Catfish and the Wrestlers

By Bob

Published on Jan 14, 2023


Catfish and the Wrestlers 4

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

Nigel was off to the hospital in less than ten minutes with Max in attendance, Buster went with them. Smitty arrived and sealed off the locker room. The matches were all but done. Ari and Gorilla man did a final bout and the show was over. An attack during a wrestling match had all the makings of an investigative nightmare. There were 100 men in the building. Fortunately the audience was eliminated.

I was at the only entrance to the area where Nigel was attacked. The old Y had lockers that had limited access. You could enter the locker room only through the door I was at, or past the locker room desk. That door was locked. The tickets were $40.00 and the club didn't want any gate crashers. The exit door to the street locked automatically when you exited. You could get out, but not in. The police investigators were in the locker area for 3 hours, but found nothing,

The audience went home except for the men staying in the rooms. Smitty put Lenny, Tommy, Fred and me through the ringer, since we alone had access to the locker room. Apparently all tried to implicate me. As I said they liked my drug dealing predecessor much more than me. I was with Smitty a long time and the crew assumed I was high on his list. I certainly look the part. I gave Smitty the low down. He checked my story with Ari and found out I was for real. Nigel's street closed were in his locker. He did a search for the cam and didn't find it. He did find a small piece of broken glass in Nigel's pocket. I suggested that might be a lens.

That night we went to the hospital. Nigel was in surgery, but the staff was good and confident. They told us Nigel would be put into an artificial coma to let him recover. No visitors or any person who wasn't sterile would be allowed near him. Buster had Nigel's medical power or attorney and had signed everything. Wrestlers are prone to injury.

We all went to dinner and returned to the club. Everyone was concerned and several told us Dr. Hartsberger was the best. The hospital was the local trauma center so there was nothing to do but wait. Steve, my swimming instructor, was the staff member in charge for the night. For insurance reasons there had to be a staff member on duty when members were in the building. Steve was one of those guys who couldn't sit still. He had to be doing something and firmly believed you should do something active rather than sitting around worrying.

He opened the pool. Ari wasn't in the mood, but Steve wasn't a sensitive guy and he was a leader of men. Everyone went to the pool. The water was warm and comfortable. Steve gave me another lesson and we had a lot of genital contact, none of it accidental.

Thank god for nature and its ways. No one wanted to go swimming, but once we were in the water worries faded away. These were different men for the night before and normal patterns re asserted themselves. There were about forty, naked gay men most of whom were hoping for an up close and personal look at nude professional wrestlers. A few hoped for physical contact.

The room was filled with disappointed men, but more importantly there were forty cocks that were revved up for some fun, and they had the fun snatched away form them. Ali, Buster and Gus liked man sex and were in a room where everyone was willing to serve them.

In the battle between forty men who were concerned and worried about Missing Link, and eighty balls, all filled with man seed and expecting release, the balls had the upper hand. It would have been difficult to make the transition, but Buster and Gus emerged from the water with rock hard cocks. Unlike the night before, no one was uneasy about showing hard. That included Steve.

Steve went over and sank to his knees in front of Buster and sucked him. That boy was turned on. Action was continuous for the next hour and a half. There was one lull near the beginning. Gus took the opportunity to make an announcement.

"Hey Guys!" he yelled. "You've got a real nice place here and an open minded staff. Let's keep the place clean. If you feel the need to shoot, give it to a friend. Sperm is a terrible thing to waste."

"What if you don't have a friend?" someone yelled. The room burst into laughter.

"Boys, let's be real. In this bunch of horny men there has to be a few who love man cream, cock caviar, or ball jelly! Give it to them," Gus added.

"Martin, he's talking about you!" another man yelled.

"Don't forget Rick!" another suggested.

"Truthfully speaking," Gus continued, "I've never sampled the local home brew. If you're really in a pinch, come and see me!" The speech was well received. Several men, including Martin and Rick, had an exceptionally good night, and everyone thought of the wrestlers as good sports, unlike their wrestling bad boy images. It did keep the floor clean too.

I had a good time, attracting the size queens and fur lovers. Several guys were nice and attentive. I got to bed by midnight. I woke up around 5:00 and found Dr. Max in my bed. Actually I found him in my ass. I've known gentle fuckers before, but Max took the cake. He gave me an update on Nigel. Nigel was doing much better than he feared. They would do tests at noon, but the indications were good. He had to get back to the hospital and left. Smitty appeared next. For the next hour we discussed the case as I fucked him. For the first ten minutes it was him moaning and me fucking, but he got his bearings and we had a useful conversation.

I shot off twice and he popped three times. I fucked him from the rear. We were on our sides, so he didn't waste any energy staying on all fours. He was a good police man, he would lose his concentration only when he shot, but would be back on target a minute or two later. He left and went to file a report.

At 7:00 Steve appeared. We went to the pool and I fucked him in the water. The pool didn't open until noon on Sundays so we had the place to ourselves. I got half my cock in him and it was too much. I pulled out and then I sat on his cock. It was a good fit for me. He told me he had never fucked a guy before.

"How do you like it?" I asked."

"It's the best thing I've ever felt in my life!" he said. Steve wore a wedding ring, but had never been in a tight man hole. We tried a few more positions and all of them worked. He had to leave. "What's the rush?" I asked.

He looked embarrassed. "I have to take the kids to Sunday School. I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about. We all have our own lives. We all have obligations and duties. Never apologize for doing what you have to do," I said. We hugged and he left. I went back to my room.

Buster was up and was going to go to the hospital. I told him what Max had told me. Max wanted us to call at 1:00 to get an up date. "That's great," he said. "Can I use your bed? I've got three guys in mine and I need some rest." I said sure and went to the showers. One of the men I had played with the night before was there. We went to his room and I rested as he sucked me. I was really tired. He was a heavy, breaded man, and when I woke up around 10:00 his beard was covered ina misture or fresh and dried cum.

"Damn, I was tired! Is that mine?" I asked. The man licked his lips and smiled.

We were to go to Syracuse next. It was to be a tag team, but we were short a man, and Buster wouldn't leave Nigel. If big decisions were needed he wanted to be nearby. Ali called a few friends and got Hercules the Hunk to take Buster's place. He lived in New York and could get there in time. They were still short a man. Ali, Buster, Gus and I were discussing it without much success.

"Why don't we use the shrimp?" Gus asked, looking directly at me. I was shocked.

"Like Tiny Tommy and Bone Crusher?" Ali said. I had no idea what they were talking about. Ali explained. "Tommy and Crusher were a comedy wrestling team. They came on for comic relief and were popular in the late 70s."

"Will's better hung than Tommy," Buster said. "That will go over well. Audiences love a little peak-a-bo."

"What if you roll over me?" I asked. The wrestlers were amused. An hour later I was Little Willie and was paired with Gorilla Man Gus. The plan was for me to wear Nigel's outfits. Buster thought as long as the outline of my cock was clearly viable, the audience would be happy. I still wasn't sure I could do it.

"Will, I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I use to think I was the biggest cock hound in the old USA, but now I know you are," Buster said. "I love getting naked and showing off my equipment, but not half as much as you. Of course I don't have half your cock either. I think you'll have a good time and help us out to boot." I agreed.

That afternoon I was with Ali and Gus as we drove to Syracuse. Lenny, Fred and Tommy were in another car behind us. I would have a day to workout a routine with Gus. I was tired and fell asleep. When I woke up I realized I had missed something. I hadn't gotten off on a good foot with the staff. This had not improved at all. They seemed to stick to themselves and disn't participate with the wrestlers much.

I asked Ali if this was the way it always had been with them

"Up until two or three years ago we were one happy family. They were all wrestling fans and we were a good group," Ali said.

"They are all gay aren't they?"

Gus burst out laughing. "Shit, we're straight compared to them. Lenny is a 100% cock hound and bottom pig."

"Did they participate in the Clinics?"

"Lenny and Tommy came up with the idea of the clinic's," Ali said. "Lenny liked to get screwed by the second string while we worked with the varsity. He loved the bottom. He was popular too, as long as you didn't mind sloppy seconds."

"When did it change?"

"It was about the time your predecessor came on board," Ali said. "They sort of dropped out."

"My predecessor who had a drug problem?" I asked. There was silence.

"Oh shit!" Gus said. There was more silence.

"Your predecessor, Denny, was a life of the party type guy. When he was in the room, you didn't tend to notice anyone else," Ali said. "He was a sex manic too. That was good at the clinics. Denny was always ready, willing and able. I think Lenny and Tommy just faded away and we didn't notice. Fred still plays. I haven't seen the other men naked in two years."

We got to Syracuse in the early evening, but I had misunderstood. We were going to a summer camp in the Adirondacks called Owl Lake Lodge. It had been a church retreat, but was now owned by a gay couple who used it for gay events, nude and non nude. We were going to the BBB convention. BBB stood for Bear Bottomed Bears. We were staying a guest cottage. It was an hour and a half north east of Syracuse.

The place was pretty, sitting on a beautiful small lake surrounded by heavily wooded mountains. The cottage was rustic, but had electricity and hot and cold running water. The owners, Adam and Evan, were a miss matched pair. Evan was a bear, Adam was a twink, about half Evan's size. The event was to start the next day so we were pretty much alone. The cottage wasn't heated and it gets cold at night, so I got under the covers and had a good nights sleep.

Our crew decided to stay in a motel in Rome. They said they needed modern amenities. Tommy did the scheduling and planning for Buster Enterprises and he would have known what the place was like. Ali and Gus said they weren't worried about the cold nights, they were big men. Hercules the Hunk appeared early the next morning. He was a beautiful man, looking much like a classical statue. The Hunk was tall, massive and well built. He had a curly white hair and a matching beard. He was excited at being at a nudist camp and insisted we get with the program.

Owl Lake Lodge was on the north side of the lake and got early morning sun, the chill was gone by nine; by 10:00 it was warm. We had breakfast with the owners. They were naked to and they liked the scenery. The food was good and plentiful. The campers were to arrive during the day. There would be a get to know you party that evening. Our matches were the highlight of the second day.

"The camp is clothing optional, but we discourage gawkers," Adam said. "It does get cool at night, but the bear groups tend to like that. Evan gets sweaty every time it gets above 40." We went back to the cottage to work on my routine. The original plan was for me to be paired with Gus, but Hercules had done shows like this before and had things worked out.

Hercules the Hunk and I went on a walk. He wanted to talk. "Ali said you are new to this, I wanted to know something about you." he said. "What are your limits? Sucker? Fucker? Top? Bottom?"

"I like all of the above pus a few more you may not know about," I said. "I'm a shitty actor though, no emotional range. I can play horny redneck or horny redneck in heat."

The Hunk smiled. "I can do demi-god on the prowl and ass hole wrestler. Do you have any problem being naked? Showing off your equipment? By they way, Zeus would have liked your horse cock."

"Do you like it?"

"Shit yes! I'm not a size queen, but I'm willing to make an exception in your case," he answered. "Usually for this sort of act, I make fun of your small size and you having a bad case of ugly as shit. You're packing twice as much cock as I am. Every time I make a demeaning comment about you, you remind the audience of that fact. The thing will start with our regular gear, but will end naked. Are you okay with that?"

"Yep," I said.

"This is all and act, but it works best the nastier I get. Are you sensitive about your size? I don't want you to be hurt physically or emotionally. I had a problem once when a wrestler took it personally and it was bad," he said.

"Did you work it out?"

"Yep, but he still has to fuck me every time we meet before he says hello," he said. "Are you the sensitive type?"

"I hate to tell you this, but I'm about as sensitive as a rock," I replied. "As long as sex is involved, I'm happy." Hercules smiled. We went off to a secluded area in the woods and we practiced some moves. He was good. I had watched Buster and Ali workout moves that looked like wrestling holds, but made genital contact. The Hunk liked moves that looked painful, but were effortless for him and me.

The Hunk liked sex too and wasn't shy about it at all. "Usually nudity or near nudity is the high point of the matches. Since we are at a gay Bear convention at a nudist camp, we'll need to kick it up a notch," he said. "Let me show you a hold that will get them all going." He had a knapsack with him and took out a tube of lubricant. "Bend over and let me grease you up. Do you mind a finger in your ass?" I said it was no problem.

He squirted some lube on his finger and poked it in me. He went searching for my prostate and soon found it. "Is you nut in working order?" he asked. It was and he got a second finger in there to give it a work over. It was getting really intense.

The hunk removed his finger. I was relieved. A second later his thumb was in my ass, his fingers grabbed near my balls and he used my ass as a handle to lift me in the air. He had an iron grip on me and used his other arm to steady me. I knew he was strong but had no idea he was that strong. He picked my up like a bag of groceries. I was helpless.

It was the pressure of his thumb on my prostate that wiped me out, I couldn't think. I'm not that sure what he did, I knew he sucked me a few times. I was upside down at one time and sucked him. If precum is any indications he was turned on big time too.

He let me down. After I got my wits back, he asked me how I was doing?

"Damn, it's hard to tell," I said, "It was wild."

"It's going to be hard for me not to get carried away," the Hunk said. "I use to do that was a feather weight named Robin. He was a nice guy, a twink and maybe 100 pounds. He had a nice cock, but it was nothing like yours. You're a turn on, a trip."

"Is it the cock?" I asked.

"That's certainly a part of it. Maybe it's the whole package. You're about as masculine as a guy can be and it's all squeezed into a small package," he said as he worked a finger into my ass again. "Hows it feeling?" This time he caressed my prostate. "I got Robin to the point where I could get him to pop hands free."

"Did you love him?"

"Looking back, I think so," the Hunk said. "He wanted to be a star and went to Hollywood. Robin was no brain surgeon, and he fell into a bad crowd. Drugs got him." He paused. "I'd love to fuck you. Are you game? I'm not going to shoot. I just want to feel it."

I said I was and he worked his cock into my ass. It was much less intense than his thumb. It was oddly relaxing. He massaged my ass and we chatted. He had a big knob, but most of the time he shoved it in deep. It was good when he rubbed it against my prostate.

"I wish we could fuck during the match, but that would bee too much of Ali. He saves that for the after match festivities," the Hunk whispered. "You know it's the "punishment" for losing?"

"What if I win?"

He smiled. "We'll cross that bridge when we get there," he replied. "I'm willing, but I'm not sure it would fit." He pulled his cock out of my ass and re inserted his thumb. We did this three or four times. I sort of got use to it and felt more comfortable.

"That's enough," he said. "We can play it by ear at the match. Did it hurt?"

"Come to think of it no,"I replied.

"I worked real hard with Robin to make sure it didn't hurt," the Hunk explained. He paused. "I think I'd like to take your cock."

"If I win?"

"Shit, I'd like to try, win or lose." We returned to the main camp grounds. Lunch was cold cuts served buffet style. About 40 men were there of which 90% were nude. Everyone was friendly and when Ali and Gus appeared everyone got even more friendly. They didn't know the wrestling team was there and were willing to join in with the rest of the men.

Lunch was good, the camp made it's own bread and every thing was fresh, and mostly local. The cheeses were great. That apparently was a local specialty. The camp sat on a pond, but had a heater pool too. Adirondack water is always cold.

Ali told me our crew was under the weather and they would set things up in the morning. There would be enough time. Apparently Tommy got a cold and infected Fred and Lenny.

By the middle of the afternoon the campers numbered 100 or more. Most were hairy bears, but there was a scattering of otters and a few smooth chasers. Most men ranged from being big to really big, but most weren't muscular. Many looked strong, but that was from hard work, not the gym.

Ali, Gus and the Hunk were intimidating looking and the men held back. The wrestlers weren't at all shy and they mixed well. Soon they were surrounded by admirers. The three men made sure to expose their genitals as much as possible. Then usually spread their legs open when they sat, so everyone got a good view.

Nudity was completely acceptable at the camp of course, but erections were for private situations only. That was the official policy. That went by the boards when Adam introduced the wrestlers to the men with a raging hard on. Gus was nice enough to intercept a dribble of pre cum from Adam's cock and licked it up. Adam didn't object at all, so everyone knew the rules were relaxed for the weekend.

As examples of manly beauty, the bears were heavier on the manly side and distinctly light on the beauty part. In short, they were my kind of guys. For years my friends said if I could walk around naked I'd be the most popular man in town. I wasn't the most popular, but I could have been the first runner up if it weren't for the wrestlers. Oddly, it wasn't just my cock they liked. They liked the body hair, the slightly scruffy look and my small stature.

I had all the things some of them liked in a bear, without the intimidating size. Even better, while I was pint sized, my cock was jumbo, Triple Whopper scaled. I was a wet dream come true. I make friends easily too. I have as little attitude as is possible in a man, and while I'm small, I don't mind sharing what I have.

While Adam signaled a openness to showing hard in public, the real action took place in the pool. The pool was heated and had a Grotto at each corner. There were left over from the religious group that once owned Owl Lake Lodge. The Grottoes were domed, cave like constructions that I assumed once held a statue of a saint. The Grottoes were big enough to hold the statue and five or six persons who were to think pure thoughts or something like that. Pure thoughts aren't my strong suit. I assumed it was a Catholic camp, but someone found an inscription to Charity and another to Faith. The statues must have been dedicated to faith, hope and charity. The forth was dedicated to love. The statues were gone. I took the place of hope and soon attracted some men who obviously wanted to meditate on the subject of Hope. Most hoped to suck my cock.

The Hope Grotto was at the deep end of the pool, so only swimmers came to visit. Several guys came over immediately. They were horny, but a bit shy. I stroked my cock a few times and the shyness vanished into thin air. Evan swam by the grotto. He peaked in. "It's fine to have some fun, but please be neat. It can clog the filters."

"Dont worry. We have five hungry men here. I'm pretty sure nothing will be wasted." I said. "I'll suck up anything that drips." The man next to me stiffened up. I had been sucking him. It was my fault. so I leaned over and took his load.

"That's the right attitude," Evan said as he swam to the next Grotto. By now a wrestler had taken up residence in each Grotto. The atmosphere reminded me of the old dirty book stores. The back rooms were dark and you sucked anything that came in range. I hadn't done that in 30 years. The grotto was brighter, and smelled better.

I wallowed in cock. There were fat cocks, thin cocks, uncut meat, cut meat, button mushroom knobs and big Shitake heads. One Otter had enough foreskin to use as a sock. His name was Greg and I'd look for him later. Cocks curved up, down, to the side and stuck straight out. Some men held their precum in reserve for the orgasm, others dripped the minute they saw me. Some shot off as soon as the saw my cock. Fortunately, A man named Lou was a cum hound of the first order. He preferred the cream fresh from the spigot. Another man, Karl liked it on a fur covered torso. I don't mind being creamed, but cream is hard to get out of hair once it's dried. There was no need to worry about that with Karl.

Next: Chapter 5

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