Catholic School Days

By Jan (Jan May, Jan None, Jan 0)

Published on May 22, 2004



This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between girls and women that are nuns. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

Author's Note:

This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re-post them at your own site, please contact the author for permission.

Copyright 2004 Jan, All Rights Reserved.

Please mail to if you have suggestions for future stories.

Catholic School Days



Karen was about to arrive at the new convent where she hoped to renew her acquaintance with one of her old high school teachers. When they met at a recent school reunion she was invited by Sister Mary-Magdalene, now Mother Superior, to come to visit for a weekend and see the new convent.

She was deep in thought about her old school day's at the Most Holy Trinity church and school located in the north east corner of Phoenix, Arizona. It was located almost due north of the city on 7th Street as she drove out of town. She had the car's air-conditioning turned up full blast even thought it was late October. Even that late in the year the heat could be seen rising in shimmering waves from the black top road.

She could remember her first day at the old school. It was both a thrill and frightening. She was all decked out in a new uniform, a white blouse with a thin tie that matched the cotton pleated skirt. The skirt and tie was something like an old Gaelic tartan. The skirt had several folds in the hem to hold small weights that keep the pleated material from flying up and exposing the young girl beneath it. All of the girl's were required to wear black oxfords with knee high socks in white. Karen's hair was dark, thick and straight. It hung down the middle of her back all the way to the waist if her skirt. She clung to her book bag by one strap as she held a slip of paper that contained the room number of her classes and the times at which she was to attend.

She could smell the hot air as it blew down from the north as she moved along the covered walkways to the classroom. A native to Arizona would have not even noticed the dessert landscape around the school ground but to a girl that had been transplanted from the northeast part of the country the sight was as strange as if it were on another planet.

The grounds had a modern brick church as the central landmark flanked by buildings on high ground. There was a meandering stream bed running through the school. To keep down erosion the bed was lined with rocks that allowed the summer rains to pass through the school without damaging the property. The dessert plants smelled like herbs to her and when they were in bloom the flowers were small and brightly colored in white, reds, yellows and violets.

She formed a close friendship with a girl in her first homeroom. Her name was Yvette. She was a girl that came from a family that had moved there from Louisiana. She was a descendant of the French Canadians that the British had relocated from Nova Scotia during the French and Indian wars. As a result her accent was thickly flavored with French words along with a touch of southern drawl.

Karen was drawn to her because they were both outsiders to the local community. They clung to each other for support from the first day of school.

As the weeks passed Karen grew accustom to the heat and hardly noticed the smell of the local plants. She was doing fine in school and didn't cause trouble. Not like a number of rebellious girls in the school that were constantly being sent to the head mother's office for a variety of offenses. The most common violations were inappropriate alterations of the uniform, inappropriate language in front of a teacher or nun and getting caught smoking in the bathrooms. There were rumors about some of them being caught in inappropriate contact with each other but Karen did not know if any of that was true.

Karen was a fourteen-year old that had some very normal sexual curiosity. All of the schools she attended had been segregated by sex so she had very little contact with boys. As a result she looked upon the nuns as roll models to be idealized.

One day she had to ask to be excused to go to the bathroom during the middle of a class. She struggled to hold her pee until she could make it to the bathroom stall. She managed to get her skirt up and panties down and was squatting when she let go with a stream of pee that was so strong it splashed up and wet her behind. She was just finishing peeing and wiping herself when the door to the bathroom opened.

Thinking that she might get in trouble being out of class during session she picked up her feet and held them against the door, just in case. She spied through the crack between the doorframes. It was the Mother Superior (principal) Josephina D'Amato. Karen's heart pounded in her chest so hard that Karen thought that Sister Josephina could hear it.

The nun marched directly to the stall next to the one occupied by Karen. Karen heard the rustling of material then the unmistakable sound of piss splashing in a toilet. She held her breath as long as she could. Finally she could not resist peeking under the stall.

Sister Josephina was standing up with her hassock gathered around her waist as she wiped her vagina with toilet paper. When she turned around to flush the toilet she bent over causing her bare butt to be pointed straight at the partition between Karen and the nun. For a brief moment Karen got a clear view of the nun's vagina. The girl had never seen a pubis with so much hair on it. It was a tangle of thick dark hair covering pink lips that hung from the sides of the woman's cunt. Karen feared being discovered and moved back out of sight and watched as the nun exited the stall and walked to the washbasin. Through the crack she watched as the nun took a paper towel and wet it. Her back was to her but Karen watched as the nun lifted her robe one more time and Karen could tell she was wiping her vagina. Then the nun tossed the paper towel in the trash and dropped the robe as she washed her hands and left the bathroom.

The event caused Karen to start having sexual daydreams about the nun and other faculty members. She had seen some of the girls that had been sent to her office come out rubbing their behinds and crying. Her friend Yvette was one girl that had a rebellious nature and had violated the dress code many times. As a result she had spent a lot of time in the Assistant Principal's Johnson's office. Mrs. Sally Johnson was a married woman in her forties.

When ever Yvette was sent to her for correction Karen would wait outside the office door for her. When she would come out rubbing her wide behind and with tears streaking her cheeks Karen would ask her questions about what happened. Yvette would never tell what went on in the office. That didn't stop Karen from fantasizing about Yvette having to kiss the pussy of the adult woman. Had she been required to touch the private parts of the woman? Karen had heard stories about nuns having special friends as they were called.

At the same time when ever her girlfriends would get together for a party the talk always revolved around boys. Some were sexually active but most had never even dated before. If it was a sleepover called a "Pajamas Party" they would talk about sex late into night. The ones that were sexually active would fill them with tails about sex they had had with men and boys. They would even teach them what it was like to dance with a boy. They would instruct them on how to kiss like lovers. They would also tell them that oral sex was more fun that fucking. On occasion that would lead to them showing the other girls how to have oral sex.

Karen was really getting into this and would find ways for her to be alone with Yvette whenever she could and they would experiment with oral sex. The more she got involved with making love to her friend the more she thought about what a thrill it would be to have sex with Sister Josephina. She knew that she must be at least fifty-years old. That made her almost as old as her granny. But from what she had seen of her she was much younger looking than her granny. The idea of being required to face Sister Josephina and kiss her vagina, that delicious looking hairy cunt she had seen, had her having erotic dreams during class all the time. Her school work suffered from her lack of attention.

The first teacher to notice that she was falling behind was Sister Mary-Magdalene. When confronted with the problem she would not tell the nun what she was thinking about all the time so she was sent to see Mrs. Johnson.

She went to the office with trepidations about what would happen. It was close to the end of the school day. She had to sit in the secretary's office until she was told that she could see Mrs. Johnson.

Mrs. Johnson was sitting behind her desk reading something when the girl entered and only looked up long enough to say, "Close the door behind you." Then she returned to reading. It seemed like eternity before she placed the papers on her desk and looked up. She commented that, "I never expected to see you in my office" and reached across the desk for the note clutched in the trembling girl's sweating hand. She sat back and unfolded the note and read it.

Clearing her throat, she asked "What seems to be the problem?"

Karen could not bring herself to tell what was distracting her so much. She stood there nervously shifting her weight from one leg to the other. She started to sob and then to cry.

Mrs. Johnson stood up and came around her desk and gathered Karen in her arms and backed her up until her legs came in contact with the couch in her office. She sat down next to her and continued to comfort the girl. Being so close to this 40-year old woman was enough to cause Karen to have all kinds of sexual thoughts about her. She found the aroma of the sweet smelling perfume the woman had on to be very seductive. Her head was resting on the ample breast of the woman and she could feel the material getting wet from her tears.

It took some coaxing on the part of Mrs. Johnson to pry out of Karen that she was being distracted by sexual thoughts. Mrs. Johnson tried to assure her that such thoughts were normal for girls her age. When she tried to find out what kind of sexual thoughts she was having Karen would not tell. The woman confronted her by asking questions like "is it about some boy you know?" But Karen assured her that it wasn't any male she knew.

It finally dawned on Mrs. Johnson that she had not mentioned anything about women. She was stroking Karen's shoulder and her head was close to her ear. She whispered in her ear "are you thinking about sex with girls or women?"

Karen cried all the more as she admitted that she was having that kind of thoughts. Mrs. Johnson continued comforting Karen trying to gather more information when her secretary stuck her head in and said that she was about to leave, if she was no longer needed.

Mrs. Johnson thanked her and wished her a good evening. When the door closed she returned her attention to Karen. She wanted to know more about what Karen thought about. She told her that many girls had thoughts about having sex with other girls and women and asked if she had acted on any of these desires? Karen did her best to deny that she had but she wasn't very convincing.

Karen hesitantly told her about waiting outside her office for her friend after she was sent to her office to be punished for her misconduct. She told her about watching her rub her behind and that she could not help but think about what it would be like to be spanked and forced to perform sexual acts on a woman who was punishing her.

Mrs. Johnson stopped stroking Karen's shoulder and thought about what was being confessed to her. She was not immune to sexual rushes from spanking the behinds of girls in school. Indulging in lesbian sex was not unknown to her either. When she punished girls for misbehaving at school she always tried to do it dispassionately. She was sure some of the girls caught smoking or something like that would have been surprised if they knew just how wet her pussy got from spanking them. Many at time she had to use her private bathroom to use her fingers to relieve her passion after the girls left.

She asked Karen if she thought it would help her to concentrate more on her school work if she were to administer a spanking to her now. Karen was not sure if that would help or not but the idea of Mrs. Johnson spanking her was defiantly a turn on. The bargain was made that she would submit to Mrs. Johnson spanking her.

Mrs. Johnson had spanked many butts during her career. She normally made the girls prostrate themselves over her desk and she used a paddle on their butts. Her palms would be swollen if she used her hand on every girl sent to her office. This time she opted to have the girl lay across her left leg so that she could lock Karen's legs down with her right leg. To insure that Karen could not reach back and interferer with the spanking she crossed the girl's arms behind her back and laced her left arm through her arms to prevent her from placing her hands in the way of the spanking. She pulled Karen's skirt up over her back covering most of her arms. On impulse she also pulled down the girls panties. Mrs. Johnson bent over and drew in a deep breath though her nose. The smell of the exposed anus and vagina was wonderful. The girl emitted a strong womanly aroma from her sexual areas.

The first slap on the bare ass cracked against the walls of the office. Karen gave a soft cry of pain. The woman continued spanking both spheres of the butt until they were bright red and the girl was crying un-controllably. Sally's hand was smarting and she was sweating when she stopped in her exhaustion. When she rested her head on the glowing spheres she noticed that the smell from Karen's cunt was even stronger. She put her hand between Karen's legs and found that her inner thighs were slippery. Had the girl climaxed while she was spanking her?

Karen had in fact climaxed and her sobs of pain had turned to moans of satisfaction. When Sally let go of her arms, Karen reached behind herself and rubbed her own behind gingerly.

She slipped off the leg to her knees. She turned around and with her arms resting on the knees of Mrs. Johnson she looked up into the woman's eyes with longing. The woman's dress had been pushed up so that most of her nylon hose clad thighs were exposed. The dress material sagged between her legs hiding what Karen wanted to see most but the aroma from her crotch was unmistakable.

Karen never took her eyes off Sally's face as she lifted the dress. The panties were positively soaking wet. Sensing no resistance he leaned forward and kissed the crotch of the panties. When the woman did not stop her she pulled the panties aside and found the hairy garden. Sally gave in to her desires and any thought about right or wrong was put aside as she stood up long enough to pull her panties down. When she kicked them off her feet she sat down and as Karen returned to her oral duties Sally draped her legs over the shoulders of the student. She was bucking her hips off the couch by the time she climaxed. Her cunt was on fire as the girl did things for her that more experienced women she had been with had never done.

After they had recovered they got dressed and Sally told Karen that anytime she needed to relive her sexual desires to come and visit her. She would arrange a place to help her get it out of her system.

When Karen came out of Mrs. Johnson's office Yvette was waiting for her. She saw the tear stained cheeks and wanted to know what she had done to get punished. Karen would not tell her anything. Over the next week she felt the desire to be spanked coming on again. She made a point to be close to the teachers lounge during lunch time so that she could catch Mrs. Johnson's eye when she came out.

As Sally walked by her Karen mentioned to her that she thought it was time for a meeting with her again. Sally smiled and said that would be fine. "Why don't you pay me a visit after school?" Karen was quick to agree and ran off to get to class before the bell rang.

That was the start of regular visits that had several students talking. After all Karen was not one of the girls that was in trouble all of the time. Some even started to joke that she had a crush on Mrs. Johnson. Little did they know just how big a crush she had! The rumors must have gotten around to the school staff.

One afternoon after Karen had made a date with Sally for a meeting she reported to Mrs. Johnson's office after everyone had left for home. Their relationship had progressed to a point where they would lock the door to her office and take each other's clothes off before getting down to her spanking. Mrs. Johnson now used a willow branch that left red welts on Karen's smooth buttocks and the backs of her legs.

After her spanking Karen would kneel submissively before Mrs. Johnson and perform oral sex on the woman. Sally would reward her efforts by masturbating her and performing oral sex on her as she assured her that she was forgiven for having her dirty thoughts.

This afternoon they had been having a good time and after the spanking Sally bent the willow branch so that she could insert each end into Karen's anus and vagina at the same time. The tension of the branch trying to return to its original shape held the stick in place as Karen knelt in front of Sally to bath the woman's vagina with her tongue. They were so absorbed in their efforts that they did not hear the key in the door.

It was only when a shadow crossed Sally's eyes that she opened them and saw Mother Superior Josephina D'Amato standing in front of the couch with her keys in hand. Sister Mary-Magdalene was standing behind her and looking over her shoulder.

Mrs. Johnson was so shocked at being caught that she stood up quickly flipping Karen backwards onto her butt. The impact must have driven the branch deeper into her anus or cunt because she cried out in pain as Mrs. Johnson tried to cover her nakedness with her hands. One hand went right for her crotch and the other crossed her breasts in an attempted to cover her tits.

Mother Superior Josephina D'Amato turned her head slightly without taking her eyes off of the two bodies in front of her. "Is this the kind of conduct befitting the Vice Principal of our school?

Sister Mary-Magdalene responded, "Not at all."

"What should we do with them? Dismiss them or punish them?"

Sister Mary-Magdalene, "I don't think the scandal would be in the best interest of the school. But something should be done."

Mother Josephina bent over and plucked the branch from Karen's orifices in one quick motion. Karen cowered in fear of what was about to happen. She wrapped herself around Mrs. Johnson's right leg and clung to it.

Sister Mary took hold of Karen's arms and pried her away from Mrs. Johnson's leg. She held Karen motionless while Mother Josephina forced Mrs. Johnson to kneel down with her face in her couch after she lifted her robe to expose her naked pussy.

Karen watched wide eyed and mouth open as the nun started laying the switch across the woman's butt. The woman was crying into the cunt as she lapped up the juices found there.

The nun reached into a hidden pocket of her robe and produced a strap-on dildo. She strapped it on and got behind Mrs. Johnson and inserted the thing into her cunt. From that position she fucked her so hard that Karen could here her skin slapping against Sally's butt. "Take it you sinful whore take it all!" the nun yelled as she drove the rubber cock in as deep as it would go.

Sister Mary was getting so excited that she was soon stroking Karen's naked body. Karen offered no resistance when the nun pushed her to her knees and covered her head with her robe.

The child found that Sister Mary was also naked under her robe. She smelled the strong odor of her sex and could not resist tasting it. She found that the nun's pussy was sopping wet as she set about sucking and tongue fucking the woman to one delightful orgasm after another.

By the time everyone's sexual desires were sated they agreed that they would do this again. The remaining high school years went by far to fast.

Now here she was on her way to visit Mother Superior Mary-Magdalene. When she was ushered into the private office of the Mother Superior's office the nun stood up and came around her desk to kiss and hug her old friend that she had not seen in many years. When she asked what she owed the pleasure of this visit Karen said my daughter is about to enter high school and I wanted you to be her first teacher. The smile that filled her face said everything.

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Next: Chapter 2

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