Caught My College Roommate

By Randy Peters

Published on May 15, 2016


As of May 2016, this work is authorized for display only on the story archive. It should not be republished or redistributed anywhere else.

This story contains male nudity and consensual sexual acts between two adult males. If you do not wish to read about such content, or if it is illegal where you are, stop reading now.

Though this story contains some real elements, the acts and characters within are completely fictional and any similarities to real people or events are purely coincidental.

Please read the previous parts if you haven't already! :)

Caught My College Roommate (Part 13)

The sun was shining through the window, right into my eyes. I groaned and turned around to get away from it. I slowly looked in front of me, and I was greeted by Kevin's rock hard abs and pumped chest. If I wasn't already hard from morning wood, I definitely would have gotten there from that sight! I gently rubbed his torso with my fingers, and I saw him stir, his muscles flexing as he twisted, and his eyes opened slowly. "Good morning, Kevin."

"Hey." He rubbed my head and smiled. "What time is it?"

I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock on the desk. "8:45."

"Oh, crap, I have class in 15 minutes!" He climbed over me and out of bed, and quickly threw his pants and shirt on. He slipped his shoes on without socks and tossed books and papers in his backpack furiously. We had a box of toaster pastries for emergency breakfast, he grabbed one and tossed it in his bag so he wouldn't have to worry about eating until lunch. In about 2 minutes he had everything together and he leaned down to give me a kiss. "Sorry to run, but it's going to take me at least 10 minutes to get across campus. I love you!"

"I love you too! See you at lunch!"

He scampered out of the bedroom and I heard the front door latch behind him. I didn't have class until 10 so I could take my time. That meant I could lay in bed for a while longer and still have plenty of time to get ready! It was a good thing, too, because between the events of the previous night and that morning I had a raging hardon and I was going to need to take care of it before I went out in public.

I gripped my cock firmly and started stroking it slowly. I leaned my head back into the bed and moaned, and I reached back and started rubbing my hole. I winced a little because it was still sore, but I couldn't help it. Since I had Kevin's cock inside me, nothing felt right if it was empty. I remembered he had the lube in his desk, so I grabbed it and got my fingers nice and slick. It was easier to slide them in, and the soreness wasn't as bad since they didn't pull against the edges. I didn't go far, just enough to feel them in me, and I started to jack myself off.

I imagined it was Kevin's cock in my hole. My fingers weren't as big as him, that's for sure, but it gave me just enough of a basis to let my mind go wild. My cock leaked in excitement and I was throbbing, remembering the night before, his long, thick rod finally entering me after so much anticipation. It was even better than I had imagined, and now the fantasy had become reality, and I was reliving it in my head. I got lost in a swirling sea of moans and grunts, images of his huge cock before it went inside me, his chest and abs pulsing as he pounded my ass, the veins in his arms popping out as he held my legs up and pulled himself against me, the sweat glistening all over his body making his muscles shimmer, the grunting with each thrust as he reamed my hole. I turned my head and got a whiff of his scent from his pillow, and I breathed heavily, stroking harder and faster and pushing my fingers deeper into my ass, my hole stretched wide, until finally...

I felt a hot splash on my chin, followed by a couple on my chest and more on my stomach. I got so excited by the memories that I came farther than ever before! The night before I had come close, with Kevin's cock probing my prostate, but it was more intense when I was actually touching my cock, even if I was just remembering the experience rather than feeling it. Maybe if I jerked myself at the same time as he was fucking me, it would go even further! I guess I would have to find out!

I got myself cleaned up, got dressed and grabbed my stuff, then headed out to class. I don't know why I went, my mind was not on my classes. I couldn't stop thinking about Kevin. Ever since he fucked me I wanted him to touch me, kiss me, really do whatever he wanted to me. I mean, I still wanted to fuck him once in a while, but I loved the feeling of his cock in my ass (even though it hurt a little afterward) that I couldn't imagine a time when I wouldn't be able to have it, and I wanted as much of it as I could get.

I sat in my morning classes, daydreaming, thinking about seeing Kevin at lunch. I'm glad they were big lectures, I was able to stay in the back and stare dreamily into space without missing much, and I didn't have to worry about the professors calling on me to make sure I was paying attention. Before I knew it, I was off to the dining hall to meet Kevin. I hurried there and found him by the front door. His class just before lunch was around the corner, so he was there pretty quickly. I smiled at him and he opened the door for me. "Why thank you, good sir!"

"Anything for you!" He winked at me and I blushed as I walked through the door. We swiped in and looked around. It was pretty packed, which made sense, since it was prime lunch time and there were only so many places to eat. I looked at him and he looked back. "I don't know if we're going to be able to find a spot. What do you think?"

"Here, let's go to the bathroom. Maybe some tables will clear up from people heading to classes." I led him to the door and this time I held it for him. "My turn to be the gentleman!"

"Yes it is!" He walked in and I followed closely behind. Even though the dining hall was packed, the bathroom was totally empty. I felt Kevin grab my hand, and he pulled me to the handicap stall. Once we were inside, he locked the door and pushed me against the wall. I gasped in surprise and he stared into my eyes. "I really just wanted an excuse to do this." He pressed his lips against mine, my head pushing against the wall, and he kissed me passionately. I returned the kiss and wrapped my arms around his back, pulling him closer, feeling his hard chest pressing and flexing against me.

My cock bulged against my jeans and I could feel his pressing against my thigh. I reached down and rubbed both of them and moaned into the kiss. After a few seconds we heard the door creak open and we stood there, lips still locked, quietly. We heard the other stall door close and lock, and we took the opportunity to sneak back out. Kevin pulled away, unlocked the door, and walked out. I followed quickly behind and we hurried to the door, smirking at each other.

As we exited, we scanned around the room and noticed quite a few tables had opened up. Kevin offered to claim one and sit with our things while I got my food. I agreed and went off, grabbing some pasta, a sandwich, and a glass of water. I got back and sent Kevin off, and he returned with a couple pieces of fruit, a pot pie, and a couple pieces of fried chicken. "Hey, who said you were allowed to have fried chicken?"

"Gotta keep up the protein!" He smiled at me and took a big bite out of the chicken. I winked at him and he almost spit it back out as he laughed. After he swallowed, he swatted at me. "Hey, don't make me laugh while I'm eating!"

"Sorry, sorry! But not really!" We ate quickly (but not too quickly) and went back to the room when we were done. We only had one afternoon class, and it happened to be together, but it wasn't until 3, so we had some time to kill. After the interrupted sneak in the bathroom, we were both too worked up to wait for release, so we decided to take care of that instead of going elsewhere on campus to kill time. I wasn't going to complain, because I really wanted that big cock of his back inside me.

We hurried back to our room and locked the door behind us. Before I could even put my stuff down, Kevin was kissing me and reaching under my shirt. I dropped my bag and pulled off my jacket, then raised my arms. Kevin pulled my shirt up and over my head and arms and threw it across the room. I did the same to him, then I ran my hands over his tight abs and firm pecs, gently pinching his nipples as I moved across them, which made him grunt in surprise.

"Kevin, please, I want to feel you inside me again. It felt so good last night! I feel so empty now!" I started to unbutton his pants, eager to get that wonderful pole out in the open.

"Yeah, it did feel good. It felt... right. Like it was meant to be." He worked on my pants, and we ended up getting both open at the same time, sliding down our legs and thudding on the ground together. "I really like when you're in me, but being inside you was so natural."

I rubbed his cock through his underwear. It was already rock hard and throbbing and I could see a small spot of pre where his head was. "It looks like someone agrees! I'm not going to argue with him!" I pulled down his waistband and his cock flopped out, thick and heavy, ready to be pleasured. "I... I..."

He slid my underwear down, revealing my own hard cock, and he gripped my ass cheeks firmly. "What is it, Josh?"

"I... want to ride you." I blushed and stroked his cock a few times, loving the sound of his moans from my touch. "I want to feel myself taking your cock."

"Yes... Josh, I would love that. Please, let's do it."

I smiled and kissed him as we stepped out of our clothes, now completely naked, ready to enjoy and pleasure each other once again. We broke the kiss and he went into the bedroom to get a condom and lube, and we repeated our ritual, he rolled the condom down his shaft, squirted the lube into my hand, and I got his tool nice and slick, warming the lube and making him hard and ready.

There was a small table in the middle of the room, and Kevin pressed down on it to test its strength. "This seems sturdy enough. It should be a good height for us." He lay on the table and gripped the base of his cock. "I'm ready, Josh."

I wasn't sure which way to do it, so I faced him. I wanted to see his face as I rode him. I felt his cock slip between my cheeks, and I gasped as it pressed against my hole. His hand guided it and I lowered myself slowly, until finally it popped into my hole. I gasped and steadied myself, resting my hands on his chest. "It's... in!"

He grunted in agreement and pleasure. "Yes... oh, Josh, it feels so good!" I took that as a cue to continue, and I started to bounce slightly, each time lowering myself a bit more. As I descended, I moaned and grunted, and I soon felt his crotch hair tickling my rump. I knew I was getting close, and my bounces became larger and more forceful. I wanted him all the way inside me! I wanted to feel his cock throbbing in my hole! I wanted to feel his body pressing against my ass!

It didn't take long for me to get my wish. We howled in pleasure as I bottomed out. He was in me deep, every glorious inch plunged into my body. I didn't waste any time, I wanted to make him cum while he was inside me, and I wanted to shoot my own load at the same time. I moved my hips back and forth, side to side, until I hit the position that sent shocks through my body. That was the spot he had hit last night! I shuddered and bounced, my cock pulsing in rhythm with my bounces, as his rod rubbed against that amazing place inside me.

I gripped his pecs tight and pinched his nipples, and I could hear him panting and breathing heavily. His cock was starting to grow even more, and I knew he was as close as I was. Within just a few minutes, I felt him beginning to thrust his hips, pushing even further inside me. I screamed out as the pleasure peaked, and his breathing became erratic. It was coming, for both of us, and it was really close.

Kevin took in a last, deep breath, then pulled me down hard. His cock started to spasm inside me, right against that spot, and the electricity pulsing through me sent me over the edge. I shot my load, splattering his chest, as his warmed my hole. We grunted together, emptying our balls, feeling so much pleasure at the same time. As our orgasms subsided, I looked down at him, and he smiled at me, prompting me to smile back. "That... that was amazing, Kevin!"

"Yeah, Josh, it was. Thank you."

"No, thank you! You make me feel so good."

"You make me feel good, too." He reached up and rubbed my shoulders. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Me either." I felt him softening, and as I slowly stood up his cock slipped out of my hole, causing me to moan again. That empty feeling had returned, but at least I knew that he enjoyed the experience at least as much as I did. "I think we should get a shower before class. Don't you?"

"That sounds like a great idea. Go ahead and start it up. I'll be there in a minute. I need to get rid of this." He grabbed the wrapper and pulled the condom off, and I headed to the shower to start the water.

I was in heaven, and it was all thanks to my roommate. My boyfriend.

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Next: Chapter 14

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