Caught My College Roommate

By Randy Peters

Published on Nov 27, 2015


As of November 2015, this work is authorized for display only on the story archive. It should not be republished or redistributed anywhere else.

This story contains male nudity and consensual sexual acts between two adult males. If you do not wish to read about such content, or if it is illegal where you are, stop reading now.

Though this story contains some real elements, the acts and characters within are completely fictional and any similarities to real people or events are purely coincidental.

Please read the previous parts if you haven't already! :)

Caught My College Roommate (Part 4)

I felt a hand shaking me, jolting me awake. "Josh, you fell asleep. I wanted to let you recover from the big breakfast, but I didn't want you to miss too much of the day. Besides, you were so cute laying there I couldn't bring myself to disturb you!"

I blushed a little and rubbed his hand. "Thanks, for letting me sleep... and for calling me cute, even though I'm not."

"Of course you are! I don't know why you think you aren't."

I blushed even more and hid my face. "Stop!"

Kevin kissed my neck and I let out a gasp. "Not gonna change my mind, bud."

I turned around and gave him a sweet kiss on the lips. "Thanks. It's good to know someone thinks I look good."

"You don't think you look good?"

I snuggled up to him. "Not as good as you, that's for sure. I guess I look alright."

He rubbed my chest and looked at me. "I think you look great just the way you are. But if there's anything I can do to help you look more like you want, let me know."

I looked back at him and poked his stomach. "You could help me get those."

He chuckled a little. "You really want to look like me?"

"Not EXACTLY like you... just with all of your muscles." I grinned and giggled.

"Well, if you really want muscles like mine, you're going to have to work hard! They didn't just pop up one day, you know."

"Yeah, I know. I just never really got into sports, I never had friends who would help me get in shape, and I didn't want to do it myself. Partly because I just couldn't find the motivation to exercise, and partly because I was afraid that if I tried doing it on my own I might do something wrong and hurt myself."

He wrapped his arms around me. "I understand. I was lucky, my brothers were pretty fit and while I was growing up they helped me out. If it wasn't for them I'd probably be a flabby couch potato!"

I shook my head. "There's no way you would have looked like that."

"Maybe. I was a little chubby when I was really young, before my brothers started pushing me to get outside and do stuff. When I got into high school they helped me start with weight training, and that's when the muscles came. Before that I was pretty skinny because all I did was run around outside, so I worked off most of what came in but I never gained any definition or strength. I changed a lot after about a year, and once I got them a little bigger and toned I decided to just maintain rather than try to gain more muscle mass."

"You didn't want to be a muscle head, huh?"

"I guess you could say that. I just didn't see any point in being a giant muscled dude. I wasn't going to go into bodybuilding or anything. I felt good getting some muscle, yeah, but it wasn't something that I wanted to do all day every day, and I didn't want it to define me."

"I think you're pretty well defined." I snickered and he punched my arm. "Ow!"

"Oh, come on, I didn't hit you that hard." He rubbed the spot he punched then leaned down and kissed it.

"Alright, I forgive you. This time!"

Kevin hugged me gently and kissed my cheek. "You know you're cute, right? You don't have to change at all if you don't want to."

I shook my head. "I'm not cute. Even if I was, I don't want to be cute forever. And I'd like to be able to pick up more than ten pounds, at least. Even if I don't end up looking quite like you."

"I understand. I'll help you as much as I can. I'll teach you how to do it, go with you as long as you want, spot you when you need it, and anything else I can do for you."

"Thanks. I really appreciate it." I pulled his face toward mine and kissed him sweetly. He returned the kiss and we cuddled for a few minutes.

"Hey, do you want to go to some of the events around campus? We could just walk around and figure out where things are. We also need to go get our ID cards."

I nodded and pulled him close. "In a bit. I'm not done with you yet."

He smiled and rubbed my shoulders. "Is that right? What exactly are you going to do with me?"

I rubbed his chest and stomach. "I'm not sure. I might want to touch you all over... or I might just want to look."

He leaned back and I could see all of him from head to toe. "Look and touch all you want, roomie."

I ran my eyes slowly down his body. I took everything in. I wanted to see each detail of his body and burn it into my memory. His hair was light brown, light enough that it was barely brown, but it stood out against his light skin. It was straight and full, vibrant and shiny under the light coming through the window. His eyes were big and blue, a deep blue, looking at them made me think of the ocean, full of life yet mysterious. I could look into them all day and still not see all the wonders they held.

His face was tall, slim enough that you could see his cheek bones and jaw line, but not so much that they stole the focus. His nose was narrow, coming sharply to a small, rounded tip, with small nostrils that flared when he smiled or laughed. Speaking of smiles, his lips were full, filling out the space between his nose and chin, their proportions perfect with the rest of his face. I noticed that he licked them from time to time, and when he did, they would glisten and really pop out, making me want to kiss them right away. His jaw and chin were soft and rounded, the curves smoothly flowing into his head, giving him an air of gentleness and kindness.

My gaze continued to his chest. His pecs were full and mostly smooth, with a few hairs here and there, and a small ring around his nipples. They were small and stuck up gently from his chest. I reached out and rubbed them gently, and he threw his head back and let out a small moan. They hardened and stuck out further, and I gave them a small pinch, which made him moan louder. I smiled as I rubbed his chest, then moved to his shoulders. They were full and stood out from his body, broadening it without being so big that they looked out of place. They were hard and rippled when he moved his arms.

Those arms were things of beauty. His biceps were nice and round, and when I ran my hand across them he flexed them, making them pop up and harden. I squeezed them and felt how dense and strong they were. He relaxed and I felt his triceps, nicely matched, and I moved my hand down. His forearms were lean and the tops were lightly hairy, leading to his strong hands. He had a very firm grip, and his fingers were long to match his body. I gently ran my hand down each one, then I picked his hands up and kissed them sweetly.

My gaze returned to his torso, and I moved down from his pecs to his tight, muscled stomach. His abs were prominent even when he was relaxed, but when he tightened them, they really stood out. The wall of flesh before me was a sight to behold. They were clearly defined, with a light dusting of hair, the most being right around his belly button. That patch led downward, right between his abs, connecting to the fur that surrounded his glorious package. He kept it trimmed, just enough so it was neat and stayed out of the way. It looked nice and even, he obviously took great care and it paid off. I wished I could look that nice one day. Maybe he would even help me.

I reached out and gently touched his soft cock. It was cut, smooth, and plump. It rested against his thigh, above his big round balls, also trimmed with care. He had a lot to show even when he wasn't hard. When I touched it he started to grow, and his rod came to life. I rubbed the tip slowly and he moaned as he became aroused, and his shaft swelled and straightened. When he was fully hard his cock stuck almost straight up, and a couple veins were visible just under the skin. I stroked a little and his cock throbbed, and the veins popped out and strained as the blood flowed through them. A drop of precum leaked from the head, and I rubbed it in, causing him to gasp and twitch. As much as I wanted to wrap my hand around it and stroke, I wanted to explore the rest of his amazing body even more.

I moved my hand down, lightly grazing his balls, and rubbed his thigh. Though he was fairly slim and athletic and didn't have much to carry around, his legs were bigger than I thought they would be. I figured he worked them as well, and it made a big difference. I felt each of his muscles flex slightly as he moved them, rippling under the skin. The fronts of his legs were a little hairier than the rest of his body, but it looked good, and they were thin and felt good as I brushed my hand across them. They stood up when I did that, and his body shivered. I reached around and rubbed his calves gently, feeling them and wanting them wrapped around me when we cuddled.

I moved down to his feet. I can't say that I had noticed anyone's feet before, but I was drawn to his. They were smooth and I rubbed my hands across the tops. Then I pulled them up and looked at his soles. I rubbed them gently with my thumbs and he breathed deeply. I massaged them and felt them, worked from years of running and activity, but still supple and sexy. Did I just think feet were sexy? I leaned down and kissed them. Definitely sexy.

"Can you turn around, roomie?"

"Sure." Kevin shifted his weight and moved onto his stomach. I ran my hands back up his legs, slowing slightly as I passed his butt, and moved up just to his neck. I could see all of his muscles twitching as he shifted under me, his shoulders and back rippling, strong from all the training he had done. I massaged them tenderly and worked my way down, slowly and deliberately, wanting to feel every inch of his body.

I finally reached the prize of his backside, his tight, round butt. His cheeks were perfectly symmetrical and I rested my palms against them, squeezing a little. He gasped and they clenched, tightening in my hands, and I felt the muscles tense up and saw his crack close tight. I rubbed gently until he relaxed, and I ran a finger slowly down between them. He gasped again, but this time he stayed loose. I pushed my other hand in and spread his cheeks apart, exposing his smooth, tight, pink hole. I had never seen another person's hole before, and it looked so inviting. I rubbed one of my fingers across it and felt the warmth, and I pushed ever so slightly against it. Kevin let out a moan into the pillow, and I pushed just a little harder, feeling it yield slightly. "Do you like that? It felt so good when you did it to me."

"I... I do." He turned his head and looked back at me, and we smiled at each other.

"Good." I pushed just a little more to get another moan out of him, then I pulled my hands back and moved myself up, laying on top of him, my bare chest and stomach sliding against his back, and my own excited cock resting right in his cheeks. "I did too."

"I can feel that." He reached his hand back and I met it with mine, we clasped them together as I kissed the back of his neck.

"Maybe tonight I can make you feel the way you made me feel yesterday."

"I would like that." He turned around under me and our faces were close, and I felt his abs flexing against my stomach. It was so hot I almost came from the sensation, but I collected myself. "Any reason it has to wait until tonight?"

I kissed his cheek sweetly. "As much as I enjoyed last night, I still don't know what I'm feeling right now. This is all so new to me. I don't want to rush into anything."

"I understand. I don't want to move any more quickly than either of us is comfortable with." He rubbed my shoulders and gave me a small kiss on the lips. "We're going to be roommates all year, after all. We can take our time."

I smiled and hugged him tight. "Thanks. I think I just needed to hear that."

He hugged me back and we embraced for a few moments before I let go and stood up. "Does that mean you're ready to go out?"

"Yeah. We should go before all the activities start wrapping up. Hopefully we'll be able to meet some of our classmates before we get too busy with classes!"

"You're really excited to meet new people, aren't you?"

"Yeah. Also, I know some of my friends are coming here, and I'm hoping we run into some of them so I can introduce you."

"You mean you want them to meet me so you can talk about me behind my back and find out what they think of me!" He snickered and stuck his tongue out at me.

"Maybe! But that's for me to know and you to wonder!" I raspberried at him and he threw a pillow at me. I giggled and pulled my pants on. "Come on!"

"Fine!" Kevin stood up and I watched as he got dressed. I was a little disappointed that he had to cover all of that up, but I was also glad that nobody else got to see my roommate, and that I would be able to look at him whenever I wanted this year.

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Next: Chapter 5

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