Cat Next Door

By Chaos Wolf

Published on Aug 11, 2004


Disclaimer: The following is an erotic story of a homosexual nature. Please do not read if you are a minor or if it is illegal where you live to do so. Remember to think smart and use protection. The following is about a male humanoid cat and his neighbor. If this sounds like something you want to read, be my guest and read. If not, go back and look for another story to read.

----- Note: This is the first chapter in what I hope will be a good series. The main character is a cat person named Joseph Birch and will be played in first person. However, I will begin this story by writing from the first person view of his new neighbor Jorge Rodriguez until the two character meet. Once Joey tells his story, I'll continue the story from his point of view. Hope that clears up any confusion that might have risen. Speaking of rising, I hope you find this interesting. -----

The Cat Next Door

My name is Jorge Rodriguez and I'm traveling to a new city along with my parents. I am 17 and it's a damn shame I won't be able to graduate with all my friends. Now I'll be alone in school. If I had my way, we'd have stayed behind in Los Angeles, but here we were moving into Houston. However, Dad was well compensated. Mom thankfully was able to get a job here too. We pulled up into the driveway and got out. Dad opened the door and we stepped into the house. The furniture was being put in and my mom was coordinating everything. Our job was to bring in the boxes of clothes and dishes. Our first dinner in our house was pizza and we slept in beds amidst bare furniture.

The next day, we woke up early and had migas. That'd be pieces of corn tortilla in eggs for those that don't know what that is. We spent the rest of the day putting stuff away and finished late in the evening. We celebrated by going out to eat at this restaurant recommended by my dad's new boss. It was a few weeks before the start of school and my senior year. One evening we took a walk around our new neighborhood and it seemed like a very nice place to live.

The following Monday was the monthly neighborhood meeting and we all attended so we could best see what kind of neighbors they were. The people that were there were mostly white geezers. They had that kindly look, the kind of people you'd expect to care a lot for their fellow neighbor. The younger couples had children and they were black, Asian, or Hispanic like us. We introduced ourselves to the Civic Club and helped ourselves to the cookies and punch that was nearly addicting.

The next day, which marked the first full week of being here, I had to mow the lawn. I was about to start when I then discovered we had no gasoline. How stupid was I? I swore and I locked everything up and headed out the door. It didn't take me long to get back. I heard a lawnmower stop.

I headed out the back door to get the lawnmower. At that moment the back door from the adjacent yard opened up and I nearly fainted. It was the size of a person, was male, but looked like a cat. He was about 6 feet tall sporting an athletic build. His tabby-patterned fur was black and white. He had black hair parted in the middle and stopped where his ears should have been if he was human. His ears were on the top of his head. He had a white sleeveless t-shirt on and green shorts that had a hole that was torn at the seat to make room for his tail which was at least 2 feet long. What was this apparition standing before me?

He said, "Yea, I know I look like a cat. Now stop starring at me." I said, "Fine." I opened the tool shed and dragged out the lawnmower. I mowed the lawn and used the edge cutter to make the yard nice. I dragged those heavy plastic bags to the side of the house and came back to put away the lawn mower. I took off my shirt and collapsed in a lawn chair in the shade. Man was it hot out here. The cat guy had the same thing in mind. He had put everything up, took off his shirt and sat down in a lawn chair right across from me sipping some lemonade. He had a physique just like mine and he radiated a carefree nature. His head turned and said, "New to the neighborhood?" I said, "Yes. I moved in a week ago with my parents. Can I ask something?" He said, "How did I get this way?" I said, "Yea, but what's your name? I'm Jorge Rodriquez." The cat guy said, "My name is Joseph Finch, but my friends call me Joey. I don't mind telling you my story. After all we're now neighbors and we'll most likely go to the same High School." He then began to tell his story.

Mr. Birch was an odd man, perhaps the oddest man in the neighborhood. He invented a vacuum cleaner that controlled itself and a vacation feeder which fed and gave water to animals when their owner was away. He created other things as well. By trade, he was a pharmacist and she was a paralegal. They recently good news, she was pregnant.

Mr. Birch's current project was about cats. He loved cats, but there was one thing that bugged him, they didn't behave like dogs. This was the one thing that prevented him from getting a cat. Their family said that this was a small thing and certainly they could cope. What he needed was a smart cat. He worked for days and days and he finally got the formula working, so he thought. He finished about the same time they found out that they would have a baby. He went out and borrowed a neighbor's cat to see if he was successful.

The missus was naturally curious, which would probably why she loved to do research. When her husband left, she crept into the basement to look at his wares. The wall was plagued with pictures of his previous inventions as well as notes and charts. She smelled what seemed to be like vinegar. It was coming from a Petri dish. It was filled with this teal colored liquid. She bent down for a closer look as it bubbled. It erupted and some landed on her face. It stung like a hot plate and she ran to the utility sink to wash it off. Her husband returned a few minutes later and administered the stuff to the cat he had. He then went back out again to return the cat. Nothing happened, the cat was exactly the same.

Five years later, the two had a rough time with their little boy Joey when he was five. First it started without warning. The boy woke up with a cat tail. This freaked them out, but they never suspected the cat experiment because Mr. Birch got tired of that and was now occupied with astronomy. The situation deteriorated from there over the next few weeks as their son continued to lose his humanity. They feared that they'd lose their son completely and they'd be left with an ordinary house cat. That did not happen, the changes stopped, and they were left with a humanoid tabby cat for a son.

The boy was depressed as a boy his age could be. He was confused as to how this was happening to him. This was compounded by ridicule and he'd cry bitter tears at night. Yet he managed to sleep peacefully in his room in the basement.

He grew over the years and developed quite well. He stayed fit and ate right. Joey would consider joining sports, but there were none that he was interested in that he could join given his shape. With sports out of the question, he turned to music and played the sax for the band. Girls thought he was very cute. He was polite to them, but he wasn't really interested in them. At first he though it was because he wasn't human, but came to realize that the he wasn't attracted to them was that he was gay. He had to take showers with other guys and he remained calm and concentrated on himself. The only way he wasn't developing like his male classmates was that he wasn't growing body hair. The only place he had human hair was on the top of his head. The rest of his body was covered with cat fur just like it had been for years. He loved looking at his body wearing nothing but briefs. It was soon his senior year in high school. Next year would be college and he'd be at a university filled with out-of-towners. His existence would come out sooner or later.

I finished my story for my new neighbor Jorge and I said, "So, what do you think?" Jorge said, "Muy bien Gato Joe." I said, "Gato Joe?" He said, "Yea, you're a cat. I'm not insulting you or anything by it." I just shrugged my shoulders and said, "Hey, whatever."

Later that evening Jorge told his parents about their odd neighbor over dinner. Mr. Jaime Rodriguez said, "Don't lie hijo. There's no such thing." His mother Rosa said, "Is that what you're talking about Jorge?" The three looked back and saw a humanoid cat taking out the trash. His father said, "Sorry son." Jorge said, "That's okay Dad. I didn't believe it at first." They finished and rested for the evening.

So I had a new neighbor. I said at the dinner table, "I met our new neighbor today." My dad said, "The one behind us?" I nodded and said, "Yea. He's Hispanic. When he saw me, he starred at me." Mom said, "Well, you are the only cat person in existence." I chuckled, "Yea, but after all these years I still don't feel different. Wishful thinking I guess." It was true. Deep inside I still felt human owing to the fact that I had human emotions. My parents were concerned that I'd feel like a monster. When you're a little kid most things seem like magic and I remember feeling that I changed by magic. Over time I came to realize that I became like this due to the power of science.

Later that night, in my dark basement, I looked up at the glow in the dark stars that dotted my ceiling. I liked looking at the stars. It made me feel calm. With these cat eyes of mine, I can see very well in the dark and it took awhile for my brain to get used to the signals it received. My thoughts turned to my new neighbor Jorge. Looking at his muscular copper colored torso made me think of what I'd look like as a human. The more I thought of his bare chest, the hornier I got. I rubbed my paws all over my furry chest and purred with glee. My hands crept ever so closer to my groin, already tenting my underwear. I slid them down and wrapped my right paw around my member. There was a risque saying among the guys at school. Joey the Cat: Hung like a man, but furry like an animal. My dick was unchanged, not like it is for the common cat. I was never circumcised because my dad was suspicious and wanted me to have the chance to decide for myself if I wanted to be cut or not. I started to jack my dick, slowly. I kept thinking about Jorge Rodriguez. How big was his dick? Was he uncut? I guess it didn't matter. All that matters down there is that just as long as you can get hard and shoot, you're in working order. I quickened my pace as my mind undressed my neighbor. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I moaned as my cum discharged from my dick. I swiped a finger through the sticky mess and licked it. I used my underwear to dry myself off. I yawned and went to bed.

Throughout the following months, Jorge and I became good friends. One thing that wasn't discussed was sex. He didn't ask probably because he felt that since I wasn't human, I wasn't seeking romance or anything. Indeed, I did feel that way, what guy or gal would have me looking as I do. Since he didn't ask me, I felt it was fair not to ask him. He acted straight, but perhaps it was just a mask. It certainly was.

We were both 18 and in the middle of spring. As usual, we were mowing our lawns at the same time. His folks had gone to another town to look at antiques which is something he doesn't like and mine were out shopping. It was unusually hot and we were in our shorts. He said, "Amigo, don't you get hot in that?" I said, "Yea, but it's not like I can take this off." We continued from there and finished in about two hours. He said, "Hey, why don't you come over now so we can hang out." I said, "What about my bath?" He paused and said, "Oh, okay. Go take your bath and come back out."

I went inside and took a quick shower. I dried myself off as best as I could. Hey, when you have fur, drying take a long time. I quickly threw some clothes on and wrote a note to my parents telling them where I would be should they come in. I certainly didn't expect them to. They'd probably be back by supper time. I locked up the house and jumped the fence. Jorge was there to let me in.

He was in the shorts he'd worn for soccer practice. Soccer was one of the few sports I could participate in so we'd often go home together. He said, "Want some lemonade?" I said, "Sure." He reached into the cabinet and took out a plastic cup. He took the jug of lemonade and poured me a cup. I drank it and it was good, but I guess after mowing the lawn under a hot sun, any liquid's refreshing. Jorge took my paw and said, "Come on, let's go to my room and watch TV." We went up to his room and he still had my paw in his hand. Part of me wanted him to let go, but the other part said to let him decide when it was time to let go.

We watched some Spanish language show. I couldn't understand a word, but thankfully the Closed Caption option showed the English. Jorge was watching the show, but then he wasn't. It was as if he didn't really want to watch. I said, "What's wrong?" He said, "We're best friends, right?" I said, "Sure." He paused and said, "I think I love you." I was shocked, but was calm. I replied, "You think? What makes you say that?" My friend said, "Whenever I see in shorts, I get the biggest, hardest pinga I've ever had." I smiled, "So I make you horny? Hey that's okay. You turn me on too." He frowned, "There must be something wrong with me. Not only are you the only guy that arouses me, but you're a fucking cat person too. Doesn't that bother you?" I said, "No. Remember what I've said, this way I look is just me on the outside. Inside I care and feel like any human out there."

He nodded in agreement. He slowly brought his lips to my mouth and kissed me. His tongue entered my mouth and mine entered his. I was on top of him and his hands rubbed my back and went downward to my tail. I purred as he felt me all over. He wrapped his hand around it and moved it up and down from the tip down to the base. His hands rubbed my furry rear as he said, "Damn, you're one sexy cat." I said, "Why, thank you." His hand moved to his shorts and he whispered, "So hard." I replied, "Let me help." I pulled down his soccer shorts and came face to face with a jockstrap clad cock. My paw rubbed the pouch and saw his dick tenting the jockstrap. He looked at me and said, "Go on, take it out." I reached out, pulled the strap out of the way and took his thick piece of chorizo out. I rubbed it and then started to lick it from the bottom to the top. Jorge said, "Oh, you're tongue feels so good." I accepted the complement, "Yup. This is so yum." I then stuck the thing in my mouth and gave my friend a good sucking. I never had sucked a dick before, but I was certainly trying my best." He moaned, "Ugh, I'm going to cum. Ugh, Ugh. Oh, amigo." I felt his cum shoot into my mouth and man was it delicious. I took it out and squeezed out the rest. When he was rested he said, "Let me return the favor."

I sat down on the couch and he took my cock into his mouth. He didn't use his hand at all, but preferred to use them to massage my furry balls. I was in a state of bliss. I could have clawed the old sofa that he had in the corner of his room or his shirt, but they stayed retracted. I eagerly humped into his mouth. He certainly knew the technique of cocksucking well. I gauged this by the fact that I felt the pressure rising. It increased ever so slowly, I tried holding it in so that I could get the full effect. I then let myself go. My cock pulsated in his mouth. He drank all the manjuice I could give. He took my dick out and laughed. We stood up and hugged feeling each other's bodies. He said, "Gracias. Thanks, bud. Was that awesome or what?" I nodded and said, "Intense." Jorge said, "Joey, I can't wait to do some more." I said, "Me too." We put on our clothes and bid each other a good day.

I would appreciate any comments you may have, but please keep insults or flames to a minimum. I'll try to respond to everyone, but no promises. Please mention the title of the story so I know what you are referring to. You can email me at:

Next: Chapter 2

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