Caught My College Roommate

By Randy Peters

Published on Nov 19, 2015


As of November 2015, this work is authorized for display only on the story archive. It should not be republished or redistributed anywhere else.

This story contains male nudity and consensual sexual acts between two adult males. If you do not wish to read about such content, or if it is illegal where you are, stop reading now.

Though this story contains some real elements, the acts and characters within are completely fictional and any similarities to real people or events are purely coincidental.

Please read the previous parts if you haven't already! :)

Caught My College Roommate (Part 3)

The sun was shining through the blinds at just the right angle to hit my eyes. I lifted my hand up to shield them and turned my head, surprised by the sight of Kevin lying next to me. I jumped back and fell off the bed, landing with a loud thud that caused him to jump up and look over.

"Dude, are you alright?"

I rubbed my arm and looked back at him. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just banged my arm on the floor, no big deal." I breathed in and reached out to him. "Did we really do that last night?"

He smiled and rubbed my hand. "Yes, Josh, we did. You're still OK with it, right?"

"Yeah, I was just making sure it wasn't a dream. Yesterday was pretty wild, it all still seems like it wasn't real. I'm glad it was!" I grinned at him and moved my face toward his.

Kevin grabbed my head gently and guided me to his lips. He kissed me softly and I kissed back, rubbing his chest and arms. It only lasted a few moments but it was enough to get me fully awake... and fully excited. "Oh no, look what I did!"

I giggled a little. "Yeah, and I see I'm not the only one!" I pointed to the tent in the sheets where his cock was and he chuckled back.

"Well there's plenty of time for taking care of those later, roomie! Right now I'm really hungry." He grabbed his pants and pulled them up.

"You're not going to wear any underwear?" I saw the outline of his cock through his jeans pretty clearly. If he got hard, there's no way he was going to hide it.

"Nah, we won't be out long, and I don't really care if anyone sees what I have! It's nothing to be ashamed of, right?" I saw his abs disappear under his shirt and I frowned a little inside, but I didn't let it show. I did, however, blush a little, and I don't know if he saw.

"Yeah, I guess. I just don't think I could do that." I slipped on my underwear and pants and grabbed my keys. "Well, let's get out of here. The dining hall is open, right?"

"I think so, we can check at the front desk. They should have all of the info about what's happening when, and other stuff about stuff around campus. Let's hurry, though! I'm getting hungrier by the second!" He slipped on his shoes and headed to the door.

"Okay, okay! I'm coming!" I slipped my own shirt and shoes on and followed him.

The ground floor was crowded with people checking in and moving their stuff. It wasn't so bad when I got there the night before since I arrived at the very beginning of the move-in window. I did that intentionally to avoid just this situation. I didn't want to deal with a lot of people while I was figuring out where I was going.

We went to the tables in the lobby that had all the information about things on campus, stuff to do in the area, and basically anything else that a new student would probably find useful. We grabbed lists of both restaurants on and around campus as well as the official university dining guide. "Kevin, do you have a meal plan?"

"Yeah, I do. I got the all-you-can-eat one so I can just jump in and grab food whenever, since I don't know where my breaks will be. Plus I like to work out and sometimes I just want to stop in and get a snack after lifting so I don't pass out." He flexed his arm and I smiled at him.

"You're going to have to show me your routine. I'd love to look like you."

"Aw, I don't look that great. You're definitely cuter than me."

I blushed bright red. I was afraid everyone around would notice and figure out what was happening, so I ducked my head down and ran toward the door. The sun was already high in the sky and really bright, so I had to shield my eyes as I stepped out to the sidewalk. It was breezy, enough to keep the air cool but not too much to make it uncomfortable. I looked around at everything down the street, it looked a lot different than it did in the dark the night before. I felt my cheeks cool as I took in the sights instead of thinking about what Kevin just said.

"I guess we should go to the dining hall, then. It looks like it just opened."

"Alright, Josh. Do you have any idea where it is?"

I checked the little map and looked at the street signs. "Umm... it looks like it's that way." I pointed to the left along the dorm building. "Three blocks down, a left turn, and another block or so up."

"Well, let's get going! If you get us lost, I'm going to make you carry my tray!" He punched me lightly and smiled. I smiled back and we started walking.

We made our way along the streets, looking around at the buildings surrounding us. It looked a lot different in the daytime, but there still wasn't much exciting in the architecture. Also, since we were on campus, the buildings were mostly residence halls, academic buildings, labs and offices. We turned the corner and could see the sign for the dining hall in the next block. "See? I told you it was here!" I rubbed Kevin's hair and we chuckled at each other.

We walked into the dining hall and stepped up to the cashiers. Since we didn't have our ID cards yet, we needed to give them our names and ID numbers, which we had both hastily written down on scraps of paper at home before we came to campus, so they were crumpled and barely legible from being in our pockets for so long. We got checked in and went past the wall behind the registers and our mouths dropped open in shock.

The room with the food was lined with almost every option we could imagine. There was an island with tons of fruit. There was a counter with all kinds of breads, rolls, muffins, donuts, and danishes, among other pastries and starchy goodness. There was a station for omelettes with just about any filling or topping you could think of. There was a pancake and waffle station with berries, bananas, chocolate chips, whipped cream, and about 10 kinds of syrup. There was an area with french toast and french toast sticks. (Yes, both!) And there was even a spot with breakfast pizza and pre-made sandwiches, the kinds on bagels and English muffins and croissants and whatever else could be used as the outside of a sandwich.

We grabbed as much as we could cram onto two plates, along with some utensils, and slowly made our way to the dining room. We found a small booth just big enough for the two of us and sat our haul on the table. Kevin graciously offered to get a drink for me and returned with a giant glass of chocolate milk along with a glass of orange juice for himself. Once we were settled we stared at each other for a moment then dug in, ravenously devouring everything that covered our plates. We ate for what seemed like an eternity and had almost nothing but crumbs left.

It wasn't until we stopped eating and put our forks down that we realized just how much we had consumed. Our bellies stuck out at least a couple inches more than when we walked in, and we felt bloated and sluggish. We looked at each other with mild regret for having so much, but also satisfaction for getting everything we wanted and managing to finish it all. We sat for a few minutes to let things digest enough for us to move, then we slowly got up and made our way to the door.

We took our time on the way back, trying not to jostle our stuffed stomachs too much. The last thing we wanted was to bring up everything we had just gotten down at breakfast. We took easily twice as long to return, maybe more, and we took a good 5 minutes to waddle from the entrance to the dorm to the elevators and finally to our room. As we approached the door we noticed a piece of paper slipped into the handle. I took it out and started reading as Kevin unlocked it.


There is a mandatory hall meeting Sunday night at 7PM.

We will go over the rules and meet Paul, the Hall Director.

If you can not attend, please see me to make other arrangements.

Your RA, Greg

Room 301

"Aw, man, we have to go to this meeting Sunday night. It says it's mandatory. I don't want to go to that!" I slinked toward the bedroom and started undoing my pants. I popped the button open and pulled down the zipper. When I stopped to pull them down, I felt something tugging at them, and turned to see Kevin doing it for me. "Oh, hey there!"

Kevin grinned and yanked both my pants and underwear down in one shot. I didn't even realize it, but I had gotten hard and the waistband caught the tip of my cock. It pulled it down and when they got far enough down they slipped off the head and my rod snapped back up and smacked my stomach with a loud slap.

"I figured I'd give you a little help, buddy."

"Thanks." I turned around and reached for his button. "I should probably return the favor." I opened it and pulled down the zipper slowly while looking into his eyes. I slipped the jeans down from his waist and let them hit the floor around his ankles. I reached my hand down to his crotch and wrapped it around his package, gently squeezing and feeling his huge, heavy balls and big, hard cock in my hand. He let out a moan and I moved my hand up to his stomach, under his shirt, and then to his chest, rubbing it gently. He lifted his arms and I yanked his shirt off, exposing his muscled body. Then he moved his hands to my stomach and chest, and I lifted my arms so he could do the same. He pulled my shirt off and we both stood there, naked, and embraced sweetly, wrapping our arms around each other, saying nothing, just enjoying the feeling of being there together.

"Let's lay down. I'm so stuffed from breakfast." Kevin flopped on the bed and pushed himself against the wall.

"Me too." I followed him and took the other side, my back facing him, and he wrapped his arms around me. I put my hands on his and squeezed them. I could feel his semi-hard cock poking my crack, and it felt good. I never wanted this moment to end, so I closed my eyes and pretended that it never would.

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Next: Chapter 4

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