Castoff Goods

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on May 15, 2007




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



"You know better'n that!" Cliff chided as he watched Tyler drag the old TV set up and put it on top of the garbage truck. The ropes let him lash it up there, and Cliff shrugged, hauled the bin himself alone over to the rear of the truck. A careful push let him lock the bin into place.

"Ready whenever you are, Rockefeller." he said to Tyler.

"Can you get the rope on that other side?" Tyler called back to him.

"Sure." Cliff said and he went over and tied the rope on. "But you know darned well nobody ever throws away a working television set. You're wasting your time with this."

"My time to waste, isn't it?" Tyler argued.

"Sure." Cliff sighed. "Let's get moving." Bad enough they were short handed, only the two of them on this truck, so Tyler had to drive and then put the truck in neutral, help Cliff haul the bin over to the back and then run back and operate the lift to dump the trash into the truck. Cliff did it by himself when he could, but it was a strain. And made worse by Tyler's insistence on testing out every piece of electronic crap that came their way.

Castoffs from wealthy families. Maybe they would throw away a working television set. But it wasn't likely. Hell, you could always put the old set into a bedroom or give it to the maid or something. Still, Tyler kept trying and kept bringing it all back to work the next day and throwing it into the truck where it should have gone to begin with.

Sure, all sanitation workers (Hell, Cliff wasn't proud, make that "garbage men") would scrounge among the rubbish for things of value. Cliff did it himself now and then. Not too often. Maida, his live-in girlfriend, always sniffed when he did that, swearing the stuff stank of garbage when it never did. Of course, she thought he always stunk of garbage after a shift until he took a shower. You'd think a girl who'd fallen in love with a garbage man would have known a few stinks came with the territory. Not to mention the castoff goods.

People threw out things they didn't need. Unless they decided to hold a garage sale with it or something, there was always something in the day's take that you could take home and get some use out of. Like that coffee table in Cliff's living room right now, it had been out with the garbage one day. He had taken it home and buffed it and given it a fresh coat of laquer and it had looked just fine. Maida hated it, though, soon as she'd found out its origin after a fight. Same for the lamp set he had in the bedroom, one shade was damaged but you stuck it in the corner and you couldn't see the bad spot. And both lights worked just fine, the ceramic towers were a bit chipped, but some paint he'd dabbed on helped hide that. People shouldn't be so damned wasteful, he kept telling Maida. Their carelessness was his wealth. One of the perks of being a garbageman was getting all the stuff they tossed out, thinking it was useless.

He climbed back onto the truck and waved. On down the curved road they went.

Cliff saw it there on the edge, shining in the early morning dawn. A big, beautiful book shelf! Six feet high, nearly that wide, with five sets of shelves in it. Damn, he could put that in the living room and put all kinds of stuff on it.

"That set of shelves are mine!" he called to Tyler.

"All right!" Tyler said. "You think it's going to go up on top of the truck, though? And how are you going to get it home with you?"

"I'll figure out how." Cliff said.

Unless there was something wrong with it. He scrutinized the shelves carefully. Nope, it was fine. Made of pressed-board with a faux wood-grain covering, the bookshelf was a bit battered on the corners, but still very useable. Probably the former owner had bought a true wood bookshelf and tossed this poor but serviceable bookshelf out as now being beneath his station. Dumb ass. It was his now!

Getting it on top of the garbage truck was a major chore, the shelving weighed something like a hundred and fifty pounds. But Tyler grinned and struggled with him all the way. Then they teamed up to haul the bags near the shelf over to toss it into the hopper on the back of the truck.

"A good day's haul so far." Tyler said when Cliff climbed into the cab after that. They were ready to make a trip into the yard now. And it still wasn't yet six a.m.; they'd get two more runs in today before eight o'clock if they were lucky. Then that baby was going home with him and into his living room! It'd go along that wall where the TV set sat in the corner, the angle kept him from putting anything large along that wall, but this shelf ought to slip right in.

"Yep, a good day's haul." Cliff agreed. "Not a durned thing wrong with that bookshelf, neither."

"Hope that Maida lets you keep it." Tyler said.

"Yeah, she's funny about castoff goods." Cliff said, not for the first or the twentieth time. "I don't know why she sniffs at them. Everything I take home is perfectly good."

"Yep." Tyler nodded.

"How does your wife feel about you taking in all those electronics."

"Doesn't say a word about it." Tyler said.

"Why, you put it all out in the garage?" Cliff wanted to know.

"Nope. Cicely left me about three months ago."

"Oh." Cliff felt like he'd put his foot in it. "I didn't know, man, sorry."

"It's all right."

"Why'd she leave you?" Cliff asked. Hell, why would any woman want to leave a guy like Tyler? Big, strong man, working with trash gave any man muscles like a girl loves to feel. The money was damned good. And the castoff goods to make their life that much better. Yep, the life of a garbageman's wife was a rich one...long as you weren't like Maida and minded the smell!

Tyler looked over at Cliff. "Well, I kinda threw her out. Came home a bit early one day and she was in bed with a guy from her work. Turns out they'd been doing it every morning while I was out here on the job."

"Man." Cliff chewed that over. "That sucks."

"Yeah." Tyler said. "What I get for marrying a waitress. With her working evenings and me working mornings, we didn't get to see enough of each other."

"Man, that totally bites." Cliff said. "If Maida did that to me, I don't know what I'd do."

"How do you know she isn't?" Tyler wanted to know.

"Awww, hey!" Cliff warned Tyler.

"Sorry." Tyler said. "I'm down on all women just right now. You understand. Kinda like that TV set I picked up. Something nobody wants no more."

"You'll get through it." Cliff said, putting his hand on Tyler's shoulder.

Tyler put his hand on Cliff's a moment, then said, "Yeah, I reckon I will."

"You want to come over for dinner tomorrow tonight?" Cliff said. "I'll ask Maida to fix up a real nice meal for you."

"Hey, thanks." Tyler said. His hand went onto Cliff's on his shoulder again and squeezed, and embarrassed, Cliff pulled it away.

Tyler was a heck of a great guy, at the end of their work shift at ten o'clock, when he saw that there was no way Cliff could haul that bookshelf on top of his little Honda Accord, he volunteered the use of his pickup to take it home for him. Cliff drove the way in front of his new possession and he and Tyler hauled the heavy bookcase up into his home.

His coffee table was gone. So was the chair he'd also scrounged from his work, the one with bare arms he kept covered and was perfectly fine. He didn't have to look further, but he did, every thing he'd taken in from his rounds on the garbage truck was now missing. So was Maida.

Tyler looked at him with pursed lips. "Reckon you and Maida need to have a little talk when she gets home."

"Yeah." Cliff said. "I wouldn't count on tomorrow night after all, sorry."

"It's okay." Tyler said. "You want to talk about it, tomorrow, we will." He put a hand on Cliff's shoulder, kept it there a while, a strange smile on his face and then acted embarrassed himself, and left. Cliff rubbed his shoulder when Tyler's hand had been. Something was eating at Tyler, all right. But what?

The scene with Maida when she returned that afternoon was ugly enough to put anyone in a bad mood. Cliff didn't sleep too well and then he had to get up at 3:00 a.m. in order to make it in to work by 4:30 a.m. They didn't start until 5:00, but it was nice to sit and talk and drink coffee before starting in on the work.

Tyler was there at their truck, like he was waiting for him. One look at Cliff's face and he started up the engine. "Let's get an early start on our shift, what say?" Tyler said.

"Sure, why not." Cliff agreed.

But Tyler parked the truck just a few blocks away, down an alley between two businesses. "So how'd it go?" he asked Cliff.

"How do you think?" Cliff said in return.

Tyler considered it. "Given the look on your face, I'd guess she either smashed the stuff so nobody could ever use it again, or she put it someplace and said either you get rid of it or she'd leave you."

"Right the second time." Cliff said. "It's all stuck in a storage locker. I have a week to get it out and get rid of it. But if I bring it back home, she said, then she's leaving me."

Tyler just nodded.

"I can't figure her out!" Cliff complained. "Ain't nothing at all wrong with any of that stuff! Well, okay, little things but it's nothing you can't live with! I wasn't taking empty cans and bottles home or nothing like some guys do. But Maida just said she was tired of living with the stuff other people didn't want. Said it made her feel like I didn't want her. I tell you, after all these months of bitching, she's pretty much right."

"So what you going to do?"

Cliff sighed. "Bring it all back at the end of the week. Give her that long to decide to let me keep it, or find herself somewhere else to live. This is part of what I am, I'm a sanitation worker, hell, I'm a garbage man! She can't live with me and not live with that, is what I told her. Long as I was going to work this job, I was going to sometimes find stuff too good to let go to waste. Nothing wrong with castoff goods."

"Unless you are a castoff good." Tyler smiled sadly. "Like me."

"Oh, hey, man, I'm sorry again." Cliff said hastily. "I didn't know. You never said a word about it. I knew you'd gotten quiet and figured it for home trouble, but nothing this big, or I would have asked."

"That's what Cicely called me, a castoff piece of junk like all the junk I brought home. Now I got all the stuff and I don't have her." Tyler put his hand on Cliff's shoulder again, squeezed. "Maybe you should let Maida have her all new stuff. It can be harder to replace her than to replace that coffee table and bookshelf. I mean it, man, don't let yourself get cast off as worthless just for some things."

"That's not the point." Cliff mumbled. "Geez, I'm a garbage man and proud of it. Why can't she be proud of me for what I am? What's wrong with being a garbage man?"

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Tyler asked him. "It's only some old stuff."

"Hey, if she can't take me for what I am, then she doesn't really want me at all, does she?"

Cliff pointed out, managed a smile. "I guess I'm a castoff good, too. You know anyone who wants a used boyfriend? Only slightly battered and still plenty of use in him. A little polishing and a bit of love will make him as good as new."

"A castoff good." Tyler said. "That makes two of us then. I guess it takes a garbage man to want a garbage man."

"Yeah." Cliff said. Then, "Huh?"

That hand on his shoulder went up and brushed his cheek. Cliff looked over at Tyler. "A couple of guys nobody wants." Tyler murmured. "Who wants to be with a garbage man? Who else is going to understand? There's value in what other people throw away. It'd take another garbage man to appreciate that."

"Yeah, I guess it would." Cliff was reeling at this. One the one hand, he'd never been with another dude before! On the other hand, he'd just found women to be a lot more than he'd bargained for. To have someone who truly understood the life, who wouldn't flinch at the trash that only needed a bit of work to make it all bright and new again, who relished the finds on the edges of the sidewalk waiting each day. Shit, Tyler was right. It'd take another garbage man to want to share his life!

Or maybe it was just that the times with Maida had been so shitty lately. When she would consent to make love to him, it was like she was granting him this huge favor, like she was giving a beggar a quarter or such. That same self-supreme smirk. She'd faked her last half-dozen orgasms, like Cliff couldn't tell or something! She hadn't even tried very hard those last few times.

It was enough to make him feel very much like a castoff good. And here was this garbage man, this kindly soul who knew his value, taking him in.

All this was enough to keep Cliff still while the hand stroked his face, touched his body, slid down his chest and over his stomach. And when it reached his joining at the legs and the bulge he had there, Cliff moaned and had the hardest damned erection he'd had in a hell of a long time! He was wanted again! He was wanted!

"Aw, fuck!" He moaned as his second moan. "Fuck, yeah, fuck!"

Tyler's hand was feeling out his crotch, beneath the coveralls was only a jockstrap and it was old and worn out and the elastic was loose on him, comfortable the way he liked it, Maida had tried to throw it out on him once, too, and he'd had to dig it out of the trash and tell her to leave his clothes the hell alone or was he expected to wear a tuxedo while hauling trash? The jock was still doing its job well enough. No reason to get rid of it yet. And it was comfortable, it knew him. Like Tyler's hand was knowing him, pulling at his cockhead even through the double-thickness of cloth.

Cliff's hands came down and he unzipped his fly. Tyler lifted his hand away and Cliff looked at him, Tyler smiled and his hand came back, his fingers as legs for his hand crept into the crevice of his clothes and danced upon the worn cotton of his jock. Briefly on his briefs, then the fingers found the edge and circled his heat and his life and his power! "Ah, gah, shit!" Cliff sighed. "Damn straight now, yeah, that's it, yeah, shit!"

Tugging, the fingers brought Cliff's dick out into the early morning air. All about them was darkness with only the slightest hint of the day to come in the eastern sky, it would be another hour before the sun rose, but there was this tiniest bit of lightening of the sky over there, perhaps the clouds were reflecting extra light up and it was reaching over the horizon there, like his desire was reaching for this new horizon within Tyler's hand.

Crouching upon his fingertips like a spider, then curving about his column like a dove, the white hand of Tyler caressed his virility alive and the denigrated manhood throbbed for him, to be wanted again, yes, yes, cast aside, worthless, no, no more, he had been reclaimed! Now he would belong to someone who truly would appreciate him, a long life lay ahead, a life filled with use and love and acceptance for what he was, warts and all!

Clenching, Tyler's fist pumped him back and forth, his cock giving out a meaty-sounding wet slorp of sound as his precome poured from his body upon the first pump up, it had been denied him so long, it had built up in there, and now it was time, yes, it was time!

"Aw, fuck, man!" Cliff said. "Shit, take it, man, take it!"

And Tyler leaned over and his mouth closed upon Cliff's dong and Cliff could only moan again. "Aw, fuck, yeah!" he wrenched out in strangled syllables. Shit, Maida hadn't sucked on him in he didn't know how long. It was always her just sort of holding up her arms and legs like she was some kind of upside-down sawhorse...and about as much fun to ride! That didn't match this curved-body, bent-over, tongue-licking, lip-suckling, glans-covering delight he had now. He didn't have to make his work-tired body bounce up and down here, he had it all just for laying where he was and moaning! Aw, hell, yeah, shit, damn, fuck, yeah!

Long, languid, liquidly-lavishing lips upon his love-organ, aw, fuck, wonderful in the area of his work, of his life, here in the truck that cleaned the streets while it blessed him with gifts, now it was bestowing this upon him as well.

Cliff looked down with lust-glazed eyes at the form of his work-buddy and his hand reached out while he watched it as if it belonged to another man, as it felt for Tyler's groin and Tyler turned and he found it then, Tyler's dong nestled there in the nexus of his crotch, and Tyler grunted as his hands fought his fly open and then Cliff could reach in. It somehow didn't surprise him to find nothing under the coveralls, somehow he knew that Tyler had planned this from the moment he'd seen the coffee table was gone, knew that his time had come to take on the cast-off Cliff and make himself Cliff's new partner. Why would he wear underwear at a time like that? No more than Cliff had worn briefs on his sorties out to find a broad to ball for the evening. It fit, it fit exactly, just as Cliff expected to find his treasures waiting at the curb for him each day, Tyler had expected to get him, for one day, after all, everything belongs to the garbage man. We just call some of them morticians!

So Cliff pulled Tyler's pud free and then it was a cramped series of movements, to get himself on top of Tyler without dislodging his prick from Tyler's mouth, but by working together they managed, and then Cliff had hold of Tyler's prong only an inch from his mouth. Was he really about to suck another man's prick? That pleasure at his own groin told him why the hell not?

Cliff closed his lips about Tyler's rod and Tyler moaned like he was about to cream right then and there! Aw, man, to have another man cream in his mouth, that was pretty damned grotty! Grotty like a garbage man! Hell, he didn't flinch from the dirty parts of life! Come on, you fucker, shoot it if you're going to! Cliff thought as he began to nurse the pulsing organ.

Poor Tyler, he must have been doing without longer than Cliff had. Shit, if his wife left him three months ago, and had probably cut him off before then, maybe he hadn't done it in a lot longer time than Cliff. Well, that long dry spell would be over for both of them now! If he couldn't stick his pud into Tyler's mouth every damned morning, he'd know the reason why! Any man worth his salt wants it every day. He might settle for twice a week, but that's the woman's call, not a man with his hungry love-snake dancing its mating ritual every morning and sometimes in the afternoon.

Aw, and Tyler's mouth was driving him insane! He wasn't ever going to let that go, not if he could help it, every morning, shit yeah, that's the life for a garbage man, start the day with a good blow and then out to spend the day removing garbage and finding treasure! Like the treasure that lurked here inside this pud he was sucking on! Shit, Tyler's rod was so fucking hot right now, he bet this bastard was about to blow his cookies but good. Those groans around his cock from Tyler's mouth made that damned clear.

Cliff kept on sucking and Tyler's warnings grew louder, he even tried to pull Cliff away, and when Cliff wouldn't move, then Tyler moaned like mad and he exploded just as hard as Cliff knew he would! Aw, man, he was getting fucking drenched with this love-cream, Tyler had been saving this up for a fucking year, man, hell, he couldn't drink all of this, he had it blowing out around his lips and dribbling off his chin, and he gave up and lifted off, and got chunks of love-jizz spurted right onto his face! He was fucking bathing in Tyler's juice!

Aw, man, the thought of that turned him on so fucking much! Tyler had stopped sucking on his pud while he was being tossed about by his climax, but Cliff didn't need any more than the feeling of those lips still hanging onto his cock, that and the spunk-bath he was getting on his face, he groaned and he blew his own wad right into Tyler's gasping mouth and Tyler, bless him, latched on and drank him down greedily. All those little white love monkeys went right down Tyler's gullet and Cliff paid him back by licking at the squibs on Tyler's prick, licking that shaft clean and dry, God, yeah, this was the way a real man started his day! Shit, yeah!

He raised up and Tyler squirmed in front of him, and Cliff's face rubbed along Tyler's back. Cliff caught Tyler and used his back like a rag to sponge the worst of the jizz off his face.

"Man, you really blew your cream all over me." he said as he let Tyler go. "I was fucking bathing in it, man!"

"God, yeah, you were good!" Tyler panted.

"Not as good as you, fuck, you drank the whole motherfucking load down, didn't you?"

Cliff marveled. "I didn't think anyone could take my whole load, but you sure did. I know Maida couldn't the few times she sucked me off."

Tyler grinned a sickly sort of grin, made up of equal parts weariness and happiness, from the look of it. "Yeah?"

"Yeah, she'd start spitting the moment I started shooting, and wouldn't even jerk me, I'd have to reach down and take care of myself while she was gagging and retching out the rest of it in the bathroom sink. Kind of ruined the whole thing for me, I stopped trying for it with her, and that sucks, because I really love getting blown."

"Well, I'll be sure to remember that." Tyler said.

"Yeah." Cliff said. "I figure we can do this every morning we work together. And after, if you want to come over or something."

"Maybe I will." Tyler agreed. "Someone's got to have a pickup to help you get that stuff out of the storage."

"And help that bitch move out, yeah." Cliff said.

They drove to their assigned area for the day. The first stop, Tyler pointed. "Hey, look, that's a stereo boombox."

"It sure is." Cliff said.

"I bet it's going to be good." Tyler enthused.

Cliff started to point out the obvious; that it had been thrown out because it had worn out. Somehow, though, right now, he just didn't want to do that to Tyler. "Yeah, I bet it's in perfect working order. Probably some mother got tired of her son blasting out tunes during her soaps and put it out for us. Sure."

He got out and went for the bin. Down the road a bit. Tyler could dump the bags and set his boombox on top of the truck. Plenty of time then for him to pick through that bin and see if there was any castoff goods in it for him today. He was feeling lucky today!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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