
By Mike Austin

Published on Jul 24, 2021


CASEY By Mike Austin

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I arrived 15 minutes early, got a seat on the patio and ordered chicken nachos as an appetizer, to get things rolling and have something on the table that wasn't alcohol. About 10 minutes later I watched the black F150 find a parking spot and this ginger bearded hulk climb down and stride to the patio entry. I stood, waved a thumbs up sign and Casey angled to the table. We shook hands and I introduced myself as he was nodding and offered, "yeah now I remember you from the shipping place in line". The waitress came for drink orders and brought the nacho appetizers as well. "Hope you don't mind chicken and jalapeno nachos" I offered? "Oh hell no man, love that shit, uh stuff and often make a meal of them after a long workday" Casey added and began loading up his plate. We'd both ordered margaritas, his on the rocks and mine frozen. As they were settled on the table and the waitress took our orders, Casey raised his drink in a toast, adding "salud amigo" and I echoed the toast and we both gulped the icy alcohol down the hatches and Casey called the waitress for round two, which turned into 3 and 4 by the time our meals were served and we began eating. The hunk had an appetite and could handle his tequila for sure. I was feeling a bit lightheaded, but knew the grub would help remedy that sensation. Still there he was at the table eating with me, those same khaki shorts from yesterday, a bold black T imprinted with the phrase `kick ass and take names later' and flip flops. My ginger god.

We established baseline info; I worked at a lab, he for an HVAC firm; me 22, he 29; both single. He added that he rented a place about a mile away with another buddy from his work. I said that I had a place that I shared with my 2 brothers off the tollway. We both ordered some iced coffee to help mollify the margarita effects, thankfully. I grabbed the check, paid as agreed, with some push back from the MAN opposite me; then we stood walked to the parking lot, shook hands and parted ways. I was still standing there watching him as he backed out of the parking spot, noticed me staring his way and rolled toward me slowly. "You ok to drive bro" Casey inquired? "Yeah ok to drive, just wondered if we might grab a drink another day and/or another meal, you're a cool guy and I'd like to know you better" I offered back. Casey gave me a thumbs up and before pulling off, added "you got my number, call me and we'll make it happen". I had that same tremble and suddenly felt very vulnerable as I climbed in my SUV and headed to the condo. There'd been no sex and yet I had a real sense of completion, sense of satisfaction. What's next I wondered? Arriving home, I found no one and after checking both bedrooms, saw beds perfectly made as though by Stepford Wives; everything neat and orderly. I went to my room, stripped and enjoyed a major J/O fuck session with "butch" my so named 9"x6" veiny vibrator-dildo w/huge balls. In no time, legs rolled over my head and I was launching cum ropes everywhere. A nap followed.

Two hours later, I was wakened by my cell. Groggily I answered, and in my stupor hear, "Uh Dan, this is uncle Ben are you, uh, alright"? "Was dead asleep I guess" I replied. "Well I mean, you're uh in a compromised position" he shot back. My sleep must be really deep and I must be dreaming all this. I tried to reason through his statement and then, he opened my bedroom door. I froze. The cells both went silent. He'd found me asleep with "butch" inserted and cum sprayed everywhere. OMG is aunt Patricia with him, my mind raced. I burned deep red and struggled to cover up at least; trying to get "butch" out and was just fumbling with every move it seemed as Ben stood in the doorway, watching my moves and attempts at some recovery. "Uh is aunt Tricia here too", I mumbled? "No and a good thing too" he replied. I breathed some sigh of relief as I sat up, now staring at him like a deer in the headlights. "Get dressed and cleaned up, I'll be in the kitchen", Ben snarled and left me alone to recover some composure. I was shaking.

When I entered the kitchen area, he was sitting at a bar stool at the end of the island, my preferred spot, but I said nothing about it. He began, "how often do you do that"? I could only stammer, "just sometimes, I was just you know horny today, after having a meal with someone". "Just be glad your aunt didn't come in or was along with me today" he closed. "I came to talk about a business matter but can see we need to keep business at the office", he added; then, "I hope you'll not let this new `someone' interfere with work"? "This remains between us" and he stood and left the condo. I continued shaking. The silence was deafening; even traces of road noise out the balcony evaporated. I made my way back to my bedroom, tried to clean up, made the bed, stowed "butch" in his space, then dressed and collected my thoughts. I sat in ever building silence. My mind, racing.

My cell rang and I glanced at the caller; it was John asking about dinner plans? I declined as not feeling well about getting out and he pressed, offering to bring take-out for us to eat in. I declined that too. The call ended and about as quickly as it clicked off, another call rang in- Casey Utterman. I shook, paused then answered. "Hey Bro, got some tickets to a Brew N Chew festival next weekend in Falfurias, you interested" he posed? Without thinking, "sure buddy I'm all in" I agreed. "K, we'll cover details over some drinks maybe Monday night, wanna do Lupe's again say bout 6:30" Casey suggested. "6:30 it is, but just lemme know if you've gotta bail so I don't sit there drinkin and get toasted" I closed to his laughter. Suddenly the tension from uncle Ben, the stress of John's dinner offers, my current horndawg status for a straight man I'd just met and already was planning an overnight "go-away", Ben's work matter, all just fucking flew out the window. It was starting off to being a good week, like the Phoenix rising from the ashes.....

I stripped, climbed in the travertine-faced gang shower with 10 jets and luxuriated in the steam. Instinctively, I grabbed my dick, soaped it, began a slow stroke and edged for a good long while. Right now, I wanted Casey so badly and hoped one day, SOON, we'd be in this shower together, me getting his power cum. After shooting rockets of sperm down the drain, I toweled off, tugged on some baggy shorts, made a quick toasted ham N cheese on wheat with some milk then hit the sack. Monday would be a new day and I felt I could face about anything. Oddly, three times overnight, I woke with stiff hard-ons that needed all my focus and attention. After the first cum rush and return to sleep, I found myself on a phone chat line beating off and feeling that great endorphin rush of intense orgasms. Nothing like `em. Yeah, Monday was gonna be GREAT!!!!!!

Next: Chapter 4

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