Cat Next Door

By Chaos Wolf

Published on Aug 9, 2005


Disclaimer: The following is an erotic story of a homosexual nature. Please do not read if you are a minor or if it is illegal where you live to do so. Remember to think smart and use protection. The following is the eighth chapter in my "The Cat Next Door" series. If this sounds like something you want to read, be my guest and read. If not, go back and look for another story to read.

The Cat Next Door, Chapter 8

March was upon us. Time for sprucing up the yard. Time for misery. I'm an indoor person. However, I'm not sure if that's due to my feline genes or my natural personality. It doesn't matter because I hate being outside for hours on end. It was a Saturday. Bummer, ain't it? Instead of watching Saturday cartoons, I faced a brisk breakfast and a juggernaut of yard work. Sure I'm tolerant of mowing the lawn, dumping clippings into the lawn bag, and edging the lawn, but anything beyond that is painful. Already the sun was radiating cold-hearted heat. It's too bad that I can't wear hats like normal people, but Mom made me a sheet that I can wrap around my ears which drapes over my neck. My ears point downward, but they can still move. At least they're not trapped like my graduation cap.

My parents were in the back removing dead or overgrown plants. If there is one thing my mother can't stand when it comes to the yard is plants that dominate others. My task was to pull up weeds in the front yard. This is arduous because I have to stoop down and try to get clover from under the little iron bench we have out front. There I was like a street cat, which by the way I see more and more of, when I could tell I wasn't alone.

"Good morning sir. How are you today? I see you're cleaning the yard." Normally I'm well mannered, but with the heat and the labor, I was being a crabby cat. I monotonously said, "Morning." I didn't even look at whoever was speaking to me, but my nose told me that there wasn't just one person there. Turning my head would waste time. It would mean more time outside. I said, "Who are you?" The man said, "Jehovah's Witnesses." Witnesses? I thought they were only a rumor. I remember Fr. Clarence back in high school mentioning an encounter with them years ago. I've heard stories, but nothing more. I dropped the tool and got up. My ears picked up a gasp, "A tail?" I turned to face three people: Two men and a woman. They appeared petrified, but they were soon backing off maintaining a stunned appearance. I said, "What?" The woman said, "A freak!" I chuckled, "Getting a little mean aren't you? I can't help the way I look." They all agreed with the woman. They had nothing constructive to say. All they seemed capable to do was demonize me. I swiped a paw at them extending my claws a bit as I hissed. They scowled and went away. Now that their backs were turned, I gave them the finger. It was the first time that I had showed that foul hand signal, but those people pissed me off. At least at St. Isidore they give me a chance to go to heaven despite me not being human. With those people gone, I returned my attention to the weeds.

I don't know how long I was out there, but we finished our yard work and we went in. Was I hallucinating? Was it 1 PM already? I rubbed my eyes and that was the time. Mom took a bath first and when she got out, I rushed in with my boxer-briefs clutched in my hand. I had enough of hot for today so I set the water to cold. I stepped into that shower and felt calm, the cold water falling down and flowing through my fur. I soaped up my furry body and shampooed my hair. I got out and dried myself off. I looked in the mirror. My hair was getting long. Sure my hair shared the same tabby pattern as the rest of me, but I could tell what was supposed to be hair and what was supposed to be skin. I could tell that what was supposed to be hair was getting undesirably long. A few hours later, we had dinner and I went back to the dorm room.

"Is something wrong Joey?" My lips parted from the mouthpiece from my sax and I looked up at Danny and replied, "No. I mean yes. Today some Jehovah's Witnesses came knocking. They called me bad things and pissed me off. I gave them the finger. Yes Danny, I did. I honestly did. How could you tell?" He went over and put an arm around me, "Kitty Joey, you didn't play like you usually do. It was as if an alley cat was a musical instrument. Tell you what. You put that down and I go make you a peanut butter shake." I pondered his request and said, "Okay then." He opened his fridge and collected the things he needed. We headed out, locked our door, and headed to our wing's kitchen which was right around the corner. Danny had always been suspicious of facilities here so he brought his own appliances. He put a couple of scoops of ice cream, a generous helping of peanut butter, and some milk. He handed back the food to me. I put them down and watched Danny use the blender to create a nice snack for us. He poured the contents into two plastic cups. He kissed me on the forehead and I said, "You're too nice to me." Danny said, "I know, it's just that it looked like you needed some cheering up." I chuckled, "If I needed cheering up, I would have gotten my own milk jug and guzzled it down not bothering with a cup." After a quiet evening just between the two of us, we went back to our room.

The holy season of Lent was almost at an end, two weeks to go, and St. Isidore was planning the annual Fish Fry. Jorge and I were both over 18 and had been inducted into the Men's Club. We are the youngest in a group that consists of retired folks, but that was okay. In fact, it was welcomed. This would be our first fish fry and we were glad to help.

We went to our parish early afternoon and put on our hats and aprons. We asked our club president what he wanted done. He put us on the same line. There were two lines: One to dine-in, the other for take out. In theory, we had enough men so that one person would serve fish, another hush puppies, another cole slaw, another fries, and the last to present the plate to a customer. However, there would be moments when someone would have to double up. When I began serving, I had no idea what was in store for me.

Naturally, there is an ebb and flow to the whole thing. Our event lasts from 4:30 in the afternoon to 7:30 in the evening. The club tries to estimate how much food to buy. There was one time my dad tells me that the club ran out of food before 7:30. Some people were glad to take the side dishes for the same price because the revenue goes to a good cause, but refunds had to be given to people who expected fish. The moral of the story is to come early. We were helping to serve while our dads were outside cooking the stuff. We have seen food served numerous times and we believed we could handle it. We put on our gloves and went right to work. Soon thereafter, we broke into a steady rhythm. Jorge and I signed up to work all three shifts. Everything was fine for those first two hours and we expected that more men would help with the line we were on. I was dead wrong. It was just me and my boyfriend from placing the fish on the platter to giving the plate to a customer. If this wasn't bad enough, there was now a tidal wave of people wanting food. Dammit, where are our helpers! Soon it became our version of that classic I Love Lucy episode where Lucy and Ethel are working on that conveyor belt. We were working our tails off, well just me because I'm the one with a tail, but Jorge was working just as hard.

The onslaught ended and we relaxed a bit. The men that were supposed to help us never showed up, but it was the end of the fish fry this time so we helped our dads clean up and we went back to the dorm exhausted.

In the morning, Jorge went back to his room. It was nearly noon when we woke up, our energy had been sapped.

A few weeks passed and it was time for my Grandpa Alan's 83rd birthday party. I was looking forward to it because it so happened to be at Mama Maria's where I had my graduation dinner. There were two long tables and there were already people sitting down. I saw my cousin Marjorie and went to her and caught up. She was the same age as me and when we were young, we were inseparable. Now that we were at college, we didn't see each other much. Her hair had grown out a bit and she remarked that I hadn't changed at all. There was an entire table of partygoers whom I did not know. My other grandparents showed up, why not? Our families were linked. We ate and ate fajitas. By the end, I was pretty bloated. The cake came. It was a German chocolate cake, not my favorite, so I had just a little piece. Marjorie and I then went over our grandpa's old pictures. Most of them were from the Second World War. He said that he was in Paris towards the end there and it was amazing. I could almost picture myself in them. Of course I'd be human because the science that led to my creation didn't exist then. Fifty years from know, who knows what the world would be like? Would being like myself exist. In that capacity, I'm a pioneer. Mom says I'll be a celebrity someday. I'm an urban legend, only limited to the Metropolitan area. However, the day will come when I will be known to all whether or not I choose it.

The week after, Jorge and I went to the movies. We saw a flick staring a cute actor. The movie had a dumb plot, it was one of those "I know the plot sucks, but I still get millions" movies. We went just for the actor. We knew that he'd be mostly naked and it was the best thing besides unspoiled porn. Besides, a little bit of clothing can be kinky depending on what it is. In this case, a loincloth. Jorge and I had to untuck our shirts to hide our hardons. I was the one driving and I didn't know what Jorge was doing until I stopped at the light. In the filtering light, I could make out a bronze tinted dick. A hand of the same color pulling foreskin forward and back. I chuckled, "Already." Jorge said, "Thinking of him and me pleasuring him made me hard." I said, "He's just an actor." Jorge said, "I know, but imagine what it'd be like. You discover him wearing only a loincloth and if you look at him at a certain angle, you can make out his goods." He had a point and my dick was making a point as well. I turned to Jorge and said, "Help me out here?" His hand caressed my shorts and he unzipped them freeing my hardening cock. My boyfriend then said, "Let's go to our usual spot."

The usual spot was a secluded neighborhood road where there wasn't much traffic. We could have a quickie there inside the car. We reached the spot and I turned off the car. We got out and went into the back seat. What would we do? Jorge and I have done things in different ways, but this time we weren't really sure. I took the first step. I pulled my shorts down and pulled my tail through the hole in the back. I then did the same to my underwear. I placed my hands on his shoulders and said, "Take me for a ride?" He said, "For you gato? Yes." I leaned forward and pulled the armrest down to get a small bottle of lube. Once I greased Jorge's shaft well, I placed myself on it. Slowly down I went on it until I completely took it in. He then started grinding. I couldn't get my hands on his back since it was touching the cushion, but Jorge could get his hands on me. His hands rubbed all over as I leaned into him. He felt my ears and then moved down my back, around my tail, rubbed my buns and then held me tight. My Hispanic lover tensed up and filled me with liquid love. I would have loved to have a go at him, but the one rule of being at the usual spot was that only one of us would be cumming if the act wasn't mutual. I pulled up my clothes and we got back in the front and went back to the dorm.

The Spring semester was winding down I was thinking about the summer along with the guys. We came up with the idea of a road trip, but where to? We agreed for the trip to be within a certain distance of Houston.

It was Jacob my coworker at Carmichael Cameraworks who found the solution. He mentioned a convention. We initially turned it down because we thought it was just going to be a convention for furries, but he said it was one part of the convention. They'd have science fiction, fantasy, anime, even a Yugioh card tournament. Since all of us liked something that was a part of this convention, we agreed to it. Plus it was within our distance limit, the city of Dallas. Once summer began, we would all go.

I would appreciate any comments you may have, but please keep insults or flames to a minimum. I'll try to respond to everyone, but no promises. Please mention the title of the story so I know what you are referring to. I have a group which you can find at You can also email me at:

Next: Chapter 9: Feline New Year 1

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