Caught My College Roommate

By Randy Peters

Published on Jan 1, 2016


As of January 2016, this work is authorized for display only on the story archive. It should not be republished or redistributed anywhere else.

This story contains male nudity and consensual sexual acts between two adult males. If you do not wish to read about such content, or if it is illegal where you are, stop reading now.

Though this story contains some real elements, the acts and characters within are completely fictional and any similarities to real people or events are purely coincidental.

Please read the previous parts if you haven't already! :)

Caught My College Roommate (Part 7)

I looked at Kevin and rubbed his chest. "Are you sure you're alright with us doing things with other people? I mean, I really like you."

He took my hand and squeezed it. "I really like you, too. But we're both pretty inexperienced and there's a lot out there. As much as I'd like to call us boyfriends and leave it at that, we're young and getting tied up so early probably won't end well. If it's meant to be, we'll come out of college and decide that's what we want. Maybe it'll be sooner, or later, but it'll happen. Until then, let's just have fun, whether it's with each other or someone else."

I nodded and gave him a sweet kiss. "Alright, but you have to promise me one thing. And I'll promise the same."

He looked at me. "What's that?"

"You have to tell me when you do something. You don't have to go into any sort of detail, but I want to know. You can even keep the person secret. And if I do anything, I'll tell you."

He rubbed my head. "If that's what you want, I'm OK with that. I think we could get a lot out of the specifics, though. Maybe one of us will try something that the other would never have thought of doing! It could be a lot of fun to share the whole story!"

"I didn't think of that. OK, if that's what you want, we can do that! Maybe we can even try those things again with each other!"

"Yeah, I'd like that! And, just so you know, I want us to be pretty even. If I do something to you, I want you to feel free to do it to me. So, what we did last night, where I was fingering you, and you sucked me off... if you want me to suck you off while you finger me, just ask and we can do it!"

I nodded and ran my hand down his chest and stomach, feeling his muscles, before slipping it on his crotch and giving his big bulge a squeeze. "Sounds good to me, roomie!"

He moaned a little and I felt him stiffen a bit in my grip. "Hey, who said you could do that?"

I pulled my hand away. "Well, if you don't want me to..."

He pushed it back down. "I didn't tell you to stop!" He winked at me and I took that as a signal to keep rubbing and squeezing. I let him moan and squirm and grow to full size and hardness, then after a couple more good squeezes, I pulled my hand away and kissed him.

After a few seconds I broke the kiss and rested my head on his chest. "You can blow me after we take care of a few school related things and maybe grab some grub. Deal?"

He kissed my head and rubbed my arm. "Deal! Now let's get to it!"

The first thing we needed to do was get our school ID cards. We were able to use our ID numbers to get things before we got them, like using our meal plan, but it was a pain and we needed them to get into some of our classes anyway. I forgot we needed to take a picture for them, so I scrambled to make myself presentable. I'm not sure why, since the picture was so grainy and dark that it barely looked like anything, especially not like me. When we were done with that, we headed to the academic building to pick up our final class schedules. We needed to make sure we'd be going to the right places after the weekend, and the ones we had gotten in the mail were only preliminary and might have changed. The one they gave us there also had the buildings and room numbers. I only had one class that had changed, a lab that was originally show on Tuesdays but moved to Thursdays. Kevin, on the other hand, had a completely different schedule.

"Aww, man, what's this? Almost everything changed! The classes are all the same, but the times are all whacked out! This one... 8AM on Monday, Wednesday and Friday? That was supposed to be 2PM! And this one is a night class! How am I supposed to keep track of all this? How am I supposed to get any sleep?"

"It's our first semester of freshman year, how bad could it be? Besides, there has to be a way to change things if the first week or two really kick your butt. Maybe you should check before we leave."

"That's alright, I can look online or call them later. It probably won't be that bad. I was just hoping I'd have a schedule similar to yours so we could spend more time together."

"We're roommates, we'll spend plenty of time together! Besides, there are these things called weekends, where you don't have class and you can do whatever you want!"

He smiled a little. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Come on, let's go get some food. We should try one of the deli places on campus, they're supposed to have some good stuff, like pizza and chicken."

"Alright, do you have the map or something? Or, wait, is that one right there?" I pointed across the street at a sign that said "Corner Kitchen" and had the school logo on it.

"Yeah, I think I remember seeing that in the materials. We can check it out." He took my hand and we walked across the street. I smiled and gave his a squeeze and he smiled back at me. We headed into the building and walked up to the counter. It was a nice, cozy area, with a few tables to eat.

We looked at the menu and picked out a few things. I got a personal pepperoni pizza and Kevin got fried chicken with mac & cheese. We sat down and in a few minutes they brough it out, nice and hot. "Man, I wish I ordered that, it looks good!"

"So does your pizza! Want to trade bites?"

"Sure!" I cut off a little piece of the pizza and handed it to Kevin, and he took a piece of chicken and a little mac & cheese and put it on my plate. We tasted and smiled and finished our meals then got up and went back out.

"Do we need to do anything else?"

"I don't think so, can you think of anything?"

"Nah, let's just get back to the room. We can relax and hang out."

"And do other things!" I winked at him and he chuckled. We walked back and chatted a bit about silly things like what we thought our professors and classes would be like and whether we'd meet anyone cool in them. We got into the hall and walked up to the room and went straight to the bedroom. I was joking a little about the other things, but I must have gotten Kevin going by playing with his crotch earlier. He pushed me up against the wall and started kissing me and putting his hands under my shirt. He pulled away just long enough to get my shirt over my head, then proceeded to lock lips while moving his hands down to my pants.

I reached over and ran my hands under his shirt, feeling his muscles as he worked to get my pants down to my ankles. I moved up and played with his nipples and he moaned into the kiss, and I felt them stiffen in excitement. I pushed him back so I could lift his shirt off, then I pushed him onto the bed and climbed on top of him. I kissed him while I unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down, and he kicked them off the rest of the way, allowing his cock to stick up freely and slap against my stomach. My own cock was still restrained by my underwear, but Kevin quickly saw to that and pulled them down, making my tool snap out and smack his. He grunted and I moaned as it happened, and I pressed my body tightly against his and felt them glide against each other.

Kevin broke the kiss and flipped us over so I was on my back and he was on top of me. "Josh, I want to suck you so bad."

"I want you to, Kevin. Please!"

He turned around and stuck his ass right in front of my face, his long, hard cock bobbing under him and rubbing against my chest, and he slowly lowered his face until his lips were touching my cock. He kissed it and licked until the whole thing was covered in his saliva, and I shuddered and moaned with each motion his mouth and tongue made against it. Eventually he wrapped his lips around my cockhead and I twitched in pleasure. "That feels so good! Please don't stop!"

I took my finger and stuck it into my mouth, getting it nice and slick, as I felt Kevin's head bobbing on my throbbing tool. I moaned as I guided my finger to his hole and I rubbed it, I heard him grunt and groan and as I slipped it into his tight ring I felt him twitch and heard him moan loudly into my cock. I slowly stretched him and worked my finger deeper and heard him squeal in pleasure. I started to fuck him with my finger and I felt him twitch as I thrusted it in. Suddenly his cock started twitching and leaking a sticky clear substance and I knew I was making him feel good. He more vigorously sucked my cock and I threw my head back and screamed in pleasure as I continued to plunge my finger inside him, pushing harder and deeper, as I felt his huge tool slapping and rubbing against my chest, leaving streaks of his pre on it and throbbing in pleasure and excitement.

In what seemed simultaneously like forever and no time at all, I felt my body tensing up and Kevin's hole tightening around my finger, and I knew we were both close to emptying our full balls. "Kevin... I'm close!" I heard him grunt in acknowledgement and I wanted to make him feel really good so I started to stretch him more and slipped a second finger into his tight ass. He screamed into my cock and I worked it in as far as the first finger was and started to fuck him again, just as hard and fast as I was, now with both fingers knuckle deep inside him. He moaned in pleasure and started to pant heavily and make loud, animalistic noises, and I knew he was about to blow. After a few more hard, deep thrusts, I felt his cock start to twitch and his hot, white cream spewed all down my chest and stomach. It even went as far as to hit his chin as he swallowed my cock down. I felt it hit the back of his throat and with that I went over the edge and my own salty, hot seed started to flood his mouth and I felt him swallow each and every spurt. I must have given him six or seven strong shots before I felt my orgasm subside, then they turned to small spasms as my body started to relax.

Once our orgasms stopped, Kevin waited a few seconds, gave one last lick to get all of my cum, making me shudder in pleasure, then pulled his head up and turned around, putting his face right next to mine. He wrapped his arms around me and pressed his lips against mine, and I obliged by giving him a deep kiss. I could still taste some of my seed, and I broke it for a second so I could lick a bit of his from his chin, and when our lips reconnected it was like fireworks, both of our cum mixing in our mouths as our tongues swirled around and we moaned together.

"Kevin, that was amazing... almost as amazing as last night!"

"I think that was more amazing, Josh. I haven't done much with my butt, and I've never felt anything like that! You really hit the right spot! Thank you!"

I blushed and rubbed his chest, still sticky with cum and glistening in sweat. "Thank you, roomie. That felt really good. Maybe next time, though, you could stick your finger in me while you suck me. I think that would feel even better! If that's even possible!"

"Definitely, buddy." He pulled me close and rubbed my back. "Anything for my roomie."

We stayed there, embracing each other, for a few minutes before we decided to get ready for bed. Not wanting to spend any time apart that night, we decided to sleep together again, naked, spooning so his big, yet soft, cock was nestled right between my cheeks, and his arms held me tight. I never felt so safe and comfortable as when I was with Kevin, and I was hoping he felt the same about me.

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Next: Chapter 8

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