Cattin Around

By Cobalt Blue

Published on Jan 6, 2007


"The fact that I have no remedy for all the sorrows of the world is no reason for my accepting yours. It simply supports the strong probability that yours is a fake."--H.L. Mencken

Okay, here goes: This story is all fictional (like you couldn't tell by the genre) and takes place in my fictional world for my Gathering of Gathering, and What Once Was Lost stories found elsewhere on the web. If you like it, I hope you'll send me some feedback. The first chapter is straight sex, but after that it goes to gay and bisexual sex with some pretty odd twists. Hope you enjoy it. Due to Yahoo eating my other email account I've had to start using GMail. If you want to contact me, email me at Cobalt Blue

Cattin' Around Chapter 1: The Cub Becomes A Cat

My name is Robin Hunter Greenbough III, but all my friends either call me Trey, or Hunter. Growing up as a teenager these days can be hard. With the UN Edicts of 1993 declaring all parahumans to be the property of world to be deployed at the world's discretion, it's even harder- especially after the whole War that set off with Japanese- Anglo-Israeli Alliance against the rest of the world. Every kid in America is wondering if they might be a parahumans and about to be kidnapped and sent to Riyadh for re- education. I sympathize with them. Life is hard for them now, and many of them will be called up to defend their country against a UN gone amok.

But life has always been challenging- especially for a parahumans. As I grew up in the Deep South, in the sixties, seventies, and eighties, mine was even more so. I'm a magecat. That means I'm an ailuranthrope, also known as a werecat- in my particular case a tiger, born in my hybrid form with the ability to be a mage. Most of us, do not have the advantage of a mother, or siblings because being born in the hybrid or battle form means our mother doesn't usually survive giving birth. In my case, my mother is a Nordic Alf, so she's a little stronger than most. However, the unusual genetics tended to align more closely with my Dad's Atlantean Gifted Gene, making me even more unusual than most parahumans or even other mystical species.

I got some of mom's abilities, some of Dad's magecat abilities, and some that are all my own. That's why I'm now on the front line fighting the good fight against the tyranny of the UN. I can do things that even Paraforce 1 or Nightforce can do. I cross the boundaries of mysticism and the science of superheroes.

But all of that is now, this story is about then. About growing up with abilities and responsibilities that most teenagers don't have to face, and the unique way I discovered to deal with those stresses- ways that may make some of you folks a little uneasy. So if you're disturbed by a frank discussion of teen sex and bisexuality, then maybe you'd better find another story to read, because this one won't be for you.

First off, being born in my hybrid form means that I've been shapeshifting back and forth between forms since I was born, so I have more control of my "beast" than most shapeshifters. Most weres don't have as much control as I did back then or do now. You see, if they were born with the were gene, then they usually don't show it until they hit puberty. Can you imagine discovering that you get furry and a tail about the same time you discover that thing between your legs has a use other than peeing? Mix the shifting gene with the usual teenage angst and emotional turmoil and you get a recipe for disaster. No wonder there are so many tales of crazed weres attacking and killing folks. Those who are bitten later in life and then become weres have a whole new sack of problems to try and control. So you can see where I had something of an advantage.

Secondly, since my Dad is a magecat, he knew how to guide and help. Add that to his own magic and Mom's as well, I learned pretty quickly. Where most kids would get grounded for being in trouble, they'd bind my powers for a while to teach me a lesson in control and responsibility. But then again most kids couldn't bench press a Buick by the time they were eleven years old. Mom's own abilities as a member of the Court of Alfheim gave her more insight into how to help me. If it weren't for her own regeneration factor and shapeshifting ability, she wouldn't have been around to help raise me.

I know all this sounds confusing, so let me sort of recap. I'm a magecat- that means I'm a werecat who can and does use magic. It also means that I've got one hell of a sexual appetite. (We sort of have a reputation for being sensual and sluttish.) I'm also half -alf. I get some pretty neat things from that too, not the least of which is mom's ability to shapeshift my physical appearance into looking like just about anyone I want- and it's a "complete" transformation at that. (That is sort of what sparked the unique events in this story.) I also carry the Atlantean Gifted Gene from Dad, and that gave me the second ability I used to come up with my unique method of coping with the demands of being a magecat.

Being a magecat means that from birth to around the age 11, I could shift between four basic forms. I could look basically human, a form I had to learn to concentrate on early because it would freak the normals out if they saw a toddler with a tiger's whiskers, ears, claws, and a tail. As a normal-looking teenager of about 13- when this particular story takes place- I was stood about 5'11" with longish copper hair, green eyes and a light complexion. I'll admit it- I was good looking. I was tall for my age, and rather lithe in build. I think though, that it was my nose that made my looks. I had the typical Northern European upturned nose that is so much in vogue even today.

In my natural form, I looked about the same except if you looked close at my skin, you could see the slightly red and black patterning from my stripes. I had whiskers, a tail (complete with tiger fur), sharp teeth, retractable claws and my ears were furred and shaped like a tigers at the top of my head. I could also take the form of a tiger that was about the size of a housecat.

Then there was my battle form. Think of a cross between a human and a tiger, standing about 12 feet tall and weighing in around a thousand pounds. (I weigh considerable more now, but back then it was about half a ton.) I spent a great deal of my free time in my battle form, practicing control and combat. You see, Dad worked for the government- I think he was a spy- and insisted that I learn to control that form from the start. He constantly trained me in control of it. He also taught me to fight in that form, and to fight effectively. You haven't lived until you've seen 12 foot of anthropomorphic tiger go through combat-style katas.

We owned five hundred acres of mountainous back country in Walker County Alabama, and Dad used it to hide my families special gifts from the general public. Fortunately for us, it was also an area that a pack of werewolves had adopted to settle into, and after a few fights for dominance a pretty effective peace and cooperative arrangement was hammered out between the pack leader and my Mom and Dad. To this day, I've got a whole pack of werewolves as friends.

But the real problem for me was that although Dad was local, we really didn't fit in. In 1976, the idea of being a non-Christian in backwoods Alabama could get you killed. Being as my Mom is an Alf meant that she and Dad, and me all followed the faith of the Vikings. (Hey, I got to spend every holiday season with my Grandfather Galdrson in Alfheim- which is really cool.) That doesn't go over very well in some areas of the south today, much less back then. Add into it, the fact that being a werecat meant that sexually, I was driven, and didn't really care about the gender of my partner. Now that could get you killed even quicker in the South back then.

I always wondered how Dad coped with settling down with only Mom. Magecats are known for their sexual appetites, and not being able settle down to just one person, or even gender. I mean, at the time, I was thirteen and couldn't figure out if I wanted to jump the head cheerleader's bones, or the football captain's ass. Most teenagers were horny- me I walked around with a perpetual spike in my shorts.

I know my parents worried about it. I could hear them talking about in the dead of the night when they thought I was asleep. I think they were afraid I was going to go out and get some girl pregnant. Back then, if you did that, you married them, and neither of them wanted that for me yet.

It was a close call too. I lost my virginity at twelve to the local Church of Christ Preacher's daughter, and everybody in the school ended up finding out about it. By the time it was over, I'd become something of a bad boy that parents warned their daughters about.

That story all started when I wanted to go out for the junior high school football team. There's something you have to understand about Alabama, and that is that football is king down here. One of the first questions kids ask each other when they first meet is if they are for Alabama or Auburn. Me I was an Auburn fan- after all, they are the Auburn Tigers. But this was also the height of the Age of the Bear, so I can't say I didn't eat a lot of crow around Thanksgiving every year. It kept me humble.

Anyway, Dad wouldn't let me play. He was afraid I would hurt someone, or worse yet, give away what we were. That was about the time things had settled down with the local werewolf pack so I was in the same boat with several other boys around my age. The pack leader and Dad came to the decision to keep us all out of football games, just in case one of us shifted under the pressure. So in the end, we ended up forming our own little football club- we called it furball.

Now Sharon was this cute little cheerleader who made it clear that she would only go out with a football player- and they had to go to her Dad's church. She had blonde hair, blue eyes, and the cutest little ass and breasts on any thirteen year old out there. All of us in the furball club were panting after her, and since our Dads wouldn't let us play football, she wouldn't give us the time of day.

This situation could have spelled disaster, because all it would have take was for one of us to show her why we couldn't play football in order to impress her and get into her panties and all hell would have broken loose. It almost came to that too. My best friend Jimmy Daniel, or J.D. as everyone called him, told me that he almost told her one Saturday at the skating rink, but backed out at the last minute.

Anyway, it was a Saturday night sometime in the summer and we'd all been invited to a swim party held by our friend Kevin. Kevin was a baseline normal, but a good guy none the less. He was slightly over weight with straw colored hair and blue eyes. He was the kind of guy that most people liked to pick on, and was something of a nerd. I never picked on him, and enjoyed talking to him about our favorite science fiction show, the Six Million Dollar Man.

Back then, there weren't a lot of pools in town, and the fact that his folks had had one put in was a big thing. For a while there, he was very popular. He was a good guy and deserved that little bit of attention he got. I'm sorry about the way things turned out at was to be his last pool party. Or at least the last one I got invited to.

His mom and dad were out of town for the weekend but had agreed to let him have a few of his friends over for a swim- as long as he kept it to just a few, an no girls were going to be there. Well, we all know how those kinds of things turn out. What had started off as just four or five boys swimming turned into six boys, seven girls (they really do travel in packs) and two quarts of J.D.'s uncles best shine.

We were all dancing to Fleetwood Mac and mixing the stuff from the mason jars with Hi-C grape drink mix left by Kev's mom. By about six only JD and I were sober. Mainly because of my regenerative factor kept me from getting too drunk and JD's sense of smell kept him away from the hunch- punch.

Anyway, Sharon's boyfriend, Bobby Ingles had already passed out in the corner and as she was only taking a sip about once every five minutes or so, so she was standing up better than her friends- most of which were pretty fuzzy. I looked over toward the corner where I saw Kevin making out with Amy Camper, one hand buried deep in the front of her two-piece, and the other cupping her rather large breast. Her hand was up the leg of his cut-offs, massaging him. I got the feeling that pretty soon things were going to get pretty interesting for him.

I could hear JD and Cindy Harvill in the bushes off to the side. I caught a quick glimpse of his bare ass through azaleas, and knew that he was doing okay for himself. Most of the other girls were passed out, several of them were in very compromising positions with various guys, but the problem was that the guys were passed out too.

I smiled over at where Sharon was sipping on her hunch punch and looking around. She had a strange look of regret on her face as she looked over at me. I just waved and smiled, glad that there was a table between her line of sight and my crotch. All the sex I could smell in the air was making me horny, and I had a prodigious boner in my trunks.

She came over and sat down next to me and said, "Hi. Looks like we're the only ones not making out or passed out." I could see a slightly glazed look in her eyes, and could smell the hunch punch on her breath.

I smiled again, noting how her small little nipples were poking hard at the cloth of her one-piece bathing suit. "Yeah." (I know, brilliant repartee was not my strength at twelve.)

"You don't seem very wasted," she reached for my half empty glass and took a sip. "Why is that?"

I shrugged and lied, "Drinking isn't that big a thing to me. I'm used to it. My folks let me have wine and beer with dinner if I want." Well the last part wasn't a lie. My folks did let me drink when I wanted to because they knew it wouldn't affect me like it did others. Besides, drinking is a major portion of our religion.

"Really? That's so cool. My dad would have cow if he knew I was drinking." She took another sip from her cup and smiled over at me again. This time she was looking me up and down like I had looked at her earlier. "Tell me why again won't your dad let you play football. I mean, you seem to be fit enough to play."

Again a lie, "I got in trouble this summer and it's my punishment."

"Really? Must have been something pretty bad." She started running her hand up and down my arm.

I nodded, and shifted nervously in my chair. I could feel my dick getting even harder under the table. "I'm not supposed to talk about it."

Now there was a sort of excited gleam in her eye. She shifted over to sit on the arm of my chair. "Must have been really bad. I didn't think you were a bad boy, Trey." She giggled slightly and I saw a blush rise in her skin. This close to her, I could smell that she was starting to get sexually excited.

I felt myself blush and took a chance on putting my hand on her knee. "I get in my share of trouble."

She leaned in and said, "I bet you'd like to get into some trouble right now."

I swallowed and said, "I could stand a little excitement." I reached out with my other hand and stroked her shoulder. Her skin felt warm and soft. I felt a shiver of something run up my spine.

"I bet you would." Her mouth was so close to mine. I couldn't resist, and reached out and kissed her. I felt her mouth open and her tongue press at mine. This girl was not innocent. She knew how to kiss.

She melted into my lap without ever breaking the kiss. I could feel her body pressed against mine. I could feel as well as hear her heartbeat against my chest. Finally, she pulled back and smiled down at my lap. "Looks like you really are ready to get into some trouble." She reached down and stroked my dick through my swim trunks.

I grinned at her and moved my hand down to press against the cloth covering her pussy. "I'm a guy. What do you expect?"

"Can I see?" she asked as she pulled against the front of my shorts. I felt a warm southern breeze across the head of my dick.

I nodded and slipped my fingers under the leg of her bottoms to feel the hot wet curls of her pubic hair, and the slit beyond that. The smell of her sex told me she was as horny as I was.

"Hmmmm.. You have an extra skin on yours." I guess I must have looked a little confused because she added. "I mean, Bobby only has this purple head, not a flap of skin over his like you do."

I grinned. I was one of the few boys in my gym class that wasn't circumcised. "My folks don't believe in doing that to boys."

She nodded and pushed my foreskin back to uncover the purple head of my dick. I felt myself lube up with pre-cum as she stroked me. "You're hair is red down there too."

By this time I had her swim suit pushed aside so I could see her pussy. The outer lips were covered by a thin covering of dark brown hair. The inner lips were peeking out, and I could see a little nub of flesh poking out from the top of them. I ran my finger along her slit from back to front. She quivered and squirmed when I brushed against the nub, so I did it again. "That's nice." She told me. "Do it some more."

I looked around and saw where Kevin had Amy's top off and she had his shorts pushed down and was stroking his short stubby dick. He looked over to where I was, grinned and gave me a thumbs-up. I nodded and looked back to Sharon. Her eyes were closed and she was moaning softly as I played with that little nub with my finger and thumb. "Ooooh, that is so good."

I wasn't comfortable this out in the open. Mind you, I don't have a problem showing off what I got, but there are some things I'd rather do in private. Especially, since I could feel my control over other things starting to become a little harder. I looked over to the bushes where I'd seen JD and Cindy and every now and again, I could see what looked like a particularly hairy back in the bushes. I figured if I was going to let this go any further, I wanted to get out of sight, just in case.

Without asking, I picked Sharon up and carried her inside the house. Her hand never let go of my dick as I carried her down the hall to Kevin's bedroom. Hell, he wasn't using it, so I figured I would. Besides, the bag with my extra clothes was in there, and there was something in my billfold I wanted. Laying her down on the bed, and then stretching out beside her, I began to run my middle finger along the length of her slit, dipping the tip in there to feel the hot wetness there.

I could feel her squirm beside me as she stroked my dick inside my shorts. "I want to see it, Trey."

I nodded to her and smiled, "I want to see you too."

She smiled and said, "Okay." She reached to the top of her shoulders and pushed the straps on her one piece down, peeling the black material down her body like the skin of a banana. I gasped slightly when I saw her breasts. They weren't as big as some I'd imagined, about the size of small oranges I guess, but the nipples were red and very hard.

She kept peeling the suit down until it was past her waist and I could see the neat triangle of hair around her pussy. The curls near her slit were glistening with moisture as was the little bud that was poking out at the top. She looked down at herself and then up at me. "You like?"

I nodded to her and said, "Very much."

"Now you," she said as she began pulling at the waistband of my shorts. I reached own and pulled them over my dick and then down the backside of my ass. My foreskin was pushed all the way down and I could see the whole head of it was wet with pre-cum.

It didn't take long for me stretch out on top her, my dick nestled between our stomachs. I kissed her hard, and let my hands roam all over her breasts, feeling the hard nipples there. I could feel her thrust against me, trying to get some kind of purchase against the top of my thigh. This was it. I knew what was about to happen. I was ready for it.

"Wait just a second," I said. Rolling over, I reached for my billfold in jeans and pulled out the little packet there. Dad had given it to me with explicit instructions about its use.

"What's that?" she asked.

"Something to make sure there aren't any consequences to today." Boy was I wrong there.

She giggled. "I should have thought about that. You're sweet."

I just nodded, pulled my foreskin forward and put the rubber over my dick. It took a few tries before I could finally get it rolled down right. Then I stretched out on top of her and put the head of my dick along the edge of her slit. I thrust forward and missed my target. I felt myself blush, and tried again. Still no luck.

She giggled up at me and reached down to and took a hold of me and put the tip of my dick lower than I would have thought. I felt the head slip in between her lips and I pushed in. Suddenly I was in. I could feel the hot wetness of her engulf me. I was doing the deed that every teenaged boy dreamt of. I was fucking the hottest cheerleader in junior high school.

I would like to brag and say that I was wonderful lover, but I won't. It was the first time my dick had ever been inside something that wasn't my own fist, and it felt good. It wasn't too long before I was getting close to cumming. I looked down at her face and she had her eyes closed. She seemed to be enjoying it and the way she kept thrusting her hips up to meet me, confirmed the conclusion. I looked down to where our bodies were joined and marveled in the sight of my deep copper hair mingling wetly with her dark brown pubes. It almost sent me over the edge.

It slowly became obvious that she was more experienced than I was. She was also pretty vocal as she began moaning. I was glad the door was shut, and hoped nobody could hear. Suddenly she started moaning louder and saying, "It's happening! Oh yes! I can feel it coming! Oooh! Ooooh! Oooh!" Suddenly I could feel her tighten around my dick and that was the last straw. I blasted a load of hot spunk into the rubber as she clawed at my back. I felt my body begin to shift under her hands. I felt my ears melt up the side of my head, my own claws extended to rip at the sheets. I could feel my tail whip around and as the final burst of cum shot out of the end of my dick. For a long few seconds I lay there, my weight fully on Sharon, my dick embedded in her pussy. Then realizing what had happened, I concentrated and forced my body back to its more human form- just in time.

Suddenly the door burst open and Bobby Ingles came crashing in, yelling "I'm going to kill you!"

I rolled off Sharon and felt my rubber covered dick slap against my stomach as he came charging across the room. I guess I was still a little out of it from what had just happened, and was slower than usual, because he caught be with a good right cross as we crashed into the nightstand by the bed and into the wall behind us.

I felt the lamp shatter against my back as he began to swing wildly. Luckily, he fought like a football player and had no idea how to untangle his arms after he'd tackled someone. I brought my knee up between his legs- hard. I felt the air whoosh out of him and pushed him off me.

He staggered back holding his groin in pain. Without a second thought, I pivoted on my front foot spun and kicked him hard in the side of the head. He went down like a load of bricks.

"Shit, he knocked out Bobby Ingles!" I heard Cindy Harvill say from the door. Looking over, I saw Kevin, Amy, Cindy, and JD standing there in awe. Behind them, I could see Mr. Straw, Kevin's father trying not to chuckle.

When he saw me looking at him, he quickly wiped the amusement from his face and said to the others standing in the door. "Okay, everybody back in the living room. I'll take care of this." He stepped into the room and grabbed Bobby off the floor and backed out of the room. Before he shut the door he said, "You two get dressed. I'm calling your parents."

Next: Chapter 2

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