Caught in the Act

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Feb 3, 2023



(rimming, incest)


The hotel ballroom was decorated nicely. Junior Prom. Big fuckin' deal! Well, it wasn't so bad, I guess. At least I got Linda Gibson to go with me. She was a hot chick...cheerleader. Big tits. I doubted I was gonna get any, but it was nice that she agreed to go with me. I wasn't in the A group, but probably a B. Then that squirrely Jay Leedle asked to dance with her. She agreed, politely, and I shrugged and stood back. Jay was a nerd, and I certainly had nothing to worry about there. He was a nice enough guy, but probably on the D list. He had this kinda goofy-looking face. Pleasant, but dopey.

Anyway, while they were dancing, one of Linda's tits popped out of her gown. Jay's eyes popped out of his head! He stood there like a dunce, staring at the tit. Linda blushed, and calmly stuck it back in, ready to resume the dance. Jay gasped, and ran from the room, brushing right past me, going out onto the balcony. Some other guy rushed up and took Linda into his arms for the rest of the dance.

Curious, wondering why Jay had been so embarrassed, I went out the door to find him. No one else was out there. Then I heard these squishy sounds and went to investi-gate. There he was, back behind the palm trees, rapidly beating off! He didn't see me at first, and I watched him flogging this huge piece of meat!

"OH, SWEET TITS! SWEET TITS!" he was hissing to himself.

Hey, he was talkin' about my girl's tits and jacking off! I rushed over to him. He saw me, but didn't stop. He had this glassy look in his eyes and I knew he was beyond it.

"AHHHHH!" He splattered a monstrous load of jizz into the bushes! I was ready to pop him one, but the sight just held me mesmerized. His cock was so big and his load so huge, I just stared at it. Gulping, I backed away and returned to the dance.

I didn't get any from Linda, and I wasn't surprised. Actually, I didn't much care. For some reason I wanted to get back home and jack off...thinking about that big cock and the look in Jay's eyes.

The next year Jay was in my gym period. I hadn't thought much about that night until I saw him again. After being dismissed, I rushed into the shower room, waiting for Jay. I was nervous and didn't know what was happening. All I knew was that I wanted to see him naked! I wanted to see that big prick again. I didn't know why. He was a goofy kid. Looked like a nerd, acted like a nerd, and was treated like a nerd. But when he walked into that shower room, all eyes seemed to gravitate to him. Even other guys tried to hide their fascination with the long thing swinging between his legs. Jay didn't even notice this. I'd see him take a few quick glances around at what the other guys had, but mostly he just kept his head down and soaped himself up. Two guys were playing grabass, reaching for each other's meat, just being playful. Jay's expression changed. He watched them, and I could see that the sex play was making his prick get a bit springy. He quickly turned away and took his hand away, letting the soap rinse off. He stayed like that until it went down. It made me wonder. After the way he'd gotten so excited about seeing a naked tit, why would a couple of guys futzing around get to him? Maybe the poor kid got excited at anything.

I felt a disturbing feeling in my own crotch as I watched him dry off in front of his locker. He lifted his leg onto the bench, giving me a full view of his hanging cock and balls, and a peek at his asshole when he bent over. I was starting to get hard, and had to turn away and get into my shorts quickly! What the fuck was going on?

I watched him every day. I jacked off over him every night. I stopped worrying about it so much. Just a thing, I told myself. Maybe he was just girlish and that was what turned me on. But I finally had to realized there was nothing girlish about his big prick...and that was what I fantasized about! I wanted it in my hand...maybe even my mouth! I started mastur- bating thinking about sucking on it! I tried to picture him fucking a girl so I could get some pussy into the picture. But it wasn't any use. I just couldn't picture him with a girl. Guys kept coming into my picture. He was fucking guys...he was fucking me! Other guys were watching and joining in. I rushed into the shower and got on my knees to suck on his big cock!

I started to stick a finger up my ass while jacking off. Then two and even three! He started to become an obsession. Each day I'd stare at him in the showers when I couldn't be seen. I didn't have to worry about him because he always kept his eyes down.

But one day he and I were the only ones left and I was soaping my dick while looking at his. He was flopping it around and rubbing his balls. I saw it getting harder and lifting up. Then I happened to glance up to see him looking at me. He smiled. A BIG smile. That was what was making his dick hard. Seeing me looking at it. I blushed, wondering what the expression on my face might have been. I looked down. He walked over to me, still holding onto his prick, and glancing around.

"Uh, sorry about that time," he said softly.

"Um, what time was that?" I answered gruffly, not looking him in the eye. I knew precisely what he meant.

"You know. When I saw your girl's tit and went out back and jerked off like a dumb kid."

"Oh...that. That's okay, she really wasn't my girl anyway."

" didn't slug me or anything. Thanks. I just couldn't help it, you know. I'd never seen a girl's tit like that up close."

"Ah, they're no big deal," I blurted, without thinking.

"Yeah, I think that way How come you always look at me? You never even speak to me."

"What?" I acted defensively, "I don't look at you!"

"Yeah, you do. I've seen ya. You watch me shower and dry off."

"You're fuckin' nuts, man!" I cried and walked out, hoping nobody'd heard us, I wrapped my towel tightly, hiding my boner.

He never approached me or spoke to me on the outside when I'd seen him on campus or between classes. I noticed he didn't seem so nerdy any more. He started combing his hair differ- ently, and even dressed more hip. I still glanced at him in the showers, but made sure he didn't notice me watching.

One day his coach didn't show so our classes were put together. Luck would have it that we were teamed together for mat work. We were to hold each other's legs while doing situps. While he did his, I couldn't help seeing up the slits of his gym shorts. He didn't wear a jock. I could see his cock and balls slapping around in there. He knew it, and kept smiling at me. Not evily, just kinda like a tease. Like he knew something I didn't. He knew I was looking and even crinkled his eyes once, encouraging me and spreading his legs a little. I bit my lip and tried to look around. But my gaze kept going back to his crotch.

When it was my turn, without being obvious about it, he kept twisting his head, trying to peek in my shorts! I had on my jock and knew he couldn't see anything. Besides, he'd seen it many times before. Now he was either teasing me or making it plain that he was interested too. I took my shower real quick that day and got right out. He was just going in, and looked disappointed that I'd finished already.

The whole thing was disturbing me more and more. On Monday I grabbed my lunch sack and headed out to the benches... wondering how I was going to handle gym that afternoon. I picked out a far bench and wasn't paying attention. Opening my sack, I looked up. I'd sat right across from Jay Leedle! Gasping, I started to get up.

"Please don't," he said. "Can't we talk?"

"W-what about?" I asked, extremely nervous. "That stupid idea of yours again?"

"No, not if you don't want to. About anything. Is there some reason we can't be friends?"

"I...I guess not. W-why w-would you want to be friends with me?"

"I think you're a cool guy. You're not an asshole like some guys. You're smart, and you like baseball. So do I."

"How do you know I like baseball?"

He pointed to my notebook with the team decals on it. "And I know you're smart...cause I asked."

"Asked? Asked who?"

"Around, kids in your class. Don't worry, I made it sound cool."

"W-why would I worry?"

"Well, you wouldn't want others to think I know ...interested in you, right?"

"Hell no!" I blurted, then lowered my voice. "A-are you? I mean..."

"I know what you mean. Yes, I am. Now don't go getting mad. I, uh, I've changed a bit since the Big Tit fiasco," he laughed. I had to chuckle too, not sure why. "Like you said once...they're no big deal."

"I...I just meant...I don't know what I meant," I shrugged.

"I do. But you're not ever gonna admit it."

I let him do it. I gave him the opening. I didn't get up and leave. "A-admit w-what?" I stammered.

"Uh, listen, I got a great baseball card collection. Would you consider coming over to my place after school. Nobody'll be home. We can have a couple of beers and go through them...and maybe talk some."

"Um...sure, I guess so." I felt jittery, but something drove me to accept. Things had to come to a point and it was driving me nuts!

"Great! I'll write down my address."

"That's okay, I know where you live," I said without thinking.

"You do?" he looked surprised, then smiled, still writing it down.

"Um, yeah, you're, ah, just a couple blocks from me...I think. Lemme see...yeah, that's what I thought."

"How about 4:30?"

He took two cans of beer from the refrigerator and led me straight to his bedroom. I had to take a big sip right away because my hand was shaking so much the beer was slopping out! He reached into a drawer for the cards and we sat on his bed going over them. Suddenly, he hopped up and took his pants off!

"H-hey, what're you doing?" I squeaked.

"Nothing. Just getting into a pair of shorts. I always wear shorts around the house. Ain't nothing you haven't seen before, right?" He didn't draw that out accusingly, he just said it like a guy would. I relaxed and layed back, going over the cards.

"You don't wear underwear either, hunh?" I asked casually.

"Oh, no, I don't. Sorry about that gym thing. Musta been distracting but I just can't stand being all bunched up."

"Kinda dangerous not wearing a jock in gym, though," I said, ignoring our encounter.

"Yeah, but it feels a lot sexier! I like my cock flopping around!"

"You, uh, sure got a big one. I mean...bigger'n most guys, uh..."

"Yeah, don't I?! It's great! Sometimes I use two hands to jack off!"

I blushed furiously, remembering watching him...unable to move.

"Boy, was I ever embarrassed having you catch me like that!"

"Y-you were?" That made me feel better, having him admit that he was the one who was embarrassed. "Aw, all guys jerk off."

"Yeah, but at the Prom behind some bushes just cause I saw a tit?!"

"I was more embarrassed catching you," I laughed. "I just..."

"Watched me..."

"Yeah," I gulped, not looking at him.

"Boy, was I nerdy back then. Guess...guess I'm still a nerd, hunh?"

"Naw, you're okay, Jay. I've seen some changes, you know ...uh..."

"Hey, you wanna see some porn mags? I got some great ones."

"Uh...I, I guess so." I was reluctant, but I loved seeing dirty pictures. Still, I was suspicious at how he maneuvered things to sex. He reached under the bed and handed me a stack of them.

"I'm 18. I can go in and buy 'em. I think they're great. First thing I do is come home and whack my meat! Hey, wanna jack off together?"

"NO! I don't jack off with guys!" I cried.

"Why not? I do all the time. Have since I was 13. Most guys do it. Come on, loosen up. I won't....touch ya."

"I...I didn't say you would...I didn't say..."

"I know. But you thought it, didn't you?"

"M-maybe." I said quietly, casually browsing through the magazines and getting a hardon in spite of my nervousness. They had some good snatch shots and lots of sucking and fucking. Big cocks!

"I wouldn't do that."

"Hunh? What?"

"Uh, books gettin' to ya? I said I wouldn't just, you know ...touch ya...if you didn't want."

"Does that...uh...mean that you want to?" I kept my eyes down.

"Well, you know. Guess you don't since you never done it. Some of us guys jerk each other off while we look at pictures. You know, just tradin' handjobs. Guess it's kid stuff now, but what the still feels good! Sides, we ain't got no pussy here, right?"

I'd just opened another book and my eyes were bugging out! I looked at him. "You don't want pussy. You got a book full of cocksuckers!" Sure enough, it was full of guys sucking and fucking other guys. I spread the page and showed it to him... dumbly, like he didn't know what was in it.

"You gonna run home to Momma now?" he smiled, moving back slightly.

I gulped, looking at the pictures again, beginning to sweat. I wanted to jump up and leave. I ignored his remark. I wasn't afraid of him...I was afraid of something else. It was like I couldn't move. I couldn't speak, either. I just flipped the pages. He kept quiet.

Finally, he half-whispered, "I...I saw that book on the shelf and...I don't know...the guy...the one on the back kinda..."

I flipped the magazine closed and turned the magazine over. A young, beautiful guy with a big cock and the sexiest eyes leaned back against a railing, totally nude. Unconsciously, I licked my lips. "What...what about him?" I asked. "What do you ...want to do w-with him?"

"Man, anything he wants!" Jay blurted out.

"You serious?" I glanced at him.

"Hell, yes! I think that kid's so fuckin' hot! I never really did much but jack a guy off, you know, and it wasn't really a queer thing. But when I saw that picture, I just had to buy it. Anything you see in that book...I'd do with him! And..."

"Hunh? And what?"

"And with you," he whispered.

Again I gulped. "Jay..." I shook my head, "I'm not...I can't..."

"Okay, how come you got a boner? How come you watch me naked all the time and rub yourself?"

"J-just soaping up!"

"How come you're here?"

"I don't know." I turned my head away. I layed back, staring at the ceiling. Was it confession time? Did I really have anything to confess? Did he know more about me than me? Was I so bewildered that I didn't realize my laying back like that made my hard prick more prominent? No. I knew it quite well. I wanted him to grab it! "Ever since that night I keep thinking about you...seein' you jack off. big it is. I don't know what it means. Kinda like that boy on the cover, I guess. No guy ever made me think about it before. Have you ever done it...except for messin' with those guys?"

"Given a guy a blowjob? No, I never have. Just thought about it. I'd sure like to try it, though!"


"Yeah. Can I touch it? Just play with it a little?"

"I guess." I continued to stare at the ceiling. I flinched, feeling his hand gently rub my crotch and stroke my hard pecker. It felt good.

"Mmmm, nice! Boy, was I ever a dumb nerd. To think of all those guys I jacked off and was too stupid to know what I had hold of!" he giggled. "They'd have probably loved gettin' sucked off."

"You would've done that?"

"I would now! Want me to do it?"

" better stop squeezin''ll make me come in my pants! Lemme take 'em off. That don't mean we're gonna do anything. I just don't wanna get jizz all over inside." I sat up, undoing my belt, knowing that what I was saying was total bullshit. I didn't just pull my pants and shorts down...I took them all the way off! Jay smiled, took off his shirt, and stepped out of his shorts. His big prick stood right out! I stared at it, and stared at him.

"You like it enough to jack it for me while I suck you, don't you?"

I nodded mindlessly...and reached for it. He thrust his middle forward and let me handle it. My hand shook. It felt so smooth and so hard. Like I'd never had my hand around a prick before. As often as I'd pumped my own, I never realized how neat a cock felt. I stroked it all the way up and down...even reached up and cupped his hangin' nuts. Man, they really felt weird!

"You ever had a face full of jizz?" he asked me.

"NO!" I cried, alarmed.

"Well, you're gonna get one if you don't stop!" he laughed. "Let's get all naked, okay? Sixty-nine like in the book, 'cept you only gotta jack me. I wanna start suckin'!"

We stripped bare, and layed on the bed head to foot. All I had to do was jerk him off. That'd be alright. Hell, that'd be fine! I took hold of him again and looked down. He had my prick in his hand and he was looking at me. He pointed to the head of my prick. It was leaking. Jay stuck his tongue out and licked it off! He squeezed more up and licked it again.

"It's good!" he gushed. "I think suckin' you's gonna be good, too, so don't come too quick, alright?"

"I...I'll try..OH, FUCK!" He put his mouth over my prick and sucked on my knob. He quickly pulled off and shook his head.

"I'd let ya do it right now, but I'm afraid you won't hang around to do it again. Don't watch. I'll just lick it and lick your balls. You pay attention to mine to take your mind off it, alright?"

"Okay." I was hotter'n a firecracker and ready to pop right then. I tried to do as he suggested, but turning to see his prick in my face nearly made me come anyway. I leaned up and licked it! I fuckin' licked his cock! Then I licked it again! It throbbed in my hand. "J-Jay? When are your folks coming home?"

"Not for hours, why?"

"I think I wanna stick around and do it again...I promise I will." I reached around and grabbed his ass, pulling him closer and rubbing our naked bodies together. "Come on, let's do it!" I put his cock in my mouth and started to suck him! Soon, we were writhing on the bed, giving our first blowjobs--to each other. It was so fucking fantastic! I loved his big prick in my mouth...even though I couldn't take much of it. By the time I remembered how much I'd seen him shoot into the bushes, it was too late. Gushes of hot sperm was flooding my mouth and I had to swallow fast to get it all. I was keenly aware that I was doing the same. Jay drank it all...just like I did! We were damned good cocksuckers for our first time! That's then the door opened!

"Well, and what's the meaning of this?!"

"Uh, hi Mom. Hi Dad!"

"It's, uh, it's all MY fault! It's my fault!" I cried, being noble and grabbing for my pants. Jay pulled me back onto the bed.

"Actually, we were studying," he said, feigning calmness.

"Really? Well, this should be interesting!" His father sat on the other bed while his mother put her hand over her mouth, looking away from our nudity. I put a pillow over my crotch.

"See, we learned in Sex Education that 60% of guys have experimented with homosexuality by the time they're 20. Talking together, we realized we were both in the minority...we'd never tried it. So we thought we would, and maybe write a report!"

"I see. So I gather you've tried it. What's the verdict? And wipe your mouth--it's disgusting!"

"Oh, Dad! It was terrible! Wasn't it, Jack?" He nudged me.

"Yeah, yeah. Boy...we'll never do that again!" I assured them.

"Well, that's something, I suppose," his mom muttered.

"Yes, dear. It's also the biggest crock of bullshit I've ever heard!"

"Herman! But you heard what they said."

"Un hunh. Look there, Gladys. I don't know about the other boy, Jack, but your son still has an erection!"

"Well...see...I wasn't satisfied by it!" Jay cried. "That must count for something, right?"

"Son, you're 18 and gonna graduate soon. You can do what you want, I guess. Besides, I've seen your schedule and you don't even have Sex Education this year!"


"OH, MY GOD, THAT'S TRUE!" his mother gasped.

"Oh, relax darling. In my day it was more like 80%. I wasn't in the minority by the time I was 15."


"Oh, don't worry about it. Most boys do it. I'm sure they're going to do it a few more times...unless I miss my guess. Sure didn't stop me from finding and marrying you, my love! Now let's leave them be."

He paused at the doorway. "Terrible? Yeah, right! What a crock!"

"W-was it anybody I knew, dear?" she queried him, going out first.

"Well, you remember that tennis player you were going with when we first met...?" He winked at us and closed the door.

"Wow! That was lucky!" I gasped.

"Aw, I wasn't worried," he said, stroking my chest.

"You weren't? Having your folks walk in?"

"Wonder why they came back so soon? Anyway, I wasn't real worried know the gay mag we looked at? Well, one night it wasn't there. I figured Mom found it and threw it away. But the next day it was back at the bottom of my stack. She wouldn't have done that, so..."

"Your dad!"

"Freaky, hunh? Musta taken it for a jackoff! You heard him. He knew I didn't think it was terrible. Even admitted he'd done it...more than once. Say, why don't you spend the night? We can do anything we want without worrying about being caught."

"Gee, I'd sure like that. You think it'd be alright?"

"Sure, no sweat! Or...maybe lots of sweat!" He kissed me.

I called my parents to let them know. Mom said fine, as long as I got to school in the morning. She said to be sure and borrow a pair of fresh underwear...and maybe a clean shirt. I didn't bother to tell her one of Jay's shirts would go to my knees...or that I didn't wear underpants any more except to bed. Nor did I mention that if I got hold of a pair of Jay's underwear I'd go for a dirty pair just to sniff 'em!

At dinner, his mother was polite but very quiet. I'd catch her looking at me if sizing me up as a future daughter-in-law! Hell, we didn't even know who was gonna be on top yet!

"So..." his father cleared his throat, "you boys plan on a few more experiments, I gather."


"Now, Gladys, let's be honest here. The boy's a man now and we haven't been living in a cave. I've explained to you..."

"Oh! But I just can't imagine you...him...putting another boy's penis in his mouth! Sorry, Jack. I'm sure you're a fine young man."

"Actually, we weren't thinking about oral things tonight, we..."

"OH, JAY! MY BABY!" she cried.

His father held up a finger in warning. "Spit or lube, boys. No junk like Vaseline...not good for the insides."

"Herman, you're encouraging them!"

"Just being cautious, dear. They're going to do it no matter what we say. We just have to accept that." He took a big mouthful of peas.

"I suppose," she sighed, trying to smile.

"Hey, Pop? You got any other suggestions?" Jay asked casually.

"Well, it's kinda good if you get up and put your..."


"Um, just be careful, boys. Remember that's very tender tissue in there and go slow cause it'll hurt." Then he whispered across the table, "But it's worth it!" He chuckled.

His mother slammed her fork down. "Well, Mr. Experienced! Why don't you just go ahead and tell us all about it here at the dinner table!"

That made him laugh. "Gladys, you're not a prude--quit acting like it." Then he got an evil grin on his face and casually remarked, "I screwed your brother once."

"What? My god, w-which one?"

"Ain't gonna tell," he smirked, "I promised."

She looked perplexed, going over in her mind trying to figure out which one it might have been.

"That's the weirdest dinner I've ever had!" I said once we'd gotten back to his room.

"Couple of pips, aren't they? So who should go first?"

"Are we really gonna try it?"

"Sure. Why not?"

"Gosh, Jay. I'm not sure about taking that big thing of yours!"

"I got a tube of stuff I use to jack off'll work. But you can stick it in me first if you want."

We layed next to one another, stroking each other's bones. He grabbed the tube and squirted some on my cock, working me up harder. He put some more on his finger and lifted his legs, pushing it up his asshole. Then he layed on his side and scooted his butt back to me. "Go ahead, put it in. But go slow."

I turned on my side and nudged my knob over his anus, squishing it around. Then I pushed!

"EEOOWW!" he cried, "take it easy!"

"Sorry. Guess they know we've started!" I chuckled. I just held still, my knob stuck inside, and let him get used to it. Before long, he tentatively pushed back, taking a little more, beginning to move back and forth very slowly.

"Oooh, that feels kinda good." He looked back over his shoulder.

"Mmmm. You're so hot in there!" I couldn't stay still any longer. I started to probe deeper and he didn't complain. I could feel him loosening up. He reached back and pulled his cheek open.

"Do it, Jackie. Push it all the way in! AHHH!" His head fell to the side, onto the pillow. "Yeah, screw me!" He worked his butt back onto my prick until it was completely lodged up his rectum!

Gasping, I hugged him tightly and really started to fuck him! He was moaning and jerking and going with it and the bed was squeaking. We couldn't talk any more. We were both gasping breathlessly, humping our bodies together in rhythm. After withdrawing to the tip, I'd thrust back into him just as he'd arch back to get it all. The only sounds in the room besides our heavy breathing and the squeaky bed were the squishy noises coming from his asshole as we fucked!

SQUISH! SQUISH! We didn't need to say a word. It was obviously the most fantastic thing either of us had ever felt! I couldn't get any further up his ass, but I sure kept trying! I was really ramming him and he just layed there, excited gasps and meanings coming from his lips. I reached over and grabbed for his huge, stiff cock. He was squeezing it hard so I flittered my fingers over his knob. Suddenly, my fingers were wet as globs of warm cream came flowing out! I mooshed it around his cockhead and shot into his ass!

"OH, JAY!" I cried, jamming in deep and licking his neck.

We layed that way for a long time, catching our breaths. Neither of us wanted my cock taken out. It came out on its own, soft and happy. He turned around and we hugged and kissed softly, over and over. I put my hand back and cupped his ass, twirling my finger over his gooey hole.

"Mmmm. Keep teasing me like that and I'll let you do it again." He smiled. "That was great. More than great. I wanted your cock to stay in me forever!"

"I know, I wanted to keep it there too...and never take it out!"

"Can I fuck you tomorrow?" he asked.

"What's wrong with tonight? I'm ready! Or...I will be in a bit."

"Best do it when you're really horny. I'm kinda big."

"Kinda? Ha! You're gonna choke the back of my throat just putting it up my ass!"

"Besides, I want you to fuck me again while I'm all loosened up."

"I'm not gonna say no to that!"

We cuddled some more and played with each other. With a towel he wiped the grease off of my cock, then leaned over and took it in his mouth and sucked. I wasn't sure it was clean enough for that, but he didn't seem to mind. I didn't get hard right away and he didn't seem to mind that either. He was just enjoying my cock in his mouth. I urged him to turn around so I could do the same. Soft, he had a good 6" of meat to mess around with. I licked away the dried cum he'd never wiped off. Why not, I'd licked his cream from my fingers after he'd shot all over them! The rest was a big wet spot on the sheet.

Once I started sucking his meat it didn't take long for mine to begin growing in his mouth. Soon we were 69ing with boners again! I pulled his leg up and twiddled at his asshole again. It was still gooey and I put my finger up to my nose and smelled it. Nothing. I'd kinda expected it would...maybe even hoped it would...just a little.

This time he wanted to try it doggie style. He got on all fours and stuck his butt in the air. I put more grease around his hole and pushed some in. Then I greased my cock real good, wiped my fingers off, and stuck it in. He gasped in pain, but it went away faster than the first time. His legs were so long that the position wasn't good. I got up on my feet and squatted behind him. That felt really nasty! I held his buttcheeks and plowed his ass. I knew then why they called it doggie style...I felt just like a rutting hound dog! I leaned over and grabbed his shoulders...using them for leverage.

"Oh, that's it...fuck me, baby! Screw that prick up my ass! Do it it real hard! Uh uh uh."

This was great...this was great. Jay loved my cock up his ass as much as I loved stuffing it in there. I pictured some good fucking from then on! If only I could take his as well. Hell, half as well.

Jay splattered a load all over the sheets and I filled his ass up with a powerful eruption! We fell in a heap--satisfied again beyond our imaginations. I had to pee. Jay followed me into his bathroom, holding his butt and giggling.

"Pee in the sink. I'm leaking!" He quickly sat down on the toilet and noisily blustered bubbly farts as he forced my sperm out of his hole! I was embarrassed seeing somebody sitting on the pot like that, but we both giggled about it. We were comfort-able with each other. "Come 'ere, sit on my lap and pee between my legs!" he laughed.

"Heh, wha..."

"Come on, sit on my thighs and push your cock down and pee."

"No! Hell, I'll piss all over your dick!"

"So? Go ahead. I can wash it off. Might feel good!"

"Okay." I grinned and straddled his legs, pushing my soft pecker down against his. He put his arms around my hips and I put my hands on his shoulders. We kissed, then I put my face into his neck and concentrated. Soon, I let my stream go... pissing warm liquid all over his bush and cock and down over his balls. It was so strangely erotic him letting me do that!

"Oooh, that's wild!" he cried. "Yeah, piss on me, man! Damn, we shoulda done this in the shower so you could pee all over me!"

"Feels weird," I said.

"Feels good," he replied. "Fun and nasty!"

He used a washcloth to clean me up...and himself...also wiping his ass clean. Then we went to bed, exhausted, laying like spoons with me behind. I scooched against his body and dropped off with a smile.

I was dead asleep and the dream was outrageously erotic! Feelings of forbidden pleasure washed over me. I knew what it was...I just couldn't believe someone would do that! But then, anything can happen in a dream, can't it? I lazily opened my eyes in my twilight state, half surprised that the sensations continued. I cuddled my face against Jay's neck. My eyes shot open! I was totally awake! I froze!

Quietly, very quietly, I whispered into Jay's ear. "Jay, don't move. Jay, some...somebody's licking my asshole!" The sheet was pulled up and over my outthrust naked butt and a tongue was licking me there! "Jay?"

Very slowly he turned his head back to me. "Really? Stay still." He quietly reached up and turned on the table lamp. Then he flipped over.


Alarmed, his father jumped up. He was wearing pajamas and the sudden movement caused his hard prick to spring out of the flap! It was huge! "Uh, gee, s-sorry, fellas, I...."

"Dad. Wow. Jack said you were...licking his asshole?"

"Yeah, well..." he tried stuffing his prick away, but it just made his jammies tent out obscenely. He was blushing beet red.

I sat back against the pillow--astonished. Jay had a devilish glint in his eye. "We're listening, Pop."

"Uh, guess I'd better go back to bed, hunh? Just forget I was here."

"Hold on, Dad. You can't leave like that. You gotta explain."

"Well, guess I do owe it to you. I, um, kinda got all riled up seeing you two and going over my past in my mind. Thought maybe...I don't know..."

"You swiped my porno book, didn't you?"

"I put it back! Um, yeah, I did." He chuckled. "Had me a damned good jackoff over it, too! Didn't have nothing like that when I was young. I heard you guys earlier...fuckin' I guess, hunh? Anyway, it got me all turned on. Thought maybe I could sneak in and...b-blow Jack while he was sleeping. But he was turned the other way so caught, that's what I did!" He grinned sheepishly.

"Wow, we haven't even tried that, yet!" I gushed.

"Really? I'm sure you will."

"Me too, after feeling it! I sure see where you get your big dick, Jay. If...if I can say that."

"What, this old thing?" The man let it poke out of his flap again, proudly displaying it. He really was horny!

"Dad? You trying to steal my boyfriend?" Jay playfully accused.

"N-no, son. I...I know I'm being outrageous. And you got every right to tell me to get the fuck out. I just...really need to get off. Maybe I could just watch you two? Kinda sit back there and jerk off?"

"Whadda you say, Jack?" Jay grinned at me. "You wanna blow my dad?"

"Hunh?? B-but he said..."

"I heard him. That's not what he wants. He misses the action. I sure can't blow him...he's my dad!"

"Yeah, but..." I gulped, staring at the man's large cock.

"Go ahead if you won't matter. Give him a mercy suck!"

"Uh, al...alright."

"Come on, Pop, stick it in his mouth...this'll be wild!"

Eagerly, the man dropped his bottoms and rushed over to the bed. Jay flung the sheets off of us, showing us with hardons! He grabbed mine as the man leaned over and grabbed the headboard, poking his dick down to my face. I opened my mouth and he stuck it in, letting me suck. Maybe I was dreaming... this was all too much! Switching hands, Jay reached up and fondled his dad's balls!

"Got some big knockers on 'im, don't he? I figured Dad had a big one like mine. Yeah, suck it, Jack! I would if he wasn't my dad!"

"Ummm. I'd let ya...if you weren't my son. Ohh, that feels so good! Been a long time since I had a man's lips around my cock! Guys always were better at it. Play with those balls, son. That'd be alright."

"Yeah, if you weren't my dad I'd lick 'em. Must weigh a couple of pounds!"

"Your grandaddy had balls like that, too. That's where we get our peckers from. Seen 'im once in the shower. Your buddy'll take care of me up here, son. Why doncha lick his stuff? I'd like to see that."

"Thought you wanted to do that, Pop?"

"I do. First I wanna see you with a prick in your mouth!"

"That's easily done." He dropped his daddy's nuts and went for mine. He licked them all over then started sucking my cock. I was having a good time with the one I was sucking, too. The man didn't give me more than I could handle, but what I had...I handled quite well. It was just like sucking Jay's cock--maybe a bit more grizzly around the edges. I reached up and grabbed his big balls.

"Heard you boys in here fuckin' your brains out. Both you fellas take it?"

I slurped off a moment. "I...I fucked Jay...twice."

"Aha! Figured it might be the other way around. You got scared of that hose of his, hunh? Can't say I blame you."

"No. Savin' it for tomorrow," I grinned up at him.

"Mmm, look at you two go! Couple of real peckerboys! I can tell, I've seen it before. True cocklovers. You boys won't be giving it up like I did, though, that's for sure."

"You got that right, Pop!"

"Why don't you boys switch a bit. Let's see you suck my son's big cock. I think I'd like to lick that ass of yours some more."

Jay and I moved into a 69. The man took his pajama top off, then bent over and put his face in my crack, pulling my cheeks open and again licking me there...even a ways inside! We sucked eagerly with this new stimulation of having his father watching us. Well, guess he couldn't really see much since his face was crammed up my butt! But he did pull away occassionally and study our cocksucking. He moved around and lifted Jay's leg.

"Here you go, lick his asshole!" he said to me.

"Gee, Dad, maybe he doesn't want to do that," Jay protected me.

"That's okay, I'll do it," I quickly worked my face back. I knew he was clean why not? It was pretty. I'd fucked it twice. It was a great source of pleasure to me. I licked it gladly!

"Oh, yeah, that's hot! Lick my boy's asshole! Stick your tongue in there, fella."

IN?? Why not? Worst thing would probably be tasting my own cream. I pulled his butt apart--like his father had mine--and pushed my tongue through his asslips, into his mushy rectum. Like everything else, it was great fun! Suddenly I felt Jay doing the same...lapping at my hole. I was beginning to like him even more...if that was possible. He seemed as ready as me to try new things...even nasty ones. I felt his tongue go up my butt!

"Damn, one day and already you're cocksucking butt-suckers! You got a pretty ass on you, Jay. Looks like you've found someone who knows how to appreciate it, right, Jack?"

"Mmmm, yeh, mmmm...I sure do!" All those times I'd seen him with his leg up on the bench, getting a peek at this spot, I never imagined I'd some day be licking him here! Some day when nobody can see, I'm gonna sneak up behind him and quickly lick up his crack and freak him out!

"Boys, I need to get off before your mom gets antsy and comes in."

"She...she knows you're in here?!" Jay gasped.

"Course. We were both listening at the wall. She blew me for a while but when I wouldn't stop talking about sneaking in, she gave up and said it'd be okay...just for old time's sake... but I'd best get it out of my system. So give me a cock to suck! Uh, I mean...Jack, of course!"

Jay was still tonguing my butt and his cock was rock hard. I suggested he try fucking me while his dad and I blew each other.

"You sure? Maybe we oughta wait."

"No, this'll be great. I'll be getting sucked at the same time and have a cock in my mouth. Besides, you got me kinda loose...thanks!"

"No problem, baby," he sat up and kissed me. "I like the taste of your butt. Guess Dad does, too! Alright, let me hop over."

We settled into position on our sides, Herman's big dick in my face.

"Ahhh, mind if I hold your leg up so I can watch Jay fuck you?" I didn't answer. I already had his cock in my mouth so I lifted my leg and brought it over the other side of his head. He grabbed my prick and started to suck me.

"I'll go real slow," Jay promised, stretching his long body against my back. "Once I get it in you just scoot back when you want more, okay? I'll watch you blow Dad!"

I was much too horny to analyze the incestuousness of it... even if they didn't hardly touch each other. I was getting a terrific blowjob from his dad and it was a good thing I'd already come twice. I'd be able to hold back for a long time. I only hoped he could.

"Oh! Oh, Jackie, it's slipping in like butter! Wow!"

I guess I wanted it. I could definitely feel it going in, but so far it wasn't bad...just kinda taking my breath away. "Ugh, ooooh, mmmm. A little...little slower now." It must have been halfway in when I suddenly felt some pain. "STOP! Okay, hold still and lemme suck."

I went back down on the cock and quickly got lost in the 69 again. His father was moaning and rustling with my balls. Being in control, I didn't fear backing up and taking Jay's cock. It was becoming a deliciously stuffed feeling. I wanted it all and kept trying to get it.

"Oh, man, that's good!" Jay gushed into my ear. "Almost better than getting fucked...almost," he giggled. My thigh was being lifted more.

"Ah, what a sight!" Herman finally spoke. "Son, you've got a fine cock for fucking. You've really got that pretty hole opened wide. He'll let you ram it before long!"

We sucked up a storm and all the time I kept jamming by ass back until Jay got the idea and started to screw me. He held my leg up and began to long-dick me, humping his ass ever faster. His dad was the first to come--shooting bolts of jizz into my mouth! I gulped it down. It tasted wonderful and there was so much of it! He continued to suck.

"OH, FUCK ME, JAY! FUCK ME!" I cried, plugging the man's mouth, not caring about how much noise I was making.

"I'm...I'm puttin' it all in!" Jay gasped.

"No shit!" his father said, "Fuck his ass, son, fuck him good!"

"OH, I'M COMING...I"M COMING!" Jay yelled, gripping my shoulders. I squirted a big load into his father's mouth. He swallowed it all.

We rested for a moment, catching our breaths. Then Jay began to slowly extract his long prick from my bottom. My leg was still up in the air. The moment his dick squished out, his father put his mouth on my asshole and began to suck at it! SUCKING OUT HIS SON'S HOT CUM!!!

"MOM! HOLY SHIT....MOM?!!" Jay cried, aghast. We looked around. His mother was standing in the doorway. She had her nightie lifted up and she was...she was jacking off a fat cock!!!!

"GLADYS! You shouldn't have...NO!"

"OHHHH, HERMANN!!!" Huge streams of jizz spurted from her cock! I stared in astonishment...knowing I was dreaming for sure. She even had a big sack of swinging balls underneath!

"MOMMY!!" Jay slapped his hand over his mouth, his eyes bugging out.

"Hold on, Son, hold on," his father tried to calm him. "Let me...let me explain." She dropped her nightie and rushed from the room, looking embarrassed.

"Dad! She...Mom...she had a COCK!" He shook his head, disbelieving what he'd seen with his own eyes.

"It's's alright. Calm down."

I just layed there, staring at them. This I had to hear! I patted Jay on the leg.

"Jay, Gladys is not your real mother. Your real mother died when you were born. Gladys is my male lover. Has been since you were little."

"My god! A man! But...she's always been my mother. Why...?"

"Son, things weren't so easy back then. See, your grand- mother wanted to take you away from me after your mother died. She suspected what I was, so I had to get married very quickly to stop her in her tracks. Gladys, uh Hank, was a..."

"HANK?! His name's HANK? Jeez!"

"Anyway, Hank was a dancer and sometimes female imperson- ator. He was an absolutely gorgeous boy. He's still beautiful. A little makeup, constant electrolysis, and not even you suspected all this time."

Jay was sullen, feeling betrayed. "So...why tell me now? Cause 'Mom' couldn't control her HARD-ON?!"

Herman gritted his teeth. "Yeah, in a way! Your mother, uh, Hank, never has been able to control that hard prick of his. Nice one, though, isn't it? Mmmm. that you're a cocksucker I guess it's alright. You should be able to understand. Hank really is your mother, you know. After all these years, there shouldn't be any doubt that he loves you as I do. There's no deceit in that fact. But before you learned the joys of cock there was no telling how you would react. We simply couldn't bear the thought of you turning away from us. That just wasn't something we could gamble with."

Silence ensued. I felt like a third wheel, but Jay held my hand for support.

"I guess it woulda been sticky...but I'da never done that."

"We had to be sure. Even now I'm not sure you understand."

"What I don't understand is why you came in here tonight. You said it was cause you hadn't done it for a long time. But you were 'doing' it every night!"

"Well, even the same delicious cock gets a little tiresome after so many years. Listening to you two and...well, Jack's such a doll, I got so horny! Even Hank's ready to throw his legs up for him. Care to fuck my wife, Jack?"

"Uh, I...."

"How can you talk sex at a time like this?!" Jay cried.

"Sex is what it's all about, Jay. I wanted a man and I wanted my lovely son. We're hot for your boyfriend and Hank's ...well, Hank's always been attracted to you, Jay, as more than just a son. Heh! He used to suck your pecker when you were little! He'd be changing you and I'd come in and catch him sucking you and licking your tiny balls. Of course, he had to stop that. But he'd still like to do it."

"Oh, great! Now you're suggesting I fuck my own mother?!"

"But he's not. You're not even related...except in spirit."

"This is crazy. I...I guess it's not so bad. So I got really weird parents," he giggled. "Okay, so what'll I do now?"

"Well, I think you should go in and assure your mother... uh, Hank... that you still love him. I'm sure he's in there crying right now, thinking he's ruined everything."

"Yeah, and wiping her cock off, no doubt!" Jay giggled.

"Now, you seem to know as well as anyone that a cock has no conscience. Go on in and cheer him up."

"Well...alright." Nervously, he slunk out of the room.

"Pretty bizarre, hunh?" he asked me.

"No shit! And I thought we were being kinky!" I chuckled, putting my arm around his shoulder. "I understand why you did it. It makes sense. But it must be hard for Jay to take all of a sudden."

"I'm sure it is. Actually, I'm surprised that prick of his didn't give us away long before this. He's such a horny bastard!"

"He didn't mind you coming in here...and cheating on him?" I asked.

"Naw, not after twenty years. We've always gone out for strange cock on the side. We know we love each other and nothing will change that."

"That's good."

"Come on, let's go listen at the door!" He pulled me off the bed.

"But...we shouldn't eavesdrop!"

"Of course we should. It's important for us both to know. After all, the four of us may be a family!"

I gulped. The man already had me married to Jay! I agreed.

"Mom? Uh, H-Hank?" Jay must have been moving slow. He'd just entered the room and left the door ajar.

"Oh, darling, I'm so sorry! Do you hate me?" He dabbed at his tears.

"N-no, of course not! Don't cry. Hell, you're still my mom!" He started to laugh awkwardly and rushed over to hug her.

"OH, JAY! SWEETHEART! 'bout second daddy or something? I'm dying to get out of these fuckin' women's clothes after all this years! It was alright on stage but jeez! Twenty fuckin' years!"

"W-would you...would you do it now?"

"What's that, darling?"

"Take them off. Let me see you as you really are?"

Hank blushed. " already did in a way. Sorry about that."

"You certainly know how to make an entrance!"

"HA! HA!" They both cracked up at that.

"Alright. You deserve to see me as I am. Not very proper seeing your mother in the nude, but here goes!" She stripped into a very slender, handsome man with long hair. "Only thing good about the whole thing, besides keeping you, was the constant dieting. I was able to keep my boyish figure!" Then he took off the wig and flung it aside.

"DAMN!" Jay gasped. "I'd...I'd say Dad's had it pretty good all these years!"

"Thank you, darling!" He bent over and kissed Jay on the lips. "More than the deceitful bastard deserves! Just kidding. God, I hope I can get my voice back."

"Guess I can talk to you differently now, hunh?" Jay asked.

"You bet! No more secrets. But you're not being fair. I'm standing here naked and you've got that robe and t-shirt on. I haven't seen you bare-assed for quite a few years. Let's see how you've shaped up if that wouldn't embarrass you too much." He settled onto the couch by the far wall, hoping for a delicious show.

"Heh! How can I get embarrassed after tonight? I just had a three-way with Dad! I even felt up his balls! Here, take a look." Jay threw off the robe.

"Oh, my! I always thought you inherited your father's long dick. Even young, you had quite a little hang on you. God, you're beautiful!"

"Thanks.'re getting a boner!" he chuckled.

"Hey, with a naked stud like you in the room? You can stop calling me 'Mom'?"

"Nope. That's your penance. I'm always gonna call you Mom. Can I suck it?"

"Jay? Are you serious?"

He stared at the fat cock. "Fuck yes!" He went to his knees and grabbed it, then looked up and winked. "How many boys get to blow their mother's cock?"

We both gasped at the door when Jay went down on the huge knob. Herman turned to me and smiled. "Looks like it's going pretty well, wouldn't you say?"

"Yeah. Guess I'm gonna have some problems with fidelity, too." I said. "Gettin' hooked up with a cock-greedy family. I oughta fit in just fine, though. I'm getting another boner like you are!"

Herman flung open the door. Jay was on his knees blowing the huge prick energetically and licking Hank's balls. "Mind if we join in?"

"Oh, Hermie...he still loves me!" Hank gushed.

"Yeah, sure looks that way!"

"Hey, come on in you guys! Everything's great. I'm blowin' Mom!"

"You have school in the morning, young man!" Herman joked.

"Dad...go fuck yourself!" He dove down onto Hank's cock, holding his hand out and giving him the finger.

"Heh! Jack? I don't know about you, but I wanna watch this."

"Me, too," I said, slipping to the floor with him. We sat against the wall and idly played with each other's stiffened pricks.

"Oh, honey, you've sure learned fast," Hank said, stroking his hair. "You already suck cock as good as your father!"

Jay was going wild, taking the prick halfway. Then he'd attack the balls, licking all over them while Hank's cock waved back and forth above his face. The man had a good 8-incher and it was very thick. I'd had Jay's big one up my ass and I wondered how something like that would feel. Probably rip my asshole apart! What a strange day. I sat there playing with Jay's father, wondering about getting fucked by his mother!

Hank reached over to the bureau and grabbed a hankie. He wiped the lipstick off with a vengeance and kicked his nightie into the corner. That was soon followed by his wig. He was getting more masculine before my eyes. Still, I kinda admired his shaved legs and feminine smoothness. He lifted Jay to his feet.

"Honey, lay on the bed face down. There's something I've wanted to do for years!"

Jay sprawled out and stuck his ass up. He looked around with a lusty gleam on his sexy, goofy face. Hank bent behind him and started to lick up and down his asscrack!

"Loves to suck an ass!" Herman whispered in my ear. I stared enviously as Jay got thoroughly rimmed out and started moaning. His eyelids were fluttering from the sensations.

"How's it going over there, buddy?" Herman asked him.

"Oh, Pop...Mom's got her tongue up my butt!"

"Mighty tasty, too, I'll bet!" he said, betraying his excitement.

"Mmmm. Hermie, our son's got a luscious butthole!"

I felt a pang of jealousy, or envy. I got a peek at Hank's smooth bottom as he squatted there. I could see his asshole, and noticed it was shaved too! In that position, his anus was big and poochy and flexed in and out as he noisily tongued Jay. I ducked my head lower for a better look. Herman whispered in my ear again.

"Go for it," he said.


"You're dying to do it. Won't find a better one. And he loves it! Go ahead, crawl right over there and lick him!" He squeezed my dick.

I licked my lips, hesitating. Hell, why not? I could sure do anything I wanted with this trio. I scooted over and put my face down there. I decided to take a sniff first. I certainly didn't want to lick a dirty asshole! But it was clean with only the slightest aroma of what buttholes smell like. Even that was exciting in a strange way. Then I remembered how Herman had sucked Jay's cum out of my asshole and knew I was just being silly. I swung onto my back and stuck out my tongue and started to licked his anus.

"Oooh, yeah!" Hank cried, looking back. "Sweet it!"

I did it. I pushed my face in there and licked all around it, surprised at how exciting doing such a thing actually was. Hank reached back and pulled his buttocks apart so I could get at it all. That turned me on...having him do that. I kissed it and licked it and even poked my tongue in a little ways. I felt Herman's hand lifting my butt, and soon felt his face between my cheeks, licking my crack!

"Ungh!" Jay gasped, glancing in the floor-length mirror on the closet door. "I'm sure glad you like my boyfriend, Pop! Lick him out! Lick me out, Mom! Lick me out!" He blabbered on while the three of us tongued ass.

Hank broke off first, pulling Jay's cock back between his legs and taking it in his mouth and sucking it.

I was getting a crook in my neck. Herman and I got up on the bed beside them, arranging ourselves in a 69. Jay groaned, his face next to where I was sucking his father's cock. I licked his balls and up and down the long shaft. Totally turned on, I started feeling devilish. I grabbed the hard prick and pointed it at Jay.

"Wanna try it?" I asked him.

"Gosh! I...I couldn't do that!" Jay moaned, shaking his head.

"Don't be silly, darling," Hank said. "We've got no rules. Suck your Daddy's dick! I'm sure he's gonna suck yours before the night's over!"

" it OK, Dad?"

"Oh fuck yes! Oh fuck yes! Suck Daddy's dick, baby! Suck me!"

Jay leaned over and put his mouth over the throbbing cockhead. He licked all over it, then moaned and went down on it. I crawled off to the side. Hank grabbed Jay's hips and swung him over Herman's face. The man took his son's cock in his mouth in an instant!

"Ah, the family that sucks together...stays together!" Hank cried, clapping his hands delightedly, quickly coming around to my side with a big grin.

"Can...can I do that some more?" I asked.

"What's that, stud?"

"Lick your butt!"

"Oooh, baby, let's do it together!" He straddled my head and sat down on my face. Then he grabbed my legs and pulled them back and put his face down between my legs and started to eat out my asshole!

I fondled his smooth cheeks and licked his puffy anus again. For a long time, the sounds of slurping were the only sounds in the room. They were sucking cock and we were sucking ass. As much as I was enjoying this new activity, I pushed him up so I could get at his cock. I just had to get a taste of it and see if I could handle that thick thing. He didn't push down, knowing I was a novice and couldn't take much of it in my mouth. He lowered my legs and started to blow me, too.

The other two got louder and louder and more frantic, humming around each other's big pricks...signaling their impending orgasms. They were on their sides, pistoning into each other's mouths and thrusting their asses. Hank and I stopped and watched them just before they shot globs of cum down each other's throats! FATHER AND SON GREEDILY BLOWING EACH OTHER OFF! Even after coming, they continued to lick one another's genitals clean. Then they turned around and hugged tightly, smiling. Hank grabbed me by the balls and stroked my cock.

I gazed up at him. "W-would you fuck me?"

"Oh, kid, you sure? I'm pretty thick."

"I fucked him," Jay said. "He can take it. Give us a show!"

"Okay, but it's gonna be hard to top your last performance! Jack, you tell me if it's too much now," Hank said, lifting my legs up and moving in between them. I held them back myself, eager to feel him stuffing me.

Stuff me, he did! Even his fat knob made me gasp. "OH! OOOH!" I swallowed hard. He eased in, making me grit my teeth. Then he gave me about three inches.

"OUCH! OW! OW! HOLD IT...NO, DON'T TAKE IT OUT... JUST...LEMME GET USED TO IT." I closed my eyes in pain, rethinking it.

"Relax that hole, kid," Herman urged. "It'll go in and fit. Don't you worry. Long dicks are easier, but once you get his rammer in there you'll really know you're being fucked! Believe me, it's worth it!"

"I'll...I'll try," I agreed.

"He fucks you, Pop?" Jay asked.

"You kidding? I love that big log up my ass! I want you to fuck me sometime, too."

"How 'bout after school?"

"I don't think you boys are gonna make it to school this morning. How about after lunch?"

"How 'bout after breakfast?" he giggled.

Suddenly, my poophole just fell open. His cock had expanded my muscles past the point of control. I felt like I was going to just lay there and shit, but it was just being so loose and stuffed!

"G-golly...ahhh!" I moaned. "Push. OH, PUSH IT IN! MORE!" Hank moved up a bit, forcing my legs down, and began to fuck me. I was deliriously stuffed with cock I started going out of my mind, begging for more.

"You okay, little buddy?" He asked me.

"YES! YES! YES! FUCK ME!" I yelled. "AII, AHHHHH, FUUUUCK MEEEEE! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" I started to toss my head back and forth, writhing and bucking my ass up to meet his strokes. He was plunging down into me, making the bed quake. Nothing in the world existed for me but that monster screwing my asshole! I was repeatedly taking every bloated inch of his prick. My anus was gripped tightly around it...he must have been literally pulling my asslips out each time he withdrew. I didn't care if he ripped it off! I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs over his back. Lifting my ass off the bed, he moved back onto his ankles, sitting me in his lap. I hugged him tightly and bounced my ass up and down on him, frantically screwing myself and moaning breathlessly!

"Fuck me," I said more quietly. "I'M COMMMMMING!" I rammed my ass down hard and squirted all over his chest and belly in a thunderous orgasm! He continued to fuck. The pain was getting to me and I fell back onto the bed, complaining. He probably only needed a few more seconds, but he knew I was hurting. He slipped his prick out and began to furiously jack off. Instantly, Herman put his head on my chest and opened his mouth. Hank squeezed his cock and shot streams of white jizz all over his face, his tongue and in his mouth! Then Herman put his mouth over it and sucked on it...RIGHT OUT OF MY ASSHOLE ...HE SUCKED IT!

I stared in astonishment. Jay gasped, having moved up closer to watch, "DAD! HIS DICK'S DIRTY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

He slurped off the cock. "You'll learn, son. Nothing tastes better than a stiff cock fresh out of a young boy's tasty ass!"

Giggling at the compliment, I winked at Jay. He shook his head at me in mock disgust at my antics. Then he leaned over and kissed me.

"What a whore!" he whispered loudly.

"Well, it was your big cock that started me!" I shot back.

"Yeah, but are you gonna be satisfied with mine after that?"

"That was great, but you got all the meat I'll ever need!" I pulled his head down and started kissing him passionately.

"Come on, sugar," Herman said to Hank, "let's throw these cocksuckers out so we can get some rest!"

They dragged us off the bed and escorted us to the door. Just before shoving us out, Herman grabbed Jay and kissed him lightly on the lips. "Everything's gonna be just fine. Super fine."

"Sure, Pop. Long as you two don't steal my boyfriend!"

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