Caught Camping

By Blake Cotera

Published on Apr 18, 2023


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Part 3

I needed to get the hell out of there. Not for the week, just for the day. Was getting a little tired of being Andy's bitch. So I headed to town, poked around a little, bought a sweatshirt (forgot how cold it gets at night in the mountains in the summer), tooled around looking at cars (I'm kinda an auto junkie), went to a bar, thought I scored with a chick till her boyfriend came in and almost kicked my ass. By the time I got home it was 10 pm. Didn't even turn on the lights. Just went to my bed and went to sleep. Had a bad dream that I was drowning and I couldn't breathe. When I woke up I still couldn't breathe. "Shut up it's me." Andy's hand was over my mouth. I tried to yell but his hand muffled it. All I could smell was beer. "Dude I'm shitfaced and can't go home like this we need to crash here." Jesus. "Ok take my parents bedroom down the..." Wait. Did he say "we"? I looked up and saw some dude in my room. Scared the shit out of me. Tall curly blond hair. Surfer boy meets the Ozarks. Christ. "...parents room down the hall." "Thanks bro." As he walked out I heard Surfer Boy say to Andy "Is that your blowboy?" (laughter) "Ya" (laughter).

From the next room I heard stumbling (laughter), things getting knocked over (laughter), loud belches (laughter). Then it went quiet. Their drunk asses finally passed out. I faded off to sleep. Till I was woke up by violent shaking. Andy. "Dude you awake?.....Dude." I rolled over and saw Andy's now-familiar blue and green plaid boxers. He apparently belonged to the Church of I Don't Change My Underwear. "Andy what the fuck go to sleep." "Stevie needs a blowjob" (laughter). I covered my head and rolled away from him face down on the bed. He climbed on the bed and laid on top of me and put his mouth to my ear. "Stevie...needs...a blow job." (laughter). I could tell he meant business cuz I could feel Andy's boner pressing against the crack of my ass right through the blanket. I started yelling, figuring maybe I could scare them away. I heard Andy say "Gimme those". A few seconds later Stevie's tightie whities were being shoved in my mouth. The yelling stopped. "Get your cock over here, I got him". He did. Andy was laying on top of me and it was 2 against 1. Here we go again. Stevie staggered over. I looked up and it was in my face. Surfer wasn't wasting any time. It was dim and I couldn't really see much, just noticed it had a curve, and didn't look as thick as Andy's (Jesus now I'm a fuckin cock critic). Fucker shoved it all the way down my throat. I immediately gagged. His wasn't thick but it was long. Maybe 8 inches. From the position I was in it wasn't so much me sucking it was more like Stevie was fucking my mouth. I heard him moan and Andy, laughing, saying "I told you." Stevie was all about getting off. Hardly said a word other than "Yaaaa." Andy, even in a drunken stupor, was his verbal self. "Oh ya never saw a close up bj. This is better than porn". "Wrap your lips around that bone and suck it." "Do what you do best you little fuckin whore." The whole time I could smell Andy, feel his breate on my face, feel the warmth of his body. Here's the weird part. It was almost comforting knowing he was there laying on top of me. I guess it sounds like rape but it didn't feel that way. It might have if he wasn't there. But...I don't know. Hearing him. Smelling him. It had become...familiar. Weird. The more he talked the more I sucked. The more I sucked the more Stevie go into it. The more Stevie got into it the more turned on Andy got. Soon I could feel Andy's rod rubbing against me again. But now the pace picked up and he was pretty much humping my ass. He rolled off me saying, "Fuck this shit" and I heard Stevie say "Aw shit man are you serious?". Andy said "Now or never buddy." A few seconds later, as my underpants were getting peeled off, I realized what was going on. When Stevie pulled it out of my mouth I took the opportunity to worm forward on my stomach to try to get away. I was stopped immediately when Andy's big hand reach between my legs from behind and got a firm grip on my dick. (laughter) Andy said to Stevie "Not much here to grab onto, but he can't get away when you got him by his nuts." I got rolled over on my back while Andy grabbed my ankles and rolled them over my head. Stevie, still up around my head, took my ankles and pinned them by my ears. I've played sports all my life. Grew up in locker rooms. Streaked in front of the girls track team. But I had never felt so naked as I was now. "Stevie man you wanna see his asshole?". Andy not only spread my cheeks, but he spread my ass lips like he was trying to look inside me. Stevie asked "You gonna pork him?" Andy replied "No, I'm gonna make sweet love to him." "Are you serious?" "No you homo I'm gonna boink him till he cries for his mama." (huge laughter). Andy spit on his fingers and slid one in my hole. "Why you doing that?" "Opening up his cunt." "He tight?" "Ya...but not for long" (laughter). When I felt his fingers pull out I instinctively tensed up knowing what was coming next. I heard and felt his spit take a direct hit on my exposed hole. I made one last plead to stop. Andy said to Stevie `Shut him up." Back went Stevie's cock in my mouth. So this is the way its gonna happen. My token male to male sex experience was gonna be with me staring at Stevie's lightly hairy nuts. I felt Andy's dickhead push into me. It hurt but I knew the worst was coming. But then he just...stayed there. Didn't push it in. I didn't know if he was toying with me or what. He kept saying "relax...relax". Stevie said "Dude what are you doing?" "Watch...and learn." It actually felt kinda good just having him in a little like that. The longer he was in the better it felt. He popped out a couple times but put it right back in, just to his mushroom cap. I heard him say "c'mon...let me in...c'mon...let daddy in...relax...let me in...". Slowly I felt pressure and I heard both of them alternately say "ya...ya...YA...FUCK YA". He was sliding it in me. And ya, I felt it. Big time. But it wasn't as much pain as it was...I don't know how to describe it. I was groaning but not saying anything (Stevies schlong pretty much made sure of that). They were talking smack between them but to be honest I have no idea what they were saying. I couldn't even think straight. The thrusts were slow. Long. Even. Rhythmic. Stevie even got into the same rhythm. I heard Andy say "look at this" (laughter) then I felt him swat my dick. I was hard. They saw it. They knew I liked it. They knew they won. And they were laughing at me. Andy broke the rhythm by picking up the pace and he started pistoning me. Christ for all the time I've done that to a chick I was having it done to me. I heard Stevie say to Andy "ya keep doing that he sucks better when it's getting torpedoed". Andy was controlling my cocksucking with his dick. This is the most fucked up vacation I ever had. I heard Stevie say "dude, give me a turn on his ass." Stevie pulled off. For a moment I saw Andy. Between my legs. Fucking me. Crazy. He pulled out and they switched positions, fist bump as they walked by each other. Stevie wasn't exactly as smooth as Andy was entering my asshole. Lined up and thrust it in. I half jokingly said to Stevie "you might wanna take some lessons from your buddy on insertion." Stevie, not much of a sense of humor when it comes to his technique apparently, said, "oh ya pin dick let's see how funny this is." Within seconds I was getting ramrodded by the surfer from hell. After a couple minutes he eased back to which my ass was eternally grateful. I saw the sweat beading up on him and matting down his hair. Andy had put his dick in my mouth. Not like it hadn't been there before. I didn't really think about how this time was different till he leaned into me and said "Can you taste yourself?". Oh man.

It wasn't long before I heard Stevie's breathing pick up, along with the pace again. I heard Stevie say something and Andy say "ya me too. Over here." Stevie pulled out (with a thud), a second later so did Andy, but when he did he just pulled out as far as my lips. Once his fuckin balls were out of my face I could see what was going on. They were standing on either side of my head. Of all the shit I had been through that day the image I'll probably most remember is looking up and seeing two big cockheads in my face. The irony is that by now I wasn't exactly a rookie at sucking dick with all that had gone on in the past few days, but it was really the first time I had seen a dick (in this case, 2) upclose like that. They were beating them furiously so I closed my eyes so none would get in my eye (I've done that to chicks -- not a pretty sight). I felt the first spray hit my face. I immediately thought `that's not bad at least one is...' Before I finished the thought I found out that was just the first wave and the mother load followed. Stream after stream. Not as goopy as Andy's yesterday. But a lot in volume. Then I heard the grunts. Ok, this must be Andy. I knew that sound by now. Then I heard a yell, followed by the thick cream I had from Andy before. My face was coated. Two loads. From two guys who apparently really, really needed to release. Andy grabbed Stevie's underpants and wiped the cum off my face. "Hey what'd you use MINE for?" "Mine are clean" (ya right!). "I'm whipped." "Me too." They laid down in my queen sized bed that no way was made for 3 guys. I was sandwiched in between them. Didn't take long to fall asleep. I got woken up by something much worse than anything I had experienced yet. Snoring. In unison. In stereo sound. I didn't sleep at all.

Next: Chapter 4

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