Cave-In at the Hwy 63 Tunnel

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Jun 30, 2006


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Cave-In at the Hwy 63 Tunnel Part Two

By Chris

It wasn't until about midnight that Lacey found herself alone. The doctors ran a bunch of tests and her family kept her company until she finally made them go home. She also wanted to go home but they, the doctors and her family, made her stay overnight in the hospital to make sure everything was okay. Once alone she made her way out to the nurse's station to find out what room Brook was in. The nurse was nice enough to check but she couldn't find that Brook was in the hospital. Lacey knew that with the money that Brook's family had then the doctors would come to her or they would put her in the private hospital that was located just outside of town. Only the very rich could afford to go there. Lacey went back to her room and picked up her cell phone and then it hit her.

"Oh fuck, I never got her stupid phone number or email address. How stupid can I be?" Lacey asked herself as she crawled back into the hospital bed. She was already missing her and it had only been a couple of hours. "Maybe it is just as well." Lacey thought but she couldn't make herself believe it.

She wasn't released until the next afternoon and her mother insisted that she come home with her. Being the ever dutiful daughter, she went home with her. Late that afternoon as she was sitting out on the porch with most of her family, a car pulled up and then a SUV much like hers pulled in behind it. An older man in a suit got out of the car and then a younger man in a suit got out of the SUV.

"I'm looking for Ms. Lacey Taylor." The older man said.

"That would be me, why you asking?" Lacey said as she got up with her brothers and sister following close behind.

"This would be yours then." He said as she handed the keys to the Hybrid SUV to Lacey and then he said, "The title is in the glove compartment."

"Wait a minute, who told you to deliver this to me?" Lacey called out to him but he was already in the car with the other guy and was driving away. He just gave a wave as they backed out of the driveway.

"Who sent you this sis?" Her brother Tom asked as he went to the new automobile.

"I think I know." Lacey said as she went to the glove compartment and saw that the title was in her name and there was no lien. This was for saving their daughter and she knew Brook had put them up to it. Brook would have known that she needed a car so she made her parents get her one. "But how did she know where she was?" Lacey thought to herself.

"Oh man, this is the latest version of the hybrid cars. You are talking some bucks here. I would love to have one of these but there is no way we could afford it on our budget." Her brother Henry said.

Her sister Sue then came up behind Lacey and she felt her put her arm around her waist. "Something's going on here isn't it?" Sue said more than asked.

"Yep," Lacey said as she felt like she wanted to cry. She didn't know what to do about the car. She did need it but she felt funny taking it but at the same time she knew she couldn't return it. That would hurt Brook's feelings and she didn't want to do that.

"You want to talk about it? You know we could always talk when we weren't fighting." Sue said as she gave Lacey a little squeeze.

"Maybe that wouldn't be a bad idea." Lacey said as she handed the keys to Sue.

"Move out boys, the women are going for a ride and then you will get your turn." Sue told her brothers and then she gave them a look that told them that she didn't want any back talk.

Lacey got into the passenger seat as Sue started the car and backed out. Lacey was lost in thought as Sue drove and she wondered if she should tell Sue anything when Sue pulled off the main road and drove down to the river. She got out and Lacey sat a minute as she looked at Sue standing patiently at the front of the car. She knew she could trust Sue so she got out and walked with her to the river bank.

"So what really happened in the tunnel?" Sue asked and then she put her hand on Lacey's and gave it a squeeze.

"I fell in love..." Lacey said as tears began to fall down her cheek and then she proceeded to tell Sue everything. She started at the point of her deciding to go camping over spring break and didn't stop talking until Brook was pulled from her hand when they came out. Sue didn't say a word but listened intently as Lacey talked.

"So am I a bad person?" Lacey asked.

"No honey, your not but you are in a sticky situation. I don't know what to tell you to do but I do know that you have a good heart. Let it guide you. I think that we are both guilty of thinking too much when it comes to love so this time let what is in your heart do the talking." Sue said as she hugged Lacey to her.

"How did I get suck a good sister?" Lacey asked after a few minutes.

"You got lucky I guess." Sue said as she gave her sister a kiss on the cheek.

"Now let's get home before mom sends out the 3rd Cavalry after us. You know how she gets if we not at home when she puts dinner on the table." Sue said with a laugh.

"Yea, I know. I'll be lucky if she lets me go back home Sunday. She'll probably want to ride with me so I won't get trapped in any more tunnels." Lacey said with a laugh.

Lacey thought several times about trying to find Brook's phone number and calling at her home but decided against it. She thought that it might be better to wait until Monday or Tuesday and try her at her school. She just wasn't sure what she was going to say if her parents answered the phone but then as rich as they were it was unlikely that they would do that. The butler or maid or whatever they had would do that, even if she could find the number in the first case. In the end, she figured that it was better that she waited. She didn't get away from her parents until late Sunday and by the time she got to her house; she only had time to gather the things that she would need for school the next day. Plus she had a number of messages from her friends and coworkers on her answering machine. She returned most of them and then she looked at her computer but she wasn't up to answering her emails so she didn't even turn it on. Instead she stripped and then went to take a shower. As she lay in bed that night, finally alone, her mind went back over the previous week. It all seemed like a dream to her but she knew that it wasn't.

When she got to the middle school that she taught at, all her fellow teachers gathered around her and wanted to know all about her experience in the tunnel. She told the story over and over again until they all had heard it. She was glad when the bell rang and she made her way to her classroom. There she thought that she could get away from the tunnel but she was badly mistaken. Her home room wanted to know all about what had happened to her and she had to repeat the story for them and they all had more questions than her fellow teachers did. They also asked more personal questions as they hadn't quite got to the age of knowing what discretion was. She tried to answer their questions without going into much detail. But she did notice that the one pupil that she expected the most questions had none. Bonnie was the student that she pushed the most. She was so sharp but she didn't put her all into her work. She put in just enough effort to make her B's but would do no more. Lacey had worked with her, threatened her, and even tried to bribe her with extra credit to get her to do more. Bonnie would always resist and act as if she could do no better but Lacey knew from the pointed questions that she asked in class just how much smarter she was than what she put forth in her homework and tests. Lacey had a love hate relationship with the girl, she love her sharp mind and sharp tongue but hated the effort she put forth. Bonnie, Lacey corrected suspected, had only a hate relationship with her.

Anyway, Lacey noted that there was something different about Bonnie that morning and then in the afternoon when she had her for a regular class, Bonnie was completely silent. She would also refuse to make eye contact with her. Bonnie was one to never be stared down, much less, not make eye contact. Lacey knew that something was really wrong but with this being the first day back from spring break, she didn't have time to confront Bonnie but she knew that sometime this week she would and if she didn't get the answers she wanted she would call Bonnie's mother. She had many conversations with Bonnie's mother this year and they got along great. They both wanted the same thing for Bonnie and they both had traded ideas on how to motivate her.

When the day ended, Lacey was going to try and catch Bonnie's mother as she picked her up but she got caught by another teacher and never made it out of her classroom. By the time the other teacher left, Lacey knew she had missed her chance so she settled back down at her desk and began to go over some of the pop tests that she was famous for and also hated for. But Lacey only used the pop tests to see where her students were and not for their grades. She didn't tell her students that of course, she wasn't stupid. She was well into grading the tests when she heard a knock on the door and she saw Bonnie's mom peeking in.

"Can I bother you a moment?" She asked.

"Jane, come on in, I wanted to talk to you." Lacey said using Bonnie's first name as they had done since the beginning of the year.

"I figured that you would but I think that Bonnie wants to talk to you first." Jane said leaving Lacey to wonder what Bonnie wanted to say. "Come on in Honey." Jane called out to her daughter.

Bonnie looked in and Lacey could tell that this was the last place she wanted to be but she could also see that it was the one place she needed to be. She slowly walked to her mother and stood behind her as if she was a very shy girl which was the last thing that she was.

"Honey, come on around here, its okay I promise." Jane said as she pulled the reluctant child from behind of her. She then got down on her knees in front of Bonnie and said, "Just tell Ms. Taylor what you told me in the car. She won't be mad, I promise." She then got up and started to out the door leaving Bonnie there and Lacey could see the tears forming in her eyes.

"Honey, you can talk to me. Like your mother said, I promise that I won't be mad." Lacey said as she got up and brought a chair up to her desk and she sat down in her chair as she eased Bonnie into the other chair. They were now sitting almost knee to knee and Lacey was trying to put her most pleasant smile on her face hoping to put the obviously upset child at ease.

Lacey started to say something when Bonnie blurted out, "It's all my fault that you got trapped in the tunnel, I so sorry. I didn't really want anything bad to happen to you." She then burst into tears and then into sobs.

Lacey dropped onto her knees and pulled the sobbing child into her arms and held her as she cried her eyes out. Lacey saw Jane looking in and she motioned her away so that she could handle it.

Lacey repeated over and over to Bonnie as she cried that it wasn't her fault but the child was having none of that, she just cried more and said that it was. Finally the child cried it out and Lacey was able to get her to sit back down.

"Now tell me why you think it was your fault that I got trapped."

Bonnie gave out one last sob and then she said, "When you said that you were going camping, I asked God to let you get eaten by a bear. He didn't do that but he trapped you in the tunnel instead."

In a way Lacey wanted to laugh at the child's innocence but she knew better. This was very serious to Bonnie and she truly believed that her getting trapped was her fault.

"Honey, that wasn't your fault, you didn't have anything to do with it. Do you know whose fault it was?" Lacey asked and she continued with, "And don't say yourself."

"Whose fault was it?" Bonnie asked.

"It was nobody's fault. It was something that just happened. Sometimes things like happened but if we have to lay blame then the blame lies with me. Do you know why?" Lacey asked and Bonnie shook her head no.

"That road was blocked off and no one was supposed to use it but I did. I wanted to take a short cut so I went around the barriers and then I got trapped. If I hadn't gone on that road then I wouldn't have gotten trapped. But in the end it really wasn't my fault nor was it Brook's, the girl that got trapped with me, fault. So stopped worrying about that okay?"

"Okay but I am still sorry that you got trapped." Bonnie said.

"Thank you but now I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to be honest with me. I promise you won't get punished by me or your mother no matter what your answer is. Do you believe me?"

"Yes," Bonnie said a little hesitantly.

"Why did you want be to get eaten by a bear?" Lacey asked. She was putting the girl on the spot but she needed to get an honest answer from her. Lacey could see Bonnie squirm in her seat for a few moments then she let her off the hook.

"Is it because I push you so hard and keep after you to do better?" Lacey asked and Bonnie looked down at the floor before nodding yes.

"Do you know why I do that?" Lacey asked and again Bonnie eyes never left the floor as she nodded her head no.

"Get up a minute and look me in the eye." Lacey told her. It took Bonnie a few moments to get up and even longer to look her in the eye but she did.

Looking Bonnie right in the eyes, Lacey said, "Bonnie you are a very smart young lady. You can do anything you want to do in this life but you have to want that. I want it for you and your mother wants you too but we wanting it won't make it happen. You have to want it too. You could be a doctor, a scientist, or even the first woman president if you want too. All year I have just been trying to find a way into that sharp mind of yours. I'll tell you what, I will make a deal with you. We have six more weeks of school. If you will give me and the rest of your teachers your best, I will stop pushing you. But if you don't then next year I will be back to pushing you. Will you do that for me?"

Bonnie thought it over before making her decision, "Yes but can I still..." Bonnie said as she tried to figure out how to ask what she wanted to ask.

"Still be a pain in my class and ask me off the wall questions?" Lacey said with a smile.

"Yea," Bonnie said as the mischievous girl that she was came out.

"I think I can live with that." Lacey said not bothering to tell Bonnie that she actually loved those questions as they showed her just how smart she really was.

That brought a smile to Bonnie's face and she opened her arms and hugged Lacey who had just became her favorite teacher. The hug surprised Lacey but she gave Bonnie a hug and then the girl went running out of the room, happy as a lark. A few minutes later her mother came back into the room and Lacey could see that more than a few tears had come from the mother's eyes.

"I think you just got through to her." Jane said as she too went to Lacey and hugged her.

"We got through to her. It was you that made her come in and tell me what she was mistakenly thinking. You know you will have your hands full now." Lacey said.

"We both will but then again, she has been a hand full since the day she was born." Jane said.

"But you wouldn't trade her for any child in the world would you?" Lacey asked.

"Oh god no, she's my angel, she's my girl." Jane said as she wiped a last tear from her eye.

"Well let me go and see what she has gotten into now. I can't leave her alone for long or she will be stirring up trouble or getting into it." Jane said with a laugh and she was gone.

Lacey bade her goodbye and sat down. Lacey knew that this was the best day she had ever had teaching. And she let a few of her own tears flow. Then she got up and went to her lonely house, a house that didn't have Brook waiting on her.

It was about seven that night after she had her dinner of salad and then a long relaxing bath that sat down in her bath robe and turned on her desktop computer. She let things cycle through and when her messenger popped up and there was someone named "tunnel.lover" that wanted to add her. She started to block whoever it was since she didn't know them, when her heart skipped a beat. "Could it be her, could it be Brook?" Lacey asked herself as she accepted them as a contact. A few seconds later, a message from "Tunnel.lover" flashed up. She hit the icon and her messenger came up and the message from "tunnel.lover" said:

"About time you came online. I have been waiting forever. Where the hell have you been?"

"Nice to talk to you too and I have been at my parents if you need to know." Lacey typed with a smile that went from ear to ear.

"Don't they have a computer?" Brook typed.

"No, they don't. My mother refuses to move into the twenty first century. So how have you been? Did you miss me?"

"Oh god yes! I wanted to come running to you after the first day at home with my parents."

"I missed you too, so god damn much, maybe too much." Lacey typed back.

"You were right about my parents. They have decided that I really don't need a car until I graduate which is only about five weeks from now but that is much to long to be without you."

"I figured they would do something, and if my mother could, she would probably take my car away." Lacey typed with a laughing smiley face attached to the message. "And talking about cars, I have a bone to pick with you."

"What?" Brook typed innocently.

"You know what, the new Hybrid SUV that arrived at my parents house all paid for. You know better than that!"

"Well you needed a car and I knew Mother and Father would gladly get one for looking out for me so I just hinted real hard and they did it. I knew that you would be mad but not too mad I hope?"

"I was a little mad but I forgive you but nothing else. Promise me that." Lacey said.

"I promise, but back to me being without a car until the end of May. When and how are we going to get back together?"

"We'll figure out something, I promise. But let's give it a week or so and let everything get back to normal, okay."

"Okay, I hate to wait but I know you are right about that. Mother and father are watching me like a hawk, calling every day but I know they will calm down soon and be back to their normal schedule of once a week calling." Brook typed.

"So where are you now?"

"At school, and already bored but now I have you to talk to every night."

"Yes you do and I have you. I do miss you so much but our time will come baby."

"I love when you call me that." Brook said.

"Call you what?" Lacey typed knowing what Brook was referring to.

"Baby, silly."

"LOL" Lacey typed and then she added, "Well you are my baby aren't you?"

"Definitely!" Brook typed.

"I glad to hear that!" Lacey typed and she was. She was taking her sister's advice and letting her heart tell her what to do. She didn't care what would happen but then she felt like nothing but good would come from loving Brook.

"So tell me everything that has happened since we got out of the tunnel, I want to hear about it all." Brook typed and Lacey started to tell her everything. She started with going to her parent's house at their insistence and having to tell them all about the experience. Then she went on about getting the hybrid SUV and she took the opportunity to fuss at Brook for doing that. Brook only repeated the she did need a vehicle which Lacey couldn't really argue but then she did make her point. She ended with telling Brook about her student Bonnie.

"That made you feel good didn't it?" Brook typed.

"Yes it did, it made me feel real good." Lacey typed.

"That is why you are so good a teacher, you keep trying and you finally got to her." Brook typed.

"It only took me seven months to get there. And she is the one who gave me the opening." Lacey conceded.

"Yes but you saw the opening and used it to get to her, that makes you a great teacher." Brook typed.

"I don't know about great but okay, but enough about me, now on to you. What did you do since we got out?" Lacey typed to her friend.

"There's not much to tell really. My parents took me to the hospital and they checked me out. The doctors wanted to even do a pelvic on me but I put my foot down."

"Good for you!" Lacey typed.

"I then went home with my parents and they fused over me the rest of the night. I hardly got any sleep at all. Then the next afternoon, they were waiting for me in the sunroom. Asked me why I decided to go home when I knew that no one was home. I admit that they caught me off guard."

"You should have seen that one coming." Lacey typed.

"I know but I didn't but luckily I remembered the dance that was coming up this week so I told them that I was coming home to get a dress. I didn't bother to tell them that I had no intention of going to the dance and still don't."

"It's a good thing that you have a quick mind." Lacey typed.

"Yea, anyway they accepted it but then they decided that since my car was still stuck in the tunnel then I wouldn't need one until the end of the term which will be about the time they get our vehicles out of the tunnel. Now for the rest of the time, I spent going places with my mother or father. They didn't seem to want me out of site." Brook typed.

"See they love you in their way." Lacey typed to her.

"I know, but all the same I was glad to get back to school and have them back traveling all around the world. I did go to father's company and I had one of the programmers help me to get your email address and phone number."

"I was wondering how you got them. He or she won't say anything will they?" Lacey asked.

"No, he is sort of a rebel like me and loves to do things like that. He will keep his mouth shut, I trust him but he is the only one I would trust there. They rest will do anything to get on the good side of my father. Then I waited for you to get off your lazy butt and come online."

"Hey, better late than never." Lacey typed.

They talked on until about eleven when Lacey realized what time it was and then it took her another hour to get Brook to say goodnight. And then they send each other lots of hugs and kisses before they actually signed off.

When Lacey turned off the lights, she felt better. Sue was right about going with her heart. So still wanted to see Brook badly but at least she felt better after talking to her. The next day was a long one but she made it through and Bonnie was true to her word, she did try harder and she also asked the hardest and the most off the wall questions like she had done before. She was definably back to her old self and that warmed Lacey's heart.

By the time she got home that night she was worn out. Between staying up late and then having to keep up with all those middle school kids took all her energy. She briefly looked through her mail and then she turned on her laptop that she kept in her bedroom. She saw that Brook wasn't on line so she turned up the volume and she lay down. She was asleep before her head hit the pillow and was lost in dreamland when she heard Brook nudging her.

"Hey baby," Lacey typed through slits in her eyes as she tried to wake up from a deep sleep.

"What were you doing? I had to nudge you several times before you answered." Brook typed.

"I was asleep, I took a nap when I got home. For some reason, I stayed up later than normal last night." Lacey typed.

"I'm sorry, do you need to go back to sleep." Brook typed and Lacey could just see Brook staring at the screen hoping that Lacey would say no.

"No, I'm fine. I want to talk and that is why I decided to take a nap but we will have to figure out a better schedule for talking. But first let me go pee before I wet the bed." Lacey said and she could see Brook letting out a sigh of relief and then laughing at the pee comment.

"Go pee, I'll wait for you." Brook typed.

Lacey got up and peed and then went to the kitchen and got her something to drink and then she saw some of her mother's left over stew in the refrigerator so she heated that up as she realized that she was hungry.

"Back" she typed as she sat down on her bed with the laptop in front of her and she started to eat the warmed stew.

"Girl you really did have to pee didn't you. You were gone forever." Brook typed.

"Well while I was up, I got something to drink and something to eat. I haven't had anything to eat since noon." Lacey typed.

"You had better eat then and I will talk." Brook said and she did as she told Lacey about her day. It was a typical day but Lacey enjoyed listening or rather reading what Brook had done. By the time that Brook had mostly finished telling about her day, Lacey was finished with her late supper and she told Brook about her day and how Bonnie was back to her old self and Brook was happy to hear that. They talked till about ten when Lacey started to feel tired again. She told Brook that during the weekday she did need to get to bed earlier as she had to be fresh each day for her kids. Teaching school wasn't something you could do very well if you were tired and besides she knew that Brook needed her sleep too. Brook of course made a comment about Lacey not being her mom and that Lacey had to respond to and she did. They again signed off with lots of kisses and hugs.

The next night Lacey turned on her computer after she had showered and ate her dinner. She was surprised to see that Brook wasn't online. She went through her emails and was beginning to worry about Brook when her cell phone rang. Lacey didn't recognize the number but she went ahead and answered.

"Hello" Lacey said.

"Guess who!" came the reply.

"Oh Brook, it's so nice to hear your voice again." Lacey said as her heart fluttered in her chest.

"I like talking to you on the computer but I couldn't go any longer without hearing your voice." Brook said.

"I'm glad. I was going to wait till this weekend to call you but I glad you beat me to the punch. Are you in your room?"

"No, I told my roommate that I was going for a walk. I can't say anything personal while she is in the room. She is real nice and we get along but she doesn't know I'm into girls. So it's better to talk outside of the room. Besides it's a nice night to take a walk with my lover only I wish you were really here with me holding my hand."

"I am there with you. Can't you feel me squeezing your hand and giving you a quick kiss on the cheek while no one is watching?" Lacey said very softly.

"Mmmmm... that does feel nice. I can feel you here with me." Brook purred.

"So tell me what you are seeing as you walk so I can see it too." Lacey said still talking softly.

Brook started to tell her about the finely trimmed grass and how it felt on her bare feet. She talked about the old oak tree that was in the center of the campus and all the maple trees that surrounded it. She didn't leave a detail out and Lacey could just picture everything that Brook was describing. By the time Brook was done, Lacey really was with her in her mind. Brook then sat down in the grass and they talked as the sun began to set in the west. They talked until Brook started to get a chill and then Lacey made her get off and go inside to get warm.

They continued to talk almost every night, either by phone or internet. As time went on, Brook's parents stopped calling her every day. At first they went to a couple of times a week and then back to once a week. Brook also began to tell her mother about how she and Lacey had become good friends, how they had begun to talk and that it helped them both of them get over what had happened. Lacey wasn't sure about this at first but then Brook told her about her real plan. First get her father to get her into the university where Lacey lived. Once that was done, then she would need someone to look out for her while she was at school and who better than the school teacher that looked after her while she was trapped in the tunnel. Lacey still wasn't convinced that this was a good plan but then Brook told her that she had already put it in place and it was well on its way to working. Her father had already talked to the university president and she pretty much had a special admission in the bag. Lacey had to admit that Brook seemed to know what she was doing.

Lacey's school ended a couple of weeks before Brook's did and that gave her some time to shop for Brook's graduation present. Most of her school salary went to her house payment and regular bills but she did have a little money left over after the insurance company decided to total her old SUV. It wasn't that badly hurt when she ran into the rocks but when they started to dig out the exit to the tunnel, they caused the rocks that were beside her SUV to come tumbling down and that finished off the vehicle. She used most of the money to pay off the loan and used the rest to go shopping. But then she realized that she had no clue as to what to get a girl that had everything and what she didn't have she could easily buy. During Brook's final's week Lacey went home to stay with her parents and visit her siblings. She looked around town trying to find anything that would mean something to Brook but she was coming up with nothing. Jewelry was out of the question as well as clothes. It was getting closer to Brook's graduation and still she had nothing. Then one day she walked into the local artist's shop. He was a painter that sold his paintings to the tourist that came into town. She had brought a few of his paintings herself because she liked the way he painted plus he always gave her a good deal. She began to talk to him about trying to find something for a friend, a very good friend. He knew what she was saying as he was gay himself and like her he didn't promote the fact.

"I think I have just the thing for you my sweet lady." He told Lacey, "Please come this way."

"What you got?" Lacey asked as she followed him back into his studio where few are ever allowed.

"Just be patient by dear, you can't rush a genus such as myself." He said as he let his hand waved in the air. Lacey started to laugh but then he turned suddenly and said "Don't you dare laugh or out on the street you will go and no present for your special friend."

Lacey caught herself just in time and then he said, 'Oh hell, go ahead and laugh and get it out of your system." Lacey then let it out and he laughed as she laughed. "If you don't laugh at yourself, then everyone else will."

"Very true, you are wiser than you look." Lacey replied.

"Now where is that painting, I painted it for you a couple of years ago and I was just waiting for the right time to sell it to you. Now that you are desperate, I know I can squeeze every last penny out of you." He said with a smile. "Oh there you are, you were hiding from me weren't you." He said to the painting.

He pulled it from behind some other paintings and he dusted it off. Then he put it up on an empty stand. Lacey took one look at the painting and fell in love with it. It was set up on a mountain top with two women standing close together with the dark haired woman having her arm around the light haired woman waist. Lacey knew it was her and Brook, it was as if he was thinking of them when he painted it but that wasn't possible because it was painted two years before she met Brook.

When Lacey got her voice back, she said, "I love it, I'll pay you anything for it. I have to have that painting. I just hope that Brook will like it."

"Honey, the best gifts are the ones that mean the most to you. Then you are truly giving a part of yourself in the gift." He told her.

Lacey thought for a moment then knew that what he was saying was true. "Your right as always, how much?"

"This will be my gift to you, to give to your friend. I know that it will make you both happy." He said.

"I can't do that, I must pay you something." Lacey protested.

"Oh, you will pay. I plan on charging you out the ear for all the paintings that you will buy in the future." He said with a smile.

"Oh thank you." Lacey said as she gave him a hug.

"Now go out there and buy a couple of more paintings as I find the perfect frame for this masterpiece." He told her and that is what she did as she waited for Brook's gift.

"Hello Baby," Lacey said as she answered her cell phone on Thursday night, the eve of Brook's graduation.

"Hi, I can't talk long. I'm calling from the bathroom and my parents are waiting to take me out to dinner for my graduation. Anyway, I had to tell you something so you won't be surprised tomorrow."

"Why am I suddenly worried, what have you done now?" Lacey asked as her stomach began to get tight.

"Well mother and father have to go out of town right after I graduate and they didn't want to leave me alone. They offered to take me but where they are going but I told them that I'd rather stay here. But then mother said, "No way!" That is when I came up with what I consider a brilliant plan."

"And what pray tell would that be." Lacey asked already knowing what it was.

"I told them I could stay with you. She knows we have become fast friends and she likes the idea of me becoming friends with a school teacher. Anyway be prepared to impress them. Then we will be set. We will be able to see each other all we want once I get to college in August and with them gone all the time, we'll have the summer too."

"Brook, we are going to have to talk about you making plans and not telling me about them." Lacey said but she was excited about the idea of a week with Brook.

"I know you can fuss at me all week. I'll do anything you say starting tomorrow afternoon, but first my parents."

"Thanks for the pressure, just what I need."

"Hey, mother is calling after me. I got to go. See you tomorrow. Love ya! Bye." Brook said and then she hung up.

Lacey was upset with Brook for doing that to her but at the same time she knew that she had been working on her parents for two months now and then she saw an opening so she took it. There really wasn't time to consult with her but Lacey knew she was still going to make Brook pay.

When Lacey woke up the next morning, she had butterflies in her stomach. Brook's graduation ceremony was scheduled for eleven that morning and Lacey knew that she was going to meet her parents and she had to make a good impression. As she took a shower, she thought about how to play this and then she realized that she really had only one way to play it. That was to be herself. She was never any good at trying to be someone she wasn't. She was a nice and gentle person who just happened to be a lesbian and who happened to love someone who in one sense was too young to love but in another was older than some girls that she had fallen for before. She just had to hope that was good enough to convince Brook's parents that Brook was in good hands.

It was an hour's drive to Brook's school so she was out the door by nine so that she could be there an hour before the ceremony started at eleven. She hoped that she would be able to talk to Brook before her parents got there but as she pulled up to the school, she knew that probably wouldn't be the case. As the guard let her in after she showed her invitation, she drove toward the outdoor theater and she saw girls everywhere and they all had their parents with them. She would learn later that the parents were put up at the school the night before the graduations so that they could attend the practice and the practice dinner. She also found later that it was not just the parents of the girls graduating but also all the parents of all the girls. Lacey parked and headed toward the theater. She tried Brook's cell phone but found that Brook had turned it off. It was a cool early June morning but Lacey found that she was already sweating. She just hoped that her deodorant worked and that it would work all day long. Slowly the theater filled up and Lacey tried to find Brook's parents hoping that she would recognize them assuming that one of them would look like Brook. But if she saw them, she didn't know it. Finally eleven arrived and the teachers came in from the side of the stage and took their seats with the headmaster and she went to the podium. She had everyone rise and Lacey heard a commotion behind her. She turned around and saw the graduating class lined up behind her. Lacey was on the aisle and she watched as the class began to descend the steps toward the stage. There looked to be about forty in the class. Lacey kept an eye out for Brook but she couldn't find her until they got to the last ten. There were all dressed in red gowns vs. the blue that everyone else wore. Lacey looked hard and then she saw Brook's blond hair and she was in the last set of two. Lacey saw that Brook was searching for someone and she hope that someone was her. Lacey wanted to call out to her but kept her month shut. About this time, she saw Brook's eyes light on her. Brook's face broke out into a huge smile and Lacey knew that she was the one Brook was looking for. They stared at each other the whole time and as Brook approached her Lacey saw that her hand was reaching out. Lacey put her hand out and as Brook passed by she took Brook's hand for a second and gave it a squeeze. It was then that she saw that Brook had a tear coming down her cheek and she found that she had one or two on her own cheeks. She watched Brook go on down the steps and into her seat. The headmater then got up and the speeches started. Lacey half listened to them as she tried to keep her eye on Brook. Finally the students got to speak and Lacey knew almost word for word what they would say. Even though they came from the wealthiest families in the nation their words were similar to what was said at her own high school graduation. Finally Brook came up and started her speech. Lacey wondered if she would mention being trapped and play on her notoriety but Brook never mentioned it. Instead she talked about the future and how they would change the world like the other kids did and Lacey knew she was doing what her parents expected. But at the end of her speech, she made a showing of putting her notes away. Then straightened her back and she looked directly at her fellow students.

"Live your lives as you chose and not how others have chosen for you!" she said and then she went to her seat.

Lacey was so proud of her. She wanted to stand and clap for her baby but from the looks on everyone's faces she knew that this wasn't the time or place for it but she would let Brook know how she felt about that last sentence of her speech. The headmaster quickly got up and started the handing out of the diplomas. She wanted to get as far away as she could from Brook's statement and she wanted to do it quickly. Lacey had taken pictures all through Brook's speech but she saved enough pictures left to get one of her accepting her diploma. Finally the band played and the caps went flying into the air. Lacey watched as the parents made their way down their daughters. Lacey stayed where she was. She didn't want to come between Brook and her parents. This was their time together. It was not long before she saw Brook's blond hair blowing in the wind and she had her parents in tow.

"Well, here it comes, ready or not girl." Lacey said to herself then she got up and started to make her way down toward Brook and her parents. Lacey straightened the wrinkles out of her dress and took in a deep breath. She slowly exhaled and tired to force her body to relax. As they got closer, she could see Brook grinning from ear to ear but she noticed that there was a much more serious look on Brook's parents face. She tried to determine who Brook looked like but to be honest she could see very little of either parent in their child. Brook had her mother's blond hair and her father had the same eyes but somewhere along the line he lost the twinkle that was still in Brook's eyes. Then they were there.

Brook came to Lacey and gave her a hug but it was a reserved hug but she did whisper into her ear, "I missed you so much."

Lacey couldn't whisper anything back since she was facing Brook's parents but as they separated; she discreetly reached for Brook's hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Mother and Father, I would like to introduce you to Lacey Taylor. She is the person who kept be going in the tunnel. Lacey this is my mother, Judith Livingston and my father Steven Livingston." Brook said in her very formal introduction. Lacey shook both of their hands and noticed that she got a dead fish handshake for each of them. This didn't impress her at all.

"I'm very please to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Livingston. I also want to compliment you on raising such a well brought up daughter. I can see why you would be so proud of her. I would also like to say that Brook was just as responsible for keeping me going in the tunnel."

"We do appreciate what you did for our daughter, for that we will always be grateful." Brook's mother said.

"Yes indeed," Her father said and then his cell phone rang and he stepped away to take the call not bothering to excuse himself and that told Lacey where she stood, which was fine with her. When Brook was telling her about her parents, she wasn't sure she completely believed what she was saying but in only a few short words, Brook's parents had proved everything that she had said about them.

Brook's mother began to make conversation, asking Lacey about her job and her family. Lacey told her a little about each but she gave few details. When Brook's father came back to the conversation, he suggested that they all go to lunch as they had a late afternoon fight to Germany for an important deal that Lacey was sure would make his company millions. They then headed for their limo that whisked them off to a local restaurant that catered to the class of people that attended the school. As they ate, Lacey noticed a different side to Brook. When she talked to her parents, she was very formal in her speech pattern. It was like she so wanted to please them but then when she talked to Lacey, she could see the other part of Brook wanting to come out, the part that Lacey had seen in the tunnel and during their talks thereafter. Lacey felt so sorry for her, Brook so wanted to please her parents but she didn't know how. Lacey couldn't help Brook without hurting their chances of being together so they both play the game they knew they had to play.

"Well it looks like you are a normal and well educated woman; I think our daughter will be just fine staying with you. Don't you think so dear?" Brook's father said as the dinner was ending.

Lacey thought to herself, "Yep, I'm normal, as normal as any other lesbian would be." She wanted to smile but she kept her composure.

"Yes, I think that she will be in fine hands." Brook's mother said and Lacey had to let a little smile come across her lips at Brook's mother untended pun. Lacey glanced over at Brook and she could tell that Brook was thinking the same thing that she was.

They left to go back to Brook's school where Lacey got out first and said her good byes to Brook's parents and then she watched as Brook gave a kiss to both of her parents without her or their lips touching each others cheek. Lacey thought back to when she had left home just two days ago. Her mother gave her a good kiss on the cheek and then as was her habit, she used her thumb to rub the love in. At least that was what she had told her when she was a child and her mother was tucking her in at night. That was the way you kissed someone goodnight or goodbye. Brook then got out of the limo and she watched her parents drive off. Lacey hung back and let Brook have a moment to herself. She knew that Brook was very torn, one part of her hated her parents and the other half just wanted them to love her. When Brook turned around, Lacey could see that she had been crying. She started toward her and then she saw Brook shake it off and a big smile come across her face. Lacey knew that Brook had some issues to deal with but they had plenty of time to deal with them. Today was about them.

"Now I don't want you to give me any of those fake kisses." Lacey told Brook as she got to her.

"Oh don't worry, I don't plan on it." Brook said as she gave Lacey a quick hug.

"So what's next on the agenda?" Lacey asked as they separated.

"We go up to my room and we clean it out and take it all to your house. Then once we are at your house we fuck our brains out for the rest of the day and night. Then after a quick breakfast we go back to fucking." Brook said giggling.

"I think someone may be just a little bit horny." Lacey said.

"A little hell, aren't you horny?" Brook asked as her eyebrows knitted.

"Nope, perfectly fine," Lacey said seriously then she slipped her hand over and goosed Brook's ass.

"Whooo..." Brook squealed. "Not horny hell, you can't wait to get those hands on my ass and I know it."

"Well maybe I'm a little horny." Lacey confessed.

They bantered back and forth until they got up to Brook's room which was much bigger that any dorm room she was ever in and each room had a bath attached. There were also two double beds in the room and not the twin beds as she had when she was in college.

"This is nice much nicer..." Lacey started to say then she found herself falling onto the bed with Brook on top of her giggling. Lacey took her hands and pushed Brook's hair back, she saw Brook turn serious as she was lowering her head. Lacey closed her eyes and then she felt Brook's lips touch hers. "Oh god yes!" Lacey thought to herself as she returned the kiss. She put her hand to the back of Brook's neck and held her in place as they kissed. Their lips were closed as they kissed but soon, Lacey opened her lips a bit and she felt Brook's tongue enter her mouth and she welcomed it. She caressed Brook's tongue with her own and as their lips parted the tips of their tongues stayed in contact and they played that way for a moment. Then they went back to kissing. Lacey hugged Brook tightly and the kiss went on for what seemed like forever but it did end.

"God that felt good, but we had better quit before we get caught." Lacey said as she gently pushed Brook off of her and they lay on their backs on Brook's bed.

"I don't care, I'm out of here." Brook said.

"Yea but I'm still the one that would have the problems, don't forget that." Lacey warned Brook.

"I know I won't let anything bad happen." Brook said as she got up off the bed. She then put her hand out and helped Lacey up.

"Let's get packing. I want out of here as soon as possible." Brook said.

Lacey went to the closet and she started to take Brook's school uniforms out.

"No don't take those damn things, I don't need those anymore. Let the other girls fight over them." Brook told Lacey.

"Lets take a few; you can pull them out when your ninety and then you will remember this place a little more fondly." Lacey said.

"I don't think so." Brook said as she turned to her with a weird look on her face.

"Can't we keep a couple of them; you look so cute on them." Lacey finally admitted and she felt her face go red with embarrassment.

"I see we're a little kinky aren't we?" Brook said and she pressed her advantage. "You like to seduce little school girls. Now we know."

"No it's not that, I swear. It's just that is what you were wearing that first day I met you and I thought that you were so cute." Lacey said trying to back peddle her way out.

"I know I was messing with you. I think we can save a few. I'll admit that I can think of a few games that we can play." Brook said as she came on over and gave Lacey a kiss on the cheek.

Lacey smiled at the thought of Lacey entering her bedroom with her school outfit and she felt her pussy tingle. She then looked through the outfits that Brook had and picked out a few that she liked and put them in one of Brook's suitcases. They made quick work of packing up Brook's things taking most but still leaving a lot of stuff for the other girls to pick through. Most of the clothes would go to the freshmen that would be coming in September. Once they were done, Brook took one last look at the room and then they walked out. Lacey knew that she was glad to be out of there but she also knew that one day she would remember her times here a little more kindly. They packed everything in Lacey's new Hybrid SUV and they were off.

Brook talked excitedly as Lacey drove. It was fun to listen to Brook go on and on about any and everything. Brook had so many plans for the summer and almost all of them involved her and Lacey. She talked about what they would do and the places that they would go. Lacey wasn't so sure that Brook would be able to spend that much time away from home but then she never would have thought that she would be able to see her so soon after she had graduated but Brook had managed to arrange that so she wouldn't be surprised by anything that Brook suggested. She only hoped that Brook could actually do it.

"Don't expect much, but this is all I can afford on my teacher's salary." Lacey said as she pulled into the small ranch style house. The outside was constructed of red brick and it was about thirty tears old. But it had been well maintained and had a large yard with plenty of trees for shade during the summer.

"It's pretty and besides it's your house and you will be in it. That is all I care about. Besides all we really need is one bedroom, a bath and a kitchen. The rest is just wasted space that cost a fortune to maintain and to heat and cool. I know that you're not rich and I don't care about that." Brook said as she squeezed Lacey's hand.

"Good, because I love my little home, it may not be much but it's mine. Well mine and the Teacher's Credit Union. They own more of it than I do at this point." Lacey said with a laugh.

"Well let's not just sit here. Take me in and show me around." Brook said as she started to get out of the vehicle.

They both grabbed a suitcase and headed for the front door. Lacey opened the door, and she welcomed Brook into her home. They put her cases down and returned to the car until they had everything sitting in the living room.

"Let me show you around and then we can get you settled in." Lacey said more than a little worried about how Brook would feel about her little home.

"This of course is the living room, play room, music room and everything else room." Lacey said with a nervous laugh.

"Lacey relax, your more nervous than I am. I told you I don't care how big your home is. I like it already. So just lead me around and let me be the nervous one." Brook said as she took Lacey's hand in hers.

"Thanks," Lacey said as she lead Brook into the kitchen and then on around to the bathroom, her study which was the spare bedroom and finally to the master bedroom which was about the biggest room in the house and that is what sold Lacey on the house.

"Well, what do you think?" Lacey asked.

"Don't like it. I think I'll go check into a three star hotel." Brook said straight faced and then she turned on her heels and started to walk toward the bedroom door.

Lacey felt the air sucked out of her lungs and she had trouble catching her breath. She never thought that Brook would be like that but then she saw Brook turn at the door and there was a big grin on her face.

"Got you!" Brook squealed and then she came running back to Lacey tackling her and they landed on the bed.

"You little shit!" Lacey said and she started to say more but she found that her lips were covered by Brook's lips and they kissed. Lacey wrapped her arms around Brook and they rolled around the bed as they kissed and fondled each other. Finally they broke off their kissing to catch their breaths. They both lay onto their backs next to each other.

"You had me going there for a second, you know that. I was really scared that you didn't like my house." Lacey said.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to scare you but I couldn't resist teasing you a bit." Brook said.

"The hell you're sorry, you loved every moment of it." Lacey said.

"Yea I did but I wasn't and couldn't carry it out for long. I didn't want you to be scared. And I do love your house. I really do. It's nice and not so big that I can't find you when I want you. You'll never be far from me." Brook said as she turned over on her side facing Lacey.

Lacey saw the seriousness on her face and she knew that Brook was putting all her emotions on her sleeve when she said that last line. "No baby, I'm not going anywhere, all you have to do is reach out and you will find me." Lacey said as she took her hand and put it to the back of Brook's neck and brought her in for a kiss. It was a soft sensuous kiss. Lacey kissed Brook with only her lips, never opening her mouth. When the kiss ended, they just stared into each other's eyes for a moment. Lacey then pulled Brook to her and she rolled onto her back. Brook laid her head on Lacey's chest and they just lay there quietly. Lacey stroked Brook's hair as they laid there. When she had first found out that Brook was going to be staying here for a week, she had imagined that they would already have made love by this point but right now she only wanted to hold her. Making love would come later when they were both ready. Soon she found that Brook had fallen asleep and she closed her eyes and fell asleep too.

When she woke up an hour or so later, she felt refreshed but the dress that she was wearing was beginning to get to her. She slipped from under Brook and left her sleeping. She threw her dress into the hamper with her bra and panties and she jumped into the shower. She let the water wash over her, she then set about washing her hair and then her body. It felt so refreshing to get the dried sweat from her body. She slipped on a thin robe and after checking on Brook, who was still sleeping soundly, she went into the living room. She saw all the bags and boxes containing Brook's things. She took the dresses and blouses and she hung them up in the closet in the study. Later they would move things around so that Brook's favorite clothes were in the master bedroom closet. As she finished hanging Brook's clothes, she heard an "Oh My!" coming from her bedroom. Lacey hung up the last dress and she went to her bedroom to see what Brook was "Oh My'ing" about. As she walked into the bedroom, she saw Brook holding on to a dildo with her strap-on harness attached.

"I see you've found my toy drawer." Lacey said to a blushing Brook.

"I wasn't snooping, I was just looking for a hair tie and this is where I use to keep mind at home." Brook said still holding on to the dildo.

"That's okay, I don't mind. There's nothing here I don't want you to see." Lacey said smiling as Brook seemed to not be able to put the dildo down or take her eyes off of it.

"Have you used this thing much?" Brook asked as she finally took her eyes off the dildo and looked a Lacey.

"A few times," Lacey said.

"Have you had a lot of girlfriends?" Brook asked and Lacey began to see where Brook was going.

"That depends on what you consider a lot. But yes I have had an active sex life but I'm also very monogamous. I only date one person at a time and that person is you." Lacey said hoping to reassure Brook.

"Okay," Brook said as she tried to smile, but Lacey could tell that she was still unsure. She was young and insecure and Lacey knew that there was only one way to ease her worries.

"Tell you what, put that dildo down and go take a shower. I'll fix us some ice tea and we'll have a talk." Lacey told Brook.

Brook blushed again as she realized that she was still holding onto the dildo. She put it down and came toward Lacey, who stopped her at the door. Lacey bent down and kissed Brook on the nose.

"We'll talk and then we'll do something a lot more interesting." Lacey told her as she moved to let Brook go by but then she playfully popped Brook on the ass.

"Ouch," Brook said but as she turned her head she had a shit eating grin on her face.

Lacey returned to the kitchen and put some water onto boil. She got her tea bags out and she put them into a tea pot. This was how her mother had made tea years ago and while she liked sun tea better but this would work in a crunch. Luckily Brook was taking a long shower so she just had the tea made when she heard Brook calling for her from the living room. She called back to her and told her to have a seat and she would be right there. Lacey put the finishing touches on the tea and she put a couple of glasses full of ice and the pitcher of tea onto a tray and headed toward the living room and her young worried lover. Lacey came into the room smiling and she put the tray down on the table and poured them both a glass. Brook was wearing her spare robe that was much the same as the one she was wearing.

"I know that you are a little worried about my past loves but you shouldn't be. But to ease your worries, I'm going to tell you everything. I think that when I'm done, you'll fell better about us." Lacey said.

"You don't have to tell me anything, I know that you are older than me and have had lovers before me. I'm cool with it all." Brook said as she took a sip of her tea.

"I know that you are but humor me anyway." Lacey said and she could see in Brook's eyes that she was glad that Lacey was going to go ahead and tell her everything.

"I, like you, knew early on that I was a lesbian. And when I turned sixteen, I had my first lover. She was new to the school and we quickly became best friends. Then we became lovers, we discovered what love was all about and we became very close. I was closer to her than any other lover and she is still a very good friend to me." Lacey then paused as that sunk in and she saw a little bit of a worried look return to Brook's face. "But when I went on to college, she stayed here and went to work. We tried to stay close but it was hard and then she decided that she wanted to have children. She married a friend of hers and while she didn't love him as he loved her, she still loved him in her own way. He ended up being a good husband and a great father. They have two daughters who they dote on. I do see her from time to time but our days as lovers are long since over. But she does always make me bring my lovers over to meet her to make sure that they are good enough for me. So far none have passed the test but I think you just might." Lacey said with a smile and she saw that Brook was a little worried about that but she could tell that Brook liked the no longer lovers part. Then at college, I began to date other girls. It was with them that I learned about the toys that you saw. But I learned the most from a professor that I had. She taught me a lot of tricks and how erogenous the ass can be. So you can thank her for that as I know that you like me playing with your ass." Lacey said and she could see Brook blushing at that but she also shifted in her seat a bit. "After college I got a job here and being a teacher it has been a little harder to meet other lesbians but I did have a girlfriend for a while but then she had to move because of her job. That was about six months ago and since then, there have only been my fingers and toys to satisfy me until you decided to follow me into the tunnel and that I believe was the best thing to happen to me in a long, long while. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart." Lacey said and she put the tea down and then she slipped over to where Brook was sitting on the couch. She slowly leaned in and kissed Brook lightly on the lips.

"Do you feel better now?" Lacey asked.

"You didn't have to tell me all of that but yes I do feel better, but I'm a little worried about your friend. What if she doesn't like me?" Brook asked.

"I'll tell her "tough shit" and we will go on. She doesn't have any influence on who I see but I do humor her because she is my friend. But I wouldn't worry about her; you're just what she keeps telling me that I need." Lacey reassured her.

"Okay, but I have one other question to ask you." Brook said and Lacey saw Brook's face turn a little red so she knew it was about sex.

"Shoot," Lacey told her.

"Are you going to use those toys on me?" Brook asked and now her face was a deep red.

"If you want me to, do you?" Lacey asked as she arched her eyebrows.

Brook hesitated for only a second before saying, "Yes."

"I was hoping you'd say that." Lacey said as she took Brook's empty glass from her hand and set it on the table. She then stood up and she held out her hand. Brook took her hand and Lacey helped her up. She then led her back to her bedroom. Lacey felt her heart beating a thousand times a minute as she turned Brook toward her. She took the tie that was holding Brook's robe together and she slowly untied it. She let the ties drop and the robe opened. Lacey looked down Brook's body, she could just see the beginnings of the swell of the sides of Brook's breasts. Her eyes went on down and she saw the little belly that Brook had and then on down to her light blond pubic hair. She could just see the pink outer lips and that made her own pussy moist. She put her fingers up to the top of Brook's shoulders and she pushed the robe back and she watched it fall off the shoulders. Brook let the robe fall off her arms and then she was naked. Lacey sucked in her breath at the beauty that was in front of her.

"Oh baby, you are so pretty." Lacey said hoarsely.

Lacey watched as a smile replaced the pensive look on Brook's face. Lacey moved her hands down and she untied her own robe and she slipped it off her shoulders so that they were both standing there naked. Lacey stepped forward and she placed her hands oh Brook's hips. She gripped them and pulled Brook to her. Lacey moved her head in and she closed her eyes. She felt Brook's breasts touch hers as their lips met. Lacey felt goose bumps come up all over her body. She also felt the same occurring to Brook. Lacey opened her mouth and she sucked Brook's tongue into her mouth. She ran her tongue around Brook's and she heard a moan come from deep within Brook's body. Lacey pulled Brook's body in closer and she felt their pussies touch. She felt the wetness from Brook's pussy mix with the juices running from her own pussy. Lacey pushed her pussy against Brooks and she moved her hips adding to the friction. This time they both moaned. Lacey kissed Brook harder and then she wanted more. She wanted to kiss every part of Brook's body and that was what she intended to do. She pulled back and broke off the kiss.

"Get on the bed baby, I'm going to make sweet love to you." Lacey croaked out as she released Brook.

As she released her, Brook's legs almost gave out and Lacey started to grab her but she steadied herself and stepped back. She turned and climbed on the bed. Lacey's eyes never left Brook as she moved to the center of the bed and she pulled the comforter down from the pillows. Lacey then saw her reach under the pillow by her right side to put it under her head when her hand stopped suddenly. Lacey wondered what she was doing when Brook pulled out a pair of white panties from under the pillow. Lacey felt her face go warm and turn a deep red. She realized that Brook had found the pair of panties that she had stolen. She had slept with them every night since they had left the tunnel, holding them close to her face.

"These wouldn't be my panties, would they?" Brook asked.

"I don't guess you would believe me if I said that they were mine would you?" Lacey asked smiling.

"Your ass ain't that big honey.' Brook said smiling ear to ear. Lacey knew that was the best thing that had happened to Brook as she knew that she really did love her. "Now come here and let's make love." Brook said as she opened her legs and Lacey saw the petals of her pink rose open up for her. Lacey smiled and she came to Brook.

She lay down on top of her with her pussy pressing down on Brook's pussy and her breasts pressing against Brook's breasts. Lacey dropped her head down and they kissed. This time Brook sucked Lacey's tongue into her mouth and she sucked on it. Lacey began to grind her pussy into Brook's and she moaned as Brook moaned. They kissed as their hands roamed each other's body. Lacey eventually felt Brook's hands on her ass griping them and pushing down. Lacey began to rub harder as Brook brought her legs up and she locked her ankles behind Lacey's back. Brook started to move her hips in the opposite motion as Lacey. This increased the friction and Lacey could feel her clit rubbing against Brook's clit. Lacey continued to kiss Brook on her face and neck as their pussies grinded together. She could hear Brook moaning and groaning as she got close to an orgasm. Lacey was fast approaching one too. She had meant to make love to Brook first but they were both so anxious to make love that this turned out to be better. Lacey moved her hands to Brook's breasts and she squeezed them and Brook cried out, "Oh god, I close." Lacey knew she wasn't so far behind and she push down harder. This was all it took for Brook to cum and she cried out, "I cumming!" When Lacey heard this, she climaxed too. She felt her girlcum and a little pee come flooding down on Brook's pussy and she felt Brook's girlcum and a bit of pee squirting out and coating her pussy. They both collapsed and the rested for a few minutes.

"God that felt so good." Lacey told Brook when she had the strength to prop herself up.

"I have wanted this so bad for so long, to make love with you. I love you so much." Brook said and tears began to run down her cheeks.

Lacey felt her heart burst as she kissed the tears away and then she said, I love you to baby." Lacey then lowered her head and kissed Brook lightly on the lips. They kissed for a few minutes before Lacey decided she had waited long enough to taste Brook's sweet pussy and ass.

"Now it's time to really make you cum." Lacey said with a wink.

"I think I really came that first time, my ass is soaked." Brook said and Lacey knew that she meant that she had squirted but Lacey already knew that. She had felt it when Brook had cum.

"I know baby that just means that there is that much more to lick up." Lacey said as she winked again. She then kissed her lightly on the lips and began to kiss her way down Brook's body.

She kissed her neck and then her chest. When she got to Brook's breasts, she gave each nipple a kiss and then she sucked the left one into her mouth. She sucked and bit the nipple making it grow hard again and she heard Brook groan after each bite. She switched over to the left one and gave it a bite and then a kiss. She sucked and teased Brook's nipples for a few moments but then she started to kiss her way back down Brook's body. She kissed all over Brook's belly and went on down. She could smell Brook's juices long before she got to her pubic hair. Lacey kissed her way down to the top edge of Brook's hair. Lacey saw that it was matted down with both hers and Brook's girlcum. Lacey licked her way through the hair, sucking up the juices contained within. By the time she was done, she felt Brook's hands on her head pushing her on downward. Lacey smiled to herself and she continued her journey on down. She could see Brook's clit trying to peek out and Lacey gave it a kiss. This caused Brook to moan and she pushed her hips upward trying to get Lacey to suck on her clit but Lacey wasn't ready to make Brook cum just yet. She moved her tongue on down and she began to lick up all of the juices that were there. Brook tasted so damn good and she could also taste her own juices that had squirted out when she had cum. Lacey licked all around Brook's outer lips, sucking up all the juices. Lacey put her hands down to Brook's knees and she started to put them under them but Brook was ahead of her. She brought her knees up and then spread them out. Lacey glanced up and saw that Brook was holding them up with her hands. This opened Brook's pussy and asshole to her. Lacey could see the juices that had leaked down and around Brook's asshole. Lacey licked her way on down to the bottom of Brook's pussy and then she licked the skin between Brook's asshole and her pussy. She went on down and she kissed Brook's asshole. Brook let out a loud moan and then she called out to Lacey, "Lick me there, please..."

Lacey stuck out the tongue and began to run it around Brook's asshole. This caused Brook to moan again and Lacey could feel her push her asshole out for more. Lacey ran her tongue around the asshole a few times and then she pressed the tip of her tongue into Brook's ass.

"Oh yes, that's it!" Brook cried out.

Lacey pulled her tongue out and then pushed it back in, this time going deeper. Lacey moved her tongue around inside of Brook's asshole and Brook was shaking from excitement. Lacey continued to fuck Brook's asshole with her tongue as she brought her fingers up to Brook's pussy. She stroked Brook with her fingers getting them nice and wet. Lacey forced her tongue in deeper and moved it around. Lacey love the way Brook's asshole gripped her tongue. Lacey moved it in and out and then when she took it out the last time she quickly moved her wet finger to her asshole and she pushed it all the way in. Brook closed her asshole around the finger and Lacey let it sit there a second as she moved her mouth back up to Brook's pussy. She used her other hand to open Brook's petals and she started to lick. She licked all inside of Brook's pussy sucking up the juices that were flowing out of her. Lacey pushed her tongue deep into Brook's pussy as she started to fuck her ass with her finger. She started slow but soon was going much faster and harder. Brook groaned and moaned as she twisted in the bed. Lacey licked deeper and she fucked Brook's asshole good. Brook was getting close to another orgasm so Lacey moved her mouth to her clit and sucked it into her mouth. She teased the clit with her tongue as she sucked. Her finger was still fucking Brook's asshole hard and Brook was crying out her name to go faster and harder and then is what she did as Brook cried out "I cumming..." Lacey licked her clit a bit longer and then she moved her mouth down to catch the juices squirting out of Brook. There wasn't as much this time but still they were enough for Lacey. Brook shook and twisted as she came and she released her legs and they fell down on Lacey's back. Lacey knew that she had given Brook a good orgasm. She left her finger in Brook's ass until the orgasm finished then she slowly pulled it out. She saw that Brook was soaked in sweat so she got up and washed her hands and she got a washcloth to wipe Brook's face off.

Slowly Brook opened her eyes and she smiled at Lacey. She then reached up and pulled her down. Lacey closed her eyes as she felt their lips touch. Lacey felt Brook's hand go to the back of her neck; holding her in place as they kissed. Lacey moved her right hand down to Brook's left breast and she started to tease the nipple. Lacey heard Brook moan and then moaned louder when she pinched the nipple lightly. Lacey moved her finger tips around Brook's nipple and she kissed her lips and then her neck, as she went back to Brook's lips, she moved her fingers on down to her pussy. As she fingers started to caress Brook's wet outer pussy lips, she felt Brook push her up, breaking the kiss.

"No, my turn to please you!" Brook cried out but Lacey quickly moved her fingers to Brook's sensitive clit and she began to caress it. "Noooooooo..." Brook said but her hands that were against Lacey's shoulder gave way. Lacey dropped her head back down and she started to kiss Brook again as her fingers curled down and probed the entrance of Brook's pussy. They didn't go deep but just inside the entrance and she moved them around teasing Brook's pussy. "Oh god yesssss..." Brook cried out. The juices were pouring out of Brook and Lacey wanted to drink them all up but she also wanted to be kissing her when she came. She knew she couldn't do both so she settled on the kissing which wasn't a bad trade off. Lacey pushed her middle finger in a little deeper and moved it around but stopped when she got to Brook's hymen. She kissed and nibble on Brook's neck and Brook was moaning and groaning. She placed the heel of her palm on Brook's clit and she began to rub it as she teased Brook's pussy. As Brook got close to another orgasm, Lacey moved her fingers to Brook's clit and she started to rub it harder. Brook arched her hips and she gripped Lacey's shoulders, digging her fingernails into her skin and Lacey could feel the pain as Brook scratched her harder. But Lacey didn't stop or tell Brook to stop; she wanted her to cum hard so she rubbed Brook's clit harder and faster.

Brook broke off the kiss and cried "I'm cummminngggg..." Her body shook as the orgasm pasted through her. Lacey gave her a last kiss and then she slipped down to Brook's pussy and started to lick up the girlcum. She licked from Brook's asshole to her clit, giving the clit an extra lick on each stroke of her tongue. This sent Brook into multiple orgasms and she moaned through them all. When Lacey knew she had enough, she came back up in the bed and held onto Brook as she rested with her eyes closed. Lacey laid her head on Brook's shoulder and watched her chest rise and fall rapidly at first but then it began to slow. A couple of minutes later, Lacey heard a slight moan from Brook and her chest slowed further and she knew that Brook had fallen asleep on her. She had worn her out and that made her happy. Lacey began to relax herself and was soon asleep.

When Lacey woke, she found that she was on her back and Brook had her legs to her sides and she was sitting on her lower stomach. She also found that her hands were pinned about her head as Brook was holding on to her wrists.

"It's your turn now, you didn't let me please you a while ago but you're not stopping me now." Brook told Lacey. But as she said that she leaned further forward and her breasts were right over Lacey's mouth so she raised her head and sucked the left nipple into her mouth.

"Mmmmmmm..." Brook cooed but then she realized what Lacey was doing to her.

"Oh no you don't" Brook said as she rose up and her nipple popped from Lacey's mouth. "You're not doing that to me again." Brook said as she giggled a bit. She released Lacey's hands and she put her fingers to Lacey's lips

"Now be a good girl, okay?" Brook asked as she slid her hips down and she lay on top of Lacey, kissing her.

Lacey wrapped her hands around Brook and went with the kiss. She was ready to be pleased and she knew whatever Brook did to her would give her pleasure. Brook opened her mouth and Lacey slipped her tongue inside. Brook closed her lips around Lacey's tongue and she sucked on it. Lacey let out a moan and Brook sucked a little harder. Lacey moaned again as she felt Brook's tongue circle her tongue. She then felt Brook move her hands to her sides and then slid then between their bodies to cover her breasts. Lacey felt her nipples harden under Brooks' hands as they squeezed her. Brook sucked on Lacey tongue a moment more and then she released it. She gave a kiss to Lacey's lips and then she rose back up. Lacey opened her eyes and she saw Brook smiling down on her. Lacey smiled back and Brook leaned down and kissed her again before sitting back up.

Brook placed her hands back on Lacey's breasts and she first squeezed them and then her fingers went to both nipples. She tickled the nipples and the she began to squeeze them. Lacey felt a little pain from the pinching of her nipples but she felt more pleasure. Her pussy was oozing juices and she could feel them trickle down to her ass. She could also feel Brook's wet pussy on her belly. Brook was now pulling harder on her nipples and she let out a moan. It felt good but did hurt more. Brook then released them and she bent down and gave a tender kiss to each sensitive nipple. She sucked the right one into her mouth and teased it with her tongue. She released that one and went to the other nipple and sucked it into her mouth as her hands cupped both breasts. After sucking a moment, Brook shifted her ass on down Lacey's legs and then she moved lower. Lacey felt Brook push open her legs and she watched as Brook crawled between them. Lacey knew she was finally going to feel Brook's mouth on her pussy. But Brook decided to tease her a bit more as she kissed her way up her right thigh and when she was almost to Lacey's pussy, she stopped and went to the inside of her left thigh. She kissed her way up again stopping just before she got to Lacey's pussy. Lacey tried to push herself down to make Brook lick her needy pussy but Brook went with her.

"Oh baby, you're a little witch." Lacey cried out to her and she heard Brook giggle.

While she could be a witch, she wasn't a bitch and she buried her mouth into Lacey's pussy.

"Oh yes baby," Lacey cried out as a small orgasm rushed though her body. Lacey oozed more juices and Brook licked all the girlcum out. She used her fingers to open Lacey's pussy up and her tongue went in deeper. Lacey let out a long moan as she felt that tongue attack the inside of her pussy. Lacey felt the tip move around and Brook's fingers were stretching her pussy lips out wide. Lacey then felt Brook's tongue go down lower and she lifted her legs up and out. The next thing she felt was Brook's tongue licking her asshole as two fingers slipped into her pussy. Lacey moaned and shuddered for the intense sensations she was getting from her asshole and pussy. The fingers started to move in and out of her pussy as her tongue moved around her asshole. Then she felt the tip enter her asshole and she cried out, "Oh yes baby, lick me good!" And Brook did just that, she pushed her tongue in then brought it out. She licked around Lacey's asshole a moment or two before pushing her tongue back in. Lacey squirmed around and she gripped the sheet in her hands. She was getting ever closer to an orgasm and she needed the release. Brook must have sensed this as she moved her mouth to Lacey clit and her fingers began to increase their speed as they went in and out of Lacey's pussy. Lacey felt Brook suck her clit into her mouth and she felt her tongue lick her clit. Lacey pushed her hips up and toward Brook who sucked harder and fucked her pussy with her fingers that much harder. Her orgasm was building faster and faster as Brook's mouth and fingers worked on her clit and pussy. Finally she felt the first spasm of her orgasm and she felt the blessed release that she needed. She felt the girlcum and a little pee squirt out of her and she hoped that Brook was ready and in the fog of her brain she felt Brook sucking on her pussy getting everything that she was giving out. Then her brain dissolved into just pure pleasure.

When she woke up she looked down and found that Brook wasn't there and she wondered where she could be. Then she heard something to her side and she turned to see Brook at her night stand. She saw a look of concentration on Brook's face as she went through her toys. Finally she pulled out a medium size dildo. It was about seven inches long and about an inch and half in diameter at its thickest point. This was one of her favorite toys, the one she liked to be used on her with the strap-on.

"Can I use this on you?" Brook asked as she bit on her lower lip.

"I would love for you to but get that bottle of lube out too. I'm very wet but a little on the dildo wouldn't hurt." Lacey said as she smiled at Brook. She knew that Brook was very curious about her toys and letting her use one on her would help her later on when she would use it on her. The lube she didn't really need but it was a good habit to get Brook into. With as much juices as they both produced, Lacey knew neither of them would ever really need the lube, if they were warmed up enough. Lacey pulled a couple of pillow over and put them under her back and head so that she was half sitting up. She wanted to watch Brook as she inserted the dildo into her pussy. Lacey brought her legs up and planted her feet on the bed, with them spread as far apart as possible. Brook put some lube on the dildo and used her hand to coat it good. Lacey could feel her pussy starting to leak juices again and she could see that Brook was getting just as excited as she was. Her pussy was very wet and she could see moisture on her upper thighs. Brook then came back onto the bed and settled between her legs. She was on her knees and sitting back on her heals. Brook looked at the dildo and then at Lacey's pussy.

"Don't worry baby, it'll fit just fine." Lacey said smiling and she saw a smile come to Brook's face.

Brook hunkered down in front of Lacey's pussy and Lacey could see the lines of concentration come across her face, then she could see a bit of doubt come into her eyes.

"What do I do, I not sure. Tell me what to do." Brook said looking up.

"Just do it any way you want, you'll be able to tell what I like and don't just like you do when you are licking me or fingering me." Lacey instructed her.

Lacey watched as Brook got back down and she saw her fingers of her left hand opening up her pussy lips. Then Brook placed the head at her entrance. Brook hesitated a second and then she slowly began to push it in. Lacey watched Brook's eyes go wide as she felt the head of the dildo open up her pussy and slip in.

"Cool," Brook said with glee.

Brook slowly pushed the dildo on inside of her and Lacey could feel her pussy filling up. Brook kept pushing the dildo on inside of her pussy and it was feeling good. Then Brook stopped when it was halfway in and Lacey started to tell her to push it on in but then held her tongue. Brook pulled it back out and then the head popped from her pussy.

"Oops," Brook said with a giggle. She put the head back to the entrance and pushed it back in. Again she pushed it halfway in and started to pull it out but this time she left the head inside of Lacey's pussy. Brook pushed it back in going in a little deeper and she pulled it back. She started to fuck Lacey with the dildo and Lacey closed her eyes and concentrated on the dildo filling her pussy. Brook was going to slow and not deep enough at first but Lacey was still getting pleasure by knowing just how much fun Brook was having. The dildo was moving in and out of her pussy filling her up. Lacey loved the feel of penetration inside of her pussy and Brook was doing that to her. Brook would let out a giggle every once in a while as she slowly picked up speed and the depth of the dildo. Lacey could now feel the dildo going inside of her completely. She felt Brook's fingers hitting her pussy on the in-stroke. Lacey began to move her hips against Brook and they soon got into a rhythm. Lacey let out a moan and this made Brook go a little faster with the dildo. Lacey raised her hips and spread her legs out wider as the dildo went in and out of her pussy. It was feeling so good and then it felt even better when she felt Brook's fingers begin to caress her clit.

"Oh, that's good baby, rub my clit, and rub it good." Lacey said and when Brook was rubbing her a little harder, Lacey cried, "Fuck! Yes!" Lacey was lost in the feeling of her pussy getting fucked good with the dildo and Brook rubbing her clit. Brook was driving the dildo deep into her pussy and she was going fast. Her fingers flew over her clit going up and down then back and forth. This went on for a few more minutes but then Lacey started to feel her orgasm approaching.

"Fuck me hard Baby, I'm close now, so fucking close!" Lacey cried out as she arched her back and she pushed back against the dildo that Brook was fucking her with. Lacey arched her back further as the orgasm hit her hard. She felt the dildo leave her pussy and it was replaced by Brook's mouth so that she could suck up all of Lacey's girlcum. But Brook left her fingers on Lacey's clit stroking it so that Lacey's orgasm hit one then another peak. She finally collapsed back on the bed and let her mind drift as she felt Brook's gentle licking of her pussy.

When she came back around, Brook was lying beside of her, kissing and caressing her face. Lacey put her hand to the back of Brook's neck and brought her head in for a long sensual kiss.

"See you didn't need for me to tell you what to do. You did just fine." Lacey told her as the kiss ended.

"Oh god, it was so cool. Will it all fit inside of me?" Brook asked excitedly.

"Yea, you'll do just fine." Lacey told her and she knew that if she asked, Brook would want her cherry broken right now but Lacey wanted to wait.

"And you'll use the strap-on on me too?" Brook asked.

"Yes that too but I'll let you fuck me first so you'll know what will happen but lets save that for another day. I want it to be special in its own way. This is special as it's our first day together in a very long time." Lacey told her young friend and she saw the disappointment in her eyes at first but then she saw that Brook liked the idea too after she had thought about it for a second or two.

"But you know what I want to do right now?" Lacey asked.

"No, what?" Brook replied.

"Get me something to eat, and then rest a minute and finally come back in here and eat your pussy for the rest of the night." Lacey said as she pushed Brook onto her back and started to tickle her.

Brook tried to fight back but Lacey had the advantage and she poured it on until Brook was curled up and a ball laughing. Lacey tickled her another moment then she just hugged Brook to her body and kissed her face as Brook slowly wound down from her laughing. Brook then stretched out and they kissed for a few minutes.

"I think that I like your suggestion with one exception." Brook said as the last kiss ended.

"What's that baby?" Lacey asked.

"I'm going to eat your pussy all night." Brook said.

"We'll see about that."

"Yes we will." Brook said with feeling.

"Anyway, lets get up, I'm really am hungry." Lacey said as she got out of the bed and then helped Brook up.

"You know we are going to ruin your mattress with all the squirting we both do when we cum." Brook said as she looked down at the wet sheets.

"No we won't." Lacey said as she removed the sheet thus exposing the rubber sheet below it.

"You think of everything don't you." Brook said with a smile.

"Oh, yes. I bought this one as soon as I got back home from the tunnel. I have been sleeping on it ever since so that it would be nice and soft whenever you got here." Lacey said as she came to Brook and wrapped her arm around her waist.

"Thank you." Brook said as she kissed Lacey on the cheek.

"For what?" Lacey asked.

"For knowing then that you wanted to be with me." Brook said and she hugged Lacey tight. Lacey held her and kissed her head. They hugged for a few minutes before separating.

"Let's go wash this sex off of us so we can put fresh on later." Lacey said as she led Brook into the bathroom and they did a quick wash from water that Lacey ran into the sink. Once they had washed and both peed, not that they had much left after cumming so much earlier.

They then went into the kitchen and rummaged around until they found something that they both wanted to eat. Brook had never had to cook so Lacey made her get right in and help her fry the hamburgers and when they were done, they both cut you the lettuce and tomatoes. They then sat down and ate at the table as they talked about what they were going to do that week. They both had a lot of ideas and they couldn't do everything but they both knew that they would also be spending a lot of time in bed. They only had a week together and they weren't entirely certain when they would be back together so they had a lot of lovemaking to get in that short amount of time. When they were done, they got dressed and went for a walk around the yard. Here they were free to walk hand in hand and not worry about anyone seeing them. They were free to be who they were, young, free and lesbian.

"Oh shit! I can't believe that I forgot about it." Lacey said as they came back into the house.

"Forgot about what?" Brook asked.

"You'll see. Go into the living room and wait for me." Lacey said as she ran back to her bedroom.

"This is what I forgot, your graduation present." Lacey said as she handed the painting to a smiling Brook.

"You know you didn't have to give me anything." Brook said as she started to tear the wrapping paper off the painting.

Lacey was holding her breath as Brook got to the painting and she looked at it long and hard. There was at first a look of deep concentration on Brook's face that slowly turned to a soft smile and then she saw tears running down her face. Lacey wanted to go to her but she hesitated and let Brook experience the painting.

"You... You had the painter paint us." Brook said as the tears went down her face.

"Look at when it was painted." Lacey told her as she went to Brook and sat beside of her. Lacey pointed to where the painter had signed and dated the painting.

"That was two years ago, so it's not us." Brook said slightly disappointed.

"Actually it is us." Lacey said and the saw the quizzical look on Brook's face. "The painter is a friend of mine and he said that he painted the picture for me and was waiting for the right time to show me it. I visit his store often as you can see by all the paintings on the walls. He's cheap but I do love his paintings. But anyway, he said that he thought of me one night the painting came to him. When I first saw it, I believed that it was you and I too, and I still do."

"Can we hang it right here?" Brook said as she got up and put it on the wall facing the door. "This way when people come in they will see us and we will be able to see it when we cuddle on the couch at night."

"Are you sure you don't want to take it home with you?" Lacey asked.

"I am home; now go get a nail and a hammer." Brook said and Lacey had a tear in her eye as she went to the hallway closet where she kept all her tools. She found a wall nail and her hammer and came back to where Brook was waiting for her. They hung the painting and then settle back on the couch to look at it. They cuddled on the couch with Brook lying against Lacey's shoulder and her legs lying across her legs. Their hands began to roam but they didn't try to arouse each other but instead they were giving the other loving caresses. But as time went on, their caresses became a little more intense as their concentration went from the painting to each other. Lacey eased Brook's back to the back of the couch so that she was sitting with her legs over the edge. Lacey had her left hand on Brook's breasts and she was caressing them as her right hand made its way down to Brook's belly. She ran her fingers around Brook's little belly, it was soft and pliable. Lacey just loved to feel the soft flesh and she let her fingers go around Brook's belly caressing it as her left hand teased Brook's nipples. Brook let out a moan and she tried to get to Lacey's breasts but Lacey blocked her hands so Brook's hands went to Lacey's back. Lacey fingers left Brook's belly and they went on downward. She curled Brook's fine pubic hair around her fingers pulling up a little but not too hard. The fingers of her other hand began to pinch Brook's nipples and that brought another moan from her. Lacey moved her mouth to Brook's and kissed her as her fingers of her right hand went down to Brook's moist pussy. She ran her fingers up and down Brook's slit and they got coated with Brook's juices. She pressed her fingers down harder and Brook opened her legs out wider. Lacey inserted her middle finger between Brook's lips and Brook moaned into her mouth. Lacey let her finger go up and down the slit as her mouth kissed Brook's lips, cheeks, nose and neck. Lacey slowly moved on down to Brook's chest and she took a nipple into her mouth. She sucked and then bit it and that caused Brook to moan. Her finger moved on down Brook's pussy and to the skin between Brook's pussy and asshole. She teased the sensitive skin there and Brook pulled knees up but then they ran into Lacey's body. Lacey quickly fixed that problem by slipping off the couch onto her knees and then she got between Brook's legs. Lacey helped Brook to put her feet up on the couch with them spread out wide. Lacey looked upon Brook's body with her breasts begging for attention and then to her little belly and on down to her open pink colored pussy. Lacey leaned forward and gave a kiss to Brook's lips and then she kissed both nipples. Her fingers went back to Brook's pussy and she began to caress the wet outer lips. Lacey gently bit down on Brook's right nipple causing her to cry out, "Ohhh..." Lacey's finger went back to the area between Brook's pussy and asshole. She ran the finger from the end of the pussy to Brook's asshole and she felt Brook shiver. She was now sucking on Brook's left nipple as her finger went to her asshole. She moved it around the asshole before pressing her wet finger at the center. She felt Brook relaxing her asshole as she pressed the finger inside. It slipped into the second knuckle and Lacey left it there for a moment before pressing it on in until it was fully inside of Brook's asshole. She withdrew her finger and pressed it back in as she left Brook's breasts and went to her belly. She gave little love bites to Brook's soft belly and she went on down. She kissed Brook's thin fine pubic hair. She then gave a kiss to Brook's clit eliciting a coo from Brook. She moved the tip of her tongue around Brook's clit as she started to fuck her asshole with her middle finger. Brook placed her hands on Lacey head as she started to lick her pussy. Lacey ran her tongue up and down Brook's wet pussy. She sucked up her sweet juices as she licked. Her finger was going a little faster going in and out of Brook's asshole. Lacey loved the way Brook's asshole gripped her finger and held on to it. Lacey pushed it in and out as her tongue went deeper between Brook's pussy lips. Brook was moaning and groaning and pushing her pussy into Lacey's mouth. Lacey went deeper with her tongue and her finger went into overtime fucking Brook's asshole. Lacey sucked Brook's clit into her mouth and licked it with her tongue. That was enough to send Brook into a tailspin. Lacey moved her free hand to Brook's clit caressing it so that her orgasm became even more intense. She moved her mouth to Brook's pussy just as her girlcum came squirting out. Her mouth became full of her juices and she swallowed them down and sucked in more. It was very salty but Lacey loved making Brook cum and she love the taste of her pee that came rushing out of her when she came hard. Lacey finally eased up on Brook's clit and withdrew her finger from Brook's ass. She then gently licked the rest of the juices leaking out of Brook's pussy. Lacey went down and gave a few licks to Brook's asshole as she caught the last of Brook's juices. She then gave kiss to the asshole and to Brook's pussy. She then lay against Brook's body and held her as she recovered from her orgasm.

"I thought I was supposed to eat you out all night, not you eating me." Lacey heard Brook say as she felt Brook's hands on her back, caressing her.

"I told you that we would see about that." Lacey said smiling.

"That you did but now it really is your turn, so get your fat ass off me and let's go to our bedroom." Brook said.

"Sounds good to me." Lacey said liking the sound of "Our bedroom". Lacey got up and then helped Brook up. They walked arm in arm to their bedroom. When they got there Brook grabbed a fitted sheet from the chair and went to the bed. She bent over to put the first corner on and her ass was in perfect view for Lacey.

"Stop right there and don't move a muscle!" Lacey said sternly.

"What? Is there a spider or something, what?" Brook called back as she turned her head toward Lacey with a frightened look on her face.

"It seems like I remember someone saying that I had a fat ass. But what I see before me is much bigger than mine." Lacey said as she moved in behind Brook and dropped to her knees. Lacey knew that she had Brook worried now and fearful that she didn't like her ass, but then she added, "And much more beautiful than mine." As she put her hands to Brook's ass and she started to caress the globes with her hands.

"Oh no you don't, it's my turn to make love to you. You're not going to do that to me again." Brook said as she started to straighten up.

"Whap" "Ouch" rang through the room as Lacey's hand made contact with Brook's right cheek leaving her handprint. "I said to stay still." Brook bent back down as Lacey kissed the handprint on Brook's ass.

"I do love your ass." Lacey said as she kissed every part of Brook's ass. She covered each cheek with her kisses a second time. Then she began to give her ass little bites and she heard Brook moan. Lacey brought her fingers up to Brook's pussy and she started to caress it.

"Damn you!" Brook said as she slipped her feet out wider allowing Lacey better access to her pussy. Lacey's fingers pulled down on Brook's pussy lips and then she started to stroke her. She put her mouth at the top of Brook's crack and she ran her tongue down the crack until it got to Brook's asshole. She ran the tip around the rim and she felt Brook pushing her ass toward her mouth. Lacey smiled to herself as she put the tip of her tongue to the center of Brook's asshole and she pushed it in.

"Oh fuck yes!" Brook cried out.

Lacey pushed her tongue in deep and she moved it around. Lacey pressed her fingers harder against Brook's wet pussy going up and down the slit and parting the lips with her middle finger. Lacey moved her tongue in and out of Brook's ass, loving the feel of Brook's asshole squeezing her tongue. She twisted her tongue around and then completely out only to press it back in. Brook opened her asshole for her and she was moving it around like a pro. Lacey moved her fingers up to Brook's sensitive clit and the tickled it. This caused Brook to moan aloud. Lacey worked her tongue even deeper into Brook's ass as her other hand playfully began to slap Brook's ass. This proved to be too much for Brook and she cried out, "Fuck, I'm cummmiinnnggggg..." and she fell onto the bed. Lacey moved her mouth to Brook's pussy and she licked up all the girlcum coming from her pussy.

When the juices stopped flowing, Lacey stood up and found that her baby was done for the night. There was a peaceful smile on her face as she slept and that warmed Lacey's heart. Lacey made the bed around Brook then helped her into the bed. Brook hardly roused as she did this. She then slipped in beside of her. Just as she was going off the sleep, she felt Brook move to her and she felt her mouth on her nipple and Lacey knew that everything was back to normal as she felt Brook begin to suckle on her breast.

Slowly Lacey began to awaken to this wondrous feeling. It felt like her body was transported to a place where there was only pleasure and no pain. She first reached for Brook so that she could take her baby to the place but she wasn't there beside of her suckling on her breast. She then became more awake and she felt the source of her feeling. She opened her eyes to see a grinning Brook between her legs.

"Morning my love," she said as her mouth went back to Lacey's pussy.

"Mmmmmm..." was Lacey's only reply as she opened her legs wider. Brook used her fingers to open Lacey's lips and she felt Brook's tongue go deep inside of her pussy. Lacey felt it move around and then she felt Brook gently biting on her outer lips. She was pulling on them then she went back to licking deep inside of her again. Lacey lifted her butt off the bed and pushed her pussy into Brook's face. Brook moaned as she pushed back and drove her tongue in Lacey's pussy. She then went to the lips and licked up and down the slit. Lacey let out a moan as she moved her hands up to her own breasts and she started to pinch the nipples. She squeezed them hard, pulling them away from her body. She moaned harder and she felt a finger entering her pussy. This felt so good and it also put pressure on her full bladder. This only increased the intensity of the feelings that were going through her body. The finger began to fuck her pussy as Brook's mouth latched onto her clit. Lacey let out a moan that seemed to rattle the walls. Brook sucked on her clit hard as a second fingered entered her pussy and began to fuck it harder. Lacey knew that she was loosing control as the fingers filled her pussy up and banged deep into her. Brook pulled her mouth back and Lacey's clit popped from her mouth but before Lacey could tell her to suck it again she felt her tongue started to lick around her clit. It went around and around her little sensitive nub and then it started to lick it. Brook's fingers were pounding into her wet pussy as her tongue assaulted her clit. Lacey was rattling the walls with her moans and she felt the beginnings of contractions of her pussy. She also felt her bladder beginning to leak from the contractions and she wanted to warn Brook but then Brook started to work her clit with her tongue. This was too much for Lacey and she cried out, "Oh Fuck, I'm cuummminnggg...!!!" Lacey felt the first spasm of her pussy and she felt the release of her girlcum but she also felt her bladder releasing. She tried to say something but the orgasm took over her vocal cords and all that came out was one long moan.

When she came back around she looked down to see Brook was still licking at her pussy. Her face and hair was wet and she could feel the warm liquid on her butt. She pulled Brook up to her and she kissed her, tasting the salty liquid on her face and lips. As nasty as it sounded, tasting her pee on Brooks' face just made it all the more erotic.

"I'm sorry baby; I didn't mean to do that to you." Lacey told her as the kiss ended.

"I knew that was going to happen before I even started to lick you while you were sleeping. Besides, it's not the first time either one of us have done it to the other. I know it's weird but I like it when you do that. Does that make me sick?" Brook asked seriously.

"No, it just makes us a pair. I like it when you do it to me. I know that I have really made you cum and besides I like the taste. So if you are sick, then so am I." Lacey told her as she kissed Brook's salty lips again.

"But let's get you cleaned up, and it wouldn't hurt for me to have a shower too." Lacey said as she pushed Brook up and they headed for the bathroom. Brook started to sit on the toilet as Lacey started the shower.

"No hold it." Lacey told Brook before she could do anything.

"I really need to go." Brook replied as she gave Lacey a questioning look.

"I know and you will real soon." Lacey replied with a wink.

She got the water warm quickly and she pulled Brook into the shower. Lacey knew that the running water would make Brook need to go more so she put what she had in mind into action. She rinsed Brook off and then she pinned her up against the wall of the shower.

"Hold your pee until I say to release it." Lacey told her as she kissed her. As they kissed Lacey moved her hand down to Brook's pussy and she found it wet. She began to stroke the outer lips with her fingers and she pushed her breasts against Brook's breasts rubbing them together. Brook was already excited from making love to her so it didn't take Lacey long to really get her motor running. She stroked the lips with her fingers as she palm rubbed against Brook's clit. Brook was moaning and squirming as Lacey teased her toward an orgasm. Brook's full bladder was also increasing the intensity of what she was feeling just as Lacey's full bladder had done to her earlier. Lacey then moved her fingers to Brook's clit and she started to rub it hard. Her fingers moved back and forth across it in a ever increasing speed.

"Oh god, I close and I have got to pee. Ohhhhh..." Brook cried.

"Hold it baby, just a moment more." Lacey told her as she increased the speed of her fingers across Brook's clit. She rubbed harder and faster and Brook began to shake. She clung onto Lacey as her orgasm started.

"Hold your pee baby, hold it a moment more." Lacey told Brook and she could see Brook biting her lower lip as she tried as hard as she could to hold it all in but then her orgasm hit it's peak and Lacey cried out, "Now baby, let it all go!" Lacey felt Brook convulse and then she felt the hot spray of pee hit her legs.

"Ohhhh... fucccckkkkkk!" Brook cried as she came.

Lacey had to hold her up in the shower as the orgasm passed through her body. Lacey kissed and hugged her tightly until Brook's legs began to regain their strength and Brook was able to hold herself up.

"Oh god, that felt good." Brook said as she kissed Lacey. Then she added when to kiss ended, "But I thought you were a sadistic bitch there for a minute making me hold everything in. I was dying to cum and it pee and I didn't know which I wanted to do more. I just knew something had to happen. Where did you learn that trick?" Brook asked.

"That one I discovered on my own, masturbating in the shower in the mornings as I waited for you to come back to me." Lacey said with a smile.

"Was you thinking of me when you did that?" Brook asked coyly.

"No, your mother," Lacey said with a smile.

"You are a sick bitch." Brook said with a laugh as she pushed Lacey under the shower and she started to wash her hair and then her body. Then they changed places and Lacey washed Brook clean.

"So what you want to do today?" Lacey asked as they were finishing breakfast.

"Let's go visit your friend." Brook said not quite making eye contact with Lacey.

"What friend, I have more than one?" Lacey asked knowing full well which one Brook was alluding to.

"You know your good friend from high school." Brook replied as she got up to put her plate into the sink.

"I told you that she wasn't that important. I knew I never should have told you about her." Lacey said.

"I know but I'm going to have to meet her sooner or later, so why not today." Brook said as she stood at the sink now facing Lacey.

"Why not next month?" Lacey countered.

"Lacey, please, this is important to me." Brook pleaded.

"Okay, get some clothes on and we'll go." Lacey said.

"Thank you!" Brook replied as she ran to Lacey and sat in her lap. She gave her a big kiss and a hug.

"Enough of that now get up and get some clothes on and let's get this over with." Lacey said as she slapped Brook on the ass.

"Call her quick before she goes somewhere." Brook said as she got up.

"No need to she'll be home." Lacey said.

"How do you know?" Brook asked more than a little curious.

"She has a four year old, a two year old, and one in the oven as they say, she'll be home." Lacey told a much relieved Brook.

Lacey noticed that Brook was getting more and more worried the closer they got to her friend's house. She kept asking questions but Lacey gave her only vague answers. She knew that Brook would do fine and she wanted them to be friends and she wanted Brook to come to that conclusion on her own. They soon got to her friend's house and Lacey looked over at Brook as saw that she was white as a ghost.

"Relax, take a deep breath. You're not going to make a good impression if you are passed out in the front seat of the car." Lacey told a nervous Brook. Then she put her hand on Brook's and said, "You'll do fine." It took her a bit but she got Brook back to breathing normal and the color came back to her face.

When they got to the door, Lacey gave Brook a kiss and squeezed her hand. She then took her keys out and put one into the door. This surprised Brook and Lacey knew she would have to explain to Brook why she had a key to her friend's house.

"Hey Melanie, it's me Lacey and I brought a friend." Lacey called out and then she got the expected squeals from two little girls who came running into the foyer that she and Brook were standing in. Lacey got down on her knees and the two little girls flew into her arms kissing her and giggling as she tried to kiss them back. As she played with the girls, a very pregnant Melanie waddled in the room.

"Your timing is perfect; you can keep the girls as I go to the store." Melanie told Lacey and then she noticed Brook standing there. "Lacey, where is your manners, introduce me to your pretty friend."

Lacey smiled as she got up with both girls clinging to her legs. "Melanie, this is my friend Brook, Brook this very pregnant lady is my old friend Melanie."

"Come play with us, Aunt Lacey" Ruthie, the older girl said to Lacey.

"Hush girls, go play in the den a minute while I talk to Aunt Lacey and her friend."

"Mommie, we want to play with Aunt Lacey." Ruthie whined.''

"Go!" Melanie said with her most motherly voice.

The girls let go of Lacey and started to go with pouts on their faces but then Lacey called to them, "I'll play with you in a minute, be good, okay." This brought a smile to both of the girls.

"You know you just ruined them for the day. They won't listen to a word that I say." Melanie told Lacey but she was smiling. "But since you want to play with them so bad, you can and I will steal your friend. She can help be go grocery shopping so that those two little girls won't starve to death. Melanie said as she went out of the room.

"You can't let me go alone. I don't know what to say." Brook told Lacey.

"Hey you wanted to meet her and this might be the best way, just the two of you. Don't worry; she'll do most of the talking anyway." Lacey said as she came to Brook and hugged her, and then she kissed her passionately.

"The bedroom is free if you two need it." Melanie said as she walked back into the room.

"Na, we can wait." Lacey said with a smile and a wink to Brook. This caused Brook to brush profusely.

"Don't listen to me honey, I was just having fun with you both." Melanie said as she took Brook by the arm and started to drag her out the door. Brook looked back but she saw that Lacey was already gone and as the door closed she heard the two girls squealing again.

Lacey had fun playing with the girls. She fed them their lunch and got them to help her clean up the kitchen. Then she put Josie, the two year old down for a nap. She then got Ruthie to sit quietly in her lap as she read to her. Ruthie had told Lacey that she was a big girl now and didn't need a nap but by the end of the first book she was sound asleep. Her rest from the girls didn't last long and the both woke raring to go full speed and they did. It was soon late afternoon and she was beginning to worry about Melanie and Brook. She knew the Melanie was a talker but she was starting to wonder but then she heard the door opening and the girls left Lacey quickly as they ran to their mommie which told Lacey just where she stood with the girls but then that was as it should be. Lacey got up and wondered into the kitchen where she found Melanie and Brook laughing about something.

"I see that you two got along just fine." Lacey said smiling.

"Of course we did, you knew that we would and by the way, when you get tired of her, just send her over here." Melanie said with a wicked grin.

"Like there's a chance of that." Lacey said as she came to Brook and gave her a kiss.

They stayed and put the groceries up as Melanie propped up her feet and rested. She was less than a month away from delivering her third girl and she was more than ready. She did protest when Lacey and Brook fixed dinner and had it ready when Melanie's husband Henry came in. The girls greeted him with glee and she hugged them both. He asked the girls about their day and listened patiently as the girls told him everything that they did. He then carried them in his arms as he kissed his wife. Then he set about meeting Brook. Lacey noticed that Brook was checking him out and she knew what she was thinking. Handsome, he was not, he carried a few extra pounds and his hair was thinning but then she saw the way he loved his kids and wife and Lacey knew that Brook was happy for Melanie. She gave up something that was a part of her for something that was more important. She wanted kids and a happy family and while she could had gotten that with another women by adopting or by a sperm donor but she chose this way and it was right for her. They had a nice dinner and then Lacey and Brook made their exit. As Melanie hugged her goodbye, she whispered something in her ear.

On the way home, Lacey knew that Brook was dieing to find out what Melanie said to her but she was too polite to ask. Lacey let her wonder for a while as they talked about Melanie and her family and the choices that she had made. They both said that they would do things differently but they also both agreed that for Melanie, it was the right way to go. It was not until the got back home that Brook's good manners came to an end.

"May I ask you what Melanie said to you as we were leaving?" Brook asked in a voice barely audible.

"Yes you may." Lacey said as she put her purse down on the couch and she came to where Brook was standing in the doorway. Lacey hugged her but was silent as Brook realized that Lacey was going to make her actually ask the question.

"What did she say to you?" Brook asked as she pulled back and looked Lacey in the eye.

Lacey smiled and then she said, "She a keeper, don't ever let her go."

Lacey saw tears come to Brook's eyes and Lacey kissed her tenderly and then hugged her tightly. She let Brook cry a minute as she knew that it was tension filled day for her. She knew that Melanie would like her but she also knew Brook had to find that out for herself.

"I'm glad that she told you that." Brook said as she stepped away from Lacey to get a tissue to blow her nose.

"Why's that?" Lacey said knowing the answer but she asked it anyway.

"After spending most of the day with her, I would hate to have to start hating her. She really is a nice lady." Brook said smiling. "I know, you told me so." Brook continued before Lacey could say it.

"Yep," Lacey said as she took Brook by the hand and led her to the back patio. "Let's sit and watch the sun go down." Lacey said as she sat down on the top step.

"Sounds nice," Brook said as she sat down beside of her.

They sat there and talked as the sun went down. It was a beautiful sight with the orange sky that turned purple before finally going dark. They sat there a long time, most of the time talking but a lot of the time they just sat in silence. The need to fill in the silence was no longer there and they felt comfortable enough to just sit and hold hands. Finally they went inside and got ready for bed. Since there was only one bath they both crowded in and washed their faces and emptied their bladders. They then stripped out of their clothes and walked arm in arm to the bedroom. They slipped under the covers and they kissed for a few minutes and then they were ready for sleep. Lacey lay on her back and waited for Brook to settle in. Then she felt Brook's mouth on her nipple and she sighed. She ran she fingers through Brook's hair and twisted it around her fingers as she fell asleep.

The next morning when she woke up, she was mildly disappointed the Brook wasn't at her pussy licking away but then again that was something that would be better if it happened only every once in a while. Instead she found that Brook was sleeping soundly and her mouth was still at her nipple but only sucking every once in a while. Lacey kissed Brook on the forehead and slipped from beneath her. She went to the bathroom and then to the kitchen to get her a coke. She went out on the porch and felt the warm morning air. It was suppose to be a hot one that day. Lacey sat outside for a little while and was just beginning to wonder about Brook when she heard the back door open.

"Morning sleepy head." Lacey called over her back to Brook.

"Morning," Brook said as she put her hands on Lacey's shoulders and bent down and kissed her on the cheek. Brook then came around and sat on Lacey's lap and laid against her with her head on Lacey's shoulder.

"Did you have a good night's sleep?" Lacey asked as she put her right arm around Brook's back and the other she laid on her thighs.

"Yes I did, how about you?" Brook replied and then asked.

"Yea, I had my baby by my side, I couldn't ask for anything better." Lacey replied.

"Me either," Brook replied with a sigh and she settled in Lacey's lap. Lacey sat there stroking Brook's back and then she realized that Brook had fallen back to sleep on her. She knew that Brook had a stressful couple of days and they were catching up with her. First graduating from high school a year early and then making sure that her parents went with the idea of Brook staying with her. Then she met Melanie who she thought of as a rival but really wasn't and never would be. Lacey let her sleep for a few minutes but then her legs began to go to sleep on her.

"Baby, wake up. My legs are going to sleep on me." Lacey said as she kissed Brook's forehead.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to fall asleep on you." Brook said as she sat up and stretched and then yawned.

"That's okay. Maybe you need to go back to bed and sleep a little more." Lacey suggested.

"I do plan on going back to bed today but not alone." Brook said with a shy grin on her face.

"I see, so that's your plan for today." Lacey said as she gently pushed Brook off her lap and then stretched her own legs getting the circulation back going.

"I don't know, but for now I will let you fix me some breakfast." Brook said in an up-class snobbish voice and she pointed her nose into the air to emphasize her point.

"We'll see about that my little rich girl." Lacey said as she jumped up and started after Brook who was already at the door and running inside laughing.

When Lacey caught up with her, Brook was in the kitchen pulling out some pancake mix and a bowl. Lacey had to smile as she went to the stove and got out a pan. She let Brook mix up the pancake mix and then she helped her to make the pancakes. They sat down and had their breakfast and discuss what they would do for the day. They both want to get out of the house and do some stuff together. Brook was looking for a new car so she decided that was what they would do that day. When the breakfast was eaten and the dishes done, they got dressed and went out the door. They visited every lot in town and to every one in the nearby towns. By the time they got home they were soaked in sweat and more than a little bit hungry.

"Tell you what, lets take a quick shower and then I'm taking you to the best restaurant in town." Brook declared.

Lacey let a frown come across her face. It didn't bother her at all for Brook to buy anything she wanted with her money but when it came to her, she didn't feel as comfortable. The hybrid SUV that Brook and her parents had bought for her was bad enough but she didn't want anything else. She thought about how to put what she wanted to say in words so she took a minute to think before speaking, "Brook, I'm not really comfortable with you buying me fancy things and taking me to restaurants that I could never afford. I know that you have lots of money and I don't want to make it an issue but at the same time I don't want you to be always buying me things that I can't afford on my own. You know what I mean."

"I was wondering when you would bring my money up and now you have so let's talk about it." Brook said and then she continued, "Yes, I have all the money in the world and I could try to buy your love with it but you have already given me that. You gave that to me in the tunnel, when my money didn't make any difference so don't make it an issue now. If I want to take you somewhere then let me or if I want to buy you something then let me. It's not like I'm going to be buying furs and diamonds. If that's what you want, then you can buy them yourself."

"That isn't want I want from you and you know it." Lacey said trying to defend herself.

"Precisely, that's want I'm saying. I will have to go to places that you could never afford to go or be invited to places because of my parents and I'll want to take you. But to do that, you have to accept the fact that I have lots and lots of money. I'm not going to try to change everything in your life but at the same time I will want to do things for you so let me. If I ever go off the deep end then let me know, but until then let me be who I am, a rich girl who loves you to death." Brook said and then she folded her arms almost daring Lacey to argue with her.

Lacey thought for a moment and when she came to the conclusion that Brook was right and that she wouldn't try to buy her everything that she wanted but not necessarily needed, she replied with, "Okay, but if I have to wear heels to anyplace you take me, then the deals off. I don't do heels for anybody!"

Brook laughed and came over and hugged her tightly. "Thank you," she whispered in Lacey's ear just before she kissed her.

Brook then dragged her into the bathroom and after stripping her, she pushed her into the shower. Lacey had just gotten under the water when Brook came on into the shower. They kissed and then Brook was all business as she scrubbed Lacey clean and then she pushed her out of the shower and told her to start making herself pretty. Lacey knew she was in trouble for Brook to pass up a chance to play a little. Lacey dried her hair and tried to think of something to wear. By the time Brook came out of the shower, her skin was glowing and the water dropping off her nipples made Lacey want to walk over and dry her with her tongue but instead, she handed Brook a towel. This was something special that Brook wanted and she would play her part. She helped Brook with her hair and then she let Brook pick out her outfit. She picked out a long skirt and blouse that Lacey wouldn't have ever thought about putting together but when she looked at herself in the mirror she had to admit that it wasn't bad. She actually looked pretty sexy in it. Brook then went to the spare room and made Lacey wait for her in the living room. When she came out twenty minutes later, Lacey was taken back.

"Damn girl, you are cute as a button in that outfit." Lacey said as she came to her and gave her a kiss and she caught the scent of Brook's perfume. This made her want to hug her tightly and that is what she did. "You smell so sweet too." Lacey added as she kissed Brook on the cheek.

"You're not so bad yourself." Brook said as she gave Lacey a soft kiss on the lips.

She then dragged Lacey out the door. She took Lacey's keys and got into the driver's seat. But before leaving she took her cell phone and called the restaurant and spoke to the manager. She simple told him who she was and that she was on her way over and wondered if her father's table would be available. From hearing Brook's end of the conversation, Lacey knew that the manager was falling all over himself to please her.

When they got to the restaurant, they were escorted right in past the other people waiting for their tables. They went on back until they got to a small sectioned off table. Here they were practically alone. The head waiter came to them and got their drink orders and Lacey was sure that if it had been Brook's father there then they would have been shown a wine list. But since it was just Brook and herself, they got ice tea, but it was very good ice tea. Lacey waited for a menu but one never came and Brook didn't seem to notice this at all. Lacey wanted to asked but since this was far out of her territory so she kept her mouth shut. The local breakfast joint was more of her style and that fit within her budget. They talked and soon their food arrived. The plates were steaming and presented very nicely.

"What are we having?" Lacey asked not having any clue as to what was brought to her.

"I'm not sure, but I know that it will be good. The chef here is one of the best in the world." Brook replied.

"Okay," Lacey replied but still not sure she wanted to eat something that she had no clue as to what it was. So she waiting for Brook to take a bite and when she saw her smiling, she took a bite.

"It is good." Lacey said more than a little surprised. The flavors seemed to just leap from the food and onto to her taste buds.

"I told you so." Brook said as she continued to eat.

They continued to talk as the second course was presented to them. This time Lacey didn't bother to ask Brook what it was, she just dug in and found that she liked this too. By the time they got to the desert, Lacey was beginning to feel stuffed but the cake looked too good to pass up so she placed a fork into it and took a small bite. It too was delicious and she slowly made her way through it. She normally didn't over eat but the food was just too good to leave one part untouched. When the plates were cleared, a bottle of champagne was brought out. The bottle was presented to them like a hundred year old bottle of wine and Lacey noted that it was a non-alcohol version. This made her smile and it did taste good but then she had never had a good bottle of champagne so she wouldn't know the difference, but she was sure that the restaurant served only the best. They sat and sipped their champagne and made one corny toast after another. Each trying to come up with one that was cornier than the other's. Soon they were laughing and generally making fools of themselves but they didn't care. Lacey was glad they were placed back in a corner by themselves so that she could just let herself go and have fun with Brook. When the laughter died down, they decided that it was time to head home. The manager caught them just as they were getting up and he asked Brook if everything met her approval and she assured him that it was perfect. The food was excellent as always and that she would let her father know how helpful he was. He then had her sign the bill and they were off. Lacey wanted to ask how much the bill was but decided against it. She had given in to Brook on the issue of money and there wasn't any reason to bring it up now.

"That was a lovely evening out, thank you." Lacey said as they entered the bedroom and they were both taking the shoes off.

"Your welcome, I glad that you let me do that for you." Brook said as she came to her in her stocking feet.

"I may even let you take me back there only next time lets find out what we're eating." Lacey told her as she gave Brook a light kiss on the lips.

"Take if from experience, sometimes it's better to just enjoy what is served and not ask too many questions." Brook said with a giggle, then she continued with, "I made the mistake once of asking after I had taken a bite of something that I found that I liked and when I found out what it was, I almost gagged."

"I think I can see your point there." Lacey said as she wrapped Brook into her arms and hugged her tight.

Lacey caressed Brook's back as she began to kiss her neck. Her fingers soon found the zipper on Brook's dress and she pulled it down. She heard Brook moan as her fingers unhooked her bra. She nibbled on Brook's shoulder as she began to pull Brook's dress down. Brook lowered her arms and allowed Lacey to pull her dress on down and then off. This left Brook in her panty hose and a small pair of panties. Lacey gave Brook a kiss and then guided her over to the bed. She sat her down and got down on her knees in front of her. She kissed each of Brook's knees in turn and then she spread her knees out wide. Lacey ran her hands up and down Brook's hose covered thighs. She felt the moisture come to her own pussy and she could see from the slight wet stain on Brook's panties that she too was getting a little excited. Lacey bent down and kissed Brook's right knee and kissed her way up to Brook's pussy and she took a deep breath, inhaling Brook's sweet young aroma. She kissed Brook's pussy through the hose and panties. She then reached up and began to pull down Brook's hose and panties. Brook lifted her hips to help her pull the hose and panties off. When she got them off, Lacey looked up at her young lover. She was so lovely as she sat there in anticipation of what she knew was to come.

"Lay in the center of the bed, baby." Lacey said with a lusty voice as she stood up.

Lacey waited until Brook was in place and the she began to unbutton her blouse. She saw that Brook's eyes were glued to her every move. She also saw that Brook's right hand had slipped down to her pussy and she was gently stroking it. Lacey started to tell her to stop but then she knew that Brook wasn't going to make herself cum and it also stroked her ego a bit to see Brook masturbating as she undressed. She slowly let the blouse fall off her shoulders and then she moved her fingers to the front of her bra as if to unsnap it but then she stopped. She saw the disappointment in Brook's eyes as her hands left her bra. She knew that she was teasing Brooks as her hands went down to her skirt and she unzipped it. She let the skirt drop to her ankles and she stepped out of it. That left her in her hose, panties and bra. Lacey slipped her fingers inside of the hose and she pushed them down and then off. She had to hop a bit which broke the scene but Brook didn't seem to mind. Her fingers were still stroking away. Lacey paused a moment then went back to the front of her bra and she unhooked it. She dropped her hands and the bra clung to her breasts and she heard a whimper come from Brook. Lacey moved her fingers down to the top of her panties and she began to push them down but she stopped just as she was uncovering her pubic hair. Another whimper came from Brook. Lacey stood there for only a moment before her fingers went back to her bra and this time she pulled the cups back, revealing her breasts. Brook let out a moan and her fingers picked up their speed as they caressed her clit. Lacey watched her for a second and then her fingers moved down to her wet panties and she slowly pushed them down over her hips revealing her very wet pussy. She slowly pushed them down and as she had to bend over she turned around showing Brook her ass, which she wiggled as the panties went down her legs. Brook was moaning loudly now and Lacey knew she was going to have to hurry or Brook would cum without her. Lacey stood back up and flipped the panties away and turned around. Brook's fingers were going a mile a minute now and then she arched her back as she cried out, "I'm cummminggg!" Lacey had to smile as her little striptease was just too much for Brook. Lacey stood and watch her lover twisted and turn as the orgasm washed through her body. Slowly she saw that Brook was beginning to calm down.

Lacey came to the bed and she crawled on her hands and knees over to Brook. She then turned and straddled Brook so that her pussy was over Brook's head and Brook's pussy was under her head. Lacey used her hands to separate Brook's legs and thus opening her girlcum soaked pussy. Lacey lowered her head and she started to lick up the girlcum that coated Brook's outer lips. She heard Brook moan as she licked. Lacey moved her tongue all around Brook's pussy lips as she sucked up the girlcum there. Then she moved her tongue to the slit and she began to lick up and down. It was about this time that Lacey felt Brook's hands on her ass, pulling her down. Lacey slid her knees out wider thus lowering her pussy to Brook's waiting and eager mouth. She felt Brook's tongue begin to lick and she shuttered. She was more than ready to cum herself. Watching Brook masturbate as she did her little striptease was enough to set her pussy on fire. She tried to keep licking Brook but she knew she wasn't giving it her all. Her pussy was controlling her now and she let Brook's tongue work her pussy lips. They went all around the outside before she felt Brook's fingers pull her lips apart and then she felt Brook's tongue go deep into her pussy. Lacey let out a long mournful moan into Brook's pussy and this caused Brook to moan into her pussy and the vibrations was almost more than she could take. Lacey tried to lick Brook's slit a little deeper but then she felt a couple of Brook's fingers enter her pussy filling it up. Lacey knew that Brook was determined to make her cum and that was all right by her. Brook pushed her fingers in deep and she began to fuck her as her tongue lashed out at her clit. Lacey let out a louder moan and she felt her stomach clinch. She was close now and there was no stopping her orgasm. She felt Brook start to fuck her pussy harder as her mouth sucked her clit into her mouth.

"Oh fuck yes, baby!" Lacey cried out as she flooded Brook's face with her girlcum. Lacey fell down on top of Brook as the waves of her orgasm passed through her body. Lacey was lost in her pleasure as she felt Brook still licking and sucking up her vast amount of juices.

When she came back around, Lacey turned to her side and pulled Brook with her. She positioned Brook's top leg over her shoulder and positioned her own leg the same way. She then began to lick Brook's pussy as Brook licked hers. This time they both went slowly as they brought each other to a number of more orgasms. When they both were spent Lacey moved back around and hugged Brook to her body. She kissed her and she could feel that Brook's face was coated with girlcum just as her own was. When the kiss ended, Brook moved her head down and her mouth latched onto Lacey's right nipple. It was time to sleep and that is what they did.

Lacey woke up the next morning to thunder rattling the windows and she immediately reached for Brook but she found that she was alone in the bed. She jumped up and went looking for her lover. She checked the bathroom and Brook wasn't there but she did take a moment to drain her bladder. She then continued her search, Brook wasn't in the living room but Lacey heard noises coming from the kitchen. She turned quickly and headed toward the kitchen.

"I thought that last round of thunder would get you out of the bed." Brook said as she turned from the pancake mix that she was mixing in the bowl.

"How long have you been up?" Lacey asked as she came up behind Brook and wrapped her arms around her body.

"About an hour, I woke up as the first roll of the thunder came across the house." Brook said as she accepted Lacey kiss.

"You should have awoken me." Lacey said as she gave her a squeeze.

"You were sleeping so soundly, I didn't want to wake you. Besides I know how you old people need your sleep." Brook said and Lacey could feel her tense as she waited for Lacey's response.

Lacey continued to hold Brook and she started to kiss her neck. It took more than a few kisses before Lacey felt Brook begin to relax. When Brook let out her first moan, Lacey quickly dropped her hands and gave a hard pinch to each of Brook's ass cheeks.

"Ouch! Hey that wasn't fair." Brook said as she turned around to face Lacey.

"And calling me old was fair." Lacey said smiling.

"Well you're older than me." Brook said giggling.

"True, but now we're even." Lacey said.

"For the moment," Brook said with a devious grin. She then turned and started back mixing up the pancake batter.

"I see that we're having pancakes again this morning." Lacey said as she went to the stove and got out the frying pan.

"You haven't taught me how to cook anything else. You don't mind having pancakes again do you?"

"No, there fine. We'll start you cooking other things as we go along." Lacey said smiling.

"So what are we going to do today since the trip to the camping ground is out?" Brook asked.

Lacey thought a minute and she tried to come up with another idea. She had told Brook that she would take her there and show her about before she actually brought her alone for a real camping trip. Brook had never been camping and was excited to go but she also wanted to know what she was getting into first. She knew that Brook was waiting for a response and then it came to her.

"Well, I do need to do some laundry, we have gone through a few sets of sheets already, and then the rest of the house could use some light cleaning." Lacey said.

"Okay, we can do that." Brook said happily but Lacey knew she was hoping for something a little more exciting.

"Then I might have a little game we could play." Lacey then added.

"What game?" Brook asked and there was a little more excitement in her voice.

"Just a game," Lacey nonchalantly and said no more as Brook brought the pancake batter to her.

Once breakfast was done, Lacey started on the laundry and then she led Brook to the bathroom and helped her to get started on cleaning the tub. Brook had never had to clean anything in her life, even at school there was housekeeping that cleaned their rooms and did their laundry. Once Lacey was sure that Brook knew what she was doing, she went to the bedroom and started there. When she came back later, she found that Brook was humming a tune as she cleaned.

"I think we found your calling, you can be a maid when you grow up." Lacey said with a laugh.

"Yea, right!" Brook said as she threw her wet cleaning rag at Lacey, who was just quick enough to avoid the dirty rag.

"You missed me!" Lacey said and then she ran back to the bedroom and locked the door behind her.

"You have to come out sooner or later and then I'll get you." Brook sang as she walked away.

Lacey went back to vacuuming the floor but she knew that she would have to keep an eye out as she was sure that Brook would get her back. They worked for a couple of hours and got the house back in shape. Lacey had cleaned her house from top to bottom before Brook got there and this cleaning was just a way to kill some time before the game began.

"Do you want to know what were going to do now?" Lacey asked as they sat and rested a few minutes.

"Yes!" Brook said excitedly as she turned toward Lacey.

"We're going to play poker." Lacey said.

"Oh, okay, that sounds like fun." Brook said and Lacey knew she was hoping for a sex game and not cards.

"Oh it is especially since the loser of each hand has to take something off." Lacey said.

"Cool, strip poker, where are the cards? Let's play." Brook said as she gave Lacey a kiss and jumped up.

"Slow down girl, we'll play but first I want you to go take a shower and then get dressed but don't let me see what you are wearing. I will take my shower once you are done and as you are getting dressed. Then we'll meet back here and play." Lacey said as she got up and gave Brook a kiss and then she shooed her back toward the bathroom.

As Brook showered, Lacey got out a comforter from the bedroom and set up a place for them to play in the living room. She also put a bottle of wine into the fridge to let it chill. About the time she got everything set up, she heard Brook calling out that she was out of the shower. Lacey then took her shower and after making sure that Brook was out of the bedroom, she slipped inside and went to her closet. She went through her closet until she found the sheer blouse that she was looking for and then she found the mini skirt that she had hid in the back. She then went to dresser and pulled out a matching set of black panties and bra, both of which were sheer. She then reached into the back of the drawer and pulled out her one pair of fishnet stockings. She got dressed and slipped on a pair of heels, the only pair she had and this would be the only time she would wear them, when she wanted to look sexy and maybe a little like the slut she wanted to be today. She checked herself and decided that she looked the part, she walked out and into the living room but Brook wasn't there.

"Where are you baby?" Lacey called out.

"Coming, wait right there for me." Brook called from the kitchen.

This left Lacey trying to decide whether to stand or sit and she knew the look was better if she was standing so she did. Lacey had a wait for a few minutes before Brook finally called out, "I'm coming." Lacey had to smile as she knew that Brook would be saying those words a lot in a little while. Lacey waited anxiously for Brook to come out and when she did, she couldn't hide her disappointment as Brook was wearing a robe and a pair of white knee socks and she was carrying the bottle of wine and two glasses. Brook was trying to end the game too quickly and that would spoil all the fun.

"What's the matter; don't you like what I chose to wear?" Brook said and a pout appeared on her face.

Lacey wanted to say, "No I don't like it, you are ruining the game." Bit instead she said, "No, its fine."

"Well maybe you will like this better." Brook said after she had put the tray down on the comforter. She then stood up and slowly untied the robe and opened it to reveal her school outfit. She then pulled her patient leather shoes from under the edge of the comforter and slipped them on, completing the outfit.

"Oh fuck girl!" Lacey said as she felt her pussy moistened.

"I glad that you approve and you look so sexy, I love it." Brook said as she came over and gave Lacey a light kiss on the lips. Then she whispered, "I told you that I would get you."

"You got me good." Lacey conceded. "Now let's get this game going." And Lacey saw the twinkle come to Brook's eyes.

Lacey sat down crossed legged on the comforter and Brook did the same and Lacey could see Brook's white panties under her skirt. This set her engines revving bit time.

"Now first, how many pieces of clothing do you have on?" Lacey asked.

"Do we count the shoes and socks as two or four pieces?" Brook asked.

"Four that will make the game go on longer." Lacey replied.

"Okay then I have eight pieces."

"Well, I have seven so let me go find something else to put on. I'll be right back." Lacey said as she got up and went back to the bedroom. She searched around for something then she was beginning to panic when an idea came to her. She went to her drawer and found what she was looking for and put it on. Then she thought of something else and went and put them on before coming back out.

"I actually put two things on so you need to add one more." Lacey said as she came back into the room.

"Now I have to think of something that fits with this. Hold on." Brook said as she went back to the bedroom. She was gone for a few minutes before she came back in and Lacey couldn't see anything different until she realized that Brook had put a clip into her hair.

"Okay for the rules, the loser has to take something off and it will be her choice as to what she wants to take off. The person that wins then gets to deal and decide what is wild, if anything. Then loser in the end will be the winner's slave for the afternoon and must do whatever she asks. How does that sound?" Lacey asked.

"Sounds good but what if neither of us has anything and we both fold?" Brook asked.

"First, there will be no folding, we play each hand out to the end and if neither of us has anything then the hand doesn't count and we start again. I don't want to get down to high card winner or anything. You have to have at least a pair to win. You do know how to play, what wins?

"That sounds good to me and yea, I know how to play. I use to play with the butler when I was young but just straight poker, not any of those fancy versions." Brook said.

"Well that is all I know too. Shuffle the cards as I pour us a glass of wine and we will draw cards to see who deals first." Lacey told her.

Brook laid out the cards after she had shuffled them and Lacey took one as she handed Brook a glass of the wine. Lacey looked at her card and found that she had the ten of hearts. Brook drew a card and a big smile came over her face.

"I got the ace of diamonds, what did you get?" Brook said excitedly.

"Only the ten of hearts, looks like you get to deal first." Lacey said and she watched as Brook gathered up the cards and shuffled them again. She took a sip of her wine and then dealt them both five cards.

"One eyed jacks wild," Brook said before she or Lacey picked up their cards.

Lacey looked at her cards and found that she had one of the one eyed jacks but nothing else, so she kept an eight of spades and laid down three cards. Lacey noticed that Brook was smiling again and she knew that she had something. Brook laid down two cards and she dealt them both their cards. Lacey got another eight so that made her three eights.

"Do we call now?" Brook asked smiling.

"No, lets go two rounds, if we were betting then I'm sure that we both would raise the other at least that much."

"Okay, how many do you want?" Brook asked.

"Oh... give me two." Lacey said as if it was a hard decision as what to do.

Lacey got her two cards and with a straight face she saw that she had gotten yet another eight which made her four eights. She saw that Brook frowned at the cards that she got as she took two cards too. But then she saw her smile as if she was still confident that she would win the hand.

"Who shows her hand first?" Brook asked.

"Let's go with the dealer lays down first." Lacey replied.

"I had a funny feeling that you would say that." Brook said. She then started to lay down her hand a card at a time. She laid down the two of spades then the queen of clubs. She then hesitated a moment then laid down the ace of hearts and the ace of spades. Again she hesitated a moment to drag out the drama before laying down the other one eyed jack.

"I have three aces! Try and beat that!" Brook proclaimed.

"That is a good hand, I don't know if I can beat that but let me try anyway." Lacey said and she saw that some of Brook's confidence waned. "Let's see, here is the six of diamonds and next is the eight of clubs. Oh, here is another eight and I be, here is yet another one. That leaves us both with three of a kind but your three aces beat my three eights. That leaves me with one card left; I wonder what it can be?" Lacey said and then she held the card close to her breast.

"Well are you going to show it?" Brook finally asked and Lacey knew Brook didn't know if she was teasing her and had nothing or actually had the forth eight or the second one eyed jack.

"If you insist," Lacey said and then she slowly brought the card down and laid the second one eyed jack down. I do believe that I win, you have to take something off my dear."

"Shoot, I knew that I had won that hand." Brook said disappointedly.

"But you didn't so take something off already." Lacey said smiling.

"Okay, okay, don't get your panties in a wad." Brook said.

Lacey watched anxiously as Brook thought of what to take off. Her fingers first went to her hair clit but then stopped. They next went to the top button of her blouse but again they stopped. Lacey knew now that she was teasing her and would end up taking off a shoe and that is where her fingers went next but again they stopped short of taking the shoe off. Finally she stood up and Lacey watched as Brook slipped her hands up under her skirt and she began to pull her panties off. Lacey could not believe that Brook would start there and her own pussy leaked more juices at the thought of sitting there the rest of the game looking at Brook's pussy. Brook brought her panties on down her legs and then she stepped out of them. Brook brought the panties to her nose and sniffed them.

"I believe you won these." Brook said as she threw them to Lacey who had to sniff them herself and she got a good whiff of Brook's juices.

Brook then sat down and Lacey watched closely for a glimpse of Brook's pussy but as she sat down Brook placed her hand on her skirt and kept it there until she was sitting again. She pushed the skirt down between her legs thus blocking any view of her pussy. Lacey let out a groan and that caused Brook to giggle. Brook was playing the tease to perfection as Lacey knew she wasn't wearing any panties under her skirt but she couldn't see a thing.

"You little shit." Lacey said and this cause Brook to laugh.

"I believe you won the deal." Brook said after she got her laughing under control.

Lacey took a sip of her wine and said, "Jokers wild." She placed the jokers into the deck and shuffled them in. She then dealt them both a hand. Lacey had nothing on the first draw of the cards. So she kept a king and dealt herself four more cards as Brook took three. Again she had nothing and she saw that Brook was frowning. Lacey took three cards keeping a queen with her king. But when she got her three cards, she still had nothing.

"I'm afraid that I have nothing so if you got anything at all you win." Lacey said.

"I don't have anything either. I don't think you're a good dealer." Brook added.

"Well let's try again; I'll stay with jokers wild." Lacey said as she shuffled the cards and dealt them five cards each.

This time Lacey came up with a pair of sixes and she laid her cards down and when she did she saw Brook beaming and she knew that she was going to lose a piece of clothing.

"I got you this time." Brook said as she laid down a pair of tens and then her other three cards. "Now it's your turn to lose a piece of clothing."

"I know," Lacey said as she slipped a shoe off and handed it to Brook.

Brook won the deal and she took the jokers out and she made it deuces wild. This game she won with two pairs and Lacey handed over her other shoe. Brook kept with the deuces wild but this time Lacey won with a straight over Brooks two pair. Lacey could tell that Brook knew she was going to win the hand only to loose to Lacey's much better hand. Brook then handed over a shoe. Lacey put the jokers back in and she dealt out their hands. Lacey lost this hand so she stood up. She acted as if she couldn't decide what to take off but then she put her hands to her hips. She unzipped her mini shirt and let it drop to the floor. She saw the Brook was disappointed that she had panties on under her fishnet hose.

Brook dealt the next hand and they both came up with nothing so she dealt again. This time she had a pair to Lacey's nothing. Lacey was beginning to wonder if she was going to be nude before Brook took much more off. Lacey stood up and she took off her blouse and even though the bra was sheer, her nipples were still covered. Lacey could see Brook straining to see what was covering her nipples but the bra was dark enough to hide the pasties that she had put on. She sat down and Brook dealt again, keeping with the deuces wild. This hand and well as the next two Lacey won as Brook kept coming up with nothing. Brook handed Lacey her other shoe and then both socks in turn. It was getting down to the nitty-gritty now. Lacey suggested a short break as they both could use a stretch and a bathroom break. Brook was hesitant to stop but consented.

Lacey dealt the next hand and she barely beat Brook with a full house over her straight. Brook accused her of cheating in some way as she stood up and removed her white blouse. But she was smiling as she did this. Lacey lost the next game and she removed her hose and gave them to Brook. Brook dealt and won the next game with a pair of queens. Lacey was running out of things to take off but she got up and slowly removed her panties and to Brook's disappointment she left the g-string on. Lacey was leaking fluids big time as she could feel that her g-string was soaked through and she had wet the comforter.

Brook dealt and Lacey ended up winning with three jacks. She then watched closely as Brook stood up and removed her bra. Lacey about came as she watched Brook's breasts sway as she sat back down. Brook was down to her skirt and hairclip. Lacey dealt and she wanted to get Brook caught up with her but on the last draw, she got a joker thus giving her a pair of aces which ended up beating Brook's pair of queens. Brook stood up and Lacey watched as Brook went to her hair clip but then changed her mind and put her hands down to her waist. She slowly unzipped her skirt and she let it fall leaving her naked except for the clip holding her hair up. Lacey let out a slight moan at seeing how wet Brook's pussy was. She wanted to jump her right there but she let Brook sit down.

Lacey knew she wanted to let Brook win so on the next hand she threw away the joker that she had drawn and Brook won the game. Lacey stood up and removed her bra and she saw Brook's eyes light up at seeing the pasties that just covered her nipples. Brook dealt and this game they both came up with nothing. Brook dealt again and Lacey was able to throw away her good cards and Brook won.

"Would you like to remove my pasties?" Lacey asked as she leaned forward.

"Oh yes, but one or both?"

"Both," Lacey said and she watched as Brook's right hand came forward and touched her left breast. Brook took her finger nail and pealed the pasty off. She then teased the nipple a bit causing Lacey to moan. Brook then went to the other one and pealed it off. She teased this nipple too and before Lacey could lean back Brook bent down and kissed the right and then left nipple. This caused Lacey moan real loud.

"Hey none of that yet, not until the game is over." Lacey said but her voice was thick with lust.

"Well we are close, the next hand wins." Brook said and her voice was just as thick with lust and desire.

Brook picked up the cards with shaking hands and she almost fumbled them away as she tried to shuffle them. But finally she got her hands working and she dealt the hands. Lacey didn't have to throw anything away as she got nothing but from the look on Brook's face, she knew she got nothing either. Brook dealt again and this time on the first draw, Lacey got two deuces which she promptly threw away. But then she got two aces in return. She was afraid that she was going to win despite her attempt to lose. But then she saw Brook's face and she had a grin that went from ear to ear.

"I'll lay my cards down first this time since I know you can't beat me." Lacey said and before Brook could protest she laid her whole hand down revealing the two aces. "Try and beat that baby!" Lacey proclaimed, hoping against hope that Brook could.

"I don't know, two aces are tough to beat but here goes and let me know if this beats what you have, I'm not really sure if I have anything at all." Brook said trying to be doubtful but not quite pulling it off.

"Here is the ten of hearts, and the jack of hearts, and the queen of hearts and the king of hearts..." Brook said and she waited a second before finishing with, "and finally the ace of hearts!"

"I think that barely beats my pair of aces." Lacey said.

"Barely hell, I got you, now take that g-string off and let me see what I have won!" Brook exclaimed.

"If you insist." Lacey said as she got up and she started to remove her panties then she decided to do something different. She stepped forward so that she was right in front of Brook.

"Would you like to do the honors and see what you have won?" Lacey asked.

"Oh yes," Brook said as she reached up and she began to pull the g- string down. Lacey could feel the g-string stick to her pussy as Brook pulled it down but then it gave away and Lacey could feel the cool air on her bare pussy. She stepped out of the panties and she felt Brook put her hands on her ass pulling her forward. Lacey looked down as Brook's mouth touched her pussy and she felt her begin to lick. Lacey wanted to tell her that since Brook won, she should be doing this to her but all that came out was a moan. Lacey felt Brook's tongue go up and down her pussy and she shuttered.

"Oh fuck baby that feels good!" Lacey said as Brook's tongue hit her clit. She was so excited from the game that she knew she could cum at any second. But Brook went back to her pussy and started to lick there again. She licked up and down her pussy and Lacey put her hands on Brook's head holding it to her pussy. Lacey opened her legs out wider and she felt Brook's tongue go deeper into her pussy. It moved around in there and Lacey cried out, "Oh gooddd..." Brook continued to lick her up and down her pussy as her hands caressed her ass cheeks. Lacey moaned and moaned and when Brook's tongue got back to her clit she was ready. They tongue caressed it gently at first but then it licked her harder and Lacey felt her pussy spasm and she had a massive orgasm. She flooded Brook's mouth with her juices and Brook tried her best to suck them all up. She felt her knees give out and she felt Brook helping her down on the comforter. When she came around, Brook was kissing her with her girlcum soaked lips and face.

'Hey, you won; I'm supposed to be your slave and not the other way around." Lacey told her as she kissed her back.

"I know but I wanted to do that for you." Brook said as she kissed her again.

"Well thank you but now it your turn. Your every wish is my command." Lacey said as the kiss ended.

"Anything that I want?" Brook asked as she bit her lower lip.

"Yes anything baby, just ask me." Lacey said wondering what Brook had in her mind but she knew that she would do whatever Brook asked of her.

"Stay here a minute." Brook said as she jumped up and went toward the bedroom. When she returned she had her strap-on in one hand and a couple of dildos in the other.

"Are you sure?" Lacey asked as she sat up.

"Yes," Was Brook's answer as she came and sat beside of Lacey.

"Okay, but go get some lube, not that either of us need it." Lacey said and she smiled at the thought of fucking Brook. She got up and looked at the couch trying to judge the height. She decided that the comforter would be needed so she gathered it up and started to fold it when Brook came in holding the bottle of lube.

"Here help me fold this up." Lacey told her and together they folded it into a square. Lacey then took it and she set it at the foot of the couch. Lacey the pulled a couple of throw pillows to the center of the couch and she sat at the edge and lay back. She added a couple of more pillows and the end cushions until she could lie back and be almost sitting up but still in a reclining position.

"I think that is about right, now come over here." Lacey told Brook who was almost shaking with nerves. When Brook was in front of her, she took the strap-on from her and the larger dildo. She saw that Brook's eyes went wide at the thought of the larger dildo going inside of her pussy.

"Don't worry this one is for me." Lacey said to reassure her.

"But I wanted you to use it on me." Brook said and then she started to say something else but Lacey stopped her with a finger to her lips.

"I will baby but I want you to see what is going to happen first. I'm not doing this to be mean or selfish but so that you will be prepared. I can do you first but I'd like for you to try it this way, okay. It's your decision." Lacey told her and she looked her in the eye to make sure that Brook believed her.

Brook thought for a moment then she replied, "Let's do it your way. To tell you the truth, I'm a little scared but this is what I want."

"I know you are and I will be gentle when the time comes but for me you can go hard and fast if you want. I'm well broken in." Lacey said with a little laugh to break the tension.

"Now we know," Brook said with a disapproving frown and then she laughed, not able to hold her look for long.

"Yes we do, now let's get you set up. Come here and step into the harness." Lacey told Brook and she did so. Lacey pulled the harness up and she started to put it in place. She had to put her fingers between the base of the dildo and Brook's pussy to get it into place and Lacey took advantage of that. She moved her fingers up and down Brook's wet pussy and that got a moan from Brook. She even caressed Brook's clit a little and that got a shutter from Brook and from the fluid coming from Brook's pussy she knew that she had a small orgasm. Lacey knew that would hold Brook for a little while. She then went back to tightening the harness down so that it was good and tight and Brook would have control of the dildo.

"That looks good, does it feel comfortable?" Lacey asked as she pulled on the dildo bringing Brook in closer.

"It feels and looks weird but yea, it's comfortable." Brook said and she started to reach down and touch it but then changed her mind. Lacey started to tell her to go ahead but then thought of a different way to tell her that.

"Now get a little of that lube and coat the dildo for me. I'm very wet but a little extra won't hurt." Lacey told her.

Brook took the lube and put a little in her hand and then she reached down and took the dildo in her hands. She began to coat it as Lacey laid back and put her feet on the edge of the couch opening her pussy up for Brook. When Brook was finished examining (i.e. putting the lube on it) her fake cock, she got down on her knees in front of her. Lacey looked down and saw that the height was about right.

"I don't know what to do?" Brook said as she held her cock near Lacey's pussy.

"I know, I'll tell you what to do until you get the hang of it. Now come a little closer and rub the head along my slit." Lacey said and she saw and felt Brook use her hand to guide the head up and down her slit. It felt nice as the head split her pussy lips. She let her do this a minute more before she moved her to the next step.

"Now you can see that the head is coated with my juices." Lacey said.

"Yes," Brook said.

"Okay now put the head at my entrance." Lacey told her and she felt the head go to her entrance. "Now using your hips, push the head inside but stop once the head is in."

"Okay," Brook replied and Lacey saw a look of concentration come over Brook's face. She felt the head being slowly pushed inside of her. It was much slower than she liked but this was Brook's first time and she knew Brook was being very careful for fear of hurting her. Finally the head was in and Lacey saw Brook finally let out a smile.

"Now when I do you, the head would now be very close to your hymen. What I want you to do, is to move the dildo in and out just slightly." Lacey told her and her felt Brook move the cock ever so carefully. "Now if I was doing you then the head would be just going to your hymen and coming back out. Do that for a few moments and then bring it back out and with a quick thrust of your hips drive the cock inside of me."

Brook nodded and then she began to move her hips again. She moved them only an inch or so and then she looked at Lacey and she nodded. Brook took a deep breath and she pushed the cock deep inside of Lacey's pussy. Lacey let out a moan as the cock penetrated her pussy. Lacey opened her eyes to see Brook staring where her hips were against Lacey' crotch and the cock was buried inside of her pussy.

"You did it, now that wasn't so bad was it?" Lacey asked.

"No, what does it feel like?" Brook asked as she looked up at Lacey.

"It feels nice. I feel full. But I will let you decide that when it's your turn but since you are there, why don't you finish what you started." Lacey told her as she reached up and caressed her face.

"What do I do?" Brook asked.

"Just use your hips and bring the cock out and then push it back in like you did with the vibrator the other day."

"Cool," Brook said as she put her hands on Lacey's knees and she pulled her hips back. Lacey felt her pussy lips being pulled out and then Brook pushed it back in but she was going too slowly. Lacey let her do that for a minute before she said anything.

"Baby, speed up some, I promise that you can't hurt me." Lacey said.

"I'm sorry," Brook said.

"That's okay; you'll get the hang of it quick enough. This is your first time and I did the same thing when I fucked a woman for the first time. It's cool. So put those hips to good use and give me a good fucking." Lacey said as she reached up and pinched both of Brook's nipples. That made Brook giggle but it also got her hips to moving. Lacey looked down and she watched Brook's hips moved the cock in and out of her pussy. The fucking started to feel good and she closed her eyes and let out a moan. She heard Brook start to grunt a little as she used her hips to push the cock deep into Lacey's pussy. Soon Lacey would hear the sounds of Brook's hips hitting her pussy. Brook got into a nice rhythm and she started to move her hips around a bit, whether she did that intentionally or not, Lacey wasn't sure but it felt good as the cock moved around inside of her pussy as it went in and out. Lacey then felt Brook's hand leave her knees and she felt them grasp her breasts.

"Oh baby, squeeze them as you fuck me!" Lacey called out to her and Brook squeezed her breasts hard as she increased the speed of her fucking. Lacey was moaning now as the cock moved in and out of her pussy. Brook was grunting hard now as she pinched Lacey's nipples. "OH yes baby! Your doing great. Now go quicker and harder. I'm close to cumming."

Lacey felt Brook crank it up a notch and the cock was going fast and hard into her pussy. Her pussy was on fire as the cock went in and out of her. Lacey took one of Brook's hands and pushed it down to her clit. Brook got the message quickly as her hand went to Lacey's clit and she started to rub it. That was all it took and Lacey cried out "Oh fuck baby, I cumminggg." Lacey felt her pussy squeeze Brook's fake cock and she felt her girlcum and pee squirt from her pussy. She then curled her legs around Brook's butt and held her in place. She felt Brook lay against her and she felt her kisses and she experienced the pleasure of her orgasm. She also felt Brook gently move the cock that was still in her pussy.

"Did I do okay?' Brook asked when Lacey got her wits back.

"You did great baby. I promise that you did great." Lacey assured her and she kissed the sweat off her brow.

"I'll do better next time, I promise." Brook said.

"You did just fine this time." Lacey assured her and then she released her legs.

Brook straightened up and she looked down as she pulled the cock from Lacey's pussy. It left her with a wet pop. Lacey could see the cock was soaked with her girlcum.

"You know fucking is a lot of work." Brook said with a giggle.

"Oh yea, it is but lots of fun too." Lacey said with a smile.

"I hope so." Brook said as she bit her lip.

"It is, don't worry, but now it's your turn. Do you still want to do it?" Lacey asked.

"Oh yea," was Brook's quick reply.

"Well let's get that harness off of you and let me change out the dildos." Lacey said as she pulled Brook back to her.

"Can you use this one on me?" Brook asked.

"If you like, the other is smaller but then this one isn't all that big so I think it will do fine too. It's up to you." Lacey said.

"I want to use the one you used. Then it will really be like you are in me." Brook said.

"I will be the one in you, just like you were the one in me just now. It was you fucking me and that is what I thought about, you inside of me making me feel good." Lacey told Brook.

"That sounds nice, and you're right, you will be the one in me and making me a woman." Brook said.

"You're already a beautiful woman." Lacey told her and she put her hands to Brook's cheeks and brought her in for a long passionate kiss.

When the kiss ended she began to unhook the harness with Brooks help. Once it was loose, Brook stood up and she stepped out of the harness.

"Let me put it on you." Brook said as she took the harness from Lacey and dropped down to her knees.

"Be my guest." Lacey said as she stood up. She stepped up to Brook and started to lift her foot up when she felt Brook's mouth on her pussy. She let out a moan as Brook's tongue lapped at her slightly sore pussy, but Brook's tongue felt so good. Lacey opened her legs and she put her hands to Brook's head and she ran her fingers through her hair. Brook's tongue started to go deeper into her pussy and Lacey let out another moan. Brook was fast learning how to please her and she was doing her best to do that every chance that she got. Brook moved her tongue around Lacey's pussy going up and down her slit and then going for the entrance and fucking her. Lacey felt her knees weak but she straightened them and gripped Brook's head holding her to her pussy. Brook moved her mouth up to her clit and sucked it into her mouth. Lacey let out a groan and pushed her hips forward. Brook sucked hard on her sensitive nub and then she started to lick it. Brook licked hard and fast and Lacey wasn't up to trying to hold off her climax. She was still sensitive from being fucked by Brook that she felt her pussy start to spasm. Lacey gripped Brook's hard harder and pushed her into her clit.

"I'm cumming baby. Ohhhhhhhh..." Lacey cried as she felt the orgasm pass through her body. How she managed to stay standing up, she wasn't sure but she did. When she got it back together, she felt Brook gently licking up her girlcum that was flowing from her body.

"Damn baby, you caught me by surprise there." Lacey said as she released Brook's head and she leaned over and kissed Brook's girlcum coated lips.

"I thought I would but your pussy was right there in front of me and I had to lick it." Brook said giving Lacey a wink.

"It's your turn now, so put the harness on me and get up on the couch like I was." Lacey said as she stepped into the harness and then she helped Brook tighten it down. She then helped Brook into position with her feet on the couch and her knees spread out wide opening her pretty pussy to her. Lacey got down to her knees and she leaned forward and began to lick Brook's pussy. She had to hold her fake cock in her hands to keep it off the floor.

"Oh Lacey, that feels good." Brook cried as Lacey started to lick a little deeper into Brook's pussy. She was producing lots of juices and Lacey was sucking most up but still leaving plenty to keep Brook well lubricated. Lacey licked her a little more and then she went to her clit. She wanted Brook to have a small orgasm first and thus be a little more relaxed for losing her virginity. Lacey licked around Brook's clit, teasing it and causing Brook to moan more. Lacey then sucked the clit into her mouth and sucked harder. She felt Brook's hands on her head pressing her face to her pussy. Lacey sucked and licked on the clit until her heard Brook cry out, "I'm cummingggg..." Lacey wanted to lick up her girlcum but instead used her fingers to smear it around Brook's pussy and she put some onto the head of the dildo.

"Are you ready?" Lacey asked when Brook opened her eyes.

"Yes, I'm ready." Brook said as she bit her lower lip but then she smiled and Lacey knew that she was ready.

"I'm going to get the head ready for you." Lacey said as she brought the head up to Brook's pussy and she ran it up and down the slit coating the head with Brook's juices. The fake cock was still coated with her own juices and it gave Lacey a thrill to know that her juices would soon be inside of Brook. She could understand why Brook wanted her to use the same dildo that was just used on her. Lacey looked up and saw that Brook was watching her every move.

"Now I'm going to slip the head inside of you. It will stretch your pussy lips out but let me know if it is too much." Lacey told her and she hesitated for a second before she put the head at the entrance. Lacey then pressed her head into the entrance. She watched as Brook's pussy lips opened up for her and the head began to slip into Brook. Lacey heard Brook suck in her breath as her pussy lips opened more than they had ever been opened before. Lacey pressed forward until the head popped in.

"Now relax honey, we're halfway home. Take a deep breath and let me know when you are ready." Lacey said as she reached up and caressed Brook's face with her hand. Brook tilted her head a little onto Lacey's hand.

"Okay I'm ready." Brook said.

Lacey smiled at her and then she began to move the cock in and out just a hair. She did this for a few minutes and then she moved her hips back and forced them forward quickly. Lacey felt the fake cock, hit the hymen and it stopped for a millisecond and then it broke through.

"Ohhhhhhh..." Brook cried and her face twisted up in pain for a second. Lacey drove the cock on in until it was fully buried within Brook's pussy.

She leaned forward and she hugged Brook to her. She kissed her face and she kissed the tears that were coming from Brook's eyes.

"It's over baby, you're fine. >From here on in, there will only be pleasure, no more pain." Lacey whispered to her. The tears stopped and Lacey kissed Brook's lips and face and after a few moments she began to move her hips back and then forward. She felt Brook tense a moment then relax. Lacey started to move the cock more, going a couple of inches back and then forward. She leaned back and looked down at the fake cock. There was a little blood streaked along the sides but not a lot. Lacey was still going slow letting Brook get used to having something stretching her pussy lips wide and then going deep inside of her, much deeper than anything ever before. But when she looked back at Brook's face she saw that her eyes were closed and there was the beginning of a smile come across her lips. Lacey placed her hands on top of Brook's thighs and she started to go a little faster. Lacey heard a little moan come from Brook. Lacey squeezed Brooks's thighs and she watched the cock go in and out of Brook's wet pussy. She could see that Brook's pussy lips were indeed stretched wide but Brook seemed to be enjoying the fucking that she was receiving. Lacey started to pick her speed up a little but the then Brook broke her silence.

"No, keep going slow for a little longer." Brook said as her eyes fluttered open for a moment.

"Okay, baby, just keep telling me what you want." Lacey told her quietly.

Lacey slowed the movement of her hips until the cock was going in and out of Brook's pussy slowly. Lacey moved her hands up to Brook's tits; she covered them with her hands and tenderly squeezed them. This brought a smile and a moan from Brook. Lacey's fingers moved to her nipples and she teased them first with her finger tips. She could feel them harden even more. Lacey then put the nipples between her index and thumbs and pulled out. She pulled until they slipped from her fingers and this caused Brook to groan. Lacey's fingers went back to the nipples and pulled them out again. She repeated this over and over again as her hips continued their slow motion fucking of Brook's pussy. When she knew that Brook's nipples were getting real sensitive, she leaned forward and kissed each nipple in turn. This caused her hips to move further in and pushed the cock deep into Brook's pussy.

"Ohhhh..." Brook wailed as Lacey's hips moved the cock deep into Brook's pussy. Lacey kissed and sucked on Brook's nipples as she moved her hips back and forth. After a few minutes of this Lacey felt Brook's hands on her shoulders and Lacey was afraid that she had hurt her.

"I'm ready to cum now." Brook whispered to her.

Lacey knew what she wanted. Lacey placed her hands back on top of Brook's thighs and she quickly upped the tempo of the movement of her hips. The cock was going faster and in deeper. Lacey could see Brook's pussy lips being pulled in and out and there was more fresh blood on the cock, but still not enough to worry about. Brook had a thick hymen and Lacey knew it would bleed a bit. But still Lacey didn't want to push it too far. She moved her fingers of her right hand down to Brook's clit and she started to rub it. Lacey could feel the cock going in and out of Brook's pussy. Lacey rubbed harder and harder and Brook was started to arch her back and push against the cock that was fucking her pussy. Lacey pushed harder and faster as she caressed Brook's clit.

"Oh fuck, I cumming..." Brook cried out as the orgasm overcame her. Lacey watched Brook's body convulse and she could tell from the drag on the cock that she was using on her that Brook's pussy had clamped down on it. Lacey stopped the motion of her hips and she slowly pulled the cock from Brook's body. She then bent down and licked a little of Brook's virgin blood that was mix in with her girlcum. She then swiftly removed the harness that was holding the fake cock and she sat beside of Brook and pulled her onto her lap. She cradled Brook's body in her arms and rocked her as Brook rode out the waves of her orgasm that were passing through her body.

"Oh god that felt good." Brook said as her eyes fluttered open.

"I didn't hurt you too much did I?" Lacey asked her as she kissed her on the lips.

"No, you did fine. It hurt like hell when my hymen broke but then it eased off. You were right though, after that it was all pleasure." Brook told Lacey as she snuggled in against Lacey's body.

Lacey pulled Brook in tight, kissing her and telling Brook how much she loved her. Brook cooed as she soaked in the love and attention that she had so desperately needed all her life but had never received. After what seemed like forever but yet still too soon Brook began to shift.

"Are you all right?" Lacey asked.

"Yea but suddenly I'm a little tired and a little sore. Do you mind if I go take a shower and take a nap?" Brook asked.

"No baby, that's fine. I wouldn't mine a shower and a nap myself." Lacey replied.

"I was hoping that you would say that." Brook replied as she got off of Lacey's lap.

"Oh god! I bled on your leg and I've stained your couch." Brook said as she looked down horror stricken.

Lacey first looked at Brook's pussy and found that no more blood was coming out of her, the bleeding had stopped. That was her first fear and once that was cleared up she looked at her leg and couch. "Oh that is fine, it just adds to the character to the couch. Now when I see that stain, then it will bring back a wonderful memory." Lacey said reassuring her. "Now let's go get that shower and take that nap.

Lacey didn't let Brook clean up the couch; instead she pushed her on into the bathroom. Once in the shower, she washed Brook and she also checked out Brook's pussy just to make sure that every thing was okay and she found that it was. Once she got Brook cleaned up, she washed herself and them she ushered Brook on into the bedroom. She did make Brook put on a pair of panties and a panty shield just so that she could make sure that there was not any more bleeding. They then snuggled into the bed and fell asleep. The excitement of the day had worn them both out and they slept through the rest of the afternoon and evening. When Lacey woke up it was dark outside the bedroom window. Lacey was confused at first as she tried to figure things out. As her mind cleared, she remembered where she was. She looked over at Brook as saw that she was still sleeping soundly. Lacey looked at the clock and saw that it was one in the morning. She then rolled over and got a small flashlight from the top drawer of the nightstand. She went back over to Brook and slowly turned her over onto her back. After making sure that she had not awakened, she moved down in the bed. She slipped her fingers under Brook's panties and she pulled them up a bit. She shined the flashlight onto the panty shield that was attached to Brook's panties. She saw a slight pink stain and it was dried.

"Checking to make sure that I still have a pussy?" Brook said.

Lacey jerked and she spit out an "Oh shit!" Then she said, "You scared me to death." As she turned the flashlight at Brook's face.

"Well you should ask a girl if you can get into her panties and not just do it." Brook said and then she laughed.

"Funny, I was just checking to make sure that everything is okay."

"Is it?" Brook asked.

"Yep, looks good enough to eat." Lacey said with a wink.

"Normally, I would take you up on that offer but do you mind if we wait until morning." Brook said with a smile.

"Sure, are you a little sore?" Lacey asked with concern on her face.

"Yea, a little but it's not bad. It feels kind of nice actually; it reminds me of what we did today." Brook said with a sweet smile, and then she added. "But I'm hurting somewhere else that you have to do something about in a hurry." Brook said seriously.

"What is that baby?" Lacey said as felt fear slicing through her heart.

"I'm starving to death; you need to fix me something to eat before I die of hunger." Brook said.

"Shit! You had me scared. You fix your own food!" Lacey said as she tackled Brook on the bed and covered her face with kisses. Brook giggled as she accepted the kisses and when Lacey finally stopped, she put her head on Brook's stomach and she felt Brook caressing her hair. They lay there for a few minutes then Lacey heard Brook's stomach growl.

"You are hungry girl." Lacey said as she kissed Brook's belly.

"I told you so." Brook replied.

"Then let's go get my baby something to eat before she starves to death." Lacey said as she got up and pulled Brook from the bed.

They padded their way to the kitchen and Lacey pulled a frozen pizza from the freezer. When it was done, they made their way to the living room. Brook went to Lacey's stash of DVD's and found a couple that she hadn't seen before. She put the first one in and she came to over to Lacey who made room for her beside of her and then handed her a piece of hot pizza as the movie flashed on the TV screen. They sat on the couch and watched movies until the sun started to come up. Lacey rushed Brook out to the back patio and they stood as the sun slowly rose in the eastern sky. Lacey held her close as the sky turned from orange to red to blue. When the show was over, she kissed Brook on the cheek and took her back to the bed where they slept most of the day away.

The rest of the week went by much too quickly for both of them. They did finally make it to the camping area and Lacey was able to show Brook around. And they made their plans to go camping before Brook had to go to school. Neither had a clue as to what was going to happen after Brook got back from her trip with her parents. This made Brook's leaving all the more frightening. They spent the night before Brook had to return home making love and talking. The next morning, Lacey again offered to drive Brook home but she said that it would be better saying goodbye here. They put off their goodbyes until the last minute. The limo had pulled into the driveway before they would say anything about Brook leaving.

"I'll figure out a way back here, I promise." Brook said as she hugged Lacey and the tears were running down both of their cheeks.

"I know, just take care of yourself and don't push it. We will find a way to be together. It may be later than we both want but I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here for you." Lacey told her as she gave her a kiss.

"I don't know if I will be able to call you much or when, so keep your cell phone on and keep it by you at all times. I don't know where my parents are going to take me but my phone is good for all around the world so I will call you." Brook told her.

"I'll be waiting." Lacey said and they had a last kiss.

"I love you." Brook said and Lacey replied, "I love you too." And then Brook broke free for Lacey's arms and she was gone.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 3

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