Caseys Diary

By Casey

Published on Dec 8, 2023


All standard disclaimers apply.

Please refer to the first installment for the introduction on myself and the background for the story (essential if you're reading this series for the first time).

My apologies for the delay in getting out this third installment as other commitments kept me very busy over the past few weeks. Also, my email account got hacked so if you sent any emails around and after the 23rd of November, consider it unread and lost in cyberspace.

Please send any thoughts and feedback to my new address, Your emails and comments are very welcome and will surely encourage me to write down more of my experiences.


Dear diary,

It was a slow saturday with not much to do, so I had only one thing on my mind. After the hot conversation I had with my Master the day before yesterday, I knew I needed to talk to him again. The humiliating things he had me do at the office with three other co-workers no more than a few feet away had filled my mind ever since. So it was with high hopes that I drove to the office, since Master had said he would usually be online most of the time on saturdays. The only problem was that some of my colleagues were also coming in later, so I had limited time.

When I logged in to YM I was disappointed. Master was not online. But it wasn't long before a message came in. It was from another sub who had found my profile on a website, and we began chatting, me mostly to kill time until my Master arrived. However, I found the conversation interesting and we began to share our experiences and swap stories. The other sub (you know who you are ;)) was still in college and was finding it hard to have his fantasies fulfilled. He had the hots for his room mate (not to mention the whole of the college football team!) but could not bring himself to act. He wanted to have a master but had little or no opportunity to find one, much less obey because of his situation. I felt sorry for him, so we had a nice long talk.

After a while I saw that Master had logged in, and I was ecstatic.

We exchanged greetings and I immediately told my Master about my conversation with the other sub. Master listened patiently and then agreed to talk to the guy. I wasn't really keen on sharing my Master but I really felt for the fellow slave and was delighted Master was willing to talk to him. As long as he doesn't forget about me!

"The talk made u horny?", Master typed.

I answered 'hell yes, sir!'

Master: has everyone left the office?

Casey: its a non-working day sir.. but one or two guys are coming over later

Master: what time will the other guys join u?

Casey: i'm alone for now sir, maybe in 1 hour or so

I was already hard by this time. I get hard very easily, especially when talking to my Master, being the extremely horny person that I am.

Master: what r u wearing today?

Casey: t-shirt and jeans sir

Casey: no underwear of course

Master: how was your last few days?

Casey: desperate sir

Casey: everytime i touch myself i have to force myself to stop

Casey: i was hard half the time but i knew i couldn't cum, which makes me harder, which.. you get the idea

Master: now?

Casey: would you like to guess, sir? ;)

Master: inside tight jeans?

Casey: loose jeans sir.. i don't have any tight ones

Casey: did you have plans for me sir?

Master: bet u want me to have plans today ...;)

Casey: hell yeah sir

My cock was already twitching. To me, having to report to someone about what you were wearing was a turn on in itself. It seemed to imply that you were exposed and vulnerable to that person, that he could make you tell him all of your personal secrets at a whim, and that you were quite ready to do so as well. It also implied that he wanted to do things to you that involved getting rid of those clothes!

Master: what time is it now?

Casey: only 4.30 sir

Master: u have ur soccer kit with u now?

Casey: yeah, but i left it in the car sir

Master: u have ur lycra in the car too?

Casey: yeah sir, you want me to get them?

Master: unzip your jeans first

Casey: ok sir

Casey: done sir

Master: now go fetch

Shit, Master really knew how to surprise me. I was going to have indoor soccer later that evening, thus the kit. Master had already quizzed me the day before last about the sort of things I wore for soccer, and it seemed he had plans involving me and the tight lycra shorts I usually wore under my normal soccer shorts. I unzipped my jeans, got out of the office and went to the car. It was raining outside. There was a restaurant across the street so I had to walk slowly to avoid any untoward incidents. Luckily the car was parked close by.

Casey: i'm back sir

Master: how was the walk?

Casey: careful sir, slower than the usual

Master: u didnt pop out?

Casey: luckily the car is not far.. no sir i got kinda soft

Master: do u have ur camera there?

Casey: drat.. i do sir but the battery's at home in the charger.. i keep forgetting that

Master: strip

My cock twitched at that word. It was such a small word but it reflected the full extent of the power that my Master had over me. It put me easily in my place and began to send lusty signals to my brain. There was nothing I could do before the power of that word except to obey. I pulled off my t-shirt and dropped it on the table. Then I stood up and unbuttoned my jeans - it slid down of its own accord due to the already unzipped fly. I put it to one side and sat back down on my chair, naked in front of the computer with only my shoes on. My cock was pointing up from my lap.

Master: how confident are you that you have an hour?

Casey: not at all confident sir

Casey: they're very unpredictable

Master: hard again?

Casey: yes sir, very much

Casey: i'm just gonna have to be very quick pulling on my t-shirt and jeans

Master: how much warning will u get that they are there?

Casey: the door will make a noise, and after that i will have about 5 seconds

Master: u can say you were changing ready for soccer

Ok, so that was probably an acceptable excuse, but it wasn't going to help me if they caught me there naked!

Master: r u leaking?

Casey: a very small amount sir

Casey: i had to peel open the tip of my penis to see it sir

Master: go to the desk of one of the guys about to come in and rub the precum on the mouse

Casey: ok sir

Casey: that was very dirty sir

Casey: sir, one of the guys just called me.. he's like 10 mins away :(

Master: the one who u precummed on his mouse?

Casey: yes sir

Master: coincidence!

Casey: i'm leaking more sir

Master: does he have a cup?

Casey: not really sir.. we have several which any of us can use

Master: rub your precum around the rim of a cup

Casey: done sir

Master: dirtier?

Casey: yes sir, i leaked even more precum doing that sir

It was so hot to be going around naked, and then to be leaning over, pulling on my cock as I mash my cockhead and pisshole against the mouse of the person who usually sat next to me. To carry out the second order, I had to walk naked to the pantry, which had a tinted floor-to-ceiling window and take a cup first. I knew (or at least I hoped I knew!) the people outside on the streets could not see me clearly because of the way the window was designed, but the fact that I was standing there naked in full view was a nerve-wracking turn on!

Master: go find something to use as dildo

Casey: ok sir, give me a minute

Casey: only suitable thing i found is a whiteboard marker sir, is that ok?

Master: get 2

Casey: ok sir.. i have them sir.. i hope youre not thinking what i'm thinking sir

Master: whats that?

Casey: uh.. that you're gonna tell me to put both up my pussy at the same time sir

Master: why wouldnt i?

Shit. I really didn't expect Master to tell me to get two of the pens. He always seemed to know exactly where to push me.

Master: write SLAVE on your cock

Casey: done sir

Master: put the 2 up

Casey: up sir?

Master: in ur hole

Casey: i don't have lube sir

Master: so? ;)

Casey: uhh.. ok sir.. this is gonna be tricky sir, please give me some time

Master: u have until the guy comes in

Well, no kidding. I couldn't even begin to imagine what would happen if the guy comes in and sees me naked as the day I was born and still struggling to insert two marker pens up my ass.

Master: first one can go in dry.. suck the other one while its pushing in

Casey: ok sir

Casey: this is making me feel very dirty sir

Master: hurry

My mouth had gone really dry that I needed a drink. I think I was unconsciously panting hard throughout.

Casey: its not easy sir

Master: thought u had trained your hole...

Casey: i've never done it this dry before sir, but it's almost all the way in now

Casey: i dunno about the 2nd one tho

Master: u can

Casey: i'll try sir

Master: course you will

Pushing stuff up your ass while lubed and not lubed were two very different things. The resistance you met doing the latter made it much much more difficult, and it was also harder to relax my ass because I had not had much warning. I had to pull the first marker pen to one side and peel away at my asslips to push the second pen in, but to my surprise it went in slightly easier.

Casey: fuck, it hurt at first but it went in easier sir

Master: all the way?

Casey: that's what i'm trying sir

Casey: both of them protrude about half an inch

Master: sit on them

Casey: i'm doing that sir, they're pushing inside me

Casey: give me a bit sir

Master: a bit?

Casey: of time sir

Master: he must be nearly there ...

Casey: yes sir.. i'm getting nervous at any sound now

Master: put your t shirt on, and ur lycra

Casey: i can sit now sir but they're still out

Casey: my jeans sir?

Master: no

Master: t shitr and lycra shorts

Casey: ok sir

As I put on my t-shirt and lycra, the pens still would not go any deeper. I tried really hard to push down on them as I sat, but they'd just push up inside my guts until I had to relieve the pressure.

Casey: shit sir, i dunno if they'll ever go in completely

Master: why?

Casey: i can feel them pushing up my guts, i'm not sure if my insides are gonna give way sir

Master: i thnk ur dildo is longer...

Casey: it is sir, but i mentioned i only pushed in 3 inches sir

Master: the pipe in the old toilets was just 3" in too?

Casey: the pipe was flexible sir

Casey: it followed my guts turns

Master apparently remembered the story of how I used to fuck myself with the pipe in the toilets of my previous workplace. It made me feel good that Master remembered. The pipes were of the type that had metal rings on the outer layer. I used to be able to take more than one foot of the damned thing inside me. By that time the head would be pushing against the front of my stomach and I would be able to feel its outline on my belly with my fingers. Once or twice I got so carried away slamming the thing in and out of my guts that I drew bright red blood. I could still see the blood coating the head and sides of the pipe. That was scary.

Master: ok

Master: how u feel now

Casey: i'm sort of shaking sir.. and grimacing all this time

Casey: my guts feel stuffed sir

Casey: i think only a quarter inch is out now

Master: noticeable through the lycra?

Casey: if i stand up sir, yes

My cock had gone sort of semi-soft by now, but, like the pens, it would also be noticable through the lycra, and unlike the pens, it would still show without me needing to stand up. I had never had my bulge displayed so publicly and was very nervous about it. It would have been different if I had underwear beneath the lycra, but I hadn't.

Casey: i've never had anyone see me only in those sir

Casey: they would clearly see my bulge too sir

Master: yes they will

Casey: this is gonna be humiliating sir

Master: need to get the pens in so they cant see that...

Casey: still pushing sir

Master: how will u explain what ur wearing?

Casey: i dunno sir

Casey: maybe i can hide under my desk sir?

Master: what do u think?

I sighed, not quite resigned to my fate but very close to. I needed a good answer if the question came up. Even without the question, I would still be seen so lewdly dressed, so it didn't help in that way in any case.

Casey: my squirming around is gonna be curious too sir

Master: squirming?

Casey: the pens won't go farther sir

Casey: i've tried moving them about to find a good angle that'd make them go deeper, but i can't find it sir

Master: u cant sit still?

Casey: not very still sir

Casey: i have to shift about sir

Master: shifting about moves the pens... think u just wanna feel like ur getting fucked

Shit. Maybe I did? It wouldn't have been beyond my subconscious mind to think up something like that, but it really never crossed my conscious mind until Master said it.

Casey: no sir, honest! i just want them to go in completely

Casey: to leave me with only one thing to worry about instead of 2 sir

Master: :)

Casey: i'm not so hard now sir

Master: getting fucked doesnt keep u hard?

Casey: the pens're just there pressing my guts sir.. they're not actually fucking me sir

I almost laughed out loud at my wit there.

Casey: i still don't know how to explain this to my colleague sir

Master: ur ready for football

Master: ur just wearing it ready for playing soccer later

Casey: ok sir

Casey: i hope he doesn't notice i wear nothing else under it

Master: r u wet?

Casey: a little sir

Master: eat it

Casey: ok sir

That was an easy command. I loved to eat my precum. But it didn't make me feel any less dirty for doing it, though.

Master: what colour is the lycra?

Casey: dark blue sir

Master: pens still not all in?

Casey: yes sir.. same problem sir

Master: ok

Casey: i'm still trying

Casey: moving about to make them go

Master: if u get them in, maybe u can play soccer with one still in

Woahh!! I never saw that one coming! Immediately I could see myself on the court, playing soccer like I normally did but this time with a pen stuffed up my ass at the command of my Master. It would be so hot, but I seriously doubted it was going to work.

Casey: you're not serious sir?

Master: we'll see if i am later ;)

Master: scare you?

Casey: yes sir, it scared me and made my cock jump harder sir

Casey: shit, my lycra's getting wet

Casey: i can sit still now sir but i had to lean back

Casey: the pens are still trying to rearrange my insides

Master: feel good?

Casey: sort of sir.. it feels stuffed but good at the same time sir

Master: think u can play soccer with them in?

Casey: them, sir? both? owh god sir

I loved the way Master could so casually surprise me by upping the stakes when I least expected it.

Casey: i.. i'd like to try, if they can go in all the way.. i have a few hours to try

Casey: but what if they fall out during the game sir? oh god sir

Master: maybe u can tape your ass shut

Casey: uhh.. i can try do that sir

Casey: shit, wouldn't that make me hard during the game sir?

A few minutes passed.

Master: are they in and at the hole or has your hole closed over them?

Casey: my hole hasn't closed sir

Casey: they're sticking out slightly but not past my crack sir

Master: feel good?

Casey: yes sir

Master: go for a run up and down the office

Casey: shit, ok sir

I did that, feeling completely humiliated.

Casey: shit, it feels weird sir, to be running around with what feels like a log inside me sir

Casey: i thought they were going to push out, but they didn't sir. not sure for how long tho

Master: how far did u run?

Casey: the office is like 20 meters across, i ran a couple rounds of it sir

It was then that the sounds came from the door, and soon after I could hear the creak as it opened. My colleague (btw, I was fairly new there) spared me a smile and a greeting and promptly dropped himself on his seat beside my cubicle.

Casey: the guy is here sir

Master: how do u feel?

Casey: embarassed sir

Casey: he doesn't seem to take any interest tho sir

Master: he can just see a t shirt?

Casey: i think he may have noticed the shorts but didn't say anything

Master: r u hard?

Casey: semi-hard sir

Casey: shit, it hurts a bit when i cough sir

I wished I hadn't discovered that, but coughing made my ass contract really tightly around the two marker pens.

Master: squeeze ur ass on the pens

Casey: ok sir

Casey: like i'm fucking them sir?

Master: yeah

Casey: fuck sir that was fast, i got hard like immediately

Master: hehe

Casey: did you know that was going to happen sir?

Master: i guessed .. since u like ur assplay

Casey: sir, can i ask a question?

Master: sure

Casey: is it really possible to cum without touching one's cock, with just something rubbing on your prostate?

Master: yes.. seen it in video

Casey: shit, that'd be awesome

Master: u thinking u could do it under your desk?

Casey: don't know sir.. i'm not even sure if i know where the prostate is

Casey: but it'd be the ultimate sign of being a pussy slut sir

Master: think u can do it one day

Casey: i really hope sir.. its what i dream about

The fact that my Master said he thought I would be able to do it one day, to cum without touching myself, made me feel really good and proud.

Master: but u better learn to control it too ... cant cum control you if u will orgasm when someone fucks u

Master: hows ur cock now?

Casey: whenever it feels like softening i'd squeeze my ass around the pens sir

Master: squeeze ur ass 10 times now

Casey: done sir

Master: feel better?

Casey: yes sir!

Master: again

Casey: god sir, feels good sir

I had almost forgotten that I was wearing only lycra with another person hovering nearby. It really felt good and it also felt even better because I loved to be used by my Master like this.

Casey: i can practically see my cock hardening with each squeeze sir

Master: ur not hiding it under the desk today then?

Casey: only partly sir

Casey: enough that it wouldn't be too blatant sir

Casey: i hope thats ok sir?

Master: where is the other guy sat?

Casey: his cubicle is beside mine, but it seems like he's got stuff to do on another desk, in front and diagonal to mine

Master: do one squeeze every 5 seconds until i tell u to stop

Casey: ok sir

It was wild to be doing that with my office-mate so close by. I could not prevent my body from making the sort of rhythmic stiffening movements resulting from my butt clenching and unclenching on the pens. If he had looked over closely, it would have been impossible for him to miss the lewd display, but luckily he didn't.

Casey: this is sweet torture sir, i feel like a complete bitch doing this

Master: why torture?

Casey: its partly how the pen stretches my hole and partly knowing i can do all these except cum sir

Casey: i'm still squeezing sir

Master: i know

Master: faster

Casey: ok sir

Casey: i'm stiff all over and my toes are curling up sir

Casey: god

Indeed, my toes were curling up at each squeeze now. I began to imagine that it was possible to cum this way, but I knew it wasn't as simple as that.

Master: do the pens move?

Casey: no sir

Casey: at least they don't seem to

Master: ok

Casey: were they supposed to sir?

Master: no... just asknig

Master: maybe if just 1 pen it would move

Casey: owh ok sir

I kept squeezing, never once missing a beat, even when typing.

Master: hows the squeezing?

Casey: still doing it (its kinda tiring a little :P) and i'm kinda humping the air along

Casey: hope thats ok sir

Master: how fast r u doing it now?

Casey: around once every 2 seconds

Master: double it

Casey: every second sir?

Master: yes

It got really hectic then. Have you tried clenching and unclenching your ass hard every second, for a good twenty minutes? If someone took a look at you, there would have been no way for him to think that you were doing anything else. Granted, he might make the mistake of thinking you were humping thin air, but that wouldn't make you seem any better, would it?

Casey: shit, it feels like being fucked hard sir

Casey: if someone looked at me now, thats what they're going to see sir, someone getting fucked.. its hard even to type sir

Master: u can stay silent?

Casey: i'm saying 'fuck fuck' under my breath sir but yeah i can keep from being heard

Master: can u go faster?

Casey: i'm going as fast as I can sir.. don't think its any faster tho

Casey: fuck i never imagined something like this sir, you really know how to use me sir

Master: could u cum like this?

Casey: i thought i could sense a few times where it felt like the beginnings of an orgasm, but it didn't get any further sir

Casey: but it's sort of making me wanna squeeze more

Master: maybe u better stop before he notices

Casey: i just pushed my chair further in sir

Casey: i want to continue sir

Casey: please?

Master: ok

Master: but no cumming

Casey: i don't think it could go that far sir, and this feels so good as it is

Fuck, I didn't want to stop, but it did get tiring.

Casey: i don't know if this guy would notice my body sort of moving about

Casey: like breathing hard

Casey: and i don't care

Master: maybe when u can get a full dildo in u.. u can bring it to work

Casey: the one in the pictures is about 10 inches long sir.. i doubt i can take that fully!

Master: can find something else

Casey: sir can i rest a bit?

Casey: getting cramps in my lower abdomen sir

Master: ok

Casey: thank you sir.. my asslips feel sore sir

I pressed my finger to my cockhead and a lot of precum seeped onto the lycra. My Master just laughed when I told him. After that we talked about a few other things. Then,

Casey: sir, the pens are acting funny

Casey: one minute they seemed to want to sink all the way, the next they seemed to be pushing out

Master: ur hole has probably relaxed

Casey: owh

Master: well - if u want to take them out, u will have to walk to restroom in ur lycra!

Casey: i don't want to sir

Master: hehe

Casey: even if i have to (which i think is possible), can i put them back in again sir?

Casey: and all the way thru soccer sir? i wanna try

Master: of course

Casey: you knew i'd want to do that in the end, didn't you sir?

Master: give you a choice and you'll take the kinky option!

Casey: blush

I spent the next few minutes wheedling my Master to let me cum. I had not been permitted to cum for 3 days. To me, 3 days without cumming was a very long time.

Master: maybe we can do a deal - u can cum soon IF u agree to something worse

Master: hehe

Casey: uh oh

Master: :)

Casey: that sounds scary sir

Casey: what do you mean worse sir?

Master: for example, let u cum tomorrow if u agree the next cum will be in a month...

Casey: fuck!! that's going to kill me sir!!

Casey: no way i can hold for a month

Master: :)

Master: just an example

Casey: that is like a LOT worse

Master: depends how horny u r...

Master: how big the need to cum at that time is..

Casey: you know that really doesn't mean anything to someone like me sir

Casey: especially if i'd been talking to you a few days

Casey: horny wouldn't even describe it

Ok, so a deal would be a very bad idea.

Master: so u think u would agree?

Casey: shit, i honestly don't know sir

Casey: meaning to judge which is worse

Master: anyway, u know what u r doing for the rest of today...

Casey: yes sir

Casey: what about tomorrow sir?

Master: we'll see

Casey: how about 4 and a half hours from now sir, will you be online?

Casey: i'd be back from soccer by then

Casey: and hopefully the office would be empty

Master: probably

Master: u cant get online from home?

Casey: don't have a pc at home sir

Casey: besides its kinkier this way

Casey: i think i'm gonna need you to order me around some more, being all tired and sweaty after the game

Master: u dont shower?

Casey: not if you don't want me to sir

Master: no thats good

Master: wear just lycra and t shirt after soccer

Casey: you mean good to shower or not sir?

Master: not

Casey: ok sir

Casey: i'll try not to let the sweat dry out too much on the way back

Master: u can run around until ur sweaty again

Casey: didn't think of that sir.. good idea sir

Master: how long before football?

Casey: i gotta leave in about half hour.. takes about another half hour to get there.. the session is for 2 hours

Casey: i might be back sooner than midnight

Casey: but sometimes we go for a drink first

Master: guy still in office?

Casey: yes sir.. i hope he'd be gone by the time i get back tho

Master: u will have to stand up in the lycra to leave...

Casey: yes sir, but then i have to change to the other shorts

Master: but u have to walk past him to the bathroom to change...

Casey: yeah, i can manage that sir

Casey: it's not really weird anymore now.. to him i mean

Master: u mean not weird that ur in lycra?

Casey: well now that he'd caught glimpses of it, it's not going to be on his mind as much sir, i think

Casey: unless i sport a woody sir

Master: is it still wet?

Casey: no sir

Master: squeeze

Oh shit. Sometimes I had a fairly big mouth for a small person.

Casey: uh.. ok sir

Casey: fast sir? like before sir?

Master: sure

Casey: sir that's gonna make me hard... damn i'm hard already

I squeezed hard and fast for about a minute.

Master: stop

Casey: ok sir

Master: how long do u think that was?

Casey: uh... i'm not sure sir.. 1 minute?

Master: correct .. no penalty ;)

Casey: thank you sir :)

Master: again

Casey: ok sir

And so I began again, a poor little slut massaging his tiny boypussy around a cock-substitute. This time it went on for much longer.

Master: stop

Casey: ok sir

Master: time?

Casey: uhh.. 3 minutes sir?

Master: 1m 50s

Casey: eek

Casey: it felt like a long time sir

Master: 70 seconds out ... we'll need to practise :)

Casey: i don't understand sir

Master: next time there'll be punishments for every wrong guess :P

Casey: ok sir, sorry sir

Master: hehe

Casey: sir,

Casey: i think i have to go to the bathroom now

Master: why?

Casey: apart from to change, i think i need to relieve myself before i go

Casey: i can feel my ass going funny around the pens

Master: to piss?

Casey: no sir to do the big one

Master: ok

Master: but u got hard?

Casey: hell yeah sir

Master: hmm think u wanna show him ur hard on?

Casey: i'll think of something sir.. i'm going soft already

Master: squeeze it all the way there

Casey: ok sir

Casey: i'll be back sir

Master: i'm gonna have a bath.. take your time

Master: make sure u have a nice bulge

Casey: sir, are you back yet?

Casey: i could put in three fingers up my ass easily just now..

Casey: the pens still wouldn't go up all the way this time

Master: my bath only just ready .. just about to hop in

Master: now ur in soccer shorts?

Casey: i'm gonna sit on them some more

Casey: yeah

Master: did he look at you walking past in lycra?

Casey: i.. uhh.. i had my bag in front of me sir.. :">

Master: he could see your ass?

Casey: yes sir

Master: u think he looked?

Casey: i have no idea sir... but my mind was saying he was

Master: hehe ok

Master: i'm going to have my bath now.. chat soon or later

Casey: ok sir.. i'll be back sir

Master: ok

Casey: i'm gonna sign out while i'm gone sir

Casey: and hope that these pens being inside me are gonna work

After saying our goodbyes I got up with the marker pens inside me and made my way carefully to the car. Bending over to get in and then lowering my butt on the seat was tricky and uncomfortable, but little did I know how much worse it would get. The drive started off ok - the pens were pressing into my guts but not too hard - but it got worse as time went by. Within minutes the pressure in my guts had multiplied, making me writhe even as I drove.

By the time I was halfway to my destination and stopped at a traffic light, one hand was clenched into a fist and beating on the car door, while the other was gripping the headrest in white-knuckled agony. I didn't care if the people in the cars on either side of me noticed how I had my head thrown back and was beating it against the headrest continuously. My only hope was that I was not doing some kind of permanent damage to my insides, because it really felt as if the pens were trying to rip their way through.

That put paid to my plans to try to retain the pens while playing soccer. The moment I got to the hall I headed straight for the toilets to shit the pens out. I wasn't even walking right and I hoped nobody noticed it. It was a bold plan but I knew I had to disappoint myself and my Master that time. It would have been so hot to play with my boypussy stuffed, but I guess I'd have to train my cunt a bit more.. :(

  • Slave Casey -

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