Caught My College Roommate

By Randy Peters

Published on Feb 19, 2016


As of February 2016, this work is authorized for display only on the story archive. It should not be republished or redistributed anywhere else.

This story contains male nudity and consensual sexual acts between two adult males. If you do not wish to read about such content, or if it is illegal where you are, stop reading now.

Though this story contains some real elements, the acts and characters within are completely fictional and any similarities to real people or events are purely coincidental.

Please read the previous parts if you haven't already! :)

Caught My College Roommate (Part 12)

A few weeks went by, classes had started, Kevin and I met our new teachers and our classmates, and we started looking around for extra-curricular activities to take up some of the time that wasn't dominated by classes and homework. We would make sure not to be too busy, of course, since we needed some time for each other! Ever since that declaration of love, we had spent almost every moment together when we weren't in class. Most of the time we just cuddled in the room naked, spent time in the cafeteria stuffing our faces and talking about anything and everything, or worked out so Kevin could maintain his buff bod and whip mine into shape. Sometimes we would get so worked up and we just couldn't help ourselves, and we would experiment with different ways we could get each other off, including once where Kevin was upside-down with his legs on the bed and I was pounding his ass from above, and he shot his load straight into his mouth as I came in his hole. I never thought a guy would want to eat his own cum, let alone like that! I was curious, but I never did it... after seeing him, though, I wanted that to be me!

I had sorted out my feelings about the night with Hank. We had kept in touch with him through the gaming club, and we made sure he knew we were alright the next day, but we told him that for the time being we were going to stay monogamous. He said he understood, but I could tell he was more than a little disappointed that we wouldn't be having any more three-ways for a while. We remained good friends, though, and we met up for lunch a few times after that. Actually, during that time, he met someone and they started dating too. His name was Paul and he was almost as big as Hank! They certainly made an intimidating couple, though they were both so sweet I don't think they could have hurt a fly between them!

Although I had started topping Kevin, I really wanted him to top me, but we hadn't actually done anything more with my ass since the night he fingered me. I wasn't sure whether he wanted to, he seemed really happy with what we had been doing, and I was too shy to ask. We didn't really talk about it, we just did whatever Kevin steered us toward, which tended to be sucking each other off or me fucking him. I didn't mind, of course... a hot guy wanted to suck me off AND get fucked by me? Me?!? Boring, ugly me! Still, I wanted that same hot guy to fuck me in return. I know I hadn't felt much besides his finger, but I knew deep down that it's what I wanted. No, it's what I needed! He was so much better than me, but in this relationship we really felt like equals, and I needed to complete that feeling by letting him take my virginity. I had decided and I was going to tell him tonight, on my birthday (which he didn't know about because I hadn't told him) that the only present I wanted was his cock up my butt.

It was really hard to concentrate all day, and my cock kept straining against my pants. It started leaking, too, because when I went to the bathroom my underwear had a wet spot on it, and I hadn't gone before then. I was just glad it didn't leak enough to show through my pants! That would have been quite a thing to explain! "No, I didn't piss myself, I'm just really excited about my boyfriend fucking my ass later!" I would die of embarrassment before I got the first word out!

After what seemed like an eternity, we met up for dinner at the cafeteria. I didn't take much, and Kevin must have noticed because he didn't have much on his tray either. We talked a little, all the while I was trying to hide the fact that I wanted to hurry back to the room and rip our clothes off, and we finally finished up and walked back. I held his hand and smiled at him as we went on our way. I must have been squeezing pretty hard, beacuse he asked, "Are you making sure I don't blow away? You can loosen your grip a bit!"

"Oh, sorry." I blushed a little and looked straight forward.

"It's like you're excited about something!" He winked and I only just caught a glimpse of it, then my face darted forward again, with my cheeks turning bright red. "Oh, whoops! Look what I did!"

"Stop!" I gently smacked his arm and tried to calm down. I managed to stop blushing, but there was one part of me that wouldn't stay calm no matter how hard I tried or what I thought of. My mind kept going back to what was sure to happen shortly.

We got up to the room and as soon as I heard the door latch I pushed Kevin up against the wall and started kissing him deeply. I reached down and undid his pants and pushed them to the floor, then I grabbed his cock firmly and stroked it until it was rock hard. I pulled back and lifted his shirt with my other hand. "Not wasting any time, are we?"

I finished pulling his clothes off then threw off my shirt, and as I worked at my own pants I kissed him again, moaning and grunting. Finally, my pants hit the floor, and I pressed my throbbing rod against his leg. I pulled my face away and lookd straight into his eyes. "Kevin, I love you."

"I love you too, Josh."

I took his hands. "I never told you when my birthday was, did I?"

"No, I didn't tell you mine either. It's April 22nd."

"Well, mine is today."

"What? Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Well, by the time I thoguht about it, I decided what I wanted, and I didn't want you to make a fuss about it." I rubbed my hands against his chest and took a deep breath. "I'm going to tell you what I want for my present. The only thing I want."

"What's that?"

I gripped his cock firmly, turned around, and slid it between my butt cheeks. "That, in here."

"Oh, Josh... Are you sure?"

"I've never been more sure about anything in my entire life." I pushed back against him and felt his cock throb against my hole.

"Alright, if that's what you want... I've wanted it too, but I didn't want to ask. I was afraid you'd get nervous and things would be awkward."

"Well, here I am, asking you, so you don't have to worry about it." I turned back around and kissed him again as I rubbed my hands up and down his torso. "I'll leave the details up to you, but I want you inside me tonight."

"Alright, Josh." He pulled me into the bedroom and grabbed the lube. "Get on the bed, on your knees, with your butt sticking out to the side."

I crawled into position and stuck my butt out and up. I clenched my hands together and breathed in deeply. I felt the cold lube slide down my crack and I shivered a little. "Oooh, that's cold!"

"I'm sorry! Here, let me warm it up." I felt his fingers push it around my hole and moaned as he rubbed it and gently prodded. I felt him push harder until finally one of his fingers slid in and I gasped. "There, one finger in."

"Kevin... I know you want to be careful, but please, I want your cock. I want you to fuck me so bad. I'll tell you if it's too much."

"If you're sure..." I felt him wrap his other arm around my waist and he pushed a second finger against my hole. It popped in with the first and I gasped again and threw my head back. He started to finger fuck me, thrusting back and forth, and I felt a third finger sliding around in the lube still in my crack. Without warning he pulled his fingers almost all the way out and pushed back in with all three. I screamed out and my cock throbbed.

"Yes, please! Stretch my hole, Kevin!" I was so eager I started pushing my ass back toward him, and I felt him push deeper, and he even pulled his fingers apart to make my hole stretch more. I moaned and gasped with each motion, and before long he had lubed up his other fingers and was slipping them in while I was stretched by the rest. I cried out in ecstasy and my cock started leaking into the sheets as he probed my hole.

"Wow, you're taking my fingers so well! Do you think you're ready for the real thing?"

"Am I ever... Please, take me! I want this more than anything!"

"Then I'm going to give it to you." I felt his hands on my waist and his push prompted me to turn around and lie on my back. He pulled me off the side of the bed so my butt was sticking just over it, out in the air, and he pulled a condom around his cock and lubed it up. "Here, want to help?" He pushed it to the side and I reached down and stroked it with a nice, firm grip. I heard him moan and felt him get even stiffer in my hand, and after a minute he was nice and hard and lubed, ready to give me my first pounding.

"You can go gently at first, but once it's all in, I want it hard!"

"You got it, just let me know if it's too much. Otherwise I'm really going to fuck you as hard as I want!"

"Please! I need your cock in my ass!"

The hunger for Kevin's cock in my hole was too much for me to comprehend. I was like an animal, following my instincts, only knowing that I wanted that inside me and I was going to anything to get it. Finally, I felt his cock pushing against my hole, and after a few seconds he popped in. I screamed out, even with all the stretching he was still really big! Not too big, though, at least the head. He was pretty long, and he was thicker at the base, but hopefully the rest of his glorious rod would prepare me for those final inches.

"You're still so tight! Relax, Josh. Breathe. Let me in."

I took a deep breath and tried to relax my body. I put my arms to the side and let him do the work. I was excited but I tried to calm myself just enough to make the initial insertion easier. "Alright, Kevin. I'm ready." I took another deep breath and felt him pushing his tool further inside me.

"There we go. Stay loose. I'm almost all the way in already!"

I felt his girth increase as he slid inside me, and just before he got all the way in I felt something strange. "Ahh! Stop!"

"Are you alright?"

I shifted around a little and felt his cock align with my insides and it felt so good I moaned and my cock throbbed and leaked. "Yeah... Keep going."

Kevin held my legs as he pushed the last inch or so inside me. I felt his hips pressing against my ass and his balls under me. He was all the way inside me. It felt amazing! "Yes... Kevin, please, fuck me!"

Kevin smiled and started to move back slowly, then thrusted forward and I let out a loud moan. As he started moving faster and thrusting harder, the moans turned to grunts, groans, and howls. This was it. My roommate, my boyfriend, my lover, was finally fucking me. I was finally giving him the same pleasure I he had given me these past few weeks, and it was more incredible than I could have imagined. My hole was made for his cock, and I could see from his face that he was enjoying each thrust, each motion, each time my hole gripped his meat.

I gripped the sheets as he pounded my hole, stretching me even more, and I felt him sliding past something that made me feel really good. My cock was rock hard and throbbing, and it was leaking all over, down the front and on my stomach, and down the back all over my balls. His finger made me feel good, but this was amazing! Waves of pleasure shot through my body and I was even more aroused by his body, now glistening in sweat, pushing that cock inside me. He shifted a little and his cock pushed against that spot more, making me writhe and scream out, and my cock twitched violently, leaking even more, the veins popping out and my balls stirring.

After a while, I felt his cock swelling inside me. It was even bigger than it had ever been, and he fucked me hard and pushed even deeper into my hole. I let out a loud scream as his cock slid hard past that amazing spot, and almost in unison, I felt his cock pulsing and the warmth of his jizz filling the condom as mine shot ropes of cum up and onto my chest and stomach. My hole clenched around his cock, only making his orgasm more intense, and his tool throbbed huge inside me, which made me shoot out even more cum. Finally, after what seemed like the longest and most intense orgasm either of us had ever had, he leaned forward against me and breathed heavily, and we both tried to catch our breath.

I felt his cock start to soften and he reached down to grip the base of the condom. He reluctantly pulled out of me and tossed the condom in the trash. Then he slipped onto the bed next to me and wrapped his arms around my chest. I looked at him and, finally breathing almost normally again, gave him a small kiss, which he happily returned. "That was... so..."

"Amazing? Incredible?"


We both smiled and I rested my head in his chest. "I'm glad you liked it so much. I did too."

"I could tell!" I rubbed his arms and back. "You were so big at the end!"

"And you had so much precum... and that orgasm! I can't believe you shot without either of us touching it!"

"I don't know what you hit down there, but it felt so good, I couldn't help it! And toward the end, when you changed positions a litttle, that really set me off!"

He rubbed my chest and kissed the top of my head. "I'm so glad I could make you feel so good."

"Me too, Kevin." I looked back up at him. "I know I've said this a lot today, but I feel like I need to say it again. I love you. I really do."

"I love you too, Josh. So much."

We turned and he spooned me, his big cock nestling between my cheeks, and we drifted off to sleep, exhausted and happier than we had ever been.

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Next: Chapter 13

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