Cat and Mouse

By Lorenzo Cooper

Published on Mar 3, 2002



DaJaun's Story

Walking home from school had become as natural as breathing every day. I buttoned my coat tightly, and raised my collar for some extra warmth as I prepared to brave the frigid air outside. Old Man Winter was in rare form this year, laying down inches of snow and ice, dropping temperatures 15 and 20 degrees below zero. This weather made coming to school miserable. I wish school was let out for the winter. I wish I could hibernate like a bear. As I made my exit, I waved to the front office staff, and began my journey home. It would take an hour before I reached my home, but I was used to the weather and the walk. I didn't have on my hat but I did wear my ear muffs. I put on my leather gloves and I was on my way home.

I walked across the street to the mall. I decided that if I was making the hike to my home I would need something hot for my insides. I went to the bakery shop and ordered myself a huge cup of hot chocolate, and two chocolate honey dip donuts. I continued through the mall until I came out on the opposite side. I began to cut across the parking lot. Being pulled by the wind in various directions, and struggling to see through the snow encircling me. I kept on towards Druid Hill Park. I staggered through the snow, oblivious to all things around me. I saw nothing, and heard no one. I felt alone and the growing darkness made me feel almost as if I was the only person left on the planet. My lips grew chapped from drinking the hot cocoa. I reached into the pockets of my coat and after searching them with cold hands found the lip balm I was looking for. I moisturized my lips in vain. I couldn't believe how dark it had gotten, and I wasn't even close to my home. I walked as briskly as I could, moving through the trees and the snow.

Although it seemed that I was alone in the park, it felt as if I were being followed, or as if eyes were on me as I journeyed through the park by myself. I got a little paranoid about being in the park at dark. Stories about people being murdered, and found mangled in the park would race through my head every so often. Yet despite all of these stories, I still used the park as a short cut to get home. The park linked the westside of Baltimore to the eastside. It wouldn't be long before I would reach the exit of the park. I had two land marks I passed as guidepoints to the exit. I would come across an obelisk-like white statue , and then I would pass a pavillion. The pavillion was close to the exit road that would lead me out of the park. The wind picked up and I felt my body slowing down as the wind pushed against me. I barely saw the white statue, and I struggled to get past it. Up the road a ways, I could see the pavillion.

I struggled up the side of the road when suddenly I was tackled to the ground. Terror set in as my mind raced like quicksilver. I felt strong arms pull at my colllar, and instinctually I began to fight. I heard the muffled sound of a man as I defended myself as best I could. My adrenaline began rising in a struggle to get away. I felt my bookbag being pulled, and I was on the ground again. The tumble in the snow was tiresome, but terror coursed through my veins. I wanted to survive. As I fought I was praying for a miracle. As I struggled, I managed to pull off his hat and his scarf revealing his face. His face was familiar to me, but seconds were like minutes and the only thing that kept us in a tug of war was the weather. If the weather had been clear I don't think I would have lasted as long as I did. For some strange reason, I saw the pavillion as my way out. I struggled to my feet giving him a kick in the chest, I heard him cry out. I was running in the snow. My legs tired from the fight felt as if I was running through quicksand. Just as I reached the entrance to the pavillion, I was tackled onto the cement floors. My head spinning for what seemed like hours. I was dazed, but I knew I was still fighting. I felt wetness trickling down my face. The blood from a contusion. Something deep inside made me fight harder. I punched at the air, hitting him a few times while backing away. He lept like a tiger to prey, I reached for his coat to balance myself but instead I swiped his face with my nails. I hit the ground once more. I was too weak to fight, and I was hoarse from screaming for help. He collapsed on top of me. I looked into his eyes for the first time, and there was rage there. There was also pleasure and hunger. I pleaded with him that I didn't have any money. He kept yelling, 'You better give me something or I am going to kill you.' I pleaded, my will preventing me from sobing, I felt a tear escape. I looked on as he shuffled through my pockets. I felt enough energy to kick him, and it landed right in his stomach. I crawled to my feet when I felt him stomp down on my back. I collapsed to the floor. Turning me over, he slapped me twice. Then jacking me up, he slung me onto the wooden park table. I knew I had to fight, but I was getting so tired. He punched me and I was laying on the table. Still dazed I felt him on top of me. "Payback is a bitch, ain't it", he said. He removed my belt and tied my arms together. Then pulled my arms above my head to tie the belt to the table legs. I knew it was freezing outside but I was so hot. I was sweating. I didn't want to die, and I kept repeating that. Pleading for my life. I felt my shoes being pulled off, and then I felt my pants being pulled off of me. I screamed and pleaded in the back of my mind, I recalled all the stories about being 'robbed' in the park. I wondered why I was being tied down. I couldn't battle anymore. To me it served no purpose. I struggled with the knot in the belt. My eyes watering as I feel my boxers being stripped off. I kicked and thrashed about like a fish out of water, and then I felt a blow to my midsection. My knees drew closer to my chest as I balled into a fetal position. The air was knocked out of me. I couldn't scream any more instead I coughed, and silently accepted defeat. I watched him with weary eyes open his heavy jacket. The blood on my forhead felt cold, and dry. I wanted to be home in my bed under a warm blanket. I wanted to be so far away from here. I felt warm hand on my legs, pulling them apart, and I struggled, but when I saw his fist come up. I allowed him to open my legs. I watched him dig into his jacket pocket and pull out a knife. "Any more fighting from you, and you are dead", he said. I cried. I saw him unbutton his pants. All the while he was explaining that I deserved this, because I wouldn't give him what he wanted. I really didn't have any money. I was only 17. He had to be about 21 or something like that. I wanted to be away from here, but I guess I had to endure this. I felt his body move between my legs. He didn't care that I saw his face. He didn't care that I was watching. He had conquered me, and as much as I would tell this to anyone. I would be marked with shame, and his eyes told that story. His eyes said that he knew me, and his eyes held anger, pain, passion, and love. He had planned his attack precisely, and he won. What did he want? He wanted me to proclaim he was the winner. He wanted me to submit. I wouldn't submit. I heard him spit, and smear the wetness over my asshole. I tightened my sphincter. He applied more spit then began prodding me with his dick. It had to be about 9 inches or more. My asshole was so tight. I told no one of my sexual wants, and I hid behind the confines of school books and church. I didn't engage in any form of sex, because I was afraid and now I was about to be devirginized by a familiar face without a name. I felt the pressure of his dick trying to get inside me, and I held off for a while. I guess that part of conquering a person is patience, because he didn't give up. Instead, he persisted. He applied more spit, and the head was in but only the tip, and I tried to clench. He then thrusted his dick forward, and I screamed as I felt him penetrate deep into my bowels. His dick barrelling down my walls. He had finally conquered me completely. I bit my lips in pain as my legs wrapped around him trying in vain to ease the pain that my insides were going through. He plummetted deeper with every thrust until finally he was on top of the table fucking me, and I was panting, sweating, and crying. My ass burned as if on fire, and he slowed down at one point. He looked into my eyes and I turned my head, but he forced me to look ino his eyes. And his face was so familiar. I knew these eyes from somewhere in time, and as I looked he picked up his pace. And my screams weakened turning to whining with every thrust. I moaned and I held eye contact with him. Faster and deeper. Then even faster and deeper. My mouth quivering with with a mixture of pain and passion. My body quaked as I involuntarily began to climax. My eyes watering. He banged his pelvis against my ass, and his head flung back. His dick felt implanted within my stomach and I cried out. He slammed his way inside of me, and flung his head downwards. Looking into my eyes with a savage glare,and I screamed, "Ohhhhhh, Roland please stop." With a flood of animal passion, I felt him explode deep within me. My mind flooding with thoughts of my childhood rival. Jealous of all things I had accomplished. Ashamed of losing to me, because he knew then what he knew now. That I was gay. Roland my rival had vowed revenge after destroying his ego time and time again. He walked in my shadows, and lurked in the backgrounds of everything I did. Roland a rival I hadn't seen or heard from in about ten years. I layed still, quivering from my climax. Roland buried deep inside my looked in astonishment as I looked at him. Smiling he said, "You lose this time." I looked up recalling a childhood wrestling match that sparked an argument in which I exclaimed, 'I would never lose to a punk like you', and in front of fellow peers beat him until he cried for mercy. Today I was on the receiving end. His eyes knew that I wouldn't tell. His eyes knew that I liked it. His eyes could actually see beyond my exterior. He withdrew his penis. Babbling in amazement about me still being a virgin. All the while, I lay in shock. He pulled up his pants, and buttoned his heavy jacket. I watched as he walked around the table. I felt him tug at my arm, then the belt loosened. He threw the little bit of money he had taken back at me, and stretching looked at me with a devilish glare. His eyes wanted more but he wanted me to be in fear, and for the first time I was. I was afraid that I would eventually grow to love him. Finally he had challenged me. He might be worthy after all. Just as I finished putting on my close he grabbed my neck and plunged his tongue down my throat and began kissing me for minutes passionately rolling his tongue around and I am ashamed to admit that I reciprocated his kiss. He broke away shoving a piece of paper into my pocket and then he left. No goodbye or anything. When I looked at the paper it said, "call me."

Roland's Story

I always felt inferior. Not good enough ...until today. I had grown strong in every aspect...mentally, physically, emotionally, socially, spritually, financially, and sexually. For years, I waited patiently for my time to get revenge. What better way to make a person pay then by fucking them. That's exactly what I wanted. If my love wasn't good enough then... my sex definitely would be good enough now. I watched as the snow blanketed the park. I remember jogging through the park and seeing him walk past without a care in the world. He didn't even remember me.

Today was the perfect day to strike. Nobody was outside because of the storm. The wind screamed like a banshee, and the snow mixed through the air in billions of thick clumps making it hard to see through. I waited for my rival. I wanted him more now then ever. Why did I want him so much? I wanted him because I realized he was a challenge, and I grew to love that aspect. I grew to even love him, but how could some queer make me feel this way. His punk ass only out smarted me but he could never beat me physically...not now anyway. I remember in school when he got the best of me. I felt embarassed. I felt ashamed. I always looked at him in the same manner that I look at girls as being weak, and he proved me wrong. I waited on my porch from across the street. I saw a figure walking throught the park. I couldn't tell who it was, but instinct told me to go after the figure. And I did.

I approached stealthily like a tiger in an Indian jungle. I moved through the snow quietly and swiftly. I knew that he would go the same way, so I went ahead of him in that direction. I knew that he rarely ventured off course. He was stubborn that way. Never giving in to new ideas or even bending for change. He stayed the same ....predictable. Now I realized that this was his weakness.

As he approached the statue, for a minute I hesitated. I didn't want to hurt him, but I did want to teach him a lesson. I wanted his respect. I wanted him to love me back. The wind pushed at me screaming in my ears to attack. "Attack tiger...ATTACK!" And I did just that. I lept accross the snow barrelling him down. I caught him off guard. He panicked, and for the first time I sensed fear. I grabbed him by the collar, and smacked him back into the snow. His catlike eyes and soft skin looked so delicate, but he still defended himself ferociously. I attacked again grabbing his bookbag and slinging him like a rag doll to the ground. I played with him for minutes. Rolling around tumbling with him to get him tired. Naw actually... it was to press his body up against mine and feel him fighting under me. I liked his hands pounding on my chest in vain. I was surprised at how his punches didn't even affect me. Somewhere in the midst of the fight, he pulled my scarf and hat off, and his eyes looked surprised as if he was trying to figure me out. He got up and kicked me in the chest, and I had to laugh because it was so much like what he would do when we were younger. I wanted him to escape, so that I could chase him. Before I could do anything, he was running like the wind. I stood up brushed off my clothes and chased him. Just as he got to the pavillion, I tackled him again, this time using my full strength and it worked. When I turned him over his head was bleeding, and his eyes were glazed. I didn't want to hurt him. He kept fighting but he was definitely dazed. I didn't even try to fight him. I saw that he was about to back out of the pavillion into the cement and I lunged towards him. He reached for my coat and I grabbed him. We fell together but my arm was under his head and he was still dazed.

He pleaded but now I was hungry. I guess he sensed that because he kicked me and then ran again, but now I was hungry. Without any effort I had him in my grip. Slapped him twice and flung him onto a wooden table. He wanted to fight.... I wanted to be pleased. I punched him in the stomach once, and that took some energy out of him. Now I was ready. My dick was swelling in my boxers slowly making a tent in the denims I had on. I wanted to see his naked body. I looked down and I saw the belt he was wearing. I decided to tie his arm to the table. He kicked and struggled. I punched him in the stomach again. This time he balled up like a baby. I saw a tear come from his eyes, and I didn't really want to hurt him. So I decided I would make threats like I was trying to rob him. I pulled out a knife and threatened to cut his throat. Instantly he became very quiet and still. I pulled at his boxers, and he was as hard as a rock. His dick had to be about 8 inches but it turned me on that he was turned on to some degree. He was looking at me with surprise but I was smearing spit onto his asshole. Taking the same fingers and sucking them as I applied more spit to his hole. He was extremely tight, and deep down inside I was proud. I was about to take him. I unzipped my pants and my fat 10 inches jutted out in front of me like a sword. I had never been that hard in my life. It was like brick. I was so hard that it hurt. I slowly began to jab at his asshole, and he began to tighten his ass and legs. I balled up my fist (never intending on hitting him) and held it over his stomach like I was ready to jab him again. His legs released and even his asshole gave a little. His sphincter quivered as I finally pushed into him. I was inside of him finally and it was paradise. The warmth of his insides wrapped around my dick in a vice grip. His eyes closed and mouth slightly opened, panting softly, biting down on his lips. His chocolate skin glistening and it seemed as if the snow wasn't even there. It seemed like the world had stopped. I wanted to be home with him in my bed making love to him non-stop. I pushed further into him until I had to climb up on the table. I was so deep inside of him. He pulled his legs up and wrapped them around me. I thrusted forward and he moaned loudly. Then I began to fuck him slowly. His eyes glazed as I thrusted inside of him. His dick leaking pre-cum onto his stomach, and I was smearing it with my fingers licking it and then placing them into his mouth. He turned at first, but then I slammed my dick into him and he opened his mouh. I put my fingers with his pre cum in his mouth. Making him taste it, and he instantly began to groan louder. My hands behind his neck. I lifted his headed and started to suck on his neck. Pulling the skin to give him a passion mark. He struggled to break away in vain. I picked up my pace, and he began to scream. But it wasn't in pain. His legs locked around me and he was grinding forward. He liked me fucking him. He liked me inside of him. His inside grew wet, and it felt so good. I kept beating that ass. I wanted to kiss him. I turned his head to meet mine, and he struggled. He was thrashing like he was possessed. I forced his head to look at me, and we instantly made eye contact. Holding each other in our gaze. I felt like I was about to explode. His walls grew extremely tight, and he screamed, " Please don't stop...Roland!!!" I looked down thrusting into him calling his name after every other thrust. "Oh shyt Dajuan...Oh Shyt shortttyyyy." I exploded inside him. It felt like fireworks going off in the park on the Fourth of July. I kept fucking him until we both laid spent. His eyes closed, he began to kiss my forehead. He was crying silently, but he kept kissing my forehead. I looked at him and smiled. I had won. Of course, I said some arrogant shit. I wanted him to know that I was the man, but he resumed his normal arrogance and paid me know attention. I pulled out of him and it felt as if I was pulling his stomach with my dick. I pulled up my pants, put on my coat and walked around the table. He was still naked. His body was beautiful. I wanted him to come home with me, but that would be too soon. I untied his arms and he slowly got up to put his clothes back on. I threw his money back at him, and I even gave him my down-filled Phat Farm coat. Before he left I kissed him. And he kissed me back. I shoved my numbr into his pocket.


Dajuan' Story

I called him today. It has been about two days. I had to regroup and rethink this situation. I was jumped and fucked by my rival, and I liked it. As a matter of fact, I have been horny every since. This could be infatuation, but I feel something deeper. I must admit I have always had a crush on him, but he urked me with this over macho attitude which is why I always made him look like shit. I think I really hurt his feelings sometimes, but I really did want him to be my boyfriend back then. The only weird thing about that is that he used to pick with me for being gay, and now he wants to fuck me. I think I still want something to come out of this like a companion. I couldn't believe this. I called and asked for him, and he sounded so damn good. I was instantly aroused. He wants me to come over his house. I sat listening silently smiling to myself...maybe I didn't lose after all.

Roland's Story

He called today. Sounding all innocent and shit. It took him two days, but I guess I put the mash on that ass, and he had to recuperate. I listened to him beat around the bush for about an hour. We did laugh, and we actually had a converstaion. Which was deep. I was weak for him, but he would never know it. I loved him. I really was deeply in love with him. I had to have another moment with him. I invited him over. At first he got very quiet, and then he said he would be here in twenty minutes. I offered to pay his cab. He said he would be here in ten minutes. I think he gets the picture.

With All My Love, Mkrann.

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