Caught Camping

By Blake Cotera

Published on Apr 6, 2023


Why not. Here's part 2. Comments welcome.

For some fucked up reason I woke up early the next morning. It was cold and foggy so I stayed in bed, mostly thinking about what happened yesterday and last night. Almost seemed too fucked up to have really happened. So what do I do now? My first thought was to pack up and go home. But what do I tell my parents? And do I just run away and look like a pussy? I was planning on heading back Friday or Saturday so I figured I'd stay like till Thursday and say I just got bored and came home early. A couple things I knew for sure: 1) I wasn't gonna look like I was running away 2) I wasn't gonna go outside bare and let that fucker think he could treat me like a fag 3) I needed to take care of my morning wood. First things first -- I took care of #3 immediately. Took my morning piss, ate and chilled. By about 10 the fog lifted and it warmed up so I put on my bathing suit and walked down the long stairs to boathouse to clean down the dock like I told my dad I would.

"Morning". It was Andy

"Hey". If he gave me shit about wearing clothes I don't care how big he was I was gonna kick his ass.

"Hey sorry if I got a little carried away last night. A few too many Molsons."

"Ya ok no problem"

"I'm goin for a swim. You wanna come?". His tone was totally different from the day before. Still didn't completely trust him. But at least he had a swimsuit on instead of wagging his dick in my face.

"Sure sounds good"

Within seconds we were both in the water. We hung out and swam for about 30 min. Felt great and he was a pretty cool guy. Asked me a ton of questions about my girlfriend (ex-girlfrind). What color hair did she have. Her cup size. Did she give head. Did I eat her pussy. If she was still my girlfriend I probably would have felt funny talking about this but fuck her, she tanked me. We decided to go fishing and he asked me if my dad kept fishing gear in the boathouse or in the garage. I told him I thought in the boathouse. We got out of the water and he went in the boathouse to check. I heard a bunch of things fall (it was always dark and cluttered in the boathouse and smelled like dirt), then I heard him say "yep, it's in here. Can you give me a hand with this?".

As I walked in my eyes took a second to focus. I didn't see him at first but then I realized he was right next to me just inside the door. And his suit was off.

He put his hand on my shoulders and pushed me down to the floor. He took a step closer to me, grabbed his dick, pointed it at my face, and said "Blow me". And I did. I don't know why. But I did. This was different from yesterday. Yesterday I sorta felt like a cum dispenser, not to mentioned I was scared and a little shocked. This time he put his hands on the back of my head and kinda guided me but otherwise he just stood there while I sucked him. I could actually feel his cock growing in my mouth.

"Good. That's good. Take a little more...a little more...a little more...c'mon you can do it..."

I started to choke and gag. He laughed. "Easy killer. Just a little at a time. Its not an official blow job unless you go all the way down to the pubes". Apparently he had the rulebook.

"That's it...take it...take it...ooohhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaa" and there I was, on my knees with his meat in my mouth.

"Now use your hand". I removed my suit and stared stroking my dick while I sucked his. "No you dipshit stroke MY cock not yours!" Oh. Got it. So I started stroking his dick while I sucked. He really got into it when I did that. Then the dirty talk kicked in.


"You like the big ones don't you?"

"Ya this is your breakfast sausage"

"You're gonna swallow this time"

Yikes. Not sure I wanted to be part of that game. I pulled off his dick and said "I really don't want to get shot in the mouth"

"That wasn't a question."

Then he put it back in my mouth, grabbed my ears and forced it back down my throat. I heard him start grunting and I could sorta feel his dick tense up. I don't think I tasted it as much as I felt it. Cum filling up my mouth. Involuntarily I started chocking and coughing. I saw some of it spew out of my mouth.

"What'd you do that for?" I didn't know what to say. I didn't even know I was supposed to answer. He didn't sound mad (who can be mad right after orgasm lol), just sorta perplexed.

"What'd you do that for?". I guess he did want an answer.

"I don't know. I didn't mean to. I was just sorta a reaction I guess."

"Bitch you gotta learn to take it. Here, lemme show you something."

He laid me down on my back on the floor of the boathouse, lifted my right leg and put it over his left shoulder and he faced me, kneeling in between my legs. Then he grabbed my cock and started stroking it. Joke's on him -- I just cummed a couple hours ago. He's not getting shit out of me haha. Then he pressed his finger up against my asshole. Weird sensation. And he pushed it in to his first knuckle. OOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!! He took it out and spit on his finger and did it again. The saliva made it easier to take, but this time he stuck his finger all the way in my ass. As I yelled he said "shut the fuck up. You never done this to yourself before?" Actually I hadn't. I'd played with my hole jacking off sometimes but never inserted a digit all the way in. But he sorta got into a rhythm and it started to hurt less and feel good more. And my dick grew. And grew. And grew. Shit - I had a hardon.

"See. You like it don't you."

Fucker was right. I did like it.

"Tell me when you're gonna cum."

At that point I think I nodded cuz I sure as hell couldn't talk. It felt great but I wasn't close to cumming since I took care of my business earlier that morning. Then he said "let's see how you handle 2". He pulled out and when he went back in the sensation was WAY stronger. He was talking about 2 fingers, which now were solidly stationed in my rectum. Similar to one finger, it hurt a ton when it started, but the more he spit the better it felt, to the point where I was practically thrashing around on the floor. I started trying to move away from him to ease the onslaught but he stopped stroking my dick and grabbed ahold of it and squeezed, pulling me back to him and said "Where do you think you're going? I got you by your cock and your little pink asshole. You ain't goin nowhere."

I guess it was a combination of the sensation in my ass, and my dick, and the situation I was in, but I felt my nuts start to rumble. I breathlessly said "gonna cum".

He pulled his fingers out of my ass (OUCH!), lifted my other leg up on his shoulder, rolled me over so my dick was pointing at my face, pushed down on my back, and shoved his fingers back in my hole. Like (I think) every kid, I had tried to see if I could suck my own dick at some point or another. I could get about 4 inches away but couldn't do it. I still couldn't, but his weight had got me to the point where my dickhead was like 2 inches from my mouth. He was working my hole and my cock and I was gonna blow soon.

"Open your mouth"

OMG. No way was I doing that. I shook my head no.

"Open". Was he seriously gonna make me cum in my own mouth???

"Open bitch or so help me God I'm gonna shove my big cock right up your little asshole".

Wasn't ready to take that chance. As I opened my mouth I could see his eyes get wide, like a batter as a sloppy curve is coming in that he knows he's gonna send out of the park. His paced picked up and he moved closer to me so he was right on top of me. I could hear him breathe. I could smell him. It was so fuckin...idk...primal.

Then slpam, I lost control and started shooting ropes directly into my mouth. Some went on my face. Mostly my mouth. I could hear him quietly going "ya...ya...yaaaaaaaaaaa". As he was letting my legs down to the laying down postion I started looking around to see where I could spit it. But he was on me in a second, laying on top of me face to face just like last night. His strength and weight pinned me and I couldn't move. His face was about 2 inches from mine. I saw that smirk that I saw so many times yesterday. Fucker was just enjoying the view. He put his hands on the sides of my head so I couldn't turn away.


I shook my head no.

"Swallow...SWALLOW" and he put his hand over my mouth. I could smell myself on his hand. My mouth was full of my own cum. His hand was pressing against my mouth. "You're not getting up till you swallow your goo."

And in one gulp it was gone, right down the ol' pipe. It made a noise going down so he knew what it happened.

"You just ate your own fuckin cum. (lauging) That's the most disgusting thing I ever seen!"

He was probably right.

"Now you got no excuse when I make you swallow mine. Did you like swallowing your junk?"


"haha tough shit. Get used to it."

Next: Chapter 3

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