Cattin Around

By Cobalt Blue

Published on Jan 7, 2007


"The fact that I have no remedy for all the sorrows of the world is no reason for my accepting yours. It simply supports the strong probability that yours is a fake."--H.L. Mencken

Okay, here goes: This story is all fictional (like you couldn't tell by the genre) and takes place in my fictional world for my Gathering of Gathering, and What Once Was Lost stories found elsewhere on the web. If you like it, I hope you'll send me some feedback. The first chapter is straight sex, but after that it goes to gay and bisexual sex with some pretty odd twists. Hope you enjoy it. Due to Yahoo eating my other email account I've had to start using GMail. If you want to contact me, email me at

Cobalt Blue Cattin' Around Chapter 2: From Fish To Steak In The Land Of The Elves

Okay, Mom and Dad really weren't all that upset by what happened. The main thing Mom was concerned with was that I could have seriously hurt Bobby when I kicked him. Dad just thought the whole thing was funny. The reverend however, wasn't happy. By the end of the summer he and his family had packed up and the local CoC had a new pastor. We DID however get a new pool out of it. Dad figured that if JD and I wanted to have a pool party, fewer kids whose families were likely to get upset with our attitudes would show up that far out in the country.

Mom however, still had a surprise up her sleeve. I spent the rest of that summer in Alfheim getting my brains fucked out by a local Alf girl named Ljufa who as Mom put it, "understood this was about sex and not about love." The best part about it was that I didn't have to hide who and what I was. I could spend as much time as I wanted in my natural form. Being a magecat was and is a mark of distinction among the Alfar. It means that the Lord's Sister has blessed me.

I got an important lesson in what it means to be a magecat my first week there. My mother had already returned to Midgarth, and I was settling into the routine of the steading. On Moonday eve, my grandfather called me out to the smithy. Now most smithies on other steadings mainly handle things like pots, pans, axes, and plows. Grandfather is a sword smith. That whole side of my family is descended from some of the best sword smiths in history. I've been told that my great great grandfather actually forged the sword that the Lord gave to his bride.

Papa is a tall man, with his red hair just now showing streaks of silver at the temples. He has arms that are as big as my leg, and he always seems to have a smile in his eye, if not on his lips. "You know, your mother used to spend hours out here watching me work the metal. It wasn't the kind of thing to normally interest a girl, but your mother was never really that normal."

I nodded to him and said, "Yeah, she's been teaching me a little about working metal. I'm nowhere near as good as she is."

He laughed and said, "It takes years of working and listening before you are able to hear the metal sing to you boy. Your mother has worked the metal for over a thousand turnings of the wheel, so she's had more practice than you." Looking down at me, he seemed to let his eyes linger on my ears and tail, before adding. "Somehow, I get the feeling that your wyrd lies less with forging swords and more with using them."

"Sort of like Dad?" I asked.

That brought laughter to his voice as well as his eyes. "Yes, like your father. If ever there were men and women born to the sword, it is those blessed by the first chooser of the battleslain."

"You mean magecats," I said.

He looked at me and smiled. Then reaching behind him, he pulled out what looked like a woodsman's axe. "Is that what you think I mean? Then, what is this?"

"An axe?"

Again he smiled, "Yes it is an axe, but it's also called bane of trees."

I thought about what he said, "I guess you could call it that, but why would you say that when axe is a perfectly good word?"

"Because it makes you stop and think about for what the object is used, or what that person has done or does. We call Freyja, the first chooser of the battle slain, because that is what she does. She gets first choice of all those who die in battle. We refer to Thor as giant's doom, because so many giants have fallen to Mjolnir. As you are starting to discover as you master the art of galdr, that words have power. If we chose them carefully, we can wield more power than others realize."

"You mean like with the runes. If I hide a runestave inside another design, another mage can't read it as easily and undo the magic?"

"Exactly. Names have power. Your mother and father have already taught you that you need a name for everyday use and one for deeds that are done with magic. I would say that before all your orlog is woven that you will need one for other deeds as well. That's why I brought you out here. To give you something with a name, something with which to forge a name."

I must have looked confused. He added, "You've become a man now. You've taken the steps that a man takes. Your mother has told me of what happened at your friend's steading." He shrugged, "I can't say that in the same situation I wouldn't have rolled her myself. But the problem that created was that you put yourself in a situation where you took something from another, and that led to a fight."

"I didn't start it, Papa," I protested.

He shook his head, "No, you didn't start it, and you definitely finished it. But could you have taken another action?"

"I could have turned her down, but why should I?"

"Because she'd been claimed by another," he said. "By doing what you did, you left him one of two choices. He could take the dishonor of having you take something from him, or he could challenge you." He reached out and put a hand on my shoulder, "And whether he knows it or not, we know that he would lose that fight. By taking the action that you did, you put yourself in a situation where you pretty much would end up beating him at something he couldn't win. That's not always an honorable thing to do."

"You mean I was being a bully?"

"If I understand how the word is used on Midgarth correctly, then in a way, yes."

"Then I should have simply turned her down?"

"I didn't say that, Hunter. Like I said, I can't say that I wouldn't have given her a roll myself. The point is though, you knew that when he found out, the other boy would try to fight you, and that you would win the fight."

"What if he didn't find out about it?"

Papa raised an eyebrow at that question, "Why would you keep it from him, to avoid a fight? I know you're not a coward."

I thought about what he had to say. "I could have simply told her no, that it would cause problems with Bobby and me, and then I'd have to kick his butt."

Papa laughed out loud at that. "Now that would be starting a fight, but it would have been more of an honorable one. Or perhaps you could have simply told her to go tell him first. That way you're making it her responsibility. If she wants to go ahead then, it's her honor at stake, not yours or his."

Again, I thought about it, and although was still somewhat confused, it started to make sense. "So basically, I shouldn't mess with what belongs to someone else?"

"That's always a good rule of thumb."

"I think I understand."

"Don't worry, you eventually will. Just remember, that you have a great deal of power, and with that comes the responsibility to use it wisely." He patted me on the shoulder and smiled, "Now, let me ask you a question. Are you a swordsman like your mother, or an axe-man like your father?"

I thought about it. "I really don't know, Papa. Mom has taught me to use a sword, and Dad has taught me to use an axe. But to be honest, I prefer using my hands and feet."

"A brawler, huh?"

I nodded. "It's just that when I use a sword or an axe, I have to hold back or break the darn thing."

That brought a huge laugh from him. "May all who descend from me have such problems."

I just grinned. I hadn't meant to be funny, but it was true. If I forget and not hold back when I swing an axe or a sword, the darn thing breaks when I hit something. That's why I'm always careful about losing my temper with normals. Dad has the same problem, except that Mom made him an axe that wouldn't break if he used it full swing.

"If you could have a weapon like your father's, which would it be: a sword or an axe?"

I thought about it. An axe has a certain psychological advantage. You start coming at a person with an axe, they back up immediately. But a sword was faster and easier to block with- and it's a nobleman's weapon. Any farmer can pick up an axe, but carrying a sword- especially in Alfheim was reserved for freeman and Jarls. Finally, I decided, "A two-handed sword, I think. It combines the speed of a sword with the raw power of an axe."

I saw Papa think about it and then nod. "I think I know just the thing. I've had it for a very long time. It was a gift from a certain Jotun lady with whom I'm acquainted. I could never make full use of its power, but I think it's just the thing for a young vitkikottr, such as yourself." He motioned for me to follow him.

We passed through the storeroom where long slabs of iron and steel lay on long worktables next to baskets of coal and large drums of oil. Shields of various materials stood along the wall. Several swords hung by their hilt on the wall, their blades wrapped in oil cloth. A great axe like the one my father had was standing in the corner, it's steel haft reaching almost to the ceiling.

He opened a door to another small chamber where several tables stood with cloth wrapped weapons laid out in neat rows on them. He smiled back at me and said, "This is where I keep the good stuff- the swords that I make for Jarls and such."

I was in awe. My mother told me about this room, but I never expected to see it. It was a room for showing off master craft work to very special guests. I could imagine one of the Aesir or Vanir standing in this room ages past. For a moment, I thought of asking him about the sword but then thought better of it. He reached under one of the tables and took out a long cedar box and handed it to me. It was as long as I was tall, and felt like it weighed about forty pounds. "Here you go. I was going to give this to your father, but as he prefers an axe, I think you are particularly qualified to wield this blade."

I set the box down on one of the tables and removed its cover. Inside, was a two-handed sword- a rare thing among the Alfs- wrapped in oil cloth. I reached down and gently unwrapped it to reveal the gleaming silver-blue blade beneath. Ancient runes ran along its length spelling out a single word: Isstonn.

I looked over at Papa and he nodded to me. I took up the sword and held it out from me. For such a huge weapon it was finely balanced, and I could tell it had a keen edge. Without much thought, I repeated its name as it was written on the blade, "Isstonn." Suddenly I felt a thrum start in the blade and race through my veins.

"Who calls on me?" a voice asked in my head.

I gave my grandfather a startled look. He smiled and said, "Well boy, answer it."

I cleared my throat and then answered it in my best authoritarian voice, "I do, Robin Hunter Greenbough, son of Summar Galdrsdottir, daughter of Galdrson of Alfheim."

"An honorable family with an honorable reputation. What do you wish of me Robin Hunter Greenbough, son of Summar Galdrsdottir, daughter of Galdrson of Alfeim?"

Again I looked at grandfather, and he simply nodded to me and said, "Go ahead, answer her. For what purpose would you carry and use such a blade?"

I thought about what Papa had said earlier and then answered, "To defend my family, my stead, my folk, and my country. To stand between mankind and those who would destroy what men and Gods have built."

"Then that is my mission. As long as you live up to the ideals you've stated here, I will serve you Robin Hunter Greenbough."

"You know, I don't think I've ever heard that sort of question answered as well as you have. You do your mother and father, and grandfathers honor in your wisdom today, Hunter."

I looked over at my grandfather and asked, "What does the blade do?"

"Ask me!" the voice in my head demanded.

I turned back to it and asked, "What do you do?"

I could almost feel the blade's smugness, "I am a Jotun's blade. I can change my size to fit the hand of my wielder. I can impart Rime cold upon those whom I strike, and I can call upon the mountain wind to blow against our enemies. I am blade of the elements, I am a blade of ice. "

"How do I ask you to change shape?" I asked.

I swear, the blade laughed at me before answering, "If you ask, then I'll think about it. If you command, then I will obey. I am a jarl's blade, a jarl does not ask, he commands."

"Then conform to my size," I told the blade. Suddenly it quivered in my hand and shrank to a more manageable size.

I looked over at my grandfather and smiled. "Thank you." Remembering something my father told me, I reached into my pocket and pulled out penny. Handing it to Grandfather, I said, "Here is a penny, so that with this gift of a blade, the ties between us will not be cut."

With a surprised look on his face, my grandfather took the penny and looked at it closely. Then placing it in his pocket, he looked back over to me, held his arms out and smiled before saying, "You've learned your lessons well. Know that I am pleased to call you scion of my blood."

I put the sword into its scabbard and slung it over my shoulder, before giving him a hug. "Thank you Papa."

He hugged me back, stroked my hair and said, "It's what family does, Hunter. We give gifts and support to each other. We each build the orlog for our families, so when we do these things for each other, we give the whole family more power. Your mother and you live across the Bifrost Bridge from us, travel there and back is difficult, but that doesn't mean that those of us on this side of Heimdall's Ward don't love you as well."

He pushed me back by the shoulders and tilted my head to meet my eyes. "Never forget that you have a family here in Alfheim. You have grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins by the dozen. You are loved."

I nodded to him, and swallowed to try and hide the emotion in my eyes. "I know. I love you guys too. I don't get to see you as often as I'd like, but I do love you."

"Good. Now why don't you go wash up for dinner? One of my tenants killed a boar the other day and sent it to us. The womenfolk have had it roasting in the great room all day, and the smell is driving me mad."

"Yes sir," I told him and headed out.

Not long afterwards, I met Ridvin. Ljufa got a little tired of me and aimed me in his direction. Ridvin was a local boy who worked on my grandfather's stead. Like I've said before, I was Jonesing over whether or not I wanted to jump the head cheerleader's bones, or the captain of the football team's ass. For a while, Ljufa had managed to distract me, but not for long.

After a couple of weeks of getting my lance waxed on a regular basis by Ljufa, my mind started drifting toward the other boys I saw around the stead. Most of them considered me pretty much off-limits. First off, it was late in the growing season. Winter comes early in Alfheim and is long. That means that when late August hits, there is already a drop in temperature. Most of them were busy getting ready for the harvest and didn't have the time to "keep the Jarl's grandson out of trouble."

Ridvin was different. I was told that he was supposed to be sent to Temple later in the year to start his apprenticeship to become a Gothi of Freyr. Also, because he had been sent by his father as a "gift to my grandfather" he was given a little more leeway than the other boys on the stead, most of whom who were either the sons of freeman pledged to my grandfather or thralls working off debts.

Late one afternoon, when Sunna was low in the distant sky, and the others were out in the fields, I went to the barn, thinking that I would go for a ride before dark. Even though back home we lived on a farm, I didn't get to ride there very much because most horses on Midgarth don't react well to me. Some of the ones on my grandfather's farm were bred for war, so they were made of a little stouter stuff. He'd given me free reign to ride any on the farm that I could saddle so I decided to give it a try.

I found Rid there, currying one of the bigger horses. He was tall and broad with a deep tan. His long blond hair was pulled back and held in place with a leather thong. He was wearing heavy linen breeches, with a long loin cloth, a belt knife, and a vest. He smiled over at me when I came in and said, "Heilsa, Hunter." (At my grandfather's stead everyone calls me Hunter to keep from confusing me with my Dad. The concept of calling me Trey because I'm the third person with my name is seen as being silly. If anything they say I should be called Robin Robinson. Besides, Hunter is an honorable name.)

"Heilsa, Ridvin," I replied and looked around.

"Can I help you with anything?" He gave me a direct look that took me off guard.

"I was thinking of going for a ride."

"I thought you'd be "riding" with Ljufa," he said with a grin.

I shrugged at him. My activities with the girl weren't exactly unknown. Actually I found out later that they were somewhat legendary. The girl had a reputation for being insatiable, but after two weeks was complaining about not being able to keep up with me. "She doesn't want to be ridden right now," I told him.

He laughed, "Ljufa, always wants to be ridden."

"Maybe it's me she's bored with then," I told him. Oddly enough I didn't feel any regrets about it. I was starting to understand what Mom meant by it's just sex.

"Maybe you need a new horse," he said looking me up and down.

I may have been only twelve, but that comment was so obvious that even I couldn't have missed it. I gave him another look, this time letting my eyes linger. His skin was covered in a light sheen of sweat that glistened in the late afternoon light. I could see how the long summer days of physical labor had toned his muscles. I looked down at his breeches, and saw a pretty large lump under the loin cloth that covered his crotch. I liked what I saw. Looking back up at his deep blue eyes, I tried using a playful voice, "Any suggestions?"

Rid put down the curry comb he had in his hand, and walked over to me with a smile. "Why don't we go up in the hay loft? You can see up there a little better what I've in mind."

He turned, directed the horse back into the stall, latched the gate, hung the curry comb from the ladder and then headed up the ladder to the loft. I couldn't help but notice just how well he filled out those breeches as I followed up behind him.

As I cleared the opening in the floor, I could smell the musty odor of old hay. Most of the old bales had been used, and what hadn't had been swept out. The loft had then been cleaned in preparation for the this year's crop. Ridvin strode over to the railing that looked out over the stables, leaned over to look at the horses below. My dick went to attention at the way his butt filled out the backside of those breeches. "See anything you'd like to ride?" he asked.

What the Hel, I thought to myself. "Oh yeah," I said as came up behind him. If this was going where I thought it was, I wasn't going to complain. I leaned over the rail and then looked over to him. As I looked deep in his blue eyes, I saw something that surprised me. There was lust there, yes. I could smell it on his skin, I could see itprodigiously so in his breeches. But there was also something else. Looking back now, I know it was love- or at the least infatuation, but I was young and stupid then and didn't know anything about that particular emotion. I honestly think that if Ridvin had not died, he and I would be together today.

He smiled over at me, "Really?"

I leaned in next to him and said, "If you wanna'

get away from this railing before we both fall off and break our necks, I'd be glad to show you." I stepped back toward the support wall behind us and waited.

He grinned at me and followed. "Just what do you have to show me, Robin Hunter Greenbough?" He was close enough for me to smell the sex on him.

I reached out and pulled him to me. I pressed my body against his, and reached over and kissed him hard. His mouth opened automatically, and my tongue slipped in. I could feel his hardness between us and marveled at its size. "How's that?" I asked.

"I like it," he said. He kissed me again, and

then said, "I like it very much."

"Just one question, if you don't mind Rid." I


"Questions later," he said running his hand down my back to the base of my tail, which was whipping back and forth in excitement. His broad rough hands spread out and squeezed each of my ass cheeks.

I pulled back for minute and looked him in they.

"No Rid, this question first. I have to know."

"Know what?"

"If we let this go any further, is some half-crazed boyfriend or girlfriend going to come crashing through the door threatening to kick my ass?" I'm not stupid. I learn from my mistakes, and I DID pay attention to the conversation with my Grandfather.

He smiled at me, shook his head, and said, "No, there's no suitor of either sex that's going to be upset about this. My father might not care for it, but that's why he's sending me to the temple. Vanic priests are allowed a little more freedom in these matters, and he wants me to be happy."

I nodded to him and said, "Good. That's all I

wanted to know right now." I sighed and stepped close to him and said, "But there is something I should tell you."

"What?" he asked with a worried look.

"I've never been with another boy. I'm not really sure what to do. I know what I'd like to try and do, but I don't have any experience."

He chuckled and pulled me to him. Before

kissing me again he said, "I think we can figure something out." I could feel his hardness between us and reached around and under his breech cloth to feel it with my hand.

It was huge! Okay, maybe not huge by the standards of an adult, but it was big for a twelve year old boy, and even bigger ON a twelve year old boy. Thinking back, it was probably eight or nine inches, but not the monster I remember through the fog of the years. "Hmmm," I groaned into his mouth.

He pulled back, "You like?"

I swallowed hard and nodded, "I don't have much

to compare it with, but I like." I started pulling at the fastenings of his belt so I could get to what I was feeling under the cloth.

I could feel him tearing at my own belt, trying to free my own member. The knots he'd tied were a whole lot more frustrating than the simple buckle on my belt, so he had my jeans down around my knees long before I could get his breeches off. Suddenly he knelt in front of me, taking away my prize. I felt the cool summer air across my ass as his hot hands stroked my dick and cupped my balls. Before I could protest, he pushed my foreskin back and licked around knob he'd revealed. I almost shot right there.

You have to understand, I was twelve years old and this was 1976. I had no idea about male to male sex, except that I wanted it. Ljufa had taught me some of the intricacies of oral sex, but I'd never really put two and two together in my head.

I groaned when he slipped his lips around the head and stuck his tongue in my piss slit. I was in a state of bliss. Two long deep strokes down to where he had buried his nose into the base of my pubes, and before I could warn him, I suddenly exploded in his mouth. Without thinking I grabbed his head and thrust a few times as I emptied my balls down his throat. I couldn't help but notice how nice and silky his long hair felt entwined in my fingers. To this day, I have a thing for guys with long hair.

When I stopped trembling, I looked down to where he was licking the last streams of cum from the head of my dick, and then sucking around the head. He grinned up at me and said, "I've been wanting to do that since I laid eyes on you."

"No fair," I told him. "You took away my toy

right when things were getting interesting."

He laughed and stood up, and finished unlacing his breeches. "Why don't we get out of these clothes where we can get at each other more easily?" I just nodded, slipped off my boots and started pulling my jeans the rest of the way off, never taking my eyes off him.

As he stood up, I could see his dick stuck all the way up to about three inches higher than his navel. He reached out and pulled me to him and kissed me. I felt his hands cup the sides of my face and stroke my hair. He broke the kiss and reached up with his head and nibbled at the fur on my right ear.

That sent a shiver all the way down my spine. "You are so beautiful," he whispered in my ear.

"I don't think most people back home would be as

kind about my natural form."

"Then they are fools," he said pushing me back. "You are a vitkikottr. Do you think the Fairest of the Goddesses would create one such as you and not make him beautiful?"

I shrugged, "As long as you like it, I'm happy." I mean what else was I supposed to say. I dropped to my knees in front of him and reached out for his dick. "Now let me try what you did."

I pushed his foreskin back to reveal the dark red head of his dick. I leaned in closely and flicked my tongue out to lick where the back side of his dick split down to flare around and form the head. The taste of the drop of clear liquid running down it was like nothing I'd ever had before. I could literally taste the pheromones he was giving off. He groaned at the touch of my tongue and I took that as a good sign.

I grasped his dick at the base, pointed it toward my mouth and plunged my lips over it. I felt my teeth brush against him. "Teeth! Teeth!" he hissed at me.

I looked up at him and said, "Sorry." I wrapped my lips around my razor-sharp canines and went back down on him. I felt his hands grip the sides of my head as he gently began to rock back and forth, pushing that monster dick to the back of my throat. That of course set off my gag reflex and I pulled back suddenly.

He grinned down at me sheepishly and said,


I just nodded and went back to work on making him feel good. The more I sucked, the hotter my own motor was running. I cupped his balls in one hand, while I kneaded his ass cheeks with the other. Again, he became lost in the action, and began rocking back and forth. This time, I knew how to rock with him to keep his dick from hitting the back of my throat.

"Hunter, I'm about to.," he whispered to me. I knew what he meant, and I wanted it. I wanted to taste him. I sucked harder on the pillar of flesh in my mouth.

Suddenly he began to tremble and then something hot and sweet splattered the back of my throat. I continued to gently suck at his dick, pulling his foreskin up and running my tongue under it. As he softened in my mouth, he gently pushed me away. "Enough," he said. "I'm a little sensitive now."

I grinned up at him and wiped the cum from my chin and said, "That was fun."

He nodded, pulled me up to him and said, "Yeah it was. But there's so much more. Give me a moment, and I'll show you."

Reaching down he picked up our discarded clothing and lay them out on the hard wooden floor. Taking me by the hand he lay down and then pulled me on top of him and began kissing me.

That was all it took. As they say in those

stupid movies: Shwing! I was hard as a rock again. He just laughed and kissed me harder. Rolling me over he began to kiss down my body. He licked around and then nibbled at my nipples. That sent my back arcing up to meet him and a low growl escaped my throat. "No, no, no," he whispered as he kissed down my stomach toward my throbbing dick. "No going all claws on teeth on me right now."

He began to lick all up and down my dick. He went out of his way to coat it with as much spit as he could. He took it in his mouth again and started bobbing his head up and down. After a few moments, he stopped and crawled back up my body and straddled my waist.

Before I could realize what he was doing, he positioned himself over the head of my dick, and then slowly inserted it into his ass. I couldn't believe the tight hot feeling as my dick disappeared into his bowels. He grinned down at me and asked, "How does that feel?"

"Fantastic!" I said as I ran my hands up over his beautifully hard chest. There is something about the naked chest of a guy that will get your motor running, and I was just now discovering it. I gently pulled on his nipples with one hand while I slowly began to jack his now rock-hard cock as he rocked up and down on mine.

After long moments of feeling his tight ass

slide up and down over my dick, I could feel my own balls pull up inside their sack. Suddenly Rid tensed up and threw his head back. Long ropy strings of white cum shot out of his dick and landed on my chest. His ass contracted around my dick and that sent me over the edge. I arched my hips up and shot my second load deep inside him.

He collapsed down on top of me, and my dick popped free of his ass as he snuggled against my chest. "I love the feeling of you inside me, Hunter." He ran his hands down my sides, gently stroking my body. "You are beautiful."

That should have told me something, but I was too young and inexperienced to understand it. If I had, he might be alive today. If I had, then a lot of things might be different today. But like I said, I was young, dumb, and full of cum.

We lay there for a long time, just feeling each other's bodies. It was funny really. When I was banging Ljufa, it was wham, bam, thank you sir, and then we were off to do something else. With Rid, we lay there a long time, just cuddling and holding each other. We were two boys on the cusp of manhood discovering the greatest expression of brotherhood ever known.

Over the years, we would get together on and

off, and it was always like that with him. There was never any pressure, just a feeling of oneness and of coming home. I miss that. I miss him.

Next: Chapter 3

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