Cashing In: is a Word

By Mel Rankin

Published on Nov 8, 2024


Cashing In: The Beginning

The usual disclaimers apply, this is a work of fiction for adult men into same sex erotic activity. If you live in a place where such writing is forbidden do not read this work.

Cashing in is used by many people to mean "To claim a well deserved eagerly anticipated reward after considerable effort".

Josh the dominant character in this story starts of by giving an account of how his relationship with Matt his current partner began.

I'm going to tell you about how I met and got together with Matt, it all began about four years ago, I just came back from my five years of service from the Middle East, it was rough there, I saw things that I wish I hadn't, and I had to do things that shouldn't have had to be done, it stripped away whatever softness and gentleness that had been inside me. When I arrived back out our family place in Montana I was still technically in the armed forces, so the newly installed military government offered me the right in their own words "To conscript whatever human and material resources that were necessary for my rehabilitation and readjustment to civilian life. " The first while I claimed the usual benefits such as counseling, physiotherapy, and a place to live. I got what I felt was due to me and I felt better and slightly more relaxed but the urge to command and control as I did out in the desert were still inside there was also a dark sexual longing inside me that couldn't be satisfied by vanilla sexual encounters either with men or women.

Then something happened when I was visiting a buddy of mine, Luke who coached a college rugby team I was watching one of the team's practices and one of his players named Matt caught my eye, he was a fit young athlete but all of the players were that he was something more, even from a distance I could see his hot tight body without an ounce of fat, a mop of shaggy blond hair and a self-assured confident way of moving that appealed to me.

After the practice Luke introduced me to his players, I shook hands and chatted briefly with them. The players were polite and respectful and called me Sir without having to be told to do so. Respect for the military is taught to all young men in this part of Montana. Later, when Luke and I were alone in his office we chatted about the team, and its players. I decided to take a chance and asked him about Matt.

Luke: " So Matt caught your eye as well , he gets a lot of attention here on campus he gets lots of looks from both males and females. He could get any chick he wanted but he plays it pretty cool, he takes them out but according to stories doesn't fuck them. He says he has a serious girlfriend back at home who he plans to have a houseful of kid with after he graduates meanwhile he has a roommate that he tells what to do, the kid keeps busy look after Matt, he keeps his cowboy boots and belt buck shining and he wears if you can believe the story the kid wears Matt's team issued jock as under wear.

Josh: "Ha it sounds like a sweet deal for Matt, he gets his work done and he gets to mark his territory by getting a dude to wear his jock. I started that in high school after a guy took my cock, I rewarded him with one of my well used jocks that my mother had stitched my name on, the other football players would know who I fucked by looking for my name on another dude's jock. It worked well a lot of guys liked me fucking them the only problem was it got expensive buying new jocks all the time."

Luke: "Well I'm sure you didn't mine a few extra dollars when you were getting your cock looked after. But getting back to Matt I get the feeling that he wants to be challenged, pushed to his limits and tested, I can't do that on this team, it a club sport here on this campus, the guys on the team, want to run around a bit, wear a team uniform that will get them more pussy and drink beer with the guys after games, I definitely think that Matts wants more, more roughness more intensity. I thought some time with ROTC would be good for him but there isn't one on this campus."

Josh: " I have an idea that might work for all off us. Do you know I have a right to requisition someone like Matt for up to ninety days that which should run up to the start of classes. "

Luke: " Sounds like a great idea to me, I'll do whatever I can to make it happen." .

That morning in a coffee shop close to campus Matt is instructing his roommate on what he should do that day.

Matt: "After classes are finished the boy will do his usual run, the run should be for at least forty minutes, the boy WILL wear the jock given to him by his master, he will wear it proudly because it was given to him for pleasing his jock master after his run, he will position himself outside the rugby practice field to await his master. The boy should ensure there is an able supply of lube on the bedside table for the evening, if the boy wants to wear a collar on the way home, he should pack one in his gym bag. Is that clear Sub Kevin?"

Kevin: "Master Matt's instructions are clear, but the sub is wondering if he should be ready for other jocks this evening. "

Matt: " The sub should always be ready and eager for the cock of any athletes who chooses to accept my hospitality. "

Two weeks later.

Matt arrived at my place with the gear he had been told to bring, it wasn't much he was able to carry everything he was allowed to bring in one large duffle bag and as my text message ordered him, he entered thorough the garage. I was sitting there waiting for him in my roughest boot camp manner.

Josh "Hey jock boy you've finally arrived, and it looks as if for once you've done what you were told as far as packing is concerned, Now the new boy will strip all that preppy, pretty boy clothes he's wearing and pull this on."

I threw a camo pattern jock strap on the floor and told him "I hope you like this strap because you're going to be wearing this and not much else for the next while. Is that clear? He nodded his head and mumbled a "Yes Sir! ".

Next: Chapter 2

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