Caught My College Roommate

By Randy Peters

Published on Nov 9, 2016


As of May 2016, this work is authorized for display only on the story archive. It should not be republished or redistributed anywhere else.

This story contains male nudity and consensual sexual acts between two adult males. If you do not wish to read about such content, or if it is illegal where you are, stop reading now.

Though this story contains some real elements, the acts and characters within are completely fictional and any similarities to real people or events are purely coincidental.

Please read the previous parts if you haven't already! :)

Caught My College Roommate (Part 14)

I was in heaven, and it was all thanks to my roommate. My boyfriend.

I lazily headed to the bathroom, we still had over an hour until our next class so I figured there was no need to rush. We could take our time and enjoy each other for a while before we had to leave. I started the shower and the sound of rushing water helped me clear my head a little. I was still foggy from the emotions but I started to see a little more clearly and think about what had just happened. Kevin's cock felt so good inside me that it made me shoot my load too! I had never had anything like that happen before, not even close, while playing with myself. The sensations that went through my body were the most incredible things I had ever experienced! I don't know if it was his cock or the fact that I was so deeply attracted to him in every way, but it added a new dimension to how I thought about sex and pleasure.

Kevin surprised me by wrapping his arms around me, his soft (but still big) cock resting between my cheeks. "Oh, hey there, big boy."

"Big boy, huh? You mean this thing?" He playfully swung his cock and slapped it against my cheeks. "I guess it is a good size."

"Great size!" I smirked and he chuckled a little, and I saw him blush ever so slightly. "Seriously, it felt so good, Kevin. I want to feel it again."

"I hope I can make you feel that way again! I hope it wasn't just a fluke, and we won't be able to recreate it! Because it felt great for me, too." He got a little quiet and shy, something I had never seen from him before. I was about to find out why. "I... I've never had anything like our relationship before. I mean, it's still so new, but it feels so great, so..."

"Right?" I chimed in.

"Yeah. Right. Like it was meant to be." He reached down and cradled my butt, then slipped a finger into my hole and made me moan. "Plus this seems like it was made for me!"

"Y...yeah, it does, doesn't it? It fits you nicely!" I turned around and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. He returned it sweetly. "Come on, let's get washed up." I hopped into the shower, lathered my sponge and started washing my chest and arms. I felt Kevin slip in behind me, grip my shoulders gently and rest his head against me. I slowly moved my way down my torso, scrubbing every inch of my body, making sure to get all the sweat and cum that had gotten all over me. Then I moved down to my thighs, working my way down my legs to my feet and getting each area as thoroughly as I could. Then, as I moved back up to my crotch, Kevin reached around and grabbed it from me.

"Here, let me." He gripped my cock, already semi-hard from his rubbing and closeness, and scrubbed it firmly, but not so much that it would hurt anything. Then he gently ran the sponge around my balls, getting them nice and clean. He motioned for me to turn around, and I did, and he massaged and scrubbed my back all over. He worked his way down to my butt, cleaned each of my buttcheeks and, almost reluctantly, spread them with one hand and stuck the sponge between them against my hole, and pushed just enough to clean the area. I let out a little moan and my cock sprung out, fully hard, as the sponge soaped up my hole, all the cum and lube coming out with it. I was a little sad, knowing the traces of Kevin that were in me had been washed away, and I think he was a little sad too because he wrapped his arms around me and poked me with his cock again. "I wish we didn't have to clean that," he said, pouting at me.

"Yeah, it does suck, huh? Oh well. We can always make it a mess again!"

"Yes, we can!" He smiled and patted my butt. "Go ahead, you can get out. I'll take care of myself, unless you really wanted to do it."

"No, that's fine. I can wash you another day!" I hopped out of the shower and grabbed the towel, drying myself off quickly, but not before getting a glimpse of Kevin scrubbing his crotch a little too much. "Hey, you can play with that again later! Preferably using me!"

He smirked and snickered. "Is that a promise?"

"You bet!" I winked at him and turned around, shaking my butt at him as I went out of the room. I heard him moan in approval and headed to the bedroom where I started to grab my clothes. I slipped on my underwear and jeans, and just as I heard the shower turn off and got my shirt on, there was a knock on the door. "Hey, Kevin, stay in there. I'm going to answer the door."

"Alright, let me know when it's safe to come out!"

I walked up to the door and opened it, a smiling face and the tallest guy I've ever seen was standing there to greet me. I was a little shocked. "Uh, hi?" I managed to squeak out.

"Hi, I'm Greg, the RA for the floor. Are you Kevin or Josh?" He extended his hand toward me.

"I'm... Josh. Hi." I reached out my hand and we shook. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to let you guys know there's a hall meeting tonight. I don't think I saw you at the first one. It said it was mandatory..."

"Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry!" I interrupted without letting him finish.

"That's alright, we said mandatory but as long as you agree to the rules, which you signed at check-in, and you follow them, you're fine. We'd really like you to come to this one, though, if you can. It's kind of a meet-and-greet with the rest of the residents on the floor so you can get to know everybody a little bit. Less business than the first one so you'll have time to chat around."

"Oh, OK. Hey, give me a second."


I closed the door and yelled back to Kevin. "Hey, it's the RA, I'll go out to finish talking to him. You can get out."

"Alright, thanks!"

I opened the door again and slipped out. "Sorry, roommate was in the shower."

"I hope you two are getting along well!"

I blushed a little and hoped he didn't notice. "Y...yeah, we are. We got really lucky that we had a pretty quick connection."

"That's great! You seem to always hear the horror stories of the worst roommate ever, it's nice to see the other side. Well, if you guys need anything, my room is right down at the end of the hall before the elevators. I've got a sign on my door that I flip when I'm available or when I'm out or busy, if it says I'm free don't hesitate to come in! If I'm not, you can write a note on the little whiteboard and I'll see you when I have a chance."

"Thanks. We'll try to make it tonight. What time will it start?"

"We're going to order pizza around 5:30, so any time after that until the end of the night. I'd imagine most people will be there by 6 or so. I don't know how you are with crowds, but since we have about 50 people on the floor, it might get a little packed if everyone shows up."

"Yeah, that would be a lot! Well, I'll try to make it, and hopefully I can drag Kevin along!"

"Sounds good. See you later!" Greg headed down to the next door and knocked, and I slipped back into the room. Kevin was sitting on the couch, shirtless, and I went over and sat down next to him, resting my head on his chest.

"So, how was the talk with the RA?"

"Greg. It was fine. He just said there's a meeting thing with the other people on the floor, they'll have pizza. I guess we can go for a little while, but I'd rather spend most of the night with you."

"Alright. It would be nice to have a few more friends to hang out with, though. Not that I don't enjoy my time with you, but there are going to be times when one of us isn't around, and it would be cool to have people to keep us busy then."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I rubbed his leg and looked up at him. "I'm just not the best at meeting people, you know that."

He leaned down and kissed me sweetly. "Yeah, I know. Don't worry, I'll be right there with you. We'll only stay as long as you're comfortable. So, what is Greg like?"

I looked at him and sighed. "I hope you don't mean..."

"Oh, no! I just mean, did he seem like a nice guy?"

"Yeah. He's tall..."

"How tall?"

"Like, I think he would have had to duck under the door tall!"

"Jeez! I kinda wish I had been out here to see that! Well, I guess I'll get to see for myself tonight. You'll introduce me, right?"

"Uh, yeah. But you'll have to introduce me to everyone else."

"Should I introduce you as my roommate or my boyfriend?"

"I... I really don't know." I blushed and put my face down into his lap. "I guess I hadn't thought about that at all. Are you comfortable telling people you're my boyfriend? I don't know... if I'm ready."

He rubbed my back and kissed my head. "If you're not ready, that's fine. I'll be honest, I'm not sure about it myself. Say you have a girlfriend, nobody will think twice. Say you have a boyfriend... sometimes you'll get awkward stares and questions and I don't know if I'm ready to deal with all that."

"Ok. Roommate for now, then." I pushed myself up and got off the couch. "We should get ready and go to class."

Kevin grabbed my hand, got up and looked at me. "I didn't make you nervous by asking that, did I? You didn't think I meant anything about Greg, did you?"

I pulled him close and put my head on his shoulder. "I don't know. This is all still pretty new to me. I mean, I like what we have, I enjoy my time with you, but I'm still adjusting. And I guess I don't want to go to this thing tonight anyway, but you're right, we should meet more people. The only person we've really met is Hank..." I gripped him tight. "I don't even know how I feel about that, yet."

He rubbed my back and hugged me tight. "I understand. Listen, we'll go to the meeting for a little while, say hi, and come back. If you want to talk, we can, if you just want to be with me, that's fine too. I just want you to be happy and comfortable, OK?"

I pulled back a little and nodded my head. "OK. I'm sorry to be so emotional. I'll try not to be a wreck tonight."

"If you are, you can just blame it on being sore from your workout. You don't have to say it was working out your butt with my cock!" He snickered.

I smiled a little and batted at his chest. "You're bad."

"Yeah. Only because I really like you."

"I really like you too." I let go and headed toward the room to get my stuff. "Thanks, Kevin. I'll be OK. Let's just get through classes and get tonight over with."

"Sounds good to me!" He grabbed his stuff too and we headed out the door to class.

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