Cat Got Your Cock?

By Ebon Artist

Published on Jun 21, 2017



*Batman and Robin are property of DC comics. Robin is a creation of Bill Finger.

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Batman and Robin stalked silently through the old warehouse, carefully listening for the slightest clue. Catman had robbed the Gotham Diamond Exchange that morning, and a citizen had alerted the police that he'd seen the slippery cat-burglar enter this abandoned area of the city.

"Gosh, Batman," Robin whispered. "This must be the third warehouse we've checked out."

"Yes, Robin. Sadly, this area of the city has been left to sink into ruin. Pay attention, Boy Wonder. When community spirit falters, this is the result!"

The Boy Wonder nodded sagely at his mentor then broke off from him a few steps. "Batman! Over here!" he hissed.

Batman's cape swirled as he followed the young boy, alert and attentive. "Good eyes, Robin. It looks like Alfred's insistence on carrots in your lunch box is paying off. That footprint definitely belongs to one of Catman's minions -- they purchase their footwear at the same cheap outlet."

Suddenly, Batman drew back as his keen ears detected a sound that should not be here: the click of a hook releasing it's contents! "Back, Robin!" he said, but he was too late. A heavy net descended on both of them, thick ropes weighted with lead sinkers. One of the sinkers clipped Batman's cowl as it fell, staggering him. Robin thrashed against the ropes, which hopelessly tangled about them both!

Cat-eared men slipped out from behind crates and ran forward, grappling the Dynamic Duo as they struggled.

Batman tried to punch them as they came at him, but the nimble men danced aside, then darted in to land heavy blows against the Caped Crusader! One grappled him from behind, while other took unfair advantage of that to land blow after blow in Batman's tight gut. The cat-minion got right up against the trapped Dark Knight, raining hard blow after blow against Batman's sculpted abs, then reaching to slap and grapple the tight washboard muscles there!

Batman struggled helplessly against the two men, then three as another joined in to help immobilize his strong arms, cannonball-muscles flexing as he tried to free himself. "Despicable vermin! Your unfair tactics will not win, this day!" the Caped Crusader grunted as the grinning cat-minion continued to punch him in the gut over and over, working his ribs and abs like a punching bag. Batman twisted against the other captors, and felt his thick cock begin to harden as heavy boxer-style blows drove into his stomach again and again. Thankfully his trunks and tights were designed to withstand a little stretching, so he was confident that the degenerate criminals were not getting a free show. Still, it was exhilarating, and natural that the purity of pure physical combat between powerful and combat-adept men also be intensely sexually arousing.

The cat-minion working over his abs was a professional fighter by his stance and the intensity and precision of his blows -- all Batman could do was subtly arc his powerful body to minimize the damage. He had trained like this for many years. He was worried about Robin, though; the young boy underwent many physical trials under both his tutelage and the rigors of their double lives, but he was still learning.

Robin was indeed learning, learning that he was twisted in the ropes in such a way that the cat-minions did not have to bind his arms; the heavy and strong ropes did that well enough. Instead they could simply laugh and trade insults as they pushed the fourteen-year-old Boy Wonder between them, delivering a sock to the jaw or a powerful body blow to the trapped teenager. Robin gritted his teeth as he was passed between the men, trying his best to twist and soften the blows as Batman had often shown him -- he was mostly successful, except for a strong punch to his groin that sent the teen boy sprawling to his knees in the net, something his captors took embarrassing advantage of to spank his ass!

Sobbing, gasping in pain, the young boy felt powerful slaps hit his firm, full ass, covered only in his thin silk trunks. Before, blows had landed on his leather vest, which at least afforded some protection, but this! He grunted and struggled as the slaps and laughter made him blush hotly with shame. Batman was only feet away, able to see his humiliation, too! Holy peer review!

To make matters worse, the intense slaps on his ass were also triggering a reflex that had the boy worried -- he could feel his limp penis spring to life in his trunks, hardening into a strong rod easily visible in his thin little trunks! Now he had to stay on his knees, not rise and fight back, or they see how... erect he was. Robin groaned as the slaps continued to redden his ass and thighs, until he trembled and felt a wetness in his trunks! He collapsed, and the cat-men hauled him up -- then began to laugh as they saw the young teen had wet his costume! No, even worse -- he'd shot a load of cum all in his green silk shorts, the thick white mess now trickling down one muscled bare leg!

Robin was grateful for the punch that drove him into unconsciousness.

Batman awoke and immediately flexed his arms -- he was bound, as he expected. He opened his eyes to mere slits, slowly, to keep from alerting the criminals that he was awake.

The cat-minions, dressed in black t-shirts and gray pants, their cat-ears fixed to wire, milled about in a cleared space -- they were will in the warehouse, or one very similar to it -- while Catman stood overlooking the Dynamic Duo. Batman quickly cut his eyes to look for Robin, and clenched his jaw to find the Boy Wonder tied similarly to himself. Both the heroes hung independently from chains that went to movable cranes on long tracks, their wrists cuffed and legs bound with rope. Robin hung limply.

Batman frowned as he noted the boy's trunks were liberally stained with his masculine produce -- he would have to up the boy's special self-control training sessions, where he would have a bat-piston masturbate the boy, while Robin struggled not to give in to the self-pleasure. Still he was proud of his growing boy. Robin simply needed to learn a little more self-discipline.

"I see you are actually awake, Batman!" Catman said as he turned and walked over. The jewel thief was powerfully built, as muscular as Batman himself was, dressed head to toe in sleek, gleaming black leather. Cat ears poked up from his cowl/mask, concealing what Batman knew were firm, strong masculine features. A tuft of hair showed at the costume's neck; Batman knew the thief had a heavy growth of body hair, something he'd always kept to a minimum on himself to ensure his movements in his costume were never impeded.

"I am, you fiend," Batman said through his tensed jaw. The mere presence of so many lawbreakers had his blood up. "Your cowardly trap worked. What are your plans?"

Catman laughed as he walked over to adjust Robin's cape.

"Keep your hands off that boy!" Batman growled.

"Oh, Batman, it looks like the Boy Blunder has had enough hands on him as it is!" Catman laughed as he slid clawed fingers over Robin's stained trunks. Batman tensed. A quick flip of the wrist and the man could emasculate his sidekick instantly. Catman had often remarked that he could be... close... to Batman only if the young teen was ... out of the way.

"Come now, Batman. Surely you don't need this little... entanglement?" Catman purred as he bent in and licked Robin's cheek, the masked boy stirring slightly as the man continued to lick and lick the young boy's pretty face, his soft lips, his chin and neck. "Hmmmm, birdboy tastes so good, though, I... might could see keeping him around. In a cage, of course!"

"This is your last warning, Catman! Leave that boy alone! It's me you want!"

"True, Batlove," Catman warbled as he stepped back, then slapped Robin hard across the face. The teen groaned and his eyes fluttered open.

"Very true. But, I must ask, what is the best way to get Batman all to myself?" Catman purred as he walked over to where Batman hung, and slid his gloved hands over the Caped Crusader's deep chest, razor-sharp claws retracted for now. "The best way is to get Robin... OUT of the way!" he laughed.

As Robin woke, two of the cat-minions walked over and unhooked him from the chains holding him upright, and supported the weakened teen's trim coltish body between them. They then walked over to a steel frame set into the ground, and tied the boy spread-eagled onto it. One stroked Robin's thigh as the other bound the helpless groggy boy tightly to the frame.

Catman then walked over and knelt by Robin's head. "A simple test, Batman! The Cata-mite poison on my claws can drive any man mad with desire. However, I'm certain that the apprentice to the great Batman can... resist it's effects?" Without waiting for an answer, a claw flashed out and drew a deep bloody scratch on Robin's neck!

"Feline fiend!" Batman cried out, snapping one of the bonds with a surge of strength! He was quickly re-tied, and forced to watch as Robin began to sweat.

"Batman! What's happening to me!?" Robin cried out as he struggled in the steel frame. Batman bit his tongue as he watched the lithe smooth fourteen-year-old's lean whipcord muscles flex and struggle against his leather bonds. He watched sweat sheen the youth's face and long bare legs, and could see the teen's sleek young cock grow to hardness. Robin was a big boy for his age, especially when he was sexually excited, and now it seemed the Cata-mite poison burning through the boy's strong form was adding to that - Robin's trunks tented until Batman could see the outline of the teenagers cock plainly etched against the wet clingy silk as the boy's cock pulsed and oozed out precum.

Batman twisted in his bonds, feeling a sense of urgent sexual excitement himself as he watched the lithe teenager struggle. He knew every inch of Robin's body, having trained the boy relentlessly in every martial art, every zen technique, and every nerve-cluster map he knew. He had faith Robin could overcome the pubescent desires racing through him!

Catman laughed as he watched Robin grow hard, panting and struggling uselessly against the leather straps holding him spread-eagled. "By the way, Batman, if the Boy Dunderhead doesn't control himself, the Cata-mite will cause him to ejaculate until his heart explodes! HAHAHA! Now, we're off to relieve the Gotham Yacht Club Charity Gala of all those pretty diamonds and other jewels...."

Catman laughed again as he walked out, his minions following after, leaving the Dynamic Duo to their fate.

"Holy Cash and Carry, Batman! That charity event feeds hundreds of Gotham orphans!"

Batman smiled. Robin always thought of others before his own dire predicament. "Robin, try to twist your body and relieve the pressure on your genitals."

"Gosh, Batman, I'm s-so hard already..." the teen said as he began to contort his smooth lithe form again and again, the acrobatic and limber lad moving his hips in gyrations that Batman could never manage.

Batman swallowed hard as he was forced to watch the beautiful young boy struggle, his own thick foot-long masculine rod fully erect. He watched Robin's thin silk trunks darken as they were wet with the boy's precum, and felt his own length pulse two thick ropes of thin slippery lube over his trapped balls.

He had an idea, and Batman began to move his own hips, effectively fucking his enormous erection against his own costume.

Meanwhile Robin gasped as his contortions finally let his hard cock slip free from a leg hole in his trunks and rise free. The pressure against his cock and balls was relieved a little, but now his quivering boycock pulsed, and a line of thin lube appeared on Robin's chest. "Ugh, Batman... I can't... I wanna cum so badly!"

"Don't worry, I'll have you free... ugh... very soon! Now, this will sound insane, but I WANT you to give in to the drug, Robin, at least for a time! You must cum, old chum!"

"What? But, Batman....?"

"Do as I say, Robin! Quickly!"

Robin swallowed hard as he watched his mentor struggle in his bonds. The same effect his body was having on Batman went double for the Boy Wonder! Batman's powerful muscled form had long held an intense fascination for the youth, even more so since his cock had begun to stiffen whenever Bruce shared his shower and washed slowly and carefully over his growing genitals.

Now, watching the man struggle, the outline of the massive batcock plain against the tight costume, the boy whimpered as he thrust his hips forward...

"Holy Old Faithful, Batman, I can't stop it!!" he cried out as he shot his load! POW! SPLAT!!Four, five thick white ropes of cum hit the Boy Wonder on his chest and in his face! Robin writhed in his intense orgasmic pleasure, moans of pleasure escaping those soft shell-pink lips as the young boy quivered, his strong young cock spitting more cum as his first orgasm began to fade. Then Robin felt the Cata-mite kick in and his cock pulsed again, shooting another load of rich jock-juice all over the kid's tight costume.

"H-holy Cat-scratch Fever, Batman! I can't stop!!"

Batman panted as he watched Robin ejaculate once, twice, three times in a row as the teen boy whined and groaned helplessly. His own cock suddenly pulsed, sending a heavy adult load of cream out of his tights and down his legs. Then it pulsed with more slippery pre-lube, and Batman felt it at last run into his boots. The super-slippery lube soaked into his tights there, held by the pressure of the ropes, and Batman could then slowly slip his foot free!

"Batman!" Robin cried softly as his body trembled, his fourth powerful orgasm in as many minutes wracking his trim form!

"Hold.. still... Boy Wonder... Almost... there..." Batman said, as his leg flexed up and his toes barely managed to unclip a capsule from his utility belt. Years of yoga and stretching paid off as he crushed the capsule with his toes and let the super-slick batlube squirt onto his bonds! He was free in seconds, and at Robin's side as the teen quivered in the steel frame.

Batman reached to stroke the boy's cock with his leather-gloved hand, caressing the teen's sleek natural penis as the boy shot his fifth load. Batman then forced a capsule from his belt into the boy's cumslit, pushing it far, far down into the boy's cock! He stroked Robin's foreskin vigorously as the Boy Wonder bucked in his bonds... then quieted.

"Batman, I think it's working!" the masked boy gasped, his erect cock still pulsing but nothing coming out. Batman moved to massage the boy's balls, lightly crushing the teen's sensitive orbs against each other as Robin clenched his jaw in pain. He rolled the smooth eggs in his hand, tightening his fist again and again as he stroked Robin's cum-spattered cheek.

"It's OK now, old chum. The Cata-mite will burn itself out very soon," Batman said as he moved to untie Robin, who sprang up as soon as he could, rubbing his wrists. Then the teen slid his sopping-wet trunks off, and unfolded another pair from a compartment on his utility belt. Donning fresh silk panties, the teen then sprayed his vest and mask with bat-stain-be-gone, cleaning them off instantly.

Batman rubbed his partner's shoulders, smiling. "I'm proud of you for following what must have seemed like very... contradictory orders, Boy Wonder," he said.

"Aw shucks, Batman, I knew you had a plan! Now, we need to nab those felonious felines!" the teen said, smacking his fist into the other palm.

"Not yet, old chum. I still need... to take care of something," Batman said, trying not to blush. He guided Robin's hand to his own trunks, still tented with his thick rod.

"Holy lodgepoles, Batman! I can take care of that for you, just like you taught me!" the caped boy said, kneeling and leaning in to nuzzle the man's trunks, then open them up to pull out the foot-long Batpole inside. The youth stroked up and down with both his leather-gloved hands at once, and Batman leaned back on a crate to compose himself before he felt Robin skin back his loose foreskin, the boy's soft lips and tongue beginning to kiss and caress his massive glans.

"Good boy, Robin," the Caped Crusader grunted as he pushed his thick length forward against the Boy Wonder's eager mouth. "Good boy...."


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