Cat Next Door

By Chaos Wolf

Published on Apr 4, 2005


Disclaimer: The following is an erotic story of a homosexual nature. Please do not read if you are a minor or if it is illegal where you live to do so. Remember to think smart and use protection. The following is the sixth chapter in my "The Cat Next Door" series. If this sounds like something you want to read, be my guest and read. If not, go back and look for another story to read.

The Cat Next Door, Chapter 6

"Have a nice day Joey." I smiled and replied, "You too Ms. Randall." I looked over the check to make sure everything checked out. I then placed it in my wallet and headed out. After getting my check, I go to the bank. That's the routine I set up for myself. I try to keep some cash on hand in case me and the guys decide to go out an eat or see a movie.

December dawned and I knew it was only 13 days until my birthday. A flyer was posted on a student's door for a petition to the Residence Life staff to end the end of term tradition known as Ham Bowling. I talked to upperclassmen and they said that they grease up a Ham and throw it down a greased tarp so that it could hit 2 litter bottles. The ham was still in its wrapping. Except for being bruised, it still tasted good. The girl who lived in this room was hardcore PETA. Don't get me started on that organization. I get hounded by them asking me to join because what better member for PETA than someone like myself? I politely deny their request and go on my way. Sometimes though, they get a tad bit too vocal with me calling me a hypocrite saying I don't care for my fellow animals. Have your opinions if you want, but leave me out of it.

My birthday began like any birthday, except for the fact that I was in college. On my birthday, my mom made me a special breakfast. Oh well. At least the cafeteria makes good omelets.

There were no classes today for me and as soon as we could, the guys took me out to eat and to see a movie. We ate at a pizzeria called Woolly's. My God, did they have lots of choices for pizzas. There were two large screen televisions showing soccer and on one side there were pictures of the former President of the United States with the owner. Other pictures featured elephants, specifically mammoths. Why do you think it was called Woolly's? In fact it was something of a shrine to the Republican Party since elephants are used at the party symbol. Woolly's had a companion eatery called Bucky's which served Italian food sans pizza. This place was filled with Democratic memorabilia. Both were owned by the same guy and no one knew how he voted. As for me, I tend to vote on experience. Party affiliation doesn't mean squat if it's their first race.

Afterwards, we went to the movies to see something called "Living with Lupines". It was a werewolf flick about a human guy moving into a house to share it with three other guys, but he doesn't know that they are werewolves. It was mostly comedy, but there was definitely something going on between two of the guys named Wyatt and Tristan. It was never clearly stated they were gay, but there were hints that there was something more than just being friends. It's like the makers of the film intended them to be gay, but any conclusive scenes were edited out. What a bummer that was.

What did my parents give me? Mom felt bad about not being able to make me a special breakfast. Wasn't her fault. However, she made up for it by making me a cake, a great big chocolate cake. That was her gift. Dad's gift was certainly interesting. After tearing away at the paper with a claw, I found a book. The title read "Homo felis domesticus: A son's journey to maturity by Robert Pascal Birch". Between the title and author was a picture of myself before all these changes and a picture of myself as I appear now. What the fuck was this? I asked Dad, but not using those exact words. He replied, "It's from 18 years of notes regarding you Joey. I then polished it up. There is a companion paper which I submitted to a conference. I'm due to present the paper next month. This is the published version." I replied, "It should be very interesting to read." I flipped through the book that chronicled my life so far.

I remember Dad and I going over some scientific things, but I had no idea he was conspiring to write a book. He once asked if I consider myself a separate species. I replied, "Yes. You know that modeling job I took, I said that I was Homo felis." Dad then said, "I was thinking of naming your species after you, but it's your choice. All right then, here's the classification for human and domestic cat. We will work through the classification. Kingdom, Phylum, and Class are all the same. Let's see where we go from there." In the end, it was decided that my Order was Carnivora and my Family was Felidae. What then? After several hours, we finished and my Genus was Homo and my species would be Homo felis domesticus. Now it all made sense. Those late nights, the odd questions, they all led up to this. Other sections detailed my physiology. My musculature was like that of a human except for anything feline. My biochemistry was exactly like that of a human so while cats can't absorb nutrients from vegetable matter, I can. I'm glad because I just love caesar salad. This is also why I can take medicine meant for people, but my body can accept medicine for cats. Speaking of which, I'm not a picky eater despite having the same sense organ as a cat know as the Jacobson's organ. However, I can notice differences between foodstuffs that a human might not.

What else? Like I said before, my dick is like that of a human, my sheath's just furry like an animal. My sense of vision is catlike even though my eyes appear human despite the irises being slit like. They see the range of colors that a human can and this is good because I'm like to draw. My vocal chords are capable of human speech, but I am also able to make cat sounds. That's a blast. Sometimes I'll just give up English and talk to myself in cat sounds only. Real cats can't really tell I'm different and if their sounds are a form of speech, I can't tell.

Surprise wasn't limited to my Dad's book and paper about me. My parents were going on a vacation for just the two of them and they wouldn't be back until after the new year. I know I still had college going on, but what after?

"I talked it over with my parents and they'll let you stay over during that time. I must warn you we will travel to see my grandparents in San Antonio, but you'll just have to tag along. Also even though my parents tolerate the idea of us being boyfriends, they don't want us to fuck each other. Then if we are alone, we are free to do what we want. However, they ask that we don't tell them we had sex if we did." I had asked Jorge to ask his parents if it was alright if I stayed with him and his folks. I agreed to his conditions and he passed the info on.

Jorge's family was really interesting. Both of his parents were born here in Texas and they both found each other in California in college. They married and started to raise Jorge, then moved back here to become our neighbors.

Finals soon followed and we were sent home while the dorm was closed for a month. I was home a week before my parents left, but that didn't mean it was uneventful. Before I left for college, this guy moved into the house across the street. His name was Patrick. He seemed okay when he first moved in. I think he only saw me a couple of times. His reaction was disbelief. Anyhow, okay was far from his true colors.

It began subtly with random people over and then it progressed into rowdy parties that continued late into the night. One day, me and mom were asleep and we heard a blaring horn, such as that used by heavy vehicles. I got up and joined her at the window. The horn continued to blare and a few minutes later, Patrick came out. He was visibly peeved and had a shouting match with the garbage collector. He swore up a storm and dragged the city issues trash can back to the side of his house. Dozens of beer bottles could be heard jingling. Pathetic, just pathetic.

Finally the day arrived that my parents left to go on their vacation. I drove them to the airport and then went home. I made sure everything was locked up before I went to Jorge's. His parents welcomed me into their house and I stored my things with Jorge. I looked for a place for my scratch pad and placed it under the bed.

That evening wasn't very eventful. We had dinner and us two boyfriends went up to his room to hang out for the evening. Jorge booted up his computer. He was playing one of those First Person Shooters while I used the pad. The catnip aroma soothed me as my claws dug into the pad and brought the smell to my nose. I did crossword puzzles with one hand while the other was being used. I then placed the pad on the floor to use the claws on my feet. I switched from doing puzzles to drawing. I took my sketch pad and showed Jorge my latest work. It was the two of us sitting at a small table sharing a chocolate milkshake. My works range from the suitable for all ages to X rated works. I separated my works into separate pads because I didn't want to show something suitable for all only for the next drawing to be of me licking Jorge's prick as it erupts semen. As far as my drawing style goes, I do realistic drawings and manga-like drawings.

Days later, we packed up to go to San Antonio to visit his maternal grandparents for Christmas. I could forego using my scratch pad for a few days, so I didn't pack that. I packed a few days of clothes and that settled that.

It was early in the morning when we left. I didn't mind at all because I knew how long it took to get there. We drove and we drove. We stopped in Schulemburg to have breakfast. When me and my family eat in this little town, we eat at Elmwood Country House, but Jorge's family likes to eat at Teddy's which is located on the other side of I-10. We walked in and it too radiated homestyle cooking. It also seemed to be a clone factory because all the waitresses looked alike. I'm kidding. They weren't identical like clones, but they all wore the same clothes and their hairstyles were very similar to one another.

We sat down and a waitress came to serve us. She was a nervous lady, not knowing what to make of me. The other patrons didn't know what to think of me either, but they went back to their eating a few seconds after seeing me. The waitress however was composed enough to take our orders. Jorge's parents were the same: waffles and coffee. Jorge had scrambles eggs, bacon, and apple juice. I had overeasy eggs, sausage, and milk.

We left Teddy's and continued our way to San Antonio. There really wasn't much to do in the car except gaze at the scenery. Jorge was the first to spot downtown San Antonio, that needle pointing towards the sky. The car dove down the streets, past the market, past the Alamo. We then reached the hotel where we would stay. We got out and got our things while the car was parked by a valet. We walked into the lobby and as before there were people looking at me. Am I to spend my life doomed to gawkers?

We deposited our things and decided what to do. Tomorrow was a day when tamales would be made at his grandparent's house. We decided to relax at the hotel and eat at the Market for dinner. Mrs. Rodriguez phoned her mother saying that they were in town and they were bringing me along. We then headed out and walked along the Riverwalk. We could have walked inside the Rivercenter Mall, but at this time it would be very crowded. We walked along the path for an hour round-trip and then went to go eat.

Eating at the Market is a time consuming venture. The food's great at the restaurants there, but the wait is near eternal. After waiting an hour, we managed to sit down. We took our time to eat considering how long we waited. Afterward, we took the riverboat tour.

We then went out to eat ice cream. I love coffee ice cream lots. We washed the ice cream down with cold water and seeing how it was late, we headed back to the hotel. We watched TV until it was time to go to bed. I got out of my clothes. Most of the time I sleep in my underwear, but this time I slept in an undershirt and pajama shorts. I got under the sheets of the bed with Jorge and the light went off. We then went to sleep, sleeping on our side. Jorge's arm was around my torso and his groin rested against my butt.

Morning came and we went back to the market for breakfast. While we waited for a table, we ordered pan dulce. I love empanadas, but when it comes to Mexican-style hot chocolate, I prefer pan de huevos. When it comes to eating Mexican food, I like chorizo. Perhaps I should clarify. I mean the type served with eggs that are eaten and digested, not a Latino's dick. Then again, a guy's chorizo ain't to bad either. We then went to his grandparent's house to help make tamales. They would be eaten the next day, Christmas, and some time to come.

The Cervantes family, Jorge's maternal grandparent's, lived in a spacious house in the suburbs of San Antonio. I never met them before, but I was looking forward to meeting them. We got out of the car and there was a note on the door which said to go to the back because that door was open.

I was in the back, it was the feline side of me making me nervous. I heard lots of distinct voices, some in Spanish and others in English. Jorge was replying in both. I came in and silence filled the room. What was this apparition standing before them? It was just me, but who know what they thought of me. An old woman started to argue with Jorge and his parents, and then Jorge alone. I didn't know they were talking about me until she uttered, "Gato hombre" I guess that meant me. She then went away muttering something. I knew enough Spanish to get the gist, she didn't like me. It wouldn't be the first time. Jorge leaned over and said, "Don't worry about Abuelita. She knew that I was bringing a friend, but she's angry that I didn't mention that this friend could be considered a monster. Plus, she doesn't want you to help. She's afraid she'll catch something." I said, "No worry, it's happened before. You could have told them about my appearance." Jorge whispered, "What kind of boyfriend would I be then. You've taught me to look beyond the fur. Saying that you were a cat person says that you aren't an equal." I replied, "True." Let's go meet your other relatives.

Abuelita was the only one who vocally frowned on my appearance and even she warmed up eventually when she learned how I came to be like this and that no one could catch what made me like this. Jorge had two gorgeous twin cousins named Enrique and Miguel who was the same age as he was. Their shirts were short button shirts and they were wearing jeans, the butts and crotches were well filled. Enrique's hair was shoulder length and tied in a ponytail. He also had a thin moustache. Miguel's hair was short and curly and he was cleanshaven. When Jorge and I were alone he said to me, "Aren't Enrique and Miguel sexy. I'd take out my dick and beat off thinking about them if we were alone."

Since I couldn't help being what I was, Jorge and I exempted ourselves politely. I did it because I didn't want to make people nervous. This should be a enjoyable venture. Jorge did it because he didn't want me to be left out We decided to take a walk on the spacious lawn. The walk would clear our heads. We began our walk when Jorge said, "Where are those two going?" I looked and saw Miguel and Enrique going towards the garage and toolshed. They slipped between them and disappeared.

I crept down the narrow path quietly like the cat I was. I would have done it naked, but I wasn't exactly in a private place. Jorge followed mimicking my every move. Then we saw it.

There was Miguel in front of the trash cans, but where was Enrique? My ears could barely pick up what he was saying. He was whispering, "Chupa mi hermano." I knew that hermano equaled brother, but what was he saying? I told Jorge what I heard and he replied, "Really? Enrique's giving him head. I need to see." I moved forward again and followed by Jorge. We positioned ourselves to see this hot action. Both were fully clothed except for Miguel who had his thick dick in Enrique's mouth. One of his hands was rubbing his twin's ass and the other was caressing his crotch. I then heard Jorge yelp. Ants started to crawl on his hand and I knew our cover was blown. Miguel stuffed his copper colored wiener back in his jeans and asked, "Who's there?" Jorge leapt up like a boner and said, "Just me and Joey." He pulled me up and I grimaced.

Enrique got up, his hair undone, and said, "You pervs, watching us like this." Jorge said, "We saw you come back here and we were curious." Miguel said, "Yea, but you know curiosity killed the..." I said, "Don't remind me. Curiosity killed the cat. I'm feline after all. I've heard it all. Are you going to hurt us?" I said the last sentence sarcastically. The twins looked at each other and snickered. Enrique told me and Jorge, "We want you two to join us. What does a gato guy's verga look like?" He was behind me now, his hand reaching for my crotch. So that's what verga meant. I was wondering. Jorge and Miguel watched as Enrique slowly unzipped my pants. His hands dipped inside my boxer-like briefs and massaged my balls. I don't wear boxers because I don't want the embarrassment of a hardon showing. However, these were close to boxers. The fly was like a boxer except for a button to hold it together, but was stretchy like a brief. Jorge liked it best because it clung to me the best. Enrique whispered, "You sure are furry. Let's see what you got." He took my dick out and showed it to my boyfriend and Miguel. Enrique's twin whistled, "It's a good size for you. Just right." Jorge said, "Let's get this over with before anyone else finds us.

Who was going to suck who? Enrique leaned against the wall and said, "Come here Joey and kneel." I did as he asked. Jorge took his place next to me and we both sucked the twins with our dicks out, hands wrapped around them. I looked up and saw the pleasure I was giving I was giving Enrique. Jorge too was giving it his all in making his cousin happy. Enrique then clutched my head hard. His hips bucked into my mouth filling it with his mexicano seed. I swallowed it and then got up to give the seed's giver a kiss. I looked down at Jorge. He preferred Miguel to shoot his jizz onto his face. My boyfriend took of his underwear to clean his face and the four of us left and got back before anyone noticed us gone. This was just something between us guys.

The tamales were made and we took two dozen: one for myself and the second for Jorge's family. We took them back to the hotel and placed them inside a cooler. That night I went to church with Jorge's extended family. Snowfall was falling lightly. It surprised me, but I got over it quickly. Back home, we attended the same church, but this time I would be attending with his family, most of whom I never met before.

I sat next to Jorge, but in a solemn place such as this, we were constrained. The only times we were physical was when we held hands for the Lord's Prayer and for the Sign of Peace. It was funny you know, his other cousins were older and had families of their own so I was looking into the wide eyes of little kids who were watching me. I miss those days, but one my look forward.

After church, we went back to the Cervantes house for Christmas presents. We stood around the tree handing out gifts. There was only one gift for me, the one from my boyfriend. Not that I had complaints. The gift I received from him was a laser pointer. I gave him a jump drive, one of those portable disk drives shaped like a key. There was a surprise gift however, Jorge's parents would be taking us to the basketball game the next day: Christmas.

The next morning found San Antonio blanketed with snow. We went downstairs and had a pleasant Christmas breakfast and then headed outside to a nearby park were kids were congregating to build snowmen and other snowy creations. Jorge and I felt like little kids. Can you blame us? We had never been in snow like this. We built equally sized snowmen, but a thought entered my mind. I took two small snow balls and placed them on the head to give the figure cat ears. Jorge's dad took pictures of us next to our creations. Hours later, we went to the game.

I had been to sporting events, mostly baseball, but this was the first time that I had attended a game in another city. The Rockets weren't even playing the Spurs, rather the Lakers. I guess if we can't cheer for our home team, we can cheer for our state. It was a great game so far and at halftime, I went to go to the bathroom. I was out of my element and I got more stares and it only got worse as I headed to the men's room.

I saw the urinals without dividers. I only needed to pee so I went to one and fished out my dick so I could get this over with. I got that "you got a big dick" look. I don't have a huge one. I'm average, but since my manhood doesn't exactly look human, it got looked at by guys young and old. I zipped myself back up and washed my padded hands. I combed my tabby patterned hair and went back to watch the rest of the game. Soon after the Spurs won 98-96, we headed back to the hotel.

The next morning we headed home and I stayed with Jorge's family for the rest of the year. We had this appetizer filled dinner for New Year's Eve. Jorge and I climbed into his bed to sleep. Days after, my parents came home and I thanked Jorge for letting me stay with him and his folks.

A new year was upon us. What will happen to me this year? I couldn't wait to find out.

I would appreciate any comments you may have, but please keep insults or flames to a minimum. I'll try to respond to everyone, but no promises. Please mention the title of the story so I know what you are referring to. I have a group which you can find at You can also email me at:

Next: Chapter 7

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