Caught My College Roommate

By Randy Peters

Published on Jan 13, 2016


As of January 2016, this work is authorized for display only on the story archive. It should not be republished or redistributed anywhere else.

This story contains male nudity and consensual sexual acts between two adult males. If you do not wish to read about such content, or if it is illegal where you are, stop reading now.

Though this story contains some real elements, the acts and characters within are completely fictional and any similarities to real people or events are purely coincidental.

Please read the previous parts if you haven't already! :)

Caught My College Roommate (Part 8)

I woke up in the morning, stretched my arms and yawned. I felt something in front of me... and behind! It seems Kevin and I both had a bad case of morning wood. I groggily reached back and wrapped my hand around his stiff cock and I heard him moan from behind me. "Hey... what are you doing there?"

I turned my head slightly toward him. "I felt something poking me and I thought I'd do something about it." I squeezed again and felt him twitch in my hand. "Do you have a problem with that?"

He reached his arm around me and grabbed my cock, giving it a squeeze and making me moan just like him. "Not if you want me to do the same to yours!" He smirked at me and I smiled back. I turned around so we could better reach our rock tools and we started stroking each other, moaning as our hands moved back and forth, starting to fill the room with the smell of sex, sweat and testosterone.

Kevin used his other arm to pull my head toward him, and we started kissing sensually. I felt his tongue push into my mouth to wrestle with mine, and I fought back as the pace of our stroking quickened. I felt his cock grow bigger and twitch as I stroked him, and it was wet with precum. I rubbed it all over his head with my thumb and he grunted into the kiss. He pulled my head tighter against his, and we moaned and writhed as we made out, our rods starting to pulse in excitement and pleasure.

My head grew hazy as the feelings inside me built up, and I suddenly felt a twinge of pleasure somewhere other than my cock. It took me by surprise and sent a wave through my body that took me over the edge. I leaned my head back and screamed out as my hot cum shot from my cock all over Kevin's stomach and chest, coating him and dripping down in the channel between his chiseled abs. As soon as my orgasm began to settle, I felt his cock pulse in my hand and his jizz splattered my chin and chest, and as his jets weakened they hit my stomach and eventually dribbled on my hand. As soon as his rod stopped throbbing, I lifted my hand up and rubbed the cum off my chin, then brought it to my mouth and licked it clean. I moaned and smiled at Kevin, and he did the same with my cum that had hit his chest and smiled back. "Good morning, roomie."

"What did you do at the end, right before I shot? I felt something but my mind was so foggy from the pleasure that I felt something really good but I couldn't tell where it was."

"I just pinched your nipple a little." He did it again and I shrieked and it got hard and stuck straight out. It also caused my cock to stir again. "I guess you really like it!"

"I do... I never knew it could make me feel like that. Do you like yours to be touched?"

"Yeah, I don't get quite the reaction you did, but it feels good. You should try it next time!"

"I'll remember that!" I rested my head on his chest and he hugged me. "Thanks for the wake-up call!" I pecked his lips and sighed in happiness. He rubbed my shoulders and held me for a couple minutes as we reveled in the afterglow.

"Hey, I'm going to go get a shower. Do you want to take one now?"

"Sure, I love having your cum all over me but if we're going to go out..." I smirked and he smirked back, then we grabbed our towels and walked to the shower. It was nice having our own shower in the suite so we didn't have to walk down the halls in our towels and worry about other people seeing us... or us seeing them! Though, honestly, I had seen a few guys in the halls that I would have liked to get better looks at with fewer clothes on.

As much as we would have enjoyed showering together, the stalls were a bit too tiny for more than one person. If we were just rinsing off it might have been fine, but to actually get clean you needed to be by yourself. We were both pretty quick, within about 5 minutes we had finished and we got out. We stared at each other for a moment, both wet, glistening and dripping, and we smiled before grabbing our towels and drying off. I could see his cock perking back up and it caused mine to stir as well. I snickered and he gently whipped me with his towel. "No, we just got clean! Besides, I'm starving!"

"Hah, me too. Don't worry, I wasn't planning on going for another round just yet. But..." I reached down and grabbed his junk and gave his half-stiff rod a stroke. "That doesn't mean I can't tease you!" I quickly ran out and heard him yelling at me, but I started laughing and dashed into the bedroom. I got my jeans and threw them on quickly, and he rounded the corner just as I managed to get them zipped and buttoned.

"I'll get you for that later, jerk!" He smirked and I laughed a little more, then we both got dressed and decided to head back to the cafeteria to grab some delicious breakfast. As they walked, Kevin patted my back. "Hey, I know you wanted to start getting into better shape. I figure now is as good a time as any, we can go to the gym together and I'll show you the ropes before we get busy with classes. What do you think?"

I smiled at him and nodded in agreement. "I think that would be great! There's one problem, though."

"What's that?"

"I don't really have anything to wear to work out. I basically have jeans and cargo shorts."

"That's alright, I have plenty and I'm sure some of mine will fit you. I like having them loose, so I get them a little bigger and tie them tight so they don't fall down."

"Cool, thanks! I guess you could say I've found yet another way to get into your pants!"

Kevin punched my arm lightly and glared at me. "Smart ass! I know where you sleep, remember that!"

"I know, you sleep there too!" We chuckled and talked into the cafeteria, swiped our cards at the front, and grabbed trays. Since we were going to be working out I wanted to keep it light, so I got some egg whites, toast, and fruit. Kevin went a little heavier and got a breakfast sandwich and a waffle. "Isn't that going to make it hard for you to work out?"

"Nah, not really. I work pretty hard, so I've had to learn how to eat enough to keep up with the calories my routine burns. Besides, I want to be fit, but I also want to enjoy life. What harm will a waffle or donut every so often do?"

"I guess that makes sense. Do you think I should get something else?"

"You should be fine. Especially when you're first starting out, it's better to do the workout first, get used to it, and load up on the calories later if you need to balance things out. You want to be able to focus on the routine and not worry about what's going on in your stomach!"

"Alright. Let's go find a table." We headed toward the back where it was a little less crowded and I noticed Hank sitting by himself. "Hey, there's Hank. Do you want to sit with him?"

"Sure, I'd be cool with that." We headed over and Kevin motioned with his tray as he approached. "Hey, man, these seats open?"

"Oh, hey, how are you guys? Sure thing, have a seat!" He waved and we placed our trays down and pulled out our chairs. "It's good to see you!"

"Good to see you too, Hank! Josh and I were talking about you last night, actually."

"Is that so? Only good things, I hope!"

Kevin snickered and smirked at Hank and I felt my face flush. "Very good things I assure you!"

I was a little surprised when Hank smirked back at Kevin, but I guess I shouldn't have been. He did seem pretty open when we talked at the gaming meet. "Well I hope I can validate what he told you! Maybe we can hang out a bit later today. I have some stuff to take care of this morning, but I'm free after lunch if you guys are up for it."

Kevin looked at me with a wide grin. "What do you think, Josh?"

I cleared my throat and looked back at Hank. "Y-yeah, that sounds great!"

Hank stifled a chuckle and just smiled. "Cool, we can meet at my place if you want to see it, or yours if you'd rather. You're in one of the dorms, right?"

"Yeah... we're in Davidson Hall."

"Suites, nice! You have a room together, then?"

Kevin perked up. "A whole suite, actually, but we're still staying in the same room. We figure if they place anyone else in there we'd rather have each other as roommates and there's no sense in keeping our stuff separate and having to move it later."

"Makes sense! Well, since that's the case, maybe I should just come over there. What do you think?"

"Sure, we're in 311. After 2 sound good?"

"Yeah, sounds like a plan. I'll see you then! I actually have to get going, so have a good morning."

"See you this afternoon!" Kevin waved and I sat there in a daze until he nudged me with his elbow, and I waved too. Hank chuckled as he got up and took his tray and headed for the exit.

"What... what just happened?"

"I think we made ourselves a date, roomie!" He rubbed my thigh and I blushed a little. "You're okay with that, right?"

"Yeah... yeah, just a little surprised. I mean, after yesterday..."

"Hey, Hank is a nice guy and he's probably just coming over to hang out. If something happens, it'll happen, and we shouldn't be weird about it. But if he just wants to be our friend, there's no reason to keep that from happening."

I nodded and held his hand. "Yeah, I guess you're right." I finished my food and sat there while Kevin ate the rest of his. I must have zoned out again because he started shaking me when he was done.

"Josh, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I guess this is all moving pretty quickly for me. I thought I would be ready for stuff like this, but I don't think I am."

He rubbed my shoulder gently. "Don't stress over it, man. Sometimes you just have to roll with it. You're getting in your own head and over-analyzing. You need to take a breath and let it happen. You'll be fine."

I looked at him and sighed. "Yeah, I guess I tend to do that. You're right. I'll be fine. Let's get back to the room so we can find an outfit for me to wear when we go work out."

"We'll find one, alright. I'll make sure you look really cute in it!" He winked and I blushed bright red. I wasn't sure if he was kidding or if he was actually going to pick the one I looked cutest in. I also wasn't sure which I wanted to be true!

"Well, come on. If we're going to work out before Hank comes over, we'd better get back. Besides, I'll need some time to model for you so we pick out the best outfit!" I winked back at Kevin and he smiled.

"See, you need to do that more often."

"What's that?"

"Well, first, take compliments and not get all blushy and reserved. You seem to do that whenever you meet someone and they say you look good or whatever. Second, play along. I don't know if you really want to model for me, but it's fun when you go with it!"

"Oh, well, I guess I do tend to be a little shy when I don't know people, and I never really joked around with people like that, so I guess it'll take me some getting used to. You'll let me know when I'm being weird or something, right?"

"Of course, roomie! Now let's get back and I'll show you what I have!"

We walked back to the room and Kevin dug through some of his things. He pulled out a stack of shorts and shirts and stuck them on the bed. "Wow, you have a lot of workout clothes!"

"Yeah, I need a bunch or else I'd be washing them all the time! They all pretty much go together, so you can just pick a top and a bottom you like separately. I'll tell you if they really don't work, but you should be fine, I mix and match all the time.

"Alright. Let's see." I quickly stripped and picked up the first pair of shorts on the stack. As I was putting them on I turned around and wiggled my ass at Kevin.

"Hey, stop that!" He gave me a little swat. "We're here to pick out clothes, not get my cock going!"

I chuckled and pulled the shorts up. "Well, if you're looking for an outfit that makes me look cute, that'll probably happen anyway, won't it?"

"Hah, yeah, I guess you're right!" I spun around slowly to show Kevin. "Hmm, it's alright, but I think you could do better. How do they feel?"

"They're ok, maybe a little too loose."

"Shorts you probably don't need to worry about being too tight, but the shirt should have a little give, so keep that in mind. You'll be moving your upper body around a lot more vigorously for most exercises than your lower body, and even then, what's covering your ass and thighs usually won't get in the way."

I took that pair off and grabbed the next one. As I pulled them up I realized they felt a lot smoother against my body, and a lot tighter. Not too tight to be uncomfortable though. "Ooh, I like these." I spun around again and rubbed my hands across my butt and thighs.

"Wow, yeah, they look good on you. They really show off your body."

I blushed a little. "Is that good?"

"Yeah, definitely. Don't you want to make the other guys jealous?"

I blushed more and hid my face. "Oh, God..."

"Hey, it's good! You'll want to show off more and more as you get more fit. Trust me."

"A...alright, if you say so." I grabbed one of the shirts from the stack and put it on. It felt really tight and I actually had a little trouble breathing. "This... won't work."

"Nah, way too tight for you. That must be one of my newer shirts. Here, try this one." He threw me another one, made of a similar fabric to the shorts. I took the other one off and tried it on, and it felt just as amazing as the shorts, but had a little give so I could move around easily. The fabric made it lay really close around my body when I wasn't moving, so it still had a good amount of show.

"What do you think? I like it!"

"Yeah, you look really cute, roomie! It lays well on you. I like it too!"

"Aww, thanks, roomie. Now you get dressed!"

Kevin stripped and grabbed a set of clothes from the pile. "You're wearing one of my favorites, but this is another." He put them on and I could see why he liked them. They accentuated every part of his body. His arms bulged against the sleeves, his pecs and abs were showing through the front, and the shorts, they really made his butt pop out. You could even see his soft cock laying against his thigh through the fabric.

"Kevin..." I moved toward him and rubbed his cock through the fabric. "You're showing, a lot."

"I want to make the guys jealous, too. Is that alright with you?"

"As long as the guys at the gym know you're mine and I'm yours. We'll make them all jealous together! I know we're not a couple or anything, but I just don't want one of them stealing my workout buddy!"

"Deal. I promise I'll never gym-cheat on you."

"Now let's shake on it!"

I reached into his shorts, grabbed his cock, and shook it. He chuckled and did the same. We both got a little stiff, but since we wanted to get to the gym we pulled our hands out and grabbed our things.

"I like the way we shake! Alright, we need to get out of here if we're going to actually work out before we meet up with Hank."

"Sounds good. Let's go!"

I was finally about to see Kevin in action in the place where he felt most comfortable. Outside the bedroom, that is.

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Next: Chapter 9

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