour, I came to like the crude men. They were crude, but not rude. They were loggers who went after rare and unusual woods for fine furniture. That meant the spent most of their time in the deep woods. Sex was simply entertainment for them. They were usually out of range of television and most radio. They lived off the grid.

When I said I talked with them, I actually talked a little between sucking sessions. I had little experience with uncut men. The boys were uncut. When I sucked Raleigh, the skin tube was the only part of his cock that showed in his thick pubic hair. I sucked it and then worked my tongue into the pucker searching for his cock head. The skin was thick and it was a touch gamey inside.

Raleigh had been oozing sex juices in anticipation of the meeting, and they had slightly fermented. He shivered when my tongue touched his knob for the first time. While they were crude men, the thick foreskin protected their cock head, and thus the cock heads were very sensitive. I licked his slit a few times and he oozed a glob of precum to thank me. I was into it.

As his cock grew, the thick foreskin became thinner, and eventually it was almost paper thin, barely able to enclose his massive cock. The ooze became a flood.

"I'm getting close," he whispered. "I don't want to shoot now. Why don't you suck the boy?" I move to take care of Rocky. By then Rocky was half-hard and oozing. If there was a market for precum, Rocky could have opened a soda fountain. His precum turned me on and I just sucked his spigot.

When Raleigh said he didn't want to shoot now, I think he meant he didn't want to shoot in my mouth now. Rocky was sitting on the side of the hot tub. I was bent over sucking him. My ass was wide open. Raleigh fingered my hole.

"He has a nice on, rocky," Raleigh said.

"Is he nice and tight, Daddy?" Rocky asked.

"It feels that way," Raleigh replied.

"Is it too tight?"

"I kind of doubt that, but you never know until you try," Raleigh replied. Sammy had lubricant available, and soon Raleigh tested my sphincter. I was sucking up Rocky's sex juices, and that seemed to relax my sphincter. Raleigh made one firm thrust and he was in. as the cock went deep, I thought Rocky ejaculated. It took me a little while to realize he shot pre cum not semen. Rocky was really excited.

Raleigh like a slow and easy start, but he soon built up steam. Soon he was pounding me. Suddenly he stopped and I felt his ejaculating in my ass. It was lovely. He calmed down and pulled out.

"That was hot!" Rocky said.

"Damn, he shot a big load," I said. "Would you like to fuck?"

"I'm not sure," rocky replied. "I've never been in an ass already filled with cum." He was silent for a little while. "Did Daddy shoot a lot?"

"Buckets," I answered. Rocky got up and went behind me. He nosed his cock into my hole gently. He had a big head in a thinner shaft. He pushed his entire cock and stopped. It was as if he was savoring the sensation. I felt something tickling. He was shooting off.

Next: Chapter 2

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