Cave Boy Tales

By Dude Sweet

Published on Feb 9, 2003



I am 11 winters old. I share sleeping skins with my brother who is 9 winters old and my sister who is 5 winters old. We live with our mother and a new baby girl. Mother and a man named bear share sleeping skins with the baby. My pisser has begun to get hard like a bone almost all the time. While 3 other almost-man like me were out gathering nuts for evening meal I leaned about mounting your hand. I had seen the men mount the women after a hunt and had seen bear mount mother many nights. But when I learned about using my hand to mount my pissing bone was a very good thing. One almost man was also able to make seed come out of his pissing bone. I could not make seed come out but liked mounting my hand very much. The almost man who could make seed said that when we were able to make seed then we were to be allowed to go on the hunts with the men.

So I tried to make seed everyday and night by mounting my hand. I also showed my brother and many nights his hand would mount my pissing bone and my hand would mount his. I had some hair around my pisser but not as much as the men. My brother had none yet. If we were mounting are hands when there was work to be done one of the men or women would hit us in the head. Hard. But when the work was done they did not care. When a new almost boy got to go on a hunt with the men I was mad that I could not go. I was mad that I could not make seed. So I went off by myself the hole day and did no work and mounting my hand many times. When I returned the men were already back having had a good hunt and bear was angry that I had not done any work that day. He hit me many times and told me I was to leave in the morning and stay away until I had filled a very large skin with the nuts from the trees. It was a large skin and would take a handful of days and nights to fill. I did not refuse because I did not want to be hit more. When I left in the morning one of the almost man gave me his cutting stick to go along with mine so I would have more protection. I was told not to return until I had filled the large skin with nuts. I was told I had let the group down by not doing my share of work. So I left. The best nut tress were almost a full day away and when I got there I began to work as fast as I can. I worked until it was to dark to see and then I climbed into the tree to sleep. But I could not sleep. I was scared. I had never slept away from my bother and sister and mother. I wanted to be back with the group.

I stayed awake all night and went to work in the morning. I worked as fast as I could so that I could return as soon as I had filled the skin. It looked like it would be many nights. Before dark came one of the other almost mans came to me. He yelled before he came upon me so that I would know he was coming. He said the men had gone on a hunt and his mother had told him to come and help me. I was happy. We worked very hard until darkness came. Then we made the skins into a bed and got in together. I told him my hand would mount his dick to make him feel good. He said that he wanted my mouth to mount his dick. So I put his pissing bone in my mouth and mounted it as best as I could. He liked it very much. He did not yet make seed. Then he asked me if I wanted his mouth to mount my pissing bone.

And I did. It was a very hard bone then. I slept well.

In the morning we mounted mouths to pissing bones again. It was many times more fun than hand mounting. And we collected nuts. When we took a midday rest, we again mounted but with hands. And we collected nuts. And when darkness fell we mounted with mouths again. I was very happy to have learned this.

In the morning we mounted with mouths and worked. At midday we mounted hands. We finished work before darkness and had some time before total darkness and sleeping. He told me that when I could make seed I would be able to go with the men. I told him I had been trying for many moons but my bone did not make seed yet. He said he tried to many times. We mounted mouths and hands many times until we left in the morning. When we returned bear wanted to know why I had avoided work when I knew what my jobs was. I told him I was mounting my hand to make seed so I could go on hunts. He said can you make seed yet. I said no. He said when I could make seed I should tell him.

A moon later one of the new men was working with me. He had only been a man for a handful of moons. His name was falling log. I asked him about seed and when would I make seed. He said he did not know. He asked if I was using my hand. I said yes and also other almost mans hands and mouths. And my brothers. He asked if I had mounted any shitholes yet. I said no. He said he would lie with me and show me how it was done. So during midday break we went off together. He had me get down like the women do when the men mount them and he mounted me. It hurt my hole very much. He also mounted my bone with his hand while he was mounted my shithole. He pulled his bone out and showed me seed. I asked him if I would now be a women and have a baby he said no. He showed me how to mount his shithole and I did. It was more fun than being mounted.

I also mounted my brother many times at night. He did not want to mount me but like my mouth to mount him. One day when I was mounting him in his shithole I felt another even better feeling in my bone. When I pulled it out I saw seed. I woke up bear and told him I could make seed now. He hit me and told me to shut up and sleep. So I did. He woke me in the morning and told me to show him so I mounted my bone with my hand and when I made seed he said it was not enough. He said I needed to wait until the seed shot out of my bone like a spear.

When I asked many of the new men, they told me to keep trying and soon I would make my seed into a spear. Many also mounted my bone with the hands. I learned that the faster my hand went the better the seed feeling. Then one day I was mounting my hand at midday rest and my seed shot out. But bear was not around. When I saw him before sleeping I told him I could make seed into a spear. He told me not to mount my hand anymore that night and I could show him in the morning. I had a bone all night but did not mount it.

I must have finally fell asleep because bear woke me in the morning. He took me with a handful of other men for me to show them. I went very fast and the seed shot out. They all cheered me and welcomed me into the man group. My name became fast hands. From then on I was able to hunt and be a man in the group.

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