Catfish and the Wrestlers

By Bob

Published on Jan 26, 2023


Catfish and the Wrestlers 5

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. I have quite a few stories on Nifty. Look for Bald Hairy Man in the prolific authors section. If you have any comments send them to or

The bear event was fun. Evan and Adam served good food. The other members of the Lodge's staff were nice too. The staff was all gay, but the owners picked them for their ability, not sexual preference. Several of the younger men were flirts. I'm not sure the bears weren't their first preference, but they were pleasant. Evan gave Ali a message from Fred after dinner. Lenny and Tommy had gone home. They were sick. Fred did most of the lighting work, but this was a problem getting ready for the next day. I called Smitty and gave him this information. I had a feeling the rats were abandoning the ship. I also suggested he check up on Denny, my druggie predecessor.

Evan offered Ali the use of his grounds keeper. This was an older guy named Mitch. Mitch was my age but showed some wear and tear. I had seen him on the lawnmower, but he was dressed for safety. He appeared at dinner naked and willing to help when needed. He was a scruffy, aging hippie type, but a hard worker and useful. Mitch was well equipped especially if you were into foreskin and low hanging balls. I still had my eyes open for Greg, the otter with the extra foreskin I met in the Grotto.

I'm uncut, and I've always liked cocks cut or uncut. As I get older I seem to be finding uncut men more interesting. I like to get my tongue inside the wrapper with the cock head. I'm not into man smells or stink, but I do like home brew. At his event where everyone is a bit turned on, I figured the man juices would be stored up in the skin. I use to like them only when I suctioned them directly from the balls. Lately, I've had a taste for aged juices.

I also have come to the conclusion cock heads protected by skin are more sensitive than cut knobs. I love it when a little lick on a sensitive knob can make a 250 pound bruiser whimper in pleasure. Of course I can do the same with my cock up his ass, but that's a lot more effort.

That evening Fred joined us with Mitch to go over the next days wrestling event. During dinner the word was out we were short staffed. My mother is a good Presbyterian, and firmly believes God works in mysterious ways. Damn if Greg didn't show up at our door. He was a stagehand-lighting man on Broadway. He introduced himself and offered to help. All was well. Ali told me to get to bed early. He wanted to talk to Fred alone. Fred looked like shit. I was tired after several days of what very well might have been too much sex and went to bed. I woke at seven and was ready to go. Fred was still in the bedroom with Ali.

Breakfast was really good and the men enjoyed it. It was an all cholesterol and fat breakfast tempered by a massive dose of salt. I had to go to help set up the ring. Much to my surprise, Smitty arrived and had a long talk with Fred. Fred left with the detective leaving us with only Mitch and Greg.

Ali told me Fred, Lenny and Tommy had all enjoyed my predecessors bounty. Fred was just taking a snort once and a while, but Lenny and Tommy were into it big time. When Buster fired Denny, they were up the creek, but Denny introduced Lenny to his supplier. The supply of drugs continued. Lenny started helping the supplier distribute drugs using Buster Enterprises as a front.

Fred knew about the cams, but thought the were for Lenny's personal use. Lenny was a voyeur. Over the last few years he had lost interest in physical sex and preferred to watch it. Fred was apparently unaware of the blackmail efforts. Fred knew Lenny had several contacts in the drug world, but didn't know their names. When Nigel was attacked, Fred realized he was much deeper into the drug dealing scheme than he had realized. He also thought Lenny and Tommy were scared.

This pretty much ended my need to be here, but Ali wanted me to keep on working. "I don't think things are over yet. We haven't found any of the videos, and we don't have the drug dealers yet," Ali said. "If they had a profitable deal here, I doubt they would just give it up."

"I wonder if any of your wrestling pals have had the same problem?" I asked.

"I don't know, but I will find out," Ali replied.

Mitch and Greg were great. They got everything set up in no time at all. Mitch found cams in two of the lights. There were well concealed unlike the ones I had seen earlier. I made a call to Smitty. He told me to put the lights aside. Much to our surprise we were done early and had the afternoon off until the matches at 7:30.

I went to the pool and promptly fell asleep. Fortunately Ali made me cover myself with sun block. Apparently I snored and that caused considerable merriment. I woke at 4:00 unaware I had been sleeping for three hours.

Ali told me not to eat much, since the matches would be vigorous. The match was in a open air, covered building with a tent for dressing next to it. Nigel's costumes didn't fit me at all. Greg was good with a needle and thread. He sewed up the costume so I wouldn't be tripping on the crotch. On Nigel the costume was tight, so tight nothing was left to the imagination. On me it was so loose, everything hung out. I was really going to be naked in front of 125, horny bears. I was hoping I wouldn't get embarrassed, but as I thought about it, I got hard. It wasn't going to be a problem. Sometimes even I get surprised by myself.

The first matches between Ali and Gus were great. The audience was wildly enthusiastic. The wrestlers were big hairy men, like most of the audience. Unlike the crowd, the wrestlers were athletic and agile. They were what most of the bears in the audience wanted to be. After the mid point break, Ali came out and announced the matches for the second half of the program.

"As you may know, our friend and wrestling mate was mugged in Scranton. I just talked to Buster who says Missing Link is doing well. Buster's with Link now. Luckily we were able to get one of our oldest friends, Hercules the Hulk to substitute for Link!" Hercules entered the ring in full god-like robes. He wore a toga like thing with gold stripes. The audience went crazy. Hercules hammed it up big time.

"Luckily we are able to fine a new up and coming wrestler to join our team." Gus bellowed. "Introducing for the first time ever in professional wrestling, Wee Willy!" he screamed. I emerged in Links baggy costume. The audience was rolling on the ground with laugher. They had seen me around, but hadn't guessed I would play a role in the wrestling.

"Where is the rest of him?" the hunk bellowed. "That's only half a wrestler! Maybe only a quarter of a real man."

I put my hand into my shorts and felt around. "Shit man! I'm at least a third!" I replied. Hercules and I did a good imitation of a stand up comedy routine. After a few minutes of this we got down to doing pretend wrestling. Hercules took off his toga and exposed his beautiful body. He was wearing a Roman style military kilt. It was a short kilt, and from the right angle not modest at all. That angle happened to the viewing angle of most of the audience.

My cock was barely draped by Link's shorts. If I stayed still I was clothed from the front. If I moved, I was naked. I move a lot. There was a general agreement that Wee Willy's willy wasn't wee.

Most of them had seen me nude at the pool and some had a close up and personal view of my cock. It's different when you see a naked man in a distinctly non intimate situation. It was different and exciting. The first bout was solo between me and Hercules. It was mostly of him chasing me around the ring. I was much faster than he, so I'd be behind him looking up his kilt while he was trying to find me. I am genuinely good about scooting out of situations.

For the second bout Hercules got rid of the kilt and we did it naked. The audience liked that. We had the Beauty and the Beast thing going for us with a twist. He was a beautiful giant, and I was a small, ugly beast hung like King Kong. It worked really well.

My mouth never came in contact with his cock and my cock never entered his ass, but I did get on his shoulder and tickle his ear with my cock. His cock never got in my ass, but he did use his ass hole grip to carry me around the ring. His thumb was on my prostate most of the time, so I couldn't do anything but go with the flow. By the end of the second match, a good portion of the audience was hard. The light were bright on us, but dim elsewhere. The laughter and applause merged with moaning and some men bellowed when they shot off.

The third bout was a tag team one with Hercules and me versus Ali and Gus. They emerged from the dressing room nude. The crowd went crazy. Owl Lake Lodge was a nudist camp so it was legit. Ali, Gus and Hercules weren't shy any way, but this time they exposed their ass holes every time they bent over. Anyone who was into ass holes would have noticed the wrestler's holes had been recently used. Lubricant glistened in the pucker.

This last bout was all fun and not too much wrestling. Everyone was happy and satisfied. Afterwards, we were all tired from the performance and went to our cabin. Ali let several men know we were going to cool down, but might wander around the Lodge grounds later. Gorilla Man Gus let it be known we had entertained them during the performance, anything after the match was for our pleasure, not theirs. They took that well.

I was dead tired right after the match, but rallied quickly. Gorilla Man and I went out prowling at 10:30. The woods were alive with naked hairy men looking for fun. In my experience gay men fall into two categories. Half are horny all the time and go on the prowl to find sex, and the other half is just as horny, but to uneasy to go looking for it. I was greatly relieved when I ran into Greg and found out he was in the first category. We got into an intense 69 position, with gorilla man playing with Greg's ass and a man I couldn't see in the darkness, playing with mine.

A little later I discovered it was Mitch at my ass. I had never seen him hard, but it was soon evident he was both hard and generously equipped. He got in my hole as Gorilla Man got in Greg. Gorilla Man had an usually fatcock, but I knew he wasn't a man rammer. His playmates had to relax their sphincters before he'd push in. I knew Greg had to have let him in. Actually I could taste him reacting to Gorilla Man's thrusts. That was nice.

I had never seen Mitch fully erect. There was more to him than met the eye. He cock was thin, and he must have had a big head. I'm not too partial to surprise fucks, but that comes with the territory some times. Mitch liked deep thrusts, pulling out as far as he could while leaving his knob in my ass and then pushing deep. I shivered when his cock head rubbed my prostate. Mitch noticed that and changed his thrust pattern so he could spend some time rubbing his gland against my nut.

Gorilla Man began to pump furiously. Greg's cock got even harder and juicier. Gorilla bellowed as he shot off. Greg and I simultaneously traded sperm as Mitch rear loaded me. I was a perfect simultaneous quadruple orgasm. It was spectacular, but turned out to be a Chinese food style event. It was great while we were in it, but we wanted more a few minutes later.

This time I mounted Gorilla as Greg took care of Mitch. That worked out well. I hadn't known Gorilla man Gus before Scranton so this was new to both of us. It's safe to say Gus was just as virginal as I was and we worked things out quickly. My prostate had quite a workout as part of the routine with Hercules. We had a nice night of cock sucking and ball draining.

Gus was into man cream. I tend to like pre cum more that the semen. There are time when sucking up a man's cum is real exciting, but giving my druthers, I like the continuous oozing of precum more than the spurts of a man ejaculating. Gus really loved the cream. He took care of me then went out to find some more. There were 125 bears at the lodge so there was no shortage of the sperm.

We had nothing scheduled until three days later in Buffalo, and we decided to stay at the lodge. Gus went back to Scranton to watch over Nigel and Buster joined us at Owl Lake Lodge. He reported Nigel was doing exceptionally well, and was out of danger. We were without a support staff and the next few weeks were going to be rough.

Our visit to the Bare Bears was lucky. When Buster casually mentioned we needed a business manager and road manager, there were a slew of men willing to do the job. In keeping with our modern employment practices, a good portion of the group was either unemployed or under employed. I was surprised how many men were able to produce viable resumes.

At the head of the list was Greg. He was between engagements in New York and was free and eager to work with the wrestlers. We found a big bruiser of a man named Marty who was an accountant- business manager type. He was furry, muscular and possessed meaty genitals. We were at a nudist came so we knew that about him before we discovered he was good with numbers.

He looked at the books and was unimpressed. Lenny's approach was disorganized and confused. Marty sat down and worked on them for 8 hours and got them under control. Much to my surprise, there was no embezzlement. Marty also discovered Buster had $16,945.00 more in the bank than was shown. Lenny had some problems with addition. Much to my surprise the books were all on paper; Lenny hadn't computerized.

Our other find was Gustavo. He was a laid off travel agent. Brazilian, he was knowledgeable and pushy. We had a pile of notes and reservation confirmations in no particular order. He was a wizard on the phone and made the right connections. Gustavo was drop dead gorgeous, a classic tall, dark and handsome, Latin type. He was a combination of Ricardo Montalban and Tom Selleck. He was also attitude free. Gustavo didn't know he was handsome. He also had a wild sense of humor.

Buster would have liked to hire Mitch, but Mitch wanted to stay at the lodge. "I've had a checkered career," he said, "This is the first time in 30 years I've been clean and felt good. Adam and Evan are good for me." Buster found an unemployed carpenter for that job. Dusty was slim and tall, wiry rather than muscular. He was a jack of all trades man, and could do electrical and carpentry.

Buster asked him if he had a drinking problem. "I never had one when I was working," he admitted. "I've had a rough period. I lost my wife and kids and job in a two month period. I haven't had a drink since I've been here and feel great. I kind of wonder if sucking cock had medicinal value?"

Buster laughed. "It sure does for me. It's quite a mood enhancer!" Buster decided to hire Dusty.

I had never participated in nude job interviews before. I'm not sure it will become the norm in corporate America but it was interesting. Owl Lake Lodge was a gay nudist resort, and there were 125 bearish naked men there. 90% were on the more masculine edge of the gay spectrum. When you woke in the morning you could smell the testosterone in the air.

For most of the men there, this was the first time they had been naked in a group. I have always thought the reason for men's clothes was to hide the cock. Cocks sometimes have a mind of their own and get hard at bad times. Cocks don't do subtlety well. You can't talk to someone and try to convince them you love them for their mind and personality if your cock is rock hard and dripping pre cum.

At the Lodge everything was hanging out. At the job interviews this was made more pronounced because Buster, Ali and Hercules were sex gods to the interviewees. The men handled it differently. Marty could have been a wrestler himself. He had a meaty uncut cock he kept under control. The only sign of excitement was a bead of pre cum that formed on his puckered foreskin. When they hired him Ali and Buster shook his hands as they fondled his cock. They both licked the cock juice off their fingers.

Gustavo was half hard the whole time they chatted. He was uncut, and the skin still covered a portion of his knob. Ali thought Gustavo was hot and he was hard throughout the interview.

Dusty was hard as a rock and drooling throughout. He apologized for the boner at the end of the interview. Ali said they liked to be appreciated.

I was planning to return to Richmond, but Smitty visited and wanted me to stay confirming Ali's suppositions. He outlined the sate of the case. Lenny and Tommy had vanished. Fred said they had let another guy into the locker room. That man hit Nigel when the wrestler discovered him in the room. Lenny hadn't seen me when he was talking with the guy in the alley in Philly. He had seen a wrestler. Apparently the mugger knew a wrestler might have overheard the conversation and must have assumed Nigel was the wrestler in question. Personally, I think if you are going to knock a man's brains out, you should have more than a hunch.

Lenny was shocked and scared by the attack. It had been a nice friendly drug transporting scheme that had gone bad. Fred knew nothing about the blackmail scheme at all, and didn't know who was in on it. Drug dealing and blackmail aren't natural bedmates. There was something odd in the connection. There could have been something Fred misunderstood.

I had seen Fred when he got to the lodge. He had looked like shit. He hadn't run away. To me that adds up to a guilty conscience, but not major criminal liability. Fred had overlooked the drugs, probably getting a hit from time to time, but murder was a different matter all together.

I asked Smitty if he had located my predecessor, Denny. He seemed to be the instigator, the rotten apple that ruined the barrel. He might well have had other scams Lenny and Tommy were unaware of. If Denny was a spear carrier for a Drug gang, he would get no more than table scraps. If he was working on a black mail deal, he would get full dollar. He wouldn't actually be trespassing on gang turf.

That afternoon we had a "private" wrestling session with some of the bears who wanted lessons. The night was quiet and peaceful. Ali, Buster and Hercules ruled the roost, surrounded by our new staff, Greg, Marty, Gustavo and Dusty. We were going to spend another night at the camp before we went to Buffalo so there was no packing.

Everyone was tired. We talked and planned for the next few shows. After an hour of this I knew Buster had picked the right men.

Next: Chapter 6

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