
By Mike Austin

Published on Jul 25, 2021


CASEY By Mike Austin

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The others were sound asleep while I stuffed my sandwich down. After returning to bed, I heard a car crash outside, looked and found 3 vehicles on the feeder road. Didn't appear any injuries as three women were flailing arms at each other and soon sirens filled the area beneath my window and flashing lights annoyed the fuck out of me. Monday night mayhem. I got on the chat line, tried a few tops and settled on one. We hit it off and fed each other's mutual interests finally busting our loads about the same time; then I drifted off to sleep. Before shutting down though, I recalled the expression on Ben's face as he saw "butch" in my butt and then the look in his office when he was nose to nose with me. Was that entire offer a test or real or was it a prelude of something deeper? My alarm woke me the next morning. I hurriedly dressed, left for the lab and had an instinct to call Casey but held off. By now he'd be at work most likely anyway. I pulled into the office garage, waved at Joey one of the building engineers, rode the elevator in silence and stepping into the office lobby, found it dark, I'd arrived before anyone else. While not unusual for me to be early, there're other early birds, but not today. Leaving the lobby area, en route to my office, I clicked on the Bunn coffee makers and settled into my desk routine; went over afternoon messages and To Dos from yesterday, before getting to the critical matter at hand- my first cup of coffee.

Back at the condo, Matt was making fruit smoothies for he and Donnie. I'd learned that they often showered together on weekends, but never during the week. Their routine was pretty fixed. Matt fucked the hell out of my youngest brother, who withheld cumming as long as possible before blowing his wad from Matt's very aggressive but not brutal fuck. Matt liked the fact that he could make Donnie bust big time and not touch his own dick. Their various positions and practices using the workout bench and counting reps, were all components of their sex play. It all worked for them and for that I was happy. Matt was very supportive of Don's planned Master's pursuit. Matt delivered the pair of smoothies to the bathroom where Don was in his post-shower phase. They downed their smoothies then Matt hit the shower, both left together to begin their days.

Dennis and Rodrigo or whomever had spent the night, had a far simpler morning routine. Dennis loved giving his top a morning blow job and getting a throat full of cum in the process. Rodrigo not only fucked like a beast, he loved to skull-fuck Dennis as well and for whom cocksucking was an art. Dennis' room and bath were the farthest from the kitchen and main living/dining areas, so sound was always muffled to an extent. Still the unmistaken choking sounds from that end of the hallway, was evidence of Dennis being face fucked; again, to both party's pleasure.

Don usually arrived by 8:30 but Dennis rolled in about 9, unless there was a staff or client meeting. Today was no different. Ben rang my office and asked me to join him again. I tensed but wasn't unnerved by the request. He asked if I'd considered the offer from yesterday and I told him that I had and my answer was yes, if he was still considering me. He gave me a thumbs up and got on his phone, effectively dismissing me. No sooner had I sat down at my desk than dad was calling me and asked that I join him. I crossed the lobby and short conference room hallway entering his office, finding him and mom at his small in-office conference table. Motioning me to sit down, I had the feeling this was about Ben's offer. Mom was beaming, dad was sort of stern but supportive as he began, "you know this is a delicate task Ben's set forth for you and it may impact you and your brothers' relationships, but I am in total agreement that you are the right guy for the position". With that he stood, shook my hand, mom damn near climbed across the table to hug me and said she was eager to set up a transition timeline, establish benchmarks and move forward and felt the transition of 12-18 months might need to be extended some and I agreed to any variables and refocus. Dad went on to explain that he and Ben's titles on the Board would remain in place for two years after the transition was complete, before becoming Chairman and Vice-chairman Emeritus (dad and Ben respectively). He then produced the next concept and that was to offer the Presidency to Don after he completed his Master's. Dennis would become Senior Lab Executive. The structure would have 1 Board vote each for the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary (mom); and 1 vote each for the President, Chief Operating and Financial Officer and Sr. Lab Exec. In a tie vote, the senior Board members could cast one additional combined vote. I was astounded this process had developed to this stage without our awareness or involvement, but I was excited, nonetheless. The meeting ended and I returned to my office and began my day of meetings and client visits. The message from Ben, dad and mom was not to mention a word to the other brothers, that it would be handled by the firm's elders. I totally respected the decision. I also understood that at no point were either of Ben's children interested in joining the firm and as such, not considered for any management or leadership role. Suddenly it was lunch time and I reflected on "yesterday's lunch" and wondered about Casey, but fought the urge to call him.

I called my P.A. (Christy) and asked about lunch, offered to buy hers and we settled on a menu and Uber Eats handled the delivery. We ate in my office, ignoring the phone calls and laughed about the proposed Brew n Chew event I was going to with a buddy. She and her BF had gone one year and had enjoyed the BBQ though the beers were not to her liking. She suggested I wear comfortable clothes and good walking shoes. I kept her tips in mind as the weekend neared. Christy and I blocked out and rescheduled my Friday and Monday appts. I left Casey a few texts about timing and firming up plans, (I chuckled at the phrase firming up) and agreed he'd drive and I'd cover the fuel costs and we'd split other costs.

Dennis and Don announced they were throwing a Matt-Move-In Party Saturday night. I reminded them I'd be gone so any out of towners might use my room vs getting a motel. Matt had planned to vacate his apt a week ahead of month-end, giving him ample time to get the unit cleaned and repainted and be assured of getting all or most of his deposit back. This Friday-Sunday, he'd use to get his clothes, etc. stowed away and still benefit from the party w/o delays. Dennis was put out that Rodrigo had to travel out of town, returning on Sunday. Undaunted, Dennis called the next top man up and had a date in 12 hours. The weekend was all set for us boys. I was tense though about the Brew N Chew motel arrangements. I chipped in cash for Matt's party food and fixins and walked away from any further demands on my time.

The work week progressed without upheaval and suddenly it was Thursday night. I had Casey on a call going over details, timing and such and he agreed to pick me up Friday morning at 5a.m. I gulped audibly at the early hour. That meant being up and dressed by then, I'd pack overnight. The previous events had been held in LaGrange, but this year's was in Falfurias, a 4 hour drive. We needed to check-in by 10 and there would be traffic to deal with, so Casey felt we needed to hit the road by 5. He advised of a change of motel rooms. I gave it no thought and reluctantly, agreed.

I'd managed to keep my packing to a minimum, laptop and a big tote, got er done for me. Casey had a cooler in the rear seat, a tote and his laptop. I brought breakfast rolls and two mugs of coffee, and once loaded and set, we pulled away and off on our adventure. Damn he was sexy in this dimmed light, in shorts, flip flops, a Tshirt and leather braided band around his wrist. It looked adjustable though I only got a brief look as I was getting in the truck. I wore baggy shorts and a T with leather sneakers for support as Christy had suggested. We left the growing sunrise in the rear view mirror, navigated south and picked up the interstate to head further southwest to our event. The breakfast rolls and coffee were a hit and saved us going through a fast food line and the rolls quickly disappeared. I asked about pit stops and he lined out a couple of potentials, as we sped farther from home. We made small talk about our jobs, family and light stuff. The serious item was "if we score, be sure to hang the do not disturb card on the door handle" and we both laughed aloud. I wanted to score alright and hoped not to have the do not disturb sign to worry with. We pulled into a Love's Truck Stop in Edna, for our first pit stop. It was 6:35 a.m., almost a perfect drive time. Casey went straight to the head, while I grabbed a few bags of chips, nuts and couple of candy bars. I paid and he took the purchase out to the truck while I made my pit stop visit to the head. I didn't find many people in the store area or restroom and figured it might be just a tad early for travelers. There was some eye candy though both in the store and in the restroom, that I couldn't help but notice. Done with those tasks, I headed out to Casey waiting in the truck and we pulled back on the highway and continued southwest. We made a similar stop though without added shopping in Odem in record time and were back on the interstate for our final leg. The main event in Falfurias was out near the airport and the small town had only a pair of motels and a pair of RV parks, all of which were long ago booked up. Our option I learned was to stay at the Riviera Inn & Suites about 24 miles from the event. It was a modest but clean place and I'd learn, with some eye candy. A pool greeted us and I felt an urge to swim after getting settled in and checked in at the event for our badges. What shocked both of us was there was only one king sized bed. All rooms had the same set-up, no doubles. We laughed and Casey offered to sleep in his truck or flip for sides of the bed. I chose the door side and he was good with the bathroom side and we headed out to the Falfurias event registration for our badges. We wandered around, had a couple of icy beers and BBQ sandwiches, then I gently urged a return to the motel and a swim, to which Casey jumped. The drive had run 4 hours 45 minutes including our pit stops plus a ½ hour drive each way to and from Falfurias from the motel plus about an hour walk around time at the event, our first day registered almost 8 hours of drive and look around time and now the swim would cap that off followed by a light supper before crashing for the night. We chose Burger King which was nearby and dependable, then returned for another swim before turning in. I cruised Casey often.

Next: Chapter 6

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