Cave-In at the Hwy 63 Tunnel

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Jun 24, 2006


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Cave-in at the Hwy 63 Tunnel By Chris

Lacey was about half way to her destination when she pulled off the main road going through the mountains to an off road that was actually closed. But then again the camping site that she was going to was also closed but the rangers knew her and let her stay anyway. She had found that no matter what age a person was, people had a hard time saying no to a school teacher. She had been coming to this campground since she was in college, and when her friends went to Florida during spring break, she went camping alone in the mountains. So here she was on her way back to her favorite place in the world and she needed this vacation. After spending seven months teaching a bunch of eight graders, she needed a break before the last couple of months of school. She loved her students but they were a handful and they loved to try her nerves at times.

She slowed down as she approached the roadblock that said that the road was closed due to the possibility of mud slides. It had rained there almost constantly for the past two months and the park officials were afraid

to open the road when they had originally planned. But as she went around the roadblock, she noticed that a car had followed her. This concerned her a

bit, as no one should be on a road that was closed and this, she reminded herself, included her. She watched as the car closed in on her but she couldn't tell who was in the car with the rain coming down plus the car kept a safe distance behind her. She kept a half an eye on the car but was soon lost in the songs that were playing on her CD player and thinking about a whole week to herself. She kept on driving as the rain began to come down harder.

It was supposed to have stopped by now but it seemed to be coming down harder. She turned her windshield wipers on fast and she turned on her fog lights to help her see even though it was around noon. She drove on through the winding road as she slowly went up into the mountains. It was about an hour later that she approached the tunnel that cut through a part of the mountain. She noticed that the car was still behind her as she got to the entrance of the long tunnel.

But as she entered the tunnel, something caught her eye as she entered the tunnel. She looked to the side to see what it was but she was already in the tunnel. She looked in her rearview mirror and she saw that the car was still behind her. She also saw something weird behind the other car.

It was like something went across the road, but as the tunnel curved around the mountain, she lost sight of whatever it was. She went on through the tunnel when she felt something shake her car. It was like her car was shaking and she thought something had gone wrong with her car so she slowed down which was what probably saved her life. She had looked down to see if her check engine light was on but finding it not on she looked up and

she saw that the end of the tunnel was blocked with rock and mud. She slammed on her brakes and she began to slide. She forgot about the car behind her as she fought for control of her car as she tried to get it stopped before slamming into the rocks that blocked the exit of the tunnel. She slid and her car spun but she got it slowed enough that when she hit the

rocks, it jerked her around some but left her uninjured. She let out a breath of relief when she remembered the car behind her. She looked up and she saw that she was sideways in the road with her door toward the oncoming car. She started to scream as the car headed right at her, but somehow it stopped just short of her door. Lacey let out her breath that she didn't know she was holding. She then checked herself to make sure everything was still where it was suppose to be and she also looked down in her lap to make

sure that she didn't pee on herself.

She then looked over at the car that had been following her and had almost done her in. She saw that there was a youngish looking blond hair girl behind the wheel and she looked like she was scared shitless. Lacey knew that they had to turn around and get out of the tunnel while they could so she went to put the car into park so that she could start her small SUV and found that the gear shift was stuck. She tried and tried but it wouldn't budge. "Shit!" Lacey said to herself as she pounded the steering wheel. She figured that when she hit the rocks and mud, she must have damaged her transmission. She looked back at the girl and saw that she was looking straight toward her but it looked like she was in shock.

"Well here goes nothing." Lacey said as she opened the door. She put

her foot down and found that there was about three inches of mud on the road and she was thankful that she had put her hiking boots on before she left home. She carefully got out of the SUV and walked toward the other car. She saw that the girl was watching her every move but she made no move to roll down her window.

Lacey walked to the girl's window and called to her, "My car is stuck and we need to get out of here. Roll your window down."

But the girl just looked at her. Lacey wasn't sure what was wrong with her. She tapped on the window and saw that the girl jumped back but still made no move to roll her window down.

"Honey, we need to get out of here and my car is stuck. I'm not going to hurt you or anything." And when that didn't work, she placed her ace card. "I'm a school teacher, I'm trying to help you." And then to herself "And help myself."

But still the girl just sat there looking at her with a vacant stare and then Lacey realized that the girl was in shock. "Oh god, now what do I do. I

don't want to break the window that will send the poor girl over the top." Lacey said under her breath. Lacey then took a chance and tried the girl's door and she found that it opened for her. "Thank god," Lacey said to herself. The girl watched her every move but she didn't move an inch. When the door was open, Lacey saw that the girl's hands had the steering wheel in

a death grip. Lacey also realized that the car was still running so she reached over and turned it off first.

"Honey, my name is Lacey, I need for you to let go of the stirring wheel." Lacey said as she covered the girl's hands with her own and gently started to pull the girls hands free. Lacey held on to them as she turned the girl's upper body around.

"What is your name sweetie?" Lacey asked and she waited a minute as the girl formed her words.

"Brook... Are we trapped? We're going to die in here aren't we?" Brook said and then Lacey saw her lower lip begin to tremble and she knew what was coming next. Lacey pulled the girl out of the car and pulled her in close as the girl let out a long mournful sob.

"Honey, it's going to be alright but we need to get out of here." Lacey said as she stroked the girl's hair and back. Lacey knew that time was running out and she needed to get them out of the tunnel before the other end got blocked, if it wasn't already. So she walked the girl around to the passenger side of the car and put her in. She then ran around to the driver's side. She gripped the girls hand and squeezed it before letting it go and starting the car. She put it in reverse and was thankful that it was working. She turned the car around and she took the girl's hand as she slowly made her way back the way that they had come. The lights were still on inside of the tunnel and that made her hopeful that the other end was still open. But there was something inside her that kept telling her not to get her hopes up. She drove slowly as she kept an eye on the road and an eye on Brook. She kept waiting to see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel but the further she went she knew that they were trapped. Then as she went a little further she began to see the mud and then the rocks. Then the lights of the car hit the end of the tunnel and she found that it was blocked by mud and rocks just like the other end. She knew that they were truly trapped. She felt like crying as all her hopes were dashed but then she heard Brook cry out, "Oh god, we're going to die in here, we're going to die."

Lacey knew she didn't have time to feel sorry for herself. She had to get control of Brook first. Lacey turned off the car and went around to the passenger side of the car and opened the door. She pulled Brook out and pulled her in close to her body. The poor girl sobbed and kept crying out "We're going to die, we're going to die." Lacey tried to calm her but nothing she said seemed to get inside the hysterical girl's head. Finally Lacey knew

she had to get control of the girl and she what she was doing wasn't working.

Lacey pushed the girl from her body and shook her by the shoulders as she told her, "I need you to get it together. We're not going to die, I will figure something out but I'll need your help. Do you hear me?"

Brook continued to cry and Lacey saw that she was about to go into shock on her. So Lacey knew that she had to get harsher with her. Lacey shook her harder and she said, "Dammit girl, you're a fucking pussy. Get a grip or I will leave here and you'll die. You get me girl!" Lacey said and she released her. Lacey turned her back and started to walk away. She wanted to turn around and see what Brook was doing but she didn't want to let up. She needed Brook to help her get out of here.

"Wait; don't leave me here to die!" Lacey heard Brook shout out to her.

Lacey turned around to see Brook running toward her. She then got into the driver's seat of Brook's car and she waited for Brook to get in.

"You wouldn't have just left me here, would you?" Brook said as she wiped a tear from her eye.

Lacey turned toward Brook in the car and she put on her most serious

teacher's look, "No, I wouldn't have left you there but we are in trouble here and I need for you to help me. If we are to survive, we will have to depend on each other. I need to know that you will do what I say and work with me here. Will you do that?"

"Yes, I will." Brook said.

"Good, then we'll be fine." Lacey said as she reached over and took Brook's hand in hers. She noticed how soft the girls hand was as she squeezed it.

Lacey then let her hand go as she started Brook's car and she took them back to where her car was. She stopped about two hundred feet from where her SUV was sitting up against the rocks and mud that completely blocked the exit to the tunnel. Lacey turned off the car and got out as Brook got out.

"Come over here and let's talk." Lacey said as she went to the side of the road and sat down. Brook walked over to her and sat down in front of her. Lacey looked the girl over, trying to find the best way to present their situation to her. Brook had dark blue eyes and shoulder length blond hair that framed her oval shaped face. She looked on down and saw that Brook was wearing a white blouse that was a little tight and framed her B cup breasts. Lacey looked on down and saw a little bit of a belly as the shirt was tucked into her red tartan skirt. She then realized that Brook was a student

at the boarding school which was located at the foot of the mountains. She took in the rest of Brook's body; she noticed that Brook's skirt had moved up as she had her legs folded in front of her exposing her white thighs. Brook's thighs were fleshy and soft looking and Lacey knew that she wasn't use to any hard work. She saw enough of Brook's thigh to make her stomach swirl and she mentally shook her head as she didn't need to get distracted.

From looking at Brook, she knew that she had to be kind to her but also firm. She wanted to make sure that Brook knew that she was in charge and had a plan, even if at the moment she didn't have a clue what that plan was.

"Brook, I won't lie to you. We are in a bit of trouble here but it isn't something we can't survive."

Lacey paused as Brook nodded at her, and then she continued. "First we need to empty out my car. I was on my way to camp for a week in the mountains so we have some food and camping supplies. I packed food for one but I always packed extra, incase someone came over for a meal or something. So if we spread it out, we can go for a while on that. Now the tunnel is big but we need to keep from running your car engine to keep warm.

I don't know if there is an opening anywhere in the tunnel that may give us some fresh air. The lights in the tunnel are still on so there is electricity coming from somewhere or they are running on battery power. So if it is the latter then we need to be set up before the lights go out. Once we get our camp set up, then we will explore the tunnel and see where we are and if we can find a way out."

"Do you think that there is an exit out that we can take, maybe we ought to do that first?" Brook interrupted and she had a hopeful look on her


"No, I don't but there is that possibility. That is why we're doing that second after pitching camp." Lacey said as she saw what little hope that Brook had momentarily dissipated.

"Don't worry we are going to be fine." Lacey said as she took Brook's hands in hers. She held them a minute and she saw that Brook's face began to light up a bit. "Now you ready to get to work?"

"Yes, I'm ready. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it." Brook replied.

"Good, let's get to work then." Lacey said as she got up and dusted off the seat of her jeans.

She helped Brook up and they started for her small SUV. About half way there, they started to run into the mud that had been forced farther inside of the tunnel. As soon as they got to the mud, Lacey heard Brook shriek and then she felt her grab her left arm. This pulled her backwards and she went down landing about halfway on top of Brook and they slid a few feet in the thick, slick mud.

"Oh god I'm sorry!" Brook cried as they stopped.

Lacey was irritated at first and she knew her face was showing it but then she looked down at Brook's shoes and saw that she was wearing black patient leather shoes with smooth bottoms. Lacey thought about looking over Brook carefully but she failed to look at her shoes. "That serves me right, you looked at her body but forgot to look at her shoes." Lacey thought to herself and then she began to laugh. This caught Brook by surprise at first but then she too began to laugh. The laughter began to take the stress

that Lacey was feeling out of her and that allowed her to laugh harder. They

laughed for a couple of minutes until they both began to relax. Lacey then sat up and helped Brook to sit up. Lacey could feel the mud caked against her back and she could feel it seeping into her pants.

"I don't know what you are laughing at, this is your fault." Lacey said seriously as she shyly scooped up and hand full of mud. Then as Brook's face

to a look of concern and worry, Lacey took the mud and threw it at Brook's chest. She watched as a shocked look came over Brook's face.

"Hey, why did you do that? I said I was sorry." Brook said but Lacey

saw that Brook was scooping up some mud herself.

Lacey tried to jump up and get away but she slipped in the mud again

and then she felt the mud that was in Brook's hand hit her chest, hair and face.

"Now your in for it, little girl!" Lacey said laughing as she scooped up some mud with both her hands and she threw it at Brook but she slipped a bit as she threw it and none connected with its intended target.

"You missed me, you missed me!" Brook taunted Lacey as she turned to

her hands and knees and tried to crawl away. But she was laughing too hard to get far.

Lacey knew she couldn't let Brook get away so she carefully got up to her feet and she dived at Brook landing on top of her. They both went to the

mud with Lacey lying on top of Brook.

"I didn't miss this time, did I?" Lacey said as she got some mud and

smeared it into Brook's face and hair.

"Uncle, Uncle," Brook said laughing and spitting the mud from her mouth.

Lacey was laughing hard again as she rolled off Brook. But then as she looked over at a laughing Brook she saw a hand full of mud coming down on her face and then she felt Brook smear it into her hair.

"Hey you gave up! You said Uncle." Lacey said spitting mud out of her mouth.

"Oh, I concede that you won, I was just getting even." Brook said as

she giggled.

They lay there for a moment as the laughter slowly died out. Lacey knew that the mud fight was just what they needed. It took the edge off of them and maybe bonded them together. But now it really was time to get to work.

"That was fun, I needed that but lets get back to the business at hand. Do you have any other shoes in your car?"

"No and no other clothes either. I have clothes at home so I didn't bring any with me." Brook said as she sat up.

"What shoe size are you?" Lacey asked as she carefully got up and then she helped Brook up.

"I wear a size eight." Brook replied as she tried to stand in the slippery mud.

"Close enough, I got an extra pair of hiking boots that are a nine, an extra pair of socks should make then fit. I also have some sweat pants and shirt that may fit you. But we'll have to save the water that I have for drinking, so we are stuck with the mud we are wearing."

"Maybe not," Brook said.

"What do you mean?" Lacey said.

"I saw a pipe coming out of the side of the tunnel that had water coming out of it about halfway through the tunnel. We may be able to use it to wash the mud off."

"Good girl, I knew that having you with me here would be a good thing." Lacey said complimenting Brook and she could see that Brook's face brighten at being able to contribute something good to their situation.

"Let me go get us some clothes and your boots and we will go wash. Then we will set up camp." Lacey said as she headed toward her SUV and Brook started to walk but then she fell again in the slick mud so she crawled her way out of the mud.

Lacey got herself a change of clothes and she the sweat suit for Brook. She then hunted around for her extra pair of boots and as she did that she came across a pan which she knew would help them gather the water. She then found the boots and she cautiously made her way to where Brook was waiting for her. They then started up the tunnel.

"Well I'll be. I never saw that pipe before." Lacey said as they came to where the pipe came out of the side of the tunnel and drained into a grill that obviously took the under the road and then out somewhere.

"Actually, I sort of remember my parents talking about this one summer. They were complaining because the tunnel had to be closed because of water damage." Brook said proudly.

"I bet an underground stream developed and they had to put this in to keep the water from damaging the tunnel. Anyway it works out for us. I don't

think I really wanted to go a few days without a bath." Lacey said.

"Me either," Brook said.

Lacey stood there a moment as she realized that they now had to strip to take a bath. She wasn't modest but she wasn't sure how Brook would feel about being naked in front of her.

"We can do this one of two ways, I can walk away and let you wash in

private or we can help each other out. It would be easier for one of us to pour the water over the other as they wash. But I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or anything." Lacey said trying to make Brook feel okay with either answer she gave.

"No, I'm cool. It will be better if we could help each other. Besides we are going to be stuck together for a while."

"Well, I go first then you can wash." Lacey said hoping that with her undressing first then it would put Brook more at ease. But then again she wasn't so comfortable about undressing in front of Brook.

She started to pull her top over her head. When it was off she saw that Brook was paying close attention to her. Her breasts were a small B cup

and while she didn't really need to wear a bra, she had gotten use to wearing one since she had started teaching a couple of years before. She then went to her jeans and peeled them and the mud that was caked on them off. She had to sit down to untie her hiking boots and once they were off, she pulled

her jeans on off. This left her in her panties and bra and both were wet from the mud. She knew that Brook could already see most of what she had to show and Brook was staring intensely. She reached back and unhooked her bra and trying to not make a show of it, she nonchalantly pulled the bra forward and she felt the cups release her breasts. She noticed that Brook's eyes lit up at seeing her breasts pop free. Her nipples were already hard and it wasn't from the cool air in the tunnel as it was surprisingly warm in the

tunnel. Lacey then sucked in her breath and she reached down to her panties. She quickly pulled them down off her hips and off. This left her naked and exposed to Brook's eyes. Lacey watched as those eyes went from her breasts to her flat stomach and then on down to her pussy. She trimmed the hair around her thighs so that she could wear a bathing suit but she left her bush full. From the way Brook was looking at her, she knew that Brook was in some way attracted to other women but she wasn't sure if she was a lesbian or just curious. But then Lacey realized what she was thinking and she knew that she couldn't let anything happen. This wasn't the time or place for that type of thinking.

"I guess it's time to get all this mud that you saw fit to coat me with." Lacey said with a wink to let Brook know that she was kidding with her.

"Hey, you started the mud fight." Brook said giggling.

"True, but you are the one who pulled me down." Lacey said as she stepped toward the pipe of what she knew would be very cold water.

"I had to grab on to something and you were the closest thing available." Brook countered.

"You always have a comeback don't you?" Lacey said.

"Yea, but my parents or teachers don't seen to appreciate it." Brook

said as she laughed.

"I bet not." Lacey said then she continued with, "I've put this off long enough. Get that pan and fill it with water and let's see if I can get this mud off."

Brook got the pan as Lacey got the bar of soap and shampoo that she had taken from her SUV. Lacey stood a couple of feet from Brook as she readied herself for the cold water. When it was full Brook held the pan over

Lacey's head.

"Ready?" Brook asked.

"Yea, let me have it." Lacey said and then she felt the icy cold water hit her head and run down her body.

"Fuck! That is cold." Lacey cried out. "Shit, I sorry, I didn't mean to say that word."

"That is okay, I've heard it before and I have a feeling that I'll be saying the same thing in a few minutes." Brook said and Lacey could tell that she was trying hard to stifle a giggle.

Brook then got another pan full of water and she poured it over Lacey who was more ready for the coldness this time. Lacey knew that her nipples were hard as a rock now but this time it was from the cold water. Once she got most of the mud rinsed off of her, she had Brook hand her the shampoo and she washed her hair. Once that was clean and the shampoo rinsed out, she went to the rest of her body. She washed the front of her body and what she could of her back and then she had Brook rinse the soap from her body.

"Did I get it all off?" Lacey asked.

"Turn around and let me see." Brook said and Lacey did so. "There is

still some on your back."

"Will you get it for me?" Lacey asked innocently.

"Ah... sure," Lacey heard Brook reply. Lacey handed her the soap bar

and she turned her back to Brook.

She waited for a moment and nothing happened and she was beginning to wonder if Brook was going to wash her back when she felt Brook's hands touch her shoulders. She could feel that Brook had the soap bar in one hand and was washing her with the other. Brook slowly washed her back going from her upper shoulders down to her lower back. When they reached that point, she thought that Brook would stop but then she heard Brook drop the soap bar and now she had both hands washing her back. Lacey began to relax as Brook's hands felt good on her back. She closed her eyes and just let Brook caress her back with her soapy hands. She found that Brook's hands were going closer to her bottom and she had to repress a moan. It was then that Lacey knew what was happening to her and she could feel that her pussy was getting a little wet.

"Have you got it all?" Lacey asked not really wanting Brook to stop but she knew that she had to.

"Oh, yes," Brook said but Lacey could hear just a little disappointment in her voice.

"Well, rinse me off and then it is your turn." Lacey said and then she felt the cold water hit her back and it made her shiver once again.

"Oh man, it feels good to be clean again." Lacey said as she went toward the clothes that she had gotten. "Crap, you know what I forgot?"

"Towels?" Brook replied.

"Yea and the bad part is that I forgot them entirely, there is none in the SUV either. I left them on the bathroom counter at home. Now what will we do." Lacey asked as she turned around facing Brook who was staring at her intently.

"I guess air dry is all we can do." Brook said with a little bit of a smile showing on her face.

"I guess so." Lacey said but she wasn't sure that was all that good of an idea but what could she do. "Guess whose turn it is now?"

"Mine, I know." Brook said as she brought her hands up to her muddy blouse.

Lacey could see that Brook was more than a little nervous and she wanted to say something but she didn't know what. Anything she said would probably bring more attention to what Brook was doing so she tried to act casual, like it was no big deal. But she did realize that as each button of Brook's blouse was unbuttoned, she was becoming more anxious herself. Once it was unbuttoned and Brook had slipped it from her shoulders, Lacey found that she was looking at Brooks breasts that were covered by a plan white cotton bra. Lacey could just make out where Brook's nipples were and she could tell that they were a little stiff. Brook then unhooked her skirt and pushed it off her round hips. Lacey saw that Brook was wearing white cotton panties, or rather they were white at one time, now that were browner in color from the mud. Brook stepped out of her skirt and then she hesitated before she reached behind her and unhooked her bra. Again she hesitated before she gathered the courage to bring it forward and letting it fall from

her breasts. Lacey felt her own nipples tighten as she looked at Brook's full B cup breasts. The nipples were light in color and she could see that the nipples were also hard. Lacey then looked up from Brook's breasts to see that she was biting her lower lip. Lacey knew that she wanted Lacey to approve of her and Lacey found that she was giving Brook a reassuring smile.

Brook then took in a deep breath and she put her fingers to her panties. She

pushed them down so quickly that Lacey didn't really get to see anything until they were off and she stood back up. Lacey couldn't help herself and she looked down to Brook's stomach where there was a little budge and then on down to her pussy which was sparsely covered with blond pubic hair. Lacey

could see that Brook's pussy lips were swollen with excitement and that there was a small amount of wetness and it wasn't caused by the mud. Lacey felt her own pussy begin to really get wet and it was begging to be touched.

But Lacey resisted the strong urge to touch it and the ever stronger urge to

touch Brook's pussy. Lacey made her eyes go back up to Brook's eyes which were staring back at her begging for approval. Lacey again gave her another reassuring smile.

"I...I know I need to lose a few pounds, well more than a few. I've always been a little heavier than I should be." Brook said emotionally.

Lacey then knew that Brook was very insecure about her body and for once Lacey wished she wasn't so slim and athletic. "Honey, you have a very beautiful body. Don't sell yourself short. I mean, I wish I had your breasts

and your hips. Hell, I don't have either one, I look more like a boy naked than a girl. So don't let anyone make you think that you aren't beautiful, because you are. Do you get me?" Lacey said and she meant every word she was telling Brook, her pussy was telling her that.

Lacey's words made Brook smile from ear to ear, and her whole face brightened. "Thank you, but I'm still going to lose a pound or two." Brook said but her smile never stopped.

"Besides, after eating the food that I brought, we may both be losing a few pounds." Lacey said laughing.

"It can't be worse than the food at school." Brook said as she laughed with Lacey.

"I'll ask you about that after I fix us our first meal." Lacey said, then she continued with, "Now let's get that mud off of you."

"That you put on me." Brook countered.

"You started it." Lacey said and then she got a pan full of water and poured it over Brook's head.

"Oh god damn, that is cold!" Brook shrieked and she jumped from Lacey and the cold water.

"Such a mouth on young up class young lady, maybe we need to wash that mouth of yours while we are at it." Lacey said as she laughed. "Now get

back over here and let's get this over with, the water isn't going to get any warmer."

"I know." Brook said as she slowly walked back to where Lacey was holding another pan full of cold water.

Lacey poured the cold water over Brook, who cussed again but she stayed in place this time. Brook washed her hair as Lacey watched her breasts jiggle from the movement of Brook's arms as they washed her hair. Once Brook was done with her hair and the shampoo was rinsed out, she went to her body and Lacey watched those small hands cover her body. Lacey knew that her pussy was leaking so much fluid that she would need to wash it

again before Brook started to smell her arousal. When she was done washing, Lacey rinsed her off.

"Would you get my back?" Brook asked as she handed the soap back to Lacey. This was the last thing that she needed to do especially in her current state of arousal but she said "Sure."

Lacey took the soap from Brook and she began to wash Brook's back. The flesh was soft and it felt good to her hands. Lacey wanted to get this over with quickly but she like Brook, began to wash her back longer that necessary. She also heard Brook let out a small moan and she Lacey knew that she should stop but she ended up going on and lower on Brook's bath. It

was then she noticed some mud at the top of the crack of her ass.

"There is still some mud on your butt." Lacey said hoping that Brook

would take the soap back from her.

"Would you get it for me?" Brook said and Lacey was afraid of that answer.

"Sure," Lacey said as she moved her hands lowed down. When she got to Brook's ass, she could not help but to soap all of her ass, getting both cheeks soapy. She then moved her fingers to Brook's crack and she ran her fingers down it, getting the mud out. Her fingers went deeper than she intended and when she felt Brook's asshole, she heard Lacey moan a little louder. This shook Lacey out of her dream world and she stopped. She put the soap down and she got a pan of water and splashed Brook's back causing her to squeal. As she rinsed Brook's back, she also took a moment while Brook's back was turned to her to wash the pussy juices, that had run down her thighs, off.

"Done," Lacey said.

"Okay," Brook said but Lacey could tell that she wanted the washing of her ass to go on.

"Let's wash our clothes as we dry and then it's back to work." Lacey

said wanting to get them both back on track to what they had to do. Plus this would get the image of Brook's naked body that was currently squatting in front of her washing out her blouse, out of her mind. Lacey made quick work of her clothes and she rushed Brook up as well.

Once the clothes were laid out in the road, they dressed and Lacey had to admit that her sweat pants looked good on Brook. The pants hugged her body and Lacey could see Brook's ass sway as she walked. Lacey watched her walk from behind until she started to get excited again so she caught up

with her. It took them about an hour of unloading all her supplies. With two unloading the SUV, she should have only taken then about twenty minutes but will all the mud, they had to carry less and walk very carefully. On one

trip, Lacey started to pull the tent out.

"Why you getting that out?" Brook asked her.

Lacey started to say something then she looked up and realizing where they were, she sheepishly said "I don't have a clue, and don't you dare laugh." Lacey warned Brook who laughed anyway. Lacey wanted to get mad but she couldn't, she knew that it was stupid thing to do.

When the SUV was unloaded, Lacey started to lay out the food supplies and water. Then she started to figure out how much that they could eat each day and how much that they could drink each day for their food to last a week. It wasn't a lot but it was enough to live on. As she did this, Brook laid out her sleeping bag and put the clothes in some order, then she came over and helped Lacey with the food stuff and the little stove that Lacey had to heat the food.

"So what do we do now?" Brook asked once everything was laid out and

accounted for.

"I guess check out the tunnel and see if we can find a way out but I

don't want to climb up on the rocks until tomorrow, just in case they decide

to move a bit." Lacey said.

"Good idea," Brook said and she started toward the other end of the tunnel.

Lacey watched Brook's ass for a second and she thanked the stars that none of her panties would fit Brook. There were no panty lines to distract her. But then she shook her mind clear and caught up with Brook, yet again. She knew that she had to stop lagging behind Brook before she caught onto what she was actually doing.

They walked slowly through the tunnel, checking out each nook and cranny. But they found nothing that they though that they could get out through. They even tried to remove grate that covered the hole that the water ran into. But it was too heavy and they couldn't budge it. They walked

on toward the end of the tunnel, and they passed Brook's car.

"Oh man, we are so stupid." Brook cried as she quickly opened the door to her car and pulled out her cell phone. "I have a cell phone." She said excitedly.

"But no signal, I bet." Lacey said not wanting to burst Brook's bubble but knowing that when she opened her phone that would be what she would find out. Brook's mouth drooped as she opened the phone and found no signal.

"I'm sorry, I thought that I had us a way out." Brook said disappointedly.

"Its okay kid, we get out soon enough." Lacey said as she came to Brook and put her arm around her shoulder. She pulled her in close and they walked on toward the rooks that blocked the entrance to the tunnel. Lacey knew that they would not be getting out of there any time soon and she knew that Brook was just coming to that same conclusion so she just held her tight and they wandered the base of the rocks for a few minutes with neither of them talking.

"So tell me a little bit about yourself, we might as well get to know each other better." Lacey said as they started back toward the camp that they had set up at the other end of the tunnel.

"Let's see, you already know that I go to school at the Lesley Morris Academy. I was actually on my way home for spring break when this happened." Brook said and started to go on when Lacey stopped her.

"Hey that means that your parents will be looking for you soon. Maybe we'll get out of here sooner; they will know where to start looking." Lacey said as she started to get excited.

"Well, actually no, they won't be." Brook said and then she was silent.

Lacey looked at Brook and she could see that she wanted to say more but wouldn't or couldn't. She wasn't sure if she should push or not. They barely knew each other and they were going to be here a while and she didn't

want to put Brook on the defensive. But then she thought that maybe talking to a complete stranger was just what Brook needed to do.

"It sounds like there is more to that than what you are saying. You know my friends all say that I am a great listener. And if I should be stupid enough to offer unsolicited advice, you are free to ignore it." Lacey told Brook as she gave her a gentle squeeze.

"Thanks," Brook said but she didn't say anything more.

Lacey glanced over at her and she could see that Brook's mind was going a mile a minute. She was thinking hard and Lacey knew that she would talk, but she had to wait her out. They walked on back to the where they had

set up their camp.

"Ah... I need to go pee. Where are we going to go to the bathroom at

and how are we going to go. I don't think that you have a commode in your SUV." Brook said somewhat embarrassed.

"I don't guess that you have ever been camping have you?" Lacey said


"Nope and I really have to go." Brook said as she began to shift.

"Now you got me having to go. Grab the toilet paper and I'll get the little shovel." Lacey said and she saw Brook giving her a weird look but she

got the paper and followed Lacey to the edge of the rocks and mud. Lacey pushed the little shovel into the mud and rocks.

"What you need to do is pull your pants down and squat while making sure that your pants are out of the way." Lacey said as she pulled her jeans

and panties down and she squatted. She looked up at Brook as she watched her pee. Once she was done, she took the toilet paper from Brook and wiped herself dry. She dropped the paper into her pee and then stood up and pulled her pants up.

"What is the shovel for?" Brook asked as she replaced Lacey and she pulled her sweat pants down and squatted. As soon as she did, she started to

pee and Lacey could tell from how long she peed, that she really did have to

go. Lacey then gave her some toilet paper to wipe her self dry. Once Brook had put her self back together, Lacey took the shovel and covered up where they had peed.

"And that is what the shovel is for. We really don't need it for peeing but we will need it for when we have to move our bowels. This will keep the odor down and keep it sanitary." Lacey said as she put the shovel back into the rocks and she left it there for when they would need it later.

"I see, you learn something everyday. I guess I got lucky getting trapped in here with you. I'd have already gone crazy by now if it wasn't for you." Brook said as she came to Lacey and gave her a hug.

"Let me let you in on a secret, I think having you here has helped me more than you know." Lacey said as she hugged Brook back and kissed her forehead. Brook looked up at her and smiled. They then went back to the camp and they took a small amount of water, then they went over and sat on the sleeping bag with each facing the other.

Lacey noticed that Brook was wringing her hands and she was acting like she really wanted to talk but there was still something holding her back. Then Lacey noticed first one tear and then another began to fall down Brook's cheeks. Lacey held out her arms and Brook came to her. Lacey took her into her arms as she sat by her legs and leaned against her chest. She cried there a minute as Lacey began to rock her gently. She stroked her cheek and kissed her forehead. Lacey didn't say anything but let Brook get it out of her system. When the tears finally stopped, Brook was silent for a moment and then she began to speak.

"My father is the owner of ProWorld, which is the largest provided of manufacturing computer programs. He and a couple of his friends from college developed the program and he was able to sell it. He quickly improved on the original program and the rest is history as they say. When I was a little girl, he was always working and as I got older, he began to travel as he went from one company to another, selling his program and leaving the younger computer programers that he hired to improved and run the programs. My mother also had the same type A personality; she was always working on one project or running some foundation. She is currently running the foundation that my father set up for her. So I ended up being raised by one nanny after another. I would see my parents a few days at a time and then they would be off again, sometimes together but most often separately. But each summer we would always go someplace exotic for vacation. When I was small, it was my favorite time of the year. I had my parents to myself and it was great but as I got older, I saw that after a couple of days, my parents wanted to be somewhere else. My parents would start to argue and I could see that they felt like caged animals and I knew that I was the cage. It made me feel like I was worthless because they didn't want to spend time with me." Brook said then she started to cry again

but this time it was only for a moment. She then sniffed loudly and she seemed to straighten her back.

"So when I was to start high school, I told my parents that I wanted

to go to a boarding school. I had always gone to private schools but I was driven to and from them by a chauffeur. I think that was a great relief to my parents, then they could come and go as they please without worrying about me. I always went to summer school too, so that left them with only holidays and a week or two during the summer to have to worry with me. I know I'm not the child that they wanted or could love." Brook said and then she just hugged Lacey tightly.

Lacey wasn't sure what to say. She admitted that she thought that Brook was a slightly spoiled rich kid but now she had seen a part of the real picture and it wasn't a pretty one. Lacey knew her parents like all parents were a pain in the ass sometimes but she also knew that they loved her and they made sure that she knew that. She rocked Brook gently and caressed her face and she composed her thoughts before speaking.

"I'm not going to tell you that you are completely wrong about your parents as I have a feeling that you have them pretty much pegged. I'm not going to tell you how to make them love you because that is up to them. What I'm going to tell you is that we have plenty of time to talk and you can feel free to tell me anything. But I am going to tell you that you are a person that is worth loving and I don't want you feeling like you aren't. That is what I want you to believe because it is the truth." Lacey told her and she gave her a squeeze to emphasize her point.

Brook looked up at her and smiled and she snuggled back into Lacey's

arms. Lacey held and rocked her as they sat there. Lacey thought about Brook and about everything that she had gone through during her childhood. Lacey had always dreamed about being born into a rich family and not the poor one she was born into. But after hearing Brook tell her tale, then she was glad that she didn't get what she had wished for. Soon Lacey's legs began to go to sleep and she felt the beginnings of some hunger pains.

"How about us fixing a little dinner? I don't know about you but I'm

getting a little hungry." Lacey said as she gently pushed Brook up.

"I think that I could use a little food." Brook said and she started to but then she stopped and turned to Lacey.

"You don't think that I'm some spoiled little rich girl who doesn't know what she has, do you?"

"No, that isn't what I think. I admit that when I first saw you, that was what I was thinking but I quickly changed my mind. I think all you need is a little self confidence and you'll do fine."

"Thanks, and thanks for listening to me." Brook said as she started to get up but then Lacey grabbed her sweat shirt and pulled her back down.

"Now I'm only going to tell you this once. You never have to thank me for listening to you. I told you that I was a good listener. And I suspect before we get out of here, you will be doing more than a little listening to


Brooks laughed a bit then she said, "Okay, and I hope that I'm as good a listener as you are."

"I'm sure that you are, now let's go fix us something to eat." Lacey

said as she pushed Brook off of her and she got up.

They went to where the food was stored and picked out a packet of soup and some crackers. They decided to eat light tonight and leave the better food for later on. Lacey got the stove going and she heated up the soup as Brook got a couple of mugs to put the soup in. Once the soup was hot, Lacey divided it between them and they began to eat. As they ate, Lacey got a thought that she had to bring up.

"I know that you may not want to talk about your parents any more tonight but a thought just came to me. You said earlier that you were heading home, so when you don't show up soon, they will send start to look for you, right? That means that we will be found sooner than I thought." Lacey said.

"Well no, my parents are in France right now. I gave them a call before I left school and I told them that I was staying there for break. And

the school thinks that I'm going home. And I only talk to my parents at most

once a week and I already used that call up. So no one will miss me until next Monday morning." Brook said and then she asked, "How about you?"

"About the same, I told everyone that I was going camping and no one

was to call me unless there was a dire emergency. So no one will miss me either until I don't show up for school next Monday." Lacey said.

"We sure are a pair; no one will miss either one of us. We're both unloved and unappreciated" Brook said and she started to laugh and this caused Lacey to start laughing. Lacey had to put her mug of soup down for fear of spilling it. Lacey knew the situation that they were in and it wasn't a laughing matter but then laughter was doing them both good as the mud fight did earlier.

"We are a pair at that." Lacey said as she reached over and squeezed

Brook's knee and that made her smile.

After dinner was finished, they went to the water pipe and cleaned their dishes and left them to dry as they walked around the tunnel. Lacey marveled at how the lights were still on and she knew that they had been lucky so far with them staying on. She didn't know if the lights were running on emergency battery power or the electrical lines were run underground or what. She was just counting her blessing that they were still on. She didn't

want to be stuck here in the dark for a week or more. That would work on both their state of minds and depression would surely follow. That was something they had to fight with everything that they had. Lacey knew she had to keep them both busy and first thing the next morning, she was going to put them both to work. It didn't matter what they did as long as they could pretend that it was helping them get out.

When they got back to their little camp, Lacey looked at her watch and found that it was only about eight in the evening but she found that she

was feeling tired. At first, she thought that depression was already setting

in, and then she realized that she had been up since five that morning and she had been through hell since then. Maybe being tired was about what she should be feeling.

"I don't know about you but I'm feeling a little worn out. I'll think I'll lie down." Lacey told Brook.

"I'm feeling a bit tired myself. But how are we going to do this, there is only one sleeping bag." Brook asked as she looked from the sleeping bag to Lacey back to the sleeping bag.

"Like this," Lacey said as she sat down on the sleeping bag and she took off her boots. She then leaned back and unsnapped her jeans and pulled them off leaving her in her panties and tee shirt.

"I never could sleep in jeans or a bra for that matter." Lacey said and she reach behind her back and up under her tee shirt. She unhooked her bra and the using her hand she reached inside her arm hole and slipped the bra strap off her shoulder. She slipped it off her arm and the she reached inside her other arm hole and pulled her bra off.

"Damn that feels better." Lacey said with a smile on her face. She then laid down on her back on the sleeping bag and slide over to the edge.

"I sleep on this side and you get the other side." She said as she padded the sleeping bag beside her.

Brook smiled as she sat down on the edge of the sleeping bag and she

took her boots off. She then started to copy Lacey and remove her bra the same way as she did. She got it unhooked but the rest was proving a little difficult. Lacey was watching her from behind and she wanted to giggle but she knew better.

"Oh the hell with it!" Brook said finally and she pulled the sweat shirt off and then she pulled her bra off. Lacey wanted to reach up and caress Brook's smooth back but she stopped herself before she got close to actually doing it. Brook then pulled her shirt back on. She then lay on her back beside of Lacey. She then put her arm behind her head like Lacey did and she used it as a pillow.

"I know this isn't the Ritz but it's better than nothing." Lacey said.

"I don't know, it seems pretty nice to me." Brook said and at first Lacey thought she was making fun at her but then she saw the dreamy look on Brook's face and she knew she was saying what she was feeling. This made Lacey feel funny inside but she quickly removed that thought from her mind.

"So you know about me, it's your turn now. Tell me about your life."

Brook said as she turned over on her side facing Lacey.

"Do I have to?" Lacey said smiling as she turned toward Brook.

"Yep," Brook said smiling, "I want to know about you. All I know is that you are a teacher, I mean, did you always want to be a teacher or what?"

"I told you that I was a great listener but what I didn't tell you was that I'm a terrible talker. But for you, I'll do my best."

"Thank you, now talk." Brook commanded.

"Yes ma'am," Lacey said then she continued,"First, yes I've always wanted to be a teacher. I had a great fourth grade teacher and she made me want to be a teacher. She was caring, nurturing, demanding, and firm. I loved her to death and from then on, I wanted to be a teacher like her. As I

went on to high school and college I had teachers who thought that I should be more than a teacher but I knew what I wanted and that is what I became. I wanted to be a forth grade teacher like Miss Taylor but instead they put me with the seven and eight graders. Last year I had the seven grade and this year I got the eight grade. I'm glad that they put me there. The kids are at the perfect age to teach. Their not teenagers who think they know it all or just want to finish school. I love my kids to death, but that doesn't

mean that I don't want to kill them sometimes. That is why I take these vacations by myself. It helps me to refresh my batteries and then I'm ready to start beating more knowledge into their little heads." Lacey said laughing.

"You know your eyes light up when you talk about your students. You were meant to be a teacher. I wish you had been my teacher when I was in the eighth grade." Brook said smiling.

"I was still in college then. This is only my second year teaching you know."

"I know but still I wished I had a teacher like you." Brook said.

"Well thank you, so anyway, that is how I became a teacher. Now what

do you want to be?" Lacey asked.

"I don't know, I don't have any fucking idea. I just want to get away from home and go to college. That is why I went to school during the summer, well that and so that I didn't have to spend as much time at home alone. Anyway, I will graduate this spring and then it is off to college." Brook said and a soft but sad smile came across her face.

"So where are you going to go to school" Lacey asked.

"I have been accepted at three schools on the west coast so it will be one of them, I think." Brook said but Lacey knew like everything else with Brook, there was more yet to come. But that would come later, when she was ready.

"So talk more about you, what was your childhood like?" Brook told her.

'Oh let me see..." Lacey said as she turned over onto her back. She then started to talk about growing up with her parents and her two older brothers and her younger sister. She talked about how they never had much money but that they were happy for the most part. She also told about all the fights that she hand her brothers and sister had. She told Brook mostly about the fights in which she came out on top and she told her about how her little sister was an arguing machine but she loved her anyway. As she talked, she felt Brook cuddle up against her and then she put her head on her chest. Lacey moved her arm around her and she began to caress her back. Her fingers seemed to have a mind of their own as they went around Brook's shoulders and then down to her lower back. Soon Lacey's words stopped flowing and Brook didn't seem to notice as she snuggled in closer. Lacey's concentration was completely on what her fingers were feeling, the curve of Brook's back and the soft flesh. Lacey had always had girlfriends that were always shaped like her, slim and lean. She thought that she was attracted to the slim type but she had to admit that Brook was getting her going. Her body was so soft and warm. Then she realized who she was thinking about and her hand stopped but at that moment, it was laying on Brook's lower back.

Lacey was just realizing how quite it had become and how good it felt to have Brook lying against her when Brook propped herself up on her elbow. Lacey looked into Brook's eyes and watched as they became wider and an even darker blue. Brook's tongue slipped out a little between her lips and she licked her lips. Lacey knew what Brook was about to do and there wasn't a thing that she could do to stop it. Slowly Brook's head came toward hers and

she tilted her head slightly. Lacey closed her eyes as she felt Brook's soft

wet lips touch hers. Lacey moved her hand that was on Brook's lower back to the back of Brook's neck. Lacey held her in place as they kissed. She could tell that Brook was inexperienced at kissing but all the same, it was one of

the better kisses that she had ever received. Lacey let her kiss her for a moment and when Brook pulled back, she was out of breath. Brook looked at Lacey with apprehension and Lacey smiled and against her better judgment she pushed Brook onto her back and she moved over her.

Lacey smiled as she lowered her head and she gently kissed Brook. She let her lips rub across Brook's lips and then she opened her lips slightly. She felt Brook open her mouth and they kissed this way for a moment. Then Lacey opened her lips a little wider and she moved her tongue along Brook's front teeth. She heard Brook give out a slight moan. Lacey moved her tongue into Brook's mouth and she found Brook's tongue waiting for her. As their tongues moved around Brook's mouth, Lacey felt Brook's hands come up to her shoulders and she felt Brook pulling her down. She could feel Brook griping her tee shirt in her fists. Lacey slowly withdrew her tongue and Brook followed with her tongue. When Brook's tongue was in her mouth, Lacey began to suck on it. Brook really moaned when Lacey did this. Lacey sucked on Brook's tongue a moment before she began to circle Brook's tongue with her own. Lacey could feel Brook begin to move her body and Lacey knew that she was as turned on as she had even been in her life. Lacey

wanted Brook to remember this time for the rest of her life. She slowly ended the kiss and she started to kiss Brook's cheeks and then her neck. She brought her hands up to Brook's shoulder and she ran her hands down Brook's arms as she kissed Brook's neck. Brook stretched her head back and let out a loud moan as Lacey kissed and sucked gently on her skin. Lacey had

a leg between Brook's legs and she pressed her thigh down on Brook's pussy. She moved her leg up and down and this made Brook push her hips up. Lacey kissed Brook's neck from side to side and then she went back to her mouth and kissed her again. Brook responded to the kiss and she placed her hand behind Lacey's neck and held her in place as they kissed. This time Brook was the first one to open her mouth and she pushed her tongue into Lacey's mouth. Lacey smiled to herself as Lacey knew that Brook was quickly learning

what she liked. So Lacey started to suck on Brook's tongue. Lacey could feel

Brook twist and turn under her and it felt good to feel her soft body under her. But Lacey wanted to feel more of Brook so she started to kiss her way downward. She kissed Brook's chin and then her neck again. She went on down to the top of Brook's sweatshirt. Lacey knew that the sweatshirt had to go so she sat up and she pulled Brook up until the both were sitting.

"Are you sure you want to do this? We can stop now if you want." Lacey told Brook as she looked deeply into her eyes.

Brook didn't hesitate in answering," I want this more than you can imagine."

Lacey smiled as she leaned forward and she let her lips barely touch

Brook's lips before pulling back and then kissing her again. She kissed her the same way again and then she turned her head and this time she used the tip of her tongue to trace Brook's lips. She went around them and then she felt the tip of Brook's tongue and she circled Brook's tongue with the tip of her tongue. She did this for a moment before pressing her lips against Brook's lips. As she did this she reached down and she took the bottom of Brook's sweat shirt in her hands. She began to pull the shirt up until Brook

had to raise her arms to let Lacey pull her shirt off. Lacey pulled back as she finished pulling Brook's shirt off. Lacey let her eyes go down to Brook's beautiful breasts. The nipples were hard and Lacey could see Brook trying hard to suck in her stomach. Lacey wanted to touch those beautiful breasts but instead, she placed her hands to Brook's side and she leaned forward and

she kissed Brook's stomach. This made Brook giggle and she had to relax her stomach muscles. Lacey kissed around Brook's belly not leaving a place untouched. Brook giggled the whole time she was doing this and that make Lacey giggle too. Since she was in the area, Lacey put her hands to the tops

of Brook's sweat pants and began to pull them down. Brook put her hands to the ground and she lifted her hips allowing Lacey to pull the sweat pants on

around her hips and as she sat back down, Lacey pulled Brook's pants on off leaving her completely naked. Brook brought her legs up and she spread her legs out opening her pussy to Lacey's eyes. The pink lips opened and Lacey could see the juices gathering there and she wanted so much to dive right in

between those lovely pussy lips. But instead she leaned in and kissed Brook as she brought her hands up and she covered Brook's breasts with her hands. She heard Brook moan into her mouth. She began to caress Brook's breasts, squeezing them and she felt her pussy flooding with juices. Brook was so hot

to her. As she caressed and played with Brook's breasts, she felt her reach down and she began to pull her tee shirt off. Lacey broke off the kiss and she allowed Brook to remove her tee shirt. She saw that Brook was staring straight at her breasts. Lacey decided to give Brook the full view so she put her hands to her waist and she pushed her panties down off her hips and then down her legs. Lacey did like Brook and brought her knees up and she opened them up so that Brook could get a good view of her pussy between the black pubic hairs that surrounded it. Brook's eyes quickly went down to her pussy and Lacey could almost see Brook's mouth water.

Lacey Let Brook look for a second and when she reached for her, Lacey took her hands in hers. She gently pushed Brook onto her back and she got up on her knees and straddle Brook's body. She pinned Brook's hands over her head as she leaned down and kissed her. Brook moaned into her mouth but she kept her arms in place not trying to get loose. Lacey let the kiss linger for a moment, then she released Brook's arms and she moved her mouth down to Brook's breasts. She kissed each nipple and Brook groaned. She then sucked the right nipple into her mouth and she brought both hands up and she covered the left breast with her hand squeezing it. The other hand she cupped the breast that she was sucking on. She squeezed it which forced more of the soft flesh into her mouth. Lacey sucked a little harder and that brought a loud moan from Brook. Lacey felt Brook's hands on her shoulders and they quickly made their way down to her breasts. This time Lacey had to moan as she sucked on Brook's breasts. Lacey felt Brook cup her breasts and she felt her tentatively squeeze them. This felt so good to Lacey but she didn't want to get off track here. She switched over to the other breast and she sucked it into her mouth. She sucked a second and then she gave the nipple a little bite. This caused Brook to groan and Lacey

felt Brook squeeze her breasts hard in reflex from the pain on her nipple. Lacey immediately bit the nipple again and this time Brook only moaned. Lacey sucked the nipple back into her mouth. She used her tongue to tease the tip of Brook's nipple and then she bit it again. Brook was moaning and rolling on the sleeping bag. Lacey had her very aroused and it was time to move on down her body. Lacey gave a last kiss to each nipple and she kissed her way down Brook's body. She felt Brook's hands leave her breasts and Lacey missed the contact but she was about to go after something so much better.

She kissed Brook's soft belly again and she gave it gentle love bites as she went on down. Lacey finally reached to top of Brook's light colored pubic hair and she could smell her arousal. Brook had her legs stretched out wide and her pussy lips were open. The lips were so pink compared to Brook's light skin. Lacey traced her fingers down through the pubic hard and she teased the clit when she got to it. This brought forth a loud moan from Brook. Lacey's fingers went on down the wet lips and she could feel Brook's moisture. Lacey then brought the fingers to her lips and she tasted Brook for the first time. The juices were so sweet. Lacey then lay down between Brook's legs and she began to lick. Brook jerked her hips upwards forcing Lacey's mouth onto her pussy. Lacey started to lick up and down the slit sucking in the juices that Brook was producing. Lacey stayed on the outer lips at first, not wanting to go any deeper. She wanted to draw this first time out for Brook and she didn't want her to cum too soon. She went up and down the lips, with her tongue teasing Brook's clit every once in a while. Lacey kept licking until Brook pushed up hard with her hips, telling Lacey she needed more. Lacey then parted Brook's lips with her tongue and she went deeper. She slid her tongue between the lips and she got more juices from Brook. She licked there a few minutes then she used her fingers to part Brook's lips and she pushed her tongue in deep into her pussy. She moved the

tongue around inside of Brook as she moved her thumb to Brook's clit and started to rub it.

"Oh god, that feels so fucking good!" Brook cried out as she began to twist and turn.

Lacey licked a little harder as she rubbed Brook's clit with her thumb. She moved her tongue around and around inside of Brook and from the juices that Brook was producing, she knew that Brook was about to cum. Lacey moved her mouth to Brook's clit and sucked it into her mouth as she slipped a finger into Brook's pussy. But her finger didn't go too far before it ran into a barrier. Lacey didn't go any farther with her finger but just played with the entrance as she sucked harder on Brook's clit. She then started to lick Brook's clit with short quick strokes that had Brook crying out for release.

Lacey licked faster and harder and then Brook jerked her hips upwards and she cried out 'I cummmmiinnggg..." Lacey licked her clit as Brook rode out her orgasm. Lacey had a hard time staying on Brook's clit with the way she was bucking her hips upward. As she would start to come down from an orgasm and Lacey would force her into another one. After the third orgasm, Lacey released Brook's clit and went back to her pussy and she began to suck

up the fresh girlcum. Lacey loved Brook's juices, they were so fresh and sweet. Lacey licked Brook's pussy gently for another minute then she went up to her and pulled her in close. She caressed her hair as she kissed the sweat from her forehead.

"Oh Lacey, that was so... I don't know the right word, it was too good." Brook said and then she continued before Lacey could say anything back, "I have never cum like that before. Oh god, it felt so damn good. I feel like... oh hell I don't know what I feel but it's great!"

"I know how you feel, honey. I'm just glad I could make you feel so good. That makes me feel good to know."

"I want to please you like you did me but I don't know what to do." Brook said and Lacey could see that she was so afraid of failing, of not being able to please someone that she cared for.

Lacey took Brook's face into her hands and stared straight into her eyes. She wanted to make sure that Brook understood that she was telling her the truth and that there was no bullshit involved. "Honey, you please me

by just being here. You please me by letting me make love to you. And anything you do will be fine. Just do what you think that you like doing and it will great." Lacey then leaned in and kissed her.

As they kissed Brook turned her onto her back and Lacey found that Brook was moving on top of her. Lacey curled her hand behind Brook's neck and held her in place. Brook's weight felt good on top of her. Her body was wet from sweat and as Brook moved her body, it slid across her body and it felt so nice. She could feel Brook's hard nipples move across her breasts and her nipples were pressed against Brook's breasts. Brook soon ended the kiss and she moved down Lacey's body. When her head was over Lacey's breasts, she paused a second and then she cupped her breasts with her hands. She squeezed then gently and then Lacey watched as Brook lowered her head to her right breast. She kissed the left nipple and Lacey let out a moan. She then felt Brook suck the nipple into her mouth. Brook started to suck gently. Lacey laid her head back and closed her eyes as Brook started to suck her nipple harder. She felt Brook's tongue tease her nipple as she sucked and she felt Brook's fingers play with the nipple. Lacey was so hot and excited and knowing that Brook was making love for the first time made anything she did that much more erotic. Brook sucked and nibbled on her left breast and Lacey wanted her to move over to the other breast but she kept her mouth shut. Brook needed to do this on her own. But finally Brook did go to the other breast and she kissed the nipple before sucking it into her mouth. Brook sucked gently at first but then began to suck harder and she bit the nipple and this caused Lacey to moan. Brook was content to suck and nibble on her breasts for a while and Lacey was starting to die for more. When she was about to say something out of pure desire, Brook gave her a harder bite to each nipple and then she slid on down Lacey's body. Lacey opened her legs

out wide and when Brook got there, there was no hesitation. She buried her mouth into Lacey's pussy and she started to lick. Lacey let out a loud moan and she felt a small orgasm wash over her. She was so excited that the touch of Brook's mouth on her pussy was enough to make her cum. Lacey could feel Brook's tongue go deep into her pussy as she moved it around inside of her. Lacey lifted her hips a little and she felt Brook smash her face in deeper. She felt her tongue reaching around inside of her pussy and she could hear her sucking hard. What Brook lacked in technique, she made up in enthusiasm. Brook licked up and down her slit and then she went to her clit and sucked it into her mouth.

"Oh god girl, that feels so damn good!" Lacey cried out to her and that made Brook suck harder on her clit. Lacey could feel another orgasm rising up in her. She felt a finger start to probe her pussy. The finger moved around a bit until it found her entrance and Lacey felt it slide into her.

"Yes baby, fuck me with your finger!" Lacey cried out to Brook and that is what Brook started to do. Lacey felt the finger move in and out going slow at first but as soon as Brook got it together, she started to fuck her harder. Brook's mouth wasn't slowing down. She sucked and licked on her clit

until Lacey couldn't take it anymore and she felt her orgasm hit. She cried out, "I cummmiinnnggg... baby, I cummmiiinnnng!" Lacey twisted her hips and she let the pleasure wash over her and she felt herself falling fast. Brook kept up with what she was doing and that made the orgasm more intense. Lacey cried and moved her hips as the pleasure just kept coming. Finally from somewhere in the fog that was her brain, she found a way to push Brook's mouth off her sensitive clit. She felt Brook licking her pussy and that made her feel so good. Slowly she came around and she pulled Brook up to her.

"Did I do okay?" Brook asked as she was kissing Lacey's face.

"Oh honey, you did great. I couldn't ask for anything better." Lacey

said as she kissed Brook back.

"You sure?" Brook asked, still not convinced.

"Honey I'm so sure that tomorrow I want you to do the same thing to me. Hell, I may have you do it more than once to me. Now let's get some sleep, I'm worn out." Lacey said as she kissed Brook again and then she pulled Brook down onto her chest. Lacey felt Brook's arms wrap around her and hold on to her tightly. Lacey put one arm to Brook's back and she started to

caress it as she other hand went to Brook's head and she started to run her fingers through Brook's fine blond hair. They lay that was for a few minutes

and Lacey felt herself falling asleep as her hands slowed to a stop. As her mind went into the dream world she felt Brook's mouth latch onto her right nipple and she started to suckle her. This made for some very erotic dreams for Lacey that night.

When Lacey woke up the next morning, Brook had released her nipple sometime during the night but she could feel how wet the nipple still was and she had to smile as it made her feel so good. Lacey kissed Brook's forehead waking her up.

"Morning baby, did you sleep well?" Lacey asked her.

"Oh yes, did you?" Brook asked as she kissed the nipple that she had

suckled on for most of the night.

"Mmm..., that feels so damn good but stop it before you get me going. Give me a kiss and let's get this day started." Lacey said.

"Ohhh..." Brook said giving Lacey a cute little pout but she slid up and kissed her.

Brook then got up and she helped Lacey up and they went to their bathroom. Lacey squatted and Brook did the same right beside of her. They both let their bladders drain and then they wiped themselves clean with the toilet paper that they had left there. From there they walked naked to the water pipe and washed themselves. As they walked back, Brook took Lacey's hand in hers and she squeezed it tight. They walked hand in hand back to the

camp where Lacey started them some breakfast. This morning it was to be some powdered eggs and precooked bacon that Lacey had brought along. As the breakfast got done, Lacey realized that neither of them had put any clothes on. She found that she was staring at Brook's body and Brook was bending over to get some dishes and she got a good view of her pussy and asshole. Her pussy had a little moisture on the edge of the lips and her cute little pink asshole looked nice enough to lick. But that was for later in the day, first breakfast and then work. They talked and ate with the conversation being mostly about Lacey's teaching. Brook added some about her school work and how excited she was to be graduating a year early. That was more important than anything to Brook, more so than what she would do when she got to college. When breakfast was done, Brook said she would do the dishes up as Lacey went to the bathroom area to make room for what she had just eaten. Brook did the same when she got back from doing the morning dishes.

"What I want to do first is to look at each end and see if there may

be a way to try and crawl out of here or at least dig out. If we are lucky then maybe it will be only closed a little. I didn't see any light yesterday so I know we will have to do some digging to get out." Lacey said.

"Do you think that it will be that easy?" Brook asked hopefully.

"No," Lacey said then she continued with, "If I did, then I would have tried it yesterday. But maybe it will only take us a day or two to get out. But first we need to get dressed." Lacey said as she gave Brook's body a last look.

"I figured that you would say that. I kind of like looking at your body." Brook said with a shy grin.

"Same with me but don't worry, you'll get a good look at my body later." Lacey said with a wink. She then went over to where her jeans were and she sat down and started to put them on as Brook found her sweat pants and she started to put them on.

"You know, I still can't believe that the lights are still on. Either there is a very big battery supplying power to them or the electrical lines didn't

get torn down. If that is the case then maybe we will be out of here sooner than we thought." Lacey said as they went to the exit of the tunnel which was the closest end.

"Yea," Brook said in a voice that indicated that there was a conflict going inside of Brook.

Lacey looked over at her and she could see Brook's mind working away

and she would almost bet what she was thinking. She knew Brook wanted out of there but she also wanted to do more of what they had done the previous night. Lacey knew that once they got out of there, they would both be going in their own directions and she knew that she was just as conflicted over the outcome that she wanted. In just the short time that she had known Brook, she had grown attached to the young woman. But she knew the first thing she needed to do was to find a way out of here. Since the road was closed, no one would be in a real hurry to start clearing the road. They would get to it soon but just how soon was the real question. They had food enough for about a week if they stretched it out but after that, they were in trouble.

"What I want you to do is to follow me up to the top. I'm guessing that is where the depth of the rocks and mud will be the thinnest. I'll take the shovel and you bring the flashlight. But the main thing is to go slow. We're

not in any hurry here and the rocks could slip on us, so be very careful." Lacey warned Brook.

"I will, but you be careful too. I tend to faint at the sight of blood." Brook said very seriously.

"Don't worry, I don't plan on getting hurt." Lacey said as she started up the pile of rocks.

She started crawling up and she did slip a time or two on the way up

but when she did she felt Brook's hand on her butt holding her up. It took them about twenty minutes to get to the top of the rocks. But Lacey couldn't

tell how far into the tunnel the rocks went.

"Shine the flashlight here as I try to move some of these rooks." Lacey said using the shovel to point where she wanted the light to be shown.

"Here?" Brook said, standing over her shoulder, as she put the light

where Lacey had indicated.

"Yea, hold it right there." Lacey said as she started to dig into the rock. The first few rocks were easy to dislodge and she let them fall down the pile. She kept digging until she ran into a big rock. This she knew she would never be able to move.

"Well, we have hit a dead end here, let's move on down a little and see what we find." Lacey said.

"Okay," Brook responded with a little more cheerfulness than the situation called for.

Lacey moved on down about six feet and started again. The rocks seemed to be looser here and Lacey dug for a while then she changed places with Brook and she dug a nice little hole but the more the dug the more rocks they ran into. After about two hours, they had a nice little hole dug but again the rocks didn't seem to end. Lacey decided that they needed a little break so the carefully made their way back down the pile of rocks and

got a drink of water and rested for a while. They then went back up and this

time Lacey decided to try the far end of the exit. This was the area that was the farthest from the side of the mountain and she figured that the rocks would be the deepest here. She dug for a while then she handed the shovel to Brook who dug until it was time for lunch. Again it didn't look like they were any closer to the end of the rocks so they decided to try the other end after lunch.

After getting down from the rocks, they went to the water pipe and both shed their shirts to wash the dirt and mud from their arms and faces. Lacey made no attempt to hide the fact that she was ogling Brook's breasts and Brook made no effort to hide what she was looking at. When their eyes finally did meet, they both smiled. But Lacey didn't want them to get anything going so she dried herself with the tee shirt that she had washed yesterday and had let dry overnight. When she was done, she handed the tee shirt to Brook as she put her sweaty tee shirt back on. Brook pouted a bit but then she dried and put her sweat shirt back on.

Once they were back at the camp, Lacey made them a peanut butter sandwich. This would give them some much needed protein and calories but it also took more water to wash down. But Lacey knew that she had packed some purification tablets so that they could always use the water that was running out of the mountain which was probably cleaner than the water they were drinking. When lunch was over, they lay down on the sleeping bag and took a short nap with Lacey lying on her back and Brook lying with her head on Lacey's chest.

After the nap, Lacey got them going again only this time, they went to the other end of the tunnel. They climbed to the top and started to dig. But

again the first place that they tried, they ran into a big boulder. Brook then took over and she tried to find the end of the bolder and it seemed to cover

about half of the opening of the tunnel. She then started to dig and she found that the dirt and rock seemed to be easier to move so they decided that this was the place to make their stand. They took turns digging but as they made some headway more dirt and rocks would fall to fill in the hole that they had made.

"I think that we have done about all the damage that we can do today." Lacey said late that afternoon as Brook brought out one more shovel full of dirt and rocks.

"Sounds good to me, I think I've dug about all I care to dig today."

Brook said as she sat down on the rocks and wiped the sweat off her face.

"Me too and I think I need a bath on the way back. I'm beginning to smell myself and I don't smell good." Lacey said.

"Your just beginning to smell yourself, I started smelling you three

hours ago and you stank then." Brook said before she knew that she had said it. Lacey saw that Brook was looking at her to see her reaction to her comeback.

"Hey, watch it girl, you don't smell so good yourself." Lacey said with a laugh and she saw the relief on Brooks face.

Lacey leaned over and gave Brook a light kiss and then she said, "You don't have to worry about your sharp wit with be, but remember I give as good as I get."

"Oh I know you do, you give real good." Brook said as soon as the kiss ended.

"You do have a sharp tongue don't you." Lacey said with a laugh.

"It's got me into trouble more than once." Brook said with a sigh.

"Wit is a great thing, as long as you know when to use it. But there are times when it is best to bite your tongue." Lacey cautioned her.

"I know, I'm beginning to learn that but sometimes I just spit it out before I know what I'm doing." Brook said.

"Don't worry about it, you will learn. It just takes time and sometimes if you are with someone new, you may need to feel them out first. See if they can take it. I know that you have a quick wit so I know what you are saying but if you go too far I'll let you know. That doesn't mean that I have stopped liking you but I may not be in a kidding mood. Like when I am having

my period, watch your tongue, I'll bite your head off." Lacey said.

"I'll try to remember that." Brook replied

"Oh don't worry, if you forget I'll let you know in no uncertain terms. After that you won't have any trouble forgetting." Lacey said with a laugh.

"In that case, I bet I'll remember." Brook said laughing with Lacey.

They sat there laughing for a few minutes and as the laughter ended,

they sat and rested a few minutes before carefully making their way back down the pile of rocks. They talked as they made their way to the water pipe. Once there they both began to shed their clothes. Lacey's clothes were

soaked in sweat and she was glad to be rid of them. She then got the pan and had Brook get ready for her bath. Lacey so wanted to forgo the bath and get Brook down on the ground right there but she forwent that and decided that it might just be a little more fun after a bath and some food. When Brook was ready, Lacey poured the first pot of cold water over her and she shrieked and then cussed but she stayed in place. After another pan of water over her hair, Brook got the shampoo out and began to wash her hair, Lacey's eyes were glued to Brook's breasts as they moved from the motion of her arms as they washed her hair. Lacey was content to sit there all day and watch Brook wash her hair but Brook was soon done with her hair and she had to get Lacey's mind back to earth; Lacey had a sheepish grin on her face when she realized that she had gotten lost in Brook's body. Lacey helped Brook rinse her hair and then watched as Brook washed her body but of course, Brook turned around so the Lacey could wash her back.

Lacey took the soap from Brook as she handed it over her shoulder. Lacey knew that Brook had hurried through her bath to get to this point. Lacey had to admit that she had been looking forward to this just as much as Brook was. Lacey soaped up her hands and she started with Brook's shoulders and she worked her hands into her muscles. She could feel how tight Brook's muscles were and soon she had Brook cooing from the massage that Lacey was giving her shoulders and then her back muscles. When she got to Brook's lower back, she again worked her fingers deep into Brook's muscles and she let out another long coo. Lacey massaged Brook's lower back and hips, and then she went on lower. She brought her lands down to Brook's ass cupping a cheek in each hand. Brook's cooing quickly went to a low moan.

Lacey moved her hands around Brook's ass caressing and squeezing the cheeks. She then let one hand move to the center and starting at the top of Brook's crack. She slid her fingers down. She felt Brook tense her ass cheeks a moment so Lacey stopped the movement of her fingers. When Brook relaxed again, Lacey moved her fingers further down. Her fingers went deeper and deeper between Brook's ass cheeks until she came to her puckered hole. Lacey teased the little hole with her soapy middle finger and

then she began to press it in. Brook tensed for a second but then she bent over a little and allowed the finger to enter her ass. Lacey gently and ever so slowly, inserted her finger into Brook's ass until she was knuckle deep. Brook sighed and she wiggled her ass. This made Lacey smile and she moved her other hand to Brook's pussy. She cupped it with her hand and she began to run her fingers up and down Brook's outer lips. Brook bent on down until her

hands were on the ground and she spread her feet out wide. Lacey was only going to tease her up real good and then make her wait but she knew then that she had already past that point. If she stopped now, Brook would be in agony and she couldn't and wouldn't leave her in that state. Lacey pushed her finger all the way into Brook's ass and she let her fingers split Brook's pussy lips and she started to stroke her harder. Lacey started to move her finger in and out of Brook's ass and her fingers began to rub her pussy lips harder. Brook moaned and moaned and she pushed her ass back against the finger that was fucking it. Lacey let her fingers move on up to Brook's clit and she could feel how it was peeking out from its hood. Lacey started to move her fingers around it and this brought a loud moan from Brook. Lacey then started to rub it harder using an up and down motion. Brook's legs began to shake and Lacey increased the speed of both of her fingers until she heard Brook scream and she fell to her knees. Lacey followed her to her knees and she continued to stroke Brook as she rode out her orgasm. As Brook began to calm down, Lacey withdrew her fingers from Brook's ass and pussy and she gave a soft kiss to both of ass cheeks and then her pussy. She then pulled Brook up and she hugged her from behind. She kissed her neck and then her cheek and as Brook turned her head, Lacey kissed her lips.

""Fuck, you are good. I can't believe it. I don't ever want to leave this place." Brook said as she turned around on her knees and kissed Lacey. The kiss went on and on as Lacey caressed Brook's back and ass. She was beginning to feel something for this young girl. She knew that was not a good idea but that was the way she felt.

"Look you got me all soapy, we need to rinse you off." Lacey said as the kiss ended.

"Hey that soap will do you good, you stink!" Brook said as she sniffed Lacey's shoulder and said loudly "P U" and then she laughed.

Lacey didn't say anything but slipped her hand down and picked up the pan of cold water and dumped it over Brook's head.

"Ahhhhhh..." Brook screamed, "You shit. You didn't warn me."

"Nope, I didn't." Lacey said and then she laughed.

They both then stood up and Brook continued to fuss as Lacey poured the water over her but it was a good nature fuss that just made Lacey smile and laugh. Then it was Lacey's turn for her bath and Brook gave her no warning as she picked up the pan and started to pour the cold water over her

head. Lacey picked up the shampoo and she poured started to pour some into her hand but Brook took the bottle from her. Lacey watched as Brook poured some into her hand and she beckoned for Lacey to bend down. When she head was in place, she felt Brook's hands begin to run through her hair.

Brook's fingers felt so nice as they massaged her scalp. Lacey only wished that she had let her hair grow out again and not cut it off short as she wanted Brook to go on forever. But soon she felt Brook's hands leave her scalp, and Brook was kind enough to tell her when the water was coming. Brook used one hand to get the shampoo from her hair as she poured the water from the other. When her hair was rinsed, Lacey straightened up and as she opened her eyes, she saw that Brook already had the soap bar in her hand and she was soaping up her hands. Brook looked into Lacey's eyes and she gave Lacey a wink as she stepped forward. Brook started with her arms, getting the good and soapy then she went to her underarms, where she couldn't resist the urge to tickle Lacey who slapped her hands away.

"Well if you don't want me to bath you, then I won't." Brook said with a pout that Lacey knew was fake but she went along with it anyway.

"Oh no, I want you to bath me, you do it so well." Lacey said in an almost begging tone.

"Okay, if you really want." Brook said smiling again.

Brook then went to Lacey's shoulders and started to wash her. She worked way down to Lacey's small breasts. Lacey's eyes watched as Brook first leaned forward and gave a kiss to each nipple before she lathered them

up with her soapy hands. Lacey closed her eyes and she let out a moan as Brook's hands massaged her breasts and pinched on her nipples. Brook's fingers did wonders to her breasts and she could feel her pussy getting wet.

Soon Brook's fingers left her breasts and Lacey let out a groan. Brook's hands went down to her stomach and on to her hips. Brook's fingers danced around to Lacey's ass and then back to the front. They moved toward her pussy and Lacey opened her legs. Brook soaped up her pubic hair, and Lacey felt her fingers comb through her hair. Lacey let out another moan. Then Brook's fingers made their way down to her pussy.

"Ohhhh... baby, that feels so good." Lacey said as Brook's fingers danced across her pussy lips. Lacey had to lock her knees as Brook's went between her lips and they stroked her deeper. Lacey put her hands on Brook's shoulders as Brook stroked her deeper and deeper until a couple of fingers entered her pussy.

"Fuck me Brook, Fuck me good." Lacey pleaded as Brook's fingers went

in deeper. She could feel Brook kneel down on her knees so that she could get a better angle to her pussy. The fingers started to go deeper and she felt Brook's thumb on her clit. It circled it as her fingers went deeper and

deeper into her pussy. Lacey began to push back against Brook's fingers causing them to increase their speed and force. Lacey moaned as she felt her pussy begin to throb. She felt her pussy grip Brook's fingers and Brook's thumb was pressing harder on her clit. The pressure felt great and Lacey could feel her insides churning as her orgasm got closer. Brook started to twist her fingers as the moved in and out of her pussy. Lacey gripped Brook's shoulders as she felt her orgasm come upon her. She felt her pussy spasm and she felt her girlcum come out as Brook continued to fuck her. Lacey shook and cried out as the orgasm hit its crest. Brook slowed down her fucking and the pressure of her thumb on Lacey's clit and Lacey rode out her

orgasm, barely able to stay on her feet.

As she came down, she felt that Brook had already moved down to her thighs and then she lower legs. Her pussy was still pulsing and they left her with a glow that she wanted to keep forever. Brook made her lift her right foot up and Brook took her time washing every toe before going to the other foot. Brook then made her turn around and she heard Brook stand back up. She started at her shoulders and she massaged her back well. Brook's fingers dug deep into her sore muscles. Lacey felt herself relax ever more but after the orgasm that Brook had given to her made her pretty relaxed. Brook's hands worked their way down to Lacey's lower back which was starting to hurt as she was digging but now her back was feeling much better. Brook's hands went from her lower back to the top of her ass and then to her hips. Lacey was begining to wonder if and when she was going to get to her ass. But then she felt a hand between her shoulder blades pushing

her forward. Lacey bent at the waist and put her hands on her knees. Her feet were still spaced far apart so she could feel her ass opening up and she knew that her pussy was well exposed. She waited for a second before she felt Brook's hands on her ass cheeks. They moved around her globes caressing and squeezing. This caused Lacey to moan and she felt her pussy begin to get wet again. Brook's fingers circled her ass and got to the edge of her crack but didn't venture in. Lacey wanted to tell her to go ahead but she let Brook get there on her own and soon she did just that. Her fingers curved around the edge and went slowly to her crack. They moved closer to her asshole but stopped short. The fingers moved along the sides of her crack going ever closer until she felt the tip of one of Brook's fingers touch her asshole. It stopped there, not moving, and Lacey tried not to moan but it came out anyway. That seemed to be what Brook needed as she finger began to go around the rim and Lacey let out a louder moan. Lacey felt the finger begin to put more pressure on her asshole. Lacey relaxed and the tip of the finger slipped inside of her. There it stopped for a moment before it went on in. Lacey moaned again and she felt the finger go deeper. When it bottomed out, Lacey groaned and she felt Brook's hand cup her pussy. Even though she had just cum, she was ready to cum again, wanted to cum again. Brook's fingers played with her pussy lips, stroking and pulling on them. The finger that was in her ass started to move in and out and Lacey started to push back on every in stroke. Brook stroked her outer lips for a few minutes

before they parted them and a couple of fingers found her entrance. They went in quickly and she was being fucked in both holes.

"Baby, that feels so fucking good. You are doing just right. Oh god,

fuck me baby." Lacey cried out.

Brook started to move her fingers in and out of her pussy and asshole faster. Lacey cried and she wiggled her ass. Brook was moving her fingers around in her pussy and the finger in her ass was being twisted around too. Lacey cried and shook as the fingers moved in and out. Soon Brook started to move the finger in her ass in as the fingers in her ass went out. That felt even better and when Brook's fingers moved into her pussy her other fingers rubbed against her clit and that was enough for her to close in on another orgasm.

"I'm close baby, just a little more and a little harder." Lacey pleaded as she moaned.

Brook worked harder as she pushed and pulled her fingers inside of Lacey's pussy and asshole. Brook even put a third finger into Lacey's pussy and she fucked her with them. This was enough to put Lacey over the top and she came hard. Her pussy clamped down on Brook's fingers, in both her asshole and pussy. And her pussy squirted out it girlcum coating Brook's fingers. Lacey went down to her hands and knees as she let her orgasm rush through her body. She felt Brook pull her fingers out and then she felt her come beside of her and take her into her arms. After having two orgasms, after a hard days digging she was worn out. Lacey lay against Brook and let her hold her as she enjoyed the euphoria that was the state that she was in.

"Thank you, you are so wonderful." Lacey told Brook as she kissed her.

When the kiss ended, Lacey could see that Brook was glowing from the compliment. So she kissed her again, this time a little more passionately and this kiss left them both breathless.

"I think I got you all soapy again." Lacey said as she pulled back from the kiss.

"Yes you did but I don't mind. You can do anything to me anytime you

want." Brook said and Lacey knew that she was serious and also falling very much in love with her. That scared Lacey a bit but what scared her more was that she felt the same way.

She got on up and she let Brook rinse her off and then she rinsed Brook back off. They then dried themselves and quickly washed their clothes. Once back at the camp, they made dinner and ate sitting side by side. Lacey loved the feel of Brook's naked hip against hers and she liked looking over and seeing that same body. Brook was just so cute and Lacey couldn't stop looking at her. Lacey didn't want to think about what would happen after this was all over. She would miss Brook that was for sure.

After the dishes were washed, they retired to the sleeping bag, with

neither bothering to put on anything more than socks to keep their toes warm. Brook lay with her head on Lacey's chest. Lacey hand went straight to Brook's head and she started to run her fingers through Brook's hair as they

talked. When the talking slowed and they got sleepy, Lacey felt Brook move her head slightly and her mouth latched onto her left nipple and started to suckle. This aroused Lacey slightly but mostly it made her feel contented and loved. Her eyes soon got heavy and she fell asleep.

Late that night something she felt something shaking her body and she woke up scared. She opened her eyes and she felt Brook pulling and scratching her. Lacey looked down and saw that Brook's had a look of fear on

her face. Lacey knew not to try and restrain her but instead started to talk

quietly, telling her that she was there and that everything was okay. Brook began to calm down and her arms stopped flaying about. As she calmed, Lacey started to kiss her forehead and she found that it was soaked in sweat. She knew that Brook had a terrible nightmare. Then Brook's eyes fluttered open and the look of fear came back to her face.

"Baby, its okay, you just had a bad nightmare." Lacey said in her most soothing voice.

"Oh god, it was bad. We had dug about six feet into the rocks and I was in the little tunnel that we had dug when the rocks started coming down on me." Brook said and then she started to cry.

"Baby, that's not going to happen to us, I'll make sure of that, I'll get us out of here, I promise. We'll be alright." Lacey said as she lifted Brook's chin so that she was looking into her eyes. Lacey kissed the tip of her nose

then she eased Brook's head down on her chest and she stroked her hair as her mind started to think. She had made a promise and now she had to find a way to make good on her word. She knew that they would never dig their way out. That was just a way to keep themselves busy until help arrived. She thought and thought and as she began to fall asleep, an idea began to grow inside of her brain. She knew that by morning, the idea that had begun to grow would be much clearer.

When Lacey woke up, she felt something wet and warm on her left nipple. She opened her eyes and see saw that Brook sucking hungrily.

"Oh baby, that feels so good." Lacey told Brook who lifted her head only long enough to give Lacey a big shit eating grin and then her mouth latched back onto her tit.

Lacey put her hand down to Brook's back and she ran her fingers up and down her spine. She could felt the goose bumps come up on Brook's skin. Brook started to suck harder and Lacey felt Brook's hand go to her other nipple and she started to pinch and pull on it. Lacey let out a loud moan. Lacey moved her hand down to Brook's butt and she cupped her right cheek in her hand. She gave it a squeeze and she heard Brook coo as she sucked on her nipple. Lacey caressed Brook's ass and then her fingers moved to Brook's

crack. Lacey felt Brook more her right leg up so that her ass opened up. Lacey knew what Brook was wanted so she let her fingers trail down the crack until her index finger found Brook's puckered hole. She let her finger

go around the rim and she heard Brook moan. Lacey knew that she had found a place on Brook's body that she liked to have touched. Lacey let her finger

go around and around the hole until her had Brook moaning as she sucked.

Brook then left her tit and she turned her body so that her head was

over Lacey's pussy and her ass was beside Lacey's head. Lacey felt Brook's fingers at her pussy and she felt them pulling on her lips opening up her pussy. She then felt Brook's sweet tongue as it took a long lick down her slit. Lacey let out a loud moan and she felt like she was going to cum right there

but she held it off. Lacey turned her head and she was looking at Brook's pinkish little hole. Lacey pulled Brook's ass closer to her and she extended

her tongue out. She let the tip touch the center and she felt Brook stop licking her pussy for a moment. Lacey snaked her tongue around the hole and she heard a loud moan come from her. Then she felt Brook start to lick her pussy again. She was really moving her tongue around her pussy and Lacey felt the tongue go in deep. Lacey felt her pussy contract and she felt a drop of pee leak out of her urethra. She held the rest in but the pressure was great on her bladder and what Brook was doing to her pussy didn't help any. Lacey put her tongue to the center of Brook's hole and she push. She felt Brook's asshole tighten up for a second and then it relaxed, when it did her

tongue slid inside. Brook moaned and she shook as she stopped licking again.

Lacey pushed her tongue in as far as she could and then she took it all the way out. Then she pushed it back in and this time she left it there as she started to fuck Brook's ass with her tongue. She moved her hand to Brook's pussy and she started to rub her clit as she moved her tongue around inside of Brook's asshole. Brook cried out and she began to shake.

"Oh god, Lacey don't stop!" Brook cried.

Lacey went hard with her tongue going even deeper and her fingers were frigging Brook's clit hard and fast. She fucked her ass good and her fingers were going a mile a minute on Brook's clit. Brook had stopped licking but Lacey did feel a couple of finger enter her pussy and they were fucking her. Soon Brook started to shake and Lacey felt liquid coating her fingers as Brook came hard. Lacey removed her tongue for Brook's ass but she kept licking it as Brook came down from her orgasm.

When she came back to life, Brook started to suck on Lacey's clit as

her fingers went deeper into her pussy. They went in and out with increasing

speed and hardness. Brook's tongue was playing with her clit as she sucked. Lacey was soon back to the verge of her orgasm. Brook's fingers went deep into her pussy. Brook had learned to twist them as she pushed the fingers inside of her and that made the finger fucking all the better.

"I'm close baby, just keep sucking girl!" Lacey cried as she found herself on the edge of a massive orgasm. Brook then removed her fingers and she put her mouth over Lacey's pussy and she started to lick and suck. Her wet and slippery fingers went to Lacey's clit and she rubbed it hard. Lacey felt her orgasm hit with a force that she was unprepared for its intensity. Lacey let her body go and then it happened. She felt her full bladder let go and she was unable to stop it. The release of her bladder only added to the intensity of her orgasm. She felt her urine splash over Brooks'

face and onto her thighs. Lacey let it all go and she felt herself drift off

momentary. When she came back around, she found that Brook was still licking on her pussy even after what had happened.

"Oh god, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen." Lacey told as

she pulled Brook up. She saw that Brook's face was wet from her girlcum and pee.

"It's okay, I didn't mind. It did surprise me at first but then I realized that I really made you cum and that made me feel good. I kind of liked it after that. I just wanted to make you happy." Brook said.

Lacey looked at her with her face and hair wet and she brought her face down and kissed her. She could taste her own pee and girlcum on Brook's lips. Lacey kissed her harder and then she kissed her face tasting her pee on her and thought that it wasn't so bad.

"You know you don't have to do anything to get me to like you. I already do that." Lacey cautioned her.

"I know but I like to please you plus it wasn't anything worse than you sticking your tongue up my butt. You did that to please me didn't you?" Brook said.

"Okay you win; I did do pretty much the same thing. You know you're too smart for your own good." Lacey told her laughing.

"Yes I am and don't you forget it." Brook said as she kissed Lacey again and Lacey wrapped her arms around her and hugged her wet and warm body against her. They kissed another few minutes before Lacey told Brook that it was time to clean up and then get something to eat.

When they got to the water pipe, they both started to wash their faces and bodies off. As Lacey washed her body, she began to stare down the grate that took the water up under the road and then on out somewhere. She saw that the grate was metal and she bent down and saw that the foot diameter pipe was also metal.

"I know that you are slim but I don't think that you will fit into that hole." Brook said.

"I know, just be quite a minute, I'm thinking." Lacey told Brook sternly, but not unkindly. Lacey looked all around the grate and the hole that led out of the tunnel. Finally she sat back on her heels and her face had a look of absolute concentration. She sat there a minute before she finally looked up.

"Your cell phone has an antenna on it doesn't it?" Lacey asked Brook.

"Yea," Brook asked but she wanted to ask why she wanted to know but she could tell that Lacey was on to something.

"Go get it and meet me back here." Lacey said as she jumped up and ran back toward the camp. Brook sat there a moment wondering just what Lacey was up to but then she too jumped up and went after her phone.

Lacey raced past the camp and went to her SUV. The first thing that she did was to go under the dash and she found the radio wires. She grabbed one and she jerked it out. She then got her tool set out and she got a small

adjustable wrench. She went to her radio antenna and took it off. She then said a silent prayer that her idea would work.

When she got back to the water hole, she found Brook holding her phone and she had a real confused look on her face.

"You know the cell phones won't work in here, we already tried that.

And I don't think that the extra antenna will help." Brook said.

"I know the phones won't work because there is no way for the signal

to reach it. I want to try and help that. The pipe taking the water out is made of metal and I'm hoping that the pipe extends out far enough and that it will help to conduct the signal to your phone. It's worth a try anyway." Lacey said as she tied the wire to the end of the antenna and then she took the other end of wire and wrapped it around the antenna of Brook's phone. She took the car antenna and stuck it down the hole making sure that it was making contact with the metal pipe.

"Turn on your phone and see if you get a signal." Lacey said.

Brook turned on the phone and let it cycle through before her signal

bar came on. "No, signal," Brook said and she let out a long sigh.

"Don't give up yet, we are just getting started here. Let me move it

around and see what happens. Just keep telling me if you are getting a signal or not." Lacey said as she started to move the antenna around.

"No nothing... nope...nothing yet...still nothing..." and so they went for about ten minutes with Lacey trying every position that she could. Finally she dipped it down into the water with the end pressed down against the bottom of the pipe and the middle against the top.

"Wait a minute..." Brook said excitingly. "No it's gone now... move it back to where you had it. There, we got half the bars showing. Hot shit you did it!" Brook said as she dropped the phone and she hugged Lacey, kissing her face.

"Baby, call someone! Don't kiss me!" Lacey said with just as much excitement that Brook had.

"Oh yes, sorry." Brook said as she went back to her phone and found the signal gone. "Dam we lost the signal, more the antenna again until I get

the signal back." Brook told Lacey.

"There it's back. Hold it right there." Brook said.

"Call 911." Lacey said and she watched as Brook dialed the number. Lacey waited and she saw a disappointed look on Brook's face. "What is it?"

"It rings but there is no answer." Brook said.

"There may not be a 911 center around here. I don't know if any of my friends would be home now and all my family is at work or school and I don't

have their work numbers. I don't want to have to call my mom and freak her out. What about you?"

"Oh, I know who to call." Brook said.

"Who?" Lacey asked.

"My father, he may not be anything close to a great father but I think he would definitely come to my rescue here. Plus there isn't anyone in the state or local government who wouldn't want to save his precious daughter. Hell, even the federal government would love to help him. Money does help sometimes. He will get someone digging us out."

"But isn't he in Paris with your mother?"

"Yes but he has a cell phone that he keeps on him incase of an emergency at his business, I just happen to know the number too." Brook said as she dialed the number. Lacey knew that Brook was right, with her father being so rich and powerful, he could light a fire under anyone. For Lacey it seemed like time had stopped as she watched the look of concentration on Brook's face as she dialed the number. Lacey waited and waited for Brook to say something. It seemed like it was taking much too long but then again she had never called anyone overseas before.

"It's ringing, there is interference but it's ringing." Brook told Lacey.

"Father, it's me Brook."

"I know you are working but this is an emergency."

Lacey could see that Brook's father was talking and she could see that Brook was getting frustrated and she could see that Brook was about to start crying. Lacey started to reach out and take the phone from Brook but by doing that Brook seemed to regain control of her emotions. She also appeared to have suddenly grown a back bone as far as her father was concerned.

"Shut up and listen to me!" Brook said and then after a second or two continued. "I'm trapped in the highway 63 tunnel. There was a land slide and

both ends are blocked. I need for you to get someone out here and get us out." Brook listened for a moment then she continued. "No father, I not pulling you leg, I'm serious. We are trapped in here and can't get out. Call

someone and get us out of here. Or if you like, Lacey and I can die in here and you can bury us, that will be cheaper and then you can wait until you and mom decide to come home!" Brook said then she hung up on her father.

Lacey started to say something when Brook let out a scream followed by "Than mother fucking bastard, he thought that I was messing with him. Well fuck him and the horse that he road in on." Brook said and for a second

Lacey though that she was going to throw the phone down so she reached for it and gently took it from her hands.

"It is all right, we will get out of here. I will call my mom and I know she will start making calls. It might take her a little longer but she will get it done." Lacey said as she held out her free arm and Brook sat next to her and

Lacey pulled her in close. She kissed her forehead, then her nose and finally she gave her a light kiss on the lips. Brook sighed as they kissed and she seemed to relax. Lacey held her a few minutes and she did feel so much for Brook. There was no reason for her father to doubt her and Lacey knew that he was paying more attention to his business meeting than his daughter when she called him. And by doubting her, he let Brook know which was more important to him. Lacey wanted to start calling other people to get them out

of there but she knew that Brook needed her more right now. So she held her and kissed her making sure that Brook knew where she stood with her. She held her tightly for about thirty minutes before Brook got it all together and she started to move which was good as her other arm was going to sleep holding the antenna in place. Which, after she thought about it, she really didn't need to hold until they placed another call. Then the phone rang. Brook took the phone and looked at the number.

"It's my father." She said.

"Hello father, so did you check out my story and find out that there

was a rock slide?"

"I told you so, why didn't you believe me?... Never mind, what are you doing to get us out?... I see... you have called the governor... Are they going to start on working on getting us out of here?... Okay we will keep the phone on... How are we getting a signal? Well Lacey figured that one up. She jury rigged an antenna and we are getting a signal that way. Okay put mother on."

He has called the governor and he assured my father that he will get a crew out here today. He is... Hold on mother, I'm talking to Lacey." Brook said into the phone. "I love doing that to her." Brook said.

"Be careful baby, they are our way out of here." Lacey cautioned her. Brook nodded her head.

"I'm sorry mother, I was trying to bring Lacey up to date.... I 'm okay mother, we both are. Oh that is Lacey, she is a school teacher, and she got trapped in here with me. Yes she is talking good came of me, very good care." Brook said with a wink and Lacey found herself blushing.

"If only her mother knew how I've been taking care of her." Lacey thought to herself.

"I was taking a shortcut home when the rockslide occurred."

"I know I said I was going to stay at school but at the last moment I decided to come home."

"I know I shouldn't have done that. You can punish me once I get out

of here."

"We have been here two days now."

"No Lacey had food and water; she was on her way to camp so I got lucky in the way."

Brook went on talking to her mother, doing more listening than talking and Lacey began to tune her out. She knew that it would still be another day

or two before they got out of here and they would have to man the phone until then. She made out a plan as to what they needed to do once Brook got off the phone.

"Is you mother mad at you?" Lacey asked once Brook hung up.

"Oh yea but that will come later, at least they will get us out of here that is the main thing. She and father are going to fly home as soon as they

can get to the airport."

"Yes it is. I knew getting stuck in here with you was a good thing."

Lacey said with a wicked smile.

"I hope that it was more than a good thing." Brook countered.

"Oh it is." Lacey said and then she leaned over and planted a kiss on Brook's lips. "Now I want you to hold the antenna in place and man the phone. While you are doing that, I'm going to move our camp up here. Are your keys in your car?" Lacey asked.

"Yea, I didn't think anyone would steal it." Brook said with a laugh.

"Funny, now come over and hold the antenna and I'll be back in a few

minutes." Lacey said as Brook moved over and took a hold of the antenna in one hand as the other held the phone, making sure that she still had a signal. Lacey gave her another kiss and was off.

Lacey drove Brook's car back to the camp and she hurriedly packed up

everything. She then went to her SUV and got one of the cords that she used to secure her tent to the tent poles. She made a last look around the area to make sure that she didn't forget anything then she took back off toward Brook. When she got there, Brook was again talking to her mother. Lacey pulled in close to where Brook was sitting. She slipped out and taking

the cord, she tied the antenna in place. When Brook let loose of the antenna, it stayed in place so now they wouldn't have to hold it all the time. Lacey then set the camp up again as Brook talked.

"If you had waited like I said, I would've helped you." Brook said after she had hung up the phone.

"I know, but it wasn't like it was all that hard to do. Besides, you need to man the phone; it's our way out of here. So what is happening?"

"Well, father has talked to the governor again and he is calling out all the troops. Father also talked to a firm that specializes in doing rescues and they are sending out their best team. But first they have to see what they are up against. It will probably be late this afternoon before we know anything. I told them that we have plenty of food so they can take their time. Now that I know for sure that we are going to get out of here, I'm not

so anxious to get out of here." Brook confessed.

"I feel the same way. But I'm sure that we will be able to see each other after we get out, if you like." Lacey said knowing that it wasn't exactly the right thing to do but at the same time she knew that she felt something deep in her heart for Brook.

"You promise?" Brook asked looking deep into Lacey's eyes.

"Yes I..." Was all that Lacey could get out before Brook pounced on her and pinned her down on the pavement. Brook rained kisses all over her face and Lacey could do nothing but accept Brook's kisses, not that she could or would refuse them. As Brook began to calm down, Lacey took Brook's face into her hands.

"There is a "But" coming and I want you to listen carefully." Lacey told Brook, whose eyes grew wide in fear.

"What?" Brook asked as her eyes then began to water.

"We need to be discreet for awhile. I'm a school teacher and I love doing that and your family is powerful and they could ruin me if they knew what we have been doing. So we will just have to work this right. You can't just run off and live with me, even thought I would like for you to do that. I would love to take you home with me when we leave here but that can't happen. But can be together, if you will be patient. You understand what I'm

saying." Lacey asked.

"Yea, I know what you are saying. I did want to do just that, leave here with you but I know that you are right. I'll be careful and work around

my parents. I promise." Brook assured Lacey and then she dropped her head down and kissed her. Lacey put her hands around Brook's body and they kissed softly for a few minutes. Then Brook laid her head down on Lacey's chest and they lay there for a while, neither saying anything but just enjoying the feel of their naked bodies pressed against each other.

"I hate to end this but I need to call my family before they hear it on the news and besides the pavement is getting hard on my back." Lacey said as she kissed the top of Brook's head.

"Sorry, I wasn't thinking. You go call your family and I will fix breakfast. I'm starting to get hungry." Brook said.

"That's okay, I like to feel your body against mine." Lacey said as Brook got up and then helped her up.

"I like that too." Lacey said as she kissed Brook lightly on the lips.

She went to the phone and dialed her home. As she talked to her mom assuring her that she was okay, Brook got the little camp stove going and she heated up some powdered eggs and then heated up some precooked bacon. Neither was the best tasting in the world but when you are hungry, it didn't

taste half bad.

After they had eaten, they took turns washing the dishes and doing their business. Then when they got back from that, they both cleaned themselves well as they both knew that sometime that day they would be doing other things.

After all was done, they both found that they had time on their hands as they decided that there wasn't any reason to continue their digging. They

would let whoever was coming to dig them out. They talked about what to do, but one always had to stay by the phone and to illustrate the point, the phone rang. It was Brook's father telling her that they were at the airport and they would be home in about eight hours depending on the head winds that they ran into. Again Brook assured them that she was okay.

As Brook talked, Lacey went for a walk. She thought about everything

that had happened since she had gotten trapped in the tunnel with Brook. She knew that she had already committed herself to seeing Brook after they got out of here and that she wanted to do. She knew it wasn't the right

thing to do but she was past that now. She just had to make sure that Brook did what she told her to do. She knew that Brook had a sharp mind and she was use to doing as she pleased for the most part. But there was also a part

of her that wanted to please. That part of her would ensure that Brook would be careful. Then Lacey thought about Brook herself and how much she wanted to please her as well. She was just so cute and just the opposite of what she thought she was attracted to. She was younger than her and was definitely not slim, tall, and firm. But just thinking about her body made her wet. But her mind also turned her on. She was so damn smart and she didn't even realize it. She had a sharp wit which indicated that she could think on

her feet. Lacey knew that with her helping her realize her potential then there wasn't anything the girl couldn't do. That made her want her all the more. She just needed a little push every once in a while and a lot of love.

Lacey knew that she could give her both of these things.

As Lacey approached the new camp, she saw that Brook bent over and she was searching for something inside of her car. Just her legs were outside of the car and since she was bent over, her ass pointing straight at

Lacey. She felt her pussy go wet and as if on clue, Brook wiggled her but and she opened her legs a bit. Lacey couldn't help herself as she snuck up behind Brook. She quietly kneeled down right behind of Brook and she placed her hands on Brook's beautiful round globes.

"What!...Ouch!" Brook said as she jerked up and she hit her head on the roof of the car.

Lacey started to caress Brook's ass cheeks with her hands and she began to kiss them as she did this.

"Oh that feels nice." Brook moaned and she pushed her ass back and she opened her legs as far as the car would allow her to do.

Lacey could smell Brook's freshly washed skin and the musky smell of

her pussy as Brook became aroused. Lacey moved her hands down to Brook's upper thighs just where her ass began and she squeezed them. She then started to alternate her kisses with gentle bites to Brook's ass cheeks.

"Ohhhh..." Brook cried out as Lacey gave her right ass cheek a harder bite. She then let out a moan and Lacey knew that Brook liked the harder bites so she went with it. She moved her mouth around biting every part of Brook's ass and she got a long series of moans and groans from Brook. She had left Brook's asshole and pussy alone so far but the scent coming from Brook's pussy was getting stronger and she knew that Brook was more than ready for more. Lacey leaned back a moment and she could see little bite marks covering Brook's ass. None were bruising so she knew that the marks would be gone in a few minutes. She hadn't biten her all that hard. She could also see Brook's pussy juices running down her thighs. She wanted to dive in

and drink up those juices but the pink little hole was even more inviting. Lacey put her hands on each ass cheek and spread them open even wider and she could see Brook pucker up her asshole. Lacey smiled and she moved back in and planted a kiss on Brook's asshole and she heard Brook moan loudly. Lacey was always into ass play but Brook's asshole just drove her crazy with

lust. Lacey kissed it again and the she stuck out her tongue and started to run the tip around Brook's rim.

"Oh Lacey, that feels so fucking good." Brook moaned.

Lacey kept her tongue going around Brook's asshole as Brook moaned and then she started to push her ass against Lacey's mouth. Lacey put her tongue into a point and she placed the tip at the center of Brook's asshole.

She felt Brook relax her hole and Lacey slowly pushed her tongue inside of her.

"Oh fuck, I cummingggggg..." Brook cried out and Lacey felt Brook's girlcum spray out of her pussy and hit her on her thighs.

Lacey felt so good that she was able to make Brook cum without touching her clit. But she wasn't thought with Brook yet. She moved her tongue in as deep as she could into Brook's ass. She moved it around as she felt Brook shake from her orgasm. Lacey started to fuck Brook's asshole with her tongue. She loved the feel of her asshole squeezing down on her tongue. As she fucked Brook's asshole, she finally moved her fingers down to

her pussy. It was soaking wet and she ran her fingers through the juices as they went up and down her slit. Lacey fucked Brooks' asshole harder with her tongue and her fingers parted Brook's pussy lips going in deeper. She stroked her pussy good and she moved her tongue all around the inside of her asshole. Brook's whole body was shaking and Lacey knew she was about give her a real orgasm.

Lacey removed her tongue from Brook's ass and she quickly turned around so that she her back was against the car and she was looking up at Brook's juicy pussy. She put two of her slippery fingers to Brook's asshole and they easily slipped inside of her. Brook groaned from the intrusion of Lacey's fingers in her asshole, stretching it out. Lacey began to fuck Brook's asshole with her fingers as she started to suck up all of the juices flowing

out of her. Brook tasted so good and she was licking up a storm. She licked all around the outer lips before parting the lips with her tongue and going in deeper. Brook moaned loudly and she was really shaking. Lacey sucked and licked as fast as she could. Her fingers were going faster and deeper into Brook's asshole and Brook was pushing back against them. Brook moaned and cried as she was being sucked and fucked. Once she had sucked up as much of the juices as she could, she went to Brook's clit. She sucked the little bud into her mouth. Brook cried out again and cried out, "I'm going to cum again. Oh fuck..." Lacey started to lick on the clit and she felt Brook's asshole clamped down on her fingers as she came. Lacey quickly moved her mouth to Brook's pussy as a hard flow of liquid flowed from it. Lacey clamped her mouth on Brook's pussy and she drank all the girlcum. But this time the cum was mixed with pee. The orgasm was so intense that Brook let everything go.

She sucked for all she was worth and she loved every drop that Brook was giving to her. When the flow stopped, Brook started to fall and Lacey pulled

her down so that she was sitting on her lap with her legs on each side. Lacey saw that Brook was still cumming and that there were tears in her eyes. Lacey kissed the tears away and then she pulled her into her body. Lacey caressed her body as Brook continued to cum. Brook was half unconscious as she experienced her orgasm. Lacey reached down between their bodies and she began to caress her pussy. Brook let out a moan and Lacey went to her supersensitive clit and started to stroke it. Brook let out a loud moan and then her body tensed as the orgasm that was ending came back with a vengeance. Brook cried out and she shook as the next orgasm hit her. Lacey felt Brook lose control of everything and what pee that was still in her body let loose. Lacey felt it coat her fingers and she could feel it hit her thighs and run down between her legs. This was enough for her to have her own orgasm and she felt her own pee and girlcum mix with Brook's.

She brought her fingers up and licked them clean. She then held Brook close to her as she slept. She had given her all and there wasn't anything left inside of her. After a while, the edge of the car began to hurt her back. She tried to move without waking Brook but when she looked down she saw that Brook had awakened.

"I sorry baby, I didn't mean to wake you. The edge of the car was digging into my back." Lacey said as she kissed Brook on the nose and she tried to pull Brook back to her.

"Oh I'm the one that should be sorry. Come and let me make you much more comfortable." Brook said as she was getting up and Lacey could see a twinkle in her eyes and she felt her pussy gush with fresh juices.

Brook held out her hand and she helped Lacey up. She then led her over to where the sleeping back was laying. She made Lacey lay down on her stomach and she sat down on her thighs.

"Your poor back, it has to be hurting, let me make it feel better." Brook said.

Brook then placed her hands on Lacey's lower back and she started to

massage the muscles and the area where the car had dug into her. Lacey folded her arms in front of her and she lay her head down upon them.

"That feels so good, how did you learn to give a massage like that?"

Lacey asked her.

"My mother has a masseuse come to the house twice a week when she is there and give her a massage. If I'm home, she will have her give me one too. I guess I paid more attention to what she did than I thought I did." Brook replied then she said, "Now be quite and shut your eyes."

"Yes ma'am" Lacey said as she closed her eyes and just enjoyed Brook's fingers and hands work her muscles. Brooks hard dug in deep then they went lighter as she used just her finger tips. Lacey felt like that she

could stay there all day and let Brook massage her back. Brook slowly worked

down to her buttocks and she worked then with her hands. She went down to her thighs and calf muscles.

"Whap" "Ouch" Lacey said after Brook slapped her ass.

"Now turn over and let me do your front." Brook instructed Lacey.

"You know you could have just told me to turn over." Lacey said as she started to turn over.

"I know but I keep hearing your tight buns begging me to slap them."

Brook said with a giggle.

"Yea I bet they were." Lacey said seriously but then she had to grin.

Lacey settled in and as she closed her eyes, she felt Brook's hands start to work her thighs. Her hands worked their way up and as they got close to her pussy, Lacey wanted to open her legs but Brook had her knees to each side preventing her from doing so. Lacey did feel Brook's fingers work in toward her pussy but they never actually touched her. This made her more aroused but also added to the whole mood that Brook was creating for her. Brook's hands went to her lower stomach and then up to just below her breasts. Again, she left them alone but even getting to her breasts made Lacey's nipple tighten up. Brook went around her breasts and went to her shoulder and then she worked her way down Lacey's right arm and then her left. Lacey sighed for about the hundred time, as she felt Brook kiss her finger tips. Lacey felt Brook move around and then she felt her lying down on top of her. Lacey brought her arms up and wrapped them around Brook's body and then she felt Brook's lips touch hers. Brook kissed her lightly and

for much to short a time for Lacey's liking. And then she kissed her again this time she kept her lips locked on to Lacey's lips. She opened her mouth and Lacey felt Brook's tongue entering her mouth. Lacey started to suck on it and they both moaned. Lacey moved her hands down to Brook's ass and she grasped her cheeks. She pushed her hips up and she felt Brook pushing down. They began to rub their pussies together as they kissed. Lacey could feel Brook's pussy juices leak down onto her pussy and her own pussy juices were flowing down from her pussy to her asshole and then to the sleeping bag. Lacey then opened her legs up and she wrapped them around Brook's back. Brook seemed to know what she was doing as she pushed her pussy down hard and she started to work her hips up and down. Lacey began to move her hips in the opposite direction of Brooks and she could feel Brook's

clit run against her own engorged clit. Lacey was still excited from making love to Brook and she found that was quickly back to that state of arousal. She needed to cum badly and with Brook rubbing her pussy ever harder she was getting closer to her orgasm.

"Push harder, I'm about there. I need to cum!" Lacey said as she broke off the kiss.

And then Brook's phone rang.

"Oh fuck nooooo." Lacey cried out.

"Let me get you off and then I will call them back." Brook said between her labored breathing as she tried to increase her tempo.

"No, get the phone!" Lacey said as she released Brook and she pushed

her off.

"Shit" Brook said as she jumped up and ran to the phone.

Lacey could hear Brook talking as she felt her body still quivering from the near orgasm. Lacey wanted to reach down and stroke her clit until she came but she knew that Brook would be mad at her if she did that plus having Brook bring her to orgasm was so much better anyway.

"Lacey, I need you." Brook called out to her.

"Coming baby," Lacey said as she pushed herself up and went to where

Brook was sitting holding the phone out to her.

"It's some state engineer and he wants to know about he rocks. He sounds like he is in a car or something." Brook whispered.

"This is Lacey" She said and then she proceeded to answer a long list of questions that the engineer threw at her. She ended up talking to him for

about thirty minutes and then he had her go to both the entrance and exit to check out some things then call him back. Needless to say that by the time that she was done, the mood was broken.

"I'm sorry about that; I can start all over again." Brook said as she slid up against Lacey.

Lacey smiled down at her as she pulled Brook against her body. "That's okay, we'll have lots of time for you to work your magic fingers on me, and so I take a rain check, okay baby?"

"Sure all you got to do is call and I'll come running." Brook said as she looked up and kissed her lightly on the lips.

"You know by tomorrow, they will be well on their way to digging us out of here." Lacey said and she saw sparkle that was always in Brooks' eyes go out.

"What will happen to us once we are out of here?" Brook asked and Lacey knew it was time for them to talk.

"Tell you what, lets freshen up and get a snack and then we will sit

down and talk." Lacey suggested and Brook only nodded her head but she gave Lacey a last hug and kiss before she let go of her.

Lacey went to their bathroom as Brook washed herself. Lacey was glad

to be off by herself as she needed time to compose her thoughts and make her final decision as to what would happen after they got out of there. As she squatted and let her bladder empty, she thought once again about Brook and she knew what she had to do. She then hurried back to the new camp and she saw that Brook was watching her very carefully to see if she could decide what Lacey was thinking but Lacey kept her face impassive. She knew she was being a little devious but she couldn't resist it. Brook then went to empty her bladder and after she had washed herself in the cold water, she sat down opposite with her legs folded in front of her. Lacey knew that Brook wanted her to have a good look at her body. But then again her legs were folded the same way so Brook got just as good a look.

"You know come tomorrow, we are going to have to stay dressed." Lacey said as she opened a bag of chips and opened a semi cool can of coke for both of them. She had put the cans under the cold water and it cooled them enough to make them drinkable.

"Yea, I know." Brook said as she took a hand full of chips started to nibble on them. "You know these chips aren't good for the diet that I'm starting. I do want to lose some weight. I have tried before I guess I never

had a reason to stay on a diet but now I do."

"Baby, I'm going to say this one more time and I'm not going to say it again so I want you to listen to me closely." Lacey said and she said it very sternly and Brook's eyes widened in both shock and more than a little fear. She nodded her head "Yes."

"I love your body. I love each and every curve. I love that little belly of yours and I love your love handles. They give me something to grab on to when I'm making love to you. So I don't want you to change yourself to make me like you. If you do, then you will probably turn into someone I don't like. So be who you are and what you are and we will do just fine. You hear me? Like I said it is the last time that I going to tell you that." Lacey told Brook.

"I hear you loud and clear. And when I weigh three hundred pounds and you have to help me walk, you have only yourself to blame." Brook said and she tried to hold a straight face but she quickly broke down and started

to giggle.

"Oh don't worry, I plan on keeping you busy, you will work off most of the extra calories that you eat and have fun doing it." Lacey said with a wicked wink and she too broke into giggles. Lacey did love how Brook made her giggle like a school girl again.

"So now back to a more serious note." Lacey said after her had taken a few chips to eat and she washed them down with some coke. "I do want to see you after we get out of here but we will have to play it by ear. I suspect that once your parents realize that you are okay, they may decide to punish you in some way. And I don't want you to fight it, accept it and go on. It may mean that we won't be able to see each other immediately after we leave here but I'm not going anywhere. I will wait. That time may give us time to get to know each other outside of these walls. That won't be such a bad thing and then we can go from there. Our time will come, we just need to let

it come to us and not force it. And please don't tell your parents about us just yet, okay. You know I'm going out on a limb here so don't cut the limb on both of us." Lacey said as she sat back and let Brook think about what she had said.

"I know what you are saying and I have been thinking about us a lot. I woke up last night and I just had to stare at you and not just at your body. I mean it is beautiful..." Brook said and Lacey found herself blushing at the comment. "But it was more than that. You paid attention to me and liked me for who I was and, of course, totally mesmerized by my body" Brook said with a giggle.

"Yea right," Lacey countered but Lacey knew that Brook was right in what she was saying.

"But you like me and I like you and it goes past the sex. I know that we will have to be careful and discreet and I can be that when I want to be.

But how we communicate?" Brook asked.

"You have heard of the telephone and internet haven't you?" Lacey asked as she arched her eyebrows.

"Yes I've heard of them." Brook said as she stuck her tongue out at Lacey. "But what about if we get you know... ahh..."

"Horny?" Lacey asked smiling.

"You've heard of phone sex and cybering haven't you?" Lacey said again arching her eyebrows.

"Well yes but I've actually never done it."

"Good, then I'll be your first there too. That will be cool."

"So you done it, cybered and had phone sex?" Brook asked.

"Maybe..." Lacey said.

"Tell me about it, what's it like?" Brook asked in her most excited voice.

"Oh no, I'm not telling, It'll be more fun if we do it fresh." Lacey said.

"You're no fun." Brook said pouting.

"Oh, I'm a lot of fun and don't you forget it." Lacey said with a laugh.

"I know that you are. Believe me I do." Brook said.

"Anyway, we have the summer before you go west to college. By then we will have most everything figured out." Lacey said.

"Well actually I've changed my mind about that. I think that I'll go to school here. "I never..." Brook was say before Lacey stopped her.

"I thought we went over you changing things for me." Lacey cautioned.

"If you had let me finished you will see that I wasn't doing that or at least not completely." Brook said as she put her hand out to stop Lacey from

saying anything else until she finished and Lacey politely kept her peace.

"I never wanted to go there anyway. The only reason I was going was because that is where my parents wanted me to go and it was a long ways from home. But now I want to go where I want to go and yes I do want to stay around here for you but I can get just as good an education here as there."

"But isn't it too late to apply here?" Lacey asked.

"Not if I get my father to donate a lot of money to the university. I know that I'm using my money and my parents influence to get in and that isn't right but that is the way it is and I might as well take advandage of it. I know I put my parents down but they do a lot of good things and when I inherit the company then I can do those good things. I know that I'm not the

genius at computers and business that my father is but I can learn to lead and point the company in the right direction. And now that I got you to help

me, I know that I can do it."

"You are looking far down the road, how do you know that we will still be together that long. There area lot of miles to walk until we get there."

"Oh I know but I just feel it. And don't think that it is just a schoolgirl crush that I have for you. We both know it is more than that." Brook said.

"I know and I believe it too but I just want us both see what happens and don't rush it more than we already have. Hell, we made love the first night we were together that is quick even for me." Lacey said.

"Me too, I've never done that before." Brook said imitating Lacey perfectly.

Lacey started for a comeback but then she burst out laughing at Brook's imitating her so well. She then pulled Brook in close to her and hugged her tightly. She then gently rocked her as Brook starting talking about going to school here and how they could be together. It all sounded nice to Lacey but she was old enough to know that all your dreams don't come

out quite as you planned but maybe this one would. They sat and talked until

the phone rang again as the engineer had made it to the tunnel. He told Lacey that he just might be able to get them out by the next evening if nothing went wrong. As Lacey talked to the engineer she saw Brook wandering off. She could see that Brook was thinking. She knew that both of them needed to do a lot of that and it would help them both. When Brook came back, Lacey told her she needed to stretch her legs so she went for a long walk. This time she cleared her mind and tried not to think about anything. This seemed to help her out and when she returned she felt better about everything.

Brook was talking to her parents when she came back and she saw that

Brook was doing more listening than talking but at the same time she was getting her points in. It was a small step but yet a big step for her. When Brook was done, Lacey called her parents and by then, everyone was at her parent's home and she couldn't get off the line until everyone had talked to

her. Of course, her brothers had to rib her about not being able to find her

way out of a simple tunnel. Upon hearing this she vowed to get her revenge and her brothers loved hearing that.

That evening and night was spent trying to get some sleep as they were on and off the phone with the engineers. They both knew that there time together was about over for the moment so they just laid together and cuddled. This meant more to them right then than making love. They just wanted remember this feeling forever, as it might be a long time before they got back together.

When morning came, they could hear the earth moving machines working at the entrance of the tunnel. They quickly washed and got some clothes on. They fixed a quick breakfast, and then one of them would wait by

the tunnel entrance as the other manned the phone. Lacey wanted to spend the little time that they had left together but that just wasn't to be. The day dragged on for them both as they only time that they had together was when they exchanged places. Lacey did take a minute during those times to hold Brook tightly and to kiss her just as passionately as she could. The longer the day went on, the longer those passionate kisses lasted. But to both of their regrets, the kisses always had to end. They had a short lunch together and an even shorter supper as the engineer said that they would be through to them within the next few hours. They then went through their things to see what they wanted to take with them. Lacey looked around and didn't see anything that she really needed or at least anything that she could realistically carry with her. Then she thought of her cell phone so she jumped into Brook's car and headed toward her car. Once there she found her cell quickly and looked through her stuff but nothing hit as something she needed. Then as she got out if her SUV she noticed Brook's panties and bra laying on the ground where the sleeping bag was. She went over and picked them up. She brought them to her nose and she could smell Brook's aroma on them. The thought of Brook's nude body came to her mind and without a second thought; she put the bra in one pocket of her jeans and the

panties in the other.

"Hurry, they are about to break through." Brook said as she pulled up to the camp.

"Well get in then." Lacey said then before Brook could move, "No, wait right there." Lacey quickly got out of the car and came to where Brook was waiting for her.

"It may be a while before I can do this again." Lacey said as she took Brook into her arms and brought her in close.

"Oh god, I'm going to miss holding you like this." Lacey purred into

Brook's ear.

Brook pulled her head back and said, "Don't worry, it won't be long till we are back together again." Then she closed her eyes and Lacey came in and kissed her. It was a long slow kiss that seemed to go on forever but it did end. They hugged another minute more and then had one final kiss. They then turned and walked toward the entrance of the tunnel hand in hand.

When they got there they could see light coming in from the top of the tunnel and shortly thereafter and man came crawling through the hole.

"I've come you escort you ladies out of here." The man said.

"Okay, you lead and we'll follow." Lacey said as she squeezed Brook's hand and gave her a smile. She helped Brook up the rocks and when Brook hesitated about crawling through the hole that they had made in the rock, Lacey told her, "Don't worry baby, it's not going to fall in, I promise. And I'll be right behind you."

Brook smiled and she went on through. When Lacey came out of the hole, she saw that the whole area was lit up with search lights and there were people everywhere as well as TV cameras shooting. They were escorted down the rocks to where their families were waiting. She felt Brook being pulled away from her by a couple of men in suits to where a fashionably dressed middle aged couple was waiting for her. She on the other hand was over whelmed by her own family. Her mother hugged her tightly as her father gave her a kiss on the cheek. The rest of her family crowded around her all giving her hugs and kisses. She was then escorted into a waiting ambulance.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 2

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