
By Eve

Published on Apr 27, 1996



From Tue Apr 30 00:24:55 1996 Path:!!!!!!!news ~~Newsgroups: ~~Organization: The Transgender Post ~Lines: 259 Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win16; I) Content-Disposition: inline; filename="CASINO.TXT"



Marty came walking across the lobby of the casino to arrice at the Casino Host office. This was the office which took care of all the big rollers who came into the casino. He rang the bell and soon was greeted by a short, demure, but well built, auburn-haired girl. Pinned to the left lapel of her uniform jacket was her employee badge which had her picture and name, "Tammy."

"Hey Marty, what's up?"

"Not much," he replied, looking about nervously, "what time do you get off?"

"In about 10 minutes, why?"

Well, I was wondering if you wanted to get together before I start my shift?" he said, referring to the nearly month long affair they had been having, "I've got 2 and a half hours before I have to be on the floor."

"Well, what about Carrie? Doesn't she ever get suspicious?" She was referring to Marty's live in girlfriend.

"She has some employee meeting to go to before she starts her shift, so I won't even see her until I get into work."

Marty was a games supervisor and Carrie was a cocktail waitress who literally shone in the skimpy uniform she wore. She always collected at least $500 a night in tips from the drunken gamblers. Even though they might be losing, she could still persuade them to part with a couple of dollars for her.

Martin and Carrie had been together for about a year and a half, but in recent months, their sex life had all but ceased to exist, causing Marty to go elsewhere. Several of his friends had told him that she was after him for his money, after all, his yearly salary was close to $50,000, and that was nothing to laugh at. But Marty didn't believe them. If that were the case, then why had their sex life slowed down so much after he got promoted? Martin merely pushed it off as an adjustment period after having moved in together recently.

Marty left the hotel with plans to meet Tammy in about twenty minutes at his apartment. With Carrie at her meeting, he could be alone with Tammy without fear of interruption.

Two hours later, as Marty was getting dressed in his black, Gianni Versace, double breasted suit, and Tammy was slipping her black flats on, there came a knock at the door. Tammy looked at Marty with fear in her eyes, not knowing what to do. Marty told her to wait in the bathroom and not to worry, as Carrie would have walked right in without knocking. Marty told her he would swiftly get rid of whoever it was.

Marty nearly fell over when he opened the door to revealy Carrie's best friend Dawn who lived two doors down from him. He had completely forgotten about promising to take her to work the night before, as Carrie would be gone all day.

He invited her in, pretending as if nothing was wrong and made an excuse that he had to get his wallet and keys from the bedroom. Moving back to the bedroom, he stopped in the bathroom and whispered to Tammy that she was to wait until he was gone before she left. Grabbing his wallet and keys, he made his way back to Dawn in the living room.

"You ready to go?" he asked, not trying to sound pushy.

"Yeah, let's go."

As Marty was closing the door to the apartment, he nearly had a heart attack. Lying on the coffee table was Tammy's purse! Hopefully Dawn hadn't really noticed. Little did he know how wrong he was.

Marty said nothing to Dawn as he drove, merely staring straight ahead. He dropped her off at the front door before proceeding to the employee parking lot. Marty was now sure that Dawn had noticed Tammy's purse and was starting to feel the pangs of guilt.

That night at work, Marty worried and worried what would happen.

He wanted to get hold of Carrie and explain to her about everything and try to make amends, but she was working the opposite end of the floor. Mostly he just wanted to explain himself before Dawn could spill her guts and ruin any chance he might have. He was already too late.

An hour after Marty brought Dawn to work, Dawn pulled Carrie aside and told her that she had seen another woman enter the apartment earlier. She then told her about all the rumors about just such an affair which were now proven to be true.

Now, as Marty stood in the pit worrying, Dawn and Carrie were in the hotel bar having bribed their supervisor into letting them off early. Over drinks, they plotted their revenge against the pair of secret lovers. And the one item that would aid in all this would be the "D'jiin's Will," a ring that allowed the wearer to change things merely by stating them. If she told a player that they should tip more than a dollar, they would. If she said the next roll of the dice would be a seven, it would. If she said that no one would ever become suspicious of the events caused by the ring, they wouldn't.

It was a family heirloom that had been handed down from mother to daughter for centuries, and was now hers.

An hour later, the phone rang in Tammy's apartment. She picked up the receiver and answered, "Hello?"

"Hi Tammy, this is Carrie."

"Hey Carrie, what's going on?" she said, trying not to sound guilty.

"Not much. Dawn and I got out of work early and were wondering if you would like to join us for drinks at the bar."

"The bar at the hotel?"


"Well....okay. I'll be down in a little bit."

"Allright, see ya then."

"Bye bye."

When Tammy arrived, Dawn was gyrating on the dance floor and had the eye of every guy in the place glued to her. And rightfully so, with the athletic yet undeniable, unequivocable body of a true knockout brunette. Carrie was seated nearby at a table and beckoned Tammy over. As Tammy approached the table, Carrie muttered something about Tammy beign all to aware of her future changes.

"Hi, sit down. What are ya drinking?" greeted Carrie.

"Oh, I'll have a vodka and tonic."

"Larry!" she shouted to the bartender, "one vodka/tonic and two more southern on the rocks!"

"So," began Carrie, "how's things been lately?"

"Not too bad. Just working hard and being a homebody."

Yeah right! thought Carrie as she smiled wryly. They continued to chit chat for about another hour or so while Tammy slammed her vodka and tonics like they were water. Pretty soon, Tammy was beginning to feel pretty tipsy but still well in control, when suddenly Carrie shifted gears.

"Wanna know something?" asked Carrie.

"What's that?"

"My friend out there, Dawn, goes both ways," she lied.

"Yeah? What are you telling me for?"

"Because she thinks that you're a lesbian."

"Me? No way!" she nearly shouted, "I'm about as close to being a lesbian as I am to being the President of the United States."

"Well, it's not such a far flung idea, is it?" Carrie said more than she asked. Now the magic started.

"Well,..." Tammy hesitated and looked down, then back at Carrie, "no, not really." What was she saying?! She found women about as attractive as farm animals. Suddenly she was talking again, "Why, does she find me attractive?"

"Yes. And I'd think you should find her attractive as well."

"Y'know, now that you mention it, she does look kinda hot." Now Tammy was in total confusion. The words had slipped off her tongue as she was thinking the exact opposite. Yet even so, she couldn't ignore the fact that the nipples on her breasts now showed through her low cut body suit and her pussy was starting to moisten. What was happening to her?

Suddenly, Dawn was on her way over to the table and the pit in Tammy's stomach dropped only to land in her crotch which was now warm and moist and growing hotter, while the confusion in her head increased. Tammy was not a lesbian by any stretch, but her body was reacting differently.

Dawn sat down, "whatcha two talkin' about?"

Tammy blushed, "Oh, nothing really, just about how hot you looked out there, and how we should get to know each other a little better." Tammy's mind was reeling. What was she saying? She didn't find Dawn attractive, not even in a friendly way, but here she was making sexual advances toward another woman!

""What? Are you a lesbian?" asked Dawn.

Carrie chimed in at this point, "She says she isn't, but the way she's been talking she should be." That was it. The final blow had been delivered. Tammy was now a confirmed lesbian with no interest (at least incapable of showing it) in men, and unable to control herself (as much as she might try to) around other women she found attractive. Tammy would never again have sex with her boyfriend. But Carrie couldn't let it end here and leave Tammy unfulfilled.

"Besides," she continued, "you've been wanting to experiment with another woman haven't you?"

"Yeah, but..." Dawn was struck dumb.

Tammy reached under the table and put her hand on Dawn's thigh. Instantly, Dawn reflexively snapped them together, but Tammy persisted. Dawn then relaxed her thighs and looked at Tammy and whispered "higher."

"You two should wait," interrupted Carrie, "at least until you get back to Dawn's apartment. Stay here for awhile though, enjoy the evening first. I have to go take care of some other business."

They followed Carrie's suggestion to the letter. The stayed until the last song was played, pressed their ruby lips together in a passionate kiss as tongues parted each other's lips and entwined. The whole time, Tammy's brain was in revolt, but unable to stop what her body was doing. By three in the morning, Tammy and Dawn were locked in a 69 position, each eating pussy for the first time.

Meanwhile, Carrie went home to wait on Martin. As she heard the car pull into the driveway she muttered, "Martin Castille will be totally aware of all changes tonight."

As Marty entered the apartment, he stood face to face with his girlfriend. Before he could begin his explanation, he was cut off.

"Honey," she began, " please don't attempt to explain yourself, you'll only get into worse trouble. I know about the affair you were having and everyting else, and I forgive you."

"You do?" He was dumbfounded. "But why?"

"Because I know why you did it, and I can understand that."

"You can?"


"Thank you so much for being so understanding. I'm very sorry."

You will be she thought. "That's okay. I'm going to make some changes too, some that should have been made long ago."

"Oh baby," he began, thinking she was talking about their lack of a sex life, "let's get started."

"So soon? Sure why not?" She moved to the opposite side of the room and just looked at him, fingering a purple jeweled ring on her finger.

"For starters, you should have longer hair, much longer." With that, his hair suddenly began to cascade over his shoulders turning curly and auburn only stopping when it was to the middle of his back.

"What's going on?" Marty demanded, then grasping his tresses and shaking them at Carrie, "and what's this?"

"That," she began, "is only the beginning. When I am through, you will never screw around on me again."

"You can't do anything to me," he retorted.

"Oh yeah?! Try this on for size, or rather not. You are no longer 6 feet tall and 175 pounds, but you are now 5 foot 4 inches tall and 105 pounds soaking wet."

He started across the room only to trip on his pants leg. As he raised his arms, he watched his hands disappear under the cuffs. He tried to walk again, but fell to the floor after tripping on the pants again. Rising to all fours, he noticed cuffs pooling around his wrists.

"What are you doing to me? body..."

"I'm teaching you a lesson by turning you into what you admire most, a broad. Or, rather specifically, giving you the broad, round, firm plump ass and full thighs you so admire."

He now felt his hip expand as well as his thighs and calves. He also felt his waist shrink several inches, giving him the pear shape from waist to hips. He tried to stand and suddenly winced as he realized his penis was trapped between his silky thighs.

"Oh, I'm sorry honey, I forgot to take care of that. No woman should have one of those nasty things down there."

Now he felt his penis begin to shrink. He grasped at his waistband and pulled it away in time to see his penis shrink to the sixe of his pinky and disappear into an auburn bush to become his clitoris.

Marty looked up and pathetically exclaimed' "It's gone!"

"Oh, yes, I know it is. But we shouldn't forget the vagina and ovaries as well. These will be necessary too."

With that, he felt his testicles rise into his abdomen and arrange in the ovarian position, and he also felt rather than saw a feeling of something growing inside of him. It started where his penis used to be and moved inside him towards his belly. He was able to see his belly distend a little as the uterus formed, giving him the little pouch that all women are forever destined to battle.

"Look at me! Can't we work this out?"

"Sorry dear. You brought the clothes, now wear them."


At that, the legs of his pants fused together, eventually becoming a floor length skirt. It soon began to shorten and shrink, fitting his lower body like a glove, clearly displaying his perfect ass and showing his shapely legs all the way to mid thigh.

His sock began to creep up his legs and become sheer, turning into silk stockings that stopped short of the crotch.

"You know, smaller feet would also help you fit into a pair of pumps, dear."

Now his feet became incredibly small and delicate as his black wing-tips slowly shrank and the heel grew eventually becoming 2" black pumps upon which he wobbled momentarily.

He felt his silk boxers begin to constrict on his now rounded hips and become snug against his crotch. Carrie giggled slightly as she watched a pantyline creep upwards across his buttocks creating a visible but narrow "V" on his backside.

From the waist down, he was now totally female but from the waist up, he looked like a man with long (albeit curly and full bodied) hair.

Now to take care of that she thought, but first--

"Y'know," she began, "your butt ought to be a little more...pronounced, yeah, that's it, pronounced."

He winced slightly in pain as his pelvis tilted forward, causing his ass to stick out even more. He could hear his vertebrae cracking as they adjusted and molded themselves to their new position.

"Now," she announced, "baby's got 'back!'"

Marty stood there looking at Carrie helplessly as he allowed his hands to roam across his new equipment.

"Carrie," Marty began, with one hand pressed against his crotch and the other placed squarely on his now firm yet broad ass, "please stop doing this to me."

"No chance. You did the crime, now it's time to own up and take what's coming. Besides, this won't be a permanent change."

Marty took some comfort in this, "well, how long then?"

"I'll decide that later, but right now, this half-man, half-woman thing is getting a bit annoying. Let's start with that flat chest of yours, now let me see....let me see....yes see..yes, "C"....a C-cup. Yes. About a 38C. The kind that stand up and say 'HI!'"

Marty looked down and watched his shirt begin to suddenly but slowly expand. He could feel his skin stretching, becoming very taut as breasts grew on his chest. They continued to grow and several buttons on his shirt popped off. He could now clearly see through his tee-shirt, see the aereolae expand and the nipples transform from the undetectable male ones he used to have, into the pencil eraser kind of a woman's nipples He continued to watch with horror as the cleavage deepened, and his breasts grew.

When they finally stopped growing he had a chest that was large but not obscene, beautiful yet not sleazy adn most of all, his breasts didn't sag at all. He suddenly felt like crying.

"That tee-shirt could serve you better if it were a bra," she stated most matter-of- factly.

He felt as his tee-shirt began to constrict and shape itself. It slowly creeped up until it gripped his chest and molded itself to his breasts. As he watched this happen, his shirt began to shift a little and was soon an open necked silk blouse that exposed his cleavage a little more than he was comfortable with.

"Now for your face honey dear. I want you to know why you are like this. So I have decided that you would best remember this if you were constantly reminded of why I did this. What better reminder that to give you the face of the woman you cheated on em with."

"No," he pleaded, "not Tammy's." She had the face of innocence as well as classic womanly beauty. He was hoping for somehting a little more "butch."

He felt his face being pressed and pulled from all different directions. After a short time, he felt it stop and let a hand stray to his face, first to push a stray auburn curl from his eyes, then to feel what changes had been wrought. His face felt soft and he knew that he looked just like Tammy.

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