
By Mike Austin

Published on Jul 24, 2021


CASEY By Mike Austin

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Meanwhile, Sunday night found Dennis and Don, embroiled in some intrigue and excitement of their own. Dennis and Rodrigo had gone to a birthday orgy hosted for one of Rodrigo's former BFs. Nicolae was 18 when he and Rodrigo first met and now at 21, his goal was an orgy. His current BF Josh, all of 30, rented a motel room, decorated it, ordered a birthday cake and invited 10 top men to celebrate in Nicolae. Nicky was hooded, handcuffed and wore a leather jockstrap and cockcage. Josh furnished paddles, dildos, poppers and of course other enticements to bring the orgy-party celebration to a climax. Nick was fucked and fed for 4 hours by the 10 topmen. There were skullfuck scenarios, double penetration scenes, and little Nicky seemed enthralled. Most of the topmen were RentMen and Josh was happy to see his protégé living his dream. As the last one left, downing a shot of Jose `Reserva', he winked patted young Nicky on the well-fucked ass and then kissed him Happy Birthday and good night. Nicky swooned in lust. Josh then set about fucking his BF until after midnight, keeping his cock caged and Nicky horny as a goat. The Monday morning wake-up call came at 7 and Josh planned a breakfast in bed, served by Gregor, a Ukranian national attending college and working as a bellman, janitor, motel staffer and this morning, STUD. Nicky's precum flowed from his caged dick like lava as Gregor, undressed slowly, then began a walkaround slow jack-off session swiping his own precum across Nicky's face, teasing him until Nick was pleading to be fucked by the thick Ukranian cock. At last, the cage removed, Gregor fucked Nicolae to completion producing three hands-free orgasms in a row. Nico was spent. Josh paid Gregor and then gave him another $100 tip for the extras. Gregor would visit and play with Josh and Nicolae numerous times in the future.

Dennis was amazed at Nicky's stamina and passion and sat watching the debauchery and intensity. Rodrigo of course had to have his turn in Nicky, which produced more than a bit of jealousy in Dennis. He had to keep reminding himself that they were fuck buddies and nothing more and if this party enabled Rodrigo to top his ex again, well so be it. Rodrigo being another power top in the room, it was easy for Dennis' eyes to roam and he picked up a few phone numbers in the process. But as with other points in the story, that is for future exploration.

When Dennis and Rodrigo returned to the condo, their passion reared its head again. Dennis was always amazed at Rodrigo's stamina and recurring cum loads. He was like a living porn star, fucking and cumming on command. He did that feat repeatedly through the late night and early morning hours to Dennis' total satisfaction. They both lost count of the numbers of times each had cum. Their morning shower was another treat as the hot water flowed across their well-sexed torsos, before drying off and each heading off to their respective jobs.

Don and Matt were no angels that Sunday evening and had hit a couple of bars, danced some, then grabbed a bite to eat. Both had pursued a health food diet, which is how they'd met, shopping at Whole Foods, in the produce section. Funny as it sounds, they both reached for the same melon and the rest is history and after 2 months together, almost exclusively, they were discussing Matt moving in with Don to see what living together might be like. Matt worked at gym as a personal trainer and had both a gay and straight private client list that really earned more income than his gym gig. While one of Matt's bedrooms was his in-house workout room, Don had only his room and while large, he'd set up a workout bench at the foot of the bed; from which they enjoyed an array of sex acts and positions. One of Don's favorites was Matt driving push up dick deep in Don's ass as he bent across the workout bench. Don had to maintain his balance AND present his hole for Matt's total use and enjoyment. The results were excellent muscle development and control as well as a tight ass ring and abs. They often did and counted fuck reps for rhythm; each controlling the other's climaxes. Reaching a live-in agreement, Don announced the Matt move-in decision to his brothers via text. Dennis responded with "K". I gave a WELCOME MATT text reply, as I headed out to the lab Monday morning.

The drive in the stormy rain was brutal. I was headed in early, I thought to beat the traffic, NOT. Creeping along the tollway, my cell went off. It was Casey. I answered and he asked if I was in the storm or already at work? Answering that I was still going to work, he replied simply, "damn". "What's up bud" I posed. "Work got cancelled due to the weather so was just hanging out n lookin for a bud to share this new bottle of tequila" he replied. I squirmed, "look dude I need to get some shit done this morning but how bout lunch n we do some guzzling on that new bottle" I urged. Casey hemmed some then agreed, "k but lunch is at 11 in my world n can't guarantee my state much after that" then we both laughed. I was in heat and high horniness!!! A sober Casey was sexy but a drunk one might be over the top I thought. Even with the shitty weather I still made it in before start time and neither dad or uncle Ben were in yet as I spread out my day, began reorganizing the afternoon schedule and was into bustin butt on my morning tasks when my phone buzzed. It was Ben, "morning I replied" he suggested we meet in his office to cover some ideas. "Be right down, you have coffee or need a refill" I asked and he replied "I'm good". Within 5 minutes I was in Ben's office, fresh mug of brew in-hand and he directed me to the conference table overlooking the tollway below. Ben began, "let's not fool ourselves here Dan, you know your actions shocked me A LOT and while I'm no prude and know you and your brothers are gay, I guess I never expected to come face-to-face with your physical actions'. Nor do I think you should be quite that visible". I listened and at this pause, I reminded him that he'd been given a key to feel welcomed in our home and for emergencies, but also reminded him that at some times he might find us entertaining' guests or such. Ben's face seemed stunned that I'd refresh his memory as a challenge to his reasoning and approach to the topic. I continued, "but you came by to discuss a business matter and left saying we'd keep business during business hours or at least in the business place and not the condo, so let's return our focus to the business you wanted to discuss". Ben stopped, stared through me and began again, "I want you to assume the Chief Operating Officer role from me as I'm considering retirement or at least-semi retirement over a transition of 12-18 months and wondered about your thoughts". I was shaken!!! "But Ben, you're way too young for even semi-retirement, and what does aunt Tricia say or feel about this decision? You're not ill are you"? He replied that he was healthy, but they wanted to travel and he had ample savings and investments and the transition period might be extended or modified and nothing was set in stone as he wanted my input before he took any further actions. He advised that he'd already discussed the idea with dad, who was all in favor of it and while he wasn't ready to retire, the thought of one of the boys taking over the reins was on his horizon too. Ben stood, walked behind me, put his hands on my shoulders, gripped them and asked that I keep this confidential but had to offer the idea and ask the following question of me, "can you keep your sexuality in check professionally to protect the business image and success"? Stunned, I stood up and urged him to think of the client interactions I'd already demonstrated client wins and successes; to which Ben nodded agreement. He added, "it was just that image I saw yesterday of a dildo hanging out your butt atop the sheets with cum everywhere, wasn't exactly the image I had of you, associated with the firm". He added "I need to know your integrity, leadership, ethics and propriety can be relied upon for the firm's sake"? I walked to the window wall, the severe storm had ended and I stared down at the traffic and felt him move behind me. "Well" he questioned. Then out of the clouds he leaned into my back, his crotch jutted against my ass and asked again "well"? I froze, stiffened and spoke, softly, "what is it that you want of me Ben; do you want me to ASK for this job or EARN it"? "Ask" he said. I rotated to face him so close I could feel his breath meet mine between our faces. The tension was stifling. I started, "Ben considering your offer, I'm asking you for the job". He edged closer and his crotch crushed into mine. My cock throbbed and he winked so close that I almost felt his eyelashes brush my own. I took a deep breath and moved aside. We returned to the conference table. I noticed the pronounced bulge in his slacks and he noted mine. Casey had evaporated from my plans if only momentarily. We continued discussing transition points and timing, then he ended our meeting urging me to be sure this is what I wanted and that we'd have several more meetings before he reached a conclusion. I nodded, shook hands and left his office for my own. I was stunned, speechless and tense as all fuck. I needed that tequila this very second not at 11. I bored through my revised morning schedule and advised my personal asst that I had a lunch meeting and may not be back that afternoon and would hit a couple of client sites to review their lab construction progress, but that as usual, I'd have my cell on and that I'd already rearranged my afternoon appointments. With that at 11:05 I left the office, dialing Casey to report my status and to hold down the fort. I asked for and got the address to maintain the illusion of not being his stalker, climbed in the SUV and hit the Nav Key, that I'd already programmed with Casey's address and left the parking garage headed to 21121 Willow Wind Drive.

The drive was actually shorter from work to Casey's place than from the condo. His place is actually in a set of five row houses with common walls; 21116-21121 a two-story end unit. I parked in front of the unit walked up to the door, pressed the buzzer and in short order the shirtless hunk, welcomed me inside. HE IS A FUCKING RED BULL!!!!! His red beard continues down his neck, exploded across his chest and stomach and disappeared into baggy shorts, before emerging down his legs. Following him to the den and overlooking a lap pool out back, I got a good shot of the red patch on the small of his back and that butch set of glutes pumping in his baggies. I could only imagine his crotch...

Casey was actually a pretty decent host; offering me a shot of Reserva' from an unopened bottle as promised. We toasted three shots then settled down to tequila on the rocks. My head was about to explode from all the sensory uploads I was trying to endure; not to mention the rapid effects of the Reserva'. The pair of wheat toast slices before I left home had long since worn off and if this was lunch, I was in trouble. "Oh fuck I forgot the nachos" Casey announced running to the kitchen; returning with a tray of nachos, cheese, jalapenos, bacon and garnished with chopped tomatoes. I gobbled them down like it might be his dick in the near future; I wished. We ate, made light chatter, he told me a bit more about the Brew N Chew event and said he had a room already that we might split the cost on, share the booze costs but the tickets provided free admission. I was getting excited and suddenly realized I needed to take a leak. Casey directed me to his bathroom, which adjoined his bedroom, giving me a sneak peek into the inner sanctum. Typical straight guy art and objects. His bedroom was on the first level while his roommate's was upstairs. It was hot outside so we stayed indoors until Casey suggested we grab a swim. I chuckled to myself and then he asked "what bro"? "Uh dumbass in case you didn't notice I came straight from work and am not like Superman, able to do a quick change from business clothes into something else, like swim trunks" I mouthed off. Casey burst into laughter. "Only folks get a view are those in the 2nd floor rooms and right now everyone's at work, so, he stood, stripped off his baggies and boxers, turned and waved me to follow, then weaved a bit and dove in. I never got a clear crotch shot, but saw his ginger bullbag as he dove in. I was instantly hard. He hollered for me to come in and I figured WTF, stood, stripped and made my best dive into the sparkling blue pool. We did water splash warfare at each other, did some underwater breaches like whales, then dolphins then Casey emerged on his back, floating peacefully although his crotch remained submerged and out of view. I played it safe dog paddling to shield my hard-on from this pool hulk. Doing his best caveman imitation, he climbed the steps at the shallow end, grunting "urf, urf, urf, me hungry, need meat and tequila" stood up and water cascaded from his chest, abs, ass, crotch and his thick, blunt dick swung free. His head was enormous with a major gash of a piss slit that I could only imagine firing heavy rope shots with a force 10 rating. I dove under water as the red hunk made for the den and returned in a beach towel, carrying the nacho tray and cups of tequila on the rocks. I couldn't cruise him or my bone would never subside. So I was content to dogpaddle more and distract myself giving my dick a rest. At one point I thought I might shoot hands-free from the imagery. "Oh right" Casey admitted, disappearing again inside, but returned with a beach towel for me. I made my way up the steps and reached the towel about the same time he turned to pour the glasses of hooch. I wrapped fast and furiously and was ready as he handed me the iced tequila to cool down, as we sat in the shade. I admired his broad chest and reddish brown nips that punctuated his pecs. The towel did little to conceal the crotch bulge my new friend sported. My own was in check for the time being at least as we sat and finished off the nachos, talked more about the upcoming get-away event and emptied the new bottle of tequila. I was hot, horny, shit-faced and still had to drive home in rush hour traffic. Thanking him for his courtesy, I dressed and made my exit and drove home carefully. I came in and collapsed across my bed. Two hours later Casey was burning up my cell and I answered very groggily in a blur, "hullo". "What the fuck you pansy ass, can't drink with the big guys" he shouted and burst into laughter. We chatted briefly and I again offered thanks then hung up. I drifted back to sleep, waking about 10 p.m. for a sandwich, then went back to bed.

Next: Chapter 5

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