
Published on Sep 4, 1996





European Traveler

It was too hot for sleeping that night and well after midnight before it started to cool down. But it hadn't cooled down in Tom's town house. What a lousy day for the air conditioner to break down. So he decided to go out for a walk and enjoy the cooler outside air.

He put on his silky running short with the extra long slit on the side and didn't bother putting on the jock strap. He figured there wouldn't be anyone out at this time of night to see him. The sensation of having that silk fabric rub the front of his cock always made him horny.

Walking around in the almost completely darken complex was a strange feeling for him. Then he spotted someone kitchen light. "Guess someone else can't sleep tonight." He enjoyed walking in this complex because the windows seemed to be a little lower to the ground than most homes. This did give him the opportunity to see how other people decorated their places.

As he got closer to the light, he noticed that someone was at the kitchen sink. From his advantage point he did take notice that it was a tall handsome blackman and he was not wearing a shirt. Tom had seen him in the complex before with another blackman and thought that they made a very handsome couple, but they didn't mingle with anyone. As a matter of fact, Tom didn't mingle with too many people.

Since the kitchen window was set closer to the ground, Tom decided to walk a little closer and see if he could be a better view of this man. As he got closer, he realized that this man was a hunk. Previously when Tom has seen him, he was wearing a suit, but now he could see his muscular chest and like what he saw. Watching that man caused a little stir in Tom's crotch, he had never had sex with a black man, but seeing the man's body was turning him on and he started to get intrigue with the idea.

Since is was dark in complex, Tom decided to get a little closer to the kitchen window and see if he could see more of this man's body. By now, the silk rubbing against his cock and the excitement of watching this handsome man with wonderful chest had his cock making a large tent in front of him.

Tom got a close as he dared and kept watching this man in the kitchen window and started to play with himself. He was so engrossed with the view that he wasn't paying any attention to a person walking along the sidewalk.

"Do you like what you see?" The question startled Tom and he quickly turned around and realized that he was caught by this man's room-mate. He was lost for words. "I asked, do you like what you see?"

"Ah, ah, I was just walking around because my air conditioner had broken and I saw you friend in the window and ... and ... well I... I ... guess I had better go on my way."

"No need to rush off, I think that your shorts are telling me that you like what you see."

Tom had forgotten that he didn't have a jock strap on and his tented shorts gave him away. "I'm... well, I'm embarrassed."

"No need to be, I think he is rather handsome myself and, well, you not so bad in the looks department and it looks like you're alright in the meat area," as he said with a grin, "why don't you come in for a cold beer, I'm sure that your could use one."

Tom introduced himself and found out his name was Alan. Alan led Tom into through the kitchen door and told his roommate, "look what I found outside the kitchen window, and the spot on his shorts tells me he was enjoying himself." Tom was embarrassed as he looked down at his shorts and saw a large wet spot that gave him away. He didn't know what to say.

Alan introduced his roommate, "this is Maurice, quite some hunk, isn't he?" Tom shook Alan's hand and realized that both of these men were extremely well built and sexy.

Tom blushed and apologized staring in their kitchen window.

"You know Maurice, it's really hot outside, and Tom's air conditioner broke down so since he was rather interested in what he saw standing in the kitchen window I thought I would just invite him in for a beer." Alan then proceeded to take off his sweaty shirt which revealed a hot muscular body.

Tom could feel himself staring at his chest and then let his eyes slowly move down his stomach to the bulge that Alan was starting to rub. "Look's like we found someone to play with tonight!"

Maurice walks over to Tom and rubs his hands on the back of Tom's ass. Tom jumps a little with surprise, but Alan put's him a ease. "Just a little fun and game, after all, you did seem a little interested in window shopping tonight," he said with a smirk and moved a little closer and reached out toward Tom's shorts.

Before Tom could get some composure, both of these black men had their hands on him. Maurice massaging Tom's ass, while Alan working on the increasing bulge.

"I think I had better go!" "No, stay a little while, get to know us, by the growing bulge in your shorts it looks like you're interested in something and I can tell by Maurice's shorts that he's certainly interested in something. After all a fellow has to pay for being so snoopy."

"What do you guy's intend on doing with me?" "Nothing that we don't think that you want done! So why don't we head for the bedroom and see what happens, after all, it looks like you need a little servicing and I think that we can handle what you need."

Tom looks at the swelling in Maurice's shorts and it sure was inviting, he didn't know what to do. He had never been in a three way, especially such two sexy black men. The way Maurice was feeling his ass he knew that he might also lose his virginity. "I don't know, I think that I had better be going, I've caused enough trouble tonight."

As Alan kept feeling Tom's throbbing cock, he know that in a couple of minutes he'd lose all control and want to fulfil a fantasize he's had for some time. Going to bed and getting fucked.

"I suppose that I should pay for my indiscretions." Alan then starts toward the bedroom and tells Tom to follow. As he does, Maurice is right behind him and has not taken his hands off of Tom's ass. Tom is getting excited now but wondering what is going to happen. He has always fantasized about being fucked but has not tried it.

Alan opens up the bedroom door and Tom see a king-size bed with the sheet turned down, a tube of KY and some condoms on the bed stand. He knows that tonight is going to be the night that he loses his virginity. He throws all inhibitions to the wind and decides to participate in anything that they want. After all, these are two hot men and from a couple of feels, he knows that he's going to be servicing some big, thick meat.

Alan is the first to strip off his clothes and lays down on the bed. Maurice has already started taking off Tom's clothes for him and stands back and admire Tom's ass. "Nice looking ass, hope that I get to try it on." Tom alludes to the fact that he has never been fucked, "I hope that you take it slow and easy."

"You can count on that, no point in ruining a virgin on his first night." Alan is laying down on the bed and tells Tom to lay down on top of him. Tom see Alan's muscular body and his 8 inch thick cock pointing straight up in the air. He's excited.

Tom climbs onto the bed and lays right on top of Alan, their cocks are meshed between their bodies and Tom and feel the throbbing of excitement coming from Alan's cock. Maurice has finally taken off his clothes and is sitting on the side of the bed, playing with Tom's ass. "You sure like his ass don't you," said Alan, "I hope that ass is going to be good to you, because if it is, I'd sure like to feel those buns working around my cock."

Tom and Alan tongue's are probing each other's mouths meanwhile Maurice has lubricated up his finger and probing into Tom's ass. Tom feels the first finger invade his ass and its smarts, but Maurice is slow and tells Tom to relax. He starts to relax as Maurice works the second finger in and starts massaging the inside of Tom's ass. Eventually, Maurice has three fingers in there and has reached Tom's prostrate, Tom starts to get real excited and starts to moan and work his ass muscles.

"Ohh! keep that up, I don't know what you're doing, but it sure feels good." Maurice tells him to relax more as he climbs on top and straddles himself behind Tom and at the same time massaging his prostrate.

Tom now realizes that his fantasy is coming true tonight and he is getting very excited, his cock is throbbing and he whispers to Alan, "I want him to fuck me, I want to feel that black cock in my ass."

That is all it takes. "Go nice and easy Maurice, and shove that cock in, he's begging for it now and I want to see this peeping tom stud get his ass fucked." Alan manages to work himself from underneath Tom, and Tom lays down on his stomach, with his head turn sideways's and looking in the mirror.

"Yeah, make me pay for peeking in your window." Maurice lowers his thick 8 inch cock is at the entrance and slowly he penetrates Tom's ass, and keeps telling Tom to relax. Tom tries his best, but he didn't realize that it would hurt this much in the beginning, but he still want to get fucked. Maurice works his cock back and forth letting Tom get used to the assault. Slowly, he works his cock all the way in and they lay there for a moments.

"I'm so fucking hot and that ass of your's is really tight, you weren't joking about being a virgin. That's one tight ass and it's clamped around my cock."

Tom is getting used to feeling that throbbing cock and then tells Maurice to fuck him. Alan reaches under Tom and grabs his cock and squeezes it, with that sensation Tom groans, "oh yeah, fuck me, work that cock, make me pay for peeking in the window, yeah." Tom arches his back and shoves his ass into the air to give Maurice better penetration. Tom has reached the point of no return, "fuck me, oh I've wanted that so long, shove it in."

Meanwhile Alan has a hold on Tom's throbbing cock and he can tell that Maurice is working his cock into the right position and massaging Tom's prostrate. Tom has gone a long time without sex like this, he's filled with anticipation and eager to get fucked by both of them.

Alan is getting excited watching Maurice assault Tom's white ass and wants to suck his cock. "Roll over on your side, so I can suck that cock of yours." Maurice and Tom roll over, and then Tom lifts his legs to let Maurice penetrate even deeper into his anticipating ass. Alan sucks Tom's cock deep into his throat and works his tongue up and down that pulsating shaft. In the excitement, it doesn't take Tom long and he impels his cock deep into Alan's throat. With both hands on the back of Alan's head he thrust that cock as deep as possible, while Maurice gives one final lunge forward. Both Maurice and Tom climax at the same time, Tom taking Alan's cock as deep as he can get it.

Maurice and Tom quiver from the recent ejaculation and Tom's cock is very sensitive to any movement. Slowly he pulls it from Alan's mouth and holds tightly onto his cock, he's never had such an organism.

Alan's lust and sexual appetite still has him going strong and his cock is pulsating for release. Watching his lover fuck Tom and sucking at that thick cock of Tom's has him exceptionally hot and horny. "Roll over, this cock of mine needs a good fuck hole and I'm going to shove this cock into your ass and fuck you real good."

"I don't know if I can take it or not."

"Roll over, you fucking peeping tom, cause you're going to get fucked." Alan grabs Tom by the hip and rolls him over on his stomach, quickly applies some lube and surprisingly quick mounts that white ass. He knows the entrance is already lubed so he fiercely fuck that ass. He turns and looks in the mirror and watches his cock pummel that ass, then he sees Tom's face in the mirror and it is not a face in agony, but one of pure passion.

Alan raises up a little bit and with his knees spreads Tom's legs apart so he can penetrate deeper. Tom accommodates him and is watching Alan rear back his ass and slam his cock forward into his no longer virgin ass. He arches his back and screams; "fuck me, I want to feel that cock up in my ass, shove it in, the way I feel right now, I want to get fucked all night."

"We might just do that," said Maurice, cause you got a good ass there and your taking that cock like a pro."

Tom is watching in the mirror and he is mesmerized by the view of having Alan rear and then shove that black cock into his ass. The contrast is beautiful, his lightly tanned body servicing these two hunks, he never dreamed that it would feel so good. He's got that feeling that he is finally being satisfied. Alan's cock was ready to explode and he make that final lunge into Tom's ass as Tom backs up to accept it. The force shoves him deep onto the bed and Alan is grinding every inch of his cock into that ass before he exploded.

The two of them relax for a moment and then Maurice suggests that they head for the shower. Tom is laying there, is cock has gotten excited again, "No, I want to get fucked again, lay down Maurice and let me sit on it, I want to have that cock of your planted deep into my ass while I jack-off onto your chest."

Maurice lays down with his 8 inch cock pointing straight up. Tom starts to lower himself on to that phallus and Maurice slips quickly into that well lubricated ass. Tom's cock is unyieldingly stiff, working his ass around on that cock he grabs his cock and starts to jack off. Meanwhile Maurice's sex drive has risen again and he's trying to slam his cock as deep as he can into that willing ass. In moments, Tom is working his cock to an explosion and when he reaches that climax, he shoves his ass hard down on Maurice's probing cock. They climax together.

Tom leans forward, "damn, for years I've certainly missed one of the finest joys of picking up some hot men." I hope that this won't be the last.

Alan assures him that it won't be the last, "and before the night is over, I hope to be feeling that cock deep into my ass."

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