Caught My College Roommate

By Randy Peters

Published on Dec 6, 2015


As of December 2015, this work is authorized for display only on the story archive. It should not be republished or redistributed anywhere else.

This story contains male nudity and consensual sexual acts between two adult males. If you do not wish to read about such content, or if it is illegal where you are, stop reading now.

Though this story contains some real elements, the acts and characters within are completely fictional and any similarities to real people or events are purely coincidental.

Please read the previous parts if you haven't already! :)

Caught My College Roommate (Part 5)

Kevin and I finished getting dressed and grabbed our stuff, then we headed out of our room and down to the dorm lobby. It was almost afternoon, but we weren't hungry after the big breakfast we had. I didn't mind, it would give us a chance to find out what was around before we grabbed lunch, or dinner, whichever we felt like having.

In the lobby they had some flyers about stuff happening around campus while students were moving in, an while there was a lot going on, not too much of it sounded interesting. I didn't want to do any sports stuff, and I didn't feel like doing the academically related stuff since we would be starting classes the next week. "Hey, they have some games set up in one of the lounges. Do you want to head there and check it out?"

"Yeah, that sounds like fun! We'd better be on the same team if there are any team games, though. It'd be a shame if I kicked your butt with some other dude!"

"I could say the same! Of course we could make our own game out of it!"

Kevin grinned and rubbed my shoulder. "What kind of game are you thinking?"

"Whoever wins gets something. Like we have to bring the other person breakfast in bed, or we have to do the other person's homework for the first week."

"Hmm... what if it was something sexy?"

"Sexy... like what?" I looked at him, curious exactly what kind of sexy bet he might want to make.

"Well, I know you're still pretty new to a lot of sexual stuff, but that doesn't mean we can't make it fun to break you in. I was thinking that whoever wins could make the other person do themself up like a sexy sundae. Chocolate syrup, whipped cream, cherries, the whole deal. And then the winner can lick it off!"

I sputtered out a laugh and rubbed his arm. "That sounds super silly!" Secretly, though, I was pretty turned on. I imagined seeing his nipples circled by whipped cream, chocolate dripping down his cock and balls, and a cherry sitting in his belly button. I felt my pants twitch as I got excited.

"Yeah, it is, but it's fun and it would give us something to do to ease you into things and get more comfortable with me. And we'll get a tasty snack out of it too!" He snickered and I smiled at him.

"Well, I still think it's silly, but we could try it if you really wanted to. That is, if you really want to be on someone else's team. We could just do that anyway, you know, for fun!"

"Hmm, I think I like that idea better."

"And we both do it! Not just one of us! Though, obviously, one at a time, or it would get really messy!"

"Ha, yeah, of course!" He playfully licked my face and I swatted at him.

"Ahh! Sneaky!"

"Sorry, you just looked like you tasted good! And I was right!"

I blushed and pushed him a little and he smiled at me. "You're such a goof. I like it though!"

"Good! Because I'm not changing, no matter how much I like you!" We smiled at each other and rounded the corner. We saw the building about halfway down the block and we crossed the street so we would be on the right side. It was a big brick building, decorated with concrete moulding on the corners and along the sidewalk and roof. It was crammed between two newer looking buildings that must have been built recently in the spaces between the older ones. They looked odd, but the campus was a bit of a hodgepodge anyway, so it wasn't too out of place. We approached the building and went in.

We looked around at the big, open space, and the statues and paintings all around. We didn't know what many of them were, but they were impressive. Spiraling staircases led up and down from the main floor and a big chandelier hung from the ceiling, lighting up the entire space. I unconsiously grabbed Kevin's hand as I looked up and all over, taking it all in. "Wow..."

He squeezed my hand and I looked over at him. "Pretty nice, isn't it?" He smiled and I nodded. Still holding hands, we looked around for where we were going, and we finally saw the sign pointing to the lounge. We walked together down a short hallway and around the corner. We heard the noises of the games and laughter of the people playing and we walked into the lounge.

There weren't many people there, but they all semeed to be having fun. One guy was standing near a table and he saw us come in and motioned us over. "Hey! Welcome, guys! Are you here to play some games?"

"We sure are!" Kevin patted my back and smiled at me, then back at the guy. "My roomie and I are freshmen and we're looking forward to getting to know some people around the school!"

"Well there's not a better place to come! We're a fun group of people and we welcome everybody to join us. We're actually an official student club, so we get a budget and everything! It lets us buy a bunch of games every year and it's been getting bigger as we've been growing, so it's great!" He extended his hand toward us. "I'm Hank, by the way."

Hank's hand was huge, much like the rest of him. He was burly, beefy guy, built like a football player, probably around 6 and a half feet tall, with broad arms and a tank-like build. When he shook our hands he gripped firmly, so much that I couldn't pull back if I wanted! He had a full, dark beard and I could see his muscles moving under his shirt, rippling the fabric as his arms shifted. I felt tiny compared to him! "H...hi, I'm Josh."

"Nice to meet you, Josh!" He shook enthusiastically, then moved his hand toward Kevin.

"I'm Kevin. Nice to meet you! Are you in charge of the club, then?"

"Yeah, I am. We generally have 'official' meetings once a month, but every so often we'll put together an impromptu gathering at someone's house or some other space on campus. Sometimes we'll play video games, sometimes board games, and sometimes we'll be creative and do something bigger like a scavenger hunt or a sponsored trivia contest somewhere. A lot of it is about the company, though, rather than the games. But it doesn't hurt to have something fun to do while we hang out!"

"Definitely! Well, I'd definitely be interested in being a part of the club. What do you think, Josh?"

"Y...yeah, that'd be fun!" I smiled, but my mind was wandering to Hank. I loved the way Kevin looked, but Hank was bigger than any guy I had ever seen in person, and I really wanted to see what he looked like under the shirt. And, honestly, other places, too.

"Great! You can sign up for the club email here. We're pretty loosely organized, other than the board, and we usually have elections around April for the next year. If you like it enough, maybe you guys can run!"

"We'll see. We have to figure out our classes and our way around campus, first! We'll be pretty useless for at least a few weeks, I'm sure!"

"Yeah, I understand. Well, if you need anything, let me know. I'm a junior so I know the place pretty well, and I can help you find buildings or things to do if you have some time between class and studying!"

"Awesome! Well, why don't we play some games?"

I went with Kevin over to the couch where they were playing some video game. It was racing, one I had never seen before, but everyone seemed to be having fun with it. Two people were playing at once against each other, and I couldn't tell who was winning but it seemed like they were pretty close. After a couple minutes the race was over, and the girl on the left threw her arms up and the guy on the right dropped his head, giving me the answer I was looking for.

It seemed like there was a line to play, so we went over to a table where some people were playing with cards. they waved us over and we sat down to play. They were doing some just-for-fun rounds of poker, blackjack, and a few other games I didn't recognize. We played for a while and I realized I had to go to the bathroom. "Hey, Kevin, I'll be back in a minute. Save my seat?"

"Sure thing, buddy! Hurry up before I miss you!" He winked and I let out a little chuckle before heading off to find the bathroom. It wasn't far, just a bit down the hall, and I swung the door open and headed to the urinals. That's when I saw Hank.

He was standing there at the urinal, looking down, taking a piss. I heard the tinkle of the stream hitting the toilet and I sheepishly approached. This was one of the bathrooms without any dividers between the urinals, and there were only two, so I had no choice but to be right next to him. I looked down as I unzipped my fly and pulled my soft - but quickly hardening - cock out, getting ready to do the same myself. I let my eyes wander and I must have turned my head just enough for Hank to notice me catching a glimpse of his cock. "See something you like?"

I blushed bright red and snapped my head back to my own cock. "S...sorry! I'm really sorry!" I started shaking and my stream stopped as my body tensed up.

Hank saw I was terrified and he put his free hand on my back. "Don't worry, buddy. I don't mind. I hope you are ok if I take a look at yours, too."

I stopped shaking and looked up at him. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's fine. I saw how you were looking at me in there. You looked pretty curious and... well I won't say any more. You can tell me if you're comfortable."

I looked back down at his cock, which now only had a few drips coming from it. "You look really big... I haven't seen anyone as big as you in real life. And, honestly..." I paused a moment and looked back up at his face. "I was a little turned on."

"A little, huh?" He glanced at my obviously hard, even throbbing, cock.

"Ok, more than a little." I looked down again and I blushed more. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." He rubbed my back and shoulders gently with his big hand.

"Why does your cock look like that?"

He smiled at me. "You've never seen one like this, have you?"

I shook my head. "No, I haven't. I've only ever seen a couple guys in the locker room, and... one other... besides mine, at least in real life. And in porn they all looked like the others I'd seen. They all looked similar."

"I guess you wouldn't have done any research on it, then. Well, I'm not from around here. I know most guys in the states are circumcised, like you, but I'm originally from England where it's not as common. I'm uncircumcised. That's why it looks different."

I nodded and looked back up at his face. "You don't sound like you're from England."

He snickered. "Yeah, I guess I don't. I moved here when I was pretty young, so I never picked up the accent. I was born there, and my dad's from there, but my mom was from this little country town in Kansas and that's where I grew up. I spent most of my life there, and my dad, who's in the Royal Navy, was always traveling when I was little. He retired from the service and moved in with us a couple years before I started college. Since he was away a lot, I wasn't brought up with the English side of things, and I sound like I'm from Kansas."

"That makes sense." While we were talking I managed to get the rest of my stream out and shook off the last couple drops. "I... I'd like to talk to you some more, but it's kind of weird doing it in the bathroom, holding our cocks like this. What if someone walks in?"

He patted my back and laughed. "Yeah, it is pretty weird. Let's finish up and I'll chat with you in the lounge."

We both finished and zipped up, washed our hands, and headed back to the lounge where we could finish our conversation. I liked Hank, and I hoped we would get to know each other pretty well. But I was nervous about what just happened and what Kevin would think. I guess I would find out later, but for now, I had made a new friend and I was pretty happy despite my nerves.

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Next: Chapter 6

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