Cashing In: is a Word

By Mel Rankin

Published on Nov 26, 2024


Cashing In: Episode 5

The usual disclaimers apply, this is a work of fiction for adult men into same sex erotic activity. If you live in a place where such writing is forbidden do not read this work. The risky sexual activities mentioned in this episode belong in fiction not real life.

Cashing in is used by many people to mean "To claim a well deserved eagerly anticipated reward after considerable effort".

As with other episodes the sexual activity is often described by those involved afterward instead of a narrator describing evens as they happen as is the case with many other stories. In addition, dialogue is used to increase sexual tension.

List of Characters

Zack: An army veteran who lives on his Montana ranch

Matt: A college rugby player who has been drafted by Zack to help him adjust to civilian life

Kevin: Matt's roommate in college who he uses sexually

Jack: An army buddy of Zacks

Recap: Matt after his first sexual experience with Zack agrees to be his live-in boy. Matt has also arranged for Kevin to be loaned out to one of his teammates while he is at the ranch. Unknown to Matt, Zack has found out what the rugby player are planning and has set up a trap for Matt.

In Zacks bedroom where Zack is lying in the bed and Matt at his assigned place on a mat on the floor.

Zack: "So you do agree to let me do to you what you do to Kevin.

Matt: Chuckling to himself. "Sure, why not, I can take you ordering me what to do, taking your cock every night and if you want, I can soap you up in the shower if you want."

Zack: "I can see you can handle some rough treatment, and you enjoy taking my cock but I was going to try something else with you."

Matt: "What's that Sir?"

Zack: "I was thinking since you lend out Kevin to your buds I was wondering if I could lend you out as well. I have a bud dropping he doesn't have his boy with him so I was wondering if you would be available for his use.

Matt: "Fuck you're really turning the tables on me aren't you.

Zack: teasing "Why don't you like army guys? My buds a real stud and knows how to put jock dudes in their place. "

Matt: "Well I've come this far I may as well keep going. "

Zack: "You've only started boy, there is a lot more you need to learn and do."

In Zacks truck as he and Zack are driving into town Zack has told his boy they will be meeting a friend of his in town it's mid July and naturally quite hot. Matt is in Levis and pair of Zack's old cowboy boots and no shirt, working outside for long hours at the ranch has made Matt more muscular and tanned. Zack is asking about Matts sexual experiences with Kevin to get him sexually aroused he knows that Matt is proud of his status as a rugby player and the sexual advantages it gives him.

Zack: "So I assume, you did some victory fucking after you won that big game last season."

Matt: "Yes Sir I did, Kevin was on the road with the team, so I had him right after the game. I hadn't showered yet, so I was all sweaty."

Zack: "Good for you, if a dude is going to live with a jock stud, he better get used to the smell of man sweat. Wondering if let him wear your used gear? "

Matt: "Ha I make him earn getting my gear, he has to clean up our room and do my laundry before I throw him my used jock and socks."

Zack: "Good for you I am sure your room and clothes are super clean."

Noting the bulge in Matt's jeans and seeking to increase his sexual arousal. " How many loads did you pump into him that night?

Matt: "Sir I was counting or anything, but I think it was three and maybe four loads he got from me that night. I was pretty horned up, not only from winning the game but also because coach had us on sexual lock down for a week before the game."

Zack: "Did you use any lube on him? "

Matt: "Nah I don't bother with lube, spit's fine for us, he like it a bit rough "

Zack: "No need to be soft with a boy, they need to know who is in charge."

Matt: "That's correct Sir."

Zack: "How do those balls feel now jock boy, could they pump out four loads now?"

Matt: Excited by their conversation "Hot and sweaty Sir, I wish those jeans weren't so tight."

Zack: "Why don't you open your jeans and give those them some air and seeing your junk will give me a chance to see how that bush of yours is growing back. "

Matt: "Sir we are on a public road, what if we get stopped by the cops. "

Zack: "Fuck it boy the cops know this truck and never stop me, don't worry about I, just do it boy!"

Matt: "Sir, Yes Sir."

Zack pulls into a clearing beside the road as Matt unbuttons his jeans and his swollen cock immediately spring out.

Zack looks at his boy and the erect cock that sprang from his jeans and says "A piece of prime college boy beef. "

Matt: "Thank you sir"

Zack: as he rubs Matts balls "Still nice and smooth, Matt boy does a good job of keeping himself trimmed" Zack noticing s few drops of pre cum forming on the tip of Matt's cock, "It looks like Matt boy is pretty horned up. "

Matt: "Sir yes sir this boy is pretty wound up, from hanging out with a beefy stud like you, wearing tight, jeans commando style and then you ask me about how I use Kevin when we are together, it's a wild combination Sir. No wonder I'm horned up Sir. "

Zack: "Good that you are primed up, Jack is going to meet me here and that's what he wants, I'll turn you over to him and he will take you to his place to use you. Just warning you that he has lots of stuff in the cab, so you are going to be hog tied in the back.

Matt: "Ok thanks for the heads up, Sir"

Suddenly a black Ford 150 pulls into the clearing.

Next: Chapter 6

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