Cat Next Door

By Chaos Wolf

Published on Oct 6, 2004


Disclaimer: The following is an erotic story of a homosexual nature. Please do not read if you are a minor or if it is illegal where you live to do so. Remember to think smart and use protection. The following is the fourth chapter in my "The Cat Next Door" series. If this sounds like something you want to read, be my guest and read. If not, go back and look for another story to read.

The Cat Next Door, Chapter 4

It was time for what I've been waiting for all summer, moving into the dorm. I had seen my advisor and registered during spring as soon as I could because I was told that certain classes filled up quickly. I signed up for the 15 meal plan which would guarantee me 3 meals a day for the weekdays. I was told that the 15 meals represented the entire week so I could eat on the weekend should I choose to do so. I had also bought my books and other supplies.

I had a few hours until my parents picked me up for dinner so I decided to take a catnap. I know, bad pun. I placed the earphones in my ears and popped in a J-Pop CD, that of my favorite group Two-Mix. I had the volume up and I was so focused on the lyrics, that I did not hear the door open.

Daniel Stone checked to see where his room was first before asking his family to help move the stuff in. He opened the door and walked in, the lights were off. He turned on the lights and looked around. One side was bare, but the other already furbished. He then looked at what was on the bed. His new roommate sure was odd, not only had he modified a mannequin to look feline, but he had dressed it up. The cat mannequin looked so lifelike. There was a soft purr coming from somewhere, perhaps from a hidden speaker on it. Danny reached out to feel the mannequin's fur. The fur and rest of it felt very real. His roommate must like detailed things and would probably go into special effects for movies. The ears then moved and the body moved to its side, its moving tail facing him. This wasn't a feline effigy, this was a real being. It said, "Not now. I wanna sleep longer." Danny screamed, "Holy crap!"

I was listening to my CD when I felt being touched. I muttered, "Not now. I wanna sleep longer." I then heard a male voice scream, "Holy crap!" I opened my eyes and threw off the earphones startled. I yawned, my claws momentarily coming out of my feet and hands as I stretched. I rubbed my head and said, "Sorry I spooked ya. I'm Joey." I held out my hand. The blushing redheaded young man said, "Uh, Danny. You know, there a thousand and one questions running around in my head, but my family is waiting for me. I'll, uh be right back." He then left quietly.

Danny was thinking of what to tell his parents and his 10 year old brother Hunter about Joey his new roommate. He couldn't avoid the issue and said nothing at he, his dad, and brother carried stuff to the room. They entered and there was Joey on his bed reading a book with the stereo's volume low enough not to be bothersome, but loud enough to hear.

I heard the door open and Danny was followed by what I took to be his dad and brother. They, like so many people, were stunned by my appearance. I don't have piercings or tattoos, but my appearance is just as shocking nonetheless. Someone had to get these people talking so I introduced myself. This freed up their mouths. We shook hands and I talked a bit about myself leaving out how I became like this primarily because with that I wait until the person brings it up. Let's see how and when they ask that question. They dropped off some stuff and left. I yelled out, "Let me help." Danny said, "All right."

I followed them out and their mother amazingly saw pass my guise and said, "You must be my son's roommate." I said, "Yes ma'am." I held a box in my hands and helped Danny with his things along with his dad and brother. It took us a couple of trips to transfer things from their car to our dorm room. We told his family goodbye and returned to our room.

He turned on his computer and started to play some games. That reminds me, I need to check my email. I also turned on my computer and checked my email. Jorge, Simon, and Garett had already showed up. I replied where I was, but said that not only was my roommate there, but I would be leaving for dinner soon. They all replied and their message said the same thing, despite different wording, that we'd get together some other day. I looked at the clock and I told Danny, "Well, I'm going to dinner with my parents. I need to get dressed." I got dressed in the walk-in closet and put on nicer clothes because the restaurant we were going to eat at was not a t-shirt and jeans type of place. I made sure I had my keys and said, "See you in a few hours." Danny looked away and said, "Sure thing Cat Dude." Cat Dude, a new nickname for me.

We ate at fine Italian restaurant some blocks away because my parents and I wanted to celebrate the beginning of the semester. We didn't rush anything and we even had dessert.

I told my parents goodbye and I would be eating in my door room tomorrow, my parents would bring food for my fridge sometime tomorrow. I unlocked my room and found Danny still there at his computer. I turned on the TV and we watched a movie, then the news, and later Saturday Night Live. We climbed into our beds and began to sleep, the TV turning itself off.

The next day, Doug didn't have much to do and neither did I. We played some computer games and it's we played the same games. My parents came by bearing foodstuffs and my bulletin board. It had two picture attached to it. The first was with me and my parents on my first day of Kindergarten, my first day back with children my own age after my change. I barely remember those days and what I did remember was a mixed plethora of memories. Some children were mean as they are wont to do, but some were scared of me. I was depressed and needed therapy. I guess my psychologist, Dr. Martin, had such an influence on me I decided on a major in Psychology with a minor in Philosophy. Sorry for ranting, but this is one cat that has issues people can relate to. The second picture was like the first, but was taken on my graduation day. The cap was clearly concealing something.

My dad walked in with plastics bags full of food and my mom had my board, scratching post, and car keys. They saw Danny and they introduced themselves and my dad sought his opinion on me, "So you've met my son Joey." Danny said, "I sure have. He's certainly interesting. I never would have thought I'd have a roommate like him." My dad smiled, "Of course. Joey's one of a kind. I hope that you two will do fine. I really didn't have a good relationship with my first roommate." My mom said, "Well, we'll see each other again. Joey, just call if you need anything." I replied, "Okay mom." My parents left and I set my keys next to my stereo. After that, I put my food in its place in the minifridge my parents got for me the previous weekend. With little to do, Danny and I got to know each other better. He looked at the pictures and said, "So you've been a humanoid cat for years." I said, "My dad was experimenting with some stuff. Said he was going to make cats smart. The substance that dad created affected my mom who was pregnant with me. She turned out just fine, but I was a ticking timebomb and during the summer when I was five, it went off. Want to hear more." Danny said, "Sure, but let's sit on the floor. It'd be more comfortable. Do you play chess?" I said, "I do." He said, "Let's play while we chat."

So we got on the floor in t-shirts and shorts with our feet bare, moving a piece with everything we said. He looked at them intently. My feet aren't digitigrade as one would expect. That is, my feet are as flat as a human. If they were digitigrade, I'd be walking for life on my tippy-toes and the rest of my foot would be raised. I flexed my toes and wiggled my fingers drawing out my claws saying, "Claws in, claws out". He exclaimed, "Cool." Despite my hands and feet being shaped like a humans, they were padded like a cat's paws in addition to having retractable claws. I pointed to the scratching post and said, "I use the post about once a week or two depending on how they look. While I do care about my appearance, I try not to lick myself clean like a cat because I don't want to get a hairball." Danny then looked nervous as his eyes focused on my groin, "What about, the uh..." I rolled my eyes, "You want to know whether or not my dick is like a cat. I've gotten that question before. I'm uncut, always was, and the foreskin, just like the rest of me is furry. I can control this tail, but almost all the time, I just let it be itself. It's only at things like graduation that I have to be mindful of it." "I bet it hurts to sit on a tail." I nodded and I opened my mouth and let Danny see my teeth. I had the same number of teeth as a human, but they were pointed like a cat's. I closed my mouth and said, "Despite my teeth looking like that, I'm still omnivorous. It wouldn't do me good to eat meat all the time. Besides I love Caesar salad. My senses are as advanced as a cat so almost all the time I'll hear or smell something subtle that other people can't. Some may see it as an annoyance, but I tend to think of it as a safety feature. I've heard how cats save people because of their senses. Thankfully I haven't gotten that chance. The worst thing that has happened was when someone released a stinkbomb in the men's room and I was able to smell it from yards away before anyone else could who were closer than I. I hardly get sick because of my unique physiology."

Danny asked, "So you never went to the doctor?" I said, "Imagine waiting in an office, waiting with children just like you with parents like you as well as adults. Sounds like a doctor's office, doesn't it?" Danny said, "Yea, but what's the punchline?" I said, "The punchline is that not only are children and their parents as well as other adults, but animals. This isn't a doctor's office, it is the veterinarian's office. That's what happened to me every year. I would have the same annual physical as other kids and six months later, I would have my annual physical for my feline half. When my classmates were getting vaccinated for things like the measles, I was being vaccinated for diseased that would infect both felines and humans. Quite bizarre to hear the vet's assistant say 'The vet will see your son now Mrs. Birch.' My doctor and vet both share the same file and they communicate regularly. Things were very complicated for those first few years because they were not only trying to understand what happened to me, but take care of my well-being when there was no one like me."

Danny stayed quiet the whole time and he said, "That'll do. Maybe you should write a book or something to tell people about your life. Like you said, there's no one like you". Danny's suggestion rang true, perhaps I will.

Hours passed, the game finished some time ago and I heard a knock at the door. I got up and looked through the peephole. My groin lurched inside my shorts because it was Jorge. What to do? I certainly couldn't keep my buddy out for long. I opened it and Jorge walked it. He moved in close to me preparing for a hug or worse, a kiss and some groping. He then looked up, "Oh, hola. I'm Jorge and Joey's best friend." Danny got up and shook hands with him. I breathed a sigh of relief. That was close. I only knew Danny a day at most and I didn't know how he felt about gays. Danny said, Come in and sit awhile." Jorge sat on my bed next to me and asked, "So what do you think of having a humanoid cat for a roommate?" Danny said, "Cool. At first, I didn't think he was real." Jorge replied, "You're not the only one." He looked at me and I looked at him, longing in our eyes. This was the first time we had seen each other in weeks. If Danny wasn't here or had no qualms about us making out, we'd do so. He must have picked up on this and said, "I don't mind if you two kiss. Just keep your clothes on. I may be bi, but it's awkward if I'm not in on the action. Since I barely know you two, it wouldn't be right." So part of Danny liked guys. Jorge and I said, "Okay." I leaned towards Jorge and gave him a kiss. We cradled the head of the other as we locked lips. I was hard and I had a feeling Jorge was too, but we said we wouldn't do anything more. Our kiss ended and we separated. Danny said, "I sure can see you two love each other. Are you two out?" I said, "I am and perhaps it's best. My doctor say that my genes are so radically different, I can't father any children." I felt sad when I said that. I could have sex with females if I wanted to, but human DNA and my DNA are incompatible so while my sperm would be able to enter her egg, what results self-destructs very soon. How did my doctor know this? He ran tests. I do however have the same number of chromosomes as humans. Jorge said, "My parents were disappointed. I'm an only child so they felt that they wouldn't get grandchildren, but then Joey and I could get a surrogate mother." I could see me and Jorge raising a kid of our own someday. The door knocked again. Considering I was closer, I got up to open it. Simon and Garett had paid me a visit.

They both said, "Hey there Kitty Joe." Danny asked, "Who is it?" I said, "Simon and Garett." Jorge leapt up and said, "It is?" He approached us and we all hugged each other. Danny got up and introduced himself. I said, "These are my friends from Simon and Garett." We then sat down and talked a while. Garett talked about his roommate, "He's a football player like me, but he's a quarterback while I'm a running back. At first he seemed like the proverbial oversexed jock who only cared about his physical needs, but we've talked some and he's very sweet. If I was to be honest with my impression with him, I would have to say my gaydar was in the range of homosexuality. His name is Michael Greene." Could it be? Could his roomie be the same guy I met in Alaska? I asked, "What does he look like?" Garett explained how he had blond hair and said what his approximate height and weight was. It most likely was him. I said, "When I was in Alaska, I met a guy named Michael Greene and he looked exactly how you described." Garett said, "Well it probably is. We'll know tonight at the hall meeting." Simon's roommate was a Star Trek fan, but not so far as to have a homemade uniform in the closet. By then it was nearly dinnertime so the five of us ate together in the student lounge. We compared schedules and we were all in the same Literature class, but that was it. We would have the same classes because they were in the general curriculum, but as we progressed, we would be in our subject classes. We then watched TV together.

That evening was our hall meeting so we were in the right place. Students started to pile in and thankfully most paid no attention to my appearance. There wasn't enough room on the three plush couches. Me and the other guys occupied one of them. Garett's roommate was indeed Michael who I'd met in Alaska. He waved to me and if my skin was bare, I'd be blushing. My fur hid my embarrassment and my oversized t-shirt hid my erection as I waved to him and he sat down next to us maxing out room we had on the couch. Our hall director Gabriel Bennett passed out student handbooks and asked us to fill out the paperwork inside by Wednesday. Everyone then went back to their rooms including us.

Classes began the next day and word got around quickly about the feline student, me. Even those that didn't know my name knew me by sight. These college courses were different, but not too difficult. Our high school teachers prepared us well. I fell into a routine and while most people didn't like our cafeteria food, I liked it a lot. I then saw advertisements for the drama department. It wasn't my major, but I was in a couple of high school plays. That is, when there was a part that interested me. In this case auditions were being held for "The Wizard of Oz" and the part that interested me was the Cowardly Lion. Jorge said to me when I told him I was interested in performing, "You would be perfect for The Cowardly Lion, you're feline." I then set about to attend the audition.

The Drama Department chair, Maximilian Heyward, was puzzled at first, not by my appearance, but because I wasn't a drama major. I said, "You don't have to be a drama major, do you?" The man thought, "Not really, but we prefer it. Have you ever been in a play?" I said, "Sure, I was in a few plays back in high school." Mr. Heyward replied, "All right then." My and a few other guys who wanted to be the Cowardly Lion battled to see who would be the best Lion. In the end, I won the role. I was handed the play so that I could memorize the lines. The downside is that the other companions could put makeup on for their Oz counterparts. I couldn't look convincingly as a human so they had to get another student for the Kansas counterpart to my Cowardly Lion. For the role, I had to get my fur dyed light brown and my hair dyed dark brown. My professors all knew I was the Cowardly Lion and allowed this. Why wouldn't they when my appearance was halfway there?

I spent my free time memorizing the lines and watching the movie version over and over again. I gave private performances to Jorge and the guys, no not those kind of private performances! I'd say my lines and sing the songs. They thought I was a great coward worthy of being called the Cowardly Lion. A month later, the play went on. The play opened Wednesday and then showed the next day and until that Saturday. It showed the following week from Thursday to Saturday. People loved my performance, my appearance was an added bonus to a great performance.

With the play out of the way and my appearance back to normal, I resumed a normal pace. Danny and I were playing checkers when our door boomed and a shriek, "Damn Cat! I know you did it! I know you did it you feline bastard! You ate my gerbil!" I opened my door and found a girl named Miranda Johnson. I told her, "No I didn't. Now goodbye." I reached to close the door, but she clutched it and slammed it nearly taking my fingers with it. I screeched with surprise. I could hear her again, "You'll pay dearly for eating Cicero!"

I thought that was the end of the issue. I never even had seen this Cicero of hers and I only passed by her door a couple of times, entering only once. It didn't mean anything. Mr. Bennett came by and told me I was due to appear before the dorm council which was made of him, the assistant director, the Resident Advisors, and the Sophomore Assistants who would determine what to do with me. He said, "Well this is the first time something like this has happened. Imagine that, one student eats another student's pet." I had to defend myself against my fellow dormmates, except for Danny, Jorge, Simon, Garett, and their roommates. They believed me. I said how I passed by her room on several occasions and entered her room only once which was to deliver something to her roommate Jessica Robles because she was sick and couldn't go to class. Miranda said, "That's when I had Cicero out to clean his cage. I knew it, you ate him." My ears flattened and I rolled my eyes. I said, "Do you think I magically went to your side of the room and put him in my pocket and traversed my way out without you two knowing." I looked at her as well as those that sympathized with her and said pointing to my face, "Does this look like the face of a guy who eats small rodents. I think not. Listen, I think that gerbil is still in her room." Miranda stated, "I looked." I groaned, "Well, if I was there, I'd find it in an instant." Mr. Bennett said, "It wouldn't hurt." We, those directly involved in this case, all went followed by dorm residents who were interested in the outcome.

I entered her room and smelled the cage to get a scent and then crawled on the floor sniffing the air. I caught the smell. I followed it behind the dresser. I found the gerbil surrounded by its waste and it looked sickly, most likely due to that and not getting nourishment in a few days. I pounced on it and brought it out. I walked to the cage and put Cicero inside. Miranda shed a tear watching him eat his food and drink from his dispenser. She looked at me and said, "Sorry." Mr. Bennett said, "You can go back to your room Joey." I did so.

Danny said, "You did it. I didn't think you'd be able to get free." I said, "I never doubted, I knew I was innocent." Up until this point Danny only saw me clothes, one day he saw me only wearing underwear.

It was Sunday and I decided to take a shower, eat some breakfast, and study a bit. I went to my drawer and took out a pair of briefs and went to the restroom. First, I peed and then I laid a towel on the floor. I managed to get the fixtures to work and I threw off the underwear I had on and stepped inside letting the soothing water flow all over me. Lathering up, I broke into song and started to sing "Just Communication" a song from my favorite J-Pop group Two Mix.

Danny woke up and heard the shower running. Joey must be taking a bath. He got closer and heard singing. It was Japanese. Could Joey know Japanese for some reason? It never had come up, so it was possible. The shower stopped. The singing voice was clearer now. Danny had heard the song before, but he couldn't remember form where. No more time to debate himself, the door unlocked. Joey walked out wearing nothing but a pair of briefs containing a nicely sized package.

I opened the door and saw that Danny awake and standing there at the door to greet me. His eyes roamed all over my body and momentarily paused at my cotton clad sex organs. I said, "Had I know you're were already awake, I would have worn a robe or something. You can use it now." Danny muttered, "Thanks." We switched placed and he closed the door. I liked his roaming eyes, he looked very interested in what I had down there.

Danny stooped over so he could urinate, but he couldn't because he was getting an erection because he was worried that the urine would splash on the floor. Damn was his roommate sexy in those briefs. He stepped into the running shower and peed, the piss arcing in the air and landing on the tub's floor. He soaped himself off, his hands rubbed through his red pubic hair and then his nads. After making sure he had attended to showering, he wrapped his soapy hand around his dick and started to jack off fantasizing about what his sexy feline roommate had under his briefs. He squeezed tighter and pumped himself faster. Cum flowed out from his prick and fell down on the tub's floor. The shower's water washed it away and he got out. He dried off and went out into the room.

Danny looked nervous and I asked, "What's the matter? It was me wearing nothing but briefs wasn't it?" He said, "Yea. Honestly, I didn't have a problem. It's just that I got turned on." I said, "Oh, you liked what you saw?" Danny nodded, "So much that I needed to cum badly. Have you ever thought about modeling?" I shook my head, "I hadn't thought of it. What kind of modeling?" He said, "Nothing pornographic unless you want to, but I was thinking just regular clothes. My uncle's a photographer who does model work. I can hook you up with him. It's a good way to rack up some quick money in a short time. It's a slow time right now, but in a few months, he'll be looking for models." I said, "Sure." I liked wearing clothes and perhaps this was a good way to get some money.

A few weeks later during the middle of October, there was a flyer for assistance in creating a haunted house for disadvantaged kids, a majority of them from unhappy homes. I told the guys about it and they'd all like to help setting stuff up. We went to the gym to help out. Half was being converted into the haunted house and the rest would cater the smaller attractions like Go Fish. It was soon Halloween and we had to get ready by donning costumes.

I look like a cat, but that can't be a costume. I went to a local costume shop and got some stuff so I could be Puss in Boots: Ruffled shirt, leather pants, boots, and a plastic sword. Simon was dressed in Garett's football regalia and Garett was dressed as a male cheerleader. Simon wasn't a cheerleader back in high school, he was in the band so this was an unexpected twist. Jorge was an archeologist and Danny was a pirate. Kids liked my costume because they probably thought that I was a fursuiter. A fur suit is bulky, but this is natural. I've chatted with people who love to wear fur suits and most are jealous that I've got natural fur. Perhaps someday scientists will be able to genetically modify people so that these people can live their dream, but I am the only natural one so far.

The Halloween festivities lasted well into the night and we collected a lot of money for charity from students, teachers, and other adults who wanted to help. We all trudged our way back to the dorm to sleep.

The following morning, me and the guys had our usual breakfast in the cafeteria. They were glad to be a part of helping those poor children. We then drifted to other topics. Garett said, "After we got back, Simon and I did a little role playing. It was my idea." Simon said, "No way, it was mine." I hissed, "Who cares. Just get on with the details." The two began to speak and wow was their story hot.

Garett and Simon entered his room. Simon's roommate was gone for the night. He wouldn't have suggested their late night activity if he wasn't. They stood in front of the mirror, Simon holding Garett. His ebony hands rubbed Garett's cheerleader slacks. Garett felt Simon's hard cup press against his rear. Simon turned Garett around and looked deeply into his slanted eyes. The young Asian man took Simon's helmet off and gave him a kiss. Their hands feeling backs, then waists, then rears. They laid down on Simon's bed. Garett smiled as his hand reached for the fly's straps. He undid them and gave the cup a few taps saying, "Sounds like there's a lot under there." Simon nodded and said, "And it's all yours." Garett slid the cup and the rest of the pants down and beheld Simon's cock. Garett's head leaned down, his mouth opened and took that dark rich dick into his mouth. Simon reached around Garett's waist and started to beat that Chinese-American eggroll of his. Both moaned in ecstasy. Garett looked up and said, "Please plow me with that dick of yours." Simon said, "Sure thing."

Garett got on all fours and Simon mounted him placing his hands on Garett's rear. He made sure his dick was well lubricated before setting it in. After making sure, Simon pushed it in. He went quite slowly so that Garett would enjoy the action better. Simon then pounded faster and harder. He moaned, "Oh, man. Oh, here it comes." Garett felt Simon's cum gush into his rear. Simon's tool became flaccid enough to withdraw. They rested a bit so that they could recuperate. Garett said, "Now what?" Simon said, "Well, I ejaculated. You should too." Garett said, "Then suck me."

Simon got on his knees and grabbed Garett's wiener and placed it in his mouth. His shaved head started oscillate up and down and to the side. Garett's hand cradled his friend's head encouraging him to suck some more. Who was enjoying this more? Who knew? That wasn't really important. What was important was the pleasure of giving another guy a blowjob. Garett humped Simon's mouth fast and he had to hold onto it lest it come out of his mouth. Garett moaned and smiled. Simon felt his friend's balls churn a split second before semen shot into his throat. Simon got up and they composed themselves. They kissed and said that they would see each other tomorrow.

Their story was as hot as I thought it would be. I was so intent on listening that both my ears were focused on their little role play sexcapade neither straying to some other noise.

Well, my first college semester is about half over. Who knows what might happen during the second half? ----- I would appreciate any comments you may have, but please keep insults or flames to a minimum. I'll try to respond to everyone, but no promises. Please mention the title of the story so I know what you are referring to. You can email me at:

Next: Chapter 5

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