Cat Next Door

By Chaos Wolf

Published on Sep 13, 2004


Disclaimer: The following is an erotic story of a homosexual nature. Please do not read if you are a minor or if it is illegal where you live to do so. Remember to think smart and use protection. The following is the third chapter in my "The Cat Next Door" series. If this sounds like something you want to read, be my guest and read. If not, go back and look for another story to read.

The Cat Next Door, Chapter 3

The week after, my parents and I were on the plane to our destination. I had been on planes before and have always gotten attention. This time was no different. Any child who saw me squealed with delight as they saw me. They probably thought I was some person in a suit. Adults too thought I was a person inside this fur. In a way, they're right. I'm just a normal human guy who just happens to look like a cat, but this is one suit that can't be taken off no matter what. One mother wanted me to take a picture with her children and asked if I was the airport's mascot or something. I could have been mean and hissed driving them off, but they were so young and I didn't want to cause a scene so I said, "Okay." I took a picture with her two children and she said, "Thanks. Whoever did you costume sure knows their stuff. It looks very real. How do you get the tail to move?" I was nervous and said weakly, "Hidden button. Excuse me, but I have to go." I rejoined my parents waiting at our gate. We had about two hours to wait so I decided to take a nap. When I woke up, and it really wasn't my choice, I found a little boy playing with my tail through the back of the chair I was in. I said, "It isn't nice to play with a person's tail." The little boy said, "Okay." He let it go. To prevent something like that happening again while waiting, I pulled it around to my front and held onto it. I went back to sleep, but no sooner did I close my eyes, the gate attendant announced they were starting the boarding of our plane.

It took a few minutes, but we finally made it inside the plane. The only thing I took onto the plane with me was a bag that had a couple of big books and a puzzle book. I was going to bring my CD player and a couple of my J-Pop discs, but why risk losing something that's very hard to replace? I know that airplanes have movies, but either they show something that you have already seen and not interested in seeing again or something that you have no interest in seeing. At least the food was satisfactory. After several hours, we landed at Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport.

We first went to watch the luggage carousel so that we could pick up our luggage. We then rode the shuttle to the rental car place. The car's color was lime green, a color we really weren't looking for, but that wasn't a choice. We placed them in the trunk and left to go to our hotel here in Anchorage. By this time, it was around 9 at night, but what the hell, the sun was still out like it was the afternoon? Wait, I heard about this one once. Due to the Earth's tilt, the areas closer to the poles get more light in the summer and more darkness in winter. I'd hate to be here during that time with the bitter cold and pitch blackness of winter. Give me the easygoing winter of Texas.

Anyhow, we hadn't had anything to eat in a some hours, and what we had wasn't that filling. My parents didn't obtain any information on what restaurants to visit. We walked around a 4 block radius surrounding our hotel trying to find someplace. My mom told my dad, "Oh Robert, just choose a place. I'm hungry and I'm sure Joey is." I nodded. Dad said, "All right Sophie, how about this place?" My mom said, "It's as good as any. How about you Joey?" I replied, "You know me, I'm bound to find something."

We walked into this place which was somewhat like a pub. Half of it was devoted to selling spiritous beverages and of the rest, half were tables surrounded by barstools and half were traditional tables and booths. We sat at a table with barstools. I felt my tail was hardly moving at all, the tip curling now and then. It was at rest. Why should I have it be going every which way when there's no real need to? I ordered a cheeseburger and my parents had chicken sandwiches. We were well aware that we were getting starred at, mostly me. I had learned long ago to ignores stares. Why should I let it consume me. I may look different, but I'm still the same guy I was before all this happened albeit older with a young adults mind. Our food came and the cheeseburger sure was juicy just the way I like it. It had all the fixings too and it's the best way to have a burger. I'm not as picky as some people I know. Our meal was a pleasant one, stares aside. We paid and then left with the customers wondering who was I and why I looked like this. It was nearly 11 and it looked no different. We went back to our hotel and went to bed with the sun still peeking through the curtains.

In the morning, we drove to the Captain Cook hotel to have breakfast. I had a plate with two overeasy eggs, hash browns, and deer sausage. I washed it down with a glass of orange juice. My parents shared a waffle. We paid and then left to walk some more around town. We stopped by the visitor's center and had our picture taken which could be accessed online so we were given a card which listed where and how we get the picture from the web. We checked out of our hotel and left to official being our Alaska adventure.

We drove to Talkeetna and signed up for a jet boat tour of the area. Strange isn't it, we get to a town and manage to sign up for an event that not only took place on the same day, but just a few hours later. This tour took place at 8pm, but as I said before, it's still light enough at that time. It was a large jet boat and during the voyage we traveled the Talkeetna, Susitna, and Chultna rivers.

Our guide talked on and on about the rivers and the people that lived here so long ago. We then stopped. He escorted us out while some men secured the craft. A thought entered my mind, me on my knees sucking these hunky men. I was in a daze and my mom had to call out for me. The daze broke and my hardon subsided as I joined our group. The guide beckoned us to follow him through the trail. We were shown to an open area that had a few derelict building and some equally old artifacts. Our guide talked us about the trappers who faced extreme hardship for a living. I would have loved to see some of those people from reality shows face what they did. I betcha they couldn't do it. It rained slightly and thankfully I had on a poncho. Everyone else had some type of rain gear so it wasn't like some people were running amok trying to escape the water. After the talk, the guide led us back to the boat. As I got back in, I got one last good look at the men who looked after our boat. The entire thing was two hours long, yet it seemed longer. My parents and I got back in the car and went to our hotel and we fell asleep shortly after.

In the morning, we left and had breakfast. Our destination this time was Denali where the National Park and Preserve was located and where mighty Mt. McKinley slept. We walked from our hotel to this general store and picked up some supplies because my mom wanted to have a picnic lunch by the Nenana river. I don't blame her. Aside from the restaurant inside the hotel, there wasn't much. We took out a couple of old towels and ate baloney sandwiches. The tranquility appealed to me and I purred. It's a pity that we don't have an environment like this back in Texas. Only in Alaska are there wide open areas such as this. We went back and rented a video from the hotel video library, a Mr. Bean video. Man, does that guy crack me up. My favorite episode is the one where Bean goes to the department store and gets so much junk, he can't drive his car so he controls it from a easy chair on the top. My mom had already fallen asleep by the end and my dad was drifting in and out. Once it ended, I rewound the film, placed it in its container, and went to bed.

In the morning over breakfast, my mom informed us of a craft fair. I rolled my eyes. Please, no crafts. I informed my mother that I didn't want to go. She said, "Fine then." Two hours later my parents left with me staying at the hotel. With little to do, I explored the hotel and it was very nice. I noticed that they had an indoor pool. That's great because I was hoping I'd get to so swimming. I went back to my room and got my green speedo. I put it on, got a towel, put sandals on, and took my key with me. I went down to the pool. No one there, no one to be puzzled by my appearance. I opened the door and placed my things at a nearby table. My ears then focused on a sound. It was coming from a hidden corner. I walked slowly to investigate. It was a guy with blond hair feeling himself through his swimtrunks. He didn't notice me until the sun peeked through and cast my shadow over him.

Michael Greene was traveling through Alaska with his parents to celebrate his graduation from high school. His parents had gone to some dopey craft fair and he decided to take this time to go for a dip in the hotel's pool. He walked down and he spied a nook. He always had a fascination for masturbating in public places. There were times he would be peeing in a urinal and when finished, he'd make himself have an orgasm. He sat down in the nook and rubbed his hands over his chest getting ever closer to the sweet spot. Once there he placed his hand on the trunks and kneaded his groin for a while. He then slid his hands in and started to play with himself. He was very into it when the sunlight came in and a shadow loomed over him. His hands left his trunks fast like after touching a hot stove. He said as he looked up, "Sorry about that." When he saw the shadow he screamed. The creature then said, "Shh, it's all right."

The young man was frightened of me. I said, "Shh, it's all right. Come sit with me in the pool." He got up and walked with me and we splashed our feet in the pool. He held out his hand and I shook it. He said, "My name is Michael Greene. Who are you?" I replied, "I'm Joseph Finch, but my friends call my Joey. They call me jokingly Joey the Cat or Kitty Joey for obvious reasons." Michael clearly had something on his mind and I has an inkling of what that was. He said, "Speaking of which, how did you get like that?" Just as I did with Jorge, I told the story, "I said, "Well I became like this gradually when I was five years old. My dad told me when I was 16 that he was experimenting with cats, trying to make them very intelligent. It didn't go as he planned and the serum he created infected my mom. She didn't suffer any side effects. However, she was pregnant with me. It affected me and like I said, it manifested itself when I was five years old. I stayed inside my house for a month as my body changed. It's tough for a little boy to mentally cope with those things. I had to have some therapy to help me deal with this, but now I'm a mentally healthy teenager inside a humanoid cat body. As for this body of mine, it's fully functional." I moved my tail, my ears, and showed of my retractable claws. He nodded and said, "Cool. What about your, uh you know, your cock?" I smiled and said, "It's human shaped, not like a cat's. My foreskin's just furry. Most people who've gotten the courage to bring that up also think the same thing. Let's go swimming."

I got in the pool and swam around. I returned to him, my fur soaking wet. "Get in. The water's great" I said. He said, "You're a cat, yet you're not bothered by the water?" I shook my head, "I only look like a cat." He got in with me and we swam together. We sat on the steps on the shallower side and he said, "I'm here with my parents as we go on my graduation vacation. They're at some stupid craft fair." I said, "So am I." Michael asked, "Hey Joey, are you gay?" I said, "Why do you want to know?" He said, "I'm okay with it if you are. I'm bi. If you want to do anything and I'm pretty sure you know what I mean, just ask." I said, "Cool. Have you done anything?" Michael frowned and said, "No. I know I'm bisexual, but I haven't gotten any takers." I replied, Lucky me. Hey you want to do something now while we have the time?" His eyes lit up and said, "Sure."

We dried off and went to his room. It was safe to do so he said because his parents would be at the fair all day long. We were sufficiently dry and Michael loved that I was in a speedo. We were on his bed, laying side by side. With one hand he rubbed my damp fur and with the other he caressed my furry balls. He then pulled off the speedo and got a good look at my naked body. I pulled down his trunks and saw that he had a nice amount of pubic hair. I never got any of the body hair that came with adolescence. The only changes that I shared with other male adolescents was my dick and nutsack getting bigger, being able to cum, and gaining a deep voice. Michael's body was the typical young man's body. He wasn't muscular, but was average. His eyes focused on my package and he said, "Can I suck you?" I said, "Be my guest." He moved his torso over and he took my dick into his mouth.

I held Michael's head with one hands he got into his first blowjob. He moved his head up and down sometimes flicking my cockhead with the tip of his tongue. He was quite good at what he was doing. I moaned, "Oh, faster Michael. I know you can do it." He quickened his pace and started to juggle my balls. My hips started to thrust into his mouth. I placed my other and went faster as he continued to suck my dick. I mewled as I ejaculated right into his virgin mouth. The thing caught him by surprise, but he then admitted as he took my wiener out of his mouth, "I guess it's expected. If you're going to suck, you gotta be prepared to eat cum." I nodded and then I said, "Ready to get sucked?" He said, "I'm ready."

Jorge always said that the blowjob experience was different in my case. My mouth was vastly different from a human's, so perhaps that made it more pleasurable. In any case, Michael's grin was so wide one would think it'd get stuck like that. He laid there letting me do all the work. Fine by me. I had been sucking cock for awhile now so performing this task wasn't new. I could tell he was as enthusiastic getting sucked as he was sucking me. He was giggling a lot, almost too much. I guess Michael's very ticklish in that way. He soon squealed, "I can't hold it in." That was my only warning as he ejaculated right into my feline mouth. That was quick. I said, "Well that was the quickest orgasm that I've seen." Michael said, "Sorry, it's just that I felt so good." I chuckled, "Yea, sometimes I feel like cumming as soon as I can when I get horny. Too bad you don't have a guy you can blow and who can do the same to you." Michael said, Too bad, but at least I'll remember this." Once we were flaccid again, we put on our swimming clothes. I said, "Let's kiss." We pressed lips, and I know I don't have human lips, and pressed our groins against each other grinding away as our tongues touched and swirled around each other. We continued the embrace for a few minutes, but we knew it couldn't be forever. We separated and we exchanged email addresses. I hugged him goodbye and promised to contact him as soon as I got home.

I walked into my room and my parents entered a few minutes later. They saw me in the speedo and dad asked, "Did you swim?" I said, "Sure did and the water felt great."

The following morning we got up early. Today we were going on an all day tour of the park. It was perhaps the most boring thing I have ever participated in. It crawled along the narrow paths that were only wide enough for our bus. We saw such creatures as bears, foxes, wolves, sheep, hoary marmots, bald eagles, caribou, and moose. Halfway through the trek, our guide told us to get out and eat passing out box lunches. After nearly an hour, we continued on. It certainly was an all day venture, we didn't return until dusk. The next day we moved on.

Hours after we left, we saw Mt. McKinley in the distance behind us like a specter. Our destination was Whittier, but we passed Portage Glacier and decided to take a rest there. After resting, we continued to Whittier. The only way to get there is through a one-way tunnel. The wait is 30 minutes for one side to stop to let the other through. Sadly we arrived a minute too late and we waited our turn. I played Tetris during that time and we were allowed through.

Whittier was perhaps the smallest place I have ever been to. Downtown Whitter could have fit in my high school gym. There was an animal pen with a caribou inside, an ice cream shop, and a gift shop. We looked for a place to stay and found it in an apartment complex which, we were told, housed half the town's population, the rest lived in another building. The woman who had our business told us about the Prince William Sound tour.

The next day, we went on that half-day tour. We saw humpback wales, otters, sea lions. In a spectacular show of nature we watched the Barry and Cox Glaciers. We saw them fall before the sound entered our ears. It was very spooky, yet pleasing. We then drove to Seward. It was evening so all we did was eat.

The next day, we did more. Our day was filled with art galleries and a sea life museum. Lastly, we hiked the Exit Glacier nature trail. In the evening, we ate at the same seafood restaurant we ate at the previous night. I was pissed, there were plenty of other places to eat. I got over it as I took a picture with me standing next to a wooden stature of a sea captain holding an ice cream cone. My parents didn't know why I wanted that picture, but it was comical.

Homer was next, but on the way, we stopped at Cooper's Landing and went rafting on Kenai river for 2.5 hours. We were told by the rafting escort that other people would join us, but none did. Our rafting voyage was made extra special by that fact. Upon entering Homer we stayed at Land's End and walked the boardwalk before eating dinner.

The next day, our second Monday here in Alaska, we took the Danny J ferry across Kachenak Bay to Hallibut Cove Artist Community. On the way, we saw what was called Gull Island which to no one's surprise had bird crap all over it, otters and puffins. When we got to this community, we its trails and visited it's shops. It was time to leave and the pilot gave people raincoats. Why did he do that? Me and my big mouth. Coming back, we were going against the current and those people who were unlucky to be outside got very wet. Not so bad when you're human, but when you're a cat person like me, it doesn't get pretty. I wailed as the cold water splashed against my fur. My hiking boots got drenched. Being between my parents did not help one bit. We came back to the hotel room absolutely miserable. At least the trip was most profitable for my mom who found a new artwork to display. It didn't get wet because it was sealed in plastic. We slept well on what was our last night here.

In the morning, we had a nice breakfast and after checking out, we drove back to Seward in order to get back to Anchorage. We stopped at a cafe in a town called Girdwood. We took Alyeska tram up a mountain and saw snowboarders. I had never seen snow like this. Amazing isn't it, it's summer yet here's snow and people enjoying it. We didn't stay long because we had a flight to catch. We drove onward to Anchorage and returned the car.

Our flight boarded and I settled into a quiet flight back home. Next month I'd be starting college. It certainly was going to be an amusing and bumpy ride. ----- I would appreciate any comments you may have, but please keep insults or flames to a minimum. I'll try to respond to everyone, but no promises. Please mention the title of the story so I know what you are referring to. You can email me at:

Next: Chapter 4

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