Caught My College Roommate

By Randy Peters

Published on Feb 9, 2016


As of February 2016, this work is authorized for display only on the story archive. It should not be republished or redistributed anywhere else.

This story contains male nudity and consensual sexual acts between two adult males. If you do not wish to read about such content, or if it is illegal where you are, stop reading now.

Though this story contains some real elements, the acts and characters within are completely fictional and any similarities to real people or events are purely coincidental.

Please read the previous parts if you haven't already! :)

Caught My College Roommate (Part 11)

"Are you guys sure? I..."

Kevin put his finger against my lips and rubbed my chest. "Josh, relax. We want to make you feel good. Sit back and enjoy!"

"Yeah, man, just let us do our thing. We'll make you feel good, buddy." Hank wrapped his big hand around my throbbing cock and squeezed it a little, and I let out a moan and felt a drip of precum drooling from the tip. "Look at that, Kevin, I think he likes it!"

"I hope we make him pre a lot!" Kevin reached one hand up and pinched my nipple while his other hand moved down and gently fondled my balls. I moaned loudly as my cock drooled more pre, and it twitched in Hank's hand.

Hank started to stroke my cock slowly, using his thumb to rub the pre into the head. I squirmed and grunted in pleasure and it caused my cock to leak even more. Suddenly I felt a warmth around the tip of my cock, and I looked down to see Hank wrapping his lips around it, and he started licking up the precum. I threw my head back and gasped as I felt it swirl around my cock and I thrusted up a little into his mouth. He responded by taking even more into his mouth and I felt my cock harden even more and throb inside.

Kevin, meanwhile, replaced his upper hand with his mouth, and he started licking and sucking at my nipple. Shivers went through my body and I felt my nipple get hard as he made it slick, and I felt him gently bite on it which sent electricity through my body, making me writhe and grunt loudly. His other hand had worked its way under me, rubbing at my hole, and I felt him catch it and start to push into it slowly. He massaged the ring and managed to get me to relax just enough for him to push the tip of his finger inside. I gasped and my cock leaked even more pre, which Hank handily slurped up as he sucked my cock even more eagerly.

I was writhing and moaning and gasping in pleasure, with Hank licking and sucking my cock and Kevin only just probing and stretching my asshole, when I felt Kevin move up and kiss me deeply. I moaned into his mouth and my cock grew even harder. I knew Hank enjoyed it because he pushed his head down hard and actually took me into his throat! I shook in pleasure and my cock twitched, almost ready to explode. when suddenly they both pulled up and moved away from me.

"What... what are you guys doing?"

"Hank, which do you want?"

"I'll go up there, you come down here."

"Alright. I'll be right back." Kevin walked into the bedroom.

"Here, I know how much you were admiring this earlier. Take a closer look." Hank waved his uncut cock above my face, and I looked at it intently. I reached up and stroked it, seeing the foreskin move back, exposing a big, purple head. I pulled him closer and he moved his leg onto the couch, so he was over my chest, and his cock rested on my chin. I put my tongue out and licked it. I suddenly felt something on my cock, but I wanted to see how Hank's cock felt in my mouth, and I pulled him close until it was inside. As I sucked, a pressure built up around my cock and I moaned into Hank's crotch, but I heard Kevin moan as well. I looked up and past Hank, and I saw Kevin's back, and his hand was around my cock... as he was sitting on it! My roommate was riding me! I saw a condom sticking down around the base, that must have been what I felt before. He was putting it on me so I could fuck him!

I instinctually pulled Hank closer, angled him so his cock could get into my mouth more easily, and I thrusted up slowly. I felt my cock push into Kevin and he threw his head back and gasped and moaned loudly. Before long, I had all of Hank's cock in my mouth and all of mine in Kevin's tight, warm ass. I couldn't believe what was happening, but I was enjoying every second of it. I started thrusting my hips and bobbing my head, and Hank started thrusting into my mouth as Kevin bounced against my crotch. We moaned and grunted and panted together, and I saw Kevin's arm furiously waving, he must have been working his own engorged meat as he rode me. It only made me more excited and I felt my cock throb inside him. Hank must have been getting close, too, because I felt his cock swell in my mouth. I licked inside the foreskin and it must have sent a wave through his body because his body spasmed and he yelled out. "Fuck, yes! That feels so good!"

After what felt like both an eternity and an instant, the room filled with sweat and testosterone, all three of our cocks started to explode almost in unison. I felt Hank's hot jizz splatter my legs as his hole clenched around my cock, which started to pulse and shoot into the condom as he rode it, and Hank howled as I tasted his salty seed touching my tongue and shooting against the back of my throat. We all came for what seemed like forever, I had at least eight spurts myself, and we all panted and struggled to catch our breath. Hank got down and sat in the chair next to us, and Kevin leaned back and we both rolled over so I was spooning him on the couch, and I wrapped my arms around him.

"Kevin... Did I..."

"Yeah, roomie, you fucked my ass."

"It felt... good!"

"Yeah... it did! Man, your cock felt right at home in there!"

"And, Hank... your cock tasted good."

"Thanks, man! You're pretty talented! Are you sure you're new to this?"

"I really am. I like it, though."

"I could tell!" Hank reached over and rubbed my head. "I'm glad you guys let me in to your little club!"

I blushed and covered my face. "I... I..." I didn't know what to say. I was a little overwhelmed by the situation and I was feeling all kinds of things, I didn't know where to start with processing them and I got up and ran into the bedroom. I shut the door behind me and sat on the floor in front of the door with my legs up in my chest and my arms wrapped around them.

I heard Kevin and Hank talking, probably about me, but they were talking just quietly enough that I couldn't make out the words. After a couple minutes I heard footsteps coming down the hall and a knock on the door. "Josh, are you alright? I hope I didn't make things awkward for you. I didn't mean to intrude on anything you guys had going on. I'm just going to go and give you some time. I'll see you around."

I quickly got up and opened the door and grabbed his arm. "No, wait. I'm sorry, I'm just... I'm trying to figure this all out in my head. Please, stay."

"Are you sure, buddy?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. Just... give me a few minutes, OK? I need to collect myself."

"Yeah, I'll be right out here."

"Can you tell Kevin to come in here? I promise we won't be long."

"Kevin, come talk to your roomie." Josh headed back to the living room and Kevin came into the bedroom, and I closed the door behind him.

"What's up? Are you alright?"

"Yeah, really, I'm fine. Well, I will be." I took a deep breath and hugged him tight. "I'm just feeling a lot of things right now. I'm really excited that I was able to share that experience with you, but..."

"What is it?"

"I had just hoped that my first time would be... private. Just me and the other guy, alone, taking it slow and enjoying every moment. Don't get me wrong, I liked it, I just... I wanted it to feel more special. With Hank there, it made it a little more crowded, and I couldn't focus on it."

"You wanted it to be more intimate instead of a whirlwind of feelings and emotions, huh?"

"Exactly." I squeezed my arms around him. "You understand, then."

"Yeah, I do. I'm sorry. I should have talked to you before I did that. I've been really interested in trying that myself, and I figured you would be the perfect guy to do it with. And, honestly, I kinda wish it had just been you and me, too. I just let the excitement of the moment get to me."

I rubbed Kevin's back and looked at him. I leaned my head forward and gave him a sweet kiss on the lips, then rested my head back into his chest. "I'm still glad it was you, Kevin. I raelly am."

"Me too, roomie."

"Let's get back out there, I don't want to keep Hank waiting. I feel a lot better, now. Thanks."

"Any time, Josh." He smiled at me and we walked back into the other room. Hank had undressed again and was lounging on the couch with his legs spread wide.

"Welcome back, man. I'm sorry if we overwhelmed you. Like I told you, I'm not shy at all, and it doesn't seem like Kevin is either."

"Yeah, don't worry about it. I'm just... still pretty new to all of this stuff. I was excited about tonight, but it moved a little quickly and I was surprised at how I felt about it after." I reached out and rubbed his arm. "I did enjoy what we did, a lot."

"Good." He reached for my hand and grabbed it gently. "Listen, if you need some time, let me know. I've been with a few guys who were shy and inexperienced, so I know how it can catch you off guard. Sometimes you just need a breath and a while to figure things out in your head."

I nodded and took a deep breath. "Thanks. I know you probably don't really understand, since you're so open and comfortable with yourself, but it helps to know you've dealt with guys like me before."

"If by guys like you, you mean cute and amazing, yes I have!"

I blushed and looked down toward the floor. "Stop! I'm not that cute, or amazing."

"Of course you are. Kevin told me how great you are, and I can see with my own eyes how cute you are!"

"Aww... really, stop." I got even redder and Hank chuckled a little.

"Alright, dude, I'll stop. Won't stop me from thinking so, though!" He looked at his watch and gasped. "Oh, crap, I didn't realize it was so late. I have a meeting, I'm a RA at one of the other halls and we're getting together to prep for the first resident meetings next week." He grabbed his clothes and started throwing them on quickly. "I don't mean to cum and run, but I really can't miss this!"

"Hey, don't worry about it. I'm glad you stopped by."

"Me too. I'll see you around." He reached for Kevin's hand and they shook. "You guys take care and let me know if you need anything. I'm just a call or email away."

"Thanks. Have fun at your meeting!" Hank waved as he walked out the door and closed it behind him. I looked at Kevin and started to tear up. He came over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Let it out. I'm here."

"I don't... don't know... why..." I started sobbing and pressed my face against his chest. I wasn't sure what I was feeling, but I had to cry, and I couldn't do it while Hank was still there. The tears flowed and Kevin rubbed my back, telling me it would be alright, that he was there for me, that he would make sure he would do anything I needed to make me feel better.

I believed him, and as I stopped crying, I looked at him and I kissed him deeply. I pulled his head tight against me and there was electricity as our lips met and our tongues danced together. This was right. This was good. This was how things were meant to be. No matter who else there was, there would be us, Josh and Kevin, together through it all. We broke the kiss and breathed heavily. After we caught our breath, I held his hands and looked straight into his eyes.

"I love you, Kevin." I smiled at him.

He smiled back. "I love you too, Josh."

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Next: Chapter 12

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