Caught by the Fuzz

Published on May 1, 1993




Uploaded to Pink Triangle by Andy McDonald

David loved to drive. Sometimes he would spend hours behind the

wheel of his gleaming red sports car, heading nowhere in particular,

just enjoying the feel of the wind in his face and revelling in the

power of the engine under the bonnet.

He loved speed. Even as a learner, his Driving School teacher had

ordered him to slow down. "You're going to get your licence taken

off you one day, if you aren't careful," he was told. Not that it

had much effect.

He passed his driving test first time, much to his teacher's

surprise, and with his newly-achieved status as a fully-fledged

driver there was little stopping him, or his lust for speed.

Even now as he whizzed down the lonely country lane, the needle on

the speedo was just topping 70mph, not that he was too worried about

being stopped by the police. This road was relatively quiet due to

the new by-pass which had recently been completed, and being out in

the wilds somewhat, it usually did not merit police attention.


But as most people know, familiarity breeds contempt, which in turn

breeds complacency... a crime of which David was guilty as he

careered around a particularly tight corner, almost losing control

of the wheel as his tyres skidded on the black asphalt of the road.

Righting the car, he just glimpsed something large, white and

menacing down a side track almost hidden by the trees.

"Oh, fuck," he muttered, as the sound of the two-tone siren began

it's high pitched wailing. Through his mirror he could see the

flashing blue lights on top of the Police Transit van, two male

officers sitting in the front.

Resigning himself to his fate, David pulled over to the side of the

road and waited for the Transit to stop behind him. Through the

rear-view mirror he watched as the driver of the van got out and

proceeded to walk purposefully towards his stationery vehicle. The

cop looked a big guy, six foot at least and powerfully built by the

look of it.

The policeman stopped by the window of David's car, and pulling out

his little black notebook, began scribbling some details down. "In a

hurry were we, sir?" the cop muttered condescendingly. David

remained silent. "May I see your licence and the vehicle

registration documents, please."

David handed them over grudgingly, his gaze fixed on the policeman's

steely blue eyes. The cop wasn't all that bad looking, David

thought to himself. A bit heavily macho, with hard rugged features

and a bushy black moustache, but not bad at all.

"Are you aware you were doing over 70 miles per hour on a 50 mile

per hour road, sir?" he asked, scribbling more details down in his

little black book.

David grunted. "Yes, I'm sorry," he replied. "I got a bit carried

away. It's a new car, you see."

The cop shook his head and tutted. "No excuse for breaking the law,

son." It appeared he had decided David was not a sir any more, but a

son. Arrogant twat, David thought. "The fixed penalty in this area

is 24 quid," the cop went on, a sadistic tone in his voice. "How do

you feel about having to pay that?"

David smiled, sweetly. "I'd prefer not to, obviously," he said.

The policeman grinned menacingly. "I'll bet you would," he said,

scratching his ear with his pencil. "I suppose we can always give

you an oral warning."

"Don't you mean a verbal warning?" David asked, puzzled.

"I know what I mean," the cop muttered, removing his flat police

cap. As if it was some kind of signal the other cop clambered out of

the Transit. "Need any help, Jeff?" he called out to the cop

standing beside David's car as he strolled over. He wasn't wearing

his peaked cap either, but unlike the first officer this one was

blonde and fresh-faced, much younger than his dark partner.

The cop called Jeff shook his head. "I think our friend's

co-operative, aren't you, son?" he said, an evil leer on his face.

David began to feel uneasy. "Sure. I'll do whatever you say."

"Then why not step out of your vehicle and accompany us to the van."

"Am I under arrest then?" David asked, climbing sheepishly out of

the driving seat.

The two cops smiled and exchanged a knowing look. "Not if you play

ball," the dark one grinned. He must have been in his early

thirties, a good ten years older than his blonde pal.

Together the three of them walked to where the Transit was parked,

David between the two policemen. Something seemed strangely wrong,

and suspicion was making David unsure if he was doing the right

thing by "playing ball". In truth, he'd always had something of a

fetish for men in uniforms ever since he was an adolescent, but he'd

never had the opportunity to indulge his wild fantasies.

When they reached the Transit the young blonde cop opened the back

doors, and David was ushered in. As he climbed up, the tall dark

policeman helped him up, his hand brushing across David's arse. The

two cops climbed in after him and pulled the doors shut. They sat on

one side of the van staring across at him, both smiling.

"Now what shall we do?" the dark, macho one said.

"I know," offered the blonde one. "Why doesn't our pal here give us

a show? A strip show!"

David almost fell off his seat. "Wait a minute," he said. "I'm not

doing a strip for nobody!"

The dark cop's eyes narrowed. "Not even if it means saving your skin

from an assault charge?"

"Assault?" David gasped. "What bloody assault?"

"Don't you remember how you tried to kick the shit out of me when I

pulled you over for speeding?" the cop said. "Mark here remembers

because he had to help me subdue you. That's how you got your


"I don't have any bruises."

The young blonde cop smiled. "It can be arranged."

"So how about it, son?" his partner asked. "Why not take your

clothes off like a good 'un, and then we can let you go on your way

without any further hassle."

Reluctantly, David agreed. With his eyes fixed firmly on the floor

he took off his shoes and socks, tucking the socks neatly inside the

shoes and then laying the shoes to one side.

"Just like Mummy taught him," the dark cop laughed. David shot him a

nasty look. Feeling extremely self-conscious, David unbuttoned his

shirt slowly. He had a good body, and in normal circumstances he

wasn't ashamed of showing it off. On the beach he would strut about

wearing the skimpiest of trunks, his chest and stomach rippling with

muscle and his crotch bulging impressively. But as he pulled off his

shirt in the back of the van, he could feel the eyes of the two

policemen burning into him.

"That's it, son," said the dark one. "Don't be shy." He was rubbing

his left hand between his legs as he spoke. "My name's Jeff, and

Goldilocks here is Mark. No need to stand on ceremony is there?"

David's throat had gone very dry and he seemed unable to swallow.

Plucking up courage he stood up, which wasn't easy in the cramped

rear of the Transit, and hunched over like Quasimodo he unzipped his

jeans and pushed them down to his ankles. Kicking them off, he

slipped his briefs down as well and sat down again, naked.

"Now that's better, isn't it?" Jeff asked, as though David were a

child. "And we wouldn't want you to feel like the odd one out, would

we, Mark?"

The blonde shook his head. "No way," he answered, unzipping his

trousers. As David watched the young policeman took off his dark

blue trousers and removed his underpants. His cock was large,

although quite slim, uncircumcised and fully erect. The bulbous

head was wet and shiny, and the bed of pubic curls between his legs

was surprisingly fair.

"Ever sucked cock?" Jeff asked David, as he proceeded to take off

his own pants. David saw no point in lying. It was obvious they were

going to make him suck them off, so why pretend he hadn't done it


"Yes," he replied. He could feel his own prick beginning to throb,

something which he hadn't expected to happen. He was about to be

sexually assaulted and he was getting a hard-on! He had a big cock,

a full eight inches when hard, uncut and juicy. When he turned on

his foreskin rolled back so fast it was a delight to watch.

Jeff stepped out of his trousers and underpants and sat down on the

seats on the other side of the van from David. He splayed his legs

wide open, exposing airy muscular thighs and a dense bush of wiry

dark curls in his crotch, from which hung his large heavy balls. His

dick was circumcised and sleek, and stood out erect from his groin,

arching slightly to the right... perhaps as a result of too much

wanking as a kid.

"Okay, son," he said holding his cock by the shaft and stroking it.

"Time for a bit of cock-sucking, don't you think, Mark?"

The younger copper, who was sitting next to Jeff and slowly wanking,

gave a big stupid grin and lowered his head to his pal's lap. David

watched totally fascinated as Mark took Jeff's cock in his mouth

without hesitation, sliding his sensuous full lips up and down the

shaft as Jeff stroked the young guy's short blonde locks.

David was unable to tear his eyes from the blatant display in front

of him, and even as he watched he became aware that he was playing

with himself, something he'd started to do without any thought. He

was getting as horny as the two policemen obviously were, the sight

of the two half-naked coppers engaging in oral sex making his cock

tingle with excitement.

Jeff touched Mark's neck, easing his head up so that just the

swollen pink cock-head was still between the guy's lips. Mark ran

his tongue around the rim of the cock-head, tracing the line of the

faint white circumcision scar.

"Now I think it's time David earned his freedom," Jeff said, pulling

Mark's head up and away from his crotch. Jeff motioned to David, who

fell onto his knees on the floor in front of him. He took hold of

Jeff's penis, now wet with both Mark's saliva and the first smears

of pre-cum, and, lowering his head, he gobbled the cock in one

swoop, letting Jeff thrust it deep into his throat. He could taste

the copper's semen, salty and slightly bitter, and with his face

buried in Jeff's pubic hair he could smell the heady, overpowering

scent of muskiness.

He drew his mouth back and forth along the thick shaft, taking the

cock so deep he almost gagged before drawing it out until just the

very tip was still between his lips. He repeated this for a while,

loving the feel of another man's hard prick in his mouth, the soft

gentle moaning which was coming from Jeff seeming like music to his

ears and spurring him on.

He had his eyes closed, and in the cool darkness of the van he felt

the warmth of a hand between his legs and knew it must be Mark. He

was being manoeuvred so that the lower half of his body was twisted

sideways, his bare arse on the van floor and his legs outstretched.

A moment later he felt the exquisite wet sensation of Mark's mouth

between his legs.

The young cop was licking the inside of his thighs, working up to

his balls. He closed off his mind, so powerful was the urge to

shoot his load instantly, and concentrated on sucking Jeff's hot

throbbing manhood.

David ran his tongue along the thick vein on the underside of Jeff's

cock, starting at the root and working up to the bulbous dickhead.

He squeezed the head gently so that the small piss-hole at the tip

opened, and, using his eager tongue, he licked at the semen which

was seeping out.

David stopped for a moment, gasping as he felt Mark take his prick

into his mouth. The cop was obviously an expert when it came to

giving a blow-job, and David was so aroused by the unexpected

'session' that he was very close to his climax.

So, apparently, was Jeff. His hips gyrated slightly as David sucked

at his cock, and his scrotum seemed tight and full. Suddenly he

grabbed David's hair, yanked his head back so that his cock slipped

out of David's mouth, and hunched over David, he grabbed his cock

and began wanking furiously. A gob of thick white cum spurted

powerfully from the cop's dick, splattering in David's face and

running down the bridge of his nose and cheeks. More and more spunk

shot forth, until David was drenched in the warm milky juice.

When he'd finished, Jeff released the fistful of hair he had and sat

down on the seat again. He motioned to Mark, who was merrily

chomping on David's fat rod, and the young cop stopped, knelt before

David and proceeded to lick the dripping cum from his face. David

took hold of Mark's prick and wanked it as the cop licked him clean.

As a last gesture, Mark licked the last of the cum from David's

chin, then slipped his tongue into David's mouth and kissed him.

David tasted Jeff's cum as their tongues intertwined.

Encouraged by Jeff, David and Mark assumed a 69 position, David on

his back on the van floor with Mark above him. Mark had David's cock

in his mouth in an instant, sucking eagerly on the sticky organ.

David took the cop's erection between his lips, repeating the

actions which had brought Jeff off so quickly. He was surprised

that, although the two cocks tasted the same, they were somehow

subtly different.

As he sucked Mark off, David reached up to caress Mark's buttocks.

From his horizontal position, he could see that Jeff was fingering

Mark's arsehole, and he knew that cock-sucking and good anal

stimulation together are guaranteed to have a guy coming in no time.

Mark was close, very close to shooting his load, but then so was he!

He could see the way the cop's bodily instincts had taken over his

gyrations. He was moving rhythmically, but without being aware of

it, and as he swayed left and right David felt his shaft twitch and

rise, growing even harder if it was at all possible. Mark


He was thrusting and pushing, causing his cock to plunge deeper down

David's throat. David gagged, but Mark never let up. Spunk shot from

Mark's penis and David felt his mouth fill with cum. He swallowed

it, gulping down the juice quickly in an effort to stem the tide

which was spurting down his throat. At the same time he felt his own

climax building, and he too ejaculated, the young blonde cop

drinking up the tasty warm fluid.

They sucked each other dry, Mark's hot cock growing limp in David's

mouth and Mark releasing David's prick from his. Then they sagged

back, exhausted by the sheer force of the passion they'd just

indulged in.

The two cops dressed quickly and in complete silence, buttoning up

their tunics as though nothing had happened. "Come on, son, get

dressed," Jeff said. "Unless you want to come back to the station

with us."

David scrambled for his clothing and dressed faster than he ever had

in his life before. Jeff opened the van's rear door and almost threw

him out. "Make sure you stick to the speed limit next time, okay?"

he said, turning his back on David and walking to the front of the

van. He opened the driver's door and climbed in.

David looked at Mark, who smiled. "So what happens now?" he asked.

"Do I expect a visit from the law at home?" Mark laughed. "Are you

joking?" he grinned. David suddenly realised just how handsome the

young cop was. "This is the end of the matter."

He put his peaked cap on his head and turned to leave. Then he

stopped, and, looking over his shoulder, he winked at David

knowingly. "Of course, I do have your address from your licence...."

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