Caught My College Roommate

By Randy Peters

Published on Dec 17, 2015


As of December 2015, this work is authorized for display only on the story archive. It should not be republished or redistributed anywhere else.

This story contains male nudity and consensual sexual acts between two adult males. If you do not wish to read about such content, or if it is illegal where you are, stop reading now.

Though this story contains some real elements, the acts and characters within are completely fictional and any similarities to real people or events are purely coincidental.

Please read the previous parts if you haven't already! :)

Caught My College Roommate (Part 6)

I walked back to the lounge with Hank and we found a corner away from the noise so we could talk without screaming at each other. I saw Kevin having fun with the other people in the group, so I figured he would be alright for a while.

"So, um... you're really big, and you look pretty strong. How did you get to look like that?" I blushed and looked shyly at Hank, unsure of what he would think of the question. Fortunately, he just let out a chuckle and explained.

"Well it didn't happen overnight, that's for sure! I've always been a big guy, really. When I was younger I was more on the chubby side, but as I got toward high school I started lifting weights and really got into sports. I played baseball my first couple years, and eventually I got too big and slow to be very good and switched to football. That's when I really started bulking up! I don't know if it was just all the practicing and lifting, or if my hormones started raging and contributed, but I got really pumped my senior year. I'm pretty sure my arms alone doubled in size!"

"Wow... that's amazing!" I looked at my flabby self and over at Kevin, and I realized that if other people could get into shape, so could I. I wasn't exactly overweight but you could tell I had almost no muscle on me, and with Kevin's help, and maybe Hank's, I wanted to change that. "I was planning to start working out with Kevin, since he's my roommate, but I doubt he'll be around all the time. Would you maybe want to help me out sometimes?"

"Hell yeah! I'm just going to warn you, I go pretty hard and if you want to work with me I'm going to push you!"

"Kevin said he would make me work hard, so I think either way I'm going to have to get used to that!" I smiled a little and he smiled back. "I just don't really know anything about lifting and I'm scared to do it alone. That's why I look like this."

He reached over and rubbed my arm. "What, cute? Because you are!"

I blushed bright red and looked away. "I... I'm not!"

He chuckled again and leaned back. "I'm sorry, bud, I didn't meen to embarrass you! But you are cute!"

I shook my head and put my head down, trying to hide it. "I... I guess, Kevin seems to think so too..."

"Does he now?" He smirked and looked over at Kevin. "I guess you two really hit it off, huh? That's good! Most roommates turn out to be horrible!"

I looked back up at Hank. "Did you have a bad time with your roommates?"

He chuckled and pointed at me. "You're a lucky guy! Let me tell you, about 90% of the people I've talked to have bad roommate experiences, especially the first one. People are just getting into college, they don't exactly know what they want and they're in that stage where they're really changing and are scared about what's going to happen. A lot of people clash right at the start and it doesn't get any better. Sometimes you meet someone early on that you click with and you can switch rooms, but a lot of the time you're just stuck in that crappy situation. My first roommate was like that, he always wanted to listen to loud music and leave the lights on while I was trying to sleep. He ended up moving in with his girlfriend halfway through the year and I got the room to myself, so that was good, but the first semester was the dumps!"

"Man, I'm sorry to hear that." I shifted around, trying to get comfortable. "What about last year?"

"That wasn't nearly as bad. I had met a few guys in my classes and we rented a house. Still there today, actually! We're planning on keeping it until we graduate. Well, most of us." He sighed heavily. "There are four of us in the place, but one is transferring back home to be near his family after this year and another is graduating, so there would only be two of us left. We really can't afford the rent if they both leave and we can't replace them, so we might have to give it up if we don't find anyone."

I perked up a little bit. "Well, it's pretty early, but if things go well maybe I can move in, and Kevin too! I think that would be fun!"

"Haha, we'll have to see, buddy. You have your entire freshman year ahead of you! Maybe at the end you won't want to share your space with anyone but Kevin!" He winked and I blushed again.

"Yeah, I guess I should wait and see what happens before I make plans for next year." I sighed and hid my face again. "It was dumb to mention it."

He got up and moved next to me. He placed his hand on my knee and rubbed. "Don't think that, man! You got excited." He slowly and gently moved his hand to my crotch where he must have felt my hard cock, then he moved it back to my leg. "It happens to everyone now and then!"

I looked at his face, then down at his crotch, where I saw a noticeable bulge. I was surprised, but I guess I shouldn't have been. It was pretty obvious he liked me. "Yeah... yeah, I guess it does." I cracked a smile and rubbed his hand, then I got up. "We've been here a while, I should probably get Kevin and get going. It was nice talking to you, Hank."

He smiled and handed me a card. "Here, buddy, in case you ever need anything. It has my email and cell number on it. Don't hesitate to drop me a line!"

I took it and stuck it in my pocket. "Thanks. I'm sure I'll see you around. I think we'll have a lot of fun with the group, I don't see any reason why we wouldn't be back!"

He got up and headed over to the group with me. "Good! You won't regret it!"

We got over to the other side of the room and I waved at Kevin. "Hey, roomie, we should get going."

He finished up the game he was playing and got up. "Thanks for letting us join you guys! It was a blast!" He walked toward me and patted my back. "Let's go, roomie!"

I walked out of the room with him and we went straight to the exit. "I think I want to go back to the room for a bit, Kevin." I quickened our pace, wanting to get there as quickly as possible. I enjoyed talking to Hank, but I felt bad about looking at his cock and the feelings I experienced when I was with him, especially after what Kevin and I had done since I met him. He tried to talk to me but I brushed him off, and I didn't say anything to anyone when we entered the dorm. We went up to the room and I headed straight to the bedroom and curled up in my bed.

"Hey, buddy, what's wrong?" Kevin came on to the bed on his side, rubbing my shoulder. "Talk to me, Josh. You haven't seemed right since we left the group. What's going on?"

I mumbled a little and he asked me to repeat what I said. "I saw Hank's penis."

"You what?"

I turned around and looked up at him, tears welling in my eyes. "I was going to the bathroom and when I went up to the urinals, I saw Hank there, and I looked over and saw it. There was nothing between us."

"You mean you just saw it for a second when you were going and your head turned toward it? That's nothing to be worried about!"

"I... I looked longer. I asked him about it. Well, he asked me because he noticed, and I said I never saw one like that before, and he said he was uncut."

"So you were staring at it?" He got up and I heard him walk across the room and breathe out. "You glanced but then you kept looking after you saw it?"

"Y...yeah, yeah I did, I didn't mean to, I just..." I turned my head back to the wall and started crying.

"Josh..." He sat back down on the bed, facing outward. "I guess... I'm upset but I probably shouldn't be. We're just roommates, until we decide we're something else, but I thought you liked me. I like you."

I wiped the tears from my eyes and turned back toward him. "I do like you! I just... I haven't been with anyone and I saw Hank and he was different and I guess... I want to see different things so I know what I like and I have different experiences. But... I don't want to mess up my chances with you. You're really nice and you make me feel safe and comfortable."

Kevin turned around and looked at me. "I don't know how to feel, Josh, I really don't. I understand, though. I may seem like I'm comfortable with everything, but that's because you make me feel that way. I feel like I can be real with you, I can be with you and not put on a mask. You came to me and you were shy, unsure of yourself, and even though I was too I felt like I could help you come out of your shell while letting myself be a little more confident. But now..." He sighed and put his hand on my shoulder. "Did I make you feel more open, like you could approach other people?"

I shook my head. "I was embarrassed at what I did, but Hank was nice, like you were. He didn't make me feel bad for looking, he wanted to help me learn about things I didn't understand. It felt a lot like when you showed me things I had never experienced, it was different because it wasn't you, but he didn't make me feel stupid for not knowing about things. I was wrapped up in the moment and I felt really bad after I realized what happened, which is why I wanted to leave."

Kevin moved so he was lying next to me and he wrapped his arms around me. "I'm sorry, Josh. I don't want you to feel bad. I'm upset, but I don't know what I would have done in your situation. To be honest, I've seen uncut cocks in some porn, but never in real life, so I might have looked a little too long myself. And since neither of us have really had much experience, maybe we shouldn't worry about it right now. We have all of our college lives ahead of us, and I would hate for us to miss out on something because we're worried about what the other will think." He kissed my cheek and wiped the wetness from my face. "I want us to be friends, or even more, but I don't want us to control each other, and I don't want us to be afraid of doing things with other people, unless we decide, together, that we want to be boyfriends and devote ourselves to each other. Since we just met, I think it's a bit soon for that, but I would really like that one day."

I pulled him close and gave him a big hug. "I like that idea, Kevin. I really like you and I think I would like being all yours one day. I think it will be good for us to experience things on our own for a while, though, before we commit to a relationship or something. Thank you for understanding and not being mad."

He squeezed me and I heard him sniffle a little. Was he crying, too? "I don't think I could ever be mad at you, Josh. I'm glad you told me about this. I'm still not happy about it, but I would rather it be out in the open than hidden away."

I rubbed his back and we just stayed there for a while, being comforted in each other's arms.

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Next: Chapter 7

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