Caught by the Lawn Care Boy

By Richard Lickerish

Published on Apr 11, 2010


Warning! The following story is an erotic work of fiction, containing descriptive scenes of sexual encounters and contact between consenting adults. If you are not of legal age to read stories of this nature or you are offended by the subject matter contained herein do not read any further.

All rights reserved. This story may not be distributed or reproduced on any other sites or publications without the express written permission from the author. This work is protected by all applicable copyright laws.

To contact the author e-mail at: richardlickerish "at"yahoo "dot"com

The Lawn Care Boy By Dick Licker

Another encounter with the lawn care boy, and his assistant.

"Hello Mr. Licker," Marty, my lawn care boy was calling out from the backdoor, "Yoo-hoo, Mr. Licker, anyone home?"

My lawn care boy, Marty, had caught me cat napping on the big leather couch in my entertainment room. The constant drone of his power lawn mower working outside had sent me off into a light slumber. Of course as I was snoozing I was dreaming about Marty filling my ass with his beautiful cock before he began calling for me.

I guess Marty had decided to take advantage of the three day weekend, doing my lawn on Friday morning, instead of Saturday as usual. I got up to see what he wanted. I know what I wanted, the young hot eighteen year old filling my ass as he had done a few days earlier with is fine seven incher.

"Hey, come on in Marty, what do you need?"

Marty entered my kitchen, smelling a little musky. Not obnoxiously foul smelling, just that decent manly scent after a workout. He was dressed as usual for a warm spring day in our area of the country attired in a T-shirt, swim trunks and sneakers. On this morning he was not interested in play. His demeanor was all about work.

"Finished your lawn early Mr. Licker I need for you to come out and take a look so I can show you a few things?"

"Okay," I said following the eighteen year old hunk outside. He took me on a tour, showing me some unsightly grassy areas that had been neglected, making some suggestions as to what was needed as far as preventative spring maintenance and where some new colorful flowers might brighten my yard up. He explained the layout and pattern for the spring flowers. I agreed.

"Also, you got three sprinkler heads that need replacin," Marty said finishing the tour.

"So, how much is all this gonna cost?" I asked.

Marty gave me a ballpark estimate for labor and how much he was going to need to buy the supplies saying, "It'll take four maybe five hours to do everything once I get the supplies, if I can bring along a helper."

Once back inside I asked, "So how much extra is it gonna cost me for the helper?"

"Nothing, I figured him in already," Marty said with a smirk on his face, "but I didn't figure in our tip yet."

"I think I can handle a decent reward that's worthwhile. So, what are your plans for the weekend young man?"

"Nothin much. My mom and dad are leavin around noon for the weekend and won't be back till late Sunday night."

"That sounds interesting," I replied, "maybe we can get together after you finish the landscaping work. Watch some porn on my big screen."

"I was hoping you might suggest that. Porn is so much more appealing and life like on the big screen," Marty replied with that impish smile of his.

"Do you need any money to buy the stuff you need?"

"I could use some cash or your credit card; also need to use your truck to pick the stuff up," Marty replied.

I handed Marty my credit card and the keys to my old pickup saying, "You know, if you're gonna continue doing lawn care and landscaping around the area this summer maybe you ought to consider buying my old truck."

"How much Mr. Licker?"

"Make me an offer when you get done with it today," I told Marty as he made his way to the backdoor.

Damn, I thought to myself as the boy exited, he has a fine body, especially his tight ass. As I heard the noisy exhaust from my truck drive away I went about business, checking my supply of sexual aids and lubricants. I'd just bought a new lube called Liquid Silk and wanted to try it out. After about an hour Marty returned.

I heard him talking to someone outside, so I went to investigate. Damn, there was another young man just as cute and hot as Marty. I decided to go out to see who Marty's friend was. As I approached the two boys unloading bags of fertilizer, mulch and flats of colorful flowers I said, "Hello. Need any help guys?"

"Nope, we got it handled Mr. Licker."

I stood with my arm resting on the bedrail of the pickup that was back into the driveway, admiring the shirtless bodies of the two boys as they were finishing unloading the supplies. Of course there were sexual fantasies dancing in my head about the two. I was thinking of how the three of us might get together after work was done and indulge in a threesome. Once the job of unloading was done I asked, "You boys care for something cold to drink before tackling the job?"

"Sure," Both replied in unison.

The two followed me into the kitchen where I handed out a couple of cold sodas and took a bottle of water for myself. From there I invited the boys to follow me to the entertainment room to rest for a few minutes and drink the refreshments before they began the job of sprucing up my yard.

As soon as we entered the room Marty formally introduced his friend, "Mr. Licker this is my friend Stevie or as some of us call him, Turtle."

"Hello Steve or should I call you Turtle?" I said reaching out to shake the smaller boy's hand.

"Glad to meet you Mr. Licker," the boy said shaking hands, "Turtle is okay among us."

Damn, Turtle's hand felt so smooth and soft in my hand. I knew his hands weren't used to working outdoors or hard labor. From what I could see his fingers were a little longer than usual with tightly manicured nails. I could visualize them playing with and stroking my hard cock. The finger tips tenderly circling my corona or delicately diddling my asshole. As I released Turtle's hand he exclaimed, "Damn, Mr. Licker that's an awesome television on the wall!"

"Yep, 50 inch HDTV. I just got it a few weeks ago to watch the Daytona 500 and the Super Bowl," I said proudly.

"You ought to see porn on that bad boy, Turtle," Marty said, "almost life like."

"Maybe after you guys get done you can come in and take a look at some of my porn DVDs," I said.

The boys finished their sodas. Thanked me for the drinks and made their way outside to begin working on the yard. I watched as Turtle broke open bags of fertilizer and began spreading it while Marty went to work immediately setting out the flats of flowers to plant. I stood watching the two at work admiring their smooth young bodies. I'd seen Marty naked, but I'd never seen Turtle in the raw.

I went back inside busying myself around the house. After I finished cleaning up a bit I began sorting through my DVDs, looking for a couple of the best. Marty's dad yelled at me from the backdoor, asking me to keep an eye on things around his house as well as Marty. I assured him I would be on the look out.

Before long Marty was yelling for me to come outside and take a look at the finished work. I moseyed outside where I met the two shirtless boys. Marty began showing me around the yard with Turtle in trail. I must say the boys had done a bang up job on my yard.

They'd transformed my property from a seemingly run-of-the-mill yard in the neighborhood into a work of art: a yard that really stood out as I was looking around.

"Fantastic job guys!"

"Thanks Mr. Licker," both boys replied in unison.

I looked around and all the tools have been cleaned up and put away. The truck had been hosed off. Everything was done, so I invited the boys inside. Once inside I suggested that they utilize the big shower stall to rinse off.

The shower was a ceramic tiled cubicle that has been built to take care of those using the pool and the work out room. As they stripped out of their clothing I had them throw it out into the hallway where I picked it up and threw the garments in the washing machine.

After a few minutes in the shower Marty called out, "You got a couple towels for us?"

"Sure do."

I grabbed a couple of big beach towels and returned to the shower stall where I handed them off to Marty who was standing toward the entrance with Turtle behind him. I turned returning to the kitchen saying, "There's food ready when you guys get dry."

I'd fixed hotdogs, beans and potato chips with dip for the boys. As I finished pouring the drinks the guys appeared with the oversize towels wrapped around their waists. They took seats at the table and dove into the food I'd prepared. After a couple of dogs a piece along with beans and chips the boys pushed back from the table drinking down the last of their sodas. I poured more before we began chatting.

"So, what are your plans for the rest of the day, gentlemen?"

"Nothin much. We were hopin that you'd invite us to watch some porn on the big screen. You know, kind of a tip for all the hard work in your yard," Marty said.

"No problem. Turtle, do you have to be home at any certain time?" I asked.

"Nope. I'm stayin overnight with Marty."

Marty spoke up saying, "Turtle and I are kinda like jack off or fuck buddies."

I saw Turtle blush a little before he said, "Yeah we been foolin around with each other since junior high school."

"How old are you Turtle?" I asked.

"Eighteen, in fact, I'm a couple months older than Marty although I don't look it."

"Cool," I said, "You all can stay overnight with me if you care to, but that's up to you two."

The two looked at each other, shit eating smiles on their faces with Marty saying," We were hoping you'd invite us to spend the night."

We sat continuing the conversation. Marty explained that Turtle was pretty much a bottom in their relationship. I looked at Turtle smiling and said, "Yeah, I kinda prefer to bottom too. Nothin like a nice slick dick slidin in and out of my ass."

Turtle smiled, uttering, "Uh-huh, and Marty's got a nice one."

"Oh yeah, I know he's already slipped his schlong up my ass last week," I replied.

"Yeah, that's what he told me and I'm really lookin forward to trying you out for size," Turtle replied with a laugh.

"Well now, I hope I measure up to your expectations, Turtle," I said, however, you'll need to take an anal douche."

"Probably a good idea, you got anything Mr. Licker?"

"Yeah. Come on in the bathroom," I said escorting the young man into my master bedroom's bathroom, "And by the way when we are in the house in an intimate setting it's Dick."

"Okay Dick," Turtle replied.

I handed Turtle the enema and asked, "You need any help with that?"

"Sure, if you would like to administer it."

"Be right back," I said.

I exited the bathroom to put one of the DVDs in the television for Marty, telling him I was going to administer an enema to Turtle. He thanked me and smiled as I left him alone returning to the bathroom.

When I got back to the bathroom Turtle had removed the big towel that had been wrapped around his waist; spread it on the floor and was on his hands and knees awaiting me to administer the anal douche. I got the KY jelly and the Fleet ready-to-use enema. I had Turtle put his head sown on the towel with his ass in the air. I squeezed an ample amount of lubricant onto my finger and into Turtle's asshole.

"Do you enjoy a little digital foreplay beforehand?"

Turtle cooed out, "Uh-huh."

I begin inserting my forefinger into the young man's ass. Of course he jerked at first, but then sighed accepting my finger. As my finger began exploring his ass he began moaning and groaning louder under my touch.

"Am I hurting you?" I asked.

"No. No way. You've got the Midas touch Dick."

I continued massaging my young man's asshole. I changed and inserted my middle finger. Suddenly, Turtle jerked and moaned. I asked, "Did I hurt you?"

"No. You found my button," Turtle replied, "I bet if you reach under and feel the head of my dick there'll be some precum starting to flow."

I reached beneath Turtle to grasp his cock. What I found was a little bit of a surprise. I hadn't expected the diminutive size of Turtle's organ. He was hard as a rock but his cock couldn't have been more than four to four and half inches erect and maybe the thickness of a "D" size flashlight battery. I didn't want to startle him turning him off, so I simple said, "Oh my, that is a nice cock and there is some precum oozing from the tip."

"You want to taste it Dick?"

"Yes," I replied. Not only wanting to taste his precum I wanted to get a view of how big or small he was all boned up.

I removed my lubricated finger from Turtle's ass, helping him roll over on his back I got a good view. There was a very beautiful boner staring up at me. I looked at him and smiled. He looked back at me and responded saying, "I hope I'm not a disappointment."

"Why do you say that Turtle?"

"I'm not as big as you or Marty."

"You know, I don't think there is such a thing as being too small, but there's such a thing as being too big," I replied.

"How do you figure?" The boy asked.

"You know, guys with the big cocks, you know, the nine or ten inchers that are as thick as beer cans aren't gonna get a look at my asshole and I know from experience that I can't get my mouth around em. Now, would you like for me to taste your precum and quit worrying about your size?"

The young man nodded yes. I bent forward lowering my head towards the prize. My right hand grasped the gherkin holding it steady, so I might taste some of the precum. My moist lips made contact with the pink cockhead and my tongue began scooping up some of the precum to taste.

"Not bad," I said as I sat back on my heels, "In fact kind of tasty."

The young man smiled up at me before I went back down on him. My tongue went to work on the pink cockhead circling the crimson coronal ring a few times. After a few trips around the circumference my tongue went for the fernulum area where I began titillating it. Turtle was writhing and moaning on the bathroom floor as I continued seducing the head of his penis.

Finally, after minutes titillating the cockhead and testicles I engulfed the small penis. I began bobbing up and down on it as my finger found his asshole. Turtle was bucking up into my face as my finger was entering his asshole, once again to arouse the boy's button.

Suddenly, I felt him tense up. I knew he was on the verge of an orgasm. He began unloading in my mouth. I felt five good squirts of delicious cum coating the inside of my mouth. I swallowed most of it as I continued milking the last of the fluid from his nut sac. Once I knew he was empty I could feel his hands trying to dislodge me from his shriveling penis. I let his dickey go and came up to look at him.

As I looked into his eyes I bent forward offering a kiss to those beautiful red lips. His mouth was open ready to accept my tongue. We kissed for what seemed an eternity but was only a few minutes before we broke apart. "Thanks Dick," A smiling Turtle said, "that was an awesome blowjob."

"No, I want to thank you for letting me give you that blowjob. I truly enjoyed it and before the evening is over I want to repeat the performance."

"Only if you fuck me, Dick."

"Oh, I want to do that if you'll let me. Not only do I want to fuck you I want to eat your ass out before I fuck you."

I bent down kissing Turtle's puffy nipple only to have him jerk and moan. "I guess I've found another sensuous area, huh Turtle?"

"Yeah," the young man replied with a big smile.

"Let's finish getting you cleaned up if you want me to eat you out and fuck you after while."

I got Turtle up and began preparing him to receive the enema. I removed the protective cap, inserting tip of the dispenser into his well-lubed asshole, thereby delivering the contents into his lower bowels. I told him to wait a two to five minutes and then expel the enema into the toilet. After that was done I told him to go back into the shower and clean his asshole up and then rinse off. I told him to use the special flexible shower nozzle to clean his asshole, washing it out thoroughly.

Leaving Turtle alone to clean up I returned to the entertainment room where I'd left Marty, and hopefully he would be ready for a blowjob while Turtle bathed. I envisioned this being a very productive evening and possibly weekend.

Next: Chapter 3

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